Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ
im so fucking dumb look at me being a retard
That's unfortunate.
I've never seen such a perfect synthesis of "we don't need your help" and "why didn't you help".
This is actual identity politics. Excluding people based on race, excluding people based on gender. Not even acknowledging that the working class exists.
Fucking liberals, christ
Oh if you see some of his other tweets he acts like the working class is complete scum. These people need to be violently ejected from Leftist platforms.
Arthur "Margaret Thatcher was a really cool and progressive feminist icon" Chu
It's the smugness of liberals coming back around to bite them in the ass.
It's poetic justice, one of the true examples of karma in this world.
he's not a leftist. just the typical smarmy liberal.
any comrades in the US organising? a strong, united left is needed more than ever.
Isn't that the guy looking sad as fuck in the Clinton Campaign headquarters on the night of the election?
They still don't understand that it's not about identity at all and never was.
it also drives white guys into the hands of Holla Forums tier reactionaries. fucking idiots.
Oh my fucking sides.
He looks like he's five feet tall.
I don't think you're that bad femfriend. Now show books
the wall just got two Chus higher!
things like gamergate and tumblr screenshots have decided the politics of so many young white dudes
I'd argue Gamergate was quite diverse politically. I've always been a Leftist and I lurked on the Gamergate train for a few months. My dissatisfaction with the mainstream Left eventually brought me here, for which I am eternally grateful.
It also popularized Holla Forums which is good because now Leftypol is an actual thing that's gaining more strength by the day.
Initially it was, probably a good portion became berniefags and there was a few commies. But as it went on it became lolbert centrism and rightcucks.
It was pretty much bound to happen. Anyone who was involved with it initially that ended up shifting left essentially "graduated" from babby's first political movement. Those who're left are the reactionaries that are just in it for le fanny maymes.
I never got much into Gamergate at the time but I get the whole tumblr shit fiasco.
Like you I came here because I was sick of what passes for the left today, and I was sick of seeing class brushed aside. I'm a working class white guy, call me muh privileged all you want, but given that I went to school and work with people of higher social classes than me I know it's by far the most important thing. I care about the Kurdish struggle, not some pink haired Clintonite.
I'm not American but this presidential election has swept all doubts I had aside. Liberalism is dead, fascism is rising. Once again socialism is all that stands in the way.
Wasn't Arthur Chu a white supremacist at some point (even though hes an asian),if my Gamergate history is correct.
I never got any bit invested in gamergate either. From the outside I saw a petty conflict about shit I don't care about between tumblr idpol cretins like Brianna Wu and Holla Forums alt right autists. Both can burn for all I care.
I agree with you. One of the saddest things the idpol 'left' has done is alienate and seal off different cultures and people from each other. Multiculturalism and internationalism are beautiful things, and I can understand the right spraying disdain on them, but to see a bastardised left try interrupt these things hurts.
Even in regards to the Kurdish struggle, I see this shit. An American or European goes to fight for Rojava and some people go "white savior much???". I hate these people.
No, that was Ian Miles Chong.
Unless you're making the joke that they look the same, then ayyyyyy.
I'm in the same boat as you except I still agree with:
It got co-opted by Holla Forums and it was sad to see so many like-minded liberals and budding socialists turn into reactionary race-supremacists who focus on nothing but petty shit transsexuals and the non-existant Islamic caliphate taking over your neighbourhood (I'm from an ethnic group that lived under harsh Islamic persecution, it really takes the piss to hear westerners go about the Islamic bogeyman).
I should have done more to raise their class consciousness though, I remember towards the point I was giving up, they were creating infographics for trustworthy news sources and ironically enough a lot of innocuous publications were being promoted that were actually anti-consumer rights libertarian blogs that were being opportunistic in wooing Gamergate.
My warnings did actually help, as I reminded them that this was a consumer rights movement and that they shouldn't trust publications that have had a history in shilling for corporate interests and mocking consumer activists.
But I gave up, the ever increasing number of nazis and reactionaries grew increasingly boring to argue with. There was a constant stream of "cultural marxist" threads and the OPs would behave as though they were never refuted and as though they've never heard anyvbody debunk their shit.
this is my struggle with 4chan too
An honest question from a non-burger who never payed attention to any of these internet movements:
Wasn't the origin of gamergate some dude attacking his ex? I've heard something about journalism in gaming being the issue, but how is that a leftist or a rightist or a political cause? Isn't it just about pissed off video game consumers?
It was that it got censored on various forums, then like 12 articles about how gamers were dead. There was definitely some potential to attack capitalism there, but it quickly got doused when the publishers got excused and the answer to SJW media became Lolbert or PopRight media.
If I remember rightly it was kicked off by a game developed talking about how his girlfriend apparently slept with a bunch of guys in exchange for her indie game getting good reviews and awards or something like that. This was followed by a bunch of articles in some online magazines and gaming news sites all saying basically the same thing about how gaming culture was too predominantly male and sexist. People did some digging and found out that apparently all the developers and writers involved knew each other and coordinated the articles in response to the "sexist" criticism that the woman was receiving.
It was something worth being unhappy about if indie gaming was your thing and an opportunity to point out how this was basically the entire capitalist system in a microcosm. But as others have pointed out, it was easily perceived as a Gamers vs SJWs thing so it took all of five minutes for the stormcucks and lolberts to appropriate it.
Yeah it's just ridiculous. If Trump's win can't wake people up then christ
It was a collaborative smear campaign put out by colluding media outlets to hide their corruption, using idpol as a shield from criticism. Hence why it was dubbed -gate, after how the media acted during Watergate. There was a JournoList and everything.
Literally a free shareware game to raise awareness for a mental health charity. Those "reviews" as well never existed.
GG was a load of bullshit 100% of the way through and completely derailed Holla Forums's EA campaign which was actually doing something.
GG did have some good people, but honestly, 95% were there to shit on the left and for reactionary shit. I left in disgust as Notyourshield became the game plan. It was a thinly veiled right wing movement from the start. The IRC chat logs prove this.
not a bad thing by it's "nature". do you even international brigade son?
Actually, they were largely SOCIALIST critiques of the industry and identity.
Here is, Gamers are Dead:
This was the smoking gun GG went on about. Too bad none of them ever actually read it beyond the headline.
the mistake is caring about gaming in any capacity
It was actually more about the absurd backlash that the scandal itself.
Had the media not gone berserk it would have been the typical small-scale shitstorm that occurs every some months and Holla Forums would still be a small site mainly populated by foreigner communities.
i've lost my passion for gaming over the last few years. just doesn't hold my attention any more
Two years later and the disinfo is still thick, I see.
Alright, first of all. The initial debacle over Zoe Quinn and her ex boyfriend. He made a blog post detailing how she was cheating on him during their relationship with other men, some of whom gave her favors in exchange. There were no reviews, no one claimed there were. That "no reviews" line is actually crafted propaganda to discredit detractors, like how actual collusion is dismissed as "conspiracy theories." What there actually were, was just exposure. Writing articles and shilling for people to get the game.
Had this been the entire issue, the whole thing would have blown over within a week, because this sort of thing isn't new. But instead, the writer's and publications denied everything, blocked all discussion of it everywhere, from neogaf to fucking 4chan, and then 12 different publications within 24 hours released hitpieces claiming anyone trying to bring it up or talk about it were women haters and so on.
That was Gamergate (the event). Gamergate (the movement) was afterwards, when the slandered people banded together, refusing to comply with the media's rebuke. It lasted well over a year because as we all know, liberals never admit fault and choose to double down. More and more corruption became uncovered as a result, the media and it's lynchmob went to further and further ends to try and shut people up, and in the end Holla Forumsyps ran the whole thing into the ground and turned it into a shitfest against SJWs, who were the perfect little footsoldiers for the media.
GG is what made me actively care about politics. Some real shit went down.
Good for you to be cool and above it all, but some people's livelihoods rest on the game industry.
I never followed GG closely enough to have read the things they were kicking off about tbh, its funny that's a very situationist article in how it talks about how people identify themselves by what consumer products they consume. The idea that GTA was sexist was retarded of course, but hardly worth starting a whole "movement" over.
That's not part of the "gamers are dead" articles, just a Jacobin article made some days later.
Here's a link to archives of the actual articles.
You're confusing "socialist" with "replacing one type of identity with another." The writers of those articles were not socialists but identitarians of a different sort. Gamergate had almost nothing to do with "gamer identity" at all until those articles came out with that narrative. The article you quoted isn't even one of the "Gamers Are Dead" articles which caused the contretemps.
The ironic thing is that this is exactly what happened when people pointed to the collusion and censorship. The discussion changed from one about corruption into one about "women vs. gamers" with the latter as the evil group who deserved to be lashed out at angrily. It virtually parallels the liberal anger at the white working class after the Trump election, with liberals again having zero understanding as to why they would do it beyond "racism," "sexism," and all the other bugbears that haunt them.
k but dont make me cry
I adore Persepolis.
kek but fuck you persopolis is great
If you say so
it's straightforward and earnest as fuck my man
I only saw the movie. Is the comic better?
I actually saw the animated film first. I had pirated it but I liked it so much I felt compelled to buy it.
The movie is more succinct, but there are quite a lot more details about her life in Iran in the graphic novel. I'm pretty sure she made the graphic novel first and then was able to secure the funds to make it into an animated film.
the movie strikes at the essence of the novel but the novel is, as you'd expect, more extensive and on the whole better
It's self indulgent and superficial.
I've only read the comic. From clips the animation looked pretty neat though.
imo it's not awful and I remember reading it and Maus over and over and over for a while.
If you enjoyed the movie I don't doubt that you'll enjoy the source material.
Yeah, the book(s) came first.
persepolis made me sad that I had no wisened old marxist uncle type figure
And that fucker dared to talk about disinfo.
UMMM, heh, I think, heh heh, I think you mean GRAPHIC novel. Heh, I mean, heh, the distinction is pretty important, heh, since, you know, heh heh, one has PICTURES and, heh, the other really DOESN'T.
But, heh heh, don't take it too hard. It's an easy, heh, mistake for someone not, heh heh, WELL VERSED, heh, in comics culture to, heh, you know, make.