GLP banned this word, 8ch is flooding it. So here's a shitty thread about it.
30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4DD.–
GLP banned this word, 8ch is flooding it. So here's a shitty thread about it.
30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4DD.–
Other urls found in this thread:
Instead of making retarded statements, how about posting some real information?
Your type like a fag and your shit's all retarded
G.A.T.E. Thread bump.
Sinead O'connor's MKultra programming is failing.
The big strong feminist role-model is on Facebook, crying about MEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNN not wanting to take care of her.
It's amazing! And poetic justice.
The stupid wordfilter is getting a little annoying now.
First post, every time.
Kill yourself.
it's been banned on GLP for over a decade now, so…i dunno, get mad I guess
no, really, the mods need to remove the word filter. There should be no word filter, word filters are for kikes and fags. That is exactly what killed 4cuck before the exodus
How to shut them down?
I don't think she's MK Ultra'd. Just a retard who's slowly realizing that acting masculine isn't the way to get a baby put inside her, and now it's too late.
I wanted to fuck her in high school, when she was singing about muhdikah
Oh well, if she would shut up about that flat earth shit perhaps a guy would.
Women who shave their head usually have autoandrophilic tendencies. Shit's kinda degenerate fam :^)
cut the bitching, does anyone have info about tavistock or not?
She has four kids. From four different fathers. I thought it was "I'm going to die alone no one holding my hand" old lady's blues, but it's more like "I can't even have meaning in my life with children and a grand-kid." The miserable fuck.
The programming worked fine or she wouldn't be crying now. It worked fine on millions of young fans as well.
It's too late for the programming to have failed, because it's too late for her. Too late for millions of women like her. Even if she did have 4 "kids" with 4 different men.
In the past, we discovered simply posting the word would plague the board with shillbots and also the thread for at least an hours time. Mods using it now as a wordfilter might just be flickng off Tavistock in that we can still discuss current events without derailing every thread by paying mind to said shillbots. Mods may be forcing the Tavistock's hand, "Bring everything you've got" as it were.
its aa beautiful double edged sowrd
can we add a nazi = fag filter
We've given you a beautiful opportunity, Anons. Don't waste it.
Shitposting. You know when its done right.
Good cross post user from our discussion elsewhere. Further to my 𝖌𝖆𝖙𝖊 comment, I'd also reiterate the other anons solution of g(null char)(null char)(null char)ate.
Fuck off man, word filters are literally reddit tier.
GG mods, anyone bitching is a shill. Filter and move along
fuck the mods
If I want to say gate I should be allow to say gate as much as i want without some FUCKING KIKE MOD twisting my words into a JEWISH LIE. Tavistock and gate are not the SAME FUCKING WORD.
Do you have an occipital bun, mod-kun?
/l*ftypol/ has dozens of word filters.
kys newfag
they are so censorious and ban happy on GLP that I still can't help but approve of this move.
That little list confirms Holla Forums determined to live in the exact opposite of reality.
Wordfilters can definitely do long term damage, though. Case in point: I still have to consciously stop myself from calling them "cheesegraters".
Commit suicide, you nonwhite sack of shit.
So, you are performing these actions for no form of compensation?
That's called feminism user.
The wordfilter even ID's words like hooknose, kike, nigger and others. It seems for those who read it, these words are changed to the none derogatory words.
Tavistock is just a meme by TRSodomites.
Wow, excellent point. We had better not look into this organization that has been performing large scale social engineering on the populace for decades. You enormous faggot
just pin a thread about neuro sciences, social engineering and so on then. i don't give a shit about the word g-a-t-e though, so no big loss.
I still don't understand the ga-te/tavistock shit.
I must have missed the one post on the board of the mod explaining it.
K I will
There's no justification for the use of wordfilters. It's completely unnecessary (unless your goal is to D&C Holla Forums itself).
And now you know.
Even if because of shitposting it is really stupid to filter gat e.
This post is a good example
When trying to wrote congregat e.
This filter is retarded because it confuses normal verb endings with autism.
This is nigger tier stupid. The kids are failures.
ahhh, I remember those threads, pretty spooky stuff, I don't specifically remember the tavistock institute section, but I do not doubt it. also, do you think that the suffix -g.ate has been tossed around more since then to decrease the G.A.T.E. research momentum?
I was in TAG (Talented And Gifted) and it was no MK ultra shit, we were just doing math and science a grade or two above our normal grade and had more difficult assignments in English class.
How the hell is not remembering every single day of middle school spooky?
Proof Tavistock programmed me.
7th grade took the IOWA standardized math test and got 100%. Purdue offered me a scholarship for aerospace engineering. Proof of Tavistock.
Except G.A.T.E. kids were usually autistic narcissistic losers that were never that bright to begin with and looked at G.A.T.E. as some kind of affirmation to their genius they never had. Sounds like another attention seeking "we're so special" readjustment of reality for people that were in G.A.T.E. that failed or feel an underwhelming sense of significance in the world and are trying to feed each other bullshit to feel unique again.
Having said that I lived on both the east and west coast growing up and by military bases and yes G.A.T.E. was big and a thing in all those places. I thought it was a thing in every school etc. I had teachers pushing my parents to make me join it etc, but luckily for me I was a problem child and got into too much trouble. As an objective outsider looking in at people that were part of G.A.T.E. the bullshit you talked about in the threads is just the type of thing those kids would try to push… just saying.
I'm always open to real research and facts, but I'll pass on people feeding into each others narcissistic tendencies and then manipulating their memories off each other, especially from G.A.T.E. losers that are starved for attention.
yeah, that thumbnail looks like a 60 year old bald man in drag…
strange ppl
It wraps to the next line, the whole thing is 'le happy merchant meem.' The best part is how Holla Forums secretly loves the Jews for being just as self-loathing, self-destructive and hateful of society as they are, but if you call them on it, they'll deny it. The takeaway is that Commies are super tsundere for Hebrews and it's adorable.
Oh, I also forgot to add, on top of botspam, we also got plenty of (((helpful posts))) like these.
You forgot to tell us to go back to /x/, you shit eating kikes.
Joke's on you, you just weren't talented and gifted enough for higher-level MK ultra shit.
Hmm now why would an imageboard with an unnatural amount of PORTAL students have a word filter?
What is the selection process for DOORWAY anyway? High IQ?
What is it anyway? demoralization/indoctrination classes? gee i fuckin wonder.
Really sets off my latent indigo child psychic abilities. Praise kek, heil hitler, forever victorious, my wizard bretheren.
In the off chance that there are legitimate normal users angry about the filter, bitch at codemonkey on /sudo/ to make wordfilters less retarded so they don't affect the middle of a word. I tried once and cuckmonkey after over a month of repeated bumping demanding a response that hadn't been given because the developers for the site only act on things if some phonefag cries about captcha and gets some flak for it ended up just saying "working as intended".
Another wonderful, worthwhile set of posts by a TORfag. Why is TOR enabled again?
Kill yourself, immediately.
Yep, they're angry.
Thanks for giving us something in common with Holla Forums.
they appear to be somewhat agitated
travis' cock
I never said anything like what you imply. Thanks for reinforcing G.A.T.E. kids as autistic morons. Re-read a few times what I wrote it shouldn't be hard I doubt it goes beyond a 3rd grade reading level. Provide information and not shitty ass speculation without a fucking modicum of factual information.
You're essentially saying this, "Hey guys a bunch of us got together and masturbated our speculations and theories and then readjusted our memories in order to make our theories match! Don't worry about us providing any information that can be verified WE ALL KNOW this happened to us!!! " you provide absolutely no evidence of any kind except your say so. It can't be that hard to actually get a hold of tests, or social experiments or whatever else that existed in G.A.T.E. I'm not even asking for a silver bullet yet you sit there and bitch and cry about me being a spam bot and jew. lol.. fucking dumb nigger. Just provide material evidence if you want people to take your claim seriously and invest time into it. Crying and chimping out like a CIAnigger gets you no where.
the mods into the line for the oven.
material evidence of what?
I thought nothing happened?
tavistock was a social experiment wherein the schools separated people by IQ
For the rest, have a bump. Tavistock institute is real and shillbots are attempting to bury this in confusion.
Are you trying to insinuate that isn't a mid aged tranny?
Gifted and Talented was just a way to keep the smart kids away from the roody poos in the south. Gotta protect the future tax payers.
Yeah, you're a cunt.
bumpong [email protected]/* */ 'n' c0ck bread
gay cunt
It was a big deal when she ripped up a picture of the Pope on SNL back in the day.
Now the left bashed Christians 24/7 on TV.
gee I wonder (((who))) wants to stop us from saying pedoɢᴀᴛᴇ?
probably the tavistock institute
Don't be a nigger. The -g ate suffix is one of many things that made it look like a "it's nothing goyim ignore it" thing to normalfags that don't understand reality or are too brainwashed to see the truth past their enforced narrative.
it starts with wordfilters.
it starts with wordfilters.
The board has always had wordfilters. Your pathetic concern trolling is shit.
you seem upset.
Don't be such a candyass roodypoo, it's shit your pants and do nothing to worry about, at least it's not as bad as it is on niggertits..
They were simpler times.
We were so naive.
Thank Christ other people understand this.
What the glow in the dark tavistock CIAniggers don't realize is that we're the ones perform an experiment on them. And they are failing it.
Tavistock is cancer, but censoring gat.e is retarded. Of course, what else would you expect from mods that intend to limit conversation and shut down anything that may lead to people actually understanding anything.
The mods are compromised and this board is spiraling the drain because of it.
Maybe if they ignore us, we will go away :^)
Who are The Beatles? for $100, Alex.
The rumor was that Tavistock is involved with GLP. Why the fuck knows though? It's a conspiracy site, that shit could go either way.
Nah, she's just a normal female.
so I've been meaning to make a thread about this but every time I went to I got a little.. apprehensive. Theres been plenty of G A T E threads over the years but as far as I can recall every user who claimed to have been in the program could only recall the faintest of details about the windows being covered, full sized class room with half a dozen students and a psychologist teaching with half of the room in total disarray. Another thing about it was that they could all remember that they were given logic and mechanical reasoning assignments.
My question about this is…. What, if any, documents have been leaked on it? Have any of the assignments or anything like that been leaked? I don't recall ever seeing them posted.
There is a journalist I'm quite fond of who has been sperging out about -gåte suffixes for years. Also was in proto-analmoose years ago.
If this is you, I noticed. You're a mod now? There's a step up from Vice I guess.
In Ontario it was called streaming. Basic (shop and hairdressing), General (LE), and Advanced (AP, O-levels)
I wouldnt be shocked at all glp is as controlled op as infowars is.
Anyone? Has the course work ever been leaked before? Cuz if not I will fire up my scanner.
There are two threads guaranteed to attract the shills, Pedowood and G ate
ya know what fuck it.. Im gonna have to find where I put my scanner.
Ding ding.
One thing that struck me about The Bell Curve which most people never mention is how ( unintentionally I think?) he exposes what an effective system of farming they've developed into the rural regions. This is what all the standardization and computers are for. To find and assimilate talent.
I was in all those programs and it didn't work. But the less smart smart kids gobbled it up like the teacher's pet the powers that be expected them to be.
Now doctors, pharmacists, etc.
Mods want us to create a new term for Pizza.g.a.t.e. because the "g.ate" suffix is overused so much that most people will write off what we're actually talking about. That being said, let's ditch the "pizza" prefix as well.
I hope you have not been suicided…
I'm assuming you have documents about tavistock
The suffix -tavistock is because it signifies tavistockkeeping mechanism in order to contain a potentially dangerous revelation from blooming out into research into everything else related to it. Since the corruption and cancer is so riddled through our body politic, it doesn't take much work for, as an example 'gamertavistock' influenced individuals to discover the Lugenpresse and later the Jews. No surprise that those 'leaders' of, in this case 'gamer-tavistock' still keep railing against SJWs and 'journalists' rather than going beyond.
Huh. I didn't realize g.ate had a wordfilter attached to it referring to t.a.v.i.stock. There goes my text.
Since when exactly? This is the first I hear about them.
I remember a lot of it. I don't remember the other kids in the classrooms at all. I remember being pulled out of lunch and recess time a bunch and when I would get back out to play I was asked by my buddies where I went to. I would tell them and they would just look at me funny. I remember that big fat redheaded fucker and that weird eyebrows general and telling the redhead dude to fuck off. They both just laughed. God that was a long fucking time ago.
I would be asked morals and decision type questions. I never knew if I was giving correct answers or wrong answers
Polite sage for double post
Newfag detected. Since I'm feeling nice today, here's a hint: there's a specific compound word Holla Forums goons would spam everywhere when shitting up the site and complaining about boards having rules. This was back when cuck was a very commonly used word for just about everything. Even older are some wordfilters for links and certain link shorteners.
terrible logic. wordfilters are cancer.
Oh, and here's another one: the filter that auto-breaks links making them unclickable so you don't have to be a colossal faggot and post stupid shit like https : // 8 ch . net to avoid clickability.
Sage for double post and self-reply.
You can go back to reddit any time.
>whaaa I want to be able to post (((discord))) links and (((christchan))) comic shill threads without looking even more like a faggot than normal I want to shut down any and all controversies by appending the -gat£ suffix to them so people end up thinking it's a joke and ignoring it
i remember when i first learned about taviStock… over a decade ago
I really was the smartest one of them all. High IQ white
you're trash.
lol noob
Are you thinking of Sinead McCarthy?
And thus the whirligig of time…
I don't think the (((opportunity))) you gave us is for ovening you.
maybe its just a phase like the die cis scum girl. seems like she turned out alright
so how did they ban the word?
And I survived an accident when I was a child unscathed that should have 100% killed me, no questions asked, with multiple witnesses to it, but you don't see me going around proclaiming myself to be possessed with latent magical powers or some shit.
It's important to remember that our government, and particularly the military, has done some hilariously weird and stupid shit in the past, like trying to give soldiers psychic abilities. Do any of you have any actual evidence at all that G.A.T.E. was anything besides some dorky kids leadership program cooked up by Neocons or DARPA as a precursor to Common Core? Because it sounds to me like it's a bunch of literally autistic kids who want to be special feeding into their own delusions.
nb4 no answer and "YOU'RE JUST A JEW TRYING TO SHUT IT DOWN MAAAAAAN," I remember those threads you people made. There were a billion of them, and you deserved to have some of them anchored because they were cluttering up the fucking catalog. I'm all for throwing pies at the mods for being shit at their jobs, but you sperglords killed some good threads just to have four or five vanity circlejerks up at once, so I don't really feel sorry for you.
You'd think The Great Prophesied Leaders Of The New World Order could at least maintain an orderly queue, and keep it to one thread at a time.
tl;dr, if you can't provide some real evidence of your bullshit, like the hook GG found between DARPA, Common Core, video games, and children's cartoons, then you're just sniffing each other's farts and jacking off your own egos.
And it sounds like you don't have any real evidence. So the bots go nuts when you say the t-word. Big deal. They went nuts over GG once too, and DARPA/Common Core, We used to get Rothschild and 9/11 spam once upon a time as well, though you're probably too much of a newfag to remember it. All the Tavistockspam indicates is that there's a list of words they don't want people in places like this to talk about, which we already knew, and that Tavistock is on that list, which isn't surprising considering what the organization is.
Did it ever occur to any of you that maybe smart military kids have a higher statistical chance of being redpilled later in life, you all happened to be in the Standard Issue Gifted Military Kid Program because of this, and while looking into military industrial complex bullshit, accidentially stumbled across a banned word that set off a shill landmine, thereby creating a confirmation bias that it's your creepypasta story that they're trying to suppress, and not Tavistock, specifically, the word?
Or are the Great Leaders Of The Coming Age too wise and clever to consider the possibility that they've been blowing smoke up their own asses, and the Emperor isn't actually wearing any clothes?
tl;dr, you claim to have dug. Can you produce literally anything to support this group delusion narrative you've constructed, or is it all just an overly elaborate fart in the wind?
that probably means that you're an autogynephile.
Remember kids, this is why you take your happy-pills.
But he's right, you know.
have a reddit comic my frien
inferior IQ detected
Or in other words, you don't have any proof, and your digs didn't find any evidence, unlike the GG digs that found DARPA connections to Common Core, cartoons, and video games being researched and manipulated as methods of subliminal thought control, because if you had found something you would present it when asked to vindicate your point. Your only counter is turtle and claim de-facto intellectual superority, which is exactly the thing Redditors and cultists do whenever you rip the illusionary veil off of their faces and demand they look reality in the eye.
Pathetic. Consider it an open invitation for any of you to post any evidence you have. Don't let these two idiots stop you, buy all means. Show me what you've got, if indeed you have anything at all.
Also, my intelligence quotient has been consistantly measured between 180-190 range my entire life. I was in gifted programs myself, and probably did better than the majority of you. I also won several state and national awards for a couple of meaningless competetions they hads kid like us do, which put my name on a lot of lists, not that any of it helped me after I graduated high school. But I wasn't a military brat, and didn't live on or directly adjacent to any bases. I am the control for your hypothesis, because if they were hunting down smart kids to brainwash for some nefarious future plans, my name would have been on the top of the list. But my family was never approached with any such offer, nor did I ever attened any such place or recieve an invitation to ever do so. This supports the idea that G.A.T.E. is nothing more special than a federally subsidized and mandated military kids accelerated program offered to people that go to military kids schools and live in military kids places.
The more realistic explaination is there is absolutely nothing special about any of you at all, beyond the fact that you were all clever enough as children to qualify for some sort of accelerated learning. You just all happened to be in the right physical locations or had the right parents to get access to one specific continent-spanning educational gibs machine of the several dozen that exist. Not remembering huge sections of the cirriculum is normal. Nobody remembers much of anything that they learned in their own early education. A lot of people don't remember much from their late education either, for that matter. If the program is boring, all the more is this the case. And I'm sure any program created by the military gibs machine for base brats is unspeakably boring.
The cold reality you refuse to face is that there absolutely is a nefarious plan to brainwash children secretly, and we've even already proven that it exists. It's just a plan targeted at all children, not you specifically. You aren't that special.