
Self-defense is the right of every human being and specifically in certain countries where that right is denied. Help me change things, I have an idea but i need more help.

Fuck off back to cuckchan.


Invest in lots of black socks, black doesnt show blood

The problem is some countries wouldn't even legally allow you to do that even if it was a joke,
This thread is for countries like Britain, Australia, most of Western Europe

It has become a survival necessity to be legally be able to defend yourself, As several of these nations police forces have become stretched to thin or have actually become the problem themselves. I'm not promoting anything illegal, I'm promoting the concept of a globalized movement that protests anti-self-defense laws & promotes self-defense as a fundamental human right.

Enough is enough, I shouldn't have to duck & hide every-time Mohamed decides he wants kill western devils.

kikes have taken over your governments to kill you
why play by their rules?
they want you extinct, act accordingly
arm yourself as best as you can


If the government doesn't allow you to defend yourself then there's only one thing remaining to do. You know what that is. Sage for shitty thread.

Indeed. If you'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't, then your choice is clear.

I agree with you. The criminalization of self-defense is a big problem, no longer does the justification of the lack of necessity hold stock. If a Government acknowledges a sufficient threat to the extent that it rolls out mandatory training for every school child then it must allow its native citizens the means to defend their own lives. Telling people to cower and die is not justifiable by any logic.

Sure user, I’ll just nip out quickly and overthrow the Government with my fucking teaspoon. Back in five.

No, the situation at the moment is that it is illegal to defend your own life. If you choose to ignore the law and do it anyway then you will go to prison and die anyway. There is no way to win; it is a mandatory death sentence either way. The only way to live is to cower like a little bitch whilst you watch women and children be slaughtered. Which is a death sentence for any man with a conscience.

Reported for defeatist shilling.


As a political protest i had the idea which was very "saul alinsky" in that it

The protest idea for individuals living in disarmed countries that do NOT recognize the right to self-defense.

A banana in a holster, it's smart and illustrates the absurdity of the situation. Imagine being a politician and having to tell the public that walking around with banana in a holster is a threat to public safety or is extremism.

I really, really like this. It reminds me of this copypasta.

I always find myself smiling like a fool when I realize our ragtag group of autistic weeaboos is the cultural bulwark preventing civilization from falling into total degeneracy. Cosmic irony right there. To be honest, I’m even amazed at how the pure coincidences have, one after another, fallen into the puzzle brought me here, to the back end of the internet where dank memes reside, ferment, and fuse. But yeah, I’m thankful for the knowledge of shitposting, debating skills, and especially for decoupling me from the fake reality. Commies started from scratch by refining their stale memes with fellow minds. Fascists did the same, as did the Founding Fathers. We are certainly on the starting steps of anonymous glory which will be earned on the internet battlefield. And with many, many hours invested in it we have become exceedingly efficient in manipulating physical reality. We are bringing a gun to a knife fight and our opponents are aware of it but powerless to stop it. Just how should I break this to my future children? You might not realize it but insanity is our superpower. No one in their right mind would talk about suppressing a japanese cartoon shitposter movement out loud. Not the agencies, not the politicians, not Soros groups. Because anyone who says it out loud appears to be retarded. They know who we are. They know what we do. But they are powerless to do anything, because they would have to admit that an absurd movement has power to influence the political scene. Imagine a Special Forces general admitting they are routinely getting beaten by midgets in clown costumes. That’s us.

Why the hate friend?.

Perhaps you don't want this topic being meaningfully discussed?!? Perhaps you are actually a shill?!

You replied to the wrong post.

well that's embarrassing, sry dude. :^(

Yeah, they are really out to get you. That's why i said arm and defend yourself. But if you think it's hopeless and you'll get kidnapped and assraped anyway. Then just save us all some time and kys
The thing is that the government is not actually that powerfull, it's a collection of men, massively outnumbered by the populace amongst which we hide.
the odds are in our favor, they need us, not us them.

Either-way the banana in the holster by all accounts is completely legal in every country and countries where even open-carry of a banana is illegal that would only further illustrates the absurdity.

So i feel that bananas & holsters is one of the most comically stupid ideas which holds more weight than people might realize.

Have non of you been in street fights in third world countries?

No and the hope is that we should never have to! The whole reason for this thread was to arm the citizens of the west with the legal right to self-defense. That way when some third world mongoloid attacks you, you can legally defend yourself and not be shafted by the law for hurting a poor innocent mugger trying to slash your throat.

The government could also make a law making owning and selling bananas illegal, in which case keep changing fruits and veggies that resemble a gun or a sword like a eggplant with a holster or something.

Exactly there is no reasonable way of combating the "saul alinsky" styled protest without looking like a cockhead.

Again imagine a politician telling the public that bananas in holsters is dangerous, they'd look like a authoritarian cockhead and you would have made your point.

Self-defense is a human right

An eggplant is a large caliber weapon, user. Those’re regulated to hell and back.

I've got to go to work. I hope you anons give my idea some serious thought, I'd like Britain & the rest of the west to at least try and push back against the nonsense and stupidity of no self defense laws.

I'd like to not have to read articles about how some girl uses mace to fight off attackers and then get charged for it or how a man fights off a mugger and has his life destroyed because the mugger sues.

Bloody hell. Monty Python sketches were supposed to be bits of silly fun, not prophesies of a future gone mad.

Police could argue that your banana is an imitation firearm, because it's being carried in a holster.

Thus serving the point that Police are incompetent. There is no attack that the establishment can do that won't backfire on them.

I'm going to look a little more into absolute legality of the matter. If i'm legally within my right and police still attack me ,I'll take those fuckers to the cleaners.