So what are the odds their big TGS reveal ISN'T going to be a sequel to Bloodborne?
And can Fromsoft make a direct sequel and NOT fuck it up again?
So what are the odds their big TGS reveal ISN'T going to be a sequel to Bloodborne?
And can Fromsoft make a direct sequel and NOT fuck it up again?
Other urls found in this thread:
*and in the same pictures there are also ps3s running Demon's Souls.
Cross your fingers and hope the Demon's Souls remaster is happening. Bloodborne was their last game they should be proud of, not surprising they're showing it off
Yeah, see, like that
Considering Miyazaki said they were done with Souls franchise bullshit like Bloodborne I will be disappointed no matter what. If its a system exclusive then fuck the company who paid for the exclusive.
They also released a Dark Souls boardgame. Don't read too much into it.
I adore Bloodborne probably the most of the 5, but Demon's in BB's engine would make sense and honestly i don't know where they can take BB's story beyond "city collapses after the paleblood sky event, 200 years later a new city has been built and its happened again" which isn't exactly doing the story favours.
Wasn't the DS one just a kickstarter from sold the license to?
Oh in that case I'll shut up, my bad.
Relax Mark, they said they're making a new mecha game too
Well they've been making them for twenty years, probably won't stop now.
Ditto and ditto, although I don't know if BB's engine is really propitious to the tank builds from DeS. It would at least be nice to see that game polished up with real dynamic shadowing and better textures.
If anyone would be happy about a jewish exclusive it would be that fat fucking kike board owner. Stop sucking FromSoft's dick.
Dark Souls PC was your first FromSoft game, then?
The interesting thing would be the final stones inclusion. Which was a giant church and a victorian gothic town with some vampiric npcs and 'beastmen' which sounds very familiar and was why 'project beast's leak was assumed to be DeS2.
The beastmen were recycled into Dank souls for things like the snakemen in Sens Fortress or the Lion men in Huntsmans copse onwards in DS2.
Latria is clearly still in their minds with Irithyll dungeon, maybe Bloodborne -which apparently they felt 'creatively refreshed' when making- will inspire them to finish the final stone area since it sounded so proto BB to begin with.
I mean shit theres straight up Boletarian knight armour in the chalice dungeons, if they retconned boletaria to be another town built on the Pthumerian Labyrinth and the Great Old one to be a representation of Ouden i would buy it.
-or dont and just throw a Dead Amygdalla body somewhere in the giant church as a secret easter egg.
Do you just try to create strawmen whenever someone says something you don't personally approve of, dicksucker?
please from just let it go
This is my biggest fear, especially after how DS3 was straight up worse than BB. Irithyll was gorgeous but the rest of that game was a mess. Fix BB's pvp -which i think was just cut because you can load the entire city from the clinic to bergenwerth without a loading screen and with hunters exploring it all would have fucked it up in some fashion- and DS3 would have nothing redeeming about its "REMEMBER THIS FANSERVICE???? BUY OUR SEASON PASS GWEILO1!" none world building.
I would love more BB but you can't just make a sequel to that story without it being 'it happened… again?!?" unless you are clever with it.
Wouldn't the sixth archstone be redundant now that they've sprinkled bits and pieces of it into the Painted World, Frozen Eleum Loyce, Cainhurst, and Irithyll? I mean I'm all for seeing the cut content put back in, but it probably wouldn't feel the same
*of which you don't personally approve
Not an answer, cockmuncher.
What? Dude it was ice land. Some japanese player broke into the unused code.
Anyways after DS3 i'm convinced DeS and the first half of DS1 were flukes and they actually have no idea what the fuck they're doing.
Basically. Same thing happened with Zelda. In WW they cut a dungeon that ended up being used in TP so when they remade WW they had nothing to "restore".
I could be wrong but if memory serves the 6th stone was at the very edge of the deep fog where people were still there, the vanguard demons were just rolling in and the townsfolk had yet to lose their minds to the fogs curse completely and so it would make for an interesting experience to see the spread and results of the fog spreading into a town and bringing it to ruin as you play through it.
Very possible they don't know what the fuck they're doing considering the last two games have had fucking teleporting hubworlds from the start.
DeS and the first third of DaS aren't the only good thinks they've ever done, DaS2 and 3 were outliers
I had never heard that, from my understanding it was the land of the giants and all that's known is shown in that video above
Not all of it, the snow covered church was meant to be where you spawn in and you fight down into the town that was never made, just its models.
Safe to say the Bloodborne precursor vibe is pretty evident in the models.
What do you know, wolfmen
Well they were in King's Field IV and Berserk before that, probably goes back further than the sixth archstone
The stones were named after the 'cheiftans' that were part of the nexus compact, but they didn't have to still be around for the name to be kept. Stonefangs stone lists the Dwarven Chieftan whos domain is burnt out ruins haunted by the flamelurker and the old dragon god, i imagine the giants were long gone as well.
The womans appearance also makes me wonder if Cainhursts story had its real world origins in the plans for the 6th stone. The whole "we know about this old god shit your leaders are getting into and WE were outcasted for it" would fit with the theories that the monumentals actually had a hand in wiping out anyone but them that knew the truth about the nexus.
I didn't say they were the only good thing they ever did, just that they have no idea what the fuck they're doing.
Like in DeS and DS1 most builds were viable in one way or another but around DS2 they started nerfing shit at random until we ended up at having no build variety in DS3. Or how DS1 had really tight level design and was a great 3d metroidvania but then they tossed in warping at the start which really killed everything.
They made good games but didn't seem to realize why they were good and fucked them up trying to improve em.
Well i'll be damned. I would have loved to play through that. DeS is still my favorite souls game for some reason.
They might be struggling to deal with their newfound popularity, but I don't think they magically forgot how to make good games
Well, it's a really really good game
DeS and BB are both my favourites but BB's art style and slow reveal is more my thing. DeS is good but i feel if they remade it they would slow the reveal of some things rather than drop them outright.
Imagine playing it without knowing what the end was. All you know is a fog is spreading out from Boletaria and inside it men lose their minds and demons crawl from every shadow and forgotten ruin to boil humans in giant pots to eat them.
Only as you progress do they reveal the king left to find 'something' and came back with fat ministers and so on. You drip feed it and places like latria and the valley feel more shocking a reveal and a more evident escalation after 1-1.
Also you might just get to try it, they have been workshopping the idea and though i can't find the pictures that have been buried in a month of twitter noise the teasers for the card game did show them in the dev offices with Demons Playing on a Dev kit. Why 7 years later would they be running that again y'know?
With some help I could load those first 2 levels gibbed shows off in this video.
I was amazed how "finished" they are, at least concerning the level design and architecture, a lot of stuff has no collision so you can easily clip through the ground.
Anyhow, the starting point is a vast snowy area which is pretty open and leads to some underground buildings that lead to a castle, that is really good designed and full of smaller ways and areas.
There are some vast underground hallways as well, so maybe they were going for some lost city in the mountains from there.
If you follow everything through you get to an empty cave which looks like it would have featured a bossfight, not sure.
I wonder if the beastmen were slaves working in cave to mine after stonefang went to shit?
Either they did or they completely ran out of time making DS3. It's the only explanation i can think of for the numerous fuck ups in that game. Actually the time thing might be possible as there were a ton of texture and clipping glitches that just scream no polish.
That might be fun, i just hope they don't nerf my favorite super healing faith build if/when they do.
Irithyll aside it all felt lazy. I lost count of the amount of normal human hollows stuck to sheer smooth walls like fucking spiderman to drop on you as a monumentally lazy ambush.
From the architecture alone I would say there was nothing that looked like a mining area or something that is under construction.
More like those beastmen would have been the degenerated citizens of this forgotten snowy city or something alone thise lines I think.
There are some shadowy entities in the church/castle as well, but since I wasn't able to load the NPCs I could only see their shadows on the floor, which are part of the ground textures.
It is actually pretty similar to the winter area from Dark Souls 2, so I guess the other user is right, they recycled that pretty much.
I still like it a lot and think Demon's Souls would have greatly benefited from this sixth archstone since it would be a great contrast to the other dark areas.
It even has something to it in this unfinished state, there are no sounds other than those your charakter makes when walking through the snow and it is easy to get lost
I should learn formatting, sorry
Frankly, I imagine that I'll be happy with whatever they show off, if rather cautious after DS3's milquetoast nature and same old rushed release cycle. Demon's Souls remaster would be great, although it'd delay me further from finally finishing it after stalling out on a playthrough close to finishing. Lack of time, away too long, thought it would feel wrong to come back to without a fresh start. Bloodborne sequel would be nice just to have more of a fix for blood-spattered zippy dodging action, in addition to Miyazaki's brand of Lovecraft love-letter. Maybe a dubious chance of a more cleaned-up Chalice Dungeon system with a bit more variance, since I already got a fair bit of mileage out of it before burning out. Cyber Souls or the Agartha hoax not being a hoax would also be cool. Has Kadokawa confirmed any kind of rough schedule, or is it far too early for that, as I'd imagine?
Here's a fun one you probably didn't notice; in Wolnir's tomb, turn directly around to face the tunnel you came in from, then look up. One of the top bands of huge stone bricks has no texture at all. Not even a mismatched one loaned by the other bricks around it as an interim solution carried over into release or last-minute patch, it's just blank gray model. From has the knowhow to make good games, but they're getting caught up in ill-received tweaky experiments coupled with biting off more than they can chew in terms of release cycle. More or less the same thing that happened with Armored Core, from what I hear.
Well the shadows may have been for these proto kathe creatures designed to burst up out of the ground and there was also a wingless Darklurker model not even half finished related to it as well.
Maybe -since this is apparently where bloodborne comes from- the people turned to some 'old' religion in the crisis and the Darkurker was DeS's version of the Amygdala and in their desperation they just started a new crisis?
If it was that big a deal it could have been cut simply for feeling too big a deal story wise to be a side thing.
All they said is 3 games. A dark fantasy action game with rpg elements, a revival of a fromsoft ip (probably armoured core but im the one guy that wants a new Kuon to rival Nioh and bring back old school survival horror vibes) and a completely new game like nothing they have made before.
The last ones probably bamco mobileshit.
That is one thing going against it, after all it had the shortest development time of any of these games, and that's saying something. Plus Miyazaki apparently axed a whole load of shit when he got on board after finishing The Old Hunters, and that was just a year before DaS3 was released. Then again, a lot of ideas in that game are just rotten to the core.
Knowing Demon's Souls, it would have found a way to make even a white blanket of snow feel dark, that game is claustrophobic as shit
Its still amazing how shitty DS3 is compared to the old Hunters. Most of ToH's is just model recycling and its still so much more memorable and interesting than "HEY, REMEMBER SOLAIRE!?! XDDDD"
As I said above, especially the first world of this archstone is actually wide open and feels like a vast area, so I wouldn't count on that.
Those shadows I was talking about can be seen in the gibbed video linked above at around 26:30. Their shadows near a light source as I was able to see them can be found at 23:30.
They don't look anything like Kathe to me though.
Demons Vibe is like a holdover from the PS2. Games like Ico, and SotC and a few PS3 games like DeS and Nier have this washed out, chalky looking pallet and a weightyness to their enemies that only they had, almost like a genre but not quite.
Sadly it died out around 2008 right when the dark times began.
Well, most of the regular enemies are like that, anyway, but it also features every good thing about the game turned up to 11, it's a great fucking expansion. My only real complaint is that it IS an expansion, it should have been there on day one.
not at all, its just generic fantasy enemies.
Dude shes wearing a hunters hat and dressed in the Cainhurst noble dress. They are just slightly of compared to the BB version.
They were like snakes meant to burst out the walls but the head was like a sphere that split down the middle to reveal a langolier style mouth.
Really? Sounds possible, where do you get that from though?
I wonder if it was even written when the game starts. You beat the base game and it reads like "When constructing some new buildings in Yharnam workers break into the Pthumerian Labyrinth and find great one blood.
Which is 'okay' but when you play the expansion and the whole "Wilhem saw how Kos changed the hamlet villagers and decided to try to uplift humanity through experimentation, but others believed it was their worship that did it and so religion and subservience was the key which leads to the schism that lead to the healing church unknowingly repeating queen yharnams mistakes and starting Oudens blood curse again" makes so much more sense of everything.
Not to mention the infestation of white worms.
Yeah it was almost fun looking for all the glitches. My favorites were my character randomly ending up in black face or when i managed to escape into the infinity zone.
Those models i posted are not all of them, there was more models in the 6th archestone than any other area and lots of information came out a few years ago. I dont even remember where its been so long. There were also giant ravens, rotten horses pulling a carriage and large white hair covered giants with a head mostly sunk into the torso.
Sound familiar?
'Dark fantasy' leans a bit more towards Demon's Souls than anything, but then if they said anything more genrespecific for a Bloodborne sequel like 'cosmic horror' it'd be trivial to identify. Could go either way, or maybe be something completely different.
Not especially adventurous, but considering they need to get back the old jaded base and appeal to newcomers, this could be a bit hairy.
That could be really neat. The question is, would they go for tank controls & fixed camera angles, or go for a modern RE/Souls hybrid of some sort?
Don't you dare. I want to believe in Blame! souls & dieselpunk dystopias run by fallen angels.
The fucking black face, I swear. I don't know why they went half-in on cloning Bloodborne's blood system. Either use the original with a slightly duller shine, or don't bother. The flat, black blood that looks like dry paint just doesn't do it for anyone.
The only NPC models I know of that can be affiliated with the 6th archstone are listed here, which includes yours:
I have never seen more than those (well, and the shadows which are not listed for some reason), would you be able to find a source for those other models you talk about?
Not that I don't believe you, I just would love to see that to understand better what they were going for.
There's stuff in the base game that's a lot like BB too, like the Fat Officials, the whole story surrounding the Old One, Boletaria-3 with all of the rabid dogs and abandoned carriages; they probably wanted to make something like Bloodborne for a long, long time, but felt obligated to make a AAA King's Field reboot first, since that's the way the project started before Miyazaki jumped on board.
Black blood? Unless they patched it since I played DaS3 on release week, all of the blood in the game was neon pink, like fruit juice.
I just found those again image searching and it lead to a bunch of reddit threads. I would say check there, but who wants to be directed to that shit hole.
shame but the souls wikis have always been kind of half finished and gotten worse overtime as the "But….perhaps….if you support muh patreon" audience took over and they only care about their conflicting head canon bullshit.
Blackface comes from the blood effects. It spatters anywhere that isn't covered by a helmet or facemask. It might've been pink in certain lighting and I just didn't notice, though.
Its possible. Its not exactly genius but Bloodborne is far too well thoughtout concept wise to be 'shit Sony wants an exclusive souls game to push the PS4, time to shit something' out. The whole concept of selling us a lie was downright Kojima-esque when you look back on it.
Turns out its not about werewolves at all but the aquissition and misuse of old god blood.
It was actually an Amygdalas sillouette which of course we have no frame of reference for beyond 'spider' at the time, especially after the souls games before it.
Not noticing the empty prams right in the center which in game lead from central yharnam to the upper cathedral ward and the choirs orphanage because in their desperation as the beast plague grew out of control they were outright stealing babies in the street -maybe even newborns if the wheelchairs are for women in labour- and trying to call down the Great Ones with a child since they can only stillbirth as immortal creatures and they "long for surrogates".
They outright told us everything about yharnam and we didn't see what was right in front of us because we came preloaded with all these preconceptions going "oh, van helsing, got it".
Then you get to cathedral ward and see the statues lining the church and they are not angels, or run into that first none beast wrech in that back alley and you start to feel a creeping dread that things are far more grand in scope and scale than you imagined. That in and of itself is some brilliant hoodwinking on Froms part.
Well, in this case reddit seems to be the only source, so I don't mind going there to see for myself. It's not like I have to write something.
I can't find those threads using image search though, would you mind linking them/telling me what to search for?
Oh god, i went to the page. Its worse than reddit.
i assume most of the art will be there, can't imagine they get the known info right though because, y'know, its "the 'gaf" and all but enb and german spy have talked about it before but fuck knows what videos they were talking about it in.
Its a shame stuff like this is forgotten, maybe Unseen64 has more info?
It's not there though. You are sure you don't mix things up? I have looked quite extensively for DeS cut content over the last years and don't remember ever having seen something similar to the stuff you talk about.
Will check Unseen64.
thats ash i think, i've noticed my guy gets black smudges on him around fire
Its a shame its not all properly archived, i guess at the time it was such a niche thing nobody gave a shit about cut content from an unknown ip before it became the go to memegame for casuals by DS2
Fun fact: These white things ended up being remade in the Nightmare of Mensis called "lost children" but they are in that one piece of demons art everyones seen of the giants attacking an army of humans sucking out souls.
TCRF has nothing, and Unseen64 has only a paragraph written in 2010 about the game.
Yeah, if this user is right the information about this stuff is nowhere left on the internet.
Seems a bit weird to me that those same pictures are to be found everywhere and some specific ones are completely vanished, but
maybe that is the case.
Should be possible to check the files myself though, I have Demon's Souls on my HDD.
Just need to find out where the NPCs are stored.
Only place left i can think of is enb and german spies videos but thats a needle in a haystack at this point in time.
Its kind of amazing that Demons have some autistic fan documenting it all in one place.
I guess its a PS3 exclusive and that was where games whent to die in the mainstream but still even if its not as picked apart as DS1 you would think all the interviews and info would be archived somehow.
Thats all i got, feel free to assume i'm full of shit with it being the internet and all but its gonna bug the shit out of me till i find the info again.
*amazing it doesnt have an autistic fan archiving it all that is.
You're reading way way too much into this.
"they outright told us everything"
except nothing in those trailers indicated ayylmaos and the old blood.
jesus, do you know how fast you were sucking dick back there son? You're putting OP to shame
I really hope it is and isn't at the same time. On one hand if they could refine the shitty parts of bloodborn it'd be a good game, on the other hand if it's shit I get to stop hearing the endless arguments between the BB defense force and the dedicated bloodborn is shit squad.
It is not like I don't believe you, in fact I really want to, I would be excited to find that there is more out there than I have seen yet.
It just seems a bit unlikely that there would vanish some stuff considering everything else is pretty much covered in a variety of places.
Glad to hear it bugs you too, be sure that I will search for it and will make a thread or post in an existing one as soon as I have found something.
Maybe you should stop trying to start them, then.
What? If anyone uses that prose I'm going to call them a faggot no matter the game, Especially when referring to an action game.
Man I hate that creeping feeling of dread when I realized the angel infestation in Vigrid was much more than I expected.
I had the creeping feeling of dread when I realized the Ravager infestation was IN THE VERY EARTH ITSELF.
It doesn't matter what game that prose just makes you sound like you're a dick sucker
If you are that triggered about a descriptive phrase to describe a tonal escalation of expectations with negative connotations attached to said expectations when a game begins to reveal its situation is tonally far more dire than assumed then you sound like a meathead dudebro thats intimidated by a proper use of terms that have somehow lead you to take personal insult to them over the internet. Great job champ. You did it. You're the guy.
Someone having an emotional response to something is not a good reason for that kind of kneejerk reaction, especially in a series where a lot of people play for muh atmosphere
No more than referring to it as "that prose", really
See, and you just make OP double down on that kind of language
I want to say half i read in an article and the other enb talked about learning when he talked to miyazaki about DeS when working with him for the future press guide for DS1, maybe he will touch on it again now hes worked on an autistically in depth DeS video series.
Shit if he has an 'in' maybe this is why he decided to work on one now?
I know in game they just said "It was where the fog hit first and we had to close the gateway to stop a demon invasion" which i have no idea if thats in the original or just a localisation thing because that kind of sounds like a last minute horseshit excuse when the stones for the shrine and valley are still open and they are fucked.
If you ever have that strong of an emotional response from a souls like of all things, you probably need some type of mental evaluation, there's a strong chance you have 'tism. Especially one that gives you a "creeping feeling of dread".
The only feeling of dread you'll get from a souls game is if you're low on HP and accidentally hit the heal button and get the WHOOPS I'M OUT OF ITEMS animation.
It's a decent game, but calling it a creeping feeling of dread when you kill the 29th random villager in a row, is just overhyping it for the sake of trying to stroke your own ego. I mean hell the werewolves appear in the first 15 seconds of the game after the intro cutscene, it's not even a slow reveal.
Same goes for hating unconditionally on a game.