Get in here comrades, Holla Forums is legitamitely terrified of leftists right now.
Other urls found in this thread:
But aren't they all 6'5 built Aryans? Why would they be afraid?
Meanwhile they get erect seeing this happen
What did he mean by this?
I mean, really, what the fuck are they even talking about?
All fascists have what I call Schrodinger's victim complex. They're an army of Aryan storm troopers preparing to rid the world of all that is weak and degenerate, but they're also the peaceful harmless victims of leftist persecution at the same time.
literally every supremacist ideology works this way
You could make the same argument for Communists 2bh
This thread is fucking hilarious.
That's not how you link to the other boards you newfag.
This fag deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
This is the torture chamberiest thread.
Marx was the one who got it right:
Just makes it funny to hear commies crying about "unwarranted persecution"
three arrows, the board name, then the post number
Don't forget, left-wingers have a right to bear arms too.
I was hopping that after the election was over, you could at least have a discussion with them again instead of instantly being shutdown by the circlejerk.
But it seems this is never going to change.
fuck off nigger, one nigger does not represent Holla Forums.
Then by your logic, when a black man commits a crime, he doesn't represent all of black men
And when a Muslim commits an act of terror, he's not representative of all Muslims!
It's the constantly amusing contradiction of fascism
Strong and weak at the same time. On one hand the nation is all powerful, on the other, surrounded by enemies. On one hand the people are united, loyal and fearless, on the other, riddled with traitors. Fascism seeks an endless paranoia and conflict. Thanks to the liberal fucks that allowed fascism to rise again.
Remember, socialism or barbarism. Liberalism cannot beat barbarism but socialism has, can and will.
Commies also don't believe they're unstoppable Aryan god-men tho. Fantasizing about the death of a terrible system and those that uphold it would be expected
Nothing is more amusing than the USSR being socialist depending on the context Holla Forums is using it in
>WTF? The USSR was state capitalist bro, those killed by Stalin's were victims of state capitalism not socialism :^)
if only
And again, you can make the exact same arguments for every actual socialist regime
It's called Stalinism boss, and it's still a debatable topic on this board.
I didn't see the Free territories, Spanish Anarchists, the scandanavian socialist states as well as the Rojavan territories taking part in that.
Time to resurrect Tito, boys.
actually, that's the slogan we should be using for the next 4 years. Make it clear this was always the choice we've had, and if you wanna get rid of Trump's barbarism you better break to the left.
those are multiple different people with multiple viewpoints, that actively disagree with each other.
the first one is for LARP leftists on the internet. The second one is somewhat more accurate at the moment depending on who you are.
this is the only correct position btw. the only people who believe otherwise are tankies and newfags, but I repeat myself
the point is not that you're all dumbasses. It's that if we were to put all y'all on a bell-curve, we'd see that Holla Forumstards have a higher propensity toward being dumbasses. It's probably genetic tbh.
No I genuinely unironically believe in communism, and when the time comes I will fight and possibly die in the revolution.
Honestly that works here way more than it does on Holla Forums
There if you're not a neonazi fascist, gtfo.
Here you can be a Marxist, a Leninist, a mix of the two, a Stalinist, a Maoist, a Posaidist, an Anarchist, a Stirnerist, etc. We're like a hydra, there's no way to pin us down on anything.
Actually with your propensity to "accept everyone", you have a harder time uprooting the poor genetics in your society. A group promoting ideals such as 6'5 high Autism Level Aryan supermen is far more likely to select for and move towards that goal.
We really have tons of identities to choose from.
based word filters
But that's not what I was referring to. I was referring to the "gee I can't wait to kill/gulag X" types. These people get so tiring. It's the system of capitalism we're fighting against. If any given group of people attempt to get in the way of that fight, and actively put the movement in danger, then we fight them. Otherwise we leave people be and just expropriate private property.
Top kek
New wordfilters are fucking bomb
lol you'll grow out of this in 5-10 years and look back on your saved shitposts from this cackhole with nostalgia in your eyes
just like every other 'revolutionary of the modern age': a worthless joke
revolt, faggot. Bring on the revolution. You won't do it, you're too much a pussy to put a gun to someone's head and pull the trigger. Like everyone else on this website, lots of bark, 0 bite. I'm waiting faggot. I'll be waiting in 2030 too.
Lmao no, Ill commit terrorism when I become 70
you'll commit more dick to your mouth when you hit 24 faggot
Continue being politically worthless.