Traditionalist Worker's Party

Tell me about the TWP, Holla Forums. Are they acceptable? They name the Jews for being the abominable problem makers they are and have a pretty good platform, supporting traditional families and seeking to remove government programs that purport degeneracy.
I might change my registry from (((Republican))) to TWP. What do you guys think?

Other urls found in this thread:

matt heimbach is a homosexual communist plant
t ironlarp

I don't know whether or not their leader is a jew – it has been alleged – but, he is a pudgy guy with very poor aesthetics. Not what I would want a paragon of National Socialist ideals to look like.

It's probably a mistake to do so, but I've just disregarded them. There's that intuitive part in the back of my mind that tells me these people should be ignored. That instinct usually serves people well, but if they're actually good NatSocs who aren't controlled opposition then they deserve an apology.

They stomped antifa's ass in the battle of sacramento. Gotta give 'em props for that.

No. Any movement that doesn't just stay online and post remixed Pepes is larping jews in disguise. You will save the white race by not organizing irl and posting more cartoon frogs

oh yeah I forgot to add, everyone but 3000 users on 8/pol/ of which 1400 are my colleagues, are larping alt right andrew anglin, trs, controlled opposition jews. Don't fucking dare for a second think that you should unite because you essentially are all fighting for the same thing

Matt Heimbach is a fat fuck, being presentable as a leader is the least you can do and he can't even do that. says everything about his fake trad shit.


I think they are ideologically sound, but may be lacking in the necessary charisma.

Seems legit

Listen I have the intellect, good looks, maturity/experience, and leadership skills to start a (((movement))). You want to know why I don't? Because I would be killed. Not joking. I would be fucking killed and replaced with a Spencer or Jew type.

It's not a fucking (((coincidence))). We're not purity spiralling. It's a fact. You're better off running a drug crew with hitler tats than doing something REAL.

They even turned KEK into some gay shit. But KEK will have his revenge. Maybe tomorrow 8/13/17. Fuck the Alt-Kike they stole from the REAL RIGHT and Holla Forums to shut us down!


Edgy LARP group led by possible jew and definite jew-lover. Also a christcuck which is directly at odds with racial awareness.

I think Chaimberg just wants to be edgy. You'll see him flying all sorts of unrelated or even contradictory flags, waving around an orthodox cross despite supposedly German ancestry, etc.

Fuck off. Hezbollah are our allies through and through. There are just as many Orthodox Christians in that group as there are Muslims. Have you never read through even one of the many Hezbollah threads we've had here?

Don't think he was posting it as a bad thing. ALI ALI ALI

Hes a good dude and legit. Could stand to lose a few pounds though. He's definitely not a Jew.

he uses Dugin's symbol, Dugin is in league with spencer and the whole CIAlt-Right psyop

the symbol means chaos magick, i conclude they are shills promoting nazbol on some level, although their support for Hezbollah confuses me since they are pro-white and redpillt

fuck off kikes REEEEEEEEEEEEE

kikes go back to israel!!!

The leader is an open Zionist.

Fuck off spics, you have to go back

Does Traditionalist Worker Party = Trad Youth?

Dude, farming is a European thing.

Anybody who sticks their neck out and actually try to do something are all one million times better than those who do nothing but hide online and criticize everything. Dr. WLP would've called you shirkers… he even supported crappy skinhead music that he despised because any resistance is better than none.

Whiteness is also the willingness to fight, you "woe is me" blackpilled fuckers are useless trash bringing our movement down.

I've met Heimbach as he's in my area, he's not natsoc(he prefers decentralization of government rather than something like fascism) and in my opinion not controlled op either. If shit ever really hit the fan I could see myself working with him, not following him though.

They work with poor white rural villages to evangelize and build up resistance against the Jewish degeneration of society. They do good work.

Sure it is, that's why Jesus is doing it. Farming is a machine's job, not something Jesus does to feed his stupid family. I mean the whole reason the spics were let in was because they supposedly have higher birthrates, and yet their birthrates copycat ours the moment they come here.

If I am correct, a lot of these videos were taken when he was in school in 2012 and 2013. I dunno why he switched, but having a change in politics, or lying while in school to save your ass, is acceptable in my mind.
Also the dude has organized multiple rallies and even assaulted someone at a Trump rally early in the primaries. He's brought together various groups from the NSM and the VA under the same banner of the Nationalist Front.
If you wanna go larp about how he's a Fed or a zionist or a kike subversive, go ahead. He's out there trying to organize events and garner support while maintaining a presence online.
If anything, 4-Holla Forums would be considered more of a subversive element than anything. It encourages people to shitpost online without actually ever standing up for what you believe, and to be paranoid and mistrusting while being hounded by shills that come in every day.
I honestly don't get what this fear of undercover feds and misleading kikes is. I get it as a joke, but if these groups were full of people spying on the white nationalists to create a database and arrest them, I feel like a lot of people would be in jail by now.

Any third party is a waste of time in the US, it's a circlejerk unless you try to subvert local Republican or (why the fuck not) Democrat parties.

NSDAP was a worker's party, you sound like some neocon.

You're kidding yourself if you think its not all being monitored but the thing is that all the online shit is being monitored too so its still not a sufficient argument against offline action.

The problem with anonymous basket weaving forums is that while they're great for organizing and raiding online, and exchanging resources to discuss, they're not very good for offline evangelizing and yeah, discourages it when shills out-shill by calling everyone else shill and make raising awareness offline not worth the risk. It's scary stuff, sure, but everyone will have to do it eventually with where things are going.
At some point, we could probably do well with a "redpill strategy irl" topic soon. Even if it's focused on subtly redpilling friends and family inch by inch and not just going out onto the streets.

To be honest, I don't think of these parties as election fodder. They're more useful as organizations to help those (whites) in need and inviting them to our cause, because their support and awareness of their active displacement and genocide will be necessary in the coming years.

I agree with you partially but if this guy were legit, why not run for local government? We need to chip away at the Jew, and local elections are not that hard to win.

I feel like they're such a missed opportunity.



Please don't tell me you were the faggot shilling on Holla Forums for the "NSDAP" (national something giving amnesty pronto)

That shit made me mad as hell, I almost punched my laptop when I read it

Nice paste, thanks.

I don't go on Holla Forums.
Lurk more.

Do you not recognize NSDAP?

Holy fuck……

To be honest, lacking in charisma makes me trust them to be more genuine. If feds want to coopt a movement, they'd naturally put out a charismatic guy that can gather many people under their kosher umbrella.

Taken from

Christcuck cultists with cognitive dissonance


That's fairly reasonable.
I'd like it if we could make a populist group to go along with our ethnonationalist one, so that it's not an all or nothing thing, and empathy cucks might be more willing to join. Do they have any set policies on issues? Having worker's party in their name implies some kind of socialistic policies, but with a decentralized government it sounds like they're just LARPing and trying to copy the NSDAP.

Good point, but a third party can also parasite off of another party. In New York State there's both the Republican and Conservative party, and a candidate has to win both party primaries or else he doesn't stand a chance in the general election. I think the libertarian style subversion of Republicans might be effective for blocking a lot of kike'd legislation. But we'd need our own party in order to actually lead. Republicans have spent the past decade putting every fiber of their being into an effort to repeal Obamacare, and now, while controlling every branch of government, couldn't muster the votes to do so. Just imagine how many traitors there would be if the re/pol/blicans tried introducing legislature.

Although to expound on the idea i shilled here We could subvert the Republicans as our exoteric populist group, but simultaneously promote a third party. Us Americans are a very fickle people. Even if we're blatantly doing something immoral and illegal we're only okay with it as long as it kind of seems legitimate. I think this is why we need to pursuit some kind of legalistic movement into taking the government. Just having a few thousand people storm the capital probably wouldn't solve much.

We're in a pretty tough spot. And it's not like we're Spain which had a Plan B in the military.

He's the only sort of prominent leader in America that has the right idea about organisation.

If there was a viable economically left and socially right party, it would win all the time.

A new national socialist party must be formed (or the old, defunct one revived) with the purpose of winning local elections and caring for our people. White charity being a major piece of the activities, it needs to be a visible and irrefutable force for the good of our people. It should offer no candidates at the state level or higher until it can consistently place people in local positions.

Any white charity group will be labeled nazis. It may as well be a Nazi party doing charity.

Against the Mainstream: Nazi Privatization in 1930s Germany - Germà Bel

Fascist Economics and Socialism of Duty [How National Socialism is Different from Marxist Socialism]

The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation - Gottfried Feder

Hitler's Economic Miracle

How Hitler Tackled Unemployment and Revived Germany's Economy

How Hitler Tackled Unemployment and Revived Germany's Economy - Mark Weber

Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery - Gottfried Feder

National Socialist Economics

Rodney Martin - The Economic Plan of the NSDAP

German Economic Miracle of the 1930's

Hitler's Economic Reform:

National Socialist German Economic Policy

The Program of the NSDAP the National Socialist Workers' Party and its General Conceptions

The Role of Private Property in Nazi Germany - Jonas Scherner

Social Welfare in Germany - Werner Reher

Terramare Publications #11 - German Economic Policy - Wilhem Baur

In the fifteen years that have followed this resolve Hitler has succeeded in restoring Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his country, but he has even, to a very large extent, reversed the results of the Great War…. [Now] the vanquished are in process of becoming the victors, and the victors the vanquished. When Hitler began, Germany lay prostrate at the feet of the Allies. He may yet see the day when what is left of Europe will be prostrate at the feet of Germany. Whatever else may be thought about these exploits, they are certainly among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world.
- Winston Churchill, 1935

he's too willing to work with the alt-kike and the TRSodomites

TWP is good, their plan is to create a state-within-a-state much like Golden Dawn has. Also, Heimbach may look a bit weird, but godDAMN if he isn't an inspiring speaker.

I've got a source that says that's gonna change fast after the colossal cockup that was CVille.

I'm not sure about that, the symbol is similar but his separatist ideas are completely contradictory with Duginist Eurasianism.
I actually wanted to confront him about the symbol at CVille, but never got the chance to, for obvious reasons.

3rd-party has to be like the Greens but less successful in an electoral context as they actually swung the Shrub v Gore election. The idea is to pressure the main the party and provide a voice for the most disaffected. Additionally, the presence of an actual political party that espouses NSDAP ideals is gold for the high schools and college campuses, a registered party cannot be denied platform to speak to the kids. That's gold.

You're doing God's work, user.

I had a long back-and-forth with Matt P. on their blog's comment section about their collaboration with the jew-fucker about 6-8 weeks ago. It appears that seed I planted may be growing now that CVille gave it some fertilizer.

They fight well in all the rallies or so I've heard but go to their site, they use the chaos star logo. And they aren't unaware of its meaning because Heimbach was partially redpilled by 40k ( So it's fishy.

Why does Matt Heimbach remind me of Holla Forums's Mark but not QUITE as much of a sperg?

Worker/Trades and Family Orientated (like Golden Dawn) They are third positionist and white nationalist but because of the economic leftism, they attract a lot of NAZBOL/Patriotic Socialist and Duginist Support.

Polar opposite of AnCaps and libertarians on a ton of economic issues, expect in property/home ownership which should belong to an individual.

Basically: Erik Stryker from the Daily Stormer and Eugene Montslavat-types join them.

cant join if you're not white or supermajority white or european genetically, Jew/Arabs/Asians/Pajeets/Niggers/Indios/Mestizos can't join.

Basic "am I white?" rules for WN rightwing organizations (not TWP but common sense):

Castizos (75% and over white ancestry aka 'White Hispanics') are aloud on a case by case basis because they're basically Italian or Portuguese looking but really muddy-looking folks are out.

Hapas(50%-50% WhiteEuro/Asian): Not aloud publicly or usually they're never aloud to attain leadership potions.

Quapas (75%-25% WhiteEuro/Asian): Case by Case basis; must be ultra- white-european passing and must never speak of their nonwhite ancestry.

Octapas (87.5%-12.5% White/Asian; 1/8th Asian) Case-by-Case basis but you're basically supermajority-White at this point.

Hexadecapas (93.75%-6.25% White/Asian): You're white, dude.

Blacks: NO MUDS or even Mulatto Mystery Meat features- Must be Totally White-Passing basically nothing below: Hexadecaroons or Even Duotrigintiroons; 1/16th or 1/32th black ancestry respectively.

Semites: obviously not aloud.

There are at least another thousand shills and newfags here that don't even know. Lurk moar you stupid fuck

Retard detected
Race isn't about appearance, imo good high caste Indians, even if dark skinned, should be considered before some high yellow mulatto.
Do these even exist? Hapas usually don't breed due to their mental issues and unattractiveness from clashing phenotypes.


I meant castizo

Also inb4 "hexadecapas are just Finns".

>Listen I have the intellect, good looks, maturity/experience, and leadership skills to start a (((movement))). You want to know why I don't? Because I would be killed.
If you don't have the balls, you don't have the "leadership skills". Get off your high horse, faggot.


English isn't my first language, qubec-user

I didn't know he was Catholic.

Also yeah they do exist: don't get me wrong, Hapas do have lower fertility rates but their offspring tends to go one way or the other, very rarely out marrying to a group non-related to them (Male Happas tend to marry asians and Females Marry Europeans as time goes on) as they breed they claim one or the other.

Many Finns, Hungarians and slovakians have trace east asian-turkic ancestry but they continually breed with Europeans and for many those traits are completely mixed out.

the quadrapas/octapas/hexadecapas thing applies to Persians, Indians(charli xcx for example) and SAE as they breed/bleach out the mud faster than Arabs and Africans which can take up to 7 generations to remove.

Are you retarded?

butthurt retards hating on heimbach simply because he doesn't worship a tree


As for TradWorker Party… why are all these larpy fucks kvetching about TradYouth? That organization's symbols and structure have been folded into TWP now that a lot of the "Youth" for whom the Network started are in their mid-twenties and older.

Heimbach seems to be a mixed bag. It's concerning he quickly puts himself in league with fucking retarded allies. The Alt-Right is general shouldn't be trusted. He has done/said some good stuff though.

Orthodox, actually. I forget whether Heimbach was excommunicated or not, but there were accusations of phyletism made because God forbid, his interpretation of 1 Timothy 5:8 is a bit different from theirs.

I like them for making this video.

What you mean lolbergs, ancaps and other capitalist scum? Natsoc and fascism is centrist third positionism.

They have an alternate logo and its half the chaos unleashed symbol (anarchist)

Or chaos undivided or whatever its called.

Hes got the symbol on his shirt. Really dont know why he thinks its smart to throw a commie fist instead of heiling like everyone else, and to use anti-white symbols for his group etc

Heimbach is pretty much the only e-celeb who's actually fucking legit. Super nice guy and a straight shooter, and always has a good message.

While implicit Dick was doing his typical huckster bullshit post-rally, Heimbach was doing stuff like going to the court hearing of James Fields when all the reporters are there and dropping truthbombs for the cameras, never breaking composure no matter how badly he was swarmed.

Check the embedded video at 35:00.
And here's a good interview as well:

Except that is what kosher capitalism does, you fucking leftytranny.


I am really just tired with you fucking non-English speakers trying to act as authorities on American politics.

I liked what I saw of them and have been donating a very small amount (I just don't have it) to their cause. I too saw what they did in Sacramento and while that was while back now I was hoping they would come out of this as a legit party- we need a third party as our views are not found in either existing one. Glad to see that they didn't turn out to be phony.

It's not anarchist it's Duginist.

Heimbach is mystery meat. Just look at him.

Fuck off, Jew. The Arabs nations need to snuff out your little degenerate cesspool for good.

How disgusting. I'll revisit that picture whenever I get an urge to fap, should put me off good.


I didn't even know who that was up until this thread.

You're going to have to shill harder to earn your bread.

Holla Forums is capitalist and that's just the way it is.
Using Marxist aesthetic is no different than embracing zionism.
The free market will protect the white man. The socialist policies such as affirmative action is the main reason why the white man is suffering.

Only Jews would think post modernist, reverse psychology shilling would be effective. Kill richard Spencer or you're a pussy dudebro.