So you want to kill google? And not just kill it, fucking demolish it? Three things need to happen. All of Google's money comes from advertising, analytics, and hosting. To kill google we need to drive up their operational costs while lowering their profits.

Fuck with their advertisements
If you have ever worked with adsense before you will know that the one thing they absolutely despise is telling people to click ads. They want people who are actually interested in products to click advertisements, because only they will be persuaded to purchase products. On top of that, companies pay google per click. If they are paying a ton of money and few people are buying their products, they will pull out.
STEP 1: Go on to youtube, google shopping, or anyplace else with adsense ads in private browsing mode on a vpn or proxy.
STEP 2: Click all the ads you possibly can
STEP 3: Hop on a new proxy/vpn/tor circuit, and clear out the browser
STEP 4: Repeat

Fuck with their file storage
Google stores everything you upload, and keeps it there even if it gets "deleted." Storing stuff costs lots of money, and high speed ssd drives to keep it all on aren't cheap. The more you upload, the more they pay.
STEP 1: Choose a platform that allows you to upload files(eg: youtube, drive, gsites, ect)
STEP 2: Get a file that is at or over the maximum file limit
STEP 3: Upload it again, and again, and again, and again
EXTRA STEP: If you are doing youtube make a huge file with a ton of random music, text on the screen, and game footage. Their matching algorithm will have to go through your whole 1hr + video and match everything there for monitization.

Fuck with analytics
Google is so popular in the analytics world because it can show advertisers what type of people are viewing their page (see theoutpost.observer/article.php?id=32 for a good explanation). If we can make this data unreliable then people will stop using google services.
STEP 1: Get a huge word dictionary
STEP 2: Make a small script that searches something entirely random every 20 minutes or so
STEP 3: Let it go as long as possible on as many accounts as possible
STEP 4: Go to random pages with tracking on them to give them fucked results

Fuck with the advertisers
If companies think their users won't buy their products because of google then they will pull out and stop funding them. Youtube's budget got slashed when a few guys pulled out, just imagine what would happen if we could get a ton of people to leave.
STEP 1: Get a huge list of "medium" sized advertisers. Companies that are small enough that it is easy to get a message through to them but big enough that they have a large advertising budget.
STEP 2: Get huge volumes of well written emails to them saying that you (a past customer) are highly against google and don't want to purchase from a company that supports them. Talk about the quality of their products and say you don't want to take your business elsewhere. Sweet talk them.
STEP 3: Get fucktons of people to do this. Gamertavistock style, but bigger.

Search engine:
- Yacy is a distributed peer to peer search engine that has had time to mature and harden
- Yandex is a Russian search engine that has been trying to break into googles market for years

- Palemoon is a firefox fork that has slowly been developing. Has the original firefox ux, and is very customizable.
- Everyone knows what fucking firefox is, although it has become bloated. If you use this, make sure to harden it

umatrix: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/umatrix/
- helps you filter out google cdn's and analytics. A bit of a learning curve but its worth it.
ublock origin: addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/
- A non-jewed adblocker that is extremely robust.
User Agent Switcher: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/
- Changes what websites read your browser as, helps fuck with analytics.



Other urls found in this thread:

r1—sn-a8au-naje.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?source=youtube&pl=22&ei=4gaKWbvjHdOq4ALtzLmYDg&itag=272&ip=2402:2f80:8::b&sparams=clen,dur,ei,expire,gir,id,ip,ipbits,itag,keepalive,lmt,mime,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,requiressl,source&id=o-APHS-OQdbiJqnY5ic2jucqw2lEH0hVLwM1lI6FivzB2X&keepalive=yes&clen=2895886535&requiressl=yes&gir=yes&mime=video/webm&key=cms1&signature=311563CDB84C1AEDF33E4DEAE419033A16AF0A64.49E38CA6CC2F2A52C55F11AE8DB2E5D297DEC76F&lmt=1491806193611851&ipbits=0&dur=337.687&expire=1502239554&title=Peru 8K HDR 60FPS (FUHD).webm&cms_redirect=yes&mip=


Fuck off, we aren't Holla Forumss foot soldiers.


Google has alien-tier technology with how much abuse their servers can take, so I don't imagine much damage being made with just these alone. That being said we should definitely power through and find ways to fuck with them enough that they feel the need to lash out. Seems like an okay starting point to find better raid opportunities.

Meant for

The first idea is actually pretty fucking solid. As a website owner and someone who has worked with google's crap I can absolutely confirm that they hate this kind of shit.

no need to click them, just install ad nauseam, it does it for you.
too bad I don't use the supported browsers though


Fucking perfect.

Are you having a stroke user?


Actually this is a huge no-no in the Advertisement universe because of how their pay per click system works.

Tons of bad ad clicks would wast huge amounts of cash.

This clearly states it isn't about avoiding Google. It's about abusing their services, flooding their servers, and distorting their ad program. If 200 Holla Forums users uploaded 10GB of Hitler videos to Google Drive and Youtube accounts, that would be 4TB of wasted space. Combine it with multiple sockpuppet accounts doing the same and you're wasting their resources. Only problem is server memory is cheap.
Another option is to kill Hollywood celebrities en mass and hope everyone searching Google causes their servers to overload like it did when Michael Jackson died.

Also yeah this user gets it. We saw some MMS like CNN I think inflate their ad revenue with Chinese click farms. It'd be a shame if a bunch of random people started receiving nasty letters from ad services and Google saying they're being suspected of inflating their numbers and threatening to stop working with them.

This. The more they waste, the better.

Encourage anyone with a pixel phone to upload as much as they can. Google gives them unlimited video and picture storage at Max resolution


I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me.
Advertisers pay per click whether or not it breaks jewgle's rules.

Ow, 4TB, that's gonna hurt them bad. Or 40TB. They don't care. Especially if they deduplicate your hitler videos, which they most certrainly do. A minor twitter shitstorm does more damage, as lame as that might sound.

just use an add on that clicks them for you in the background.

Okay that's starting to make sense.

You know that advertisers want people to buy their products, not clicks per se?
Every click they pay for that doesn't result in a purchase is a waste


It's more than sense - it's brilliant - get this out to the plebbit niggers and fuck jewgle up.
How is it done?

Actually that can take up a lot of power. Because thats 40tb of hitler videos that they have to store at about 4 different resolutions (multiplying the amount they have) and they have to scan the audio to make sure there aren't any copywrited songs, match the content of the video, and read any text inside. Thats a lot of processing power wasted. Not to mention the new sentiment scanning shit they are implementing to "stop online hate."


AND youtube is loosing tons of money. This is the time to hit hard.

Bumping the cuckchan thread now.

40TB wouldn't do much, no. The problem is you'd pretty much have to get a bunch of people dedicate their internet to this for a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if Google measures in petabytes, honestly. Memory is cheap and Google is funded by ads and is a government subsidiary.
It'd be interesting if they caught on and started searching accounts for duplicates and identify wasted space, because you could probably try signal boosting that they're looking through peoples' things and deleting what they don't like, but they already do this and don't get much attention, so I'm not sure how far it'd go. Maybe that's why we should do this, to poke at them until they start doing shit that affects their customers badly.

Server memory isn't cheap. Is it getting cheaper? Yes. But its still not cheap. To keep shit flying fast they have to used ssd drives for storage which cost way more than normal hard drives. Not to mention backups.


And they are loosing tons of money because of this as it stands:

Works for me. Blitzkrieg away, mien fuhrer.

no. pointless to upload crap there as they don't keep duplicate files. the only thing would be to upload zipped/scripted files with a gorillon signs long password.

this one is dumb, its practically free to store data forever
i like your thought process

Fuck with their advertisements

If you have ever worked with adsense before you will know that the one thing they absolutely despise is telling people to click ads. They want people who are actually interested in products to click advertisements, because only they will be persuaded to purchase products. On top of that, companies pay google per click. If they are paying a ton of money and few people are buying their products, they will pull out.

STEP 1: Go on to youtube, google shopping, or anyplace else with adsense ads in private browsing mode on a vpn or proxy.

STEP 2: Click all the ads you possibly can

STEP 3: Hop on a new proxy/vpn/tor circuit, and clear out the browser

STEP 4: Repeat



Fuck with the advertisers

If companies think their users won't buy their products because of google then they will pull out and stop funding them. Youtube's budget got slashed when a few guys pulled out, just imagine what would happen if we could get a ton of people to leave.

STEP 1: Get a huge list of "medium" sized advertisers. Companies that are small enough that it is easy to get a message through to them but big enough that they have a large advertising budget.

STEP 2: Get huge volumes of well written emails to them saying that you (a past customer) are highly against google and don't want to purchase from a company that supports them. Talk about the quality of their products and say you don't want to take your business elsewhere. Sweet talk them.

STEP 3: Get fucktons of people to do this. Gamertavistock style, but bigger.



now those 2 are brilliant. they will get a short term bump in revenue. but the long term effects…
Masterful Op OP
suggested name " Operation M.O.D. (Masterful Overwhelming Dominance)" the cringe will add to mempotency

holy shit, this add on is amazing, I just cost faceberg $7.90 in 10 seconds by loading the home page once

Gamergāte didn't fail.

When Google was first starting out I said the same thing.

Maybe that big fucking G is a clue?


I don't just mean help your mother install it. If each of us helped a few dozen people do it, that would still be an unnoticeable change for google; we need to do it en masse, educating hundreds of thousands, if not millions. We should create memes that educate normalfags about what adblock is. And create memes that bully normalfags into using adblock.


BUMP for top-quality thread.

but then google get more money
use adblock ffs

BUMP for OP not being a faggot. I'm deleting a bunch of jacked accounts and plan to steal more. Using Gmail for spam, horror fucking the minds of normie Jew users.

and no script?

With the amount of shills here and now this Jewgle know what we are up to

For this to work we need to do it in a permanent way so they have to waste more and more money

The only thing im worried is that jewgle, claims to support Net Neutrality, What if they stop doing it?

in the short term, yes you are correct
long term companies advertising will get less bang for their buck
Google will charger per click regardless
reduce them to "yellowpages.com" tier as far as ads
then to yahoo as far as search
op is brilliant

Read the OP a little closer. Think long term.

Net Neutrality gives the government greater authority to regulate the internet. Google is essentially a branch of the deep state at this point: wikileaks.org/google-is-not-what-it-seems/

Figure it out?

School computers are fucking garbage and pages stuffed with ads and other obnoxious script shit is awful. They make a barely usable computer next to worthless.

The volume of data passing through adsense already is so massive, I don't see how we could ever hope to make a dent. I think we should use memes to encourage normalfags to use adblockers.

Right now, as incredible as it sounds most people don't block ads. Mostly only tech savvy dudes block ads. If we can create memes that bully and socially pressure other demographics to block ads too, we could harm the efficacy of ads and thus make online advertising less appealing to companies looking to advertise.

GNU is the conception of a disgusting Jew.

Yeah, that's true. But that doesn't mean students can't laugh at their teachers anyway.

Right now teachers all bitch about not having enough ipads, because ipads are hip. Make teachers instead bitch about not having adblock. Make ads less cool than not having ipads.


stop using niggers derogatory you small dick fags.

[email protected]/* */

Google is founded and centred on search. You kill that and everything else crumbles.
Use other search engines instead and explain with evidence why using Google search is bad for you. Though most normies don't care about botnet.
Remember those google-bombs where a search term meaning was changed by exploiting its ranking mechanism, as users searched for something in large numbers? It still applies.

block AND click all ads

see above statement also a total destruction is only a summation of "dents"
corps only follow profit , all we have to do is keep a trend going
we could focus on general niches ,
feminine products
create the problem them make it real to the female hivemind

encrypt the vids
cat text files to the end with "keys" if your Holla Forums or clip out a small section of vid to change the hash
side benefit fucks with no such agency

This thread deserves a bump


Excellent idea. We could trigger a feminist rebellion against the advertisement of feminine products. Dangerous, but seems like it could have a lot of potential.

I'd be a bonus if we could somehow get women off shit like snapchat, which is basically nothing but advertisement.

(embed related, this is what women actually do with their computers)


Getting an drug addict off crack is easier than getting a woman off social media. It is the equivalent of fapping to porn for the female mind.

Run with tor connection at least

Considering the fallout from the memo, psychological warfare would be another option. For every moment their employees and managers waste time being triggered, that's a further loss of productivity and adds stress to the workplace environment. They inevitably fuck themselves over as the authoritarianism strangles itself.

Yet another reason why Google should be taking the memo very seriously. Because their workplace culture is a ticking time bomb, easily exploitable by an aggressive rival or even trolls.

To be honest though, I'll be satisfied enough just to see all the SJWs getting purged. The amusing part is, Google would actually benefit from that a lot, yet they'd rather go down with the ship.

Filling YouTube with garbage is really the only good idea you posted, Ivan. I think getting a bunch of people to lobby Congress to tax online ad revenue would be more dangerous. Google basically has a monopoly on a tax-free market (and CIAbuxx helps)

idk if there is some kind of script an user could write to do searches on a 1 week per month basis.
consisting of randomly pulling key words from a dictionary:tampons,cramps,chocolate.etc
and them clicking these ads

even better would be a virus formed botnet with a decentralized CC "server" if that makes sense, not my area if its not painfully obvious
a stuxnet that targets all the cash registers running xp to click the ads of items customers just purchased, ha fuck thats so dumb it might work

it would be a genie out of the bottle scenario
that would fit the chans autistic yet short attention span

How to best reach google employees to trigger them? I get the impression that most of them use G+ instead of twitter. Hard to troll google employees on their own social media platform that nobody else uses. Well.. hard to do it and not get all your google accounts instantly shoah'd.

no one uses g+

A couple anons doing this won't have any noticeable effect statistically. To have an impact, we need memes that get lots of people to do it.

Wasn't that impressed with Brave. It's also clearly little more than a money-making venture too, and there are plenty of free browsers that are just as functional, if not arguably moreso.

I shall blame that on the migraine, I mean not-for-profit.

yeah , thats where my second "idea" came from

if thats possible, i know stux reverse eng was a big deal, there must be ONE user here that can into viruses

I don't think their add-on does what they tell you it does

Would it not be an idea to attempt to bring into the conversation the concept of Alphabet being a monopoly that needs breaking apart? Alphabet is of a size and strength above that of most countries on Earth, I feel like utilising the American Government, as a weapon against them would be the most effective form of combat.

Alphabet are a monopoly, serious questions to abound in regards to the nature of their services, when a company dominates to the extent they do should they be free to discriminate based on their own terms of service or should they be forced to be neutral?

A strong case has been made for Google being a utility provider with a near total monopoly in their market. Private utility providers for say energy or water are forbidden from cutting services based on legally protected political views, should Google not be mandated to behave in the same way?

If this discussion was pushed into mainstream debate and worked its way into policy then much of Alphabets trickery would be outlawed.

wtf I love Microsoft and Apple now

If they ever start going full 1984, we could always bomb some of their data centers. To me, that seems like a surefire way to bring them down.

Google Memo link dump

They started years ago.

They basically are already full 1984. Don't mean to shill jim here but this video makes a fair point.

I went back to google chrome due to firefox being insufferably slow, crashing on youtube and whatnot.
how does that thing measures to current firefox?

In CY+2, botnets aren't the sort of thing we can just pull out of our ass. They're a valuable commodity.

People who work at google do.

So now that I have this, am I supposed to turn off ublock origin?

Google is obviously a de facto monopoly, but are they a monopoly in the eyes of the law? Their smartphones definitely aren't. Bing exists and is backed by Microsoft, another tech titan. Nobody uses it, but it exists. Youtube seems like the most clear cut example of a monopoly but technically sites like DailyMotion (owned by the French government, incidentally), Vimeo, Vid.me and LiveLeak exist. None hold a candle to Youtube, but they exist.

The legal battle would be tough at least. And all the media would come to the defense of Google, claiming the government was only going after them because Trump is a Natzee and Google fires Natzees.

Pale Moon doesn't support coincidence detector, sadly.

The entire western world relies on data centers, and they are doing their best to remove the human failsafe’s from the equation. It isn’t enough for transportation to companies to rely on networked software to guide their operation; they are hell bent on getting rid of the driver behind the wheel, after all if the software goes down he could work out how to still get the job done, we can’t have that.

Every essential function of society is or soon will be totally reliant on Internet based networked and is soon to be automated. How I ask, is it conceivable that sooner of later an enemy would not just decide to take said network offline? And when they do? Everything grinds to a total halt. Want to get some food from point A to point B, good luck Trucks haven’t had steering wheels for a decade. You have an emergency room full of sick people, that’s a shame because none of the smart equipment seems to be functioning.

Want to pay for something? Heh, it’s a shame your digital fiat is offline.

AdNauseam does BOTH. at the same time. it's amazing.

Actually that sounds fun.
We could do that and even get other groups involved for shits and giggles.

we'll need some expert input on that
it's built on ublock origins, should be open-source

yeah, there's already a ublock origin integrated in it

Okay, we need to create memes to promote the use of this.

Yes it’d be an uphill struggle but I think it is a good (and fully correct and righteous) conversation to encourage. At this stage it is clear what Alphabets intentions are.

Technically speaking perhaps not but in practical terms they are. We need to look past interpretations of the law that benefit them and bring to the table interpretations that benefit the public. Laws can be changed.

There's always FreeBSD.

What if google is testing us to better combat against people penetrating attack surfaces?

What if they are - right now - conducting a study and collecting data on the effects of "Bad IT-Media PR"

Just upload gore and rename it.


It is just an old Alpha Draconis colonizer ship computer cluster! it is not hurting anybody! the only enemy we have are the NEGROIDS due to their PHYSICAL FORTITUDES, we should focus or efforts in to SHOOTING THEM DOWN.

She was booted out, and didn't contribute anything in the first place.

Use Brave to fuck with cucks.

Built on chromium, still phones home on occasion. No thanks.


"Fuck with their advertisers" is the most reddit-tier shit I've ever heard. It's like this isn't even Holla Forums anymore. Who runs the advertising agencies? Who runs the tech companies? Does anyone think they give a flying fuck if (((Google))) fired a shitlord for wrongthink?

(((They))) don't have to care about wrongthink. The point is that they care about ad revenue, and ad revenue is what this idea proposes fucking with.

Another idea would be to convince advertisers via shilling that google ads are no longer effective.

This tbh.

Nah, he's right. That's going to be a single video on the server which gets a few different resolutions, but they're all just going to be pointers to the same 4 videos. Even if you consumed 4PB they would hardly notice. Unless you can flood them with at least exabytes of data they aren't going to hurt (and even then it would have to be pushing the zettabyte range to do any real damage over time.)

No, they don't care about ad revenue. Ad revenue isn't what keeps them running. Every cent of their ad revenue could dry up tomorrow and they'd still keep on ticking because the value of these companies isn't as an advertising platform, their value is being the most insidious intelligence gathering operation the world's ever seen. If you wanted to make an impactful statement, contact every nationalist organization within a couple hundred miles of the tech campuses and organize protests. A few shitlords holding 'you're next, white man' signs would have FAR more of an impact than sending nasty emails to ad agencies like a bunch of jews. Make every white male in the organization start looking for a new job and you'll see an end to this bullshit pretty quickly.

10 niggabytes of NatSoc propaganda never hurt anyone. If they're pointing to one video, they also must be downscaling on the fly then sending data, which would be costing CPU resources over memory (arguably better to damage, since that leads to slow servers and workloads). Though problem with that is you'd have to actually have people watching in order to make that take effect. It might at least still waste their energy on parsing the video for copyright and other such things.

That would be the dumbest possible way to do it. They likely follow the process: video submitted -> check for copies -> if copy use it, if new create video -> compress down for different resolutions. A copy is a copy, no reason they would care about it. Though chances are the copies are determined by a hash so if you change 1 bit in the video it counts as new. That might be off though, because there is likely room for them to optimize by hashing frames or keyframes, in which case you'd have to change every keyframe in the video for it to count as new and even then you would have only succeeded in uploading something like sqrt(n) videos in terms of storage rather than n videos worth of storage. Flooding Google is a dumb idea in general, every user on Earth (including halfchan) wouldn't have the resources to do it. Your best bet might be convincing the normies to do something that negatively impacts their servers, but even then you're looking at something that probably isn't going to do much beyond boost their user activity and inflate their stock price. Getting all conservatives to boycott them outright is likely more feasible, and they would feel that.

Re-uploading the same file over and over is pointless. They de-duplicate files so you aren't wasting any space. Generate a new file every time you upload it. Easy approach: make X gigabytes of zeroes and encrypt it with GPG. Different every time.


open source means jack shit these days, no one wants to go through thousands of lines of some guy's shitty code, this is true even for the biggest open source projects

Getting conservatives to boycott Google properly sounds tricky, especially since it's shoved everywhere and not many alternatives of the services make it off the ground. Especially when they don't want to lose some luxuries. All for it though if those challenges can be worked around. How would you approach getting them to rally against Google in a way they're forced to respond?

you could just put some filters on the video or change it a little bit, this is easily doable in ffmpeg


write some scripts that do that all night long

Do I use it concurrently with uBlock Origin or is it a replacement FOR it?

They even have an api for it:

This is their team. Proceed with caution.

We should try attacking their youtube vector by uploading tons of data to their youtube servers. If we do it enough, we can force them to cut ties.
You can do this by uploading an 8k video at 60fps that is 10 or more hours long.
I got an example video here.
r1—sn-a8au-naje.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?source=youtube&pl=22&ei=4gaKWbvjHdOq4ALtzLmYDg&itag=272&ip=2402:2f80:8::b&sparams=clen,dur,ei,expire,gir,id,ip,ipbits,itag,keepalive,lmt,mime,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,requiressl,source&id=o-APHS-OQdbiJqnY5ic2jucqw2lEH0hVLwM1lI6FivzB2X&keepalive=yes&clen=2895886535&requiressl=yes&gir=yes&mime=video/webm&key=cms1&signature=311563CDB84C1AEDF33E4DEAE419033A16AF0A64.49E38CA6CC2F2A52C55F11AE8DB2E5D297DEC76F&lmt=1491806193611851&ipbits=0&dur=337.687&expire=1502239554&title=Peru 8K HDR 60FPS (FUHD).webm&cms_redirect=yes&mip=
(If your browser isn't modern, then the video will fail to load due to the sheer 2.7GB size of the video, which is 8k and 60fps.)




They still have the code of conduct bullshit, its just that methwhale was too cancerous for even them.

This is the best idea in this thread so far.

I come from a conservative family. Most Boomer relatives just follow what these "fancy television" conservatives say. I know not many of them know exactly how to use computers, but a decent amount of them have high up positions in companies, own large portions of stock, etc. If we got someone like Hannity to cover it for long enough, some companies may stop using Google for ads, enact anti-Google policies, and the Boomers themselves could agitate at family gatherings. August/September have the most amount of birthdays. Spamming an anchor with the story for like 30 minutes on Twitter shouldn't be that hard.

For the rest of "society," has it. I think the female-oriented ones have promise. They talk so fucking much.

True, and I'm hoping Linus won't cave in to the many SJW sharks circling around him. He has a penchant for telling retards to fuck off though, so I'm optimistic.

Even simpler solution if you are a Unixfag: create a new file from /dev/urandom each time. Random and unique uncompressable noise. Something simple like:
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1000000 count=65 of=randomfile`date +%s`.bin
yielded in my case a 65 MB file with the name random-1502220050.bin.

See also:
dd invocation: gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/dd-invocation.html

remember for anyone who thinks this is too hard, that it's impossible to kill google, they are flooding their company with useless diversity hire mooches and removing the competent people who make them all their money, they will die or become the next yahoo if we do nothing, but I'm sure we can speed up the process

playing a kike team against another kike team

gitgud, fucking Oracle or bust. Solaris is the best OS.

They suck the life out of everything. Solaris was amazing under Sun, now Solaris is on life support, and they're ready to pull the plug. Based on the progress of the many Illumos distributions, I'm not holding out much hope for the open source descendants.

You realize that you can have both physical methods of payment and crypto right? It should be blindingly obvious to everyone that's not a newfag or a retard that crypto serves a role for people like us when there was a period of time before Jim took over the site that Holla Forums was dependent on bitcoin because every payment processor froze Hotwheels out.

Yeah, they fucking suck. I loved OpenSolaris when it was available, it was my everyday OS until Oracle bought it and shut it down. Never bothered with the forks as the development interest died with Sun's demise.

Good call, the people heading those project read like a Yiddish phone book.

Shit OP.

another problem is that as long as the use of it is not literally massive, results are counter-productive (more shekels for jewgle)

Ixquick is just a google proxy. Use yacy faggots.


Just curious what you use now? Personally the state of open source these days makes me so angry I use MacOS as my daily driver, it causes me the least bother.

Using ixquick is still allowing Google to control what information is seen, all it does is give you privacy.

I'm boring as fuck these days. Fedora 25.
I just need to browse Holla Forums and seed torrents.

Also remember to always belittle and delegitimize google at every opportunity, we don't have raw numbers but we have a huge impact on how people think as it dribbles out of here into cuckchan and reddit and then to their normal fag friends.

Shame, insult and smug at anyone using google or referring to google in a positive way.

I've noticed that the more experienced a person becomes in computing, the higher the probability they go back to an 'easy' distro like fedora or ubuntu. Probably because as we get older we just have less time for tinkering.

aw, shit.

True. I tinkered with Windows and could install and performance tweak a system inside and out (in the old days when tweaking performance counted, now all hardware is overpowered as fuck anyways). Hacked Windows registries to get 32-bit games with 16-bit installers to run on 64-bit OS (lurkers, 64-bit windows does not run 16-bit programs, 32-bit os did). Was never much of a programmer, but I knew the insides and outs of system configuration.

Started exploring Linux 20 years ago, was very slow and dirty experience, think I started with a Redhat Linux 6 box I bought at Office Depot.

I forget my exact course of progress and was always jumping ship to something different. Tried the BSDs for a while, mostly FreeBSD.

Spent a time with OpenSolaris until Oracle came along and ruined that beautiful relationship.

Thought to myself, I just need something that works, used Ubuntu as my primary OS for several years. Something about Ubuntu pissed me off, forgot which it was or may have been many things, sure that shitty GUI was one of them. Switch to Fedora as main desktop OS.

OS are like women, you like to fuck around a lot when you're young, but then you wear down and just want something reliable to go home to.

Been on some flavor of Linux as my desktop OS for practically last 12 years.

Funny enough, MacOS is probably the OS I've logged the least hours with, just never owned any Apple hardware. Only used it a few times in VMs running on Linux, never really blew my mind to want to press myself to explore it further.

Feel free to spread these around, my fellow F/pol/ sisters. :^)

They encrypt that. So no, they don't get anything from ixquick.

The other way around: if Google blocks a specific website, ixquick will not return that website either.

You misunderstood, Ixquick search results are simply Google search results. Despite the fact that they aren't getting your info its still allowing Google curation control over online information.

>encrypt the vids

encrypt the vids with a weak password

decrypting wastes a yuuuuge amount of computing power, and results are only accessible in a reasonable time if the password is weak enough
if you satutate their servers with enough crap that they try to deduplicate shit to get rid of it, having some random files here or there that they can decrypt will immensely facilitate the waste of their ressources at trying to decrypt more of it
which makes them vulnerable to a pr-storm of confidentiality breach if some guy notices that his nth copy of dumb shit has been decrypted by google for the purpose of being aliased in 50 other accounts

Best way to illustrate this is to go try to search Holla Forums on ixquick/startpage. Then do the same on other search engines. Even bing leads you to the actual site but ixquick will not because Google delisted us.

They make absolutely no attempt to decrypt files with weak passwords for deduping.

My path seems similar to yours, except instead of OpenSolaris, I jumped to OSX (Jaguar) buying a G4 Power PC laptop circa 2002. Really it was just a matter of a nice laptop, running a unix based OS with a nice GUI.


It was woth it to live long enough to see this moment



The file storage thing is retarded, every new account or using their services boosts their stock valuation and they have literally $100+ billion, pissing in an ocean of piss. Adblock and using alternate searches is a legit strategy though.

Bump for topic

Hang on. Didn’t this Holla Forums sort of address this already, Google relies on being able to index sites, without this ability it’s search function would be lackluster. Every is happy to allow Google to do it’s thing because they want to be listed within it’s product. But Holla Forums blocked Google from being able to index it in response to them trying to put us in the naughty corner for being cool guys or whatever.

If it became common practice to prevent Google from being able to index sites to display in its search results then it’s product would suffer. It could be worn like a badge of honour “do NOT find us on Google”.

Someone will better knowledge on this please pipe in.

Nice Dubs

This will just put the blame on the products, not Google as an ad platform.

This will just help a metric for Google, making them more attractive to investors.

Google will tout an upswing in searches, and use that to be more attractive to investors.

Best idea, but the medium-sized advertisers aren't what keep Google running.


The idea is to undermine the legitimacy of all data coming out of google. Poison the well and none will drink from it.

It's nothing new, it's a simple file called "robots.txt" that web crawlers are suppose to respect, but there's no technical obstruction preventing them from indexing the site if the file is present.

No entity with any commercial interest would want to be delisted, that's moronic.



Block the Googlebots?

Alright, I'll go call my cable company and tell them to stop advertising on Google or I'll stop using them. Then I'll go call my bank, airline, and grocery store's customer support and tell them. It should only take me three or so hours for each to direct me to the right department.

Go after medium-sized advertisers. They will pull out. Loss of advertisers will cause investors to lose confidence.

adblock plus is run by kikes. if you pay them they'll let your ads through. use

ublock origin is the superior ad blocker at the moment, use along with ublock matrix for extra anti-jew

An AUTISTIC Jew. The autism seems to be counter-acting the judaism.

Did this work for the "CNN is Fake News" meme campaign, even with the President of the United States tweeting in your favor, nobody dropped CNN. Why will anyone drop Google in a conversation will be dead by the end of the week.

I like the idea of doxxing H-1B visa workers in the manifest #2 thread. It has a political angle that would be bound to cause a shitfest if even one worker got fired cause of dirt being found.

FreeBSD's hardware support is utter shit though. Especially for graphics cards (which are just now getting decent for Linux).




I support the second half of OP, and using AdNauseum, but Google's money isn't made on the legitimacy of its data, it's made on the future prospects of the industry, of which Google is viewed as a leader with a reliable brand. I think the first four tactics will just show an uptick for Google use, which will just pump Google's stock a little bit. Google isn't worried about their analytics being wrong, they're worried people will stop using them.

Unless of course you're doing some gpu programming…. but yeah, it is a sorry state.

Unless of course you're doing some gpu programming…. but yeah, it is a sorry state.


Alright my mistake. But Yandex being the russian google doesn't sound better at all.

Probably been 5 years since I booted a FreeBSD system, but as I recall proprietary Nvidia drivers were fairly decent back then and on par with Linux support. However, AMD(ATI) was shit back then.

Nigger, there is more that a GPU is good for than gaymen. I use Blender for all sorts of shit and that requires working 3D.

This right here.
Stock price will fall when market share falls

There's an option to disable the "acceptable ads" in the settings.


Nvidia is super slow getting firmware out for Linux, and I assume it's even worse for the BSDs. Besides, I'm using an RX 580 at the moment because the FOSS drivers are actually decent now. I have nothing personal against BSD, it's just that I need things like Blender, Krita and Rawtherapee for the work I do.

Not sure Jim would actually do it but no harm in trying to push for it.

I use Searx.

HOW TO KILL GOOGLE: I have a suggestion but it would require lots of our investigation autism. First, we have to do a bunch of research on people that work for Google on temporary work visas. Next, we look in to when people started working for Google (check LinkedIn or social media) and try to figure out if anyone is over staying their visa. Last, we report the suspected offenders to ICE. Basically we help deport Google's LEET PAJEET slave force.

We have to send a clear message to (((them))) that we do not stand for this anymore.
We are all in this together.

Not being able to bring attention to the degenerate shit youtube hosts.

Not being able to host degenerate shit on youtube.

implying chan user base being a relevant user demographic, we're limited-state already, flipping the limited-state status doesn't have quite the desired effect

cba to webm every video i want to share

Holla Forums BO could do it, but I think that might disable all embeds (vid.me included, for example)

You don't need youtube embeds to do either of those.

Sounds about right.

Yes, your choice is to disable all embeds from sites or none as a BO.

I think that the BO should disable all embeds until Jim removes youtube embeds.

Would it not be better to find Holla Forums adds and click those and support our troops?

Anyone we like have adds on google?

Generate negative publicity by doxxing all their H-1B visa workers. Determine their education levels (and sham institutions). Dig deeper and publicize facts a "diverse" HR department might ignore like child brides, crimes that alleged but never prosecuted, things HR and immigration ignore or missed. Identify the H4 visa family members of these workers, same rigorous background doxxing.

Identify capable white cisgendered males with comparable educations that are unemployed, underemployed, or would consider equivalent position at organization if offered.

Compile a list for the normies, put it in an easy format to forward to their represenatives and demand H-1B visa reform.

Getting fired or visa revoked of a single Google H-1B worker would be a huge victory. Just need to turn over stones until it happens.

Salary data be a nice bonus under this doxxing scenario, but not a necessity. The salary info would establish the indentured servant class of the H-1B visa workers to the normies though, the visa worker can not shop for a higher paying job, and is at the mercy of the visa employer sponsor.

The primary focus should be to highlight cultural and criminal faults that most Americans would find reprehensible, as well as expose fraudulent education and certification credentials.

yes , cat important looking data to it, use fake name generator
how is this unchecked?!

fuck, can someone make one that WE KNOW does what it claims AND that alone?

impresivly impresive thesaureses are ebil lik unabridged dictionaries

^i like this guy
this op looks to be as important as the comments overlay plugin
money and speech take them away

Yes, but I wouldn't expect normalfags to fiddle around with those options. In fact, I would count on normalfags to not explore any options at all and just use the addons as-is.

(pic related, Satan lurks this thread)

im with you annon. lets disable youtube embeds off 8ch first. clean up at home first.

counter productive, normie backlash 100%
i was going to add more counterpoints, but no that one fits the rest of your post

You should probably fuck off back to cuckchan.

Then only publicize the ones that have a legitimately troublesome element connected to them.

If you had the list of salary and visa status and education level, it would be a wake-up for the normies that H-1B visa is a scam that displaces and undervalues American tech workers in favor of indentured servants.

doxing isn't necessary, but it needs to be shilled that the "39% Asian" employment number at google is mostly h1-b indians.

Google publishes their diversity states but conveniently lumps indians, chinese, japs, and muslims into that 39% asian number.

The wordfilter for "g.ate" is the stupidest wordfilter I've seen in my life. Even Holla Forums can do better.

Only advertisement idea is viable, but we need some better idea then just blocking some poor fag site over overclicking.

they have 2 billoin data to cross examine with even 10 thousands is nothing.

4tb i have fucking 12 tb of transfer. It's nothing thay would maybe notice it in petabyte scale, but i doubt it.

Also kikes give you out 300 usd to use on google cloud so you can abuse it. It's free.

no,stop it

see thats normie friendly checkable redpill
tack on the DWS it guy and you got a winner


12 Months
$300 free credit to get started with any GCP product.

JUST THIS AND HOST TOR & mine btc & cure cancer (just to draw power)

If you have such an issue with doxing you really do need to leave.

Feels wierd to propose,but what if we just feed all the other searchengines with user tuned scripted random or redpilled searches. It should decrease goggles marketshare 73%
maybe drive normies away from google "joint effort movement" would be only the half of the work for pol, if lucky searchprovider duck bing yacy searx go along.
Scriptanon could abuse the signup process and then redirect the sms as spam to some other phone number, why verify a account that will never be used.The g signups increase, yes but are worthless for the ad targeting.
Pseudo ddos eg few calls from a javascriptfile, just the (((advertiser id number))) for only few targeted companys, fucks those stats up, hopefully to the concölusion

Hope you are ready to learn chinese!

If you want to fuck google blow up their fucking headquarters or assassinate their CEOs. I'm sick of this fake cyber war bullshit. Y'all're cowards, unwilling to take direct action.

Btw it's not illegal to advocate violence. Brandenburg v. Ohio bitches.

i have an issue with

we are trying to catch a fucking squirrel
you can trap, you can shoot, you can bait, you can stalk
you can do alot of things

save that shit for the day we own the…squirrel..thought farm?

you get my fucking point you hamfisted dope


Reddit is shit but that place has hundreds of thousands of users who are on the google hate train.

I get the point that you're a weak willed pussy against one of the only ideas in the thread that would be effective.

edit: dead ideas repeatedly

you 2 related


pol needs to start a contractor that alters google search results

like they did with european art search

You're the dumb fuck wanting to do the things that have been pushed hundreds of times with no effect.
People have been saying to use alternatives for years now, normalfags won't.
People have been talking about H1-Bs for years, normalfags don't give a fuck.

The only way to make them actually give a fuck is to find dirt on these people that's distasteful enough to get them talking. Shit like child brides or other crimes.


they probably have never been effective in the first place anyway.
current web economy is a giant bubble built on office drones who never spend a shekel on shit. it will crush.


Its not going to crash, you're still thinking as if Google is a private company which needs to turn a profit in the private sector. Its not, its essentially a CIA proxy used for information control with a mask to cover it.

so these threads are essentially domestic terrorism :^)

timing is everything
"years ago" is not today

fuck yeah , some dirt like that would be awesome, doxxing is the publication of info
do you mean digging?

every yt embed has a stealth refer in the image fetch, some autist proved it a few months back or rather thats when i saw the posts

I mean digging followed by publication of info.

I said for years now, meaning that started being pushed years ago and has been pushed every couple of months whenever they pull some bullshit, and it keeps not lasting.

Are you sure this is trustworthy?

Creating an extension is shockingly easy. Beginners can do it.

Take a look at his personal politics, and you'll realize he's just a typical member of the tribe.

f they could make an extension that we cold download and run in the background to do this great, otherwise this is intensely painful to do.

oh, wonder how to sneak that into a corporate g-suite, install on thousands of computers at once.

The best thing you can do it to stop using google completely. It's hard, I know.
First thing would be top get rid of gmail. Last think would be to stop using youtube (hardmode). Midtier is to stop using search and block google analytics.

Convince everyone you can that Google is shit and needs to be boycotted.

To add to OP's original post in regards to adblockers, get the Extension called "Disconnect"

The best thing you can do it to stop using google completely. It's hard, I know.
First thing would be top get rid of gmail. Last think would be to stop using youtube (hardmode). Midtier is to stop using search and block google analytics.

Convince everyone you can that Google is shit and needs to be boycotted.

We need to revive operation Google = Nigger







Our main battleground is mobile devices. PCs are increasingly in disuse, only specific users continue to use.

Casual (and most profitable) users should be our target.

Imagine an app to watch videos from the Youtube without ads?

it's far better to report their families to ICE. without fail they all drag over their parents to look after their kids during the day. this counts as employment and is illegal. they also overstay their tourist visas when they come over and are all in violation. it is obvious immigration fraud they are not acting as tourists at all.

report them to ICE and you will see the tears begin to flow.

yeah its called vid.me

Just install AdBlock Plus. It works even with Safari on an iPad. I get zero ads on Youtube. Also, you can download any youtube using keepvid.

Forced memes go!!!!!!

I don't think he was talking about crypto specifically? In any case, I agree with you. The best things to hold are both physical and crypto. Crypto if SHTF only shifts power paradigms (Level IV). Physical (gold, silver, bullets, etc) if SHTF is a Level V (Internet down, power down, apes released from their cage in detroit, etc).

nah that was kiked up bullshit from the start.

The majority of people who like google in any fashion are leftists who only like them for being diverse and openly support the commie cultural taboo embracing game plan. So… Associate google with something the commies hate. Cant go with capitalism because commies are hypocrites on anything like that.

So we gotta hit them right where they are most ideologically invested… The shitskins.

Well maybe so… but google runs a fairly large grant program for non-profits.. And it would seem that only non-profits from white countries, brazil and india are given grant access to the google maps api

It would also seem that all monetary donations made to googles grant program only go to AMERICAN non-profit companies,


wham bam thank you ma'am.

plebs wont download it. But if there were a 'trendy new app' that 'they dont want you to have, its illegal!!!' chads would be lining up to get the dweeb down the block to put that shit on their phone just like ever since jailbreaking an iphone became a thing. Or like those stupid firesticks.. .Every pleb I know has one and has fucked with the firmware to pirate cable. Thats fairly fucking advanced for plebs.



Who is that semen demon?

Can't find the original so…

Schmidt is Hathor Pentalpha. You used to have to be invited to Gmale…

I'm sorry guys but nothing short of a Trump trust busting can fuck jewgle now. They have way too much monopoly on the internet like almost all sites even cuckchan look it up. You're better off spamming Trump's, Session's, and the head of the FTC's twitters or calling your representatives or the departments directly.

OK guys, I work in media planning (ad tech and analytics) for a major agency. You have no idea how infeasible it is to make a noticeable dent in Google's advertising/analytics. They get literally millions of clicks per day.

Even if you could add an extra 10% of "spam clicks" on top of the natural traffic, you still would not affect the system. AdSense is served on what is called an RTB (real-time bidding) exchange. When a visitor goes to a page, their personal information and the page contents are sent up to the ad network and advertisers place "bids" on the inventory in real time (it's really AIs doing all of this) and the highest bidder is the one who gets to send their ad down the chain and have it appear in front of the website visitor. Everything is priced according to the real market value of the individual viewer. If "people with no cookies on a private browser at 3:00 AM" became 90% less valuable tomorrow, the AIs would be paying 90% less for your clicks by Friday, and the people in charge of the campaigns probably wouldn't even notice.
Your "Fuck with analytics" idea also makes no sense. Do you realize that Google resolves 40,000 search queries per second? That's 2 trillion per year. You'd have to get 9.6 million cuckchans (not cuckchanners; 9.6 million cuckCHANS) doing your retarded idea before you matched the Google search volume.
Oh, and besides all that, countless hours of research are poured into developing advanced technology to monitor and prevent the tracking/attribution of fraudulent traffic. Ad networks could make millions if they could figure out how to trick the attribution system. We will not be doing that.
The best way to fuck with Google is just to make a big collective stink on social media about this issue and make sure to let your friends and family know how ridiculous things are there. Don't go evangelizing to everybody because nobody will care about your right-wing agenda. But normies don't have any idea about how trannies and faggots act in modern corporate environments; if you tell them, they will be disgusted and appalled, and that could damage the brand's reputation more than you could possibly hurt them with fraudulent traffic. That's doubly true if we keep normie media forced to cover the story and get the manifesto guy on Fox news or something.
I can confirm that the information in that other thread about faggot sexual harassment of normal males and pulling their dicks out at work is 100% plausible. Perhaps surprisingly, the advertising industry is not very leftist at all, I actually don't even know the politics of my coworkers after being here for months and while you can obviously tell who is a faggot they really keep it to themselves. However I know guys who work in tech and the stories are real. Those people are truly disgusting and depraved, and they want everyone to know. A guy I went to school with now works in finance and during an after-hours meet-and-greet style mixer, an older man got him drunk and introduced him to a bunch of high-level important people that were there, ostensibly just to be nice and help the kid out with his career. Then at the end of the night, he tried to demand that he fuck him, and when the kid refused multiple times, the guy punched him in the face right in the middle of this social event. He tried to elevate the incident to HR to take action on the matter, but got no response. Turns out even in finance, faggots completely run the show, because they all assfuck each other and use that connection to form cadres and promote each other to the top. It's like how hot women can quickly rise through the ranks by fucking their bosses, except faggots can play the roles of the women and bosses at the same time. In finance you don't expect it, because it's all hidden, but in tech they practically flaunt it and there's nothing anyone else can do.


I like the idea of finding out who are Googles H-1B Visa holders are and calling ICE on them to see if they brought relatives over who have overstayed their guest visas.

Use Brave, buy BAT, and shill it everywhere with lies. "Google is compliant with sharing your data with Trump's administrative requests! Use a private browser like Brave!"

Why Brave? We have a catholic genius who invented javascript and founded Mozilla, and he happened to hate faggots. He got jewed out of his company by a bunch of the faggots he happens to hate so he decided to create a competitor that would take them out. Did he decide to make a better browser? No, he decided to revolutionize the way advertisers reach their marks. If he succeeds, which he will, he will take from Joogle and Faceberg their most valuable income: advertising. Advertisers don't want to get duped by pajeet click farms and bots creating hits, they want their ads going to people who they know are looking at ads willingly (token incentive)

I'm rooting for this faggot hating motherfucker to rip the advertising shekels completely away from Google and Facebook. Advertisers will like Brave because they know they aren't getting kiked and users will use the browser with more built in privacy and voluntarily look at ads because it gives them crypto money.

Or you can just upload videos to youtube from your chrome browser

Don't just look into H1B visas, look into V1 visas, that (((they))) use to import Pajeets in by the thousands. It's amazing how unnoticed they go, with everyone so focused on H1B crisis.

1. He is a kike
2. op is a kike using Holla Forums as his personal army
3. Kikes consider goy their "golem"

As an example, see the kike StyxHexenHammer666 explain how he utilized 4chan to get an IRC network taken down:

AND, as I suspected when they went for shekels, WeSearchr is kikes too:



When I said 'people' I meant normalfaggots. Faggots that joined the biggest shabbos cult ceded their right to be called people when they professed they believed in a god and then denounced him.

i use brave.. It has some nice features but other than that it is a clunky piece of shit with very annoying bugs.

What youz be sayin is
smacks lips
Alls wez gotsta do
picks teeth
Script up a little code
holds crotch
To create tons of false cookies
draws fohtay
And google will be fucked in the ass?

Ok one of you nerds script up a worm and get to emailin. And another one of you nerds write up a trendy, hip little game in java, call it "Internet Roulete".. "Are you brave enough to click this button and which will send you to a completely random webpage? this way they agree when their browser warns they are being redirected and when they hit the go button the script puts up a cool little roulette wheel spinning for 20 or so seconds and hte whole time its spinning the script is sending out requests, obtaining cookies but not actually loading a new page maybe it instead loads them embedded on the page but invisible and only long enough to get a slid cookie and then queue the next one

Bonus points if you make it a phone app.

Look at these pictures:



… why?

Kikes started most of the "alternatives" to Google.

They pay you far too much.. or are you a sharia blue literally doing it for free retard?

>User Agent Switcher: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/ - Changes what websites read your browser as, helps fuck with analytics.

You know you can make a custom UA that would only be readable to someone reading analytics logs…aka google.

How would giving ad traffic to unpopular shit search engines run by kikes help fight kikes?

if you took a second to read instead of being a shill faggot you would know the answer to that.

And another thing, Adblock is just a kike shakedown. They call it adblock, but actually it allows their own special format of ads (they get kike kickbacks). Of course. Kikes. What the hell do you expect?

….kikebacks if you will


I thought about saying that, but the kikes would have said it was a forced meme, and not permissible.

2013. That's when Snowden hit the news. I remember it, because things were so different then. It was stark. That was before the Russia hysteria and everything. To this day, there have been literally zero legitimate alternatives to various services, having good crypto, zero legitimate innovations at all in any area. Zero. How the hell is this even possible? Duck Duck Go. The fuck is that? It's just another search engine with the same bullshit lie Google told, which is that they swear they won't fuck you in the ass. The same with ixquick, etc. Bullshit.

Good thing I didnt say anything about adblock.

what else is new? You are aware that they created the 'alt-right' too, right?

OK. What's your opinion of ublock origin? I've been using it, and it definitely works.

Yes. Kikebart, primarily.

its inadequate. Noscript.

no , the whole fucking thing. from thernovich to eunuch to breitbart to infowars. The whole "movement" is a kike invention which was made possible by the fact that we still dont have a worthy 'leader'. That mistake wont happen again though, there are numerous things going on in small groups of oldfaggots right now.


Leaders are a mistake. Chaos is useful for the following reason:
"[T]he highest form of generalship is to [fuck up] the enemy’s plans[.]" (Sun Tzu, The Art of War)

The most valuable method of operation is to be stealthy.

Thanks. What's your approach to dealing with the necessity that is various accounts such as Google, FB, that involve scripts? Use a separate VPN (and browser session) or something for them?


Google is employing around 20,000 pajeets in their bay area offices, many of which are illegals and have smuggled their families exceeding the maximum residents set by law

Most shitskins are housed in Mountain view, San jose
Judging by google maps (yeah I know) most use private transposrt
if we block their work route google will have to deal with 20 K late and absents pajeets, loosing thousands of shekels

without an account you can't barely see any profile anymore, and with a profile they see who you are, even in private mode.

You can still see their names, location and education I think


Lumping all those distinct cultures into one big group. How diverse. Seriously, all that 'diversity' propaganda is a scam anyway. They don't even believe the horseshit they spew. It's a good way to redpill normies. 'Hey, immigration supporters just want slaves again!'

This one is a good meme.
Maybe the google = nigger meme didn't take off because it's counter-intuitive, there's nothing particularly niggerish about google.

Use qutebrowser

Dox on Kelly Ellis?


Don't you have to give them your credit card in order to get started with GCloud? I would avoid using their products anyways…




When I fire up vidya, my computer turns into a space heater.

As stated before, Google uses Deduplication, so if you upload files that are identical to other people's files, it doesn't use hardly any space. That is how they have such cheap unlimited storage plans, and is also why Amazon had to cancel theirs (datahoarders started uploading multi-terabyte encrypted backups to them).



hi lad, there is a firefox extension called "AdNauseam" addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adnauseam/ that does just this. I don't use it, but I feel it could be of use to anyone who wants to practice this technique in a lazy manner. Look it up. Good luck.

awwww, its a montego

did they

ever release the source code

search and steal money from all of the enemies of civilization!

the possibilities are endless!

fucking saved

so if i have ads on my sites I literally get fractions of pennies, but google gets $12.64 for serving it my site's viewers, wtf… how does this plug-in calculate this shit?

Good idea.
Fight Google, and fight shitty ads at the same time

Thanks for posting this. Did you make this? Can you make a .png version with transparent background? Or upload the font you used here?

No. Don't let my few ad hominems be the only thing you took away from my post - there is no way we could possibly affect AdSense attribution no matter what kinds of scripts we have. We would literally need a few orders of magnitude more people than even visit all the chans and T_D combined running those scripts. If you really wanted to do that plan, the only feasible way would be if you were the proprietor of a massive virus that turned a few hundred thousand normie computers into a botnet and directed them to spam adsense links. And if you're going to pull off a massive and risky illegal plot, you might as well just bomb the Google HQ.

It doesn't work like this either. Like I said, the cookies are only half the problem (and only a small portion of the information that advertisers track - but that's another point entirely). The real problem with the plan is the scale. You will never get enough people doing it to cause any effect. There are corporations devoted to developing botnets to drive false attributions for shady profit, and the system goes on completely unaffected. We wouldn't even be able to reach a fraction of the scale of just one of those operations, let alone screw the entire system by ourselves.

I can give the rundown on this if anyone is interested. The main reason for that discrepancy is that advertisers are paying for ROI, and banner ad campaigns are usually implemented with the goal of direct response, which means they are intended to be the last thing someone sees before they click through the ad and end up on the website's purchase page for whatever the product is. That's as opposed to an "awareness campaign" which is just intended to inform people about the existence of a product or brand, which is usually the goal of high-quality TV commercials.

That being the case, advertisers paying for banner ads are usually only interested in paying for the amount of clicks they get on the ads. Whether they are actually paying on a CPC or CPM basis makes no difference, because the prices ultimately paid on any cost basis are related to the chances of someone ultimately buying a product when the advertiser pays the rate. So if they're paying $6 for a click or $1.20 for 1000 views, it's the same price because only 0.02% of people who see ads actually click on them. In reality, the modern cost bases are much more complex than this, because bid-factoring AI takes many other factors into account when deciding how much to pay for the opportunity to get an ad in front of a given set of eyeballs (as the viewer, site and other variables all affect the chances of someone clicking through and buying something), but it's still basically the same concept.

The other thing to realize is that publishers usually get only about 12 cents on the dollar spent by an advertiser, because the rest goes to middlemen. At the most basic level of explanation, Coca-Cola isn't calling up blogs on the phone and setting up ad deals. They pay agencies to set up a media strategy and implement the campaigns, who pay demand-side platforms to bid on inventory through an ad exchange, kind of like a stock market for ad impressions. Exchanges receive sell orders from ad networks and supply-side inventory aggregators like Google, who are the ones that set up the technology to allow you to embed code on your blog to put ads there. And even that is only a small part of the ecosystem, which is supported by many other players who add value to every step in the process - and everyone gets a cut of the profit. (pic related)

It's not possible for AdNauseum to actually know how much it is costing the ecosystem every time it clicks on an ad, but it doesn't matter because most people have no idea what's actually going on anyway. It is just ballparking the numbers with "average" CPC rates according to the formula I outlined in paragraph two of this. It may be accurate enough over time, but it is still misleading because it is NOT costing Google that much money. It is costing the advertiser that much money. Google itself is making even less on your blog ads than you are. They're only rich from it because they have ads on millions of blogs.

(I am this guy on a VPN, if it wasn't apparent)

I do also feel compelled to provide a brief defense of my industry and employer here. You guys don't have to accept my opinion, and clearly I am biased which is something I will admit openly. But I hope you will consider that there are upsides and downsides to advertising, which I feel gets a lot of misdirected hatred because of kikeshit companies like Google who collect personal information and violate privacy with their products and services, and just so happen to support the operation with ads. I do not work for kikes, in fact the marketing industry is one of the few major industries left that is mostly white at the top, and no office I have visited has had any kind of SJW marxist shit going on at all. We do not collect or utilize any personally identifying information and the people I work with, even at the higher levels of the organization, do truly care about annoying people. A lot of money and research is put into developing these targeting strategies and identifying effective ad frequency for the express purpose of NOT annoying people, so they do not have a negative experience associated with seeing ads. Why would we want to bother people and drive them to adblockers? The people responsible for shitting up the internet are moneygrubbing kike publishers who load up every inch of their sites with ad codes to make a quick buck, not the businessowners and employees who rely on marketing to move their products or the people who do honest work to make the system possible. It might seem like a ripoff, but if it weren't for all the technology involved, this guy wouldn't get pennies for his blog at all, he would get nothing. And you guys wouldn't be able to use the internet for free, and you wouldn't be able to buy anything except cucumbers and burlap pants from your local merchant. I don't like kike syrup drinks and iShit any more than anyone here, but even churches and legitimate small businesses need to advertise.

Hating the existence of ads is like hating the existence of trucks on the road. Sure, it's annoying, but only niggers and marxists are so immature and selfish that they do not realize the purpose they serve for everyone. We can fight Google without going full reddit and defrauding everyone else.

Thanks for putting in the effort to explain all that. That graphic blows my mind.

These ideas are fun, but inefficient. They have good architecture and software for dealing with these things. I offer another strategy. Get Google to double down on "diversity" harder than ever.

Indians and Africans are terrible programmers, and the same surely applies to other IT disciplines. Women are lazy and inefficient. If Google fills their company with these people, the company will fall apart.

In addition to this, get more right wing people to get a job at Google, who will do the same thing the guy who was just fired just did. If Google fires them, it hurts their reputation. If Google doesn't fire them, then the useful idiots will get mad and go after them. Google loses either way.

There have been a few threads with ideas to fuck with google

Those are good ideas but they require more technical knowledge than the average

And normalfags are average af, but they are far more than us as well meaning that even if they can't fuck google server's by uploading shit or fake-click on ads they can do a ton of damage with smaller stuff

99% of normies don't even know about ad blockers, they barely know what a browser is

I propose we get them all to switch from google's botnet chrome and mozilla (another pozzed SJW company) to Brave browser

I know is not perfect but its the EASIEST way for normalfags to fuck google up by denying them ad revenue and data mining

ALL of google depends on ad revenue and tracking people around to get their data. With Brave we deny them that, their profits will go to shit if enough normalfags switch to Brave

Again you go try to teach normie mcnormalfag what an extension is, then how to install it, then how to configure it

Like it or not Brave is ready to use and its also available for android and iphone

Another good idea would be to get normies to use duckduckgo or startpage instead of google

>inb4 (((JEWS)))

I'm aware of that, again the point is to fuck google up and sending people to other search engines does that

Bing belongs to microsoft which is part of a group together with google, facebook and twitter trying to censor everything anti-SJW and anti-PC from the web so no point sending normalfags to those companies

But if we hit google hard enough where it matters (metrics, sales and therefore their money) we could force them and the other companies to fire all SJW cunts and stop censoring our stuff or face the consequences.

The majority of this thread has been dedicated to debunking these ideas as inefficient.

Much easier to get normalfags to retweet political redpills than this tech shit. Dig up dirt on their Pajeet workforce and publicize it.

You guys can try this, sure. But really the only thing I think could actually stop google is a person going into there and gunning down every higher up. Google is so retardedly big that it will be something that we will need 100x times the amount of accounts running non stop to fuck with their shit. We will need to somehow convince advertisers that the most widely used search engine and video sharing media site is bad.

Seems like one of those uphill battles except its mt fuji. Really what we should be doing is trying to INSTEAD tear it down from the inside. Start getting workers to talk about the bullshit that goes on there and have people strike, riot or go crazy enough for a falling down version of google. This worked with that gamertavistock shit but google is like a different final boss, plus it was their stupidity and hulk hogan that did the actual damage. That showed me that if we want to do something, we need to use what damage they have done to themselves and pry that wound open until its a festering gash.

didnt know we had word filters for the gamernitavistock thing.

Are you kidding me? did you even read my post? you're comparing a handful of anons messing with google with hundreds of thousands perhaps even millions of normies suddenly blocking ALL google ads and tracking

Imagine 10% of the people who voted for trump suddenly blocking all google ads everywhere

Imagine the impact on a company that relies on ad sales for at least 85% of all their revenue

If we get 1 million normies to install Brave in their computers and phones and suddenly not seeing any google ads or sending tracking data to google servers I can fucking guarantee you the big wigs at google are going to notice that

Get 10 million normies to block everything and the googli fucks are going to panic, big time

Thats a lot of ifs, especially when it comes to making people break their comforts.

It doesn't get any easier than installing brave, even a grandma can do it

We should make videos and infographics on how to do it and post them everywhere, every feed and every wall

Link to download it for every platform, to the app store and the play store

Afaik the default search engine on brave is ddg so that part is taken care of. Anti-tracking and anti-fingerprint might not be ON by default so we should include screenshots showing how to activate them (its just a toggle switch in a menu)

fucking kill yourself, that shit was always cringy and retarded

Right but imagine trying to convince people who know nothing of tech to do something outside of their comfort zones. 90% of the time it wont work. People tend to not want to do things outside of their comfort zone. You will have to somehow show them advantages of it without getting to technical like "privacy" or their "Data" because they wont care. If it allowed them to…oh lets say get around copyright takedowns like google loves to do because they suck that corporate dick then they might. Hell i use duckduckgo to get around that shit if i want to find something to pirate.

Of course which is why the whole point of this is to fuck with google, say google is an anti-free speech pro-censorship corporation (which is 100% true, they even admit it) and get everyone to leave chrome/firefox and use brave just to fuck with google and their revenue stream

Thats shit normies don't give a fuck, most of them don't pirate shit

Again, we should make it plain clear to normies that installing brave is about fucking google up and nothing else




Thou divine dubs hath been checketh . Praise holy prophet Terry the slayer of CIA niggers and googles .


Millions collaborate so Google takes a -0.2% dip in quarterly earnings, CEO loses no sleep.


Handful of anons expose pervert child loving Pajeet or next diversity issue that literally drives a wedge between the sensible half of Google's workforce and the tranny loving snowflake SJW female techies too BTFO to come to work, CEO nooses himself.

This combined with Ad Nauseum is where it's at.

You decrease the number of legitimate views their ads get, while simultaneously increasing a bunch of spam clicks. Suddenly advertising is nothing but paying to be viewed by bots.

Google is too big right now but they aren't unstoppable. One of the interesting things about the IT industry and web is how quick things can come and go once they piss off a large enough of the market like they're doing now.

we need to march into google offices across the world

Upload nazi and racist videos to YouTube. Google will take it down, but you can just reupload it again and again, making them constantly store the copies.

Is it really possible to setup Google Cloud to mine BTC?
Please explain how like I was 5.

(needs popups enabled. I suggest running it on a secondary browser in the background)

Quick question, is DuckDuckGo an acceptable search engine or is it run by (((them)))?

DuckDuck is safe. It's entire premise is not tracking you. For now any non-Google search engine is fine.

Nice code. Too bad Google started asking for captchas after 5 minutes. For those 5 minutes maybe somenthing more focused like just "apple iphone" could cause more damage.

Use YaCy if you want something not owned

They are more Brave New World than 1984.

The day Holla Forums decided to raid google.

This is going to generate lulz.

With AdNauseam this thread probably caused over 10k USD in loss to Google but they won't change their policies until we make somenthing newsworthy.

This, we should mine a smaller coin though.

we need to create an application, which can parse proxies from different sites, and then use them to make lot's of clicks. your way of killing google is very unproductive - hundreds of us can't do much.

Maybe Doge? But why a smaller coin?


So we can wait and sell it when it goes moon.

how the fuck do i get google chrome address bar to search in yandex by default, i can add to search engines but cant set to default

never mind got it

The main thing with all Bitcoin alternatives is that they are mostly used as financial assets while Bitcoin has the most support for buying real stuff. I don't think the extra effort of creating multiple eWallets and keeping them all safe and backed up is worth it, specially considering convertion costs. Bitcoin is also still increasing in value decently fast.

Get Firefox (PaleMoon if you want to be extra careful) and install AdNauseam on it.

SJWs are panicking.

We have to keep pushing!

Posted this in another thread, but I think it's relevant here too. Reformatted and elaborated a little since I was ranting about Pajeets before. I hope this is at least somewhat motivational.

I don't work at Google, but I'm at a place that tends to funnel employees there. We also happen to be a competitor looking to get rid of Google from a service perspective. I can't say which service specifically, but it's a useful one. The bright side to us replacing them is that we don't give a flying fuck about your personal data. We don't care who you are, what you're doing, what your interests are, what you may or may not be thinking, who you vote for - nothing. You're an unidentifiable dot in our service, not a hidden user profile. Furthermore, everybody at our office has seen the horrors of the game industry, a few have participated in GG socially, and also hates Google with a burning passion. Luckily, we're under their radar especially now that their kike overlords are off kvetching about (((diversity))).

I don't know if this has hit common knowledge yet, but EVERYTHING - I mean EVERYTHING Google does in terms of gathering data is outright illegal. "Well, no shit." No, any person with enough evidence can file a valid lawsuit against anything data-related tomorrow, and it will spook them. It can bring them fucking down if someone high enough in the developer ranks can spill some beans publicly, and back up their claims. One of their focuses now is indoor mapping.

Now, if any other company wanted to gather information about a location (say, a mall), you have to go in and ask the property owners, every company within the mall, and any other legal groups if you can keep their locations, basic information, etc. in YOUR database for later publishing/use in an informative app (say, it's a mall directory app you want to make public). JEWGLE on the other hand just scrubs online information from a wide variety of sources (including social media, Google accounts, Google+, Yelp, etc.), compiles it, and stores it in their databases without anybody's written, verbal, or even implied consent. Anything anyone publicly posts about that hypothetical mall ends up in Google's algorithm without them knowing. The hilarious part is that very little actually makes their services any more accurate. It makes their predictive searches creepier, but there is no net benefit to scrubbing so much information aside from storing it at Google. I don't know how much cash gets burned while doing just that, but I hope they keep wasting it. If anybody has access to Google internally, outing them on that before they're able to innovate on indoor mapping will help kill them.

I can't see what happens internally at Jewgle, but on the bright side, there are far more than just a few autists looking to obliterate them. We've managed to steal some very well-known kike-infested corporate customers away from Google very recently as well, taking some of their market share. What I mean by that is: there is another online service that used to use Google to supply extra information to users. We essentially replaced Google with our service to show the same (in my opinion, better, 100% legally gathered, and non-personalized) information. Believe me, people who think like anons here do are very prevalent and actively trying to take away Google's dreams for good. They WILL be taken out and replaced by us - if we don't fuck up.

Side-note just for keks, we're permanently phasing out the use of Microsoft products at work. Fuck the botnet.

Poogle gets told:


Poo in hell, Pajeet!

New goo gun bot (needs AdNauseum)


Good idea. We should automatize our warfare.

Google is asking for captchas even faster now. Maybe because I ran the previous code. But AdNauseam can just do it all by itself later with the "AD VAULT" button.
I so far used up $527,72 in ad money

i didn't see any INSTALL GENTOO spam



You could decompress one inside a gdrive. Probably useless though if Google servers use transparent compression.

You could easily eat up all 15 or 16 gigs that they offer for free.

Predictable BuzzFeed:
I like how it implies James would have gotten a fair interview at the MSM like CNN



The biggest flaw is that you won't be hurting the agencies. The only hurt felt will be media agencies and plebs who are registered "google partners". What this means is that your display and PPC are being used as publication partners and are being published by your run of the mill digital agencies. The guys who suffer are the mom and pop shops trying to find an online presence because they're forking out budget to a digital agency which is making use of Google's tools. Unfortunately Google doesn't really offer much advertising, it's all DIY or via an agency which is registered as a partner, and this is usually any agency (registered or not) that makes use of the jewgle platform for rendering digital content as a an advertising service. It's a catch 22 because you're not they hold the market hostage within the western world. Yandex and WeChat are probably their biggest competitors but are not encroaching as they are rather comfy in the East… for now. Bing and Yahoo are dead. And to be honest, even if you did all of the above, it would hardly hurt revenue. I'm not trying to D&C but i'm simply putting out the truth and the fact of the matter. I do not enjoy admitting these things but this is the way things are. Google is the vehicle, the ads are the roads, the passengers are the companies and ads and agencies you will be hurting. The big guys will not feel the knock, mom and pop will be, because they're bidding on keywords which cost a lot of money to them, not to google. We need to re-structure this because the above will not hurt Google whatsoever. The data uploads and using alternative software is valid though.

Look up in-store tracking. They're beta-testing it within Spar UK as we speak. If you agency is going to make, it better stay true to those routes. You will be (((shut down))) or bought for a couple of billion. This happens regularly. Big Data is oil. I don't see how you're going to put them out of business without redpilling the masses on their fucked up lifestyle and beheading a few. Literally. Your company's intentions are valid, but they're not going to make your bosses any money whatsoever which is why i'm curious as to which business model you'd be adopting? Pay to play for CIAniggers? Backdoors? Anyhow. I relate to what you're saying. Wish you the best and hope the founders of your company don't sellout if they are successful. Not trying to sound pessimistic. Just looking at it from a different POV.

t. Big data e-Commerce + Jewgle, display + content

They're probably being paid to defend Google. Even twitter has multiple agencies who are literally paid to come visit independent media agencies and shill for jewgle, twitter, etc. They'll do a song and a dance, give you free tickets to various sports games, wine and dine you, all so long as you buy into more and more technology which their company represents on behalf of "x" or "y" AKA jewtube, jewgle, twatter, etc. Then you will have you indie (((journalists))) or snowflakes who are a smaller advent of the middlemen. They get paid as you'd pay a shill. Think of them being told this: "Hey! We love you! We love what you stand for, it aligns with the brand image we wish to mould ourselves around. Be a proud x, y, or z and express yourself because your personality aligns with our brand image. We'll pay you, no matter what you do, as long as you keep us in good faith and attention whore. "


bump niggers

4chan provides Google with a free army of slaves improving their maps and software with botnet captchas.

You can't even put a dent in that.

google must be destroyed