I love the story, the feel, and the level design of this game...

I love the story, the feel, and the level design of this game, but I'm not sure if I suck absolute dick or if it's just mechanically broken.

How do I take down people non lethally? The tranq cross bow instantly alerts anybody of my position even if I shoot from the other side of the map while in the dark. The prod and the stick barely do anything to anybody with a helmet, and it seems like the AI has super vision.

I'm right after leaving the apartment after sending the signal for my brother and the place is full of unatco troops, I can't go anywhere without shooting up the place.
Are there like pro strats and expert routes I can only know by playing the game a lot?

Please help

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We just had this thread five hours ago >>10363059

There's already a thread up.

Also specifically for that mission, there is a second way down where you only have to encounter maybe two guards. There is always a second way.


With tranq gun hit them in the neck, with stun rod hit them at the base of the spine.

You can leave out the window or fight.

Spend xp on melee, then use the expandable baton. With the crossbow, you're supposed to shoot them then duck away and wait for them to get KO'd

Kill yourself.

I always PROD the calves. one hits most dudes.

Not really, just pay attention to the surroundings, what characters inform you with and keep stocked up on lockpicks and multitools. Don't forget there's a notepad in game to keep track of various shit that may not be logged.

just like, use stealth
or if you have the speed augmentation (like you should) jump off the rooftops and kill yourself

Deus Ex sucks. It's like Alex Jones wrote the script and the matrix cucks produced it.

The GEP gun is best for non-lethal takedowns.

And then there's this contrarian

Always go for the neck with prod and the baton.

Is this the stock exchange wordstien? Deus Ex is a wet dream for Holla Forums but the game is just average at best.

yeah i dont think this game has very good stealth. neither did human rev, the AI is fucking psychic and can see through walls.

that being said, tranq does not alert all guards. it's a slow-acting poison if you don't hit them in the exact right spot. they will start running around because theyre taking stamina damage but if you hide behind a box or something you'll be fine.

the best thing to do is to hit them in the spine with the PROD for the stun, and then hit them with the baton.

just press escape while lockpicking or multitooling and it keep the menu open on your screen for 10 seconds = open every door/chest in the game w/o spending any points in those 'skill' trees.

Stop running the AI can hear you when you run and if you need the boost use the mod that silences your footsteps and when going for head shots know that the hitbox is a bit messed up so don't bother with hitting at angles. For LoS git gud and memorize their routes, you're going to have to think in terms of the abstract and just remember what direction they're facing without looking at them most of the time because their LoS isn't gimped like in other games.

There is absolutely no reason to use anything but the baton. On Realistic you can knock out every enemy you encounter with one baton strike to the neck. If you plan your character right you will become better at baton just as new and tougher enemies appear, ensuring one hit will always be enough. By maxing out the strength aug and melee skill you can even kill any robot in like 3 swings. Of the energy sword. Not the baton. I hope you weren't thinking of the baton in that case.

Get a sniper and a silencer, horde all GEP missiles until Paris.

You either abuse headshots or abuse NPC's line of sight and amnesia.

I've always tried to finish this but i never could.
I've started a new game, installed GMDX to have a slightly smoother experience.

I dumped all my points in stealth and pistols, i got the stealth pistol, slapped a laster and a scope on it, and i'm clearing up whole missions just headshotting everyone silently.

I'm having an ok time so far, it's not the most fun thing i've ever played but not boring either, i like that there's many options when infiltrating somewhere and also there's shit you can find hidden pratically everywhere in every map.

Bumping this thread because I might start playing the original Deus Ex now too.

Anymore tips Holla Forums?

inb4 kill yourself

we always get this fucking thread

You can almost always make a commotion killing or knocking out someone, then hide somewhere unreachable until it stops.
I have wasted my whole arsenal on Gunther while hiding in air vents in that one mission where you are supposed to be captured by him, before I noticed he is immortal there.

Augmentations that allow you to move heavy stuff and jump high are your friend.

Just play the fucking game, it's not that difficult barring several moments like the one when Paul can die, if you don't help him.

The guards have the vision range of guards in MGS1, if you're anything like me you probably think they can see a lot farther with better peripheral vision than they really have. It's actually really easy to ghost around.

Also, use the stun prod. The stun prod is your go to weapon in a stealth run. Hit them with the prod once then swap to the baton. If you hit a guard while he's reeling from being prodded then he'll be instantly knocked out.

But complaining about the mechanics is how you find out one is an impostor.

I just one shotted everyone including "bosses" with the sword and focus on low-tech + that melee augmentation
There also seems to be no incentive for actually going non-lethal except for maybe one line of dialogue from characters which seems really worthless
The game was so boring

Really? I have fun with it. I'm at the part where I have to sabotage the ship the game still holds up. Mind you I am playing Deus Ex:Revision which is pretty good.

As an addendum to this, go for augs and skills that are usable all the time and aren't hyper situational. Stuff like swimming is shit as you could guess and other things like the head spy drone EMP is pretty garbage until the end of the game when you have a near endless supply of the Deus Ex version of mana potions (Still worth taking for the head slot since if you're playing stealth on realistic you already lost if you're in combat).

My favorites are lifting heavy shit, and sanic speed. You might be thinking that in a stealth run you'd take silent running over sanic speed, but you can just use sanic speed while crouched and move faster than you would running silently in addition to having the ability to get around the map incredibly easily since it's also packaged with the ability to jump really high and fall large distances.

Get Deus Exe and the Direct3D 10 renderer from this link. Ensure you choose Direct3D 10 in Deus Exe instead of Direct3D.