This is hilarious. You have to see this. The negroe tries to be tough with a cop and the cop throws it back on him.
This is hilarious. You have to see this. The negroe tries to be tough with a cop and the cop throws it back on him.
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Great video, I honestly thought the thug would throw a punch first, turns out it was the nog cop. Who knew!
Shit example of a cop.
Coming to a neighborhood near you, folks!
Jesus Christ. If I ever saw anyone and I mean ANYONE do that in my department I would arrest the officer as well. What the fuck kind of country is this where they act just like the niggers? This is why we have to wear bodycams. This is why we have so many fucking riots. Because an officer wants to be the "example" for them to have "reasons" to do those kinds of things. This is a disgrace.
I fucking hate niggers. I hate them so goddamn much. If it wasn't for jews, they would have died out centuries ago. Not only is it about living with them, being surrounded by them - it's the fucking nigger glorifying culture that I hate most. I don't think there's a single thing I hate more than a coalburner except a jew Fucking sterilize them, put them in camps, I just want them wiped off the face of the Earth.
Daily Reminder that there's an IQ limit on police officers.
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld a lower court’s decision that the city did not discriminate against Robert Jordan because the same standards were applied to everyone who took the test.
I'm conflicted, from the video, the cop's behavior was probably the only example of application of male authority the nog has seen in his entire life
a fatherly asskicking from time to time instead of letting bad attitudes fester into depravation and crime is how most civilized societies managed their unruly kids for most of history
Also Daily Reminder that cops are nothing but Jewish enforcers, and you'd be better off without them.
The cop sounded like a hood thug himself with the way he was talking. Both participants need a gassing.
This is the sort of thing big, dumb Irish flatfoots used to do all the time. They'd hand out ass kickings on every shift. My beef with this is that the cop went 3/4 nigger himself like he was shaking the bars at the monkey house. Shame on him.
What this cop who was probably a spic was never taught is that white authority shuttles undesirables into gas chambers for efficient disposal, it doesn't pick fights in the street. And if the white cop has no choice, he confines himself to cracking the nigger over the head with a flashlight.
Poor form.
If he speak like an educated person then the thug wouldn't understand him. You should not expect the useless niggers to understand everything and obey a extremely simple order.
I think you are retarded. You are the kind of guy who gets upset that you get punished for breaking the law. I dont enforce any bullshit "jewish" laws. I make sure white people stop getting noged by the day to day "antics" of people who should of never been here in the first place.
Gas yourself, you God damned kike slider.
This (((video))) is 6 months old and has nothing to do with anything Modern Day.
Shut up you fucking retard. Anti-cop is anti-white
White cops don't think of themselves as white, they think of themselves as cops. The problem then is we have nigger cops who act like niggers. White cops see that and instead of seeing niggers acting like niggers, they see cops. And so they think that cops act like niggers. White cops emulate nigger cop behavior.
Not sure where you got that. Its more like people see what they can get away with. Cops can be extremely racist. Hell I rarely want to deal with black cops myself because its always something. Either they dont bathe, they act like they own everything or try to get away with shit. Half the time non whites are in there to meet quotas.
Tell that to Randy Weaver and the people who died at Waco.
Waco was something else. Waco was a bunch of religious nutjobs who couldnt figure out how to keep a low profile. Hell they were raping the children and forcing them to marry older men. Janet Reno was the reason why all those people died. Im pretty sure that piece of shit gave the go ahead to burn that place down. Im guessing there was some kind of sex trafficking going on as well in order to fund their weaponry and provisions.
you missed the first post, faggot
[citation needed]
There was video of the entire siege. The women talked openly. None of them claim they were being assaulted.
Hardly an offense that deserves execution.
All of these claims without a shred of proof.
You're a faggot.
Niggers only understand violence, this officer is doing what he can to police Weimerica. It's our job to create a world where he can enforce the law without being required to fistfight groids.
Furthermore, Koresh jogged to the post office twice a week. They could have arrested him any time, yet they chose to go in the way they did and kill 76 men, women and children. If they wanted him on weapons charges, if he actually had what they said he did, they could have arrested him while jogging.
Yeah they were both acting kinda trashy, but that is thanks to the multikulti world we live in now. This is actually similar to how policing back in the day worked, you'd beat the shit outta someone talking big and acting up. Perp learns a lesson in humility, learns about hierarchy, and no one gets arrested.
The weak should fear the strong.
Ask yourself, what was protecting that nigger that he felt so confident? The law? Clearly not natural law, since he got his ass beat. That is exactly how non-whites have the majority of their "power". It was given to them by whites, egged on by jews, in the form of "civil rights" and "affirmative actions"
The weak should fear the strong.
You should be banned for being this naive.
Dubs confirm your jewish bloodlines, you filthy kike
As for the OP, the cop was acting like a nigger himself. I wanted them both to shoot each other, tbh
Dubs confirm youre a zogbot faggot who will definitely be getting a rope
ok nigger
no webm no watch
checked satan, you didn't miss anything. just one nigger arguing with another nigger who happens to have a badge
This. This is also the best the cop could have done for this asshole. If someone starts intimidating you at your worksite, how long before you need to teach them a lesson? He could have just arrested the asshole, but he saved everyone a lot of time and money and probably taught someone a good lesson at the same time.
hey , you got room in that gas chamber from one more?
is this cop a nigger? they're both on about the same level.
this was a nigger moment between the two of them.
can they both lose?
I enjoyed this. Glad he wasn't arrested and got shamed.
That cop was acting like a fucking nigger and rightfully got fired. He got into a dick measuring contest and assaulted someone for disrespeckin' him. Bootlickers will defend the subhuman zogbot.
That cop needs to go to jail, he was totally escalating shit the whole time.
The camera switches to his partner halfway through.
Through his body language and comments it's so obvious he's extremely uncomfortable with the situation.
I bet the cop instigating recently watched tthe movie "End of Watch", there's a very scene in it.
Nice hip throw!
He beat him a bit in a clean fist fight yet showed further restraint. Even had the decency to ensure he wasn't arrested.
The scenarios where we demand escalating levels of conduct for the capable, well disregarding the acting out of barely functioning retards needs to end.
Pretty sure it was a spic so go figure.
To be fair though, imagine dealing with niggers like this day in and day out. If you don't patrol, you're a waysist, if you do patrol you're a motherfuckah. Everybody has their breaking point. Would rather have a beer with spic cop before a conversation with a monkey like that.
Atleast he was fair about it.
lol I see her on the M train sometimes in the morning
Bodycams lead to police killing more, not less people.