Boi he bout to do it
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He better denounce Cunton and start shitting on dems soon if he wants to rebuild the trust.
No mea culpa for endorsing Clinton, no 'I was wrong' for not going Independent, still a Democrat.
This fuck just needs to die, he blew it.
Unlike you he knows well enough this would be a retarded idea.
The guy knows retarded Ideas well, or he would be the President.
Filthy opportunist.
Basically his whole campaign was a capitulation
I want to habeeb, but then again maybe Tulsi Gabbard should just repackage his message and he would be Vice President.
won't he be like 79 ?!
don't get me wrong, i would've voted for him in a heart beat if the DNC weren't cunts.
but i don't think i'll be able to vote for a guy who is likely to die the next day.
Actually this would be the greatest thing to happen
And we've got ourselves a Martyr who dindo nuffin
He meant that the socdem reforms would be the betrayal of socialism.
I hope he has the sense to run outside the Democrats this time. Everyone knows whom he is now, there's no need for the media bump from running Democrat this time.
This is not a viability with FPTP
Tulsi is a bit of a neocon, but other than that she's great. I think the difference will be whether or not Bernie gets cancer or dementia. If that doesn't happen he'll run. He's in great condition.
Shut the fuck up, bitch. He's been an actual not-meme socialist for 40 years.
I would not vote for him again, the way this election went, especially when endorsing Hillary. I just don't have a lot of trust for people like that.
Kanye will be the next presidental canidate from the dems.
i want out
Please don't
What the fuck was Bernie supposed to do? If he had said "Fuck Hillary fuck the Dems", it would have been an even harder loss for them. If he supported Hillary, at least he could try to hold onto party unity, even if it didn't work.
Yeah, this logic isn't easily overcome. The only problem is
Sanders droppin the bomb on this party
You did you fucking kike, that's why you aren't President.
Looks like Trump can clear his schedule for the next 8 years then. If the only direction the democratic party can go from here is in the direction of Sanders then its pretty much fucking over for them. Even if Trump does not win a second time no doubt another Republican will
He's an accelerationist, user.
Less so than going with the lizardwoman
Yes, that is exactly what I'm implying. Sanders didn't have half the appeal to millennials. Most Americans aren't ready for his brand of "radical" socialism
After an entire year of predictions completely removed from reality. Why do you still take these things seriously? They're a joke
not to mention he's the most popular politician in the country atm
His appeal to millenials was pretty fucking good, as with blue collar workers in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Did you just say Sanders did not have appeal to millennials?
Are you fucking retarded?
You are very disconnected from reality if you believe such a bold claim
Are you done using ad hominems and arguments by assertions?
kek, name someone more popular then?
The man who just won the presidential election for starters
Did I fucking stutter?
Sanders didn't have half the appeal to millennials'
Do you live on some other fucking planet?
You mean the man that was barely able to squeak out a win against maybe the most hated politician since this country was founded?
Donald fucking Trump? The man with a 58% disapproval rating?
full retard
tbf that poll seems as trustworthy as the polls that had shillary at 80%+ chance of winning just before the election.
According to who exactly? Oh thats right. According to liberals. Thanks for letting us know liberals hate Trump. We never could've figured that out without you!
And no, Sanders did no have half the appeal to millennials. I will stand by this solidly. Unless you think college campus culture is what makes up the entire population of millenials. His campaign catered to them and to children.
kek he didn't even win the popular vote
Polls don't give people a percent chance of winning, statistical models do. The polls themselves where only off by about 2 or 3 points, which was enough to give trump the win in the rust belt states and florida.
Alot of people are saying he's going to be too old, and that may be true, but I'll still vote for him if he feels he's in good enough shape to do it. That and he'll have to pick a good VP in case he croaks.
Holla Forumsluter thinks he can spout "liberal" and blend right in
Warren or maybe Leahy
please for the love of god don't let it be Leahy
By 2020 Trump will have done a shit ton of damage to America and the world.
This tbh. Look at Syria.
Of course. But Trump's complete disregard of climate change and open normalisation of violence is something else. Proto fascism.
My point is Sanders is no longer enough. Someone more radical is needed.
Looks like Bernie is pushing for Keith Ellison to be the next DNC chair
He looks decently progressive, and he may be our only hope to stop a neo-liberal from getting hold of the position if Bernie's throwing his weight behind him.
Here's the petition he put out:
how can we have any sort of discussion when you continue to make baseless claims and disregard any evidence to the contrary?
Trump had appeal among millennials who go on Holla Forums. Essentially, he had appeal among the least appealing people. You've locked yourself in with all these reddit-tier faggots for long enough to convince yourself that fucking Bernie of all people didn't appeal to millennials. Bernie had difficulties with a lot of groups, but millennials weren't one of them.
His only "shortcoming" is not openly advocating for a complete overhaul of the system and coups and a worker's state and crap. He's as radical as you can get right now, anyone advocating the abolition of the wage system would be immediately written off. Lrn2 Overton Window.
Shut the fuck up bitch.
go back to reddit