Hey Holla Forums… Whatcha doin'?
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Somewhat mistrusting. Can't tell if it's genuine butthurt liberals or stormfags.
Wouldn't surprise me if it was the first one.
Mate, this is the what they think
the hour is upon us to press idpollers and Holla Forums to a wall side by side and blow their brains out
Listening to these fuckers whine is going to give me a fucking heart attack
These retards have made white supremacy meaningless, and made white voters realise they were in a fight, just six rounds in.
Well they got knocked the fuck out in the 7th round.
Why a Holla Forumsyps such thin skinned over dramatic faggots?
God why is PJW such a fucking Liberal?
Libs are doing the same shit unfortunately. And if I hear the "my muslim friend just came by without her Hijab for the first time" thing again I'll fucking punch the screen
This post-election is being defined by retarded false-flagging shitdicks on both sides
Why not making them combat gladiator style?
This. I used to be an idpolfag. They say shit like this all the time, and they justify it with their perceived victimhood.
Sarah Kendzior is an absolute windbag who thought the Ferguson riots were a communist revolution and wrote articles about how she's a "Ferguson survivor" lmao
Obviously this has empowered the far right in some capacity, I know this. But when I see liberals posting stories about the most whimsical scenarios, of KKK members dancing on bridges (proven to be BS), I can't help but roll my eyes.
Son, Holla Forums is afraid to even leave their fucking basement today.
What you see in OP's pic is exactly what SJWs think. Sorry to break it to you in case you haven't realized yet but SJWs are a legit hate group.
that Brit Infowars nerd is such an annoying weasel
at least Alex Jones has god tier meme potential and is funny
Yeah its hard to dislike alex jones, but the rest of them I would happily punch in the face
White people vote, Clinton, Kaine, Biden Obama told them the country will be better when white people are a minority.
Now you have white idpol the GOP was utterly afraid of using, the people did it for them.
My normiebook feed has been filled non-stop with narcissistic liberals complaining about how everything was going fine until Trump got elected and transformed the country into a hate state.
At least the election is over and these fucking dipshits will stop acting like they pay attention to or understand politics again.
Oh god yes
And in 2020 you'll probably be trying to explain that Trump didn't really do much different than Obama did, and you'll have to explain that deportations and targeted assassinations were already at an all-time high when he left office and all that, but they won't listen to you.
When? And how did this make whites persecuted?
Are you for real? white americans have always been idpol. some billionaire stirring up shit that's always been around in order to gain political power (and gaining fewer votes than his opponent) is not some kind of anti establishment uprising.
loads of liberals are under the illusion that Obama was amazing and that in 2020 Michelle will run and Make America Obama Again
Democrat politicians and pundits have been crowing for years that the decline of white political/economic power in the US means ceteris paribus a rise in the political/economic power of non-whites. Look at that article mentioning skyrocketing white suicide rates being dismissed with "whites can't handle what stronk minorities have dealt with for DECADES #whitessofragile"
If you're going to base your politics on life as a zero-sum game between whites and minorities, you can't realistically complain when the other side does the same.
Really, is there any thread you don't post this "all idpol I don't like is just feels" shit
Well the Democrats are liberals so that's to be expected. No conception of class struggle.
So was the Fourth International largely idpol? Or are you just being sloppy with words?
Get fucking real, the GOP's fantasy is a world where the Spics and Blacks come over to them having seen the light of their 'conservatism', dems real racist is not a meme for them, they believe it.
Pat Buchanan would have been their candidate in the 90's if they were idpol. They are religious faggots who jerk off to MLK now.
Man it's already happening.
Some faggot posted a big sopping, blubbery blog post about how he "knows he'll be fine as a cis white male" and that he's "scared for his daughter" and "all his LGBTYWTFBBQ friends" and it seriously pissed me off.
Several times already I've tried explaining in as calm and neutral a tone as possible to people that this isn't the end of the fucking world and I'm getting really tired of it. We have cops killing people by the bushel, endless war in the middle east, a catastrophic environmental situation, etc, etc, etc, etc, but no–NOW things are bad because a reality show dickhead rode a broken system into the whitehouse by saying MEAN THINGS about or to people and NOW everything is AWFUL FOREVER.
Fucking shoot me in the head.
I cant think of any examples of mainstream politicians bragging about a decline in white power, they talk about diversity yes, but they don't couch in terms of a decline in the position of whites. Not that it matters either way, whites are in a better off position as a group relative to minorities, greater equality is a good thing as a matter of principle as a means of bringing the working class onto the same level without racial divides, allowing it to act effectively as a unified force.
People talking shit on twitter is not an issue, grow up.
When its legit, not just feels
So is this "Trump is gonna hang gays on a noose" meme just made-up? Because I've literally never heard him even say anything about the topic aside from the "I don't care what bathroom trannies use" comment
Trump is not the evangelical hard right republican some are painting him to be at all. He's pretty close to the Democrat status quo on some things, and one of them is LGBT rights.
I don't know who it helps when people trying distort Trump's actual beliefs.
Not Trump himself, but his VP is a religious nutter and he has the enthusiastic support of the various religious groups from the GOP base.
This was just fear mongering, he's probably one of the least batshit republican candidates in many regards.
You really think Trump won because white people started to feel persecuted? These people did not stir up recently or change their views on the subject recently, they always voted republican. The people who swung the elections were the white workers in swing states who thought Trump is gonna care about them a little more (people who didn't vote republican until now, which is why they swung the election so unexpectedly), and traditional dem voters that just weren't that excited about Hillary (mostly non-whites. She did worse with them than Obama did).
I'm pretty sure that's just liberal fearmongering. I've seen a ton of liberals seriously claim before the elections that new holocausts, concentration camps, mass execution etc. are a real option if Trump is elected because he's exactly like Hitler. I'm not sure where their getting this, it's just argumentum ad hitlerum upped to 11.
The real threat though is his supporters, some of them do actually support that shit and think they've been given the mandate to start doing it on their own.
Yes. You actually have more reasons to fear a Trump impeachment than anything else rn.
Ahh yes, Mike Piss. He's far more dangerous than Trump.
Pence is definitely scum. Didn't he support conversion therapy? christ
yeah he's also a big turkey supporter. hope the bastard doesn't endanger rojava.
This is probably real, but it's not like they should talk.
If it were regular skinhead swastika graffiti they would be like: "so what, are you a pussy that is offended by words on walls?"
Mind you that PJ Watson has the biggest persecution complex in history
N-nice photoshop, f-faggot
Honestly, I wouldn't put this past Holla Forums
Can not take any more
Reading pol and leftypol.. Both seem to bash libs (when they're not bashing each other) and leftypol seems to be apathetic to HRC's lost election.
Are leftypol a bunch of BernieBros? Or who was lp's candidate?
I'll bash yer head in libshit
We liked Bernie Sanders better than Clinton, but that's about it. That Hillary lost isn't something we feel we should cry about, in fact, we're quite happy that it deals a hard blow to the very movements that have been killing the left for the past decades.
Bitch, I opened a champagne for Clinton losing and I'm not even an American.
Im very scared for the environment tbh.
Thats where trump is going to do his real damage.
For fucks sake the environment isn't going to fix itself because some democuck puts in some shitty window-dressing policies.
Unless the eggheads come up with some real methods such as better energy sources that aren't a fucking meme like wind, or manually cooling the planet, climate change is literally not reversible.
any decent socialist would know that liberals are dangerous compromisers.
Look how the so-called "left-wing" Democratic party warped into a completely corporatist, identity-politics pandering machine.
People should've seen this coming looking at the economic legislations passed under Bill Clinton, which made both establishment parties quite right wing economically, and exacerbated the woes of the working class. People should've read "No One Left To Lie To" by Christopher Hitchens. People should've seen this coming when some people were accusing Obama of being a secret Kenyan Muslim. People should've seen this coming when they saw the Tea Party movement. The DNC has no one to blame but themselves. Clinton was no doubt a better choice than Trump, but never underestimate the reactionary populist vote.
This should be shouted from the rooftops all across America. The US military is still fucking torturing people and these liberals are crying about trigger words.
Look up geo engineering
But they're torturing criminals user. That means they deserve it.
It kinda does though in practical terms. Not saying it's impossible but damn this nation was built on slavery and those racists spooks have proven ridiculously tough to bust.