Why do we never see 'right-wing' protests?

Do the left just want it more?

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Because the right wing is full of submissives whose most valued virtue is conformity.

The right-wing equivalent of a protest takes the form of armed agents of the state beating up minorities.

(In the right-wing cosmology, all social ills are caused by malevolent intruders into an otherwise just dandy system.)

Why would they? They just won the political equivalent of a royal flush. They're not gonna protest if they think they won.

over-simplistic. The right were happy to fight their corner right up until the 80s. What changed?

Do you think we would have seen similar scenes had Clinton won? I mean there was no real protesting about Obongo.


Because you're American.

Tea party?

When right wingers actually get for real angry thats when the guns and bombs come out.

leftwingers think they are on "the right side of history" so when they get smacked with reality they turn into belligerent rage babies

Liberals do not like that people have different opinions than them, they can not be civil, have a conversation.

Milo youpoopilious even said once, that if the liberals just had a normal conversation with him instead of exploding like babies about safe spaces and micro aggression they would probably look better.

Basically just calm the fuck down you fucking babies

That was more political than direct action was it not?

You described the same thing twice:

When left wingers actually get for real angry thats when the guns and bombs come out.

Rightwingers think they are on "the right side of history" so when they get smacked with reality they turn into belligerent rage babies

Why is this board so fucking shit right now?

Left != liberals

Here's the thing about protests: they are nothing but outdoors slacktivism and virtue signaling.
You see them outside holding signs and shouting, maybe trying to keep people out of places.
Do you see them having a go at any law enforcement at all? Trying to fight the army\cops, hold important buildings and prevent them from being used for longer than a few hours?

No, you don't. The important thing in these "protests" is that you show up and scream your lungs out until everyone knows how much you love whatever the protest is about and how you're the good guy.
They achieve nothing except reaffirm your ego and they are all without risk or cost except time for everyone involved.

You saw those guys running cars over protesters? Why would the idiots be surprised or shocked that such thing happened to them? It's a protest, you're gonna get oposition and you'll have to fight it but they didn't expected it and actually believed everyone would just stop their cars and stand there, proving they have power over anyone.
Nobody that shows at these "protests" expects oposition, costs or consequences. They aren't prepared nor do they want to deal with any of that and at the first sign of serious trouble, they fuck off back to their place.

Now right wingers, that's another thing. Most of them actually work for a living, they see meaning in actions that actually accomplish something tangible so they see going outside and shouting with signs as stupid. Why would you waste so much time doing something that does nothing? That's like sowing rocks!
Instead, they do other more subtle and simpler things. They don't attend places, shop somewhere else, sell their stuff in another place, move to another town, etc. These sound like wuss moves but they actually affect the economy unlike protesting. 1 person moving to another state changes the local economy far more than 50 people protesting for an afternoon.

However when these methods aren't enough or possible, when shit really hits the fan, then right wingers go for the guns and actually pull an actual revolution\protest. They'll take over crucial places and infrastructures, entire towns if possible and keep them until things change. And they are ready to kill or be killed for their protest, unlike liberals.

Now do notice that this is a worst case scenario. A very grim and bloody one that anyone would prefer to avoid. Which is why right wingers don't jump to protests at the drop of an hashtag, it actually takes a lot of bullshit to trigger them. They much prefer to solve their problems in a civilized manner that actually accomplishes something before resorting to violence.
Meanwhile, leftists much prefer to protest because they know nothing changes for them, for better or worse, and it beats changing their life or picking guns.

Now you wanna do some funny homework, go read on how women and men solve their problems or how they deal with each other and make some comparisons.

So in your mind they are right-wingers protesting that they didn't get their preferred right wing candidate? But all the positions they espouse are socially liberal? Are you saying the right has monopoly on conservativism and social liberals?

You described the same thing twice:

When left wingers actually get for real angry thats when the guns and bombs come out.

Rightwingers think they are on "the right side of history" so when they get smacked with reality they turn into belligerent rage babies
Yes, or as you know, the popular joke: you are perverts but also perverts pretend only to be perverts.



You are right about the liberal mentality but this is literally how right-wing protestors usually go, there just aren't that many of them. Mainly religious protests, i.e. anti-abortion activism; there were also quite a few people who protested Obama and tried to get him impeached.

I think you fucked up your quotes there.
And your arguments too, FTFY doesn't really convince anyone.

And you forgot to take your flag off before samefagging.

Thanks for the (You)s nonetheless. You never fail me anonymous. Why would I take of my flag to samefag anyway when I can express disapproval by other means? Are you an imbecile or do you just not get regular communication?

What's the difference? Tea Party was a conservative protest movement against perceived change.

You know that there are leftwing movements inside religions, right? The core point about the abortion debate is not about reproductive rights or some other feminist bullshit, but where you stand on the topic of eugenics and the proponents of eugenics have historically been right wingers.

Right-wingers do protest.
They are simply far more strategic about it in comparison, hence why it occurs less often but when it does it hits harder.
My best guess as to why this is the case is that leftism overall breeds short-term thinking and that the respective movement is mostly college students who solely practice slacktivism.

The Right is fundamentally aligned with the bourgeoisie. Nationalist movements are rejection of the international bourgeoisie for the national one.

you are right about liberals but liberals != left

What? No it isn't.
Everyone talking about it just debates on if the baby counts as a human or not, when does he start to have rights, etc. That's often the biggest point followed closely by "who gets to decide", codewords for "fuck the men, you never get a say in this".
Eugenics is rarely talked about with abortion, especially since most women don't abort to prevent weak humans from being born but rather to preserver their life, their career or to not have to take care of the son from the guy that raped them.
Eugenics is mentioned more often for aritifical sterelization than abortion.

It doesn't promote any kind of thinking at all, more likely.
The goal is never to enact change but rather to prove you're not as bad as "The Others" and create an identity that makes you feel like some kind of hero who helps the world when before, you were just an average Joe.
It's even more funny when you look at Holla Forums :^)

Seems there's a gap there. If only NatZoc wasn't a dirty word…

Not the kind that throw bricks at Planned Parenthood employees.

Bullshit, it's purely emotional. It's literally a meme, they think they will save all of the babbies for Jesus.

This isn't vidya m8. Your k/d doesn't mean shit.

Globalism is not internationalism, mainly because "globalism" is meaningless.

International solidarity amongst the working class has nothing to do with globalization.

I didn't say it was. I said there the right has a nationalist and internationalist face. The left has just the internationalist face. This automatically precludes a huge chunk of the population from siding with the left. But yeah. Go on and blame the people for being too dumb. See how far that gets you this time.

He literally targeted and killed children of left leaning political party, effectively making sure they don't grow up to be politically involved/relevant leftists.

I think that's a win in his view, certainly does more to further his cause than crying "Dump Drumpf" on the streets after the election is already over.

Have you ever heard of maybe…the French revolution?

McVeigh's attack had nothing to do with race.
You should always kill a traitor before the enemy, and for Breivik the progressives were traitors.
No clue how they are different in terms of their protest style, at least now that is.

He didn't blow up any non-strategic targets, the attack was revenge against the government for the sieges at Waco. By strategic I don't mean the world domination type (since both of these were protests done by one person, after all), I mean as in tons of prior planning before protesting, which clearly both did.

People who protest are usually bussed in & paid (pic related), students, or union members on strike. The common theme is that none of them have a job to go to. More to op's question, right wing people generally just want to be left alone and live how they want to live.
This election was different though; if Trump lost and gave the "rigged" signal, we would have "protested" by washing the streets red with blood.

and instantly turned them into martyrs

gg wp

We'll in that case left wing groups have strategically bombed targets, hijacked planes, and taken hostages at about the same frequency as right wing groups.

The French revolution was bourgeois. It's not really "leftist".

When was the last time that happened?
Islamic terrorist groups are almost exclusively non-leftist you know.

that was over 200 years ago. Anything that mentions nationalism is automatically excluded from the left in the west.

theres a myriad of reasons
interest groups fund liberal agendas more often than not
organisations that organise protests usually do so because an oligarch has thrown a huge wad of cash at them
that and to many working class right wing persons a protest is nothing but a waste of time and an irritation
you usually have to take a day or a week off work to attend, which you cant do because you need money to live
right wing groups are more likely to form armed militias or angry mobs than a protest which only serves to block traffic, make a lot of noise, harm businesses and generally piss off normal average people who just want to go about their day

yeah because globalists have managed to trick the left into the belief in a worldwide revolution and either the idea of a superstate consisting of a union of former nation states or a stateless anarchistic society
the former is what society was moving towards anyway before this resurgence of nationalism across the world
and the latter is a fantasy

In the west? Around the 80's. Currently the PKK, Naxalites, NPA and PFLP are committed to direct action.

prove it
the Rothschilds, Rockefeller and Soros are all internationalist porkies that control banks and fund open borders projects and unification movements like the EU
they are the highest order capitalists in existence and they are internationalist globalists

Oh, you see, globalization will be a great force for good in the world, look at how much better China and India are doing, don't talk about how you lost your job to outsourcing you fucking racist.

I will quit our disastrous trade deals, restore our sovereignty and make America great again. Whites will once again enjoy their rightful place in the social hierarchy and libs will be put in their place and just don't mind the capitalist exploitation there.

Or at least speculating. What has changed has been the media attitude. Up until 1990 leftists were a 'real' threat to the established order. They were the conduit through which opposition to the western global order was channeled and put in touch with international resistance (USSR). Today, there is no real communist threat. As such being an orthodox leftist in the west isn't really a threat to the established order, as they have no direction. Today it is more politically incorrect to be a right winger than a lefty. Any mention of the nation or People is enough to get you branded as a nazi. This will fuck your life in the west.

I suspect this is why the left are emboldened. They've nothing to fear except a beat-down. The right stand to lose their livelihood of the voice their opinions.

Nobody remembers them or cares about them.

All of those groups exist in areas where murder is a common part of everyday life.
They also all have absolutely garbage military strategical ability and rely on sheer member size to be able to do anything.
PKK for example has killed less people since 1970 than what Breivik did in an hour.

Hi. I'm the author of best selling book "Stabz for Funsies"

Trying to keep everyone alive isn't always possible and there are situations where you have to pick the lesser evil. It's not about who got killed with that option but rather who you managed to not kill by picking that option.

For instance, when you take over a kingdom, it might seem a very cruel thing to murder in cold blood the son of the monarch when he is only 5 years old.
However, consider that if left alive, he may yet grow to form a rebel faction and try to overthrown you in a civil war that will claim several lives. A war you knew would happen and could have avoided by taking a single one, even if an infant.

Conversely, the youth of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. Scary though when you look at every young punk out there.
Which is why it may be the best for a country if you kill them when they are young, before they can form a political party and reform their country downwards to ruin.
Consider that every kid Breyvik ventilated was a younger Merkel and suddendly he doesn't seem as mad, for instance.

Even common people that seem unimportant might be desirable targets. You blow a bomb in a ghetto, nobody cares, some will even be glad.
You do it in a white neighborhood and everyone will panic and actually try to do something about it.
Especially when you're white as well, it will be seen as a desperate move, prompting public enquiry into your motives, a voluntary redpill if you will.

Nothing of this of course is moral, but in the end, morality is the boundary you impose on yourself when you have the commodity to do so.
In desperate times, trying to stay moral isn't that different from suicide.

I'd classify them as centre-left and centrist

The lefties are embarrassing themselves.

Here in Germany the Antifa protests every 1. Mai for Worker's rights against Capitalism, then destroys property of the working class, and ends up fighting police, getting their asses kicked, achieving nothing.

You will never destroy Capitalism by acting like a hooligan.

The Capitalist sits in his towering skyscraper and not only he doesn't know or care about you, but he can shit on you from such a height that you will think God himself crapped on you.

Think of it as a rpg raid. Final boss is the Capitalist, and you need to pass multiple challenges to get to him.

Leftist Antifa protesting is equivalent of stepping down on snails in front of the dungeon. Just pathetic.

By this point I think Black Bloc is just paid Capitalist shills.


The right have nothing to get actually mad about.

This has the dual functions of making their petty goals easy to achieve so it makes them seem effective, never building always repealing

you'll find communist groups that kill people and are armed in nations where child soldiers are still a thing
armed right wing paramilitary groups exist everywhere though

plus Antifa attack more normal citizens and right wing rallies than capitalist agendas
I've seen Antifa attack normal people waving flags so they can burn it and gang up on unarmed neo-nazis with bats and clubs
a feel good thug cult at its best, a riot waiting to happen that destorys innocent average persons lives and businesses before being dispersed by tear gas and riot cops at worst
and what happens in the aftermath of an antifa riot?
the small business owners have to sell their property and their livelihood to porky in the tower at low low prices because their insurance doesnt cover 'angry communist hooligan petrol bomb' damages
and antifa ultimately allows the capitalist globalist oligarch in his ivory tower to expand his business and crush competition

You are aware porky does not only mean "the very very top of economic hierarchy with six gorillion dollarinos"? German bourgeoisie like Krupp and Thyssen allied with Hitler since his plan to get rid of non-German bourgeoisie benefited them. It's not like there cannot be a profit-based conflict of interest between the groups of porkies.

yeah but arent they ultimately the true enemy?

There's a bit of a reality that I don't mind many leftists want to think about, but it's true that porky is nationalist, just not for traditional nations.

If anyone remenbers the Wild West, the mines and the Trading Companies that were essentially legal slavery, you can get a neat picture of what the future can be like.
Instead of fighting for a country, you'll fight for a corporation. You won't be russian or american, you'll be "Coca-Colian" or "Volkswagian". You'll leave close to the facilities you work on, possibly in apartments or facilities provided by that company so they collect your pay check in rent and bills.
You'll eat and drink from their stores, first because they give you discounts there, then because the currency they pay you in only works there.
And you won't be able to move out since everywhere else only accepts new tenants if they need new workers.
Also, forget about starting your own business, you'll be seen as illegal migrants are seen today.

Porky is indeed nationalist, but he is also globalist and is trying to move away from geography, making nations something that he can actually directly own and control, instead of using roundabout methods that prove to be innefective quite often.
And globalization, open trade and all that shit just makes their dream come closer every day.
I honestly have no idea why the left doesn't think this is a real possibility, why they believe in the good will of everyone, especially the ones that own the means of production.

Right, so a defense of the notion of geographically derived nations is in clear contradiction to porky's machinations.

yes, no? Fair, unfair?

Rate me you shits.

Not really, the entire capitalist system is what allows existence of such people. If you get rid of Soros and Rothschild, then somebody else will try to replace them. You could even nuke the entire USA and murder every single person from there, but this would not change a lot, since Chinks, Russians or whoever else would start perpetuating it since they would become the main benefactors.

they generally have jobs or are busy daytrading

Capitalists in 19th century England did that
but they also built schools and hospitals for their workers in the district
and surprisingly back then when your boss built an apartment for his workers his workers werent expected to pay rent, their kids went to their bosses school for free and the hospital was also not something you needed to pay out of pocket
somewhere along the way it went out of control but in 19th century England entire towns sprouted up around factories alongside the major rivers in England
because a rich man owned a factory and wanted his workers to be efficient, happy and healthy while they produced product
you're explaining everything happening today with the pseudo-currency and whatnot
something they wont be able to achieve in a nationalist society where there will only be one form of authority and corruption is punished harshly

Rothschilds have been evil shits since the 14th century you get rid of them and its like knocking the first domino in a chain

How so? Although I'd love to see them shot, I don't think globalisation would magically stop because of that.

Top kek. None of those groups have enough members to rely on numerical superiority. They use hit and run tactics mostly.

And what did he accomplish? Absolutely nothing. The PKK on the other hand has actual goals and is able to survive underground to continue their movement. Breivik is in prison whining about not having a PS4.

If you guys aren't basing your ideology on fantasy novels you're equating real life to fucking video games. Pathetic.

no but a significant number of puppets would be left without a master
the first written record of one of their ancestors was in the 14th century when one of them was a financial adviser to the King of Spain
he embezzled a fuck load of money from the kingdoms treasury and fled to Milan then Venice
the Rothschilds have been swimming in gold for centuries. they've caused empires and republics to rise and fall
theres even a theory the Russian revolution was indirectly supported by them because the Romanovs wouldn't let them establish a bank of russia
hell the Rothschilds financed the French revolution and then financed the courts of Europe against Napoleon when it didnt turn out as planned

I'd wager they weren't paid enough to afford rent and food at the same time, but the boss still needed them. Or the houses were basic quality, or they made just enough to live a decent life but life savings where a myth.

The point isn't to keep your workers miserable or something, it's to keep them close and loyal. If one of those workers decided to quit the company, could he still live for free in those houses? Could he find a decent job that paid well enough to rent one of his own?
Could small shop owners afford rent and live well enough with what they sold?

That doesn't make any sense, if there's only one form of authority then you only have to corrupt one entity. There's a reason Democracy split several of it's functions over different people and offices.

Any form of government that tries to opose them is either bought and rendered useless or fought until it's also useless. And the many anti-statist positions and ideas that are thrown around do nothing but weaken the only thing that keeps them in check and nations still bound to countries, not companies.

And somebody would try to take their place, then start perpetuating the same shit they were pushing. All the things you talk about have been financed by them because they benefited from this, you even mentioned it yourself with the financing of French revolution and then the reaction.
This one?

Are you blind?

Right wing protests happen daily, the difference is the turnout is usually 20 retarded boomers or hicks who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about yelling deranged NIMBY shit.

When the left protests, we get hundreds or thousands and black blocs often get violent thus it gets more coverage.

Both do nothing though because everyone ignores IRL protests. Iraq and OWS protests show that literally millions can take to the streets and be ignored and achieve nothing.

Protests are more of a feel good thing these days.

back in those days unlikely
a job in the countryside and free housing and school for you kids was better than starving to death in a cholera infested slum in whitechapel
this was pre-department store era
all shop owners lived well enough with what they sold because supply and demand was practically at an equilibrium
yeah but eventually it degenerates to the point where it splits its functions over so many different people and offices noone is held responsible for anything no matter how corrupt it gets
you need an objective form of observer
indoctrinated zealots that serve the nation and the people before all else and are held to a higher standard of responsibility
secularism in any society is going to lead to corruption because people are inherently self-interested
only fear or loyalty are effective controls but fear is far worse than loyalty for a nation, its just easier to implement

no a Rothschild owned one
yep Rothschilds

This is because fucktards like Milo spout horrifically offensive shit with a straight face. Also us on the left don't want to argue the right anymore because largely, there hasn't been right wingers worth debating since the 1970s.

Why in fuck would anybody spend their time "debating" Milo? The man is delusional and literally won't accept anything no matter the evidence or theory. You can't debate insane people who take pride in their ignorance and win. Its like when scientists get drawn into debates with deniers or creationists. You are not going to change their mind so what is the point?

This actually. A lot of people will wilingly serve a master regardless of who he is, as long as they can get some stability and safety out of it.
Rothchidls are doing nothing but exploiting a demand in the market, like a security company that specializes in economic protection.

Just like in regular market, removing supply does nothing but keep the problem for later, it's the demand you have to supress or change.
If people don't need the safetity and stability those guys are selling, they won't buy it.

Slower than any other form of government. That, I'd say is the true strength in democracy. It's too inneficient to reliably corrupt and takes several years to get anything done legally or not.

Removing those mechanisms and making only a small plutocracy or even a single individual accountable for everything instead makes for a faster system that can both do more things but also be corrupted faster.

Basically, if you were to throw an orgy to bribe everyone, compare the size of the orgy you'd have to throw to corrupt democracy to the much smaller you'd need to corrupt any other system.

Which is impossible since the observer will still be human.
And if he is part of the nation, he stands to be partial.
And if he is not part of the nation, he might not understand it or have any reason to care for it's decisions.

The Rotschilds are the effect of the entire system, not the cause which must be also eliminated to get rid of such threat once and for all.
Just look at the US elites, when US was not the leading power, its bourgeoisie were pushing for some kind of "economic nationalism" with tariffs and such, as without them they were endangered by the UK. But when the US became world's leading economic power, the elites stopped pushing for that and started promoting globalist policies, as they no longer needed such protection from the state and they would benefit more from the globalised world.

You do see them. Tea party, Y'all Qaeda, etc.

Sounds like you concede that a nation can offer protections from the risks posed by globalism. Why should workers today be denied these rights?

There was this thing, I dunno, you might have heard of, it was called the Tea Party?
And Phelps, of course. Those dudes who occupied the wildlife refuge. The Pro-Lifers. Gamergate, although that was entirely located on the internet. Etc.

you need men like Solon every now and then to remind people
you do can do alot of things to people using MK Ultra type indoctrination
I dont know what you mean when you say 'he stands to be partial'
in objectivity I mean politically, religiously, racially etcetera
these things should all be meaningless to them
to have a one track mind loyal to the nation and the people above the state or anything else
like the varangian guard of the late roman empire and their loyalty to the position of emperor and only the position of emperor'

they arent an effect
they are the system they built the fucking system and rigged it in their favour
not relevant I've also been saying this
capitalist oligarchs arent nationalist they just go where the money goes
if their industry is threatened they support nationalism, when they can get it done cheaper in hindustan suddenly globalist

It can, but the problem lies in its ability to actually do it in the long term.
They shouldn't, but there's absolutely no guarantee they won't be rolled back. We even have an empirical evidence of unions and protectionist policies in the US and Europe getting fucked after the decades of protecting the people. Naturally, people might get pissed again and get it back, but since the system would be still based on the profit-based capitalist, another Reagan would appear sooner or later to return to that pro-globalism state of things and so on and so on.

You're right about this but it still makes sense to me to fight for what you can get. If sheltering under the arms of the state is the only feasible protection atm from globalisation then it should be encouraged. Instead of criticising anything nationalist, the left should embrace it and find a way to keep only the good of nationalism (protections, accountability, cohesion) while finding another way to address the root cause of the negative aspects of nationalism (chauvinism, xenophobia)

Yes, they were the affluent bourgeois during the feudal era, so naturally they were going to push for that as the biggest possible benefactors. It's perfectly logical and I realise that. But that's not exactly what I'm exactly addressing, which is:
That's what I was talking about. But I have a small question: How will eliminating the Rotschilds ensure somebody won't just try to become next global bourgeoisie pushing for the same stuff? The only choice I see is terminating the entire commodity production, or at the very least getting rid of the private property.

While the Rothchilds have been an influential family since the 18th/19th century they could be replaced tomorrow and capitalism would function identically.

You are going for the defensive position, which won't be able to hold out forever, as the history has proven since the bourgeoisie from other countries does not like the idea of losing a market and contesting their power. Therefore, the only way to stop globalisation is to eliminate what enables it in the first place.
Also left wing nationalism is a thing if that's what you mean. It's kind of okay I guess, though it does not fully address the problem I mentioned above.

they've been in the shadows of the world pulling strings for the last 700 years most likely in one form or other
if you killed the Rothschilds their system would become chaos

theres nothing to stop that happening
apart from the fuck loads of infighting that would result from the Rothschilds absence
what do tentacles on octopus do when you stab it in the brain
writhe around chaotically in a frenzied manner
something I dont see as possible
in a communist state the state owns the property
that means the cronies in the party own everything, the entire nation becomes their collective private property which they lend to the proles and peasants in return for their labour
its no different

Neo-liberalism only works when countries are willing to sell out their people. If enough nations went nationalist it could be derailed.

It may be kinda what I mean, though things like the Scottish National Party are also considered 'left wing nationalist' and I didn't want anyone to think I was supporting that shitshow.

Protests with chants and marches are entirely masturbatory and accomplish nothing aside from being a media prop to re-affirm the establishment/media narrative. The right - rightfully sees no point in it. The only of these type that are considered "right-wing" are Christians protesting abortion. These people are first and foremost puritans, none of their ideas are explicitly right-wing, its simply that only the right will tolerate and accommodate them.

A right-wing protest is usually organized and is some form of armed civil disobedience of varying severity up to and including armed stand-offs with the state.

It's not the state that is going to last forever, maybe it will last ten years, maybe fifty, but ultimately somebody will inherit their crown. You know that, don't you?

Communist is a hypothetical stateless system. You might be talking about state socialism. Just a semantical fix because that shit triggers me.
Yes, that's a fair critique of Leninism, which postulated the vanguard to fight against the capitalists, but it got to shit because Lenin was gay. But hopefully you are aware that anarchism and non-vanguardist branches of marxism exist as well? Like council communism for instance.
Also anarchism is not really "dude no organized society and everything is allowed lmao", just saying in the advance

what about the tea party ?


But not forever, capitalists working on a global scale do not really need nationalism, it's not profitable for them. And since they have more money, they can push for globalised system more efficiently than edgelords shitposting on the internet. You could derail it for some time, but not forever, since nationalism requires continuous "mental" maintenance, which means it would fail sooner or later, even if it took decades or even centuries.

I mostly agree but a mass protest or demonstration does have some benefits. They seem to have a profound affect on people in the form of visible solidarity. People like to know they aren't alone out in the wild. That doesn't mean that we should waste too many resources on that kind of activity but I don't think we should write demonstrations off completely.

The political praxis of the modern right is completely and totally based on their personal material comfort. The strongest right wing protests in the past years have involved buying Chick Fil A and the like because to be a conservative is to be constantly assaulted by what you will soon call "the culture" or "the regressive left" and pine for the status quo ante or whatever version of reality you're capable of understanding.
As for the more young and vital "alt-right", they don't demonstrate because of their physical ineptitude and fear of anti-fascist organizations stomping their heads in. There's such a divide between these keyboard warrior high school phrenologists and the skinhead thugs who actually demonstrate and engage antifa that any meeting between the two would be absolute hilarity.

Doesn't have to last forever. Just long enough for the planet to develop to roughly the same level everywhere and for you faggots to come up with theory that actually works and a plan for implementing it.

seize the means of production is not a strategy

Race towards the bottom and jobs being shipped overseas are already happening :^)

No shit. It's a goal. Not a strategy.

yeah I know
and then they must be allowed to fester and get their plans in order once again
it is an eternal struggle and there is no end
even when you propose what you believe to be an end is nothing but a drastic upheaval of a state of affairs that society moves toward in its natural state
again I am aware its just it breeds weak societies
these sort of societies are the sort that early man developed in Europe and the early Near East and in China way way back
all destroyed and conquered by militaristic patriarchal societies
an anarchistic society is not organised enough to defend itself from a hostile militarised nation

communism it seems goes like this

True. That doesn't mean you should just sit back and let it happen. The only viable defense right now may not appeal to you, but inaction is worse if you claim to care about the working class or even yourself.

I for one, think that we should enact policies that allow police to test the grip strength of teenage boys and also measure their sperm counts to ensure a rightly ordered patriarchal society.

Thanks for proving that they don't have a consistent strategy and that they use African-tier methods for attack.
I already mentioned earlier what I meant by strategic.
All of the groups that you mentioned are losing members, not gaining any.
His plan was to kill as many traitors as possible, and he did pretty well, demonstrating his strategical ability. It has nothing to do with my ideology.

I can tell you this. I'm "right-wing" by popular measure (I'm against our retarded immigration) but I would never want to demonstrate because of antifa assholes. They're anti-democratic. I wouldn't bat my eye if they died or got hurt, but I absolutely am not going to fight them myself. I've got more important things in life than getting myself down to the level of someone who enjoys harming other human beings.

You should probably engage with communist literature before trying to critique it. There's a hundred schools of thought on how to develop communism that go beyond your reductive, ignorant summation.

mad and wrong obviously
although I wouldnt mind a society where boys and girls can be taken on a fieldtrip to a prison where they can get to execute a death row inmate themselves in order to instill practicality and root out weakness of the mind :^)

and I'll read up on it once I see it practiced successfully and called true communism outside a sociologists workshop and his students

I disagree. Slave societies had their own "eternal" struggles generated by their inherent contradictions and despite lasting so long, they have succumbed. Feudal societies also had inherent contradictions, which caused their demise as well. Capitalism also has certain contradictions, which makes it fuck up constantly. It might take ages, but I doubt it is going to be eternal either.
The closest thing we have to "natural state" are those primitive communist-like societies from the jungles, so spare that silly argument

This applies to Holla Forums users too in reverse, as most of them have read a maximum of 1-2 books on right-wing theory if any at all.


I am not against such things at all and neither are most leftists, no matter if they are socdems, commies or somebody else. I am merely explaining why this half-measure is bound to fail sooner or later.

Oh yeah. Lone wolves bombing a building or shooting into a crowd are the height of strategy. You're so much more superior to those browns who engage in actual guerilla warfare.

Indeed. Your idea of strategic is whatever the stated motivations of a spree killer are. Really solid analysis.

I'm sure their membership records are available to the public.

Everything has to do with ideology.

Hey maybe we should let them spend the night with inmates and maybe even shower I mean you never know, we are trying to build rightly ordered societies here yknow haha.

Only because of certain religious customs
Europeans eradicated slavery around the world after a brief stint of engaging in the trade
now that the European empires have receded slaves have come back to Africa, South America and the Middle East
only the Far East hasn't gone back to having slaves, there are slaves in New Delhi, the entire pariah caste still practically has no legal protection
Feudalism relied on an educated elite and an uneducated underclass
as soon as printed type and cheap paper was produced Feudalism ended
much like how Feudalism didnt exist in the days of Rome when the rate of literacy was higher than before the dark ages
small tribal societies
again communism is only possible in small scale scenarios
thirty people can practice communism, 30 million cant

you're fundamentally not getting it are you haha

Have an okay collection of Holla Forums-approved books: mega.nz/#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

You are the exception here then. I think a left wing nationalist movement could be pretty successful given the climate today. But the majority of leftists don't seem interested. And those that are (NatZoc, Nazbol) are pretty roundly criticized around here and indeed in most online lefty places.

you say that like that means that they should be read

maybe you could be polite and provide them with some actual good books on right wing theory

What the hell is 'right wing theory' anyway? Holla Forums never asked to be right wing. That's something YOU ascribed to them.

Which anti-capitalist movements are fans of globalisation? Even Sandman immensely triggered the entire demoshit party with his policies despite being a social-democrat

I didn't ask for the books nor call Holla Forums anything other than incompetent. You're replying to the wrong person.

Well in leftist parlance it is 'internationalism'. But the end result is the same. Do-good 'leftists' protest any movement painted by the press as nationalist. Useful idiot sits pretty well here.

Killing 61 people in about an hour with only a semi-automatic rifle and a pistol requires an insane amount of premeditation.
There was hundreds of ways that McVeigh could have been caught before he was able to blow up the truck, yet he still managed to pull it off.
Quite clearly since they killed more people despite those leftists terrorist groups having thousands of people.
Nope. My idea of strategic is being able to make a meticulous plan that maps out a series of maneuvers that will be taken at a later date in order to obtain a specific result. Quite clearly leftists can't do this, as they are short-term minded and are only able to pull off tactic use (as you mentioned yourself).

have you ever though that maybe the leftist organizations weren't out to kill people without discrimination because they aren't fucking mentally ill lunatics like brevik?

He didn't do this.
Also I'm pretty sure that the point of terrorist groups is to cause terror.

Brevik went to leftist multicultural festival of love and tolerance
a place exclusively populated by SJW types and their pet ethnic fuckbuddies
he knew what he was doing Kek


Also in the case of McVeigh, his motivation is due to government intervention, which is why he decided to bomb a federal building.
Neither attack was random, and Breivik was declared as legally sane, hence why he was able to go to prison in the first place.

Good post

The vast majority of those are self-published neoreactionary manifestos by hacks like anissimov, Ann Coulter making it on the list is no surprise either.

Purposefully killing elites is harder than walking into a place full of unarmed civilians and killing people. You're a psychopath. Seek help.

wow nice """tolerance""""" from the left XD

And once they fully became capitalists to be exact.
They are not exactly slaves from the class based perspective, they are generally workers, whose situation is so shit that for us it's almost slavery, but in fact third world capitalism is not that different form western capitalism of the XIXth century.
Eh, I'd say it was more about the structure rather than education, most notably feudal ties to the land and they way guilds worked. Also the slaves and plebeians of slave based Roman society weren't exactly well read either.
Even if the level of automation incredibly reducing the amount of socially necessary labour time? Because communists say communism is only possible in such scenario and never otherwise.

Generally this is more about cultural stuff rather than economy.

Killing 61 unarmed people with a semi-auto rifle isn't really that impressive.

There goal isn't to have the highest kill count.

And obviously organizing political parties and guerilla movements that last decades shows zero aptitude for meticulous planning.

right wing protests… what do you mean?

Right wingers dont whine about shit, they either tolerate it, or they fix it.

I used to love Milo. Then he photographed and laughed at some fat person in a gym minding their own business, and simultaneously revealed that he's less fit than I am. Fucking shameful.

In Brazil there are actual slaves that work the palm oil plantations
recruited from rural villages they work for no pay, barely any food, they're average life expectancy out there is 3 months
they're worked to death by armed guards that dump their bodies in the jungle when they die
Saudi Arabia has legitimate slaves still
they keep it secret and on the downlow but the number of asians they trap in the country, rape and force to serve them is ridiculous
there are filipino and indian maids in Arabia that arent allowed to leave the property, get raped by their masters who've taken their passports and wont let them use the phone
if they're caught outside their masters property by the authorities they are flogged and returned to their master
and Africa?
child slaves on plantations in the Ivory Coast and down the diamond mines in Zimbabwe

a Roman pleb could read and write more than a European serf
and they had very literate slaves thats what scribes were

not really
its just requires planning, coordination and a willingness to die for your beliefs


Absolutely. The libtards aren't out there demanding TPP. But they do oppose as reflex any group that takes the opposition to TPP a step further, into opposition to the globalisation agenda. This is why libtards need be purged. Their desire to present themselves as high-minded, open-minded moralists is having a negative effect on discourse in society at large.

I disagree. Most americans don't manage that high a score.

Timothy McVeigh did this, as he targeted a building that houses federal government officials.
Also Nippon pulled this off: youtube.com/watch?v=mhNRsI5uNlk

I meant 69.
Also it's the most in history for a shooting attack done by a single person and none have come even close, so quite clearly it is pretty impressive. If you go read up the events that occurred during the attack, it's quite obvious that a lot of planning was put forth before hand.
They rarely ever kill elites either.
Those groups have achieved nothing in comparison, so it doesn't fall under the category of being strategic.

Top part for:

Not just KSA. Qatar's football stadiums for the upcoming world cup is being built on slave labour.

Not the shitflinging and cruder tone that has become more common?


A small contingent of people complaining about a medical procedure of mothers killing babies isn't something to kill over.

Most of the mothers should not even be breeding to begin with.

Because the left hates democracy, not the right

It's a pretty shitty baby if it can't live outside of its mother's uterus tbh. Deserves to die. Sad!

Eh I dont really consider Yemen, UAE, Qatar and Bahrain as seperate from Saud
its all muhammads land you have no idea how many of the worlds problems and 'spooks' i guess come from that stretch of worthless desert

Hmm, those situations are mostly slave based from the class perspective, but I would not exactly say that this was exclusively related to the culture in Brazil's and Africa's case, but it's more about the low level of overall economic development. Notice that an actual slave-based treatment is not that widespread in more industrialized shitholes like China.
I can agree on Arabia though, fucking Wahhabis are keeping it on purpose and they know it.
I know, but I don't think either class was that well-read when compared to average industrial worker from third world shithole

Except we do?

Wow, I'm glad we agree on this one.

When you steal a name from history and paint onto your coincidental furfag comic meme that happened to exist before, the individual does not follow. This doesn't change for deities either. Your "Kek" is a sham, a spool laid out by greedy trolls for morons like you to gobble up like pig slop, with dedicated payment plans.

I repeat: you are worshiping a sham, a meme macro with a face painted on from ancient history.

And I hope someone inquisitive and skilled enough draws tons of shemale Kauket porn to spam onto your boards in the near future.

"Obama is a socialist" is such a shitty meme


That LARPing is sad

Not as sad as leftists LARPing by eternally waiting for a revolution.


Nothing's more sad that people LARPing as "revolutionaries" who fought for rich men's money.

which again is only due to European empires bringing their school system to these areas
most of Africa didnt even have an alphabet before Europeans got there
and the ability to read and write was strictly controlled in the islamic world
no member of the pariah, slave or farmer/peasant class of India would be allowed to read and write
a luxury reserved for the warrior, noble and priest caste
the most literate country in Asia for the longest time was Japan
Africans revert back to enslaving each other based on tribal affiliation as soon as you take your eye off them like with Sierra Leone when that pseudo-communist army started enslaving niggers on the southern coast to force them to work on their diamond mines
in Brazil theres an attitude that life is cheap and nothing matters in my opinion
corruption runs Brazil you can get anything from anyone for the right price

Got you.

Why are they dressed like fucking pirates?

Now if only you could learn to love Kek…

The right does protest OP:


They just prefer to call protests "sieges."


gay meme smh tbh fam

It's not that the right is any more or less likely to riot than the left when each group has the same type of people. The problem is that the left has been campaigning almost solely on "muh feels, muh race, muh vagina" for years now, and the previous presidency held a progressive line while the self-fellating echo-chambers of Tumblr and Twitter built an unassailable worldview. This is the allegory of the cave. Perception has just come into contact with reality at full speed, and people who are literally foreign to dissent as anything but something a few backwoods hicks do just found out that they are the minority.

Salt was inevitable. Combine that level of salt with the kind of low-intellect high-emotion base that the left has been pandering to, and you get riots.

Are you actually this much of a stereotype, or are you putting me on?

Of course that is going to happen.
Unlike retarded leftists such as yourself, right-wingers recognize the fact that they need to stick together so long as one isn't an absolute traitor.
This is why leftism is never going to succeed.

The Tea Party was a historical LARPing group disguised as a political movement

Not exactly, India and China have properly industrialized and became actual capitalist societies, heavily reducing pre-capitalist economic structure and thus restraining the slave and feudal based relationships that would reemerge if left unchecked. Sierra Leone and much of Brazil on the other hand never got to that point, which allowed the things you're writing about to happen.

Karl Marx came up with the idea of Communism to present as a joke to his friends.

I never understood why do people call those two groups differently.

Nah, Jesus invented that.

>>>Holla Forums
Enjoy your stay there.


Looks like he hit the nail on the head.

To answer the OP's question, "right-wingers" don't protest and/or riot because they have jobs.

The libtards on the other hand, live on government assistance and feel a sense of entitlement. If they don't get their way, they pout, cry, demand, protest, threaten and riot like little children. They don't have to (nor want to) work. They used to preach tolerance, but are the least tolerant of all people…except for maybe Radical Islamists…but even that is a close call.

Not him, but conflating liberalism with leftism is a pretty shit foundation for a discussion to begin with.


Because the protests are rare and nonviolent marches and ofcourse not covered by the MSM as much. There are exceptions.



It's not really right-wing, it's outside the left-right paradigm, they just label anyone that's awake to the new world order a "right-wing nut"

I don't doubt Breivik put thought into it. I still don't find it impressive that he killed a bunch of unarmed students with a rifle. If you think it is you probably have mental health issues.

You really got me pondering here.




Wow you're a dumb cunt.

What I meant is its not much of a difference in step
he meticulously planned to kill as many as possible of a denomination he despised
he killed a lot because he was organised
killing the elites requires a different method but in essence the same act
be committed to die like Brevik and show no mercy
you can kill a low tier elite in broad daylight with a knife theres nothing stopping you
track them on twitter, stalk them for a while and get them at the right time
killing a leader of a nation much more tricky but still doable
the hardest ones to kill are men like Soros and the Rothschilds
they're so high up its hard to track them because they keep their movements secret and barely show their face in the public eye
killing your local council member? easy
killing an mp? medium
killing the prime minister? hard
killing Jacob Rothschild? extremely hard

Thank you Mr. FBI agent, This is excellent counter intelligence.

I especially appreciate the Zionist conspiracy being mentioned, I will surely keep that in mind as well.

At some point, you need to make a decision.

yes the Federal Bureau of Investigations is totally shilling on the internet
at least be old enough to call it psyop bullshit fucking newfag cancer
if you dont think Zionists work together internationally to support their agenda you're kidding yourself
I thought the left hated Israel anyway because of what they do to Palestine

It's actually COINTELPRO you underage dipshit.

GCHQ where I am tbh

This is why tbh.

Temporary disfunction doesn't change the fact that the way Capitalism is set up is favourable to a Rothschild, and one will inevitably arise.

You don't know anything about communism friend, here have a book