The Guild 3

It looks like a solid upgrade from The Guild 2. I'm a little bit hyped. It won't be bad, right?

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I'll believe it when I see it

Bumping. I have hoped the game would be more popular here.

If you don't know The Guild 2, you should really try it. It's by far not perfect, but there's pretty much not much else in the playing/politics/trading/economy simulation category. Multiplayer doesn't work and it's a rather old game, but it still gets official patches sometimes.

There's also a decent amount of mods, some of which are supposed to make multiplayer work. It's one of the few game where I can imagine playing with anons would be genuinely really fun, especially because of the court and politics system.


this & bannerlord are the only games I'm remotely interested in. please don't fail me

I hope we can run a brothel again like in Guild 2.

You absolutely won't, I can practically guarantee that. The game skirted around that with them offering 'kisses' in the marketplace in exchange for cash. In this era it will be censored.

Don't hype this shit to me Holla Forums. I can't handle this disappointing me.

I never could get into those "guild" games, cause there are no real directions on how to spend your day and controls were stupid as fuck.

I want a sequel but my desire to know more has intensified to the point where I may not be able to contain it.

I loved The Guild 1, spent hundreds of hours playing it, even if it's a buggy mess.
I hated The Guild 2 when it came out. I thought The Sims aspect was bullshit and it overall felt like a completely different game.
Is is worth trying to get into The Guild 2 for me? I heard they improved it.

I'll check the third game out in any case, I guess. Cautiously optimistic.

Try the first one with the expansion. It's relatively bug free for Guild standards and should play pretty intuitively. Play a crafting job like Smith or Carpenter, it's pure resource management. Hire workers (you can promote them after four years for increased productivity), buy a 2 slot cart and produce stuff. Check the prices with right-click (you can see the average price and the current price) and sell when it's ~150% of the average price. Train your crafting and bargaining skills. If you press CTRL or ALT you can highlight all the options you have within a building.
When you've got the hang of it you could play a more complicated job like Alchemist or Perfumer.

My advice would be to go Carpenter -> Perfumer -> Thief to ease yourself into the game.

The only thing I didn't like in The Guild 2(I haven't played 1) was that you couldn't control more than 3 characters at a time. Sure I could manually remove them from the tree and others and give them some commands, remove them and put the original ones back, but I just didn't want to do that. If I had at least 5 or better yet 10 slots, I would have really enjoyed it and would have given me a much greater control over my dynasty.

That's all I ask for, this was fine enough. I'm not asking for kinky. Just the whole sending out bitches to make money gameplay was enjoyable, it required less work and was a unique mechanic compared to the other jobs. That and you still got to own a bar with gambling.

Don't tease me with your lies, you satan.

It's too good to be true.

So how many months until patches make it playable?

cant wait for censorship.

What did they censor in the other two games?

is the guild 1 any better than 2?
i had a lot of fun with 2
it was fun
trials where they accused me of random shit (which i clearly did) were the most fun shit, i just bribed everyone and got away scot free

Guild 2 is the better game because of the courts and election mechanics. Guild 1 was lacking as far as end game was concerned. Guild 2's sims mechanics are annoying though.


I hope it gets popular enough that I'll get some sex mods. The others were severely lacking in depravity.

Holla Forums…. Holla Forums never changes…

relax faggot, no one here said they were pre-ordering or buying. I'll be waiting.

We should learn from the fact that Jowood and Dreamcatcher have fucked over these devs multiple times, now that they're dead, this game actually stands a good chance of being "fixed" this time.

Nothing wrong with hoping it won't be shit bud.
it's not like they are throwing their money at it or anything.

Everything is wrong with hope
why would you have hope at this point
the devs could come out tomorrow and throw a wet chunk of shit at you and enough people buy it fund another one
video games are fucking SHIT now

Just because the bulk of the industry is doing it doesn't mean these guys will, they've been scolded enough times to know better.

Besides some of the best games right now are coming out of East Europe they seem isolated from the cesspit that has become the western games industry.

These devs have been screwed enough times both by publishers and the public to know their place.

I don't even know why you goys haven't linked the official website yet, there's some info on what the game will feature, I'm not really sure what to think about it yet.

Perhaps we will get lucky with The Guild 3 and the maps will be big with lots of different industries that interlink to form a detailed economy that you can exploit for a fun time. I thought the maps in 2 were too fucking small, some kind of first person mode would be fun, I think it would be cool to explore and interact with your empire in the first person.

Was there ever a mode where you can start as a simple farmer who doesn't own any land and work your way somewhere marrying your son to a pennyless nobles daughter so that later generations can benefit from the tied lineage?

Fuck you user
I've never of this series before now I'm interested and I know I'm going to be disappointed because if hype

Easy way to fix the hype, go play Guild 2, accept that a game as good as this is a win as long as it fixed the problems Guild 2 has. Have a levelled head and you'll have a good time.

I'm not 100% on multiplayer and I wouldn't get my hopes up.

I also hope that the pricing on this game is reasonable. I couldn't see it succeeding at $60USD.

No I can't do that. If Guild 2 is good and 3 is bad then I'll get disappointed. I have to wait for 3 to release first and see how you guys take it

$49.99 according to Amazon.

I don't no if I could justify that, this is going to be a wait for me. That's too pricey. I want it at $30 or under.

Anyone have a torrent on The Guild 2 with last patch and bug fixes?

Fuck off Jenko.

Who the fuck wanted that? I admit that I never sent them mails, so I can't be all that pissed, but what annoyed me most about the Guild 2 was that you could only control up to three characters at a time, which was too little for me. I wanted to control 5, 7 or better yet 10 characters at a time to have greater control over my dynasty. Now I am stuck with just one character, I guess you could argue that it's more personal or what not, but if you wanted you could control only one character in Guild 2 as well. I don't understand why they would do such a thing?

I played the DS spin off. It's a German game right? Will it be pozzed?

Looks pretty white to me.


It plays very much like a sims game but without needs. Instead you get to worry about running your business, fending off thieves and bandits and other scum, and driving your competitors out of business.

I mean you can just try and get along with people but its more fun to have them assaulted in an alley and kidnapped so that you pass the election for guild master and then have their business constantly closed down for inspections while you arrange marriages between the mayor's wealthy daughters and your son.

multiplayer will be shit like it was in the guild 2. Desync errors every 3 seconds because the devs can't network for shit

Multiplayer in The Guild 2 was hacked in. If they actually plan for it this time it should work.

I liked the second one. Really innovative.

Well it is a business game.

Can you kidnap their daughters/wives and have them passed around the thieves guild as toys?


game is outdated anyway

By what game is Guild 2 outdated?

Wait, are you guys actually saying that there is a Guild 3 in development? aren't you trolling me?

Would to be able to make long domination fights between families controlled by your friends?

You ain't even tried.
Seed: 47

thats russian 4.20b repack, install patches up to latest from guild 3 site repository and imma strongly suggest to update it with Legacy mod, it'll also turn game english

2 was an amazing concept but horribly done. I don't care the reasons behind it, the game was a broken pile of shit. No hype here but I'll look it up after release.

If you have any hope for new The Guild games, you haven't been around long enough.