We may have gotten the wrong guy. According to pic one, the licence plate belonged to a 'James Alex Fields Jr.' James Fields look more like the driver than Joel Vangeluhe, our previous suspect looks like. The license plate to the Challenger is an Ohio licence plate and Joel is from Michigan. Joel claims that his car in NOT a challenger either, but a 2009 Chevy Impala. I could be wrong, but it sure seems like we were too hasty with our accusations.
Other urls found in this thread:
Media is saying three dead, 17 injured.
This may be a false flag attack. See pic….
oh that sucks
forgot Cuomo pic…sigh
It's just Jew golem vs. Jew golem. Let them tear each other apart.
He looks so calm in the car pic
Yeah, it's like he's done this before.
It's typical lazy fake news. (1) Dead from car (2) dead from police helicopter crash into golf course.
Incidentally the golf course is where the city tried to order the protest to take place…. which is weird.
Can we get a confirmation for the second claim because if it's true than things just got spoopier.
Oh shit. We're digging fucking deep.
Something screwing going on today. Cosmic happening? Illuminati? Its getting weird.
Look! Todays date.
just intelligence agencies screwing with you, that's pretty much always the case when it comes to these things.
But /ourcar/ doesn't have a sunroof?
Maumee is in Lucas County.
Lucas County is number 48.
Why are we trying to identify him for antifa/the media?
Already in custody.
The driver looks nothing like Joel. He looks way more middle-eastern.
copypaste from T_D faggots
I've been doing some digging, and finally traced this event back to its origins. Start with the Wikipedia page:
It cites this article about expectations for the rally on 2017-07-21:
That article has a "related article link" back to 2017-06-05:
Read those articles, and you can see the origins. The original application was submitted by Jason Kessler, on behalf of "Unity and Security for America".
The event was subsequently announced on Facebook by the "Traditionalist Workers Party".
Hopefully, that's enough breadcrumbs to get people started on finding the true origins of this "Unite the Right" rally.
Can people stop talking about the guy who got arrested and post footage of the suspect?
If the DMV printout is correct…i think there is very low probability of friendly-fire.
I have his (( (family))) dox in the other thread…note the first address
Dubs confirm.
how many people showed up to the protest?
Holy shit, it's the car. It wasn't the driver or a psyop at all, THE CAR wants liberal blood.
This is the thing that gets me. Everyone is focused on the car and liberals immediately assume TERROR ATTACK. Yet if this was indeed a White Nationalist Terrorist he'd have his face plastered on every channel and on CNN 24/7. This is definitely CIA false flag.
If it's him why doesn't the car have a moon roof?
Optional roof, you dingus
Fuck if I know. If we're certain it was him as the WaPo claims, how come we don't have pictures of him plastered everywhere. There should be something if he was legitimately booked, right? It's a fuckin' clown show at this point.
It's a cloned car.
fuck im 10 minutes from Maumee
Washington post must be lurking in here. we get the info then they used it.
use that for future disinformation psyops
No, it was optional to HAVE a roof. He choose the option not to.
It means that he chose the optional roof, dingus.
Plus, why in the pictures is the car braking? If he wanted to mow commies down, wouldn't he be going full throttle? Why slow down?
OP did not post the archive threads - or maybe this is the wrong one….
This. Why is he braking if his intention was to hurt people by running his car through a crowd?
we fucked up big time. We need to own up to this one.
Vangeluhe VIN is same as Fields VIN.
How should I feel about this?
(>inb4 who gives a shit about TRS-Tier stuff)
We need to find out what the fuck is going on
On a side note, it is impossible to even look at the Charlottesville PD's website, because EVERYONE is on it - kind of like a DDOS
what are you talking about?
Spill the beans then CIA nigger.
lel, no. It was 1 antifag and 2 CIAniggers died in an unrelated helicopter crash
take that shit back to cuck chan faggot, its too obvious
The first guy was dead wrong. And we fucked up on that. We CANNOT make a mistake like that. Get it right the first time
piss off
it was almost certain also 4cuck spilled it's spaghetti-O's all across the web not us
As I said at the time.
The internet will speculate anyway despite you.
A bunch of spergs spazzing out over a happening is not the end of the world anyway.
Intention is hard to prove in this case, I once had to have a huge shit and nearly did the same to people taking too long to get across the crosswalk.
Is it just me or is this one big fat shill/D&C thread?
For starters, it's way too early for thread three, thread two is only at 500 posts.
OP is arguing that James Alex Fields Jr. is the driver, this is the same suggestion that WaPo and other fake news sites are making.
Finally, OP of this thread had pictures and testimony of the car at the location it was found and posted later on Twitter before any one else, and according to his testimony:
Nice fucking try, kike. You can leave now.
Hello fellow (((white)))
He's not wrong. We got the wrong guy the first time and that spread everywhere.
Did we win or lose today overall?
The kikes have arrived
and no Albermale is not a gender
James Alex Fields Jr
So what?
You go and make a youtube vid to apologize on behalf of Holla Forums. Be sure to show your face.
What was his plan?
So what?
You go and make a youtube vid to apologize on behalf of Holla Forums. Be sure to show your face.
Crashing that car.
He looks like a tard.
I mean that literally. Some kind of birth defect. His ears are wrong, his eyes are too close together, and the shape of his face is narrowed somehow.
Of course. Fuck, the only people who didn't die were ours. Cops died, antifa/libs died or got injured. Was a good day. All the PR fags here need to shut up already. Nobody gives a shit about casualties, especially when nigs kill hundreds every month.
I'm guessing he's nazi?
with only 1 fatality
Vandhelu or whatever antifa fag VIN was same VIN as Fields.
It is very likely that the ciangigers hacked that car to make it stall. Also and this. What needs to be done is twofold. A dox on the actual driver of the car(hint it is not sam hyde).
And a investigation into the car itself because there could be evidence of electronic hijack either in the form of diagnoses data or a physical device used to fuck with the car. A physical device is much more likely than a cellular modem hack because the cianiggers are stupid niggers.
What Holla Forums has so far is a faked liscense plate as evidenced by and . With lotsa it's a shoah in the last two threads by shills/cianiggers as evidenced this was planned by them also see for roots in facebook.
where is the sunroof?
Fuck you, glow-in-the-dark CIAnigger!
The guy is James Alex Fields Jr.
His eyes are pretty close together.
where is the sun roof?
No that alex guy is a fall guy for PR cucks. If it were a white guy originally than the mass kike media would have been all over it like flies on shit. This guy was either a cianigger who will take the blame and get off scott free or some random dude who will be martyed. Dig deeper faggots.
Here's a fun thought: There were an awful lot of well-angled shots of this incident.
We're talking professional-grade framing.
I don't think he had one outside of attempting to get away from the communists trying to smash his car with baseball bats and drag him out of his vehicle.
Martial law when?
Tonight. Got your rope ready?
Charlottesville.org has been down all day.
Posting some shit.
(((They))) are trying to get martial law/hate speech laws passed before the lawsuits gain traction and fuck over Terry. The fixation on the car crash as domestic terrorism instead of the many, many acts of domestic terrorism from antifa means they are trying to boomerang this on us, do not let them!
top wew, he's a kike?
Its not over, we haven't won or lost yet but this could go very well or very bad for us. We either get declared "domestic terrorists" and v8'd or we win a yuge civil rights lawsuit and take down that utter faggot cunt Terry McAuliffe. Stakes are way high.
yes. they never do their own dirty work.
The cops got the wrong guy.
FB guy has pronounced cheeks in the 3/4 view. Note the car guy has no such cheek.
FB guy has round eyelids. Mugshot guy has angled eyelids.
FB guy has large eyebrows. Mugshot guy has 3/4ths the eyebrows.
FB guy has missing ears. Ears are ideal for identification. Hell of a coincidence.
FB guy lacks the dent which begins beneath the eyebrow of mugshot guy (huge fail).
Wait, what's the evidence of that?
there is none. i don't know why he said that
newfags out
That's the thing. That Google guy has a nose hooked enough he could catch tuna with it and fuckers refuse to admit he's almost certainly a jew. Then this guy comes along, and they call him a jew. Fucking stupid shit.
That's not a valid use of the phrase.
You're not a valid use of a life.
No refunds.
wtf is with this random crash and why are they blaming it on the driver?
did he fly through the air first and ram the heli?
Perfect that is a very close match. Now contact/dox james fields family so they can be questioned about what he was doing today/yesterday/this week. If he was set up by cianiggers than they should have a odd story.
Hmm lets see i went to work today and bought my family a nice italian dinner
Yeah i dont have shit to own up to sally.
The alt right is a religion of peace. The actions of a few deranged people dont speak for all of us. In fact we are the real victims because this will increase anti alt right prejudice. In fact attacks like these are allllll part and parcel of living in a big city. Even sadiq khan agrees.
Guy's Jewish, too. Always raises a red flag.
The James Feild that was arrested was born in 1997
he posts as if Holla Forumsacks had ANYTHING to do with this fednigger running down a horde of anitfa
They expected one in the wreckage brother.
They're using weasel words, saying things like "3 people were killed in cville during the alt right rally". That way they're technically not wrong.
Yes you should you ugly kike
Some Bloom's are jewish, others are not. The name comes from ironworking, a decidedly non-jewish industry. That name alone is insufficient to prove that somebody is jewish.
There are also reports his car was surrounded by protesters and he got scared. He mowed them down to get away.>>10392878
No. Jew, I told you no. gfy
The eyes are literally not the same person's eyes LOL. Did he start shaving his eyebrows or something? Did he have brain surgery performed to modify his forehead type to "pronounced" LOL. Wow are some here stupid!
You're just jealous you're not physically removing commies.
Fucking IC
God speed carman. Hopefully people start to dehumanize. For the good of all humanity.
Nice, thanks, was just going to post these.
Something isn't adding up here.
First the disgusting kikess Rachel "sex junk" Bloom, now this yid-who-flipped-his-lip James "Fields" Bloom!
Even if this Jew was some deluded putz who thought he was doing it "for the White race" or whatever, his idiocy served the perfect excuse for ZOG to morally preen and undoubtedly make up some trillion dollar "White Supremacist Terrorism Task Force" bullshit excuse to shut it all down. The Jew Jews even when he doesn't know he's Jewing, but I will be curious to see exactly why he did it and where he lines up politically. It's just interesting that the Jew Jews you regardless of his intentions, it's like a force of nature.
TLDR is here
Go back to your spaz thread.
As an abinormal who circles many different boards, i was sort of confused by the lingo used by OP. thought i was on 4chan. me thinks a larp or psyops. as someone who installs kill switches in used cars, i have reason to believe that post 2011 have this built in to american cars.
ohi. I see you're here from the CIA. Welcome, and have your cyanide pill, if you haven't already.
Yeah even the eyebrows are different too
He obviously has shaved the burly fuckers. Look at how bad they were on his babyface; now that he's hit puberty and has shadow those things must have been untamable.
They both have that wide egg-shaped jawline, the same narrow mouth with the little dip in the top lip, the same long deep philtrum, the same big round chin. Really just looks like a few years between photos.
Yes, people can look similar. However, there are dissimilarities which make for a no-match.
Explain the indention that begins BELOW his right eyebrow (the left side of the picture), in the mugshot. That entire characteristic is missing from the FB image.
While they do appear similar, they are a no-match.
mugshot vs suspect seems like a distraction when the perp could be some fednigger and none of the two people pictured.
Basically, think about fingerprints. Yes, two fingerprints may "look the same," but through technical analysis we may see that, while they look right under mere observation, there are technically-identified elements which prove scientifically they are not a match.
We are dealing here with a no-match.
Why are you trying to bury this thread?
Not sure I'm following what feature you're talking about in the mugshot image beneath his right eyebrow, do you mean in the temple area? Even with one questionable facet like what you're describing, that doesn't overrule what I see as pretty positive matches among lower facial features alone. But I'm no expert.
Pretty cleverly veiled non-argument, I'll give you that much.
I agree with you though
I guarantee the perpetrator is some fucking fed. Whoever they push as the "ebil natzee" will either turn out to be a jew or some other form of useful idiot.
That dude at the end who runs directly into the reversing car and gets pinned in between it and a 4WD, getting immobilised in the process and probably run over by the reversing car too.
What was his end goal? What did he aim to achieve?
nice bait
Gee you think the democrats/deep state maybe have been feeling a little heat lately, might need to change the narrative by doing something drastic?
They have absolutely no problem killing a few stupid ANTIFA idiots for their 'greater good' schemes, which mostly involve stealing lots and lots of money. The useful idiots are just cattle, after all.
Are they going to expose this shit or just further cover it up?
Well since McCabe is still #2 at the FBI, which do you think is more likely?
The only fucking terror would have been the driver's emotions as antfag communist kikes attacked his car, assuming he wasn't a fed doing his part in a false flat.
sage doesn't "bury". It merely doesn't bump.
The indention describes mugshot man's forehead geometry. The geometry of the two men is utterly unlike one another.
This is a bit like 911. A thousand reasons, but it feels about right to the monkey-man within us.
For example, while pandas appear to be bears, they are not, in fact, bears at all. Listing all the ways they are not bears is pointless. One reason is enough.
For example, both Windows and Linux can look very similar at times, especially to people who have had very little exposure to computing (such as many Africans). With deeper knowledge the mere existence of some features in the right place here or there is known to be a matter of certainty, that such and so Windows Manager is in use, so on and so on.
But this is a matter of technical ability, and one which the majority will doubt exists.
But feelings are meaningless. This is a scientific process, and it utilizes logic. It is brutal. The pronouncement has been made. They are not the same men. No-match. Period. No exceptions.
Tay drew this circle.
Font is difficult to read. I recommend viewing other captioned image memes and picking a style to mimic.
Also, is he part of the kitchen crew, with those crossed rolling pins?
Suggest a font for me please.
Thank you user
But he looks just like him
Interview with suspect's mother:
this is interesting
Things slowly but surely keep heating up. I am really looking forward to the point where shots start being fired
is it just me or does the driver look like paul walker?
I'll check your sweet digits user but I still thing that jawline and mouth are very recognizable. Not arguing he was in the car, just that the fags in the pictures look identical to me.
And there's that bigass egg jawline again..
Lefties are spreading it all over twitter.
Are you fucking kidding me right now?
Who the hell drops of their cat at their parent's house when they are not even going away for a night?
You're looking at the fall guy.
He's ours. Shortly they'll probably have his skinhead pic on tv. Skinhead is loud but it's not bad if you're actions and behavior are mature, it's actually a good mix. Skinhead plus murder is pretty bad optics though.
Robert E Lee man is too low-quality for a positive match. He tentatively matches mugshot man.
Excuse me, I was just informing your tiny mind of the narrative that is being played, but you can just ignore it.
Also only go skinhead if you have an aesthetic skull or else you look like a got damn pinhead brute.
if he is ours then why the fuck are you posting this shit you dumb nigger?
also /we/ are not alt kike
this hurts our cause big time. This fucking kike just made all of us look bad
Fucking Quads on the license plate.
What are the odds
You're almost there, keep working those brain muscles.
psyops always have numerical signifiers
Where is the archive link to this page?
Also, PRfags out.
They arrested Benny Hill?! I thought he was dead?
My bad.
You're missing the point. This can hurt Trump's base all thanks to this autist
You think they needed some autist goodifying commies and niggers to make us look bad? They'd spin anything, even if the alt-kikes ran a bake sale, into them being literally Hitler and how we have to ban them forever… Ignore that a BLM shooter killed several cops, goy.
Typical kike activity:
From our side, user
Shut the fuck up you twats. We're holohoax exposers. We have no PR to start with.
a retard, and seems to match the FB page from
It's his FB, which means it's already combed over by all parties or will be. May as well get the intel now. He's not explicitly alt right by the material on that page but he kiked himself and us by doing this. You have to be somewhat intelligent to arrive at the redpill or maybe I was too naive in that assumption, this act is dirty, crude and quick, basically the most damaging type to the groups he's affiliated with.
The problem is moreso the black color dropped on top of the image with varying background color. The part between their heads is less visible than the part on their heads, which creates a jarring experience when reading it. What I'd probably do is make the image black and white, then tweak the levels to make it rather dark. Then I'd put white text on top. White text on a dark image could contrast well if you get the levels right.
Alternatively you could put a white square above the image and put your black text on that. I've seen a few memes formatted like that. I think it's coming from one of the normalfag social media sites, but I'm not sure which. I don't seem to have an example of one around, but you might have seen them.
1111 is ISIS, which is the sign of a (((masonic))) psyop.
this could mean
this bloom kike aka "fields" was a kike plant
this bloom kike is a fall guy and the car driver was some cianigger payroll
We got kiked HARD, even if his mother isn´t jewish she might as well be for all the good this salad dodger did.
It stinks of foreskin and motzah balls.
would make sense why this is was an "isis" style murder.
I thought it looked like tha Mooch
(((typical tricks)))
Fuck appeasing the media and trying to win good boy points. Reason has been out the window for months now. Violence is becoming the only language that our opposition and the public understands.
It's going to go past this point inevitably and it will continue to do so until the chaos resolves itself through a victory. Best start winning early. Good on this fat cunt for rolling a few morons, I hope there's more to come.
"We" id'd the fat fuck alt-kike after it was mostly confirmed that the first guy was not the driver. By the way, it's pretty (((coincidental))) that when we found the alt-kike's dox his mugshot was almost immediately released.
Are you retarded or something nigger? I'm responding to what's in the image. Suckstart a shotgun.
NIce dubs. It is still important to find the truth of what is going on though.
nice quads
I call dibs on ryan come DOTR
holy fuck
Holla Forums is so pathetic. if anyone disagrees, they're a secret jew. if someone does agree and actually carries out an attack like you all talk about every day, you say he's a secret jew once you realize how badly he damaged the right wing's reputation.
No, it would be 9+1+9+1 = 20 = 2
>El Rato calls for an (((Investigation))) of domestic terrorism
All of this smells of false flag. The question is whether or not this will completely play out in their favor? I can see this only going as far to make liberals/cucks cry over dead commies and die out once the next mudshit attack happens.
Here's your (you). Get out or contribute useful information to the discussion.
the irony
We've been through this dance a million times. Somebody vaguely affiliated with the right does something we can't control and cuckservatives go weak-kneed like the faggots in this thread and start preparing to suck Jew dick.
Can I remind you dumb niggers they shot a fucking Republican congressman at a baseball game? Do you see them doing a scintilla of hand-wringing over it? They were justifying it. It's only bad when you fucks act like this. You're making it worse.
He took out some communist foot soldiers.
Good on him.
I literally…..
So is this really THE guy? Is this a kike like we all suspected?
That plate stood out to me biggly, Either it's a sign to the deepstate he's one of theirs or fate gave him quads to let us know something was up
GG. We needed antifa to pull this shit first, not our side. These fucking alt-right shits are the ones who will bring Trump down.
Only rallies from here on in are going to be Trump's.
its the forehead scare the driver has it too
Good luck hearing anything about that ever again. The kikes have slammed the lid down on that hard.
It is clear from this video that the car was being chased by club wielding Antifa. Driver was fleeing for his life.
At the risk of reveling my faggotry, is it possible to download a webm file?
So another sub 115 IQ autist signalling against "muh PR"
Get the fuck out.
check 'em
The dancing flying nigger is pretty damn funny.
Get outta here, kike.
That's a kike. They go crazy when things like this happen.
On its own terms, your logic is correct. Stand back, though, and your logic runs into a dilemma: whether to support Trump effectively, or, whether to support WN effectively.
Not sure I quite got the effect I was after, but how's this? I also threw in a black→transparent gradient layer to help increase the text contrast.
THe narrative that "he was pushed too far, and more things will happen until people realize why whites are angry" should be pushed.
How new are you?
Did I get dubs? I see 5551.
Newfag. It's always been like this. Most accusations are baseless but you only get accused if you don't make your point well enough, and the accusers make that baseless accusation on account of your point not being well rounded enough in the first place. If you're called a Jew or a shill for something you intended to be helpful or correct, then your point was proposed in a flawed manner and the fault is yours. Faggot.
(Font is Tahoma, which is just what I usually use. I think most fonts not excessively bold usually work pretty well though.)
Sven agrees
god damn it I already hear the chimping
Rightclick on the video and press 'save as'. You might need a video player like FLV or MPC-HC to play a webm, I don't know what your dumb, computer-illiterate ass uses to watch video files. Then step away from the computer and kill yourself for being so stupid.
So let's say it is this alt retard. The police have already told people that they believe he was defending himself. Dude's going to get off scott free and cause the biggest chimpout we've ever seen. And the Holla Forums niggers that keep showing up saying "muh paper tiger" can finally shut up. One car, one guy, three dead, a few crippled. And he's not even a full on GTKRWN, he's the lowest tier of our end of the political spectrum.
"We" don't need to do shit. It takes care of itself. If anything, what "We" should do is own it.
You see this shit? This is what happens when these faggot ass kekistani niggers think they are welcome out of their reddit ghetto.
>media (((narrative))) shifts to "white nationalist/supremacist" rally
1st one is best theres a cropping error on the right side from what i can see
Christ what secret larper club did I step into?
everyone read this, especially the pussies
Your numbers tempt me to off myself for the good of the cause. Thanks.
Well, we can clearly see he's a member of the rolling pin army.
One you're not from and don't belong in, clearly.
If this is true then things may be alright. WE (alt-right, alt-lite, cuckchan or you pretend nazis over here) should never be the ones to attack physically first. That gives them the rationale to go after Trump.
The LARPers in Charlottesville lose, are losing, have lost, and lost again today. Even if you like those guys - in which case, what the hell is wrong with you? - you have to want to get rid of a crew that's only useful for the Left. We need better than that. The famefags out there now are worse than having nobody out there at all.
I think it's right. It was that one person' choice to act how they did when confronted with all the issues surrounding White existence, and if these things are so important to people so as to cuase them to kill or die for them then maybe they should be paid some attention because there's a million more whites dealing with these issues and any one of them could act out. It solidifies the ideas and issues and makes the real and important, legitimizing them more instead of de-legitimize them.
go back to reddit you faggot, where someone cares what WE think
Put together something for the internet. Text is small but included in description are the pics.
Get back in the oven.
Just saw this halfcuck screencap on twitter. Found it interesting since everyone was mentioning in the thread where someone found the alt-kike's dox, how the fat fuck looked nothing like the driver in the picture.
Of course things are going to be alright. Calm the fuck down and kindly go back to reddit. You're obviously not ready for the big leagues.
Something tells me I can trigger you neets all night.
Cool all I did was think of the idea and threw it out there.
I am glad someone liked it enough to improve on it.
reported for trsdodomy
enjoy your permaban
Sometimes the mental and spiritual pain is too great, even greater than any physical attack would be. This is the burden, being able to carry the truth and reality without succumbing to it.
Why is the guy driving the car in both of these pics wearing a white shirt when the picture of his mugshot here has him wearing a checkered shirt?
Jail outfit.
drivers nose appears smaller and sharper
Holy fuck you're bad at this. You're not from here, ergo you are not a part of us, ergo no "we". You failed, nigger, just give it up already.
Debatable that them losing repeatedly (If they are, I tend not to pay attention to them on a macro scale) would, in fact, cause the famefags to lose followers. And the people that stop following them aren't going to stop being right wing, they'll just stop the dick riding. Just a thought.
Source please
fuck off masochist
guy needs to be shit on appropriately
I don't even know if black and white striped jail outfits are a thing anymore. Most of them are blue, green, or orange scrub type outfits.
Cosmic justice.
he can't keep getting away with it
Only source I have is twitter screenshots saying as much from the other threads. There's been no official statement that I know of so far
They are in many areas, depends on county and state.
lol triggered bitchboi crying for mods to save his secret little club.
It doesn't matter. Golden rule is: Never attack physically first. Free speech goes both way. That said, when you do get attacked, break their jaws, and call if self defense. You'll have every right to.
Fine I won't group you neets with alt-right. Regardless WE still fall on the right, and are by and large supporting Trump. Does that trigger you?
Bullshit, the sub 115-IQ moron simply saw someone posting "muh PR" and thought he'd show how based and anti "muh PR" he is.
you will always stand out as someone that doesn't belong here. stop wasting our time you fucking homo. do something productive and prep your bitches bull for her, that's all you're good for cuck
So let me get this straight. We have a kike kid who joined the military, went to basic (did he wash out or what?? Potential sheep dip??) Joins up with a European Identity movement (muh memes on fb so loudly) and then drives a car into some commies?
im guessing op from that one thread was just b8 and the whole shit about the perp being snagged up by blacked out suburbans was just larp yah? Is this a nice gestault of whats going on here?
Guys, i don't think the mug shot is the same guy. He is wearing a stripped shirt, if he was vanguard he would be wearing white like the other pics. When they take you to jail they don;t put you in a stripped shirt like that anymore.
True, the color depends on the situation (crime and where you are in the justice process) and if you're in prison (state) or jail (federal).
fresh OC for Jewtube
Time to listen to more Eurobeats for hours. It's going to be a good night.
he would be in a holding cell locally, still wearing his clothes at the event
Looks like as recently as 2013 they were using striped uniforms in the nearby Culpeper county jail. Seems reasonable. archive.is
Yeah, so here's the deal, Spencer watched all the changes in politics and looked at all today's Trump supporters and thought to himself "I bet I can grab a bunch of those people." So Spencer is right that all those people felt politically homeless, but, he has no idea what all "those people" actually want or how to appeal to them. That's why he's destined to be a failure.
When you look at this big mass of Trump supporters, you either figure out how to make them useful - which means figuring out how they think - or figure out how to work around them. The guys at today's rally are doing neither.
The alt-kike has just lead its flock of useful idiots right into the trap. This would be a very good opportunity to point this out to said useful idiots and turn them against Dicky Spencer et. al.
>Wow your movement's (((leadership))) lead you all into a trap that resulted in the alt-kike being branded white supremacist terrorists
where the fuck have you been the past year? Communist have been attacking people and causing destruction completely unopposed on a regular basis. That guy who stabbed two people on the train in Portland, the guy who shot up the congressional baseball practice, the guy who shot his neighbor in the face 2 days ago, all politically motivated Bernie voters. Remember all the shit that communist pulled in Berkley, Portland, Chicago, and DC? Sure today probably wasn't the most effective way to go about things, but I would hardly consider it the first strike. Violence is about to escalate, and these kikes, shitskins, and racetraitors are about to get fucked.
Since he's a kike that means American vanguard is definitely controlled opposition
compiling data.
feel free to add to image. this is everything ive seen
He means that we should do nothing until they start actually slaughtering us. Because he's a cuck.
What kind of mugshot is that? Do counties even put you in garb like that for mugshots anymore? I thought that was only if you were doing time.
Thank you. We need to clamp down on this shit. Talk about Initial Dipshit for a day, then memoryhole it.
If you saw the pics from the other thread they arrested a guy in a white shirt.
This checks out, though it still doesn't match with the pic through the windshield.
Nigger they were already branded white supremacist terrorists, PRfagging does no good.
Did it get deleted? It ended up revealed by a vol that the guy was a total larper, never released the footage he promised he had and instead went to other threads to talk about cuckchan banning people for talking about the incident as if cuckchan banning is remotely surprising.
Local jail in Charlottesville, they wear orange.
I'm not telling you to PRfag you retard, I'm telling you to turn the alt-kike against its own leadership by pointing out that this rally was a trap
Good point. It would be worth it to find nearby jails and check their uniforms. If they didn't take him to a fed pen or something worse
Nobody cares what CNN branded them. They were not seen as terrorists by regular people.
Fuck you guys. He killed a commie. Not the best for PR, but he actually did it and didn't just larp about it on a mongolese kitchen forum. He has conviction, or at least enough conviction to do it at that point in time.
The Dodge Challenger is known for its
inb4 its all muscle cars
We don't need to do or say anything about it, except that antifa is worse and has been consistently more violent. They were being provocative and throwing shit at his car. The cops believe he was acting in self defense, probably because they were crowding around him and banging on the car or some shit.
When Zimmerman first killed St. Trayvon, everyone was running around saying what an awful h-white he was to shoot a twelve year old black boy. Cickservatives denounced, people harrumphed, and then the facts came out.
are we seriously going to believe this terminator looking driver is the same guy in the pic? making memes either way but still, reaks of false flagging
Fields never yields.
Honk, honk. Outta the way, commies!
Yet they have james in black and white. Thats not odd?
Fuck off, even if he isn't a CIAnigger, he did so in cold blood in a totally not called for way. When one of us kills a commie in a GOOD way we would never disavow him. ie.finnish guy who punched an antifa to death.
That's different, Antifa has the media and government on their side. Tactics they can use do not work for anyone else. Stop whining about it and just adapt.
dont make memes about this kike you faggot
It really was a poorly thought out choice. It's like you're building something like a tower of cards with your fellow people and then one of the denser ones knocks it all over. He disrespected all the people he was there with and the movement by being selfish and simple-minded.
He's a jew
the redditor cries out in doublespacing as he strikes you
I found these on /o/
This is serious slander, needs to be confirmed. I mean the act was jewy but still.
They never make you change your clothes out before your mugshot. Processing>arraignment>shower/change clothes.
t. Ex degenerate
I think he's saying that a regional jail could be different from a county jail. There are all kinds of lockups all over the place, even police stations have their own holding cells that someone could be in for a few days. Could even be they moved him out of Charlottesville for safety or media reasons?
What the hell are you talking about?
this is an obscure unpopular white nationalist imageboard in the middle of the wild wild web, nothing is off-limits here
County jails tend to have you change into their scrubs AFTER you're processed. Taking mugshots is part of the processing
Can we find out if the inmate uniform he's wearing is indeed from the jail which they say he's in?
See the non-autistic part of
You're gay.
Vehicular cultural enrichment is part and parcel of living in a modern city.
fuck, next you'll be claiming freemason (((brevik))) was the savior of the white race
fuck off newfag lurk more
We need to recycle every quote the kikes used about Hodgkinson and say them about this fields kike.
Yea but regional doesn't have you wear garb. You just wear your civilian clothes till youre finished with processing at the very least. Your mugshot will always have you in the clothes you came in with for identification purposes.
This is a good idea
No, they were seen as white supremacists, because people get their worldview from the news. If anything this would redpill more people who don't trust the media.
Already on it, although I don't associate with the "alt-right" or it's members. But I agree with you, fuck dicky and fuck enoch.
The guy in the car is definitely older and has a steely "professional driver, closed course" look about him. I can only hope this obvious framing falls apart in court.
fuck you I don't glow in the dark
Where can I find the source image of the guy in the car without the contrast and other stuff
goddamit, Terry
But we are "White Supremacists"
Definitely strange. Maybe he was processed at two facilities or something?
Punch a Nazi?
Kill a Commie.
Also wear are his glasses…he has on a pair of those sunlight color changing ones and no glasses in the pic…wierd? idk what policy is
you can use this
They were seen as white supremacists, because they are white supremacists. That's not bad PR. White supremacy just means white demographic survival.
They were not seen as terrorists, because they were not terrorists and nobody cares that CNN said that they were terrorists.
NOW they are seen as terrorists because James Field engaged in terrorism.
Possibility of kike plant aside, he may have been looking for a place where his car would get swarmed so he could mow people down. We all know how many people got out of charges by saying they were swarmed and in fear for their life.
Is he the guy that keeps claiming to be a half Jew and calling into Cantwell's show?
we should meme calling him
james bloom
They didn't get as much red paint on the hood of his car as they did on that cop car.
and here we are.
Sunlight changing glasses only work outside. Don't know about his needs, but its possible he doesn't need them to drive.
How could one find out where the place on the left picture is located?
I can bet 50 bucks ""his"" car with red stripes is still sitting there intact
How common is it to get a racing stripe put on aftermarket? How common is it to pose like that if you're up to no good? How common is 81?
The (((mods))) here think you are this dumb.
It also looks like the piece immediately around the headlights is chrome vs matte black, maybe just reflection
The car on the left doesn't have the black line that goes through the logo, as on the pic on the right.
< a wild tor shill appears
< tor shill uses "nonsense shitpost"
< it wasn't very effective…
No one is siding with antifa you giant faggot. Holla Forums does not support kikes, especially when they frame nationalists for unprovoked vehicular commie splattering during a peacefully rally that nationalists had continually claimed was going to be peaceful for months
dumb nigger
Proof he's jewish?
remember the meme user
he's james bloom now
those are called 'zionists'.
proof that james bloom is a kike:
his mother is a kike so by jewish blood laws, he is a kike
Not yet, we are currently white nationalists, we recognize that races should remain separate, and that there is a white genocide in our own countries. The jingoism can come after we secure the existence of our white nations.
Just to clarify, I am not saying
But we must not accept their labels and let them frame the discussion.
White supremacy involves the subjugation of lower races, they are white nationalists, who recognize that the races are not equal and should be kept separate.
They were seen as "Nazis", and painted in an absurdly negative light by the media, the people who were going to fall for it already have, and those that remain skeptical still are.
See above, also it was self defense (and he is a jew) . But you must realize that this rabid media narrative has been going on for a while, and will not stop because of our meekness or our aggression. If anything this would push those already skeptical further to our side, and further radicalize those already here. It also presents a golden oppurtunity to attack enoch and spencer. But for the most part the battle lines have already been drawn.
Possible, but at the moment we have nothing. We should focus on pushing the "Jew not involved with aut-right is swarmed by commies"
Racing stripes look cool, not implausible they would be aftermarket.
Self defense?
This is irrelevant as the stripe is missing. It is the wrong guy or very cleverly photoshopped.
Note the Marxists here shill against Tor since it's the only encryption their ZOG masters have not broken.
dumbfucking fuck, the colors are what should be the most obvious period
When he makes bail and absconds to Tel Aviv should be proof enough.
They've being calling alt right white supremacists anyway. Your logic is bad and you should feel bad.
Looking at it again, it seems like the entire front bumper is different between pics.
The bumper is pretty smashed up, hard to tell.
Looks like he hit both pedals like a mong?
There was a video similar to 8ch.net
But it had a longer version that showed the whole drive up of the car. Where did it go?
Well yeah, that kike bounced a bunch of niggers off of it, those things are like deer.
retard, it was invented by ZOG
Yep, shit quality, so the stripes don't line up. Isn't it amazing how prison is a woman? That is, fashion?
Perphaps. But on the left, it looks like the bumper is a slightly darker color then the rest of the car, while on the right the intact piece top of the bumber matches the hood in color.
I just woke up and this whole thing seems strange to me. Why were there protesters on a trafficked street to begin with? This was not a unannounced protest and if the police was even slightly competent this shouldn't been possible. I can only belive that this was intentional to by the people in charge. The driver was probably just panicked because he was surrounded by commie scum and stepped on the gas to force his way before he got pulled out of his car by an angry mob.
It's a different car. The registration in the OP says it was first registered in 2016, and he added that picture to Kikebook in 2015. Mystery solved.
Why didn't the fuckin' airbag deploy?
So you're shilling he's a jew so white nationalists won't lionize him?
Cause that proof is utter shit.
ISo what you're saying is no one fucking knows or has proof. Gotcha.
You know how these communist get, and you know the police do nothing to stop them.
Anybody have a montage of protesters getting BTFO on streets?
Fuck off disinfo shitposting kike or whatever you are.
top kek
of course im trying to stop retards like you from lionizing a fucking kike plant, you absolute moron, go and suck spencers dick with the other alt kike faggots
search for "samantha bloom james fields" you'll find a plethora of sources confirming
He's not ours, he joined that LARPing cancer american vangaurd bullshit, secondly he's at least 50% kike.
If that leftist commie shooting Senators not did any damage, then this car retard isn't going to do any damage either.
Things need to escalate. 2 murder cars next event
50% kike is 100% kike
Look at the size of that head compared to his body/shoulders!
Le prototypical goyim slave.
Dirty jewess mother is 100% kike.
Lets meme for them to tear down a statue, ex. MLK, Lenin, Marx
Hijack all of the chargers at the closest dealership and crash them into each other?
drinking while pregnant is one hell of a drug
Good boots and hockey, but what does it have to do with Alt-kike Larping?
His mother's name is Bloom which may bea version of (((Blum))) and his father is named (((Meyer)))
pic of him, look white?
>his father is named (((Meyer)))
Her father must be named Field. Meyer is his mother's maiden name.
We still need to find his father.
Got some real fresh OC right out of the oven. Requesting user to encode to webm format.
my friends last name is meyer. is he a crytpokike
Oh yea my bad, her maiden name is Meyer, so he's definitely confirmed technically jew.
Ah, this is the situation we find ourselves in. The flat earthers say "see?! it's flat!" What am I to say? Logic has spoken. Kikes and their slaves go contrary ways.
Maybe it's downs?
How is your reply above the post it is replying to?
nah nah nah, you need to edit in the music over the screams and suffering, but put a low pass filter on it so its muffled so it sounds like its coming from the car. I can do this tomorrow if you like?
That is exactly what I did
That was a kike. They memorize things but can't do anything.
As far as I know Meyer is historically Jewish surname.
…pandas actually are just lazy bears. Science marched on
German technically but used by mostly jews
top kek forgot to put my headphones on. shitty laptop speakers
sounds great user, good work
wtf nigger
my friends dads side of the family is german
Or someone who was frantic
Wew the shilling to bury and is real. The officially reported guy is not as it seems .
not the same car or driver…
It might have just been the lighting in the pic to the right.
I asked you to explain what doesn't match and you just went on about pandas and shit. You say the foreheads are different and there's some feature to the right eyebrow but I'm not seeing it. Back up your claims with assessments and not inane metaphors.
I bet this guy turns up dead sooner than later.
But the kid's car has red trim around the "racing stripe" area of the hood that's absent on the crashed car. Unless this kid has his car repainted between that older picture and today something's not adding up.
Nope. Check the center. No center strip under the hood ornament.
The only option is that he had it repainted…
woooow fucking bugged board mechanics
not sure what that means. worth digging into, but guy probably just likes Dodge
One possibility is that a Dodge enthusiast could upgrade to a different version of the same car, but that seems like a low possibility and I haven't seen any evidence of that.
What happened to fatboy's dimpled chin in mugshot photo?
This is why you niggers need to pay better attention or just lurk more. There is no technically, you either are or you aren't. His mother's a kike? He's a kike, even if his father isn't. Same for if the father's a kike and mother isn't. There are no jew laws that we abide by, even a quarter kike is very risky to allow free reign, half-kike is no different than a full blooded heeb. Of course, you can be a jew without kike blood but that's why they're called shabbos goyim
I'm so confused. Are these just two people in the army with the same name? He does look like a better match but why would they do this?
cba to type it out but heres some info
He would have to repaint the entire bumper as well as the bumper has a matte finish, yet the newer pic doesn't look like it has the same matte finish.
Yeah. He saw a car he liked, autistically took a picture with it, then got one of his own a year later.
It's the exact same fucking face you literal autists.
If an actual false flag I expect hit pieces against 4chan to get the website shut down
Silencing the growing resentment and eliminating outlets for organization and communication. They don't want people to talk, they don't want free speech, they don't want protests or meetings or parties.
Because the younger one was marching with the americuck vanguard. Older one may be CIAnigger plant to do the crime. Or he just happened to drive the same car as the younger one, be driving through the same streets the younger was protesting in at the same time, and then drove through protesters that the opposition to the younger ones politics because they were in the way started beating his car and he floored it, that is, if the older one is the one driving.
This shit happened with dicky and I'm still not sure if he's part kike.
Is that more Heimbach cancer?
That'd be fucking hilarious since 4cuck is too valuable for the alphabet soup niggers to take down.
Autistic sure but I wouldn't peg him as cancer. At least his group fucked up lefty counter-protesters with the lefty's own knives.
But yeah no americuck vanguard is just more "IMPLICIT" homos pretending to be fascist.
Alt-Right: 0 dead
Anti-Fa: 1 dead
Police: 2+ dead
If you want to define it as "we", then "we" won, clearly.
The torchlit parade and chant was execellent. They could have ended it there and it would have been good.
A real win though was that the muh freedoms/libertarians/conservatives/etc were actually pretty upset by the government shutting the event down and restricting freedom of speech and assembly… so it definitely made those guys more sympathetic, definitely managed to expose the hypocrisy of the system.
He's a fucking Zionist.
*I don't just mean in the implicit dicky sense.
Consider a custom, well-fitted glove. If all the fingers of some person match, you'd call it a "match". It's not perfect proof that is the owner of the glove, but it's decent evidence. However, suppose a couple of fingers are right, but then one or two of them are wrong - the finger of the glove is too long or short in some cases. Well, it doesn't increase confidence in the match that there were some matches. It fails. It's a NO-MATCH.
A note (not related to this situation, but important to understand):
Now suppose one of the gloves is damaged, missing a couple of fingers. Then we get someone to try on the gloves and sure enough it's a perfect match, in those glove digits that remain. Each digit then increases probability that it's a match. This is the sense of a PARTIAL-MATCH. If we have statistics we might even be able to assign a probability of a partial vs a full match. But full does NOT mean 100% certainty. Nowhere close, that's for sure. Even DNA has this problem (DNA is NOT sequenced when compared, markers are detected, and compared. They just guess how accurate their tests are, and they're the ones making the tests, so of course they're going to fudge the numbers to make it sound better than it really is - actual DNA sequencing for forensic purposes may come, one day… ).
Sad. Improve yourself.
they don't even looks the same colour to me fam!?
Pic Related
Shiny Gray & Matte Black BMW M3's
Info on the leftist that was killed and BTFO by the car of peace.
Name: Heather Heyer (confirmed coal burner)
**I want to marry her and make 10 white babies you faggot, she's waifu material.
half of my friends are female, because, unlike many of the half way to mgtow faggots on here, i actually have social skills**
sauce? all ive seen from him recently is pure unadulterated national socialism
fuck that fail on the spoiler
time to sleep
Looks like natural selection did its job.
The vehicle registration is is all wrong. Here is the spec sheet for the car listed in the registration data given at the top of the thread.
Reg says that the car is a 2010 Dodge Challenger SE with a 2.14 liter engine, with moonroof (fuck you, I'll get to this), and an CD/MP3 head unit with a base price of $22,675.
Autoblog disagrees with the registration. It says it should be a 3.5 liter V6, and the base price should be $23,245. but the base model does not have the trim level discribed on the registration, nor seen in the video. In order for the trim level to match both the registration and the video, It would need to be not the base 25E trim, but the 25G trim, which costs $2740 extra. This gets you 18" rims, Fog lamps (missing from video and facebook photos, but its not uncommon for car guys to swap bumpers. More autism needed). Second, to get the rear spoiler and "dual stripes" you need the Rallye group package for $795. I am not sure if "dual stripes" mean the red pinstripes we see on the facebook photo, or painted racing stripes running up along the hood and over the top to the back of the car. Finally the registration also absolutely says the car should have a moon roof. The top line that says "roof" and is filled in as "none" is for a convertible top. The optional roof field is for a moon roof. The reg says the car should have a moon roof, and a moon roof is in fact, a $950 option for the car.
I am just a humble autist. I do not know what these inconsitancies mean. I just know that they are there.
Updates from the fake news:
Sure seems like a false flag, keep me posted lads.
No offence but christian identity fags are almost always cucks. This explains why they let this kike in.
Don't let people fuck with you. Real life isn't Mr. Potato Head.
Don't act like a nigger and you won't get mocked for it.
It's totally not a CIA op, no sir.
Sounds almost like a stolen car/VIN was used in this op. Any autists in the area care to wander over to the impound lot and get some more details on the vehicle?
kikes are involved in the stolen car industry.
That's a progression over a number of years though.
part was slightly suspicious
is he a christcuck?
t. neet who hasn't so much as been within 3 foot of a woman other than his immediate familiy
Well shit that's the first I've heard of that, don't really pay attention to him or his. Any sauce?
It could be a stolen vin or a lazy as shit DMV employee. the price difference could be inflation for all i know… But this shit stinks.
Also, the helicopter crashed on the other side of town from where the car was stopped. I cross referenced the control tower audio relaying the crash site location and photos of where the car stopped. Sounded like a loss of tail rotor authority to me, but I only fly hueys in video games so my word is shit on that…
Yes. I think he's a fan of E Michael Jones.
If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!
The disappearing moonroof should be a huge red flag. Of course no Mockingbird 'journalist' is going to do any digging, the narrative has been decided and the story set in stone.
sage is accidental
youve contributed nothing to this thread
filtered for being an annoying shitposting nigger
We'll convert the alt-right by making them upset that someone killed an antifa ?
Nigger what do you think we're doing here ?
There were supporting arguments, by the way. This, that, the other thing, therefore, the glove. The premises were ones accepted by the prosecution, which is pretty 😃
We should meme that he's a recent muslim convert, and that's why he went on a car rampage.
I suppose tweeting jeff sessions is not going to be a productive use of my time…
Starting to think Sessions is compromised as fuck. He's next to worthless.
This all a ploy by (((them))) to shut the rallies down and stifle our voice. Look at the tag # GVF 1111. Government Federal 1111. You ever see tags with 1111? See any headlines on NK or Russia today? No. Only headlines about muh ebil nazis
Despite the memes, he was never a National Socialist in the first place.
Car bumper isn't matte, it's reflecting the driveway.
So is the guy a hero or a jew? We need to have a consistent stance.
but he's a jew? we can just tell the truth, that he's a jew. we need to meme the truth, as great goebbels said about propaganda, it shouldnt have to lie
definitely a jew, not a hero.
This is going to collapse their "normie-friendly big tent".
Of course not, or Klan or anything else. The real KKK senator was a fucking democrat. Just saying he's been in D.C. so long somebody has something on him, he's been entirely too hands off the swamp.
I posted about him being a kike on cuckchan and i got banhammer and post deleted
So, jew confirmed again. Good to know.
You sure? She's too fat to be the one that got pelvis pulverized. Assuming that was the one who died.
Check 'em.
But did you use (((these))) around his name, or did you go with literally saying "jew"? They have kikes running the whole thing, and always have.
What is with you fucking cuckchan using retards today? Is this part of the shill raid, bring cuckchan faggots to the board on top of Holla Forums communists blaming everything on 8/pol/ while pretending to be part of it?
i think you can see the landwhale in this picture between the two cars
I think the best course of action is to state that you denounce and/or condemn this guy's actions. What do you have to gain by allying yourself with a dumb ass, incompetent Jew? Who freak out and kills someone. The best the protestors can do is distant themselves from him.
I'm not even saying "oh no violence is never da answer!!!"
Remember turn to the other cheek. And no I'm not a 'christcuck'. Don't be foolish and and support fools. Be tactful.
beautiful symmetry.
These dumb niggers sure do have some high quality cameras… I wonder what F1 journalist they stole them from…
Do we still not know if he's a jew? This is key.
Where on this wikipedia page does it say
that GVF series plates are legal on a challenger?
Dubs aren't suppose to work like that.
No airbag deployed on the Charger…?
After a front-end collision?
That's what we're trying to do.
It's a valid tag for the plate design. started being issued in 2013, still being issued today.
FWA 1000 to HFD 9999 (as of July 31, 2017)
Ah maybe you're right. I assumed the one who got squished here was the future cat lady we were denied.
Just got home, lotta catching up to do.
Even funnier. We might even bait the enemy into pointing out that he's a jew if we claim he's a muslim.
It wasn't very fast.
Did Soros have a hand in importing (((protesters)))?
What's the deal with obese women and getting hit by cars? Is it because they're too fat to get out of the way?
Just like those poor Palestinians. Why are kikes so racist?
what ever group he's a part of needs purged
American Vanguard, a TRS offshoot co-founded by Ghoul the child-grooming tranny-fucker.
He had a lot of fat bitches to slow him down to a crawl. he kind of bulldozes the other two cars forward at the end. airbags are designed to deploy when you hit a wall or another car, not niggers and landwhales.
Airbags can deploy at speeds of like 8mph, or maybe even double it to 16 or 20mph. Airbags can deploy if you hit the fucking front of a car hard enough with a sledgehammer and you hit close to the sensor. He was at least doing 20mph hitting the back of a car that wasn't moving. The fucking front bumper was demolished, crumple zones were hit - look at the after pics.
Either the airbag was intentionally disabled prior to the event (meaning it was planned) or a fucking miracle happened. If that had been a legitimate accident, he'd be suing the fucking manufacturer for it not deploying.
If he turns out to white we still win.
i just lurk cuckchan on the rare occasion and try to steer the covno towards holocaust every now and again.
still, i could say the same thing about using fullchan after sunshine but youre still here, arent you?
why havent you followed the other oldfags into the bunkers and migration boards? probably for the same reasons that i still lurk cuckchan and fullchan
read bread you low agency pavement ape, theres more than enough evidence of him being a kike
not to defend the TRSodomites, but this was never varified, the child grooming accusation came from a conflict between some exTRSodomites, (((Common Filth))) and some other tedious namefaggots.
Anyone have this picture without the text?
It's not the lighting. The picture of the dude next to the car cannot possibly be the car used in the attack. those racing stripes come with the spoiler on the back of the car. it's a factory trim level. I'm not sure what facebook dude has but its not the attackers car. cant be.
it was obviously a kike false flag but that bigjaw is extremely lulzy
If anybody needs any, I just saved a bunch of NOI memes.
he painted off the factory racing stripe and then put it back on for the attack? dedicated faggot isn't he?
I agree. If he had posed with it on the lot before buying, then maybe, since you could conceivably have the dealer do that for you to make the sale, but that's not something you do within a year of buying a new car. A new spoiler or rims maybe, but you don't spend all that money and then go and totally repaint it plus ad a spoiler. That shit's factory and not the same car.
Trapjaws arem't gay
My suspicion is that, sadly, it's nothing more than that his father is a crook, and the car's hot. He got an upgrade car to replace a beater.
It was first registered 5/13/2016
It was reregistered 6/15/2017
Do you usually re-register your stolen car? Or even register it at all? Does he just know a guy at the DMV? do they not ask questions? has the vin not been reported as stolen or checked to match at any point?
4chan says the women was a jew.
Lack of sleep.
I hit a deer that fucked the front of my car up, and my airbag didn't deploy. Seeing as his face wasn't fucked by the wheel, it obviously wasn't a crash energetic enough to require an airbag to survive.
it is, but don't be so black pilled. it doesn't matter too much if it was real.
Holy fuck that's an old video. Is that him in high school?
The dude dated a Jewish Libertarian for a bit in college. He doesn't talk about BASED minorities anymore. Find a better video.
The challenger has racing stripes as factory rice option
Hahahaha America is a crazy place.
any new discoveries?
is it settled beyond reasonable doubt that this james "fields" guy is a kike and either a subvert or a fed plant?
3 dead includes the 2 helicopter dudes
That's ok it's a gay meme anyway. Which makes it not really a meme.
The original driver was a dem agent.
The helicopter helped the original driver escape by avoiding traffic/police. Then they replaced the original driver with patsy before police made arrest. Then the helicopter was crashed with no survivors to cover up any loose ends.
Airbags aren't based on speed of impact, they're based on DECELERATION SENSORS.
He didn't come to a stop, he hit two cars that were rolling and absorbed energy from his car. I am not surprised that the airbag didn't go off. I also wouldn't be surprised if the airbag DID go off.
Either the airbags going off, or not going off, would be inside acceptable tolerances for airbag deployments considering the deceleration mitigation
that's a pic from 2015.
maybe he just wanted a challenger back then and posed with one.
later on, he bought one.
This is correct.
yes I'm jelly.
Anyone dub that foo fighters song… the one where he's all, 'there goes my hero' over the crash video?
Could be good libtard bait material.
Has anyone here got any deets on both cars? Year? or even which package came with it? It would clarify the whole factory stripes issue if someone made an infogram of it
Also, can anyone make out what type of motor it is in the video? Some car autist might be able to tell what Liter it is just from the exhaust tune.
There is a whole lot of minor details in cars you can use to distinguish them from one another
more likely scenario is he had an accident and the hood was replaced. if he had painted the car, you would expect it to be a different color. it still doesnt explain the windshield being different, older pic has no rain sensor and new pic doesnt. I'd expect it to be reversed.
whats more likely is that he had the stripes put on after market which would be decals.
Checked, nice digits
conspiracy intensifies.
archive and screenshot you fucking lazy nigger
lurk more