Selected quotes from Savitri Devi, Esoteric Hitlerist.
Selected quotes from Savitri Devi, Esoteric Hitlerist.
And these are the people Hitler had in his circle,kek.
This is why I say Hitler was a controlled opposition and we need to research it more.
Blow your fucking brains out.
Anytime esoteric hitlerism is brought up the Jews wince in pain
Savitri Devi wasn't a race-mixer. She married her Indian husband in order to acquire British citizenship. She was a lifelong celibate and never consumated her marriage. I'm a Traditionalist, not a fascist per se, but Hitler was most certainly not controlled opposition. Why would the Jews put an anti-Jewish politician into power? Your theory has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.
I love how shills tie themselves in knots like this
there is more than just one reason why they keep making WWII movies. They are afraid of something.
Oh, sweet, you finally figured out how to install tor.
Just a bump and a reminder to any newfags that a great deal of Esoteric Hitlerism is totally free on /pdf/ and /pdfs/. Even you Holla Forums trannies and The_Donald redditors should have a gander. You might as well know your enemy, right?
This thread along with the colon cancer one is making me think that the universe wants me to go vegan.
End your life, for the sake of the white race, end your life.
Bump because this is more important than (((TRS))) garbage.
the jew knows that when their conditioning fades away whites will naturally drift toward the racial ideal
wtf i LOVE jews now!
this same spammer posted this pilpul in the unite the right thread that some shill made.
It's pure copypasta horseshit
Fuck you OP
Is Smiley a mod now?
Also there was nothing hidden (((Esoteric)) about Hitler.
You should give Devi and Serrano a look, even if you think it's stupid.
Shouldn't this go in the Esoteric Hitlerism thread? Either way, Devi is the key to the femenist problem. With her words, we could crack femenism and the green/vegie movements entirely.
Esoteric doesn't mean hidden, just as Exoteric doesn't mean visible. Learn some damned linguistics user.
That's how it's used.
There is nothing esoteric about Hilter. This is a kike scam that takes you away from real philosophy and science which are the TRUE faith of the white man
I did. It's not only bad historical knoweldge/refferance that you only find is New Age druggy scum, but it's all circlular tail chasing shit that makes you into a degenerate psuedo-intellectual.
That's good. It speaks to some people. Others don't need it.
got any GLR webms?
“Tradition has not given us the date of the last return of Him Who comes back, nor has it given us means of calculating it. Tradition is neither history or astrology. Yet according to the signs I have mentioned, the last embodiment of the Forces ‘against Time’ in our Time-cycle – Kalki – must appear soon. He will come when all will seem irretrievably lost: when nothing will be left of the real Chosen Race – the natural Aryan aristocracy – but a silent, unnoticed, yet conscious, unwavering and active handful of men and women of the type I have described at the end of the last chapter of this book.. Now everything does actually seem lost without hope…And the few men who are already more than men – the toughest votaries of the perennial faith of Light and Life in its most recent form, are waiting; waiting to recognise their own beloved Leader, Adolf Hitler, in irresistible apocalyptic Warrior Who is to avenge him and his people, their comrades and their themselves. The Divine Warrior who is bound to come soon.” – Savitri Devi – The Lightning and the Sun