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You have been visited by the sleepy indian of 0 energy
You will be blessed with good league of legends RNG and discord invites for the next 2 days, but only if you post "GET BACK TO WORK PAJEET" in this thread
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That's also great. Glad to hear it.
It's gay as fuck.
If a guy is heterosexual and a MtF tries to force them into a physical situation, yeah, it's gonna cause major fucking issues for the guy because it's something the guy should have objections and issues with.
It's been happening more recently than usual
I'm sorry I spent my childhood and adolescence being sexually abused and hospitalized instead of developing silly things like self esteem
i have a shirt that matches that
what if they're just blind to it and can't believe the truth behind it all?
Maybe you should tell him to fuck off and get a therapist if he wants an emotional hooker. But all nice-like, the ninny sounds like he'd take that phrasing pretty poorly.
everything is okay now though.. right?
Excuse me I'm not forcing anyone to do anything
What does this have to do with anything?
How does self esteem factor into anything here regarding you just wanting to fuck your friend to make him feel better?
If you try to escalate it to something sexual, then yeah, it is.
hey guys i was sexually abused so i can be dumb and whiny af
Do I seem like an OK person?
You're calling me and/or my friend a faggot for me not being 100% transitioned but I've had a lot of life circumstances getting in the way
you can force me to do things bb
I specifically said that I don't try to escalate it because it causes more problems
I'm just fucked up in that I want to sexualize it because I don't know how to comfort people properly
I did no such thing. I'm just now stepping in because you've confused me.
Your self esteem and life circumstances have absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at hand, being that a heterosexual man would not likely have sex with a pre-transition MtF.
I just don't know why you're bringing it up.
I mean, are you just venting, or asking for advice? Just listening to him bitch is all he really wants, and it's all you really have to do. People like bitching, plain and simple. Of course it makes him feel better.
I'm pretty much just venting
It's an awkward situation that I have to make sure doesn't get too awkward and I'm exhausted
I thought how were tsuchi because I don't always read names
Also I'm not pre-transition I'm just not out to very many people
I'd really rather not
we have rent covered, and I got fired because I was over worked and forced towake up at 4am everyday.
also I like to believe I am the functioning adult in this house
t-pain is streaming videogames on twitch
Maybe you should ask him to do it over the phone instead so that you can do things that are actually interesting while he talks at you.
I think you misunderstand the problem
I don't want to want to sleep with him, I just want to be a good friend
have fun trying to actually get scarlet any customers while he's working at the corner
This is taking too long
I'm going to bed
You can't force yourself to not want to sleep with him, but you can just not sleep with him. I understand the problem, but you're already doing the thing that is the solution by not having his penis in your butt.
das ist verboten
you seem like a nice normal person to me
tfw no revy comfort
That's what she said
Yeah I know
I'm upset that this is a problem
No comfort for you
Yeah, that sucks. Maybe you should take up boxing or something.
damn those are some gross looking cunts
Check your email.
black vaginas are so unattractive tbh
I assume you're not going to reach the top levels of competition. More, like, punching a padded bag while making girly man sounds.
all of those vaginas are gross tbh.
As someone who has hands registered as lethal weapons and is semi-pro at boxing. I'd like you to say that to my face.
Professional boxing is faker than professional wrestling
Regular boxing is def for real
-sits on your head and looks down-
Professional boxing is controlled by yauza and crime syndicates.
Betting and gambling is huge in the world of pro boxing.
tea pls
Your facesitting fetish is getting out of hand.
Registered as lethal weapons? Did your instructor give you a little certificate to show at parties?
You could say it is over our heads.
also is there any way i can help you? you seem like you yourself need someone to talk to..
*puts you in my lap*
I'm not terribly into facesitting
Whereas professional wrestling is openly a TV drama about wrestling
No one tries to fix a wrestling match for sweet sweet gambling money, they've got a story to tell
on a related note tennis is also ran by mobs
I'm just unwinding a bit, I would have liked the conversation to have gone on a bit longer but he went to bed
I will probably die for saying this stuff
-yaaaaawns and curls up-
So is the restaurant and club industry in my city
It's strange as fuck although I guess we are one of the larger cities
i just left the mall
im getting fly with my baby
I don't like tennis
its rigged for multi millon dollar bets
I wonder if these would taste good or not
Gambling is stupid
The sheer number of things that happened in the 90s that should not have would suggest that they're awful
it isnt gambling. its theft from crime syndicate
the suckers are those who bet on the winning odds
like moon shoes
fuck those
They wont.
Cockatoo getting bathed is oddly relaxing
hello there
Still dumb
To be fair, moon shoes probably impede your movement as much as being on the moon would
You have less gravity on the moon, just jump forward, cover more distance
moon shoes flat out could break ankles from the sheer weight
not dumb to those who can take advntage of the system and manipulate it.
we hve better material now.. whyy havent we made good moon shoes
because sales were shit
gnight and goodluck ui
i bet the root beer one tastes so good honestly
Faggot op
Like everyone is a faggot here though.
That's the joke, ted.
I had someone to talk to but he went to bed and I'm not allowed in his bed when he's not awake
They also had to train astronauts to move in low gravity so they didn't fall over and get stuck or rip their suits
How did you know my name was ted?
the moon landin was a hoax
i meant if you wanted to talk to me about some things..
oh, wait you mean you have someone already.. if he doesn't want you in his bed when he's asleep then you shouldn't be in it when he's awake either
You're a hoax.
The Irish potato famine was a hoax.
refer to my last filename
I drive a Hoaxwagon Beetle.
The irish are hoax
It's a joke tho, he's never been comfortable sharing beds, even as a little kid when that kind of thing was more normal
We just sit on his bed to watch videos and chat and be in comforting distance
Good sassenach!
How could you make these any better?
everything is a conspiracy
Even you.
I already said that you RETARD
i thought it was much more than that, good to see it's nothing more though.
"ur gay.jpg"
I'd do you
I've never done anything gay before so i'm not gay.
I mean we've had some pretty intense cuddling before but that was a special occasion
You're going to have to try harder if you want me to debase myself.
You've probably ejaculated while looking at some helpless, little cock, so you're also lying.
More like helpless little butts.
I've been sent a lot of dicks and butts over the years.
You will be punished in the afterlife.
Oh god I sure how so.
I mean HOPE so
Frozen in a lake, encapsulated next to Satan.
Sounds cooool
What are you up to?
I need this, help
Revy should stay pure!
oh you think I'm no good?
I'm watching someone play Uncharted 4 because I don't have a playstation.
So you know i'm not really doing a lot.
Anybody there?
You're an user, rather. I am not certain of your saintliness nor your wicknedness.
Is that the one that came out this month? You like the way it looks or somethin'?
No I just don't have anything else to do and this game is pretty much a movie.
Except for the part when the protagonist DIES!
Don't spoil things for me you idiot.
I'm just teasing; haven't even played an uncharted game since the first release. Of course, I mean from within the actual playable moment.
what did taratino mean by this???
His revenge because the old guy was a confederate general that executed/murdered every single black soldier that surrendered.
Tarantino said nigger once.
He said nigger a few times
What do you mean by the actual playable moments?
Was the game boring or broken?
what did he mean by THIS?
I mean the player can die.
Was kinda tedious after the first levels or so.
Most of you are deceiving yourselves to some extent out of laziness, but will passionately defend that deception, because you don't know better.
Plato fuck off.
I watched this in the theater with my father.
Don't flatter me with such blatantly wrong words
Did you follow any of the exchange between Loco and I?
Deceiving ourselves of what? Knowing better? Better is relative.
You can die in like every game though.
git guud
laughing spanish From director is definitely my favorite
you were right this whole time......
now im officially a #KanraAlQaeda
No. I assumed it was the usual over inflated pissing contest as is always had.
Yeah, that was my point.
Getting good would not change how boring it was to go through the same obstacles time and time again. Rather than it being tedious for being too hard it was tedious for being too easy.
Who are you?
Post lewd animes
webm was a bitch to make because the audio was out of sync by 220 ms. This is the new version of the webm though.
You post something lewd first.
A more accurate understanding that beats alternative explanations,
which takes into account as much relevant data as possible.
[text wall about bread]
How annoying. Loco was clearly wrong, but you couldn't tell the difference.
I used to think I was about as smart as the rest of you, but I'm beginning to believe what I originally believed.
I don't have enough context so nevermind me.
now that we're done arguing let's get to the flirting
scoot has legit mental problems btw
really not worth arguing with him
same with loco too honestly
No need for context.
It's a general fucking rule for understanding, and so few people have it.
I used to think Loco was smart, honestly.
But he can't argue for shit. I kept giving him chances, to help me learn.
I wanted him to tell me exactly where I was wrong. But he couldn't, and settled for calling me a retard.
What a bad person.
Can I post that fake picture of your tummy that I thought was yours for a long time?
that's how people on the wrong side of arguments act when presented with contradicting evidence
can't accept it and resort to going full retard
Do you think I go full retard when I'm arguing against Trump?
Sounds like some one is going to scarper as the going gets tough.
Do remember that a good majority of posters treat this plane of hell as an outlet of amusement.
If I wanted mind numbing ad hominems and circular discourse I'd go back to university where it is worthwhile and quality.
Whether Loco is correct or not, I cannot say.
i rarely think about you in any way other than 'god i want to fuck you' though
especially when you text wall
those crazy text walls turn me on
There's no such things as "rules" for understanding. All theoretical paradigms come with their own fixations, metaphysical niceties, and presupposed axioms. For you, namely, the potential of "relevant data," as if data is in itself an implication of causation because it correlates certain controlled and uncontrolled variables.
I posted my real tummy in the thread, once. You can post whatever. It's not as if I can stop you.
Is it a cute tummy?
Suddenly I don't feel like posting it anymore.
What's wrong?
I just seems less cool if everyones already seen it.
I gotta be a special snowflake.
holy shit eat a fucking salad tubby
There wasn't anything cool about it to begin with, I promise.
Haha, no.
It is an outlet of amusement, but some of us are passionate, or are passionate about our opinions.
In our attempts to figure out the world, we hear things and say things, and part of my enjoyment is figuring things out.
When someone boldly asserts themselves, I'd hope they'd defend themselves better than shouting "retard".
Hm. I regret giving you the benefit of the doubt.
I assume you're 'actually nice', but you're so boo.
Clearly not all rules apply to all situations and it's all subjective.
Some data is more relevant than others, and it's about choosing what's the most appropriate to the situation.
Once you lay out the argument/proposition/statement, 'relevant data' isn't arbitrary, but has to relate in a logical manner.
ayyy i am who i am bae
i cant really change it
i do really like you though
i just dont think you'll ever understand how serious i actually am
I'd guess... 40%, but it fluctuates randomly.
Don't lie to me you know that it was cool for a little bit.
That's the same thing you said to me
how do i make this 100% without changing my personality
Even a dogmatic adherence to logic requires that one make a leap of faith, trusting that such formal systems can relate one to the world. What may seem relevant may actually be irrelevant because a description fixes itself and the world around it, but also vice versa. Cognitive biases inhere non-omniscient (read: sentient) entities with tendencies to filter information through one's own experience and language.
I would never lie to you.
Fifty pounds?
what did i mean by this?
what did i mean by this?
What if they lie actually helped me rather than hurt me?
You must accept your fate; only then can you truly be free.
Hell of a performance.
I guess I can allow this kind of truth telling then.
fuck yes. I grew up with this shit.
Speak 100% in line with your convictions.
And constantly analyze if you're being true.
Sounds tedious and awful, but that's what 100% looks like.
lessen the gap with more relevant data. understand precisely what is being assumed. not hard.
understand the biases, check if they're playing a role. I do this all the time since I know cognitive biases are natural.
every piece of data is somewhat relevant, and somewhat irrelevant, which is why the LOGIC is essential
The ground outside is wet (Why is the ground outside wet?)
It rained yesterday
the fact it rained yesterday is relevant to understanding why the ground is wet. there are a million reasons why it could have rained, but its function here is straightforward and logical. could there be other reasons why the ground is wet? possibly, but then you ask more questions. it's a process, but no pointless, and NOT ARBITRARY.
My skin feels warm (Why does my skin feel warm?)
I am standing in the sun
you don't need to consider all the chemical reactions and makeup of the sun to understand the sensation of your skin being warm is very likely from your skin being heated, and the receptors in your skin translating that into neural signals. it's about using relevant data to answer the questions.
You're making finding relevant data to determine truth sound impossible.
It would happen regardless of your allowance!
i cant believe i had to wait that long for your reply because you were writing a text wall to this user
for shame
i have a really firm and rational basis on everything i believe
i just dont like arguing for it
sometimes i get caught up and baited and have to
but otherwise its just not fun
Or someone could've emptied a bottle of water on it.
Or you're in an oven lol.
Data doesn't equal truth. It can only show empirical verifiablity rather than tautologies in themselves.
Unless I fed you misinformation and the thing you thought was the truth was actually a lie!
Would you be so cruel?
Perhaps you should refrain from being a retard.
Ok, waking up at 8am with barely no sleep and trying to eat breakfast is fucking bull shit, let alone having to do real work later.
Fuck CBT, man.
The fuck you doing up this early in the morning?
No I wouldn't do something like that.
Prove it.
I'm at work. Not wonder why I was not picture posting?
So does everyone else. Honestly, I don't have as much confidence in my beliefs. I know new information can improve or change how I think at any time.
But I'm glad you're so content with your own personal repository knowledge. I will continue to be reliant on mine, but constantly questioning.
The ground is wet (Why is the ground wet?)
It rained yesterday
The wetness is spread, and exists on higher surfaces (Which rain does)
The weather has been overcast (So it couldn't dry)
The wetness is less in covered areas (But it still seeps under)
The more relevant, logically consistent information you add, the more accurate your answer.
Feel free to entertain alternatives, like a mass coordinated effort by men to simulate rain, while not impossible, is unlikely.
My skin feels warm (Why does my skin feel warm?)
I am standing in the sun
This sensation is familiar with all the times I have stood in the sun
I am outside
When I move into the shade, my skin feels cooler
The more relevant, logically consistent information you add, the more accurate your answer.
Feel free to entertain alternatives, like you're secretly living in the Matrix and robots are heating your pod which, while not impossible, is unlikely.
Err... what do you work as?
its 12:35 am bae
ill talk to you tomorrow maybe
Ummmmm how exactly do I do that?
Not true at all, I say off-the-wall shit all the time and depend on my charisma to carry me through it.
The fact that you made up situations, made their questions, and assumed their conclusions, and explained at their conclusions, already shows me it's arbitrary.
I'm dismissing all of this already.
This is not what I'm doing except to show you what I just said above. You're the one entertaining conclusions you've already thought out yourself.
Kiss me.
Support worker for people with learning disabilities.
It seems this place gave work experience.
o-oh. well we can be more than anons together
That's pretty cool. Currently looking for work now, I am. And it fucking sucks.
I have now decided to rewrite an intro to every job I post to.
Tbh, I wish I was back in bed or playing videogames; I feel sick.
Well, not so much~
=3 ♥
So cute.
Hey, what's your steam?
I'm also on umbra friends list now if you have him added.
I was generalizing.
It's not arbitrary. I defined them.
If I defined them, then it's not arbitrary.
Ignore the brackets:
This takes place in London during April
The ground is wet
It rained yesterday
The wetness is spread over large areas, and exists on higher surfaces
The weather has been overcast
The wetness is less in covered areas, if not completely dry
The wetness in London tends to look and disperse like this after rain
What comes to mind as the most logical explanation for why the ground is wet?
Why sick?
Best thing to remember is always read the job description and tailor your application/CV to what it's looking for.
I spent 3days on my application for this job. Fine tuning. I nipped ahead of 200 other candidates.
oh i see you put a name on! i guess i already knew who you were though..
where do we go from here?
You gotta steam? I wanna have some light chatting before passing out in bed.
sure do! i'll send you a message after i change for bed
So you already have my steam?
You know what they say, when you generalize, you make a general out of I and Ze.
mhmm. ahh i have barely anything to wear to bed tonight..
I described a scenario.
I observe X, Y, and Z about my surroundings.
I have observed X, Y, and Z before, and they tend to exist together after A.
If it was just X, it might not have been A.
If it was just Y, it might not have been A.
If it was just Z, it might not have been A.
But it was X, Y, and Z.
So I feel my generalization (deductive generalization) is sound.
I always get nauseas whenever I wake up with shit hours of sleep.
And I guess I'm on that shit now.
2 days ago I had the most metal dream.
One scene was there was these two massive demons, and one of them got this guy, jammed his massive cock into him and used the guy as a condom to fuck another demon in the ass.
Have you tried literally anything, because it's to sleep in and nobody cares?
i might just go underwear only .///.
Who are you?
sonas boobs
lee sin is not blind
I think about 95% of people below the age of 40 sleep in underwear every night.
do you?
can you fix my roles thingy? i'm not in gueros group role thingy.
hey animus,
Consider X is the universe it its entirety:
In X, when P happens, Q always happens
but Q can happen without P
Can true statement can be made, asides from a tautology, about X when P happens?
*What true statement
Yes. Unless I'm sleeping in my clothes from the day, sometimes that's easier.
You mean you want me to make you a mod?
Ask ui
If it was just A, (then) it might have been A.
You forgot that crucial conditional (Why? Because you already started with "they tend to exist together after A"), and're not being any more formal since you switched to letter-variables. If you want to be formal, you have to use signs (logic symbols having the responsibility of explaining logic operations—conditionals, biconditionals, conjunction, disjunction, negation, conclusion).
anything is possible!
where did Ui go?
they dont respond to discord msgs?
i guess i went too far with that one.
is it bad if i sometimes sleep in what i plan to wear for the next day? probably is..
pm him. he's most likely asleep right now
Don't let the Discord become a new /aneki/.
Sure. "When P happens, it is clear that nobody cares about X or anything that you've said all day, so stop posting your garbage bullshit."
Wear nothing at all!
I don't think it matters, but if you're going to take a shower in the morning it's kind of counter-intuitive.
i did.
6 hours ago.
They just posted in the thread like an hour ago.
All truths are logical tautologies. Cf: Wittgenstein.
Anyways, I'm done with this and am off to bed.
I don't need the symbols, language is enough.
I stated that they 'tend' to exist after A, because all those things can exist without it being A.
All three could exist without it being A.
All three could exist independently without it being A.
At no point did I say X, Y, Z exist IF and ONLY IF A.
I tried to make it more like to the real world. Where there is ambiguity, but it can be vastly minimized.
But the fact is that this scenario leads A to be a likely conclusions, since that's how they tend.
you have blue name too right!?
why can't you do anything? :c
reply first
I could make you a mod but i'm not gonna.
Why do you need moderator in a place that no banning or deletion even happens?
why was it changed in the first place?
No. Read Wittgenstein.
I might. But what I said was true and intentional.
o-okay. gonna wash my face and be on my phone
i usually take a shower when i get home if i'm all gross, else just after dinner.
oh. maybe he just hasn't been on or hasn't had time to check discord.
And what I said was a command. This too:
Have a pleasant evening!!!
I still don't know who you are!
You too whoever you are
i messaged you already you baka
I don't know who half the people posting are
My hair would be too much of a mess without a shower, so sadly I don't have any leeway.
i'll try him again the next time i see him online/awake i guess.
I dunno I didn't do it.
A man named Vincent Foster, a White House aide, committed suicide in the 90s. Trump during an interview talks about Bill Clinton:
“He had intimate knowledge of what was going on. He knew everything that was going on, and then all of a sudden he committed suicide.”
which he follows up with:
Trump commenting on the John Miller (him pretending to be his own publicist scandal):
People can't understand Kanra, but they somehow understand Trump.
Kanra is a retard
At least he's successful by many metrics.
best get to knowing new people then, colby!
mine gets pretty bad but i just do my best with a comb while i use the bathroom lol.
oh btw ur cute. gnight.
sounds good. goodnight, luka
When I hear Trump, I hear someone saying anything he wants to say, but doesn't like the responsibility of saying things.
Nobody likes holding him accountable.
Oh, good point then. I thought I was making a point about his two-faced position swapping, but I forgot he owns property all over the world.
My bad.
I didn't do anything though.
sleep well freindly user ^_^
New people are all lame and fake and gay
Yeah, I guess I am pretty radiant. Bye.
That literally does make a difference, so it is your bad.
there's been 2 new people join recently but they're heavy lurkers only for the past few days. everyone else is old under different names.
When Kanra hears:
he hears "information pertaining to Trump's financial maneuvering"
but Kanra was talking about "information pertaining to Trump's two-faced approach to Alex Jones style accusations, but immediately pretending he didn't just do an Alex Jones style accusation"
Kanra, in his brain, sees these things as unrelated.
But Kanra understands Trump supporters don't like questioning too hard, so he gets frustrated.
can we ban kanra for spam
Ctrl+F your name, Loco.
"People can't understand Kanra, but they somehow understand Trump."
Besides this being a basically worthless statement, to address what I THINK you're getting at, they're willing to "understand" Trump because they have some level of respect for him and his legitimacy. Whereas Kanra, well, no need to go there.
So what do you understand from him, in the same breath, accusing Bill Clinton as being somehow responsible for the death of a White House aide, then saying he's not accusing Bill Clinton for being responsible for the death of a White House aide.
In even simpler terms:
A: "I say X"
B: "I would never X"
Kanra finds this insane. He finds this absolutely absurd, and wants to know how Trump supporters make sense of this.
Do the Trump supporters just pick whether A or B sits better with them?
I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm not sure where you got that impression. You also don't have to agree with everything that somebody says to support them. Or maybe some supporters think that he's using dazzling rhetorical skills to garner votes very effectively, and they love him for it.
Trump does X.
Trump claims he'd never X.
Do either you believe him when he did X, or you believe him when he said he'd never do X.
Even if there is verifiable evidence for X, because of his "level of respect for him and his legitimacy", you outright deny the evidence.
Fuck you, Candy. You illogical fuck.
I never said that I deny any evidence, I don't know anything about this suicide thing you're talking about. All I said is that people are willing to listen to his opinions and more likely to agree with them because of his high level of legitimacy, being a presumptive nominee and everything.
oh... i see who it could have been.
Is Kanra like purposefully misinterpreting what people say or
Join from where? They're probably fake tbh
That's a nice touch, by the way.
That's not what you said, fuckwit.
A: Trump does X.
B: Trump claims he'd never X.
Where does the understanding of Trump come into play? Is A understanding Trump? Or is B?
Because they both can't be true because they FUCKING CONTRADICT.
Your defense is:
I ask you if that's a defense, and you confirm:
Then you elaborate:
But all Kanra is talking about is how
A: Trump does X.
B: Trump claims he'd never X.
Is something Trump has done over and over.
To which you might say
Asserting that somehow:
Even if this contradicts the idea he's legitimate. Or maybe they respect his legitimate ability to lie and contradict.
That's the only way this makes sense.
Some people just have a hard time in social situations, don't be too hard on the guy.
When you see Kanra bothering to type so much content.
The more I read the more I feel like this was typed by someone with little to no genuine human contact
Very... very simply.
A: Trump does X.
B: Trump claims he'd never X.
Candy says his wealth, influence, and respectability means that somehow A and B can be true at the same time.
Am I getting that right? If it sounds preposterous, Kanra finds it preposterous too.
Help. I think I'm surrounded by idiots.
Not egotistical Kanra bragging; legitimately surrounded by idiots.
I use understand in quotes here for a reason, I was trying to address what I thought you were getting at, because the statement of yours I was going off was obtusely vague. Next time I'll be sure to ====> use lots of visual aids
It's probably just a minor to moderate social disorder, like aspergers or high functioning autism. It's good that he's functional, just going to have a tough go of things without any social framework to speak of.
It's not everyone else that has a problem.
Uh... no
No. Thanks for playing, though. Better luck next time.
Oh, so I was right all along.
To me, someone's consistency in their arguments adds to the understanding of the person.
I guess it doesn't to everyone.
I think your faith in the high status of others is misplaced, and all you've said is that you have different standards of reasoning and logic for different people.
You're an enemy to the Enlightenment and Reason.
Let me edit that for you real quick.
I would also say that you're taking a very narrow view of things, trying to boil everything down into digestible chunks. You also seem to have a very bizarre misunderstanding of the way other people think about, well, just about anything, really. I hope you're talking with somebody about that regularly.
Again, I'm not saying that I, personally, have faith in the high status of Donald J Trump, I'm simply arguing from a point of view other than my own (fancy that concept, perhaps one completely new to you.)
"You're an enemy to the Enlightenment and Reason."
You know, Donald Trump is no prize turkey, but I'm so, so glad that people like him are in positions of power over people like you.
The only thing keeping me sane is my brain, and the logical chains that keep it together.
He wants to strengthen those links, but not as the expense of being wrong.
They keep trying to make Kanra feel stupid without actually demonstrating how he's wrong.
You don't tell someone that they're being an idiot by being an idiot.
Nobody is trying to make you feel stupid, they're just frustrated that you're so astoundingly obtuse, abstruse, and a stupid stinky goose.
It's a very abstract for of expression.
If there is some relevant complex gradients or gray areas I am somehow not seeing, show me.
Because I am really good at understanding gradients or grays, and I love philosophy, science, and logic.
Especially in my personal favourite field, psychology, there are LOTS OF GRAYS and LOTS OF GRADIENTS.
he is the best, the most, the only, the single, the first, and the last.
When he talks about himself, it's not that he's a complex character with lots of opinions.
When I said you were an enemy to the Enlightenment, I meant literally. The way you hold power to a different standard of logic and reason.
The Enlightenment was about determining UNIVERSAL LOGIC and UNIVERSAL RIGHTS and UNIVERSAL REASON.
If my view is narrow, don't just say it's narrow. Tell me how it's narrow, because I am really good at not doing narrow.
The only reason I'm not talking about every facet of Trump is because I think it's pointless to the fact that:
A: Trump does X.
B: Trump claims he'd never X.
don't tell people what they can and can't be !
ur not the boss of em' !
Shut up, Andrew.
It's the difference between how you think people should think and how they actually do think
Only one person doesn't understand that the other isn't debating logic
When given the same information and universal rules of logic, everyone should arrive at the same conclusions.
At the risk of getting involved and not getting to sleep, I'll leave it at that
If you're suggesting that I 'hurr don't understand people make mistakes, are biased, don't arrive at same conclusions, hold contradictory thoughts, base their reasoning off biased premises' then you severely underestimate me, and forget that I have an interest in psychology.
bye bye colby :c
They aren't given those, this is why ignorance exists
/bed for real damn smartphones
you're the psychologist!
Not even I call myself that.
you just said you do psychology tho...
Why do you keep saying things about ME? It's totally missing the point in every way. I never said that I hold Trump to a different standard. If you think I said that somewhere, just get it through your head right now, that it's a misunderstanding. Usually I don't have to clarify something more than twice, but I guess you're a pretty special case.
Let's clear things up from the very beginning, come at the conversation fresh so that you don't get snagged up on all the little branches that we've made along the way, because obviously you're having trouble maneuvering through them as is.
You said "People can't understand Kanra, but they somehow understand Trump."
I took this to mean that "people" (still hopelessly vague) are more agreeable towards the things that Trump says than the things that you say, and you are exasperated by this because you think that your logic is so much stronger and more consistent than his. Now, this may be wrong, so please, do correct me if that's the case. Now, my response was that the reason for this disparity had a lot to do with Trump having a driving force of legitimacy behind him through fame, power, position, wealth, notoriety, you name it. All things that you lack. Not to mention that as a major political player, people will throw in behind him or against him with even stronger biases. You seem to think the only thing that matters in this discussion of people and their agreeableness towards others is a cold logical consistency on some inane, wholly unimportant diatribe. That's why I think your view is narrow and misguided.
Yes, sorry.
Very astutely put.
Very ironic, given the statement your responding to.
I thought you held him to a different standard because:
I made a logically true statement. And people said I was wrong, or retarded.
But didn't prove me wrong. They attacked my relative character.
Trump made a logically false statement. And said he was right, because Trump has credibility.
But didn't prove him right. They cited his relative character.
In my mind: logic is logic, and proof is proof. A scientist is no more equipped to make a statement any more or less true than a child repeating the same words.
It sounded like you were saying 'because Trump said it, his words and facts play by a different standard'.
Based on: "It doesn't matter if Trump is making a consistent argument at all", I assumed you were talking about his words.
It sounded like when I wanted to get down to brass tacks ie. looking at the logic of his argument, you accused me of 'not seeing the bigger picture', as if the logic of an individual argument matters little, because he has a
Whereas I think the logic of his individual sayings, words, and arguments made, make up an understanding of an individual.
When you say:
It sounds like you're arguing that his FALSE STATEMENTS are worth more than my TRUE STATEMENTS, just because he's Donald Trump.
In fact, this sounds like one big "argument from authority" fallacy.
The Emperor say his new clothes are amazing!
The townspeople say his new clothes are amazing!
He's the Emperor, with fame, power, position, wealth, notoriety; you name it!
Not to mention that as a major political player, people will throw in behind him or against him with even stronger biases.
Cold logical consistency is inane, wholly unimportant diatribe.
Usually the reason that people attack your character instead of your arguments in particular is because you are very apt to misconstrue what they are saying. You are also pretty overly-verbose, cut out some of the fat and it would make it much less of a chore to have a discussion with you.
I am arguing that his statements are more likely to be met agreeably by more people than your statements, yes, just because he's Donald Trump. I think that this is true. Even if only because he has so many more people looking at him, he's bound to have at least some people who agree out of such a large pool. You have, what, 10 people tops? And most of them think you're insufferable, so your chances are not good.
I see why you would think that, but it's missing the point again.
Still missing the point. And don't go all "well then please do explain the shades of gray" again, I just tried to, if you can't pick through and find my argument out of that, I really don't know what to say to you.
A: Trump does X.
B: Trump claims he'd never X.
Cold logical consistency is inane, wholly unimportant diatribe.
You are exasperated by this because you think that your logic is so much stronger and more consistent than his.
Trump having a driving force of legitimacy behind him through fame, power, position, wealth, notoriety, you name it.
"I, personally, have faith in the high status of Donald J Trump.
You're missing the forest for the trees.
It doesn't matter if Trump is making a consistent argument at all, that has fairly little to do with whether or not people "understand" what he's saying, as compared to you.
The statement is still true.
I will cut out all the fat.
How agreeable people see him does not affect the truth of his statements. If anything, they're more likely to be mislead.
I think you agree with this.
The reason I see this as an "argument from authority", is because you keep talking about how much of an authority he is
You keep talking about how he is all these things relative to Kanra. It seems like you're implying that therefore Kanra can't be an authority.
If you're telling me that people make concessions for his DOWNRIGHT LIES because they're captivated by his charisma, I believe that.
If you're telling me it's okay, or if you're telling me it's anything less than intellectual dishonesty (intentional or not), then we disagree.
You're all butts
Says the mixed race fascist cunt.
Cold logical consistency is inane, wholly unimportant diatribe."
Fun fact: I did not say this. I did, however, say "You seem to think the only thing that matters in this discussion of people and their agreeableness towards others is a cold logical consistency on some inane, wholly unimportant diatribe."
Very different.
"I, personally, have faith in the high status of Donald J Trump." This was a typo, my bad. I meant to say I DON'T personally.
"It doesn't matter if Trump is making a consistent argument at all, that has fairly little to do with whether or not people "understand" what he's saying, as compared to you." This is still true.
You're still not even understanding what I'm arguing, apparently. If you understood it and disagreed, that's one thing, but when you miss the point over and over, I can see why people just stop arguing with you altogether.
"You keep talking about how he is all these things relative to Kanra. It seems like you're implying that therefore Kanra can't be an authority." People do take him more seriously than you because of these things. It's not that you can't be an authority, it's that you aren't right now, and he is, and a subset of people recognize that and act, right or wrong, exactly how you would expect them to by putting more faith in the things that he says.
It's not even necessarily that, there are plenty of reasons why someone could like Trump in an intellectually honest way. That much at least should be obvious to you.
i will accept this but i get your butt too
That's pretty racist.
We're butts
Y live,
So is your brain.
Why in God's name do you keep talking about yourself in the third person.
Don't worry; he's a psychologist.
I don't believe in race.
Nice thread!
Who are you?
To me, understanding is made up of information filtered through our brains.
Therefore we should question how we filter, and question the information.
If a summary of your argument is, "As it stands, people don't listen to Kanra because Kanra has a poor reputation, and Donald Trump has an amazing one" then we are in agreement.
Can we agree that people should use the same standards for how they understand a Kanra or a Trump?
yay scoots is here! ^_^
Maybe someday internet arguments can change the grim reality we live in.
I ask myself that question all the time. Deep, man. Deep.
I would refine to my argument to "People don't listen to Kanra because he has a poor and basically nonexistent reputation, and Donald Trump as an amazing one in terms of breadth of people influenced, a subset to which it is also qualitatively amazing." But yes, I think we basically agree on that now. Phew.
Should they use the same standards? I don't know I'm no philosopher. All I know is that they don't, which is what we were having a discussion about.
Lloyd, maybe?
I hope not, that's way too much pressure.
Ew, I'm not black.
Oh, I was discussing how it was WRONG and DISHONEST, and how Trump supporters lie to themselves.
but I guess you ain't no philosopher, so you can only describe how things is
and not how they should be
so even if there were a standard for defining a person and their worth, you wouldn't know what it is
Kanra already thinks they do.
How can you be sure? You're definitely obstinate enough.
NHS estrogen treatment
the government sanctioned gender swap protocol
woo woo luka woo
goodbye yellow round things
I don't think they necessarily have to lie to themselves. Again, they could simply see what he says as a rhetorical tool, a means to an end that they are wholly in agreement with.
I know because the last time I tried to get involved in a race riot I ended up at a Barnes and Noble drinking Starbucks.
Glorious Soviet Republic
I will miss thee, not pink medication
All problems would be solved if our government instigated compulsory gender fluidity and the creation of a Catgirl/Catboy industry.
im eating yummy food~
Then all of this wouldn't be meaningless.
Is it not better to have a purpose?
How's Luka?
I went on to just point out how meaningless all of this is, but that's my 2 cents.
Also that might be Kitten you're talking to.
I think Trump contradicts himself and changes his opinions to be as vague and politicalish as possible,
and people end up projecting or seeing him as whoever they want him to be,
because he says A and B, and people can pick A or B.
This is not new to the world of politics.
You're right, we could finally bond as a nation over a common threat.
Purpose? Sounds like a burden, count me out.
You're right, he does, you're right, many people do, and you're right, it's not.
There's too many nekos, kittens, cat-people, and meow-kin for me to keep track or know who's who.
and happy to see you here. ^ ^
even if it's 3:15 am right now lol
I absolutely think Trump supporters are dishonest. Some intentionally.
The thing is, I don't even think this is impossible to determine. I think you can figure out EXACTLY just how dishonest someone is being with themselves regarding the presumptive Republican nominee.
Just by listening to how they talk about him, who they say he is, and how much it lines up with what he says.
We, Great Britain, are a modern society nobody NEEDS to breed. Why breed your own people when you can import them?
Compulsory dick girl programme tagged with an improved immigration policy, and the added benefit of an international CatPeople industry are the only obstascles to national happiness.
So am I! just finished work, then gotta nap because more work later woo! Overtime!
The answer is more relevant information and analysis.
naps are easy for you to do?
hopefully they make you feel comfy after? ♥
laura a cutie
Man, you are so fucking pushy and INSISTENT with this bullshit.
Go to Holla Forums. Troll the fuck out of them. What the hell are you telling us for? It's just aggravating.
Could be a path to sublimity, but hell, who knows?
I only know of 2, but they still confuse me with their similar names until they start typing.
Glad to hear that then.
I woke up earlier than usual, not really feeling that well.
Well, I would rather not have to nap... But I get the feeling if I dont then I will be flagging at work and I would rather not be that guy.
Lowa Berdervig is a cootie!
Why don't you feel well? :c
post more ♥
I don't think that someone would have to be dishonest, necessarily. You don't even have to go very deep to find cases of this, like people picking him because they see him as the lesser of two evils, or because they want to shake up the political process. There are thousands and thousands of reasons.
I wouldn't hold my breath for a grand answer that supersedes all that came before it, personally.
Like I would be "asleep" while being awake... you know... zone out and lose concentration. I need muh concentrationsin my job. It can be dsangerous to go alone, take this~
They'd ban me and call me a shill.
I'm telling animus because some of you guys are pro-Trump, or even if you're anti-Trump, you defend him.
Is it bullshit that this man might become the leader of the free world?
He needs to be criticized.
He needs to be looked at and understood.
He needs to be called out when he says when accusing an ex-President of being in on a murder,
then saying he'd never talk about the ex-President of being in on a murder.
This is not the right soapbox, man.
Big exam tomorrow, insides are just turning around.
A nap should help alleviate that~
just make sure its comfy and restful worthwhile nap ♥
soft blankets and stuff and warm comforting foods!
You fucking retard.
The rightness of one reason doesn't assert the rightness of another. If someone is voting for Trump, they better be doing it for reasons based in fact, and not just how they imagine him to be based off the buffet of contradictions he makes.
There is no grand answer. As I've said before and I will say again, the truth is often complex and boring.
That doesn't mean it should be replaced by anything less.
I have comfy scoot bed and snuggly kitteh to help with that.
Yes, that is bullshit.
It's also bullshit that I have to hear about it 24/7. If he wins, you are absolutely powerless in stopping it. Less than powerless. You are not going to take away one vote out of tens of millions from him. LEAST OF ALL HERE
Yeah, his existence offends you, THERE ARE WORSE PEOPLE OUT THERE. And you're just as powerless at stopping them, SO HOW ABOUT A NEW TOPIC
any pepto bismo? or Tums?
those might help calm your tummy... :c
slow your breathing to enhance calm
*hugs tight*
America's Imperialist Empire will fall.
*pets happily*
^ ^
scoots posts made me smile irl~
To be honest, I don't even realize that Trump exists until you talk about him here.
That being said, any publicity is good publicity.
I'll just drink a few glasses of water and nap later on.
Okay, so you concede people can vote for Trump without being intellectually dishonest? Great, glad I have a convert. It's like pulling teeth with you, I swear.
Yeah, the truth and blah blah blah blah blah yawnsville.
As long as it's not in my lifetime, who cares?
That's true, it's a big reason why he's done so well, he's just such a good topic of conversation. A household name, like Reagan was.
Once I'm content that any understanding of Trump in Holla Forums is fact based.
And that nobody is in denial about his history or words when referring to him.
Absolutely there are idiots out there that lie to themselves all the time.
But animus shouldn't stoop that low if it can be avoided.
eat a yummy snack too?
have a good afternoon guys, time for naps
later gators
Woo hoo!
nap time luka, keep smiling woo wee woo
Yes, there are idiots that lie to themselves, and also people who can conceivably vote for him without being idiots and lying to themselves all the time.
auf wedershun
awful weed errr Shun!
good luck out there!
I'm doing this for the education of Holla Forums.
Later, Scoots.
I love waking up to paranormal shit.... well i popped a xanax and will sleep though it now
I don't really understand how people can't see that already.
But then again politics is just filled with extremists.
No need to.
Nap well Scoots.
Animus will not be educated.
You are doing this for yourself, so you can feel like you're smarter than all the people you drag into an argument with your nonstop fucking baiting.
It's a test of how smart I am.
And whether I can use information, logic, and reason to educate a community.
is your discord not receiving messages? ._.
oh... alright. u_u
i hope it calms tho...
So is the test over
Well you failed.
Conclude the test, PLEASE.
Wouldn't be a test of my intelligence if everyone agreed with me.
You're concluded.
Yes, the ever humble Kanra could convince anybody to change their views. You see things so clearly, man. I envy you.
Man, it's enough to get a guy to vote for Trump out of spite sometimes, I swear.
I may see things clearly, but I see them the same as anyone else that sees things clearly, so it's not me that's the factor, it's the information and how I put it together.
You don't have to be me to understand me, but the fact so many of you dislike me does leave me at an initial disadvantage. Not like I mind, because none of you have been able to tell me how I'm an idiot. Just how you 'feel' I'm an idiot.
This is not a test of intelligence, it is a test of endurance.
Hoping that too, got a whole lot to do later on today.
Yesterday Loco cited RationalWiki at me.
I still think he has it in him to be smart.
Just less now.
I don't think you're an idiot.
I think that you have a number of issues with relating to the world around you, far beyond those of a healthy, functioning adult. This is evident in the consistency with which you singlehandedly manage to misunderstand or misinterpret the meaning of just about everything anybody has ever said in a thread, a habitual problem not evident in any of the other thread goers who do not have similar social and mental disabilities, such as Vagus.
At least Vagus doesn't make everybody want to kill themselves, however. That's another point against you.