Am I the only one that thinks this symbolism is blatantly fucking obvious? Have pedokikes infiltrated the trump administration?
Pedo symbolism posted by ivanka trump
No this is probably 1488d chess to soften the eternal normie up for revealing pizzaga1e. Also archive link you faggot.
I don't see anything pedo-like besides the weird pink diamond shapes in the background. Not sure exactly how those are pedo though. Sage because faggot OP.
It's more about the SIGN of the rabbit, not the actual living creature from which it was taken.
Albino rabbits are a very common pet and safe for little kids to handle.
You don't need to sperg out at every rabbit that you see down the road.
It's a trellis, made of thin strips of wood. Vines are supposed to grow on it.
its time stop.
no but they've infected your brain, the only solution is for you to slam it against your keyboard until you are incapable of posting.
This. They can't stay in your mind if there's a hole in your head.
sinead is up early today and projecting.
It is not the infant but the white rabbit newfriend.
Sometimes a rabbit is just a rabbit.
If anything it's a reclamation of Christian symbolism through this post. and actually promotes the opposite of the pedo agenda.
" Hare [N] [S]
(Heb. 'arnebeth) was prohibited as food according to the Mosaic law ( Leviticus 11:6 ; Deuteronomy 14:7 ), "because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof." The habit of this animal is to grind its teeth and move its jaw as if it actually chewed the cud. But, like the cony (q.v.), it is not a ruminant with four stomachs, but a rodent like the squirrel, rat, etc. Moses speaks of it according to appearance. It is interdicted because, though apparently chewing the cud, it did not divide the hoof.
There are two species in Syria, (1) the Lepus Syriacus or Syrian hare, which is like the English hare; and (2) the Lepus Sinaiticus, or hare of the desert. No rabbits are found in Syria.
slide thread
Sometimes a fucking bunny is just a fucking bunny you utter spergs.
It's a baby next to a cute bunny you fucking schizo retard. Holla Forums is dead.
wew lad
it's a frick'n rabbit, dude
Not everything is a fucking conspiracy you fucks.
She's a woman man, she instinctually likes kids and cute animals,fuck.
How is a kid with a rabbit pedo symbolism?
"Oh shit is that a toddler, i gotta fuck it!"
At first I thought you had found something concrete, like the blue thumbprint-pattern triangle or whatever the fuck you call it. But no, it's literally a white rabbit. A fucking white rabbit. Not even a drawing or logo of one which would lend itself to some sort of scrutiny, but an actual animal that is probably someone's pet.
It's flat-out retardation like this that makes the normalcunts turn against us, user. Get off the board for a week or so and read through the original P-g8 archives again, something I've done myself 3 times already.
Fucking newfaggots, sage the god damn thread.
I fucking swear.
Rather, it looks like a message about/to us and that they definitely know something about pedotavistock.
I think your reaching OP. Its a rabbit and nothing else.
OP is a faggot but so is everyone else. the thing I noticed is that A, it's a toddler with hooker makeup on. B, the kid is in a cage with the rabbit, and C the kid's parents are satanic orthodox Kikes. Don't forget Jared Kikener bought 666 5th ave for 3x its value.
Remember how Trump "liked" those libelous tweets from "Alexander Hamilton" for a short time last night? I don't know if any of you buy into the reverse speech concept, but the phrase "he's boxing us in" was extracted from a clip of Podesta talking a few months back. Trump is mocking these people. I bet he told Ivanka to post this. I'm expecting a bigger than usual happening out of nowhere in the next few days.
The White Rabbit Project was a Right Wing initiative to alert normies to White Genocide.
Nope, you're reaching too hard.
t. rabbit owner; exact carbon copy of OP's picture.
How? It's literally a fucking kid sitting next to a cute bunny. You need to calm the fuck down, you sperg.
The white rabbit was never proven as a pedo symbol you fucking kike.
Get out
Sometimes a rabbit is just a rabbit.
Ivanka knows of Pedotavistock, because her husband is Jew and ate her childs penis when they were born as sacrifice to Yahew.
She still posts the white rabbit.
Either Ivanka is a retard, which I think she is (marrying the Jew), or she is hinting. The white rabbit is a pedo symbol.
Well she did marry a Jew and she does want to have the goyim die in wars for Israel and get bred out by (sand)niggers. I think the "she's just a woman that likes cute animals" is over-doing it considering she's a traitorous demon whore and a (((subversive))) element in our executive branch.
But yeah I think this thread is bs
This, sometimes a rabbit is just a rabbit you fucking autists. The worst part of the PG investigation was autists thinking every single spoopy meme spiral signifies a pedo den.
Rabbits and hares, along with being symbols of fertility and sexual passion, are also closely associated with the Moon.
Fuck off, Mike., honeypot cancer run by kikes. Yeah, no thanks.
Better call the RCs
Sinead sure got you triggered, Chaim!
That entire debacle had my spoop levels off the fucking charts
Sometimes kids just play with animals. You are vigilant austists and I admire you for it, but be careful not to see what you want to see.
Whoa there really is a infinity symbol in the background. Holy shit this is related to then.
Nice thread shills
I bet you faggots bumps this a couple times a day for a month too.
It's an adorable image. Wtf is wrong with you OP? I imagine you're probably some embittered old hag who's decided to make this your one true home and drag the level of conversation down to your depravity on every front. Are you also the same old women that screams RAEEEEP!11 whenever any man indicates interest in having a 15 or 16 year old Aryan virgin wife?
Asking the hard questions
All rabbits are pedophiles!
I can't find this photo on her twitter. If someone downloaded it try seeing if there is EXIF data on it. Maybe this leads to a bunny farm.
Patty cake, patty cake
guys we are getting closer!
the child gazes smiling toward infinity (us) as a beacon of hope and happiness, and the rabbits ears point to the infinity meaning they hear us and fear us, facing away, they want to get away. we can't let them.
:^) how did i do
Perfect but where is the original image? I can't find it on ivanka's twitter or Does google have it somewhere? Or maybe a hidden link on twitter servers?
Off topic but on topic of pedo scumfucs, yesterday I for no reason I can explain was sitting through Shepard Smith's show. Well, someone had inflated a huge, huge chicken somewhere by the White House. The camera kept panning to and circling it to enhance it. Shepard was amused, as I said aloud ' you would be amused, you chicken lover freak Shep! Joke's on you. I couldn't help but enjoy the timing of the camera crews to get Shep to air it.
That wasn't lost on me mister camera crew. Btw I can't defend my watching of fox news, usually I'm watching c span, whilst I read news articles, Holla Forums. Sometimes I will watch fox for chick factor. Kat Timph is pretty extraordinary in the lands of msm
by this logic you may as well go back and call pizzatavistock just a massive fraud. if it involves trump and its wrong this board will still do anything to defend him. sad to see how its still a piece of shit
You need to
a) elaborate
b) format your post correclty
c) go back to fucking cuckchan
What a fucking surprise
they're filthy animals, paedophilia is inherent to them, have you ever read Freud?
sage for shitty formatted thread with zero elaboration. go back you nigger
fucking aids i forgot to sage
I heard that water is a pedo symbol because the H2O molecule vaguely resembles a loveheart.
Every time you drink water, you're supporting the pedophile agenda.
Is this about that fucking daycare thread about 2 years ago?
Its literally just a baby with a bunny, what mental gymnastics did you go through to get pedo shit? I have a bunny and while I would not leave a baby alone with it there is nothing pedophilic about it.
No, but we should talk about that more. Seems like people are either missing the mark with op's (albeit incredibly retarded) attempt to point out symbolism, and are unaware of the meaning of the white rabbit, or are discouraging talk about it all together. We can hijack this thread for a while until mods show up with talking about the different types of symbolism.
Just remember to sage this thread so it doesn't get bumped.
For those who are unaware, the daycare user is talking about is a run down building in Salt Lake city, seemingly abandoned, but with a modern security system, and an eerie white rabbit posted on the fence outside. It's actually pictured in this post. It's the rusted sign.
They finally removed the tavistock word filter, took long enough. Why would the mods not want us to investitavistock this possible pedo breeding ground in salt lake city utah that you still have not given us an address for?
Also still no link to OP's original pic even if the infinity symbol is in it.
my IQ just dropped 40 points after reading this nigger tier bullshit.
There is literally nothing to the picture than a mom posting a fucking picture of her newborn playing with a rabbit. What the fuck is wrong with you OP you projecting sick kike. I know they are kikes, but come the fuck on
You could argue the trellis infinity symbolism is not of any signifigance. But the weird twine infinity symbol in the middle of the picture is huge and totally out of place. Also where is the link to original picture?
kill yourself, newfag
This thread is shit but Alice in Wonderland was written by a confirmed Pedo, obsessed with a girl named Alice. He also took a lot of creepy pics of seemingly drugged girls. Hence why Pedo pride day is called Alice Day.
Every user that bumped this thread needs to seriously consider suicide as their best contribution towards saving the white race.
Not all rabbits are pedos.
There is more than one aspect to "the rabbithole".
That said, it could just be a fucking rabbit. Because it's not clear if it's meant to be symbolic. Unlike the pizzatavistock symbols which were prima facie symbols.
You see this is suspicious because clearly the symbolism is there in the form of a drawn symbol.
A rabbit by itself is just a rabbit.
I wouldn't rule out psyops though for those with very great amounts of tin foil autism.
Odd coincidence.
Very odd.
user, I think you might have down syndrome
how is this thread still here?
bery imbordand
If this is the only evidence you got I'm gonna say it's just a rabbit and a kid playing with it. My friend had a white rabbit for a pet too, none of their family were part of a pedo ring unless they hid it extremely well for decades.
Erm tavistock and pizzaga1e are perfect examples of decades old pedorings that had been hidden away after "the watchers" program was shut down/hidden. So yes a infinity symbol from the presidents wife shortly after this is extremely symbolic and/or a message.
The breed is called california rabbit. They're very friendly and tough but they shed a ton.
into the oven
definitely not a symbol for you pedophile kike freaks, okay i believe you
Anyone else feeling sleepy? go to sleep goys, its late
What the fuck?
Those are from a daycare out in Utah we suspected of some stuff. Nothing ever came of it
Some armed anons need to sweep every corner of that hole. It still gives me shivers.
Terry? Terry Davis? is that you?
Gas yourself cianigger. Check the ID's faggot.
you're retarded or mentally ill
Funny story: Many years ago I watched the matrix and a few days later online I saw a picture of Horus the Avengers icon with the tagline "follow the white rabbit" [pic]. That then lead me to discover white rabbot radio and Bob Whitaker's website and red-pilled me.
Also, sage because this is a slide thread,