Jewewss threatens to tear apart bus passengers

In the webm-related a jewess threatens to tear apart people in the bus. My guess is that it took place somewhere in Russia or in Russian-speaking parts of the Eastern Europe.

TBH I think whites should be come more like this.

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Reminder, this is how the kikes feel about us. Notice the insistence we're meat for the rabbi to cut up?
Wish the Russians would have done something more about it.
Great post OP.

This is just more evidence that Jews have not yet learned how to be multicultural.
It's when the petit-juifs get too drunk.

This kikess should know that her people are cowards. They only go to war by convincing their goyim slaves to fight on their behalf. Which it seems like they're trying to get America and Western Europe to go to war with Russia at the moment,huh.

I heard Judaism is a religion of self worship and vengeance. This kike gives credence to that claim.


and i didn't think anyone could be more irritating than niggers

this site filled with nothing but jews or what?

only kikes practice collective ignorance when a topic upsets them.


Sharpening their izmels.

This wouldn't be happening had feminists not ruined the one place that practiced equality better than anyone.

This is some Russian Psycho. Its funny to hear that kind of shit.

This is how all orthodox Jews think. They are talmudists. To think these people have nuclear weapons.

May as well add it to the pile of "Videos of Jews being honest."

Did you know that goyim and bydlo is the same word? Both mean cattle.

It sounds more horrific than that hole to hell ruskies drilled. When the kikes let their true hellspawn self out they make horror movie material.

Also any youtube link for redpilling normalgoys?

Yes, but they mean something else. For kikes, a goy is everyone but kikes. Bydlo is translatable to normalfag(s) from Russian commonspeak.

That was recorded in Ukraine. The woman is actually a frequent sight on public buses, and she constantly screeches about goyim and killing everyone.

t. lived in Ukraine

So why don't you kick her kike shit in and get her to shut the fuck up, why do you take it like a little bitch

Why would I kick a harmless idiot? She isn't even a kikette, as I've been told, just legitimately insane.

Jewess must be pissed about losing power in the Soviet sphere. Can't kill and torture the goy at will anymore.



But she confirmed going into synagogue. Maybe her husband is a jew, or some relative. Can't have this level of indocrination with screaming jewish words and praising rabbis.

Do you want to know how I know you are Jewish?

what's the difference?

Miss. When I lived in the Ukraine, many of my friends and acquaintances have met that woman on a bus. Some of them said she ain't a kikette, just a loon. But I cannot vouch for their words, hence "as I've been told".

There's a world of difference between your average insane asylum patient and a calculating, vengeful sociopath.

I think there’s a resurgence of anti-Africanism because at this point in time Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re gonna be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Americans are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Americans will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.


lol, no wonder she's losing it

I love when the yids are open about how they really feel, makes it easier for us.

We have to kill them

the jew lashes out in pain as he hits you.

its true.

the little recurring hallmarks of government shills

remember they caused chernobyl and push for nuclear around the world which will kill millions in the wrong hands instead of safe reliable fossil fuels which will last for many years and have been proven for milennia to be safe and solar and wind.

this is why there is no nuclear reactors in israel only solar.

Then there is air and sea travel again jews.

and the empires of the europeans and the basis of their slavery a jew book called the bible and the need for civilization.

industrialisation which is of course the jews.

we need to scrap enviromental laws,stop immigration,leave third world countries and israel to fend for themselves and nationalise the printing of our own money and central bank so that the country itself not jewish satanic egyptians control it.

we need to ban rosicrucianism,masonry and all sects,cults and societies.

yes but the white man has nuclear missiles which will shoot down those missiles and turn from jerusalem and macca into a 6 mile deep cavern you could see from space if they even tried.

Shut up kike


Hello friend.
Greetings from the agricultural research centre Dimona
Mordechai Vanunu

She's a loon who just happens to speak yiddish and also uses the right slurs to add legitimacy to blood libel claims? Really? A loon that did her research, or a loon that just speaks in tongues and randomly manages to sound legit? Why don't I believe you?

There are actually 2.\

this meme is fucking atrocious oh my god

Get the fuck out, merchant of lies.


whelp, anyone up for a drunken bus ride in Boro Park, Brooklyn, NYC?



What disgusting, inhuman shrieks. This is the beast that lurks inside every Jew(ess), rearing its ugly head.

well, and the verbiage/reaction shows that goyim is indeed the equivalent of "nigger" but for non-jews (jews will tell you "it just means 'the nations'; its not an insult) and the fact that the Rabbis do indeed teach it and at least give the impression of an impending anti-goyim holocaust. To me that's the most damning piece of evidence - their defensiveness. I'm not stupid; I know there is a "radical fringe" to every group, but Western Jewry's insistence that this doesn't exist tells me that its actually pervasive and they are trying to hide it.

Some more jews being honest about their beliefs.

how come i can't find a jew kvetching compilation on youtube?
has no one made one yet?

Don't the Jews have higher rates of schizophrenia than most racial groups? OP's video seems to be a case in point.

You can literally see the inbred autism in the face of that kike in the second video.

Same thing happens with the word gringo. Latins get defensive if someone claims it's racist yet I've read articles in English language Jewish news rags calling the English word "foreigner" racist.