I'm wondering, Holla Forums, what has someone said to you, or others during a match...

I'm wondering, Holla Forums, what has someone said to you, or others during a match, or a convo that has legitimately offended you. I'm talking to those people that usually have a thick skin by that way, whether it be from a certain situation you're in, a weapon, to a gameplay style.

What has someone said, that surprisingly struck a nerve and upset you?
Bonus points for unintentional offenses.

Nothing because I'm not a fag but nice trips


Only things that piss me off are when people talk smack about my family without knowing them (mostly IRL), or insult my skill when I'm carrying a game. Gibbering in huehue monkeyspeak can also infuriate me.


(nice trips)

But user inquiring minds want to know, why is your dad a deadbeat and your mom a whore?


You only got yourself to blame

I learned to avoid getting mad by playing smash bros and watching batman.

Basically, when you get emotional you stop being logical. So by default, you get worse at the game. The thing to do is focus on playing and not pay attention to the banter, like batman. If you can throw banter back and stay focused then you're truly a master.

I don't play party games anymore tho


i play most online games in relative silence especially with pubs.

people say some pretty retarded shit but i just ignore it. i did find it offensive to see people playing elphelt in guilty gear though, elphelt players go to hell

I was playing Warframe and someone said the devs were competent. Spent the rest of the mission arguing with them about how the devs are a bunch of fuckups.

delete this and kill yourself

"It's your fault that your bronze."

I'm usually the obe that offends others.

it is partly your fault, you should've picked ashe into that enemy comp

ashe mid?

Thats a strange way to say "I'm sorry that you are stuck with all of those feeders, afks and trolls Zaph."

haha oh wow is that what bronze is like?

gotta play champs that snowball hard to carry out of bronze man. Gangplank, Akali, Fizz, shit like that. Then look for picks until 3 of them rage quit or they run from you and you get free inhibs


Why get worked up about games?

It's in the heat of the moment, mostly.

no, ashe bot
if you were varus mid who the fuck was your adc?


Pyukumuku is a gift.

What a waste

I remember playing bf3 ages ago, and as the try hard teamplay fetishist I am I started asking a guy why the fuck he was taking the helis alone and that hes hurting the team and so on, he doesnt say anything for several minutes, until

…stopped me dead in my tracks, it was as a light suddenly struck me from the heavens, I realised he was right and this was just a stupid game and anyone can jump in and play it any way they wanted, trying to encourage teamplay was like trying to stop the flow of a river with my hands, his argument was completely valid, I had no way to get him penalised, or to encourage cooperation, I felt stupid and pretentious

so now I play Squad

lmao dont bother breathing until you get diamond

suck ur mother

still league of flash eh? summoner spells add so much to this game!

i love me some banter but this was just a dick move


i don't play lol, but are there people in this screen who didn't pick flash? is that even allowed?

something about clueless retards on your own team shittalking you is infuriating

When my team sucks and I'm the only good player.