Skip video to 2:30

Right Wing Carmageddon Squad

Other urls found in this thread:


Those leftist idiots are the type to literally play in traffic anyway lol





Sam Hyde image just made it on RSBN, kek.

These are exciting times.

Reposting the fresh encodes.



I think she's gonna be okay

If you pay attention you can see nigger throwing themselves towards the car, Zero survival instincts.
If you pay more attention you can see a woman screaming foock and running towards the car once it rolled over a pile of commies like her.
If you really really pay attention, you can see why hitler was right.

source for this pic pls

so we taking bets on who the driver was,
I'm betting shitskin of some kind, we will tell by how fast the media reports his identity


what if this is a false flag against us too paint us as bad as Isis?

I'm hoping it was remote controlled so that no "white terrorist" gets paraded around by the media and that it also makes self kiking cars look bad

Learn how to use youtube-dl you stupid nigger.

He cant keep getting away with this


*gets mowed down*
Antifa: MEDIC!!!!!

Sam confirmed for driver. Let's meme it.

It wasn't an orange dodge charger with 01 on the door and dixie on the roof.



tbf they might have genuine ptsd now.

How did you do this? My editor was trying to do it at 12fps when ffprobe said the file was 24fps. I couldn't get A/V to sync.

I'm betting a nigger did it. A witness said the driver plowed into the crowd after somebody threw a rock at his car. If that doesn't suggest the explosive rage and lack of foresight typical of niggers I don't know what does.

This is the image that I saw show up on RSBN's stream when I posted that first post.

I wouldn't be surprised. The rally itself was fine and the torch march in particular, but as soon as fighting broke out it was fucked. I wouldn't be surprised if the car really was one of theirs, so that now whenever our ideology comes up they can drone on about this one incident indefinitely. Same way they false-flagged and discounted pizzagat.e.


can i get a quick rundown?

were the people who got run over a crowd of leftist counterprotesters?

Everyone knows it comes to this. Protest against White people that supposedly are "evil racists" and "fascists" while we are humiliated, abused and openly genocided. A great deal of these people deserve no better than death. I'm just sad this is how it goes. Antifa and BLM should have long been banned as anti-White hatred organisation. Instead they are glorified and all opposition is banned as "White supremacy organisations". I hope this is where we finally free ourselves from Antifa vermin and their J$w puppet whisperers, enablers., get representative ethno-states, politics and liberate Europe, America and the rest of the world. These people don't care about discussion. They care about their delusions and attacking, demonizing all opposition. People won't take that crap. As shown here. It is not "terrorism" as some general issue. It's a reaction to those who enable and excuse the terrorisation, repression of Europeans. Ethno-states is what we need. Real solutions. Real talk. A better future.


It was a bunch of antifa "haha lets block the road so the cars can't get through" types

Had to be a God of Chaos. And here we are.

Periscope videos are a "variable" frame rate so yeah normal video editors shit themselves when importing it. I just used ffmpeg to rotate and transcode the video, letting it keep the frame rate as "source" which then seems to convert it into a constant 24fps.

The driver was Sam Hyde, and he's going to get away with it. The cops will probably pin it on some innocent black guy. Horrible!

Concise post, I agree, but turn off your fucking name

the silver challenger with blacked out windows had to have been going at least 50 mph wew lad

Dodge Challenger? with tints?

Prob black guy

Ah that makes sense. I didn't even know there was such a thing. Thanks fam.

Fresh OC

Coulters Law.. Member dat

apparently the guy is in police custody, but no news on who he is

don't think they found him yet amazingly


They found the car…..

Get used to it, user. These "rallies" are set ups for confrontation against the police and the Alt Right to make it look like Conservative voters are dissatisfied with the USA, and President Trump by extension.

That confirms it's a nigger.




They did. Hoped they found the guy, too.

He reversed back up the street but I think he stalled out after that. Either no one is stating his identity or races because (((reasons))) or he ran like the last chicken in africa



basically this

He had some doubts before ramming in

The longer it takes for info the more likely that there's something wrong with the narrative…

yeah he wasn't really going that fast


Good stuff

Trump is speeking, his tweets were on the verge of cuck tier

+1. They will simply mention that poor leftist were hit by a car at a nazi rally and let the viewers think the driver was a nazi instead of clearing it up. If it wasn't a nigger, his face would be all over news right now "Ebil nazie killing counter protestors of piece"

Someone should mash up the videos of the crash with the opening scene of The Road Warrior

Yeah, that is disappointing. The tweets from cucks like Paul Ryan were worse, but I wish Trump just left it at the "I'm against violence" shit and left it at that.

Looks like it'll be good as new with some buffing and a bottle of STP
can't embed, already posting in other thread
live, about to speek


When hundreds of Middle easterners raped and pillaged accross Europe on New Years eve it took a literal week for the corporate, "big" media to "catch any whim" of it. We live in a dressed up DDR. These anti-White hate groups antifa and BLM should have long been banned. They have been attacking White people, protesters accross America and in Europe for months. Someone was bound to get too pissed off to let them terrorize our streets like that.

Custom wheels and an aftermarket spoiler, too. It has to be a nigger.

looks like he was trying to scare them out of the way, they retaliated and probably threw some shit, then he peeled out

looks like I was right, its looking like a nigger might have done it as he is supposedly in custody and still no identity. continue to monitor

It took days for the national guard to get called in to Ferguson and Baltimore when the niggers were burning the cities down.

The national guard arrived before noon when a couple white people with all the proper permits wanted to say they didn't want to be replaced.

You don't need to go very fast to really fuck shit up in a car, including yourself. If he had gone 60mph he probably would be too injured to worry about backing up and fleeing.



Intelligence agency white patsy to associate this event of white revivalism with extremism.

From the videos I've seen, it looks like it was an accident. The guy probably got swarmed by protestors and then instinctively hit the gas as a fight-or-flight response, as is what normally happens in these situations. A second or two later he realizes that there's a line of cars in front of him, and he slams on the brakes before hitting the cars.

It doesn't sense that one of /ourguys/ would do it on purpose. Especially not in a fairly nice looking Dodge Challenger.

I wish I knew how to edit video. fucking amazing idea.


It's on zerohedge now.

same here. I wish I knew how to make proper videos.

Even if it is a false flag psyop, it doesn't matter. Escalation is required for us to get what we need to survive.

Yeah, especially since it managed to push two other cars in front of it. Too much faster and it may have just been smashed up without transferring its kinetic energy ahead up the line. I'll let some physicsfag do the math.

Oh my God you are right.

chrysler product with tinted windows. My bet is a drunk dindu that chimped over being truck in traffic.


who streets

Zerohedge reporting that the driver is in police custody.

See pics. Only frame I could find with anything visible of the driver. From
Can't really tell much from these images.

Those are factory 18" wheels, they are just powder coated and have a different center cap or plastic shit stuck on top of the dodge emblem, also that spoiler is factory too for 2015+ challengers
Nor does it necessarily have aftermarket tint either

Pretty disappointing for Holla Forums
Even though its not a 20+ year old shitbox or leased base model that a nigger would have and the wheels aren't 20+ inches either

meant for

He Cant keep getting away with this.

We put the /o/ in Holla Forums.

naw man, they got him
he's in police custody :^)



Do landwhale kills count as one, or two?




They count as body weight / 150lbs = number of points, if male. Body weight / 100lbs = number of points, if female.

screenshot/archive it.
I can't see it

Her attempt at political correctness is making her sound like a bigoted bitch tbh.

Can anyone tell what state this plate is from? I can't find a better picture anywhere.



Saw some comments on (((Twitter))) about the other side of the vehicle having been beaten on by Commies.


It's that just your standard Virginia plate?

We've got number plate. Who can run them? Looks like CVF-1111

Checking his quads

The driver just uploaded footage of himself right before the attack

I think that C is a G.

I thought that looked more like a G, the button part has more thickness to it, like there's the extra lip there.


Have any of the journos claiming the car,
ever seen a car on the street or on TV?
They've clearly never fucking driven one.
If it was doing more than 20mph - down a fucking hill mind you - I'd be amazed.

Checking them digits.

Oh yeah, and check those quads.
Praise Kek.

Well that confirms it then. The cianiggers probably caused the fuel trim ratio to get fucked via hacking and stalled the car causing confusion. Now someone get proof the cianiggers did it before (((they))) shoah the car its self. Also holy shit zerohedge went full retard with that sam hyde pic. LOL inb4 it makes national news via 8ch trolling.

Straight outta half/o/
Before you niggers get up in arms, our /o/ is deader than dead

Looks like a G to me also.

I thought i heard them rev the engine and spin the wheels a bit.

Top kek

It's the "Car Rams Crowd" link




What did Driver mean by this?

I checked GVF 1111 for Ohio, seems to be the right car. I am not a burgerfag so anyone knows how to find the name of the owner of it?


If that was in a higher resolution, I'd use it as my fucking desktop background. Cinematic as fugg.

One dead. According to CNBC.

Cant have been doing more than 25-30
IIRC airbags only trigger above 25mph and they clearly didn't deploy on the car, also there's not much damage at all



Confirmed for our /o/ being dead but i can't imagine half /o/ being of any good quality.

Bullshit or not?

That kind of info is not publicly available.

If you don't like the Alt-Right, please send me photos of your movement's rally in the USA so I can compare and consider joining your team instead.

Or maybe I'm wrong? I would think you couldn't actually look that up, but what do I know.

driver on the run


Big Kek if true.

best memes

8/o/ sucks and last I saw had people comparing modern car "aesthetics" like such a thing is possible.

Looks legit, both searches came up with the same VIN number.

Nah, it still is tripfag cental I was one of them long ago but I go there for the car pictures.

Ohio plates, user


Haven't been on Holla Forums for a few days

Can someone explain what the fuck this is?


He's slamming his brakes. They were probably throwing bricks at his car on some other road, he likely turned around to take another road out, floored it, realized the giant crowd of faggots in front of him. Other pics of the car look really niggerish, it's a dodge challenger with custom rims, an aftermarket spoiler, and blackout tint. On the other hand, Ohio license plate, but that could mean nothing.

Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation

You can. There are services for it, though most of them require you to have a professional reason.

t. Dad owned a vehicle repossession company

Trump announcement starting!

There are already multiple reports of him being arrested. No details though.

How fucking gay are you



A Challenger huh?

no, cunt. lurk moar.

his leg is fucked up

So meme potential.

Something something, unite the proletariat under the lariat.

It is most likely bullshit by a cianigger plant.

hq pic

they wouldnt have this problem if they wore work boots.

good old American muscle

If they would have let them hold the damn rally from 12-5 instead of literally declaring it unlawful right as it was about to begin. Then no one would be dead right now. (Probably)

Tim Pool says one dead, four injured. I read the article he posted and it doesn't say anything about a death. So I'll post as soon as I get a source.

Jerome used to live in Ohio. Looks like we may have the right guy. 50 something years old.

Notice the shrine sticker on the truck

Should have lit a match in the gas tank. This guy is done for, just a matter of time. It was likely a complete accident due to him fleeing for his life but the media will turn it into WN kills dindu. Although while inaccurate it will still fan the flames. So I guess I'm not that mad about it.

wew lad

That's a dutch name

I see three shoes and two sandals lacking feet in them, and another shoe about to come off.

Great eyes, user.


Different MSM are reporting 1 dead including FOX

Let it begin.



CNN says one dead.

Ya its a black.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Not surprised to be honest.


Detroit, MI, right? I'm Brit, but it is in Michigan.

Which again, would be the correct guy.

What the fuck?


Can you really imagine that guy driving that challenger?


Trump is speaking.


trump speaks live now

I didn't know when niggers bleed, they bleed coolaid.


May be his son's car…

Even an average man can take only so much

Midlife crisis


It's beyond their understanding that perhaps it was speeding douchebag who ran into the unscheduled protest on accident.

Yeah. Midlife crisis.

Holla Forums btfo

Yeah, this doesn't add up. Car must've been nicked, since it's a Saturday.

I actually could see this. The customizations look either black or white kid in high school. Especially in MI.

You'd be surprised

god I wish you had premium so you could phone and get some answers

TFW mad max is real. Cars and Trucks will be the weapon of the race war.

Or maybe his son was driving the car.



If Pepe drove a Ferrari, it wouldn't be a F430 Spider, it'd be a green Dino 246 GT, the most frog-looking Ferrari of all.

Why are we doxxing this guy again?


He would get a hemi.. not a shit-tier v6

And that guy is in MI. This car has ohio plates.

as much as i want him to be some black guy named jerome. This picture shows some white knuckles

we wanted to see if it was a nigger.

We are going to find out one way or another. Why not sooner rather than later?

ah. that sucks

Doesn't make sense. If this well-off businessman lives in Detroit, why the fuck was he driving around Virginia, more than nine hours away?

roll for antifa friendly fire?

Tippity top kek.

Ohio is listed as a previous address on his whitepages. A Julia (whateverthefuckimnotspellingitoutagain) lives in Ohio.

Son's name Joel

Joel's Instagram

Glass looks hit in the back.

Being afraid may be his best defense.

Also happy to see he wore a belt.

It began in 2012.

and with ohio plates…

People are to quick to trust random shit they find on (((google)))

What customization?
It's factory rice

That would only help if there weren't high-def pictures of your car and license plate.


the cops said that he was scared and it was an accident that they had been attacking his car

now we are getting somewhere

Fuel to the fire at this point.

I can't take this caliber of winning much longer.

I'm pretty sure the rear window damage was from the bodies falling on top of the car.

They may just look that way from the direct sunglight. You can't distinguish his face as being white at all which is off since you can easily see his white shirt.


I think we can safely rule out right wing terrorist attack from that.

Oh the chimpouts will be EPIC.

Makes sense, I guess.

Make Holla Forums actually work for it, since they're so low energy that they can barely manage to get YouTube videos flagged correctly. I'm willing to bet that it wasn't AN ACT OF WHITE SUPREMACIST TERROR like all these lefty faggots are doing, but some dude that wanted to get away after the crowd started fucking with his car. I'd also wager that he didn't know another car was in the crowd which is why he gunned it and ended up smashing it.

2nd best outcome

hes he/she ok

Face shape looks like a fat Asian

This is the first actual death in all of these Holla Forums-vs-antifa outbreaks, right?

Have we started the fire?

what if a nigger stole the car

Remember to use memes like "isolated incident" or "we just have to learn to live with this" etc against the people who invented them

"part and parcel"


that would be a good chimp out.
would bring a peanut butter and banana sandwich to watch

A Trump supporter was murdered recently but the news didn't get very far, so this will probably count on a "public knowledge" level.



It is a white guy. Nice. Can't wait for him to get all charges dropped.

oh shit a fuckin white male from the looks of it?


These people spent ALL their time on their phones and couldn't get close enough for us to see his foreskin?


Trump drops the Mic

Answers no questions

Fox has every black contributor on the roster
making comments today

Is that a MAGA hat?

Not without a spark. Do you dance in the dark, user?

Getting splattered by a car that lost control is just part and parcel of protesting in the middle of a busy street.

half chan

I swear, if this actually wasn't a nigger but a white dude i am going to fucking spam this "tolerant" shit on twitter.

all skin colors would look white in that sunlight

I think someone got shot in self defense at Berkeley

But he dindu nuffin.

What did he mean by this?

Man, life is grand.


Same guy?

haha, "not all racists"

Hah. Brilliant. Meme it out. He didn't want a ticket for stopping


Footage taken just before the incident, skip to around 4:00.


…and this

That would be awesome.

Jerome, /ourguy/?

That's probably not a white guy, although he may be mixed race. Look at his facial shape. Compare his shirt to his skin.

Calling "Fat asian" again.

How is the media so stupid that they don't actually know how to win in this situation? They have everything going for them, but they keep conflating shit like the kkk with the aut right. While this does dupe quite a few it also works to their disadvantage by not actually addressing who's done this meaning the average aut right is completely unaffected.
It's just so interesting to me because this is such an easy narrative to win.


I can and it's hilarious

Why would you "want it to be a Black guy"? This is fucked up. You can't do that. This is the result of anti-White hate groups like BLM and Antifa attacking, insulting people around the country for monyths. And someone had enough. Or it's a false flag to defame White nationalists. Either way it stands as t is. You don't need to "hope" for it to be anything but what it is. It doesn't even matter really. It is a sign that we must finally start doing something and liberate the U.S. and Europe.

Too much pink.


Like the sign says: bump.

Eh, I don't think the 250 GT California looks nearly as froggy as the Dino 246 GT, though Pepe might not even want to drive a Ferrari when he could just as easily drive a classic Porsche 911.

More news at 10.

It really looks much more like an accident at this point.

Make that 1920 x 1080 and I have a new wallpaper

do not know source of these ones, but they've been circulating

because i don't like niggers and leftists cant blame white people if it was a typical nigger doing typical nigger things.

Looks like some DUDE WEED LAMO that panicked when get got cornered.

capped for prosperity, good idea

Fox is interviewing the guy that filmed this angle

He says people were waving the car through because they thought it was a cop (black charger with tinted windows).

Yup, this gun is for hire


fucking hive mind

And now they just said "no license plates on the car" fucking dumbasses.

Trump trying to be impartial?


Thanks for bringing lower res photos of the photos already posted in this thread.


Bullshit, they were throwing shit at the car.

it was a stoner, it's nothing

commie dead

Anything this guy says that isn't backed up by film can be dismissed as bullshit. Remember when the antifa porn girl got interviewed and completely lied about the circumstances of her getting socked in the face?

i can do what ever i want

you are a fucking kike


Can this day get any better, friends?

VIN check would already show it's a stolen car.


I tried to make a wallpaper version

Get out you retard, you don't belong here!

Brennan Gilmore posted the video where he cut the initial stage where they attacked the car out of the video. They attacked the car at the intersection which is what he removed from the video.

The car speeds off and flies over the curb side scrapping the speed bump. He then drives to the crowd and slows down. The people there then also hit the car with a stick, causing him to floor it.

Self defense, open and shut case, as long as he does not make any intentional statements and sticks to self defense and in fear of his life he will walk away.

This is why you organize a protest and get the city to corner the streets off so no cars are allowed, if you do protest then you give way to cars. You do NOT attack the cars.
Guy drives slowly to get past protestors, protestors attack car, he pulls gun and fires into the air, they attack car, he floors it through the crowd.
Self defence.

Plenty of such verdicts around the country have been given, no charges filed and the person who drove through the crowd acted without malice, or intent to cause harm and did so only in fear of their life.

When you attack a car, you can be held accountable for what that driver of that car did when he flees in fear of their life. Expect some antifa's to charges.

Virginia went for Hillary.

Fuck Virginia.

I can't fucking believe it
I'm so fucking glad it happened

who is this supposed to be?

Frankly its a sad state of affairs that if someone sees a nice car they just assume its a nigger.

He even gave himself a retarded username, I think he's an actual normalfag that somehow stumbled upon this place through cuckchan or reddit or something.

Fox News just reported that it was "no doubt a white nationalist" and that the car had no license plate


It technically didn’t; they used fake votes and the Democrat governor released and pardoned 100,000 felons 6 months before the election.

AND i fell for a trick…

white supremacist confirmed

Hopefully after he floored it out of there he called the police himself.

That tint= government car


Fuck Fox News, they're controlled opposition. The car obviously had a license plate.

no one

I think this was the driver.

Fox News always reports that it is probably "right-wing extremism."

If it was a white guy then meme #NotAllWhitePeople

that's what you get for going to half chan

I'm pretty bad at encoding mp4, but at least I can get a decent webm to post best oc.

but the car did have a license plate, and thats just fucking retarded

But it's not

McCuckliffe waved his tiny hands at any dissent over his ruling.

fukn stop falling for halfchan shit we can already see from the pic of him getting arrested that he has an average build

A true american classic

I think he may have been 'right wing', far from /ourguy/ but he was on his way.

yeah, I get to excited when happenings happen

Fuck off, T_D.

But the car clearly did have a license plate:

Fox News is literally Fake News.

Took me a moment, nice and subtle.

that's the son of the guy from this thread genius


pretty bad webm, though.

That's pure coincidence goy.

I will remember that night for the rest of my life. Heil car 1488.

lol @ these leftists crying about violence

They've been causing mass riots for 3 years, assaulting random people and going on shooting sprees. Soon as one white trash sperg runs a group of them over ( for a reason not yet revealed, mind you ) they cry victim. Soon the cringey alt kike pussies bend over begging forgiveness screaming "we're not Nazis, oh god we're so bad please have mercy on our PR!" like every single time an alt kike leader fucked up and those goons spread their boipuccis, threw them under the bus to appease the public and repeated it. Fucking pathetic.

This isn't even the first time a vehicle has run down a group of antifa protesters, back in 2015 they were throwing rocks at a car on the highway but law permits citizens to floor it if they're trapped from behind ( with no means of escape ) or under immediate life threat.

This situation could be similar as theres no film of the vehicle prior to the assault.

Whatever you say

Even in that picture, his front windshield is already broken, proving that they attacked him before he turned on the Eurobeat.

Yea I was having trouble with the encoding, couldn't post mp4.

Better than nothing I suppose.

Yes it is

The man they arrested has an average build. They didn't arrest a skinny twig. Why would the father get arrested if the son was the driver?

someone from the last thread did a better one

Me too, the last time I felt this sensation was during HWNDU or the previous summer full of terrorist attacks in Europe. For some reason Holla Forums feels like more of a comfy community during these kind of events.

This picture is too perfect, almost like the entire thing was a planned false flag. We need to investitavistock the photographer to see if they have any connections to crisis actors or other false flag operations.

the car isn't modded.
its clearly stock and low end.
It being a CIAniggermobile driven by a shriner isn't out of the question

Terrorism is just part and parcel of living in a large city. The vast majority of awakened saxons are peaceful and have nothing whatsoever to do with violence or terrorism. The real problem here will be the backlash against peaceful whites by bigots.


Here is president Trump's response.

Car was pelted with rocks and bricks that's why he panicked and drove into them

I'mma do this.

It isn't too hard to imagine a operative boosting a plate off another car of the same make and model before they pull a mission.

A set of Vossen or HRE wheels will cost you 8-10K

I hope no one has done this yet

Shut the fuck up (1)
That just assists the muslims in europe

If I poked him with a stick I would still wash my hands

More specifically, Fox News had on a leftist faggot who said it was "no doubt white nationalists ..because the car was being waved out by two nationalists in uniform was intentional". Then they claimed witnesses saw it had no less license plate. This is being churned up

at the very least no guns were involved

am i doing it right?

That actually looks like the bottom of a much larger back tattoo. I'm guessing a tree.

that was a pretty telling response tbh, all those words previous to it were nothing compared to that statement right there

Yeah, if you attack a car, you reap what you sow.


Nazibro a good boy, he dindu nuffin wrong!


this meme hasn't been funny since forbes published an article on it months ago and normalfags found out.

ok here is what happened

You'd think anyone would use anything besides Deja Vu.

Car was last registered in Ohio. Owner lives in Lucas County

My bad lads I meant to post this on the other thread.

If this guy walks, we are going to see some serious shit go down

Yes, exactly. Turning terrorist apologists against the left is 10/10 psyop.

bretty gud, just remove the fps in the top left corner


OK now, let's not dox the real American Hero and commie killer.


Are you ready for ALL CHARGES DROPPED
This is going to be the chimpout of the century.



Worth noting that Vangheluwe is Belgium in origin apparently.


Certainly seems like the most likely scenario. The left will paint him as a WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORIST!!! though.


This is what I was waiting for.

God, I hope so. It's about time these Marxists learned not to play on streets and highways. If you play chicken with a car, you'll always lose.


We may never unravel his motives. Terrorism has no race. What's important is how we all worked together in the face of such adversity to grow stronger as a multicultural community.

Interesting. He makes a boilerplate condemnation of violence but sidesteps the disavowal bullshit.

We need to step up our game

10/10 otherwise

Holla Forums and like three other boards are the only active boards on this site and I've been here since summer of 2014

Now we need to know why he was in Virginia with Ohio plates.

There's been dozens of campus assaults the media doesn't report on too.


No it doesn't. Mocking muslim apologist memes does not help muslims. Fuck off retard.


So is this our beer hall putsch? Or does that come later?

Are you Dick Trickle?

Do they really all wear Jordans?



dubs confirm

Hahahaahaha! If that is true, then that dead commie trash just escalates it, if i'm right, the guys who attack the car leading up to the crash are going to get a involuntary manslaughter charge. A involuntary manslaughter is a class 5 felony in virginia which is a minimum of 1 year prison up 10 years in prison.

You absolutely do not deserve those quads.

Couple possibilities
1) he was ourguy
2) he was antifa
3) he's living in VA but still has previous registration from OH. That's not abnormal, especially for young people who move other states for school/work and don't update their registration until later. I lived in PA for a few years even though my car registration and drivers license was from a different state

The car is likely registered in the father's name and his son has gone down to VA to protest. The kid arrested was pictured wearing a white polo and khakis which is what Identity Europa wear to these kind of events.


You know what the best part is?



Living in the best timeline: Modern Day.

Are you fucking stupid or something?

The ones in the states, yeah. Of course in africa they'll wear crushed waterbottles as sandals. It's whatever they can steal for the most part.

Attempted enhancement of the driver, can't make out any details.

can we setup a legal fund for him?


Why do I feel like niggers lost all the chimp in them? All the other events that should've triggered a chimpout instead proving fruitless.

Niggers are pussies.

This is the legal thing to do. Remember the protesters who tried to block traffic in the middle of the highway and got hit only for the guy to drive off? He got no chargers since he feared the mob would rush his car and he called the police after some distance away.

Now assuming this guy did the same thing he would be let off the hook

It was just decided in my state after an incident where a white man ran over a niglet who ran out into the street was beaten nearly to death by feral niggers, that it is legal to drive away from the scene and call the police.
Driver dindu nuffin.

100% this kid is a degenerate leftists retard. LOL at friendly fire.

On the court, in the court house, and when you're caught out. Jordans, the only shoe that stays on in a jam.
I could have been in marketing - oy vey.


what do you think the reaction is going to be? rejection or acceptance?

I mean its a common car and a common name


There's a photo of him sitting on the sidewalk


Niggers suck at organizing events, the first step to a chimpout

Of courshe!

Or maybe it happens to be in a part of the world that gets fucking hot. lets not rule out agent provocateur but still



ID dubs and regular dubs checked.

In Virginia those Windows in the front are too tinted.

Can he really be held accountable for the injuries?


looks like the same wheels just painted black and diff center cap.

He's got some weird interests, that's for sure.

Do people not tie their shoes anymore?

He was definitely there for aiding the Antifa.

The sync is so fucking close, ya almost nailed them me bucko

I really did not expect to see him here.

Have you ever been hit or drug by a car? Shoes are like the first thing to come off.

Why is he so obsessed with Michigan?
t. michigander


no more live streams? at all? wtf. anyone know of any? I was watching 5 different ones a couple of hours ago…now there's nothing?

blood for the blood god
skulls for the skull throne

communist aren't people


Here we go down the rabbit hole again.

If the person that got ran over and died was white, shouldn't you be happy lefty filth?

Someone said they were factory wheels before. I don't know if you can get factory upgrade wheels easily later or if some modern artist faggot who looks like he's in the last stages dying from aids would be motivated to do so on a car he didn't even buy. Also the guy getting arrested in the pic looks like he has a way heavier build to me

Yeah totally our fault.

In my experience, white people from Michigan, particularly anywhere near Detroit, have terrible taste. Terrible taste in clothing, music, art, etc. You name it, they have bad style. Like rural wiggers, but with a specific Michigan flavor.

Also I think the vaporwave thing should be >only listens to Macintosh Plus


and nothing of value was lost

get fucked nigger

Don't care. Go choke on nigger dick, commie.

Hearse for hire - hahaha holy shit

checked and kek'd

There's nothing left to film, cops shut it all down.


Rural wiggers suck everywhere, user. That is not a Michigan-specific phenomenon.

So, let us recap.
8/10 day, eh lads?

Always with the fucking pizza.


Communists aren't people.

actually, it's your fault for showing up, commie.

why do all these hipster faggots use the same photo filters

we dindu nuffin

He probably took the picture there.

My sister just came home with a case full of thimble berry jam. So fucking good. I need some Juustoa to go with it.
t. minnesotan with strong UP Michigan family roots

That video puts a smile on my face every time.

All the controlled op e-celebs are doing interviews in regards to the "terrorist" attack to gain exposure, condemn violence against "muh based negroes and to plug their patreons.

Many more white children have been killed due to leftists. Fuck em, its their children now.


Because it's Instagram. That's the site's whole purpose. Filters.

You fags haven't the slightest understanding of us.


I didn't know Publix has stores all the way to Virginia

is there unedited video of the car driving fast in reverse? that looks badass



my thoughts exactly

That's what I meant. That's the name of the only Mac+ track they play. リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー is Lisa Frank 420/Modern Day Compu-

They could have tried not standing in the road.

If he was driving the car, he was going to help the commies.

Go make me a sandwich bitch.

reminder that these faggots were protesting the group that had already been forced out by the police and that everyone on scene was a faggot commie and NOT a self respecting White

Right, but the ones from Michigan have a unique Michigan character about them that's hard to put your finger on. Also what's strange about them is they're VERY common. Many of them even openly hate niggers, despite being wiggers.

I dated a woman from Flint once. She hated niggers even more than I did (probably because she had experience with them) yet had wigger taste in music and clothing. Inexplicable.

Oh, the album is Mac+

Hah, I had no idea, then again I'm not a vaporfag. Learn something new every day though.

No, I want them to feel how good this is to Holla Forums.

Is there any sign of Identity Europa on his Instagram?





A side affect of being around them, not getting exposed to enough white culture. You naturally absorb what is around you. Take her away from that environment, surround her with better culture for a few years, she'll straighten out.

Notice the Pizza Symbol on the door in the previous picture.
These pictures speak to his mental health and the activities he engages in.

I don't know man. He's kind of got a Dylann Roof / Adam Lanza stare. Moreso the later than the former.

Scrawny weak kids weird me out.

Get away from Little Somalia and come home, white man.

But I want them to know who is really loved and happy. It twists the needle known as "You'll never have this in your entire life."


I think you're right.


You made me laugh big

Its all "puncha Nazi lol" and "Bash da Fasc" until you get serious retaliation. You really expected a bunch of people who jerk off to Hitler not to hit back 5x as hard.

I feel bad if the person who died was just some shitlib college kids and the 13 year old who got hurt. If it turns out it was an Antifa, may zee rot in hell, you fucking faggots have threatened violence against community parades because county republicans had a small float. You tempted fate for far too long, karma means cause and effect cocksuckers, and your constant faggotry has caused anime nazis to actually become irl nazis.

Hope you are happy, and you are, because the right gives you meaning and drama to your life that not even 20 bad breakups could bring on.

smells like Jonestein

It could be relative lighting due to direct sun light on the fingers. But what is more telling is they white shirt with a collar. It looks like one of those white polos many of the #UniteTheRight were wearing.

It's going to be fucking biblical.


What is going on?

Dammit, beat me to it!



alex jones named the jew

Why are you continuing this faggotry? He has owned the car since 2012. It was sold to some person in Kentucky

Even the whole world is memeing turning America into the Fourth Reich? Let it happen.

Will the niggers still riot if the white guy that gets off scott free was a lefty faggot?

Because different mental illnesses show the same symptoms among their victims.

It honestly would be sad if it was just some indoctrinated teenager who didn't know any better. But at the same time, we can't be caught in the weeds about every little exception. You have to deal with these entities as groups. Someone dying, even someone undeserving of death, still sends a message.

Antifa is no longer edgy larping. One of them died. This is going to be a big moral crusher for them. And it also means escalation, which benefits us.

Now you are caught up.


provide links or your lying
Millennial Matt and his crew were naming the jew infront of Millie Weaver though.

thanks user

Richard Spencer is responsible for people thinking NatSoc's don't punch back.

Niggers believe that all whites are against them, even the ones that are responsible for their gibs, of course they will chimp out.

Can you say "Win Win situation"?

Are niggers niggers?

Did he really? I know that Miley girl who's with Infowars was interviewing ourguys, and they were calling out Jones on not naming the jew


We don't even have to start anything and they race war themselves into extinction. Kek

They will take any reason you give them to riot. What nigger doesn't want a free pair of Jordans or a new tv?

Right, stupid question.

Don't protest in the fucking street then, people got places to be you piece of shit.

Shaping up to be quite an apocalyptic race war on the 21st, anons.

lol jew mad?

I graduated HS with like 10 people who are all attracted to that same aesthetic of eccentricXpopXpreppyXartsy and post that same type of shit.

IMO the best case scenario is it was cummunist friendly fire or an unrelated DUI or something like that.


they all think that look is unique to which is funny as hell to me


thank you brother. I dont know how to give you credit for this


Gonna be a weird fucking event that's for sure.

It's the trifecta of chimpery.

Did it actually work for you? I'm re-encoding because it's not playing for me.


i can't help but think this entire protest scheme just turned unintentionally awesome

They rioted over trayvon, even though the guy who shot him was a mestizo obama supporter. What do you think?


Okay so what we can gather on this guy, hes a spoiled liberal kid with rich parents in detroit trying to live the street life


If nothing else, this rally has people talking.


This the kind of shit that you need to archive as soon as you see it.



Not gunna happen.
more like,

It's real.
How does reality meme for us like this

Once again, the left can't help but devour itself

It's happening.

This lady:

ya downloaded and played ok with VLC





Notice how Spencer was conveniently arrested before the trouble kicked off.


Jerry Frogge is an alright guy.
are we archiving all of joel's life so they can't nazi him up for the msm?

Is Dodge predicting more are to come?

Elephants confirmed to be servants of Kek.


Either way, it's gonna be fun as hell for us.

If he wasn't anti-Trump it would read: 'white supremacist drives into', not 'car drives into'

you better be archiving literally all of his commie shit


Wow, already removed.

The driver dindu nuffin!


Also going to use Jerry Frogge as a foreshadow.

So the driver is some kid with autism?

He wants to martyr and imprison himself to give legitimacy to the Alt Right. This is Rules for Radicals 101. He will most likely try again.


Where's the 88?

Otherwise, you'll just sit around getting older


Is this Maximum Overdrive?

What am I retarded? 1 dead 4 injured


I wish I could live a simple life and be happy over stuff like world elephant day

and now there's a fatality and we're going to be equated with al quaeda or isis if we criticise the left so life will be even worse

MEMES for the Meme Gods!

When are these little faggots going to learn to just stay home?


No youre an optimistic person.


Right here mate

If they hadn't already had Dukes banned from TV it would have been…

Reminds me of that article titled something like "Muslims killed in German blast"

Actually this already happened with that commie that shot an antifa

Here's an archive of the driver's instagram.


Any time he tries to start a new rally, the media will bring up "the last time he did this, a man died!".


The page is blank

We don't get to have that, user. If we're lucky, perhaps our grandkids will.


Coming up blank for me.


Archived, though the formatting covers it up a bit:

A commie plowed into a crowd of other commies and you're unhappy? Get ahold of yourself you fucking idiot


Good stuff.

The only evidence for it being that aids faggot is his common surname and a common car with the wrong factory wheels

it's not like I would complain if it was friendly fire


I can't remember the details but a commie was getting attacked by antifa because he didn't have a mask so he shot one. Social media was exploding with "those damn murderous nazis" even after the facts came out.

No but I can imagine him buying it for one of his kids.

you talking about that chink right?

You're right. I wonder how that will effect both Antifa and the Alt Right. Hopefully some of them get spooked, realize they're just LARPing, and leave.

Pretty sure that's a fake plate. It doesn't make much sense as a custom vanity plate, and nobody gets quads on license plates.


Checking those driver quads

Joel is that you?
Stay strong man

how the fuck…

There are a lot of unknowns right now.
The driver could be Jerome Vangheluwe, age 52, to whom the car is registered.
The driver could be Joel Vangheluwe, the son, age 21-22.
The driver could be someone random entirely, either through selling the car without informing the DMV or through theft.

I fucking swear, if he actually decided to join antifa rallies then this would be a comedy of weekend.

Probably not, antifa have no loyalty.

oy vey


Third on the blank page. Didn't work.

this can't be real



LOL it was a shitlib who ran over Antifa

and Trump wont' condemn us

It's a sign

Any evidence Mr. Michigan was down there?

Sorry guys, fucked up for some reason.
I don't know how to archive instagram. I guess they prevent it from being archived automatically after pizzatavistock.

Dodge Literally Has a promotion called "Roadkill Nights" today
The meme magic is real.

does anyone have the version of this with laser hawk playing?





no idea if real can't confirm at the moment


You're late.




Sounds like shit they'd say, what's the problem?

Roadkill is a youtube channel.





Is this the instagram ?

ink361. com/app/users/ig-2896419626/joelvanart/photos

I don't know how to break links because I'm bad.

Trump curse made. Trump curse kept

Challenger, go at throttle up


A-are we going to shatter the planet or the jew's asshole to the four winds?


It's going down
Saturday, Aug 12th.

imagine how frustrated they must be right now

Fuck I think reality broke again.

Join the White Jihad.


I'd laugh if someone drove through the inevitable candlelight vigil


Why are you faggots still focused on Jerome and his son?

Title has changed hands 3 times

facebook link


I just think it's insane that it says "It's going down", which was the name of the ANTIFA website.

The car drove itself, couldn't stand more abuse from commies

The white term is crusade, fam

because we didnt have that info


Do a better job of communicating this information.

Yes we did you nigger. It was posted above like…200 posts ago. Lurk more you faggot



This video was all I could find on them

isn't jihad dunecoon for struggle?

Looks like an arab, if that's the guy at least.

checkin those dubs


Hyperlinking is disabled these days. So no need to break it up summerfag.

Dubs says more roadkill is on the way

terrorist? The driver was anti-white and thought it was a nazi march.



The people on this videos are such idiots

Not one of them is on the phone to 911

That is A guy. We don't know if it's The guy. None of us were actually there to confirm yes or no.

Because they're libcucks.

They saw way too many shitty war movies.
If you yell MEDIC in the middle of a fucking street, a whambulance doesn't show up to magically cure your butthurt.


For fuck's sake, stop meming this. The car was last registered in Ohio. The owner lives in Lucas County, Ohio

It was literally posted here, you worthless faggots:

He should. After all he only hit a bunch of communists.

If it wasn't the guy wouldn't you think he would have posted something on his social media that HE SOLD THE CAR or something by now ?

Sure would be nice if these faggots with $800 smartphones could take a half-decent picture of the suspect.

shit dude, he may have no idea what's going on. He's a normie

Antifa are LARPers who think they're a paramilitary organization that can call out for field medics or some shit.

Terrorism is defined as violent acts done with the express intent of causing fear and terror among a large population, with the goals of achieving political demands.

No stated intent to cause fear, no political demands - no terrorism. Islamic terrorism is in all circumstances designed to force the society to submit to islam and sharia. When muslims blown themselves up, or shoot people at a club, its not to hurt those direct people - its to cause fear, among the people who dont die, to cause them to submit.
This is what retarded leftists pretend they dont understand, or actually are just too stupid to understand.

Even the best smartphone cameras are absolute shit at taking pictures of even minorly distant object. Sensors and lenses are too small, they are meant for selfies only.

They might miss VALUABLE footage. They only pretend to care remember.


Antifags are collecting shekels for their fallen butt buddies

That's because smartphone makers are jews, and goyim are too stupid to realize that digital zoom is absolute dogshit and that nothing beats oldschool optical zoom.

somebody needs to look into these campaigns for money laundering

We have no idea who the hell is the guy in the picture is. Quit being a numbnuts making assumptions.

Ya but people are posting to his accounts about it. His family's phone numbers and shit are being posted all over.

Looks like this was perpetrated by a leftist.

We should make a list of all the people who donated, most of those dumbfucks used their real names and faces as profile picture.

What's to stop someone on our side for making a fund like his, but actually handing it out to nationalists?

One of these days we should beat them to the punch, let them send in 50k, and then send it to the VA or something.

I sure hope noone makes a bunch of fake e-begging setups to milk antifa for shekels.

Nazi terror attack - they are going to burn for their sins.

/r/equesting the original edit of that car surrounded by degenerates. I don't know why, but hearing that music with all fo the screeching and crying in the background just gives me a hopeful feeling.

seems legit

I've seen it alright, no idea what you think this proves at this point.

True, but to be fair it is really hard to fit a proper optical zoom setup into a super compact space without it being something that would easily snag and break in your pocket.

Just improving the sensor by a lot would help. RED Camera actually is working on a phone that will probably have a badass sensor, even if the lens might not quite keep up.


I hope this happens from now on at every antifa event

anybody not broke and can pay for this?


false flag, niggers

checking my own hiter dubs

Please see

Nope, see

Do not shit up the catalogue!

I'm telling you to do a better job at communicating this. You're not grabbing attention like you should be. Your formatting is mundane so your post gets lost in the din of the crowd.

My state of bewilderment is second only to my retarded glee. What a time to be alive.

shit bruh
i shoahd myself

never saw jews donate to this type of shit

Please tell me it's one of us scamming those commie retards.


I don't take orders from faggots who don't know how to link threads.

learn how to cross post newfag

How do they raise such huge amount so quickly ?


Why didn't I think of this? God knows I could use the money…

parents credit card

soros bots

We know, cuckchan. Do try to keep up.
