What would you be pointing at porky?
What would be the best choice for arming the whole proletariat with?
Are guns like the Caselman MG or homemade designs like from theHomeMadeGunSmith (some reactionary brit who ranted about commies taking his guns made a website with designs of home made guns) actually usable and mass-producible?
Just fucking buy one, be practical. Get a Mossberg or something.
I'm putting money aside. I figure a rifle and a sidearm would be optimal. SKS and Mosin Nagant get talked up alot as cheap and reliable so I've been thinking about looking into one of those.
The Luty MP is very, very produceable if you can manage to get a group of five and just have them all work on very specific parts.
Not to mention the Luty is a fucking sexy gun.
that shit looks revolutionary and all, but just get a damn ak 47 or a shotgun.
When you are the insurgent, it's better to have weapons like the Kommando special, barbasol can grenades, and making ANFO with some black soil from those crazy angreen bastards.
You could also go about manufacturing the Partisan Air Rifle(Girandoni Design), or make an electric ignition weapon which can accept armstrong powder.
smh tbh fam
Can some comrad post the /k/ poorfag guide?
Shame Phil Luty died though. He only got to see his designs used for crime.
You ever hear the guy's story? Fucking depressing.
He originally was trying to give the porks a way to identify clandestine gun manufacturing, and they ended up arresting him, and let him die under house arrest from lung cancer. They refused to let him see a doctor.
Post your collections fags.
The question my friends is not what, but how many?
Poor bastard. He has a few articles on his site written about or by him. I think I'll read them some time.
But how many depends on what. We can't have hundreds of custom Barrett M82's, but we can have hundreds of other types.
AK 74
I saw stuff like that in US Army handbooks on improvised munitions, this inforgraphic is easier to understand though. if stealth is the goal I think the Caselman MG has it beaten.
Well, stealth as in untraceable, not in concealment.
Have any Brits bought a gun yet?
I'm in too much debt to fork out the money for a license, let alone a gun just yet, it seems a little frivolous at this point.
For irregular forces any reliable and cost effective semi-automatic rifle. For example the M1 Garand would still be sufficient to arm the masses with.
Nah fam. If you are in the U.S. the AR is the only logical choice.
Why would you suggest the Garand over the M14, which is still popular enough that it's used in special OPs to this day?
It was a example that even the Garand would still be functional in that role, yes the M14 is better. Also the M1 Garand was a favourite of the Cuban revolutionary army during the Cuban revolution.
lol you lefty fags no nothing about guns
know fugg
fuggen grammer tankies
Moist nugget(obviously) SKS(obviously) Makarov(obviously) you can still get them for under 300 dollars and any gun that is cheap and reliable.
and there is plenty of Youtube videos and reviews about budget guns.
It's time to stock up!
9x18 can't possibly be commonplace, may as well go proper NATO.
Just the infantry, right? I would imagine M16A2s, since they are what we will find in the armories in all the NATO countries.
My guess would be that the whole proletariat means a firearm that can be issued to everyone to quickly form irregular forces for the defence of the revolution in a pinch.
9x18 is not common place at all, take it from a guy who owns a circle 10.
You shouldn't fire commercial 30-06 in the garand.
get AKM and Tokarev. Trust your Ancestor comrades.
AKM is not as good or cheap as an AR in the states, and the Tokarev is a shit gun by modern standards.
Fuck, I would tolerate life under Trump just to get some of those sweet sweet 2nd Ammendment rights.
ready to go. switch your main rifle due to where you live and your finance. AKM, AR, SKS, shotguns are always useful especially in urban war situations. you can equip shotgun as backup too.
seriously though this user is right personal arming doesn't mean much if you are not organized.
You have those rights. Your government is just violating them.
I didn't even know they made Garands in .308, I was referring specifically to .30-06, which is only outdated because it's not a standard military cartridge anymore. If you are going to pick a weapon then it should either be NATO or Warsaw Pact standard. Basically .308, 5.56, 7.62x39, 5.45x39 and 7.62x54R are your only real options.
Please don't say things you don't know about. Shotguns are no longer used in combat, and for good reason. The most you'd do with one is breach a door.
specify your combat situation. there are so many ways to use shotgun in urban environment. urban implies the approximate distance between you and your enemy too.
In Western countries it should just be NATO because cartridges are cheap and fucking everywhere, just run down to Walmart and get whatever brand you like. Hell I live down the street from an ammunition company and it's even cheaper in local stores, it'd be retarded of me not to take advantage of it.
Unfortunately where I live anything in 5.56 is expensive as balls, so I've settled for the cheap ass SKSs. At least 7.62x39 is cheap as balls.
If shit goes down it only has to last till the next cache you find/liberate
As in, an actual fucking war, m8. A carbine is a superior choice in every way. Even if you were just fending off a home invader, a carbine does the job much better in every way.
I'll probably just get an SKS when I can afford the gun licence shit
t. leaf
fucking wrong
What you want are cheap suppressed handguns and SBRs. Things that can (ideally) be stored in a pocket or inside a backpack. Such examples include the Sten, Sterling, PPSH, Uzi, Mac, and Tec-9. Handguns would either be Ruger MkIVs or Baby Brownings. There is also the option of a DIY Ruger 10/44 takedown (real life examples were a short production run and mainly sold in Rhodesia and SA. I suggest this as 10/22 kits are easy to come by and conversion to .44 is easy for a skilled machinist. The same is true for AR15s but ARs are huge).
My personal opinion is that the tec-9 is the best option, because the upper receiver is just a piece of pipe and the lower molded plastic, while the gun itself is small enough to store inside a waistband and easy enough to fire. It is also one of the CIA's most popular insurgency weapons.
Uniforms would consist of ski masks, gloves, nike or converse shoes (the most popular shoes in America) and grey sweaters. The key idea is to become a "grey man" until operating in the open is able to be safely done.
Look, stupid, that's not how any of this works. I would get a handgun, but you need a rifle of some sort. As for tec-9, they are shit guns that are jam-o-matic.
Additionally, it is worth noting that Ruger products are extensively well documented and have a huge aftermarket. While they are obviously much more complicated and precise devices, there's just a huge amount of information on them and knowledge is power. That said, within the context of this discussion their .22lr models are underpowered but would be the backbone for espionage operations because it's the quietest of the mass produced rounds.
Depends entirely on the enemy. If the target is police, then yes. But most military troops (especially national guardsmen who get sloppy seconds) don't get body armor. At the end of it, 5 alcoholics with $20 SMGs are a far larger threat than a single person with a $2000 match-grade battle rifle. The tec-9 is shit and it jams but it's able to be easily mass produced. More arms mean more troops which mean a higher likelihood of success.
Or until I shoot a soldier and take is C7.
You're a fucking idiot. Yes they do.
Don't you mean liberate his C7?
Yep. The Guard gets good shit, because the state pays for it instead of the federal government.
no they don't they get jack shit because most states are poor and the ones that aren't give it to LEOs and not the NG. I was in CANG for a good five years, we had Vietnam-era equipment despite being stationed in America's most populated city
That might just be California. I've worked with AL, TX, and GA NG units, and they all have standard equipment.
The fuck are you talking about.
The Nasty Girls in North Dakota and Arizona are so well equipped that they give the US Militia Movement constant supply-list updates so that we know when to rai-
Uh…. Forget I said that.
Remington 870
feels bad man
Move to Finland or the Czech Republic, they are super gun friendly.
That's like waiting for freedom of speech, m8.
tfw britfag and people are too classcucked to want less strict gun laws even though fucktons die from being stabbed yearly.
the spartacus league will rise again!
Those are some filthy capitalist guns
Get real
A little off topic but i think is better to ask on this thread.
What training should i do to prepare myself to fight for the ypg?
PS: I don't have any guns and they are very expensive where i live.
Any gun rental opportunities?
Where do you live, fam?
we all know that feel, comrades
I always liked the Dragunov, SKS and G3
Take martial arts, like Krav Maga or something, learn how to operate a gun and visit a shooting range, I think you can borrow/rent guns depending what country you're in.
I pick the best tool for the job, and I assure you, those are real.
The main thing an infantryman needs to do is carry heavy shit and run fast at short distances (learn to go long too). So lift weights, run a lot, stay skinny, and ruck twice a month. 99.9% of soldiering is doing shit like that. Combat takes seconds, most of the time, not minutes or hours. Learn to read a map. Learn proper movment techniques. Honestly, look up those militia videos. A lot of them are bullshit, but some of them are golden advice. Look up "movement techniques" on youtube. I'm sure something good will come up.
a beefsteak