The official USMC YouTube channel just uploaded this video to shame our marines who shared nudes of a whore among themselves.
Official USMC YouTube Channel Uploads Video to Shame Marines Who Shared Nudes of Whores
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I hate white knights.
Why do you care about a Zogbot Jewtube channel? Are you dumb enough to think the Marines ever weren't kikes.
May as well cut their balls off, I'm sure a bunch of eunuchs will make for a competent fighting force.
They should be proud of exemplifying the beauty of femaleswhores. Also OP is a faggot for no webm
That D&C shill picture should be a bannable offense.
Kill yourself kike.
To be fair, America backing Britain with arms and finances played a large part in Hitler's peace proposals being rejected. The international finance system has very deep roots in the US.
If women want to behave like whores then they deserve be treated like whores. They should be punished just as severely as the men who shared the photos. Better yet, kick them out of the service because they don't belong there in the first place.
Thousands of years of European history, flushed down the toilet in a century due to women's lib. Females we're a mistake.
America also backed Russia before the war with loads of military equipment. It was because of this equipment that the vodka niggers had planned to take over Europe if Hitler hadn't started operation Barbarossa. It's also because of this equipment that Hitler couldn't defeat the Russians in time to focus on the West. All in all America didn't start the war, but it sure as shit made sure the Jews won it.
Marine Corps ain't what it used to be. Who cares, anyway? Anyone who joins the military at this point is either retarded or a traitor.
God, this is one of the stupidest ways of how a soldier should respond in social media or any other news media. Never, ever publicly make any sort of comments that can harm the image of the army. This sort of matter should have been addressed closed doors, more exactly make some sort of discipline lesson to the soldiers and officers about usage and distribution of porn and its consequences.
Some communication tranny officer possibly gave this approval for this video out of spite since he won't get any more transition money.
Cognitive dissonance.
It's not happening any time soon.
America also gave away Danzig to the Germans without proposing further peace solutions, in fact it gave away Danzig only to then rile Poland up against Germany.
You homos have been shilling 'the military isnt your friend, goyim' all fucking day. Its almost like your bosses forget how many combat veterans post and lurk here.
no the only mistake was men ceding their authority to women, followed by men crying that women are to blame. Find your testicles and start acting like a fucking man. Behave as an icon of what it is to be a man and others will follow you. Men taking back what is theirs will inherently cause women to fall back in line.
Truly a subhuman collective, the amis.
Tell your handler that you failed at your one job, and try harder next time.
The title alone makes me laugh. Reminds me of the Office Space movie, for those who have seen it.
Hahahaha "Hey Devil Dogs you should be ashamed for having a hog board even though every other unit since fucking Tun Tavern has had one and we know this won't change a damn thing!".
Fucking do nothing nonsense to appease the god damn pussies in society. The real tragedy is that half of the limp wristed faggots who were all butt hurt about stupid whores in the mil being whores……and then being exposed as whores had forgotten the whole thing. Now this video just reminds the skinny jean wearing faggots and Jews about the incident.
This is what happens when you let (((society))) dictate military policy.
Cheesey much? If (((they))) turn military into a golem it will bubble up and rise against them. It's a win win for Holla Forums as either people get redpilled or realise how useless the USA military is domestically and do not join.
What? Danzig was a nearly 100 percent German populated German city. Danzig wasn‘t “given away” but forcibly separated from Germany against the wishes of its inhabitants.
To rile them up they proposed the Poles to wage war against Germany to gain even more territory, with the weapons they already received from France and England
I hope you Polaks all die in Russian nuclear fire.
Speaking to the wrong user, Ami.
You need more than the lingo to fit in, shill.
Does nobody have any sauce on these "nudes" that these leathernecks have?
It would be mighty useful for identifying who is who since in the CY + 1 we have drug-resistant STDs and lots of other "nasties" that can make your dick fall off with not a lot of effort. I bet my ass these sluts are carriers of STDs and many other "diseases". You can't have a strong nation with these types of women running around.
And in all honesty, this is absolute degeneracy.
Click the link and go do the thumbs up/down on the proper comments, there's not that many people involved in the comment section so it's easy.
Checked, Kek agrees that white knight sounds like a fag.
I second this.
Remember kids D&C is just code for "I'm feeling triggered"
where are the pics of the whores?
That user hasn't even claimed Americans weren't involved, of course we have responsibility in the state of the world today. But everybody loves to pretend that it was all America's fault, as if fucking Soviet Russia didn't exist, as if Churchill wasn't a warmonger himself, as if Poland wasn't drunk on spite, etc. We all bear the burden of WWII, and rather than devolve to infighting we should focus on undermining ZOG.
But of course, the urge to shitpost and stoke some flames is just too strong.
The only other person I've heard use this term is an eternally butthurt German who got laughed off of /k/ for being a massive sperg.
The Marines are basically a couple battalion of niggers and spics.
Where are these nudes?
Americans were jewish puppets since day one
Are you a mod or just a vol?
Marines always been try hard faggots. They have the lowest ASVAB requirement for a reason. Note this is a real marine recruitment ad.
just looked up and did some sample ASVAB questions….holy shit that stuff is easy. Now, you're saying marines are the ones who scored lower on that test. My lord, save us.
army and navy reserve are lower but navy army and usmc are all about the same coast guard and air force require higher
Marines are the branch that take it recruits too stupid for the regular army and navy. That's counting both the naval and army reserves. Just imagine how dumb the marine reserves recruits are. Look up gun channels run by retired marines. They all sound autistic. Marines are proof you can get in the military. With a special ed background.
There reason why /k/ has threads about marine stupidity. This guy is like /k/ Chris-chan.
No, you cannot. Any mental disorder will bar you from service 9 times out of 10.
Let me remind you. This was praised as a successful recruitment commercial for the United States marine corps.
This isn't the 1960's, nobody forced you to slot floppies for Israel this time.
Even though the Vietnam War was the last goyish American war before the kikes completely took over.
Remember user that only applies if your a straight white male. If you are colored or a faggot you're good to go.
Wow it would be a shame if somebody posted them here.
Months ago some military user posted a bunch for our scientific analysis and inspection.
IIRC this was like the best girl of any of the photos passed around(that i saw or remember.)
Almost all women that i've seen go into the military are a 6/10(i'm not in the military nor have ever been) at best. Most fall in the 3-4/10 range. And apparently women who join the military are literal sluts who give it up and out for nothing. Even going so far as to fuck foreigners in places like iraq and Afghanistan. (pics related)
6/10 at best physically. Mental rating? That's a different story.
Kill yourself kike.
Oh well that just means that britain russia and france dindu nuffin america should pay reparations and commit national suicide for the war because muh D&C shill image that some kike keeps posting.
Livestream your suicide.
1 of 2
I was a Marine, and I don't have a problem with that picture. It's true. It's not "shilling."
The text of the post, however, is bullshit. Attributing the command and how fucked it is to every individual therein is nonsense. Most Whites in combat arms are at least somewhat politically incorrect. A lot are severely un-pc, like we are. I realize civs often don't think (at least not well enough to manage to not get immediately killed, kek), but why do you think the command always has to push PC so forcefully there? Why do you think they push it so forcefully in college?
Obviously, those are the most educated, especially intelligent, educated people, are very dangerous to the ZOG. That is why. Large amounts of trained killers are absolutely dangerous to the ZOG. If it weren't for the White vets you shit on, they probably would have already massacred the country like they did in the USSR. The reason they constantly exert their bullshit PC pressure is to COUNTER existing things they don't like (that they attribute buzzwords to, but actually are just normal). I really with you anons would start learning, because you look like a newfag to me. However, sadly, you've probably been around for some time and just haven't figured things out. I see a lot of failing to comprehend around here these days.
The US has guilt for cooperating with kikes, obviously. Don't deflect from truth.
I hope you're not serious. Ensuring all the combat expertise is on the enemy side is 100% trying to ensure our total destruction. You are a fool and should be put through bootcamp twice for being a dumb faggot.
That's the only reason I bothered responding. A lot of the oldfags are obviously not here right now, since this circus started in the first place.
Yeah, it is fucking gay. Every man with normal T-levels who even has a chance in hell of being somewhat useful in combat is a chauvinist that absolutely views a ho as a ho and women in general as women, period. PC shit has a 0% overlap with any actual killers.
Never fuck a whore m80. That is for weak men.
You obviously know a lot about combat, (((1))) user. Maybe you should teach us how to instantly revive the Third Reich and/or give us a Warhammer 40K Aryan Imperium. Faggot.
It was America's fault to the extent that they failed to rebel against kikes. There should still be punishment distributed among our own after the ZOG is gone. I had Germanic relatives go firebomb my other Germanic relatives for the ZOG. Every one of them should have a total physical removal of all tombstones, monuments, and be posthumously (in virtually all cases) stripped of all ranks and awards. If I had a time machine, I would go back and kill the vast majority of the public that didn't revolt, too. And that is how I know the board is full of clueless anons who don't understand ruthlessness, war, or killing your fucking enemy. You all need to learn.
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I'm not sure what that actually matters. There are quite a few highly intelligent Whites that have gone through combat arms in the USMC. I was one of them. The first time I took the ASVAB, I was in the 98th percentile, and I had recruiters from the Navy constantly trying to get me into their nuclear engineer program. I knew I needed to learn to kill things, however, and learn it well (since we have always had a rogue government and all). If you're not willing to dedicate years of your life to learning warfare, then you are not a man, certainly not in a time when you actually DO have to worry about the Jewed ZOG massacring large amounts of Whites here, since they do actually want to exterminate us.
In fact, you should have been a "try hard" faggot, instead of someone who can barely click the reply button. It's pretty pathetic, actually. Why are you even here and what could you possibly do to be an asset to any kind of movement anywhere? We literally have all kinds of experts that come here and take the time to contribute to what's right. I wish I had more tryhards. Maybe some shit would actually get fucking done around here.
Christ insanity is cancer, and christfags were absolutely the demographic that was just fine and dandy with White genocide and serving kikes. If you're not an Odinist or back to your correct pantheon, you are WRONG. End of discussion.
This might be a little off topic for the thread, but how would you rate someone enlisting as a tanker or aav crewman?
My other goal was to enlist into the Navy as a SWCC, Diver, Air Rescue Swimmer or even SEAL if its offered.
Who are you quoting?
I'm not sure, m8. I was infantry. To a large extent, combat arms is combat arms, though. You will get much better field training, regardless of which one you pick. Be aware that SOCOM is literally Ubermensch and that SEALs are demigods. Good luck with that shit.
Psh no Marine of mine would ever be shamed at this. We would all just laugh at this effort and continue drinking beer.
Nothing short of pure torture/brainwashing would change that, and I dont even think that would work for 99% of us lol.
Eat shit faggot progressives, women will never be equal to a man in combat.
I thought marines were suppose to be super disciplined/strict. A display like this only conveys weakness.
why do I keep seeing this?
"who are you quoting?" over and over? are you asking why hes greentexting and you are too stupid to understand? Is it the same person posting this over and over? What the fuck is your problem?
Why are military wives whores?
me too user, me too
but user muh patriarchy created by da evil white menz. I don't want to be called out for being a whore, I'm not being a whore, I'm just being sexually liberated. I bet you're a sad virgin who lives in his mom's basement.
this post is sarcasm obviously
The key is the Senate. Ignore the media and culture shit for thirty minutes of your day and use that time to figure out what the Senate is doing, and hold their feet to the fire. They're the ones actually stalling the Trump train.
Because modern feminism turned took being unfaithful and turned it into a norm instead of a rarity.
How much longer until Mad Dog demands that females pass the same fitness standards as men and effectively removes 99% of the women from every branch?
Can you people please stop with the D&C and pointless arguing? It's consumed every thread and it's annoying. There's no actual discussion, just two people shitting up half the thread over an argument when they've already predetermined that the other person is wrong, so there's no point in them arguing in the first place. There's no productive conversation going on, just D&C. I'm starting to think that the shills are using points that any group of people would naturally be divided on and trying to astroturf internal dissent with that. It reminds me of those Christian vs Pagan arguments that produce nothing productive; when the obvious solution is to just let people choose to be either, and work together to save the white race.
This place isn't fun anymore.
This place isn't informative anymore.
This place isn't even useful for raids anymore.
Just accept that the government has used the military for evil several times, but also recognize that military experience naturally makes people lean towards our side. It's self-evident that we shouldn't completely bow to veterans and the military, but if you want to find fighters you sure as hell shouldn't shun people for being in the military.
To add to this apparently "breeding" is now a fetish. What the fuck…
Nobody likes you, you know. Good goys will lick your boots, and the people who have to live around you fucking despise you. I have never met a boy who came out of the USMC unscathed. On some level, you will always be cucked and/or nigged. See; the pictures and attitude. Learn how to fight, but don't waste 8 years of your life and live and breathe the goyish life you fag.
t. Marine-brat
Its just a bunch of nude pics, you triggered maiden!
when feminism "dies" or at least goes back to just bitter women with 17 cats posting on Tumblr.
Look faggot, some veterans and soldiers might be red pilled, but the military is an entity.
An entity made to defend Isreal.
So no, you fucking kike, the military is not on our side
I deal with jarheads on a daily basis and while there are decent officers and decent enlisted not-yet-jaded pogs, the majority of them are REALLY fucking stupid - like 'this is a continuation of high school for kids who were too stupid for CC and don't know they work for jews' which more closely resembles the movie Holes but with guns and ordinance. If any of you spent time around jarheads, you'd know that almost all of them a) blow all their money on muscle cars and trucks b) steal and sell the shit on CL c) have sex with each other's pregnant wives while their husbands are on deployment. d) make active efforts to piss off locals.
The ones who aren't any of those end up leaving asap because the ranks are filled with sergeants who perpetuate the problem, mostly because the sergeants and up are the ones who had a kid at 18 with some gibber and now need Tricare and food stamps for the rest of their life because anything outside of the well timed day care they're currently in is the best they can manage without living out of a car with their family.
oh yes those evil marines fighting muslim hordes saving white women from the harem
its a test at the eighth grad level btw
It would be an even bigger shame if you linked to where a devil dog could find the pics of those sultry sluts… For research of course :^)
What a bunch of faggots. any self respecting marine would put an end to this shit, they would RV and march right up to the general in command. The marines have just proven to be a bunch of soft cocked faggots who have no fucking balls. They are literally the laughing stock of the world. All talk, no balls, which is why you're accepting ladies and trannies into your fucking hugbox. This is a joke! I apologise to any muhreenz who actually had a shit experience, but understand that you cannot have pride and honour without accepting a fate that will destroy everything you stand for. Don't you dare side with them. Side with your brothers who were baptised under blood and fire. Not some fucking name that is being pozzed with faggotry and destruction.
You have to go back more than 200 years to find a morally defensible action by your armed forces, that don't tell you something?
Rather than to give women who knock them selves up right before deployment, they give them benefits and other perks.