((Billionaire)) bunkers: How the ((1%)) are preparing for the apocalypse

((Billionaire)) bunkers: How the ((1%)) are preparing for the apocalypse

The threat of global annihilation may feel as present as it did during the Cold War, but today's high-security shelters could not be more different from their 20th-century counterparts.

A number of companies around the world are meeting a growing demand for structures that protect from any risk, whether it's a global pandemic, an asteroid, or World War III – while also delivering luxurious amenities.


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I hope they all get doxed then and everybody has a map during the happening. The elites are the cause so many problems with their rootless cosmopolitanism.

Hey, most of us here want a bunker. They just have the money to do so.

These make no sense to me. They're not capable of long term self sufficiency.
You'll essentially wind up with a situation where the hired help shanks you for the last tin of beans.

then die on the surface.

That's a mean toxic dutch oven they'd have going on. Oh the irony.

Also its CAN of beans not tin. A tin is like a tin of Altoids or mints or something. A fucking can is made out of steel and isn't tin. You should instruct your fellow bongs to speak proper English kek

how can you be a billionaire but be dumb enough to think the ticket you paid for will be valid when the happening occurs

The are billionaires you're talking about, they all made their fortunes by screwing people over.

Billionaires don't buy the plebeian tickets to bunker towns save for if they happen to be near places they vacation rarely or have friends near. They build their own bunkers. The 6-7 figure tickets to bunkers are for millionaires - those aren't elite by any measure, they're just convenient idiots able to believe they earned it without seeing the big picture or ever being a threat to the billionaires, so they were promoted up to give the other poor people a sense of hope.
To put this another way, draw a frequency distribution by wealth, if you start with the Rothschilds at the top you have a net worth around 2.3t divided by 9 people, or ~255b as the top of the upper class, $0 at the bottom of the lower class, so you get: $0-$85b = poor, $85b-$170b = middle class, $170b-$255b = rich. Bill tavistocks is $89.5b, so he would just eek in to the lower middle class. But lets ignore the Rothschilds for a moment, just to skew the bars a bit and consider Bill tavistocks the richest man in the world. This still puts the break between poor and middle class at $29.8b, so you end up with $0-$29.8b = poor, $29.8b-$59.6b = middle class and $59.6b-$89.5b = rich.

Question, why is "g a t es" being replaced with "t a vistocks"?

How will these billionares come to their bunkers when the bombs drop in 12 min?

And how old do you think these billionares are?
20-30 years of non-perishable food isn't that much.
Even if they were 20. 70 years of food isn't that expensive, especially if hydroponics are included.

Then they'll have no one left to screw over. Their best case scenario is to die a few weeks after everyone else.

I think their plans are a bit more insidious than that tbh. Just look at the Georgia Guidestones, clearly made for a post-SHTF band of people to "discover" "ancient wisdom." Their objective is the same as it is in good times: pass more power than they started with on to their kids and teach them to do the same. They see the impending collapse and are planning accordingly: poison/cull the plebeians and turn them against eachother while waiting it out, as Bill G. once said "you need people to need you" (or something to that effect.) Once the population has been sizeably reduced they plan to emerge from their bunkers (or for their children to) with supplies to rebuild society in their own image, which the remaining common folk will happily abide by to stop living in a pre-industrial wasteland.

i think you can get around it.

polite sage for off-topic.

damn. g[spoiler][/spoiler]ates

this isnt a ubb forum you dumb nigger

Don't be fooled by the impressive steel door. The rest of the thing is dirt & concrete. Get on top, just behind that adorable entrance, use your trencher to get down to concrete (should take like 30 minutes tops, if they had the forethought to fill in with rocks, which they didn't). Now roll your cannon up so it's aiming at the weak point in the… aw hell, I'll draw it.

Who the fuck can be dumb enough to think they can have hired help in a doomsday scenario? Very few people would work for free (or for worthless paper). Even if they signed a contract, what is the employer going to do, sue them?



They'll be housing and feeding them. Of course they'll have to be able to maintain order, or the servants will just murder them.

The kind of people who think they can cause a doomsday scenario in the first place and get away with it.


Well, they could have a lot of gold. People like gold. They always have. Have you ever seen how tiny your paycheck is in gold?

They won't be anything. They don't have soldiers, they don't have security perimeters, they have nothing to defend themselves. See:


They have free guns, TV's, gold, and blonde women in there.

Also, that particularly stupid example has

I think you're writing them off as idiotic sociopaths too easily. Nobody in the billionaire range is an idiot, not fucking one. Hell, they aren't even full sociopaths/psychopaths, they care about their families. The difference is they don't see the plebeians as people in the same sense they see their families and friends. You see a divide between yourself and minorities, that's how they view themselves and you.
The plan is simple, Hell, given the supposedly spontaneous appearance of sentient Humans some 10,000-20,000 years ago chances are they've done it before.
1) Control the infrastructure to do as much as you can.
2) Plebs start to wise up, break the infrastructure in critical areas and hide underground.
3) Plebs turn on eachother for resources too finite for their numbers, self-cull.
4) Your children emerge from the bunkers after you're dead, maybe your grandchildren, they bring with them resources and knowledge to restart society and overpower any upstarts which came along while in hiding and endear themselves to the people most in need of help to grow their base of power.
5) Restart the whole process.

All billionaires are idiots. They think they're the richest people in the world 😂😂😂😂😂

You think that? You really think they don't know they answer to the Rothschilds?

And it probably isn't even the first time they've done it

if you think you're getting anything done with that piece of shit backhoe i got some bad news for u


Educate yourself, nigger
t. Neither Bong nor Burger


Best thing about those metal doors? They can be welded shut.

We should dox one and raid it, killing all security officers and starting the white race all over again.

Which is doubtful, because I bet one Nigger will show up to the party and turn out to be the only one who came with enough secret uncle tom knowledge that he becomes indispensable.


Why a cannon and not a jack hammer?

Question: What food, besides maybe honey, is non-perishable? Even freeze dried food only lasts 10 years IIRC.

Why wouldn't you just use thermite? You're clearly a small child who has no idea how to breach a bunker.

You can't shoot people with jack hammers.

Sabatoge the fucking things

Kill yourself or lurk two more years before your next post.

Why not one guy with a jackhammer and another guy with a flamethrower?

It's hopeless. For thousands of years years civilization has gone through a cycle of growth and collapse.
After the collapse the elite and ruling castes were always held responsible and hunted down. No ancient ruler that presided over a dynastic overturn escaped the angry mob. NONE.



Fermented foods like sauerkraut?

Don't burn the TV's. Post-apocalypse, working TV's will be worth more than their bulk in gold.

Sorry Plebs but unless you live in New Zealand you are SOL.

The elite are going to live like kings in a first world island nation while their kiwi underling slaves keep them fed and entertained in exchange for a few shekels.

Just simply poison their air/water supply "precedently" so as to ensure their demise before you breach it.

I don't think there's a answer to this question. I know that canned foods eventually sour as well, no matter how good you can. Freeze-dried food is probably the best, but yeah the original assertion that a billionaire could 'store' 70 years worth of food is laughable because even the best kept food only lasts 10-15 years in storage. Your best bet would be to try to set up a hydroponics system, but I[d doubt that you could keep such an advanced system going with all the parts necessary to fix the system that would undoubtably go bad within the 70 year time frame and the infrastructure set up to fix it going tits up when the world goes boom. Long story short, even the billionaires will be fucked, no matter how big and strong they feel with their preparations. It's consoling to think that if the kikes fuck the world over, even they will eventually have their bunkers crumble sooner or later.

Anything is possible if you have time and shovels.

WIth videos like this and information being so publicly available, you just know people maybe even other anons have compiled lists of where these luxury bunkers are with the express intent of raiding them and killing their occupants if shit hits the fan.

As other anons have pointed out, they're not going to be impenetrable, and once things go pear-shaped, no private security, cops, or military is going to be risking their lives to defend them.

Seems like a good hunting opportunity, tbh.

You have slain my sides, they are no more.


(unless you happen to live over a clay or rock formation)

inb4 use a pick axe

Pretty cool.

Nobody is dumb enough to make an underground tomb with 1 entrance who can afford one, let alone someone planning the kind of fallback plan to compensate for the loss of a business empire.

Hate to rain your everyone's parade but the Elite aren't as stupid as you think. There is a reason why they picked New Zealand. It's potentially self sufficient, has a modern military, has been VERY friendly to billionaires (letting them skip the usual immigration process to get into the country), New Zealand isn't on anyone's shit list or nuke target map, and is remote enough that any approaching invasion would be hard pressed to take them by surprise.

Thinking that angry people are going to invade and take their shit is about as wishful thinking as why your average homeless person hasn't already tried to break in and rob from the rich. They live in their own little bubble and no poorfag is ever going to be able to get to them.

You forgot the part about no pests or diseases that traditionally keep agriculture in other places down. Additionally, they will still be able to trade and import what they need, the first world might go to shit but that doesn't mean global trade is going to stop completely. Even in a worst case scenario they have decades to prepare to make NZ self sufficient before the global oil supply runs out.

Also something funny I found.

LOL! Convince the plebs that climate change is fake then make plans to escape it yourself. I hope every tard here who doubts climate change realizes that the (((elite))) take it very seriously and plan accordingly. It's almost as if they lie to you to keep getting away with cutting corners and shitting up the world with the endgame plan of leaving you holding the bag when your land goes to shit. Just like they do with mass immigration, while living in a more than 93% white first world island.


Make a vault 20-40ft underground with metal pipes surrounding it, cool to liquid nitrogen temps then just have a vat of liquid nitrogen in it with a blowoff valve leading to the surface, would easily take a century to fully evaporate as long as your freeze the soil in a 20ft radius around it and don't go in to grab supplies more than once a month.

Gunpowder to fire a fucking cannon and not kill yourself in the process is harder to make than thermite. If you're aiming for shitbrain-proof go for a sledge hammer and diverting a nearby stream into the crack.

Tell that to the Savopoulos family.

None that you know of. There are enough cases of rulers narrowly getting caught trying to blame someone else that chances are all or nearly all the other cases were scapegoats made famous by history books.


Whatcha slidin, schlomo?

ZH has been writing about this for literal years:

Frozen food doesn't go bad, it only has a "shelf life" because people don't like eating freeze-burned food, but it's still edible and nearly as nutritious as the day it was frozen. If you do something like you won't even need electricity to keep it frozen.


Clay wouldn't be bad: dig out chamber → create fire to turn walls into ceramic → repeat

If you think you're going to overpower a well-armed para-military unit with a bunker while you're on foot, maybe in a gang, after dealing with the post-SHTF to the point you're probably hungry and with wounded, having already fought off your fellow plebeians to get there - you're a fucking moron. The elite bunkers aren't just McMansions buried in the dirt, they come complete with barracks for their security details, fabrication plants to kickstart society, food stores for decades, etc. These aren't poor preppers we're talking about, they're billionaires, Hell with the knowledge on this board most of the people here could achieve it in under 50m on a scale you would need a modern military to overcome, now imagine people capable of enslaving massive segments of the population putting their skills to work on designing little else with many more resources.

The thirst for entertainment.

That would be so cool!

he said "freeze-dried". As in vacuum chamber preservation.

Good point about freezers, though. But freezers require energy. It would be nice to have a way to store food without freezing it.

I very much doubt the liquid nitrogen idea would work out.

So what's the modern way to handle this? "Going into a fucking deathtrap" isn't acceptable, and it wasn't acceptable even in the '70s. There has to be some sort of fluid we can pump down there which will either flush them out or just kill them itself.

Were they millionaires or billionaires? Because that shitty mcMansion doesn't exactly seem like something a billionaire would be caught dead in.

But point taken none the less. If the rich stay in the US in a home in the city odds of them getting fucked up by roaming gangs of niggers increases dramatically.

Yes. They are not in an advantageous position. They're fish in a barrel. 1000% sure.

>LOL! Convince the plebs that climate change is fake then make plans to escape it yourself. I hope every tard here who doubts climate change realizes that the (((elite))) take it very seriously and plan accordingly.
Your post is mostly on-point, but this one is a bit naive. They know their plans will be exposed or at least can be exposed by a stray leaker so they don't speak in normal terms. In this context "climate change" is code for "when the plebeians try to lynch us."

Any idiot who wants to play DVDs post-SHTF isn't going to survive long enough that savaging for non-broken TVs will be an issue. Entertainment is the opiate for the masses, they don't revolt when there's opiates in the mix.
Yeah, I was making a separate point. Freeze-drying is kind of shit in contrast to just freezing, it requires greater investment in infrastructure but we're talking about billionaires here, not Holla Forums-tier preppers trying to cobble things together. A pressure-swing-adsorption device (to create liquid nitrogen) is only 20k and it's not a complex enough idea that whatever engineer they assigned to the task wouldn't have thought of it. The whole point of making your freezer 40ft underground and pre-freezing the surrounding 20ft radius with in-ground piping using liquid nitrogen is that the Earth is an amazing insulator, and that kind of thickness + an additional vat (think 5,000 gallon or so, not huge but a normal size for any industrial building using LN2) filled with LN2 and a blowoff valve (so it doesn't turn supercritical and fuck your shit up) leading to the surface will be enough to keep the freezer frozen without additional power for AT LEAST a century. Total setup cost inclusive of tanks, concrete, plumbing, LN2, etc would be under 500k, MAYBE 1m when you account for trying to get it all assembled and buried without anyone knowing you have it - not really out of the reach of a billionaire looking to prep for their grandkid's future.

Yeah, millionaires. But he was a rank amateur who binge-watched heist movies (I'm guessing).

Not invincible. They're not prepared for the present state of electronics, like drones and such, that can eliminate surprise, scout things out.

Any little lord will want to show he's as badass as the neighboring one. The ladies will sing the praises of their neighbor's amenities, and he'll get very jealous. Time to raid some bunkers, find some TV's.

Believe what you want my dude but just remember that at one point big tobacco convinced people like you that smoking didn't cause cancer.

The elites play both sides and climate change is one of them. Some of the elite use climate change to trick gullible idiots into donating to fake charities and other elites use climate change denial to keep the plebs from ever regulating them too much. The end result being that in the end nothing productive actually gets done except the elites fleecing people even more.

I know it's a rare opinion on here but that's because LARPING neocons have poisoned the well.

There is a reason why Hitler and the Nazi government were staunch environmentalists and that's because they knew kikes were more than willing to poison the world in the name of profit. What's more, separating white people from their natural affinity to nature opens the floodtavistocks for degeneracy to take root. Paraphrasing here but if it interests you read up on it here

But keep in mind that the writers are themselves hostile towards National Socialism and use its link to nature conservation as a talking point against doing anything productive to protect the environment from the mechanations of the (((rootless cosmopolitans)))

It's not a belief, it's common sense. You don't need a gas mask to prepare for climate change.

Frozen food does go bad dingus. Go leave some meat in your freezer for a few years. Let me know how it smells.

Your freezer isn't at cryogenic temperatures.

old news. this has been known for the last 2 years at least. they have also been buying up property in new zealand for a long time now

Why not just bury their asses from the front. Bunkers are basically tombs/graves halfway done

It's not "old news" if it's not a resolved problem. Furthermore, if it's not integrated into our conceptions of daily living, then it is news until such point as we become sane enough to recognize the truth slapping us in the face.

Theres a video of a Russian woman who got her brain David Icked. After being critical of Bilderberg she got a big TV spotlight where she started to talk about aliens and such. But one thing she mentioned was tunnels under Australia and i have seen other people like the "21 year old Illuminati member"(was actually 12) who was posting on 4chan mention they had some interesting thing being constructed under Australia. Its a kind of common conspiracy that something massive is being built. I am quite sure its something similar to kaiji season 2… An underground kingdom.

If you think the learned elders of zion would live on a literal shithole like OP pictured you are vastly wrong beyond measure. And besides their immediate family count is in the hundreds. Its more of a clan than a family.

I really wish i could say, that is not the case and you're insane, but i can't.

The mercs they paid to support the elite are going to be the first ones killing and robbing them when the happening occurs. The logic is essentially flawed.

I don't see how this is new to anyone. Just what the fuck do you think the Gotthard tunnel was built for?

Isaiah 2:19

Sort of true but if you can at least survive the first days or weeks of initial chaos you'll have greater chances of survival. Also you can guarantee that they'll have defensive measures like guns and a surplus of supplies in there. It won't ever be fool proof but it can help.

yeah the tunnels are so long that the diggers wouldnt know where they are relative to the surface

Gassing them out with a gas that sinks below oxygen would be the easiest, but it would cause a huge fuss amongst (((NGO humans rights groups))) .


In the case of Gotthard I say set up a boring machine vertically with the biggest warhead it can carry. Send the hell they tried to create on earth strait to the bastards.

Of course user, form a merry

People tend to forget if you don't know how to care for a bunker it will kill you. Bunkers are heavy maintenance things.

I was on a road trip last month and bought one of those apocalypse/prepper catalogue magazines, and they had an article about the converted missile silos. Those bitches have triple redundant power supplies, triple redundant water sources and purification, have an indoor pool with waterslide, an indoor gunrange, "automated defenses" (Whatever the fuck they might mean by that). and a private security force. Maybe I'll scan the article and post it if I can get some time. It was actually a really impressive setup, and can sustain itself for a pretty long time after the initial resources are used up.

By the way, their "Security Force" was literally just fat mall cop types, including at least one woman. All decked out with civilian versions of meme guns like p90s and shit. Oh, and their camo was fucking pic related. not even kidding. Smack in the empty wilderness of the midwest. Realistically if we really needed to we just grab some boys from /k/ and we can take one of these luxury bomb shelters no fucking problem.

What kind of maintenance is needed other than keeping the vents clean, checking for mold, and checking for cracks in the walls?

Archie Bunker

Didn't Zuckerberg buy up the neighborhood surrounding his mansion and convert it into a massive bunker?

That one is in Hawaii I think, unless you mean his Liberty st residence in SF (I only remember that because I used to fuck a chick that lived on Liberty st before Zuckercuck moved in.)

Looks like it was his California one, though it hardly sounds like the bunker story I remembered it as.

Seems someone threatened to build a house behind his tall enough to see into his bedroom window so he bought and shrunk the surrounding properties for some reason.
The whole thing sounds ridiculous and is probably bullshit.

dehumidifiers / ventilation to prevent mold will rack up high electric bills

I know in Hawaii he bought a huge chunk of land on I think Maui, including a large area around public land that he then refused to let anyone get to. In SF he had his body guards take up all the spaces on Liberty st and harass the neighbors until they moved out.

If it's a good design that can be mostly passive. Just take into account the fact heat rises and plan the ventilation accordingly, as long as your outlet is near the ceiling and goes higher than the inlet at the floor you can get a pretty steady airflow, if you have heating then even better (it works for wine cellars amazingly well without any heating added in, but any heat inside the bunker would increase airflow.) Lots of design rely on skinny little 2 inch air pipes going in and out which have to have power to force the air through due to the friction inside the pipe, but upping the vents to 12 inches in diameter would be plenty for about 800sqft as long as you have two placed on opposite sides of the space with the outlet in the ceiling and the inlet on the floor (same effect on the surface with colder air near the ground, though you wouldn't want it too close to the ground because a hole in the ground is a Radon magnet.)

freeze burn doesn't greatly impact storage or nutrition of food, just taste
it is caused because even at freezer temperatures water can sublimate from the food stuffs resulting in parts of the food with end up dehydrated, this could then cause certain lipids to oxidize causing bad taste
this occurs in household freezers due to them being build for constant use and not quite air tight
if you are building a shtf bunker installing some climate control in your freezers to keep air humity near saturation is quite simple and simple not opening your freezer to ambient air several times a day also helps
but here is a protip: in your home freezer put a plastic cup half filled with water, this will sublimated faster than the foods and prevent freezer burn, thus greatly increasing the storage time

What's stopping us from building our own massive underground city, up to Holla Forums's and /k/'s high standards of impenetrability and long-term survivability? Money? There are a lot of us. A lot of us means a lot of money, and provided some of us already have tools/knowledge and a willingness to work our asses off, you can get away with putting less money into something like this than the billionaires would. Sure, we couldn't really hide the fact that we were doing it from (((them))), but if SHTF, they're going to care more about running for their own underground cities than bombing ours.

I know Holla Forums's mission is more to fix things here on the surface, but hell, even Hitler was trying to get to the center of the Earth. We should at least be prepared for SHTF, and a common bunker just won't cut it.

The innawood.org signup might be up your ally - but at last count we didn't have enough people to build it. If any of the 3 people who founded it win the powerball jackpot it would likely happen (I'd definitely try it) but it's not an inexpensive undertaking by any measure. A surface-town would be a minimum of about 5m for land and relatively shit levels of fabrication/construction + wood houses. To make a proper common fabrication lab you'd be looking at 60-80m (to be able to reproduce all modern technology,) to build the underground parts would be more expensive either in terms of time or money, but at a minimum you'd be looking at about $4,800 per meter of hallway underground built from reinforced concrete (if you're going to make use of it it would need to be both deep and safe enough to have people in the town actually use so it doesn't just become a flooded catacomb under the place.)

Fuck Florida and its high water table. Nevermind the shit sandy grounds.

The most interesting about this that zuckerberg etc. knows that libshits and their counterpart are like a little bomb. Because zuckerberg loves diversity when it suits him, but in the end he doesnt give a shit about it, which in essance is pretty much correct. And besides that i still think he is a fucking disgusting grinch that got really lucky.

He stole the idea for Facebook from two guys who paid him to write it (then renamed it Facebook and gave the original guys a "oh, I never wrote YOUR site, I just took your money" line and got away with it.)

I know, but i didnt write "disgusting grinch" just because of that, his fucking face screams that.
At least he got a nice woman, but he still talks like a mime piano, you wonder why but it makes no real sound.

I want a stable full of boobanimals, and for a bunker i would take the antarctica with highspeed internet and glass walls with no human being in a 1k mile radius.


Those kikes probably think people will still have "fiat" in "faith" money.

These bunkers would have to have some sort of ventilation, no? Would be a shame if someone used that to gas 'em all.

I would assume that Holla Forums wouldnt be that sophisticated, it would probably be a frog shitting down the ventilation.



Don't worry capitalists/libertarians, they'll invite you over for all your internet propaganda work, or you'll get one yourself, since you're getting rich soon.


Think those bunkers are resistant to bunker busters?

Fucking this, we should set up threads with the sole purpose of hunting down where these bunkers are all located and leaking them to the public when SHTF

NZ had problems with the earthquakes. There's a reason that the southern New Zealand have lower population than North Zealand.

will not save them from Kalki

Even shit-level 50k bunkers come with NBC air filters.

fucking great,now even literal holes in the groundare being gentrified

Please do post scans.
automated defenses are blinded if you shoot the optics or if its made too difficult just flood the place with thick smoke. unless if they are also stupidly based on floor detection… then you can obviously force them to waste all their ammo (unless the place is powered by nuclear reactors and the auto-turrets are lasers like the ones used by US navy destroyers but they seemingly cant drill through metal that fast and the smoke weakens them here too, and you can kind of force them to overheat, but i guess it would be easier to just shoot the optics)


Okay, sage.

This. I would jump on board with that shit.


Someone should put together a downloadable database of all known happening bunkers and who controls them.

I hate this world so fucking much. Not even a commie type person, but that uneven wealth distribution is what is responsible for a lot of the shit we see in the world and our countries.

You're definitionally a communist, fuckface. No wealth caps. No salary caps.


Are you clinically retarded?

Need to make map of known locations of all these structures and maybe schematics if they where built by a company that specializes in their construction to easily find where their air vents are then when SHTF back fill the vents cutting off air supply and suffocate them.

Learn how to read, you cocksucking faggot.

Wealth is a tool to facilitate trade and distribution of resources, it's not a scorecard and it's only a system of enslavement when it is corrupted. There is no conceivable way for any person to amass a wealth greater than 89,500x (the difference between Bill G*ates and a lowly millionaire) their counterparts of the same nation, sex, race and competence level without being fundamentally corrupt and evil.

I didn't realize bill tavistocks got into computer science to subvert the white race
the problem is that our Jew-created, Jew-ran federal reserve means that our debt will never be paid off and our country will always be slaves until it ends

Wouldn't be much of an effort for their PSD to simply kick their dumb asses out of the bunker if they felt it necessary.

Funny, last I check his was taking all the wealth he siphoned out of the first world and forming a coalition of other billionaires to give it to Africa. The only difference between him and Soros is that G*ates is a bit more competent about it.

This is literally your "argument". You need to off yourself before we find you. No fed and no kikes = no need for your kikery.

Word round the block is that Bill tavistocks has fully stocked bunkers underneath ALL his residences.

I swear to God the amount of retards on here who think the elite have bunkers for riding out the worst of the shitstorm and NOT also have the resources, men, equipment, etc to re-assume control once they emerge is astounding. These fucking cunts are COUNTING on it. They literally are counting on everyone killing themselves and eating up most of their ammo that when

You think the "elite" are just a bunch of isolated cunts in the private sector? Fucking clowns, they are everywhere. They are going to be in the multi-billion dollar govt bunkers with battalions of soldiers with enough fuel/water/food/ammo for DECADES. They've been building these goddamn things since the 60s.

They're crash this whole fucking thing, EMP the lot of you, and use drones and satellite imagery to monitor your dumbasses to see when you're at your breaking point. THEN they will re-emerge with all the food, medicine, and promise of "order and going back to the way things were" and people will gladly throw away any notion of "freedom or liberty" for the chance at a snickers bar.

The only way to stop them is to find out where their shit asses are before it happens so people can band together and kill them in their fucking spiderholes before they get a chance to implement their plan.

Their ONE vulnerable point is during that transition phase. That's when you have to kill these kikes. But they're not as stupid as some of you retards like to think. That they're just clueless fucks. They've been wargaming this shit for decades and stockpiling tech, resources, and other commodities with their limitless funds.

Still waiting for you to try your hand at that. People are people, where you draw the definition of the word "people" is irrelevant unless you legitimately see yourself as worth several orders of magnitude less than every single Billionaire, that your life is in fact worth less than theirs because in our current system wealth is a direct translation to how much someone can live.


Didn't this same thread happen last year over a supposed meteor that was going to destroy the world?

This is true, it's all in the Protocols.


AirDropping penis pics is the latest horrifying subway trend

Britta Carlson holds up a photo of a penis that she received via AirDrop.


Britta Carlson, 28, was riding the uptown 6 train to a concert on July 27 when a mysterious message popped up on her smartphone. “iPhone 1 would like to share a note with you,” read the note sent at 6:51 p.m. She hit “Accept” and was horrified by what she saw. “It was just a huge close-up picture of a disgusting penis,” said Carlson, of Bushwick, Brooklyn. The message was titled “Straw” and was sent by an anonymous stranger. “It really felt like someone had actually just flashed me.” Carlson clutched the phone to her chest and frantically scanned the subway car for the pervert but couldn’t place him.

There’s a new iPhone craze on the subway, and it’s not the latest Candy Crush update. New York women have discovered that creepy men are using the iPhone AirDrop app to send them photos of their privates while on the same train. Since more straphangers using the MTA are carrying advanced iPhones and awareness of the AirDrop app has increased, local straphangers have started noticing a troubling trend first reported in London in 2015.

In order for pervs to send lewd photos, iPhone owners must have their AirDrop setting on “Everyone,” instead of “Contacts Only” or “Receiving Off.” The app, which was released for iPhones in 2013, uses “Contacts Only” as the default setting and doesn’t work with Androids or Windows phones. The victim must also be within Bluetooth range, which is approximately 328 feet. People often forget to switch the setting off from “Everyone,” or don’t realize they have turned it on.

Carlson had her AirDrop switched to “Everyone” because she used it to send photos at work. “It never even crossed my mind that someone may use it to send stuff like that,” she admitted. Frankie Navisch, 35, had just gotten off a train at Penn Station when an invitation to open “Eduardo’s picture” — with a preview photo of a man’s junk — popped up on his screen. “I wanted to punch him in the mouth for carelessly buckshotting genitalia to phones that could potentially be owned by children,” seethed Navisch, of Harlem. “Was he looking for interaction, or is all he wanted was someone to look at his mini-monstrosity?” Serial exhibitionists are likely attracted to using AirDrop to trap victims because of the anonymity. “In the past, flashers would have to go out in public in a trench coat and risk getting arrested,” said Brad Salzman, a sex-addiction therapist. “Now . . . their minds can run wild.”

Apple declined to comment.

This has nothing to do with this thread.

the fucks are fantasizing about laughing and drinking champagne as poor-fags are in tears banging on the large door with their kids when they're considering bunkers.

And the rest of us get to study Nuclear War Survival Skills. It sucks but we'll be better for the conflict that will come after.

not dead…in hiding

You referring to the asteroid ?
it barley missed
Obama was hiding (visiting) a DUMB when it passed between the moon and earth.

I have a better idea user

How to overcome a billionaire bunker
1 locate it
2 find the air supply inlet (it will be well camoflaged but weaponized autism will succeed.
3 pic related until the supply of old tires in the US is exhausted

A few million dollars is enough to make a veritable fortress, even if we could find them.

This, don;t underestimate them. Just like people think Trump is a moron, they forget that most people don't stumble ass-backwards into billions of dollars.

explains out of place objects too and myths that refer to events that happened millions of years ago
i guess the ride really never ends

So what? Find them and fucking kill them. These underground bunkers greatest strategic and tactical strength isn't the weapons and men guarding them, it's their secrecy. The fact that no one is supposed to know where they are. Once they are found, it's only a matter of time. We're not living in medieval times —- we have C4 and backhoes now.

Patton knew this: "Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man". It's a reference to the modern fact that if they can bottle you up (aka Waco, Ruby Ridge, Dorner, etc etc) they will eventually kill you. Americans proved this during the Battle of Athens when they cornered the corrupt sheriff and mayor in the jail and burned/smoked them out.

The trick is to KEEP them bottled up. It's 'rumored' that they have nationwide tunnel systems running between DUMBs all over the country. It's already a well established fact that DC has underground networks for high level executive evacuation during nuclear strike/emergency/etc. While the rest of, what they call, the peasantry dies in traffic jams above ground. Pic related

Regarding network Pic:
I have no doubt some of that is real, however I also think it's full of little lies (like the rail network up the San Andreas faultline) to sow seeds of doubt and have people dismiss this as nothing but "muh conspiracy theory" (like they did with ThinThread and PRISM). I am a geologist by trade and education and I can tell you that, with enough money, it IS possible. And the Govt's been digging these bitches for decades.

The RAND corporation pitched the idea for this network many years ago, but "officially" it was shot down………..The Rand Corporation should be familiar to most of you anons…..

Fun fact: in the town I grew up in the regional powers that be came in and wanted to construct a highway bypass connecting two areas of the road for 'ease of travel' (translation: a bunch of Jews were notified beforehand and bought land up around the proposed corridor and wanted to sell it at a huge profit once the state bought it up). The residents of the area fought this thing tooth and nail — to no avail. It was pretty much a done deal until DHS swooped in and said "NO". It killed the deal outright. No appeal. Nothing. The reason: Somewhere along the corrdior there is a Govt/POTUS bunker near enough or directly in the path of the roadway.

i bet they release genetically engineered monsters while they hide
for entertainment and for keeping the plebs from getting a head start

I'll take "what are niggers, muslims, and spics for a thousand, Alex"

Great post.
Made me stop and think about where Musk got his Boring company tech from.

That's… not even remotely how Jeopardy works. Only the responses the contestants give are in the form of questions… Basically, they pick a category, and are given an answer, and have to figure out the appropriate question corresponding to that answer. The categories themselves aren't written as questions, they're most often puns or wordplay, such as "Potent Potables."

Sage for getting autistic over a joke.

And yet, the Krauts would have taken North Africa if it weren't for British field fortifications. Strongpoints still are very useful, if supported by mobile assets. If sufficiently fortified and hidden, they anchor mobile operations.

It's in Revelations. The rich, the kings, etc. go hide in "the mountains" during the apocalypse/rapture. Best place to have a bunker is in the mountains. Cheyenne Mountain, nigger.
