Rumours of another Vampire: The Masquerade game

So why of all the World of Darkness ip's did nobody ever try making a vidya of "Changeling - The Lost"?

Its basically "What if Bloodlines was about Tzeench and hellboy style fairy mythology instead of vampires?"

There is no good vidya of this bar Folklore and i have a need.

Why do you think it got forgotten unlike the others in the WoD? Fae have too many faggy connotations?


Do they actually have any creative control on the games? I thought they got mad buttmad over Hunter the reckonings 'hacker' focus to appeal to the matrix popularity at the time?

Paradox is the publisher.

It would be pretty great to get more video games about Fae, there is pretty much nothing about them now. Of course most video games probably won't be willing to get dark or edgy enough to do the fae justice outside of a niche horror game.

That explains why my local store only stocks and plays the older stuff.

I still think the premise has legs though.

The premise always had legs, there's plenty of oWoD to explore, too bad we'll never see any of it because of Marxist parasites.

Fuck me

Videogames was just the start. They are currently campaigning for female astartes in 40k because "just because a FUCKING MALE made rules in the old times doesnt mean they have a place in the new order".

They are like the fucking Sith.

Actually, we are at the tail end of this debacle. Movies, TV, (sci-fi and fantasy) literature, comics, tabletop all preceded us.

40k is done for anyway. With the rising popularity of the franchise it's only a matter of time before the cancer reaches the bone.

The Horus Heresy is already full of feminist bullshit and forced diversity.

They are religious zealots and will never stop until you make them stop.

Normalfags will consider it faggy and refuse to buy it unless they're children (particularly young girls), and parents will be upset because this isn't something for children, even if said parents still buy their kids M-rated games constantly.
That's the truth of the matter. I think at most you'd only be able to have them make guest appearances in other games.

Mike Mignola wouldn't be doin' with that horseshit. ;_;7

What are you even talking about? Are you even familiar with Warhammer 40,000 or its publisher, Games Workshop?

It's been pure distilled cancer for a very, very long time, and it's been an incredibly popular franchise for just as long, much to the detriment of tabletop gaming.
You speak about things you do not understand, and your ignorance shows.

At least age of shitmar was a bomb.

Go fuck yourself you self absorbed autist.

I know full well GW are retarded chimps with the economical acumen of niggers. I'm not talking about their moronic managerial decisions, I'm talking about critical theory and moral relativism becoming a staple of 40k lore.

Fantasy already dropped Slaanesh, and I fully expect 40k to do something similar, or make the abomination a misunderstood deity of goodwill and kindness because it's the current year.

Now swallow that gun and pull the trigger.

What a bunch of incredible faggots. Why does every dev as of late turn to complete shitter? Everyone keeps saying "the talent left", but then where the fuck did it leave to? The only games I've enjoyed that came out in the last two years were either made in slavland, where such faggotry didn't take root yet, or in a fucking basement, as an autist-supreme finally finished his magnum opus. The big publishers either push out this pozzed bullshit, or games so bland and mediocre that it's a chore to play through them. And the indie scene is full of idea guys who give up half-way, and shit like nu-male's sky.

Where the fuck is the talent? Where are all the based devs?

Onyx Path have confirmed there will never be video games set in the nWoD universe

Which is a fucking shame, since the oWoD universe sucks massive dick both story-wise and mechanically.

Only otherkin would kill to play a game based on this. Anyone else, not so much.

WoD has always catered towards proto-SJWs. During the 90s it was the goths who pretended to by oh-so-enlightened with their liberalism, nowadays it's the feminists and betas who do the same. White Wolf never really changed their approach, they just attract a slightly different audience.

I forgot about the otherkin. I thought the kids with the stupid fox tails sort of phased them out.

Really? Where are them?

The mods are all over but the hunter games were on the xbox, gamecube and ps2. semi isometric 4 player hack and slash games blending diablo and twin stick shooters.
Fun games really. being a mexican priest, a biker with a battle axe made of a sharpened wheeltrim a cheerleader teen who is secretly a witch and so on being monster hunters in late 90's early 2000's americana is such a rad idea.

Cant find the mods…

I think they were total conversion mods for bloodlines but thats all i got i was never big into modding games at the time.

Why do you make these claims if you have nothing to back them up? Are you Sean Murray?

whoa whoa whoa, I'm not a warhammer fag so I'm out of the loop but what the fuck did they do to Slaaney boy? I know snowflakes were triggered by him/her/it a little while back but did GW capitulate?

When they nuked Fantasy and switched over to Age of Sigmar, they got rid of Slaanesh
specifically, the elves captured Slaanesh and did something with it

Because Changeling has always been the weakest seller in the old lineup, even worth than Wraith, if i remember correctly.
If fags already don't like the setting on P&P, how many would play a videogame of it?

Changeling: The Lost is the nWoD version of Changeling. It's actually pretty fucking awesome.

Well i imagine edgelords want to play their magical sex monsters more.

Given that modern Obsidian are likely to be the dev and Paraodx/WW the publisher I'd expect it to be full of pandering. Are you forgetting the women in history dlc for EU:IV?

Hairy, unshaven legs sure.