Who here is lifting to try become swole in preperation for the incoming race war/immigration crisis?

Who here is lifting to try become swole in preperation for the incoming race war/immigration crisis?

I am. I started lifting, gardening, shooting, and learning maintenance skills over the past 2 years. Feels go to be right wing.

I switched to more strength training from cardio, just to deal with uppity niggers. Kettlebells make for a very good investment.

Every man has a duty to be at his physical peak, incoming race war or not.

I haven't lifted lately but I started work as the production manager for a produce farm, so work keeps me fit. I carry and shoot guns on the regular. I exclusively read non-fiction such as philosophy, politics, and current events. I invest and have become more and more financially secure. I study foreign languages and dabble in computer programming. We renaissance men now.

Garden, shoot, HEMA, lift, and and practice with militia members.


Historical European martial arts.
I so hope to kek I meet some wannabe street samurai with a katana.
Zweihander​ > katana or nodachi everyteim

Shooting, camping, hiking, been helping out on the old family farm more, and finished my engineering degree thanks Holla Forums I was having an existential crisis before

Began keto and much more cardio thanks to Holla Forums. Went from fat fuck to midly less of a fat fuck by dropping 17 pounds in 42 days. Think I'm plateauing and need tips on lifting as I'm fucking clueless.

I moved to a place where I can garden, write, and shitpost.

Exercise, quitting booze, coconut water seems to be working for me.

check this out guys

This. I used to drink industrial quantities of beer. It gave me manboobs and turned me into a whiny numale faggot, and my dick didn't work.

Now I'm making up for lost time with cute hippie girls.


I get muscle pain on my armpits the day after I do pull-up negative then test to see how many pull-ups I could do after the fourth set of negatives but never see any progress the week after. I want to be able to do more than one pullup with correct form

So I have a problem pol, I have no problem going to the gym and lifting weights, however I have a hard time getting better at doing things like swimming and running.

You need more cardio, you fatass. You didn't buy into the "cardio's for faggots" meme, I hope…
Get an exercise bike. It will help you get into shape to swim and run.
Other than that, keep running.

I don't lift much because I don't enjoy it. Guess I'll never be swole, but I am getting in shape in my own way in preparation for ragnarok. I walk half a mile every day with a heavy backpack, swim twice a week and do calisthenics twice a week. In the evenings I do yoga to work on stress tensions, breathing and the like.

So I guess my focus is more on stamina, flexibility and core strength than on swoleness.

are you me?

Firearms would be a more sensible thing to prep with…Unless you think the race war is going to be settled in a series of grappling tournaments or so kind of bizarre gentlemanly "lift off" event with a bunch of whites vs shit skins in singlets trying to out lift each other in the bench press and clean and jerk. I lift because I'm a former competitive athlete that started lifting/training in my late teens. I like the way it makes me feel physically and mentally…

You faggot, you know why the Germans were such a effective force in WW2? Superior physical conditioning. They could run circles around the cannon fodder the Soviets were throwing at them, and could even out fight the well fed, well armed Americans.