Thoughts on this series? Bioware's last gem?
About to replay all 3 games now that they've 'done' and the DLC is all out.
Thoughts on this series? Bioware's last gem?
About to replay all 3 games now that they've 'done' and the DLC is all out.
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Oh also I have to complain
fuck it I'm pirating
ME1 - Not bad.
ME2 - Goes downhill
The first one, maybe.
Please kill yourself.
Only liked the first one tbh famalam. 2 felt like a corridor shooter and the retcon to "clips" (lol /k/) instead of infinite ammo is retarded.
didnt even play 3
Only the first one is worth playing.
Second one adds fuck all to the story and 3 shits over everything for the choices at the end because they were too afraid to have the choices throughout the whole series to affect the outcome.
Seriously, don't put yourself through the whole series.
Did 4cuck down?
shit taste tbh
2 wasn't important in terms of the barebones plot of the series, but as we've seen with 3 that really doesn't matter anymore because it all amounts to shit. ME2 was more about the ride than the other games, and it stands up really well. So many good side quests, companion quests etc
ME2 was also the most popular game I've ever seen discussed on 4chan's Holla Forums, there was almost a thousand threads in succession when it came out. I'm pretty sure ME2 is the main reason the /vg/ board was created
Why the fuck would you put yourself through that? Only the first one is any good and even it is rather mediocre.
Yeah, you can leave.
Romance him either way.
He was my first vidya husbando
t. angry numale virgin
Dude Reddit lmao
Anyway there's 11 UIDs in the first few minutes of the thread being up. gg son
I liked this and Dragon Age origins plus awakening but not as much so They were in my eyes the last good age of Bioware, after that, half way through Mass Effect 2, they were bought out by EA, the lead writers left, a load of production staff and designers left, artists e.t.c. so it became what you got with Mass Effect 3. A total mess. Let's not even get into the shit that they turned dragon age into.
What was a d&d inspired rpg game, turned into a soft singple player mmo, with gender politics everywhere.
Femshep is only marginally superior to maleshep, I really don't understand why people like Hale and her monotone delivery that damn much.
Sorry you're in denial about shit taste and that this isn't the circlejerk you wanted.
What happened halfway through ME2? Do you mean halfway through its development or halfway through the story you began to see the signs of EA's rot?
have fun nigger, also fug lira in her beautiful blue ass
planning to fug liara then miranda then liara again. though I think she gets jealous in the shadow borker dlc
Half-way through development it was bought out, when that happened the lead writer were either fired or just left. At that point they didn't have an endgame story for Mass Effect, hence why when the writers changed, the ending of Mass erect 3 became what it was.
I really do enjoy them. It was their last true rpg (well maybe DA:O was the last). Until Andromeda hits the shelves it is also sjw free lore (and I'm lore creature; that's why I'm so hooked on Destiny and Dark Souls).
The problem is that renegade path is flawed. You want more team members, stories missions - go paragon. If you want to be locked out from certain story aspects, benefits and only deal with placeholders - go renegade. Same goes for DLCs. If you dont have Broken sky for first, all 4 for MEII (merconary, thief, broker, arrival) and special ed, citadel for third (especially citadel makes you less angry at the third's ending - the meta jokes, arena), you will be locked out.
If it wern't for renegade's flawed path, DLC cuts and truly lazy written ending it would be ?v?'s classic.
/vg/ was made to contain the constant LoL and KS generals.
The gameplay in 2 isn't much good either. It's not refined and you're mostly only killing the various maercanry groups until you get a few Collectors missions. Sure the "ride" can carry over most games, but after everything that happened in ME, 2 falls incredibly short.
I initially enjoyed ME2 for what it's worth, but after ME3 there's literally no point to playing it. The core gameplay mechanics make it a chore to play and the only thing that keeps you going is the promise that something will probably happen.
Some of the DLC was okay, but in my opinion, the story should've ended with the first game.
2 feels much more complete and has the Shadow Broker expansion. However, because it simplifies some of the RPG mechanics of the original Mass Effect, it's clear that the popularity of the second one led to the development of Mass Effect 3.
Are u havin' a laff?
Newfag detected.
Oh shit u got me nice meme bro :)
Isn't it past your bedtime newfag?
It's past your rekt time lad
It has truly rich lore. Book of sorrow for instance. 50 crads full of hive hidden history. You just need to read grimoire and gear info. Game just use souls' type story progression. It dosen't give you shit. If it was made in glorious Nippon you would be praising it.
I started replaying them a few months ago. Finished ME1 and ME2, played the ME3 dlc because I didn't get to do it the first time, and then quit. ME3 just isn't very good. Those kid sequences that wore supposed to make me give a shit wore cringe worthy. And it a fucking AAA game that had a budget of at lest 50 million and they didn't even make a fucking proper quest tracking system
Are you fucking kidding me?
The plot is the same shit BioWare does every fucking game, only this time they decided to rip off space opera. The party members are also the same archetypes they always feature, and the choices, again, are the same binary good/evil you get in all their games.
On top of that the gameplay is complete shit
ME2 and 3 stopped even pretending they were RPGs. They just became fujoshi bait.
What does the Citadel DLC do for the ending?
ME1: Romance Liara if you want the "canon" choice for Male Shep, Fuck Ashley if you don't want Blue virgin alien. Leave Kaidan on Virmire, easily the most uninteresting character out of the whole series.
ME2:Drop Liara like a bag of hot rocks and get with the Tali. Upgrade your ship and blow up the Collector Base. and do The Arrival mission after everything else done, then knock the STORY RELATED DLC, the Shadow Broker mission. After everything is said and done, invite Tali up to your cabin and cuddle.
Liara is about the only female character they've written in the past few years that was actually somewhat appealing to a male demographic.
Every other female they've created since Dragon Age (and before) was shit.
You're not only a newfag, but you don't belong here at all.
Nah lad, I played through destiny, the fact they require you to read the grimoire off game on cards, doesn't really matter if there was some story attached to it. By that I mean there was a story, it was leaked in play testing, but the writers changed, again. People feel short changed because it feels like the games story was cut, there was more potential than was shown in the final product lad. Also you're gay.
I liked Tali in the first game. What they did after that was awful.
All you BioWare cucks need to kill yourselves and do humanity a favor.
I said the only one worth playing is the first one you fucking autist.
i didn't post a human, faggot
Yeah, the insanely desperate loser who doesn't care about actually decent traits. Liara was so forced onto me that I actively loathed her in response.
Bioware tried writing an actually decent ME1 female character and all the SJW cucks in the making got triggered by her.
It makes it sucks less. From the funny moments like restaurant shooting, to fight alongside Wrex, jokes on the expense of Shepard("I should go" joke was funny). All those mini missions, like starring in the movie with jellyfish, getting Grunt out of the trouble, going fight on arena. I've done that all after beating original game, so it was like making ending less stupid.
It makes the Destiny story more of a myth, giving fandom chance of speculating. Try to read through destiny's forum lore sections.
I liked the fact she was racist, but that's about the only interesting thing about her.
They were always shit. Fuck off to cuckchan.
what are you, gay?
What? You're gay, well if you must come out of the closet here then ok. You're still a fucking faggot.
the krogan are more saurian looking
Simply epic lad. Hope dad isn't too rough on your asshole tonight.
I thought he was a bird?
Don't play 3, waste of time.
arguably being nonhuman makes her more mary-sue
I use the term nonhuman lightly because rubberheads are pretty much human.
Turians manage to be both the best and the most attractive species
Birds are dinosaurs. Turians are birdlike species. Closest you get to space dinosaurs.
He's too busy riling your arse tonight lad.
For furries like you, yes.
Play the first one, finish the rest out of obligation and suffer the worst bioware ride
Just start da:o if you want a good kotor experience
Bitch might as well be human for all the difference it makes, she's a spergy cunt with magic powers and blue tentacles instead of hair, real revolutionary stuff.
miranda was interesting enough, ashley was pure garbage
Now I wanna see GMO uplifted raptor chickens.
me1 ashley is a compelling character with strong family ties even if one of her sisters is a fucking weeb, religious faith, and good reason attached to her reputation to distrust xenos and want to stand apart from them while also overcoming those ideas.
it's a shame that her character in me2 and 3 falls apart and anything about her that's interesting is lost. her and kaidan were supposed to be interchangeable, but all that ended up happening was kaidan became a more compelling character who was believable as a inquisitor candidate, and was also open to getting fucked in the ass while ashley had no believable reason for being a specter, couldn't even earn an n7 special forces tab, and was better off dead with a memorial misquoting her in her honor.
and i would argue it's fucking ME cannon that humans are mary-sues, look at how fast they became council members, and the conversation shep had with samara about humans
Bioware just sucks at writing.
it's their game universe you numbnut
So does Shepard survive at the end with that gasp of air in the wreckage?
If so why not just make ME4 instead of this Andromada bullshit
I never found any of the characters compelling. They're all boring shit. Liara was written as fap bait and lived up to the expectations, unlike all other female love interests BioWare came up with.
And the correct spelling is canon you dingus.
They fucked up too bad to convincingly go forward from ME3 so they're going as far away as possible with it in the Andromeda galaxy while still retaining the familiar races
At least me has good waifu material.
Im trying to finish DA and if it wasnt because some male characters are entertaining, I really like magic shit and I want to see how they handled bringing back my origins character to the other games, I'd have already dropped the game. I play on short bursts anyway
Literally garbage-tier.
Renumber to download the hd mods and such from BSN before they disappear.
also, skip the Citadel DLC for ME3. it's literally tumblr-tier-
Exactly. In ME1 while everyone else was either all about their backstory or being yuri bait, Ash had a sense of relatable care written into her. That completely disappeared with the 2nd and 3rd games, but then again, so did everything else that made the series special.
Dragon age Origins has ok waifu material Liliana or Moragan. They definitely ruined Liliana when she appears in the later games, and Moragan well she barely appears and they cover her up in Dragon Age Inquisition.
So, in an attempt to escape one big fuckup they march proudly into the next, bigger one?
Both of their ingame models look like complete shit.
Morrigan in the concept art was fap worthy, I'll give you that.
It's the EA way
No, it was the beginning of the end. Pic related was their last gem.
ME1 - Great
ME2 - ok
ME3 - awful. I hate the downgrade both in terms of graphics (on PC it's uglier than ME1) and gameplay: can't holster your weapon, shitty galactic map (can't find the places easily), the journal is in the same folder as the codex so it's hard to read). As for the story, the Illusive man shouldn't have been the main enemy and I don't think he was the kind of character who would sacrifice all those humans on Sanctuary just to control the reapers
Sorry degenerate user, my femshep is into Liara's azure.
I wish my femshep could be with Jack, it makes no sense that crazy bitch wouldn't be into grills.
The first ME is a goddamned classic. Real sci fi.
Sadly they appealed to the general public too much with the second.
Shamous Young wrote a like thousand part series about the ME trilogy and I agree with it.
If you want a detailed analysis of what went wrong it is worth a read. Gets funnier the further along he gets. As for my general opinion I liked the stuff that Chris L'Etoile wrote and the visual and audio aesthetic of the first game. That nostalgic synth soundtrack, the planet descriptions and the richness of the lore was pretty sweet.
Just skip ME2 and 3 entirely. 2 has great side-stories but the main plot is the shittiest I've seen in a game, never mind a Bioware game. 3 references 2 constantly, has a disastrous collection of events and was clearly a rushed job from the cuts and bugs.
The gameplay was the most atrocious of any game they have ever made, and that's saying something.
Also, it was the first instance of them promising to move away from binary moral choices, only to default to the same shit they always do.
At least the setting was novel enough, though they never bother to utilize it in interesting ways.
Only if you're a normalfag fresh off Halo.
Reminder if you played as femshep you're a fucking faggot.
She's voiced by that one trick pony Jenniferanita sarkesian is my bestest buddy Hale
I'd argue that KotOR was the beginning of the end, when they went console the gameplay of their games became trash. They're awful at making ARPGs.
The first time I beat Mass Effect was awesome and I got hooked on this damn song. Played multiple times.
Played the second one a couple times.
Stopped playing the 3rd one halfway through.
Humans were just pawns of the Asari. Those blue skinned witches were running everything behind the scenes.
Yes it was but I doubt you even read the codex.
They even explained why the guns didn't have ammo and it MADE SENSE. Then ME2 happened.
Truly, the pinnacle of science fiction.
Go visit a library sometime in the future, maybe we won't laugh at you this much.
I'm not laughing, faggot
Mass Effect 1 is great. The skills are fun and the story is interesting enough to make me replay it every year or so. Characters and dialogue is done well and the Gameplay with never ending ammunition is what they shouldve kept throughout the series.
Mass Effect 2 is more like a filler and the first signs of retcon can be felt just by using the awful reload system. There is a mod that fixes that and the weapons actually overheat and cool down like intended with the thermal clips being a faster way to cool the weapon down. I guess whoever scratched it in the end wanted a "wider audience" retards.
I "fixed" it myself by using a Trainer and applying Unlimited ammo and no Reload. The Story is alright except for the end boss. Goddamn Terminators aborion. Characters are interesting and get fleshed out, but they all have goddamn daddy issues. Bioware probably didnt realize it themselves when writing the story. The dark grittiness and somewhat noir feeling make the game enjoyable imo.
The arrival dlc is utter trash though, since shepard suddenly turns into a gullible retard for plot convinience.
Mass Effect 3 shits on everything the former games tried to build. Dreaming about a faggot child, m-muh earth and godawful pacing fucked the game up. Not to mention that the choices we made up to this point don't mean shit. Mutiplayer is supposed to be fun though and that's why the single player suffered. Its only enjoyable with the happy ending mod. Bioware are bunch of hacks by now put the trilogy is still worth a pirate i think.
Citadel dlc while enjoyable was at the time (and still is) clear pr damage control and shameless fanservice.
A let down, I had fun but what a bunch of wasted potential. I think is was this series ending that really woke me up to the bullshit.
Honestly, I guess I enjoyed the ride, but the bitter aftertaste makes it not worth it some days.
I would avoid it.
I feel like she is better at normal delivery, maleshep seems kinda flat but does a really good renegade though, and his paragon sounds appropriately lame.
First one was good. Second was meh. Third was trash. They'll find a way to make the fourth even worse.
I dunno, it's pretty rare that games go into the details when it comes to the science fiction genre. The literary genre has also declined when it comes to exploring ideas and concepts, writers are more interested in gender politics and the death of the white man more than anything else these days. Games tend to approach the subject like golden era science fiction did and seeing attempts at making it harder than that via codex entries and planetary descriptions was fascinating even if it didn't impact the gameplay.
I thought we had chased all of you a long while ago.
Guess ME4 is what it will take to purge you from the board.
I even thought of this myself when I played ME2. Makes so much more sense, but I guess it's too complicated for your average wider audience member
No doubt.
I forget the source, but I remember that when Chris L'Etoile and Drew Karpynshyn were writing the Mass Effect setting, they had two very different views - L'Etoile applied a pessimistic lens to the world, whereas Karpynshyn wrote an optimistic view. They never agreed to do one, so they ended up just writing their own versions
Honestly, it's alright. There are some massive, massive oversights that clearly came from a lack of polish, but the overall potential scope is so much wider than 2 and 3. It's just another part of ME1 where the idea is much better than 2 and 3's reality.
the fuck is a snowquester?
did he just make up a thing to make white people look bad?
It'll be just like dragon age: Inquisition, it'll be a sort of graphical improvement over their previous mass effect games with a new game engine, but gameplay wise it'll be shallow, the story will be very gender centric, focusing on race, sex, colours, over making an actual decent over arcing story.
At least he admits whites are superior.
The gameplay in the first game is actually the best, you don't have to be behind a chest high wall all the time and you had these RPG elements making it more interesting like the inventory and all the different equipment and mods but also skills that were useful outside of combat. Now if you wanted GoW in space I can understand you not liking it but I preferred when they at least tried to keep up the pretense that it was an RPG.
I wish the devs didn't get rid of the little things that made the first ME great, like the procedures you hear when you leave the ship (a voice through the speakers says "the commander is ashore, XO has the deck" etc.)
One thing I enjoyed in ME3: the sound design. Biotic explosions are really cool.
ME2 is ok, the Shadow Broker and Overlord DLCs are really great, although I always have trouble playing Overloard because of the saturated audio jumpscares. I'm not a faget, I'm just nervous so I can't play games with jumpscares
It was a blizzard storm that was named that IIRC.
I believe you can get the DLC without paying for it. It downloads it as update data and you can use a program to unlock it
First was decent
Second felt like it had no focus what so ever. Despite that, it did have it's moments.
Third was a trainwreck
The series overall feels very much like Star Control if it was a different genre.
However, I also think the series gets a lot of undeserved praise by some, due to it not having much in the way of competition in it's genre at the time of it's release. Specifically the first game. Since it's sort of easy being #1 by default if no one else shows up.
That's all people can praise about the first ME, the "potential". I, honest to God, can't understand what you faggots see in the game.
It's shallow as shit, it's empty of content, and what content there is is the same fucking shite BioWare has been rehashing since KOTOR. What potential is there?
The combat is TPS, and badly done at that, planetary exploration is basically cucking the audience by giving them an interesting description only to dump them on a sterile rock to drive around in their gay little buggy. There's not even space combat of any sort.
Is it because it's the first sci-fi thing with a modicum of thought put into it you came across? I remember playing the first ME and asking myself what anyone saw in this shitpile of muddied textures, poor voice acting and stolen ideas.
Nothing about it was special or remarkable, it's just as vapid as everything else BioWare makes.
It's still a clunky, third person cover shooter with four weapons that all feel like pop shooters. Even Gears of War is more engaging.
And what would they be? Pray tell, when does the game ever feature a skill check during a conversation that isn't the red/blue option?
I understand, you are clearly mentally challenged or underage if you attempt to praise the inventory screen in any capacity whatsoever.
Holy shit, you are fucking underage. Neither lockpicking nor hacking matter, you can circumvent all that shit with gel, and you have plenty of useless items just laying around to break down.
Go play Fallout or Arcanum to see what skill use outside of combat looks like you fucking idiot.
Know any more about this?
It's a catch-22 for those types, whites are evil racist misogynist shitlords and minorities are the downtrodden underdogs except whites built the civilization and systems that allow them to bitch endlessly and there's equal-opportunity employment and affirmative action laws and other such programs by the hundreds that give minorities a fair shake and then some.
ME1 is a pretty decent example of a 'flawed gem', though I don't find it enough to be to worship as some sort of '9.5/10 GOTY 2007'
Calm down, user. Why are you so angry?
What pains me the most is the ME1 subplot that got completely srapped by ME2. Xenophobia. You could meet this dude having a speech about how they need to guard themselves against them ayys, had a popular political party nad everything, and you could support or trash him. Not to mention Ashly. This kind of a plot, provided sufficient freedom of choice, sounds much more interesting than the cliché of Great Big Bads coming to kill everything. The first game should've used the reaper threat to break the status quo (make population think of the Council as a bunch of incompetent fops, escalate conflicts with the Geth, make them mistrust Spectres and similar due to the possibility of corruption, etc.), while the second game would allow you, as a Spectre, to either try putting down various insurrections and unrests, or, if you chose to follow the Alliance command, partake in various black ops missions which would further human interests, but also raise the tensions even further.
I actually managed to forget that that piece of shit is being made. Why did you remind me?
Alright here's what I know
I played this on the 360, so my experience may differ
-Some pretty bland characters
-The overarching story is pretty basic
-mako missions
-clunky control scheme
-shots "track" or chase the enemy instead of shooting where you want, this fucks up things like shooting explosive barrels
+Set the ground work for a good space opera
+Some damn fine voice acting in most cases
+ Pretty good music
-acted as a reboot, so they pretty much ignore the first game except for a few little things
-pretty much a step back in every way
- Miranda's face
- changed alot of the powers in favor of run n gun
- removed rpg mechanics, including hacking
+ Miranda's ass
+ Some alright dlc things
+ I guess they improved the shooting
They ruined everything. Including Miranda's ass
every time I see that pic, I wonder if they actually modelled that face after a sheboon, or if the person is was just that ugly. A nose that wide should not be on a female face!
The mako missions were better on their own then the planet stuff in no mans sky.
They model them after their audience.
The ugly face was expected after DAI but what really makes me mad is the eyebrows. Asari don't have them.
If there'd been a 'good' ending to ME3 the Citedal DLC would have been much better received imo. A 'last hurrah' where you do a silly plot to blow off steam, blatant fanservice and a 'Thanks for sticking through three games!' and shit. But nope. The endings were so bad I'm not even mad, just surprised.
Personally I stopped after ME2-after going in blind to DA2, I was going to wait and see with ME3. Boy, am I glad I did that. I ended up with Kelly, simply because she didn't have so many fucking daddy issues, and it was nice being with someone who was bordering 'annoyingly cheerful' and genuinely sweet after all the other options in Mass Effect. And Dragonage. And Jade Empire.
everyone that loved the first me at best tolerated me3. what would me4 change? especially if they're anything like me and wouldn't pick it up if they were paid to.
I can't imagine living with such shit taste.
they stopped modelling characters to be attractive, consider all the main female chars in mass effect, they were all designed to be attractive regardless of their background (even if it didnt pan out very well with the tech they had in 2006). for example, jack is a hardened criminal junkie degenerate, and even though she has awful ugly tattoos and no hair, she has a models face
these days however they just model them to look like regular looking people, most of whom are ugly. like in films, all the main actors are attractive people outside of some special cases in which they are STRIKING looking people (eg steve buscemi), stupid leftist bioware wants equality though so ugly characters it is
The happy ending mod does just that. After you finish off the reapers you play through the citadel dlc and throw a big party. Then the game ends. The best thing is the mod removes any evidence of a reaper war so you actually feel like its over.
I find it hilarious that she was supposed to be waifubait. Although, to be fair, her IRL version looks much better
At least the Asari isn't covered by grease
I think when people mention the "potential" like they do, it's the setting and possibility for expanding the universe and lore. I think a lot of people that really got wrapped up in the the first one, like myself, were taken by the depth of the Codex and relatively well-put together sci-fi setting, in the writing sense.
Yeah, the Citadel was xbox hueg, the planet exploration was obvious padding. The gameplay was dodgy at times, but few games out there at the time or now, offered the depth of background that ME did. There was enormous amounts of potential for further fleshing out the galaxy at large. We never saw any of the home planets of the alien races except Krogan. We never saw opposing sexes from any of the alien races. We never saw their children, and we only briefly touched on their cultures. The "potential" you speak about was all in the the setting.
There ain't nothing new under the sun
You can only repeat what's been already done.
Asaris, they are meant to be the most beautiful, enticing race in the Galaxy. It's even over heard in one of the planets you go to I can't remember which one but I know it's from the second game where you meet up with liara again That a turian, a krogan and a Salarian are at a bar celebrating one of them getting married, watching an Asari pole dance. They all compliment her on her looks, but they question each other why they like her as she looks like their respective races, they then question whether their looks are part telepathy and if they really look like something completely different.
It's such an off hand conversation but I love how it creeps into the lore of the universe, rather then it being shouted at you in exposition. It's so good in fact, that I know for sure that Nu-bioware had nothing to do with it.
This is the kind of shit that I (>>10389876) mean.
Maybe the Asari ran into a bunch of radfems, that explained to them what a "real man" wants in a woman.
That's no excuse. Japan was doing it decades in advance.
And the body of a plank.
Not by much. Mongoloid forehead, bucktoothed and the manjaw make her a 5/10 at best.
Early days yet. Just think about the fact that this is the piece of concept art they decided to release to the public.
You really must be new to RPGs if you think the ME setting had "depth".
Oh, so you got fooled into thinking BioWare was competent, okay.
There's a difference between "borrowing" ideas and outright stealing them. BioWare pretty much ripped off space opera shamelessly, much like KOTOR just stole shit from the movies without an original concept anywhere to be seen.
Welcome to critical theory user.
And why do you not find this flower of alien biology attractive? Are you a misogynerd? Are you a bigot?
Now that's actually some decent lore if true.
This. I hate the fact that they ignored the choice you made at the end of ME1. It doesn't matter if you choose Anderson as the human representative, he'll step down at the beginning of ME2.
I wish they would learn from their mistakes and use ME4 as an opportunity to reboot the series. Sadly Bioware people are too busy virtue signaling on twitter instead of building something new and interesting.
Bioware closed down their forums, so they're ready to ignore the critics when ME4 will be out next year.
I hated the gameplay and as a result I never got far into any of the three games.
It's plain bullshit and easily disproved when you realize that in the future people have these things called cameras, and lo and behold, the asari look the same on camera as they do IRL.
That moronic conversation was referring to the fact that asari posses features that all three species find attractive, not that they brainwashing everyone into thinking they are their ideal of beauty.
user is just a mouthbreating idiot, like everyone that thinks ME lore is deep or interesting.
Maybe that Asari in question has a defect? She doesn't have that ability and she is an outcast of her people so joins the group.
nice quads
What ability? Telepathy to make you think she's hot?
She's just ugly because it's the current year and pretending hideous women aren't hideous is what Marxists love to do. Do you think that the currynigger, staunch feminist that he is, would actually imply that this marvelous creature is actually butt ugly?
I guarantee you everyone in the story will be fawning over her and calling her a true beauty.
It could be believable if the telepathy is more than just temporary illusion. The could be permanently brainwashing others into believing they look like blue versions of their own women such that the same effect would apply even looking at pictures.
Not saying this is true, but even with the potential plot holes it would have it would still be more interesting than an ancient alien species just happening to look almost exactly like humans but blue and with psychic powers.
there are a bunch of hints that they are subtly fucking with peoples minds, cant fuckin trust the blue shits and youd be wise not to stick your dick in them, they are probably hideous without the mindfucking, also asari-aids
this guy gets it
The first was a decent game that had potential for a good series going on
Bioware proceeded to throw all that potential out a window
The whole point of asari is to for them to be the stereotypical hot, blue, promiscuous alien species. Or did you want to fuck some truly alien monstrosity to get the raw interspecies experience?
They're manipulating the gentiles through culture, much like the Jews. The fact they are all born smoking hot and their whole society is built on whoring also helps.
Mass Effect was never good. People just liked it because it was designed as an RPG approachable to the Gears/Halo crowd.
This would definitely be a superior design and would allow for a great sequel plot.
Basically They Live, but in space.
You clearly have a massive chip on your shoulder, friend.
I think it has more depth than the vast majority of barely explained "sci-fi" genre titles out there. In addition, I clearly stated there was room for improvement (the aforementioned "potential"). But just for shits and gigs, what games would you consider to have more depth? I'll be more than happy to have something to dig my teeth into.
So you're saying that every single individual at BW was incompetent and there were absolute no strong points to the game, regardless of its myriad weaknesses? Please. You come off as having the black/white mindset of a ill-tempered child.
Shakespeare ripped off most of his greatest plays. George Lucas lifted the entire plot of his movies from spaghetti westerns. Johnny Cash ripped of Folsom Prison Blues from some other chuckle head. TS Eliot threw together the lines from dozens of lesser poets. On the matter he had this to say: “Immature poets imitate, mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.” Whether you find them good or bad is subjective, but the crux of it is that all creatives appropriate from other sources.
mass effect 1 is the only mass effect
Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic is the only KOTOR
Yeah probably… I just like the potential of mass effect. Besides the shit, muh special snowflake save the universe be, it's an alright series.
What we get for andromeda is a mix between shrek and John C. Riley
Honestly, their big mistakes were not letting the player actually behave like a spectre, you're supposed to be space NKVD, people are supposed to shit their pants when they find out you're real, but they never really play around with the concept
Then later on they let the reaper plot just get entirely out of hand
i don't care who her friends are, but she's a half-assed VA whose delivery is nails on chalkboard, and the amount of praise she gets baffles me.
i seriously hope to god you aren't given these fucks any money
Which is why letting their big blue starship get blown up in the first game was so damn satisfying.
I agree. I made a mistake once, I picked him instead of Ashley in ME3. He's so annoying, always moaning about dumb stuff. I can't believe there's a fanbase dedicated to him.
Well, he's a literal faggot. What did you expect?
kotor 2 > kotor 1
last gem ? you mean just before they blow it up will mass effect 3 ?
just like they did with dragon age … well only origin was good.
the second was awfull and inquisition was awfull in term of RPG (companions's interactions) and fight (mage who basically just stand there looping their 3 basic attack until they got enouth mana to throw a second spell …boring as hell
with the cut content restored, sure.
The Baldur's Gate series and Neverwinter Nights was good.
That wasn't EA. Tali's VA refused to record lines for FemShep romance.
My sides
Reminder what couldve been.
Shepard becoming like Saren and sacrifice whole planets to buy time and the survivor of Virmire eventually confronts Shepards questionable acts.
Tali actually looking good
What about them?
Thanks Summerfag
Im using a small keyboard because im sitting on my bed and im too lazy to get the big versions. just click the link nigger
to be fair
real time combat with pause is pretty awful
source needed
you are aware that this is a completely nonsensical "excuse". christ man
Yeah but I think the games makes up for that in other areas. Arcanum had shit tier combat too, even worse than Bioware's old games had, but it was still a 9/10 game. Not saying Bioware ever made a game that good but they were pretty decent.
i also said i was lazy friend.
keyboard looks like the one in pic. its a pain to navigate with the touch screen
its mostly rumors. just like the one about mark meer hating fags. look how that turned out in 3
The amount of autism needed to create this is awe inspiring.
The fans made them a get out of jail free card, with the indoctrination theory, but their pride kept them from accepting it.
The IT was retarded, even more so than the ending we got.
They never had any gems and gays in space can hardly be considered one.
It wasnt that farfetched considering how much time Shepard spends around reapers. Though I feel it was more about grasping for straws than fans actually believing it.
Fuck you, it was much better then the three choices same ending bullshit.
Fuck, how is he still employed? Most the people shitting this stuff out on twitter are self employed or some low level scrub.
Any idea what it means?
Is it like the white equivalent of oil driller?
The original word is about some sequester bullshit in 2013 over Antarctica or something during that winter year
I have no fucking clue what context he's using it for.
Best squad set up?
Garrus + Waifu?
Also is there a mod that lets you have all the squad members out at once?
With this shit I see two options:
a) they're trying to make Asari look like trannies
b) This is what asari look like in their male form now
c} the oirignal talent is gone an the new one cant animate shit
ME1, you just need to have one of each class essentially. For 2 and 3 it doesn't matter because the game is so easy just take whoever is story relevant for each mission for extra dialogue.
pic related
iirc that wasn't an animation it was concept piece that they made look like it was moving?
To clarify I mean one of each skill class. i.e. one biotic, one tech, one pure combat
wasnt that part of the trailer?
i checked its an animation they show the asari briefly. Even if its just a concept its going to look like THAT or worse
If true, then: makes sense as their true form. Ogres are like onions after all, and nobody wants to fuck an onion. Unless, you have telepathic abilities limited to the useless category of sexual attraction. Then, and only then, can you make aliens (including you) want to fuck Ogres.
No it wasn't. I actually made sense. That's how bad Mac Walters is at writing. Although they couldn't still consider it a trilogy.
No scientific accuracy isn't. The fact that they felt they had to make a drawing guide for random stranger's raptor pics is.
Lose some weight, you fat faggot.
Artistic integrity?
Somebody is going to romance that. In a game they bought.
>not using a bigger wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse
I actually thought about it, but I love to relax on my bed while playing. The xbox controller is perfect for it. Only games I play at the table are rts or games like Stalker who are to complex for a game pad.
I know user, but from what I gather his plan was leading nowhere as well.
He was going to go the dark energy is collapsing the galaxy route. The reapers would wipe out life to prevent them from using dark energy. Only problem was relays and reapers themselves used tremendous amounts of dark energy.
Asari are monogendered, but the some have more masculine features then others. Deeper voices, harder edged faces.
Maybe I'm remember wrong though.
you can put the mouse + pad on a pillow and the kb in your lap while lying up in your bed. that's maximum comfort.
Disgusting. Leave before you incur my wrath.
It's a great song. This is the appropriate ending to a good space opera. Shame there wasn't a song of the same caliber for the others (There was an OCRemix version of the suicide mission that I liked)
Would have liked that plot idea
I can't find anything that says Reapers use Dark Energy user.
His idea was something along the lines of the Reapers were culling species to find the right one to come along and be able to manipulate biotics enough that they could save the galaxy/universe.
You need to be fixed
You know what you're right user.
I just assumed that they did because it's in all the FTL tech.
You are correct though, there is no mention of the reapers using dark energy.
This is your studio on EA
Yeah actually it was really fun
Mass Effect was already going to shit by the start of 2, 3 was just the icing on the cake of disappointment
go back to reddit, although I agree
Where is the Garrus inspired Bad Dragon dildo?
I mean… I guess you could pick just about any one of them and pretend it's Garrus's cock, because how would you know what Turian dick looks like? But still, from all the memes it just seems like he should have his own dildo.
I havn't played 1 but 2 and 3 are the most overrated games I've ever played
Yes more overrated than OoT, TLoU, Skyrim, FFVII or Bioshock Infinite
They're that bad
They were all bad. People just like to forgive the bad parts of ME1 more for whatever reason. And the Asari mate with other species to slowly wipe them out, leaving only Asari in the galaxy.
That's simply not true. Overrated certainly, but not to THAT level.
But KOTOR still used a D&D style combat system, pausable real time combat like their previous D&D games on PC.
Everything that happened after Mass Effect 1 came out was the beginning of the end, the Bioware forums being closed down was just the final confirmation that it's only a matter of time. Bioware fucked up their own canon that was firmly established in Mass Effect 1 and a lot of characters became less interesting or were railroaded into what Bioware wanted you to do. The people they brought on board also couldn't make a sequel to Dragon Age that was any good and that game Shadow Realms that was supposed to be their new IP this gen looked so bad and generic the game was canned.
Mass Effect 1, even if some gameplay portions had some things that could have used polishing, is still an awesome game and actually an RPG where a number of different routes you can go in building your character are legit ways to go. In Mass Effect 2 there were much more segments of corridor shooting and linear progression, and being forced to use certain weapons over others a majority of the time. At least in Mass Effect 1, I could make good use of a sniper rifle cus there were open areas where it could be useful and I didn't have to worry about ammo. As long as I took time in between shots to not overheat it I could just aim and shoot. Not to mention customizing weapons to the sort of things you'd want, instead of being fed rock/paper/scissors mechanics of the wider selection of weapons in Mass Effect 2.
And don't get me started on Cerberus and why Shepard doesn't tell them and The Illusive Man to fuck off, or at least be given the option to and do his own thing instead of needing Cerberus.
Bioware's gonna get canned after this new mass effect bombs
It should have been done years ago, I'm surprised EA has let them live this long
My advice for it: cheat like a motherfucker. Tacked on morality system is garbage that doesn't let you choose depending on the situation and forces you to either go full paragon or full renegade. Drop it.
ME1 is good, although the copypasted bunkers and planets get really stale after a few hours. It has enemies scaling to your level so better equipment barely means anything. Shotguns are the best thing in the game. All your companions are "introductory" characters and are meant to present their species to you, so at this point they are less of a character and more of a talking lore bank. The story and mission are alright, you are a special agent being sent on cool missions, like killing a rogue AI or negotiating with some space pirate. The combat sucks major dick since it has fucking autoaim and it barely matters where you shoot an enemy.
ME2 is fucking great, with much less copypaste this time. Enemies are not scaled from what I can see and guns actually mostly feel different so it is not a linear progression but a matter of choosing your playstyle. I personally prefer Viper sniper rifle to everything else in the game. The companions are actually characters this time, and you can actually have new conversations with them after every landing, and there are surprisingly many of them. There is even a line of almost romance with Samara which is hopeless since she gives birth to demon babies. Story and missions are better in my opinion since you are no longer doing military shit but instead having cool ass space adventures. Go around exploring abandoned space stations for resources, fuck up an autistic human pretending to be AI. Renegade actions are also good shit. Combat is much better since it no longer has autoaim, but no every weapon has ammo, which is a bit sad. Overall it's pretty fun, I really like it.
ME3 is a fucking abomination, mostly because of how boring it is. Enemies are completely different from previous game, as husks no longer get fucked up from leg shots and some enemies can instakill you. Guns have been ruined since they all sound like fucking peashooters now instead of death itself like in 2. Best gun is the Prothean Rifle, it actually uses cooldown system and does enough damage. Companions are still characters, but there are barely dialogues with them aside from introductory ones. Story and missions are garbage, it is all sad depressing shit. All sidequests are "go to this planet and retrieve this artifact by clicking on it", and story missions are just shooting fuckers for a while, then people die and Shepard cries in his quarters like a bitch. There are no longer special agent shit or cool ass space adventures, it is just a boring depressign mess where everybody is sad all the time. Aside from Citadel DLC of course, where Shepard fights his own clone while everybody cracks one liners. It's great if you didn't romance Tali, then it's fucked. Combat just had rolls added to it and when you shoot enemies in the head heads explode. Other than that, standart TPS. Ending is so shit I was disappointed even though I knew everything about it.
TL;DR: 1 and 2 are good, 3 a shit. Cheat to actually have fun.
What the fuck, I ticked the spoiler images thingie. Sorry mods.
Waifu material.
It's not racemixing if they can't actually have children.
It's not racemixing if they can't actually have children.
The version i bought bugged out and allowed me to romance tali as female
Of all the bugs i could've got i lucked out
1 was good
2 was a dating sim, somewhat pointless
3 had good moments but all ruined by an utterly shit ending
it had just as many "good points" as Mass effect 2
Just play The Witcher games instead OP. They do everything ME did and better.
Not even, at least ME2 had decent characters. ME3 is a faggy human fest, featuring an oh-so-memorable cast comprised of
>"Muh I'm not even sure why I'm such a whiny faggot, Shepard literally saved my life at one point and is literally the only voice of reason in the entire galaxy but I'm going to be butthurt because he must obviously be a Cerberus plant." Guy/gal
Not counting Garrus and Tali, who remain the best two characters in all the games.
Mass Effect 3 also further retarded the dialogue system, removing any neutral options and characterizing Shepard so heavy handidly that playing anything other than gung ho Marine good guy Shepard essentially breaks the game.
I know what you mean. Jack's head is very… sculpted, for lack of a term. You could imagine someone carving a marble bust of that head in ancient times and going "Well, I'm not topping this one." I liked her eyes the most strangely.
I never, ever, got the asari's attractiveness. Maybe it was the uncanny valley effect of their 'hair' but something about them always made me uncomfortable.
I liked the copy-paste (surface) buildings on the planets. It made sense, because you'd have modular buildings you could snap together for a quick, reliable and cheap way of setting up a building for your purpose.
Not even user
Gung ho good guy shepard wouldn't lose his shit after finding out a kid he met several minutes ago gets blown
Literally makes me think that the shitty star child at the end wasn't merely an indoctrinated shepards delusions
Generally when someone gives you a certain amount of paths they can only take, its usually to prevent you from taking the path you wanted to take
Who here immediately shot the shitty starchild in their first throughway
someone post better quarian designs
This. I played it with a conscious decision to play a renegade, yet I still ended with a higher paragon score due to most of the renegade options being simply retarded as fuck and defying common sense
I ended up getting 60% renegade
although i was playing humanity manifest destiny and going out of my way to spite foul xenos when ever possible
Mordin, Illusive Man before you realize he's incompetent at running his supposedly small human interest group, Garrus, Legion, And that's all I can remember off the top of my head. Not really compelling.
It was a while since I played, but it was often "Hey, here's a new person you met. Wanna greet him, OR PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE?" type of deal
I would agree but garrus was a bit generic and legion was interesting on any level its been done before so many times in science fiction
Alot of the time when those decisions come about its better to just choose nothing
Still at least it wasnt as bad as Falllout 3s moral system
Fuck, I forgot about that plotpoint. The PTSD shit is so fucking terrible I literally deleted it from my brain. It was even dumber considering my Shepard's background as a sole survivor, his entire squad wiped out by a Thresher Maw, including his tragic past as a kid who's colony was wiped out by Batarian slavers.
This is what makes my Shepard lose it? Fuck that noise.
But in general, Shepard is strictly his own character in ME3. I had a fairly nuanced Shepard in ME1 and 2, with varying opinions and feelings on things. He didn't care much for the Alliance after ME2, and actually considered Cerberus a better fit for him, only for 3 to shit all over that motivation by having him be gung-ho Marine the whole time, was gay as fuck.
ME3's Shepard talks like a nice guy on his own most of the time, but when it offers you a chance to be a Renegade it makes you out to be borderline supervillain. I found my full Renegade playthrough clashed with most of Shepard's fixed dialogue in ME3.
I remember most of them, some are forgettable, but I liked quite a few. Off the top of my head I can remember with some measure of fondness…
>Samara Probably the dullest of the bunch, actually
ME2 also had what I felt were infinitely more interesting quests. The companion loyalty missions and such were quite good, and had more going on rather than ME3's
Like a bad Gears of War clone.
Nothing is as transparent and as bad as Fallout 3's attempt at moral complexity.
ME2 had the best gameplay and ok story, ME1 the best story and absolutely garbage gameplay, ME3 had ok gameplay and shit story. The indoctrination theory is a lot more plausible then the real one and even I who went through the entire trilogy as a Paragon chose the red ending because I don't want to be the reaper's bitch. The first time I played I shot the star fucking shitstain kid. Didn't expect it to actually do anything.
What the fuck? The gameplay in ME1 is by far the worst TPS game I have ever played. It's just a fucking boring snorefest of "hold down M1 to kill enemy" with no sort of strategy whatsoever. The combat in ME2 was a lot better and guns felt like they actually hurt my enemies instead of ticking down a life bar until they flopped to the ground. I didn't even bother playing ME1 a second time because of the awful combat.
I'm also playing DA:O in short bursts right now as well, except I'm all the way back in Redcliffe. Have you almost finished the game?
First one is generally just unexcitingly bad. Early worldbuilding is sloppy but passable. Story is pure cringe, especially when it tries to be cinematic at the end. UI is the worst thing since Oblivion. Characters are wooden and the only one well written is Talizorah, but you can't even give her the dick. Gameplay is not good, not terrible.
Second one did fuck all with the plot, but the aestetics are god tier and it's the only game in the sims plus space ship building genre, which is why it gets a few bonus points. Shooting is less clunky, but more mindless than before. What tips it over into slight recommendation territory is fun dialogue and good interactions with most characters. Plus you can finally give her the d.
Third one is a bad Gears of War wannabe. It's edgy for no reason. Artstyle is shit and plot is an unbelievable trainwreck. Should only maybe sorta play if you're very invested into characters and want a finalization of Garrus - Shepard relationship or just more waifu pandering. Omega expansion is kind of neat and Citadel, beyond some reddit humor and cringe, does feature fun writing. But by no means exceptional.
If you're gonna play pirate.
first game is incredibly poor, lots of bad level design, shitty shooting sections, ineffective RPG elements and some boring as fuck characters and garbage story telling and writing.
I don't think Bioware has ever actually made a good game.
It was Obsidian who always stepped up and polished their turds. Which is also a problem since Obsidian never made a good game, only fixed other studio's games.
I'd say Baldur's Gate 2, but only if you subscribe to the "quantity over quality" argument. Naturally, the game being good, or at least parts of it, wasn't due to BioWare, but because Black Isle was around to hold their hand.
Otherwise, no, they've never made a game worth playing, be it for the gameplay, be it for the writing/roleplaying.
I don't think obsidian can make a good game either. Their fixes are surface level and may address problems with the mechanics, but the core is still rotten.
black isle made baldur's gate 2, even then, it wasn't anything special. just table top shit forced into a game.
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
Alpha Protocol at least is a testament to game reactivity and non-linearity. Pity the gameplay is shit, and that Obsidian will never make a good game again because they chased the only talented person on the team out.
If by that you mean it tries to emulate tabletop mechanics, why is that a bad thing?
It's a role playing game, stats, skills and attributes are everything. Otherwise you end up with a bland turd like ME where every playthrough is exactly the same.
Obsidian managed to hit the jackpot with a few of the better writers working in the industry. Nobody really likes their games for their design and raw gameplay, just the traditional implementation of the writing and choices.
And then they shat the bad by pandering to tumblr and cutting virtually all the contributions Avellone had made to the project to the point he ragequit on them.
Who do you mean by that? Avellone?
exactly the problem. Narrative, writing, and basic computer functionality (which is what I would consider non-linearity. Checks for simple flags and variables. It's pretty low on the design qualities.) They can't make a good game to engage you, so rely on some story telling, rely on narrative and gimmicks. Not meaningful and mechanically satisfying game play pitted against level design and game play scenarios that challenge the players understanding of the mechanics and provide meaningful stages of growth for the player.
I've never really seen a WRPG that actually does this, although I've played many JRPGs that have. I think this is more about the philosophies of each region. Western development pedestalizes story telling, themes, narrative, and almost everything related to writing. Game play becomes a means at which to engage in elements of story, story does not build up to game play ideas.
Obsidian may be, or have been one of the best in class for WRPGs, but it's a really low hanging fruit. It's something a studio that had never even made a game can achieve with a good writer or two.
I played 2 first and then tried 1 and… i managed to waste maybe 6~ hours to the game at most because holy shit that writing, plot, characters and all is just so fucking horrible!
Fags who say Bioware used to be good are mistaken.
Bioshit is like Bethesda, absolute dogshit to the core with few okay to great "spin-offs" by other devs usually that dev being Obsidian. inb4 Obsi fanboy, nah but it's hard for them to not improve liquid diarrhea but when faced with actually decent franchises and games they fuck it up like happened with Dungeon Siege 3
ME1 was pretty good, but hasn't aged all that well.
Some things about ME2 were good, but the story is kinda wank. Feels like padding/stalling, or like a spin-off. It really doesn't give you what you would expect after finishing ME1.
The skin-suit is lewd, but pretty much everything else about her sucks.
Tasteless retard. It's basically watered-down version from the first game with added tacticool and Alienware.
And the characters went full-edge. 2 was the transition-piece to 3. It's perfectly between 1st one's greatness and absolute awfulness of 3.
Maybe in terms of programming implementation. However, writing a reactive, non-linear plot is a massive undertaking in and of itself. One thing people never seem to get is just how different writing for a game really is to other, non-interactive mediums, and if you add player agency on top things escalate in complexity, and fast.
Also, I think you're selling Western RPGs short and elevating Japanese ones too high. There's very few jRPGs I can think off that really bother tackling mature themes in an actually mature way, most of them default to pseudo-philosophical babble there to make it look deep to their teenaged audience, but rarely go above that.
I've yet to see a jRPG that could challenge the likes of Planescape in terms of writing, or Fallout in terms of interesting worldbuilding. Even the whole package of the Witcher 3 is still unrivaled.
I'll agree with you on the gameplay though, they do tend to do it better (but they still lose out to more hardcore fare like 7.62 or Jagged Alliance). Then again, I suspect it mostly has to do with the fact they don't try to make every game into a real time shitfest.
Some shitty weapon model is not aestetics. It finally wasn't dark. Everything is clean and well defined. There's no clutter and detail, but it works with the style they chose. Big shinny white surfaces just scream sci-fi and are nice to look at. And they managed to pull it off without looking creepy and sterile which rarely happens. The testament to the great style is how the game looks visually great even now, while ME3 looks like ass even though it had more polygons and a better engine.
They are called gypsies because they roam around and steal shit.
They don't steal, though. Or at least that theme hasn't been explored.
Yeah, everyone just hates having them around for no reason at all, just like people hate gypsies in real life.
Most of the new environments were gritty grimdark hellholes, what are you on about?
Why does everything look like it has been bathed in vaseline?
Im on DA2. Origins had acceptable writing but this is a joke
That's how you hide a dogshit engine, just vaseline it up.
No, they weren't. Tropical planets, sleek bright Normandy, shiny metallic station and even Omega looked aesthetically pleasing even with the dark lightning.
The picture you posted has some dark lightning set up for the screenshot, but look at it. It's a clean, nice environment.
Just wait until you get to the masterpiece Inquisition is.
it is, but it's got a limited appeal. Narrative reactions to your actions is a novel concept, but it's a bit of an unsatisfactory gimmick. In practice, in game design terms it is incredibly simple stuff to pull off. Unreal Engine even has tools that makes these things incredibly easy to track. There's planning tools for this too, I recall the witcher 2 having something like that shown off, but in practice there was little variety in the final product.
only in terms of game play. JRPGs often get the short end of the description as being described as turn based menu affairs, but even those that are, popular ones no less like the Atelier series have some pretty demanding time management involved that has more in common with some classic western games like system shock - for example if you play on the highest difficulties the entire game is placed on a timer. Pretty tense stuff there.
some do, but it's a story telling thing. It doesn't matter in a game. It's not even secondary, it's hard to even call it tertiary. It's even lower on priorities as it should be.
now you're intentionally selling them short but criticizing irrelevant merits based on stereotypes.
Planescape Torment is a game notorious for its plain awful game play, but it's quaint story that deals with some rather heavy themes. Novel, but not meaningful for a game. It can potentially be even better if tackled in a book, this way you don't have a boring game get in the way. As far as world building, a few games come to mind.
has to do with the different focus. Game play first.
strongly disagree. I don't think you have enough experience with the genre.
That is actually how they wrote the game? Holy fuck that's some of the worst I have ever seen in a game trying to be serious.
story details rarely have anything to do with game play. a games story feeding you a different line of dialog hardly changes anything, even in the games that tout it as a major feature, like deus ex. It's a gimmick.
This was painful to watch. I just liked all the magic stuff with the demons and the other demons underground, genuinely good universe, but the writting keeps getting worse and Im only half way on the trilogy.
Even the voice acting is awkward, how did they ruin a game this bad. Just tell me, do I get to see the origins character again? I want to see that smug motherfucker kill some bad guys again
Smug motherfucker yes, I'll post his face
That "gimmick" is a gameplay mechanic when implemented properly. And even without it, Torment's gameplay isn't awful. You just have shit taste, which I guess is why you're writing novels defending time management "rpgs"
I had written a lengthy post arguing all your points, but I decided "fuck that", and fuck yourself.
You obviously are not the target audience of the RPG genre, since you so massively miss the appeal of a game that lets you make a character and shape the plot.
You complete disregard for non-linearity as a feature, while pretending games can be toys and nothing more, just further strenghts my belief you stumbled into this thread thinking we were going to discuss dungeon crawlers.
He is not what I remembered
I dont understand why EA still keeps Bioshit around, that shit cant actually be profitable right? RIGHT?!
I think? I'm pretty sure you see both characters from DA:O and DA2 (Hawk is there no matter what). I'm not to sure if the Grey Warden you recruit is actually meant to be your character since I didn't use a save for that game, and it's just some default guy like in Mass Effect 3 if you lost any crew members or didn't load a save of ME2.
Trust me. After meeting them both and continuing the story, you'll regret they're in the game at all.
Every feature a game has introduced after pong might as well be a fucking gimmick by your autistic logic.
If you think this one is bad you obviously haven't been following the trainwreck-in-the-making that ME4 is shaping up to be.
The curry thunder in charge openly advocates for the murder of white men on his official twitter, and this is the subhuman in charge of the project.
How much do they pay you?
it's a reaction to the game play. It's at best, a game registering you did something in its list of possibilities and relaying its acknowledgement of it in one way or another. If that's a novel, I wonder how you can play half of the most praised WRPGs.
Didn't think earnest discussion would get under someones skin so much. Kinda weird, but I'll just take it you have no actual retorts to my arguments so you resort to defensiveness and insistence that I just don't "get" the magic or something.
I'm not disregarding non-linearity, I'm saying narrative branches in games or story telling has limited appeal and has rarely been done well, or accomplished much. There is plenty of value in games that have meaningful divergence in the actual game play. I don't think games are just toys, and never said anything of the sort. Not particularly big on dungeon crawlers either. Regardless, good to know you can't back up your argument when the person you're discussing with knows that story in games is best kept a low priority.
if you over-simplify my argument, you can think you have a point if it makes you happy. Don't worry, you have my support.
Niggers would skin this guy alive if he went to the ghettos and tried his shit there. BLM-movement certainly would think of Pajeet as white.
You just don't understand what expert writing is about.
Here, a handy list of definitions by the talent behind Dragon Age.
I'd be more concerned with him trying to shit there.
That's pretty insulting to white people.
how is clicking through text boxes game play when it removes all mechanical interaction?
Just ignore him, he'll just keep spregging out no matter what you say.
ha ha, I did
There was a optional mission in ME2 about a quarian who was falsely accused of stealing a volus' credit chit on the citadel.
I liked the Normandy in ME3 with the low lighting, wall panels missing and the cables lying around, it reminded me of the Galactica at the end of the show.
After Bioware announced that they were closing down the forums, some people speculated that EA might close one of Bioware's studios.
the ultimate "spregging" out.
You mean sperg, right? Might want to conceal how upset you are. I'd still like to hear your actual arguments. I'm open to having my perspective changed.
Anybody have the ending comic where shepard takes a dump into the beam, causing the galaxy to synthesize with his own shit?
Can anyone recommend a good place to torrent the first and only good Mass Effect?
My legit version refuses to function
It would really make my day anons
don't use link shorteners/2aU1EfZ here you go lad :^)
It's not simply clicking thru textboxes. It can be attacking a man or doing a quest for him. It can be taking a hallway A if you're a warrior or got companions. Or maybe a secret entrance B if you're a rogue or got intel.
The point is it changes the narrative in such a way your future interaction with the game is different, be it more enemies, a different area or whatever change. The point is, you're modifying the way game will play out and you'll have to change your play style and future decisions to move towards a more favorable win state.
Or disregard the argument and think about all the "text box" adventures that are suddenly not games.
I hated it so much, I quit the game first time after pirating. Everything has this depressing, washed blue filter. That filter and dark areas don't go together, it's too dark for the kind of game ME is.
They're accused of being stealing vagrants, but there are no stealing stories. It reads like a gossip. That's the problem with Bioware writing - you don't know if they're hiding it because of political correctness.
Do you have Windows 7? I know ME1 refuses to launch on Win7 but there's a way to make it work.
it s comming ! Asari will become the representation of LGBT in space !
trying again to get it working
I'm sorry if im technically inept user, but i have no idea how to use that link
also my internet is at 256kbs which means i might be better off trying the other way first
If you have Win 7:
I'm using a disc like any sane man would, but regardless i already fixed it
Unfortunately i cant seem to get the DLC cd key to function correctly
cant get it too work but some faggot on valve linked to a version that doesnt require the CD key
Going to download that but its going to take 4 hours
pray for me
Why did I not suspect such shit taste from Holla Forums?
Better than Liara fags
Only is wrex was a girl i would totally be for her
The tragedy is that L'Etoile wanted Geth to be a lot newer a take; a faction of AI that had no interest in being humanlike but wanted to be their own thing, very separate from humanoids. But the higher-ups at Bioware were more interested in yet another fucking Pinocchio story so they forced details like that on him in 2 and rammed it up raw in 3 with L'Etoile gone.
Isn't it sad?
That's a pretty nice take on it, actually
there are alot of words i could use to describe how a feel about crushing originality for the sake of following cliches
Cancerous seems the most fitting
they made a huge song and dance over how almost every quarian had to go to extreme, life-threatening risks to not be a virgin, the likes of which they only risk for the sake of reproduction, and that's what you have to say?
I know you're joking but c'mawn
Her visor has a different shape. And that porn's hardly arousing anyway, if you don't happen to like both zoo and CFNM.
Typical SJW.
Trying to deflect all criticism back at the critic for daring to mention their asshole might not smell like roses and buttercups.
Yeah, he was the only competent writer on the team. I wish he had been put in charge of the series. I've put together some stuff he wrote about his work on Mass Effect: