Comments and criticisms?
Comments and criticisms?
Your flag
I appreciate the "Charity" part. As long as it's effectiveless in solving problem, it help build support. You get more trust from people when you directly help them. This is how the Muslim brotherhood and the nazi got large support.
Financial* and treasury is a better term but maybe i'm thinking too much in my native tongue.
Police character is shit
*As much as it's ineffective
That's not a flow chart.
A better plan than anyone else has going on this board
Bretty gud.
OP are you really a Nazi?
Honestly I'd say don't BEGIN with the social function (though have it fairly early.) Begin with a readthrough of the PLANNED agenda for the night after the social function, then have the social function, then actually go through the agenda.
Well to be fair, the term Black ops might seem a little oo pretentious. But that's not even arguing semantics but aesthetics of semantics.
Even if he is, i'd shamelessly steal his meme :^)
Careful, the sectarian trap ain't far. You can have a general line and building comradery helps easing differences…
No, I just use the flag for literally no reason because it's kind of funny to see how people react. I did it on Holla Forums back when you could select your own flags.
Do Satanic offerings counts?
Are you talking 4/pol/ or 8/pol/? i'm always curious about imageboards's little History.
pretty sure it was Holla Forums and not /new/
Depend, can some Ancap tell us what's the price of baby parts in the black market?
Hey five minutes of the planned agenda so that people who were planning to leave right after the social function can go "hey you know actually i want to be here for discussion of [pet issue]" isn't gonna drive anyone off.
Let's just do mandatory abortions like Planned Parenthood :v)
stop fucking larping
don't you have some newspapers to sell?
True that in my job, the lunch come after the reunion. Sometime it happens simultaneously. I might have misunderstood your point.
It's only larping if you don't put it in practice.
Yeah I just meant the absolute bare minimum "just letting you guys know, this is what we're going to talk about after the luncheon/dinner/movie/Pathfinder Society"
Yeah, indeed I got it first as "first we need to establish whether we're going the neoanarchoposadism or post nihilostalinist route before doing anything."
My bad.
Yeah, 'cause the first thing I would do if I was planning on building a paramilitary Marxist sect is advertise its structure on the internet so all the alphabet agencies can stock my dossier (inb4 "i'm not murrican" as if people are still dumb enough in 2016 to think that keeps them safe)
Yeah, sure. You'll put it into practice any day now user with your 9-5 wage slavery eating up 70% of your waking life.
for some reason you think this is a paramilitary organization, and not just a party for working men and women. and the "structure" would be immediately apparent to anyone who investigated the group. like, no shit this group has a book club and sports team, it's not supposed to be secret.
"W-we're not paramilitary guys!" - OP just before being tortured by CIA.
it's a template, you autistic faggot, not an actual organization.
ecks dee
Nice backpedaling
nice cherrypicking
Hope you enjoy getting v&
you need to go back
What a small selection of leisure
Where's Chess and Go?
Those are all pretty bourgie leisure stuffs man
Under communism, all will live like bourgeois.
You won't go back off of the NSA dossier.
you need to go back.
you need to go back