World of Warcraft Outcasts

Hey Holla Forums, if any of you played Warlods of Draenor you're going to love this.

Disclaimer: Yeah, the expansion sucked. Get some new talking material.

I'm not sure if it was intentional on Blizzard's part or not, but here goes:

If you have any other bits of information I could add to this, I'd like to hear them.

It's of note to say that this whole thing looks like the Jew passover myth, or their persecution in Nazi Germany.

I thought the Goblins were already supposed to be the Jews though


Yeah but they're overtly so.

This seems more subtle.


They're ripping off the fucking Fiend Folio of all things.

Hah, I knew they ripped off everything from Warhammer and W40k.

Didn't think they stole this too.

you already made this thread

The Field Folio is AD&D bro. The "aarakocra" is credited to Lawrence Schick in the back of the book.

Yes, that Lawrence Schick.

it's not a reference to anything other than some piece of pop culture. everyone working at Blizzard is a media zombie with zero free will.

Yeah, and it was derailed. Board owner suggested I remake it.

it was derailed because nobody cares

You seem to be kind of (((nosy))) for someone who doesn't care

More like nobody wants you shilling wow here, nerd


You Jews always like to talk with collective pronouns like women, eh?

hey i heard their was repeating digits in here

would have been so easy too, just make more raids and dungeons but they screwed that up completely.


Some next level autism from OP there. Time for dubs.



Interesting stuff, have a bump to trigger the leftist dubsfags.