Daily Dose

Have you been taking your medicine, Holla Forums? I think you've been skipping some doses.




I want the summerfags to leave this place. Go back to Reddit where you belong.

You almost gave me a stroke by giving me the wrong meds you fucking retard


Remember back in 2014 when Holla Forums wasn't a hybrid board between shitposting and vidya?
Those were good times.

Thanks doc


Thanks doc

Fuck off cancer

You know, I constantly see you guys shitting hard on games that try to be profound and 'deep', so now I'm curious to see what you guys view as something that actually HAS emotion, beauty and substance.

Could I see a difference between a game that is actually deep and powerful, and a game that is either DeviantArt tier trash or pretentious hipster dogshit?

Wrong thread.

quality thread

I can confirm that you have autism. Can you start using a tripcode so I can filter you easier?

Thanks Doc!

Well I'm fine now
Thanks doc, hope to see you tomorrow


Ischemic or Hemorrhagic?


I think they just need a more Holla Forums centric dose.

that's malpractice, doc.

Thanks doc, I knew something was off

We've had daily dose threads since the exodus, so no.

You're not my Doctor!

Bump :^)

Thanks doc. Cant forget to take my meds.




i hate this fucking meme but i dont hate this fucking picture


Holla Forums was never EVER a video game discussion board. It was always a place where people who liked video games came to shoot the shit, develop some vidya culture, and just relax posting memes. If you want a nofunallowed on topic board, try reddit or /saltyvidya/

I remember getting banned for administering a well-needed dose a month after the exodus. I don't want to go back to those dark times.

wait, piccolo doesn't have a penis

Thankfully, Mark is pro Holla Forums culture and he protects threads like this. Rulecucks have no power on Holla Forums.


thanks doc
i bet it's med resistant AIDS

Thanks doc

Thanks again doc

I do and it certainly wasn't 2014. Moot Mark made sure people were comfortable with Holla Forums spam since the first migration.

th-thanks doc

titty dose

Give me some more of that alien dick (^:

Mark did nothing wrong.


I will stop bumping this thread when I get more green dick.