Lucifer Is Scorching Europe
people already dying
why did (((they))) call it Lucifer?
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why not?
… is thid thread gonna be a shitflinging of religious beliefs AGAIN!?
I bet this gets the blamed on global warming/cooling/climate change
Only if it involves the triples.
I'd be in favor of nuking CERN but I'd fear it'd screw with this incredible time line we're in
Big deal. Buy an AC. Germany is practically and literally giving away electricity.
huh, as if the timing couldn't even be more perfect.
>August 7
what is happening in the south?
So what it's like 80 degrees Fahrenheit there?
They're just having a doom boner about the Sun turning sack-cloth on the 21st
I used to live in Europe. 80 is not that bad, but they don't have air conditioners over there. It was 95 for a week while I was in Germany and I thought I was going to die, even with a fan.
El Psy Congroo
Burn baby, burn.
more like 105°F across the whole of Europe
so perfect temperature to get the muslims out and rapin'?
When does Kek return from vacation?
I think he's working on mobile from the beach though,
been quite a lot of good things lately
Can someone explain why the Biblical Lucifer is meant to be bad and associated with the Devil? Ok he rebelled against God but didnt Enki of Sumerian legend? Jesus also referred to himself as the morning star.
i can't stop thinking about it, why today, why on the 7 of august?
I mean look, today is a partial eclipse and exactly 3 weeks on august 21 is a full eclipse. Now exactly today the wearher heats up and is called 'Lucifer'. Also, between the 7 and the 21 august, on august 12 there is a meteor shower.
this is in no way normal, what is up with all these signs?
I'm in Croatia at the moment, yesterday it was 106° at 10am
I'm barely breaking a sweat, in a closed room with no fan or air conditioner, what the fuck are they on about?
Even Kelvin reads better than that shit.
I don't know… It's almost like there's another Al Gore movie coming out that they wanna scare people into watching.
What a fucking bunch of lies.
It is 24°C outside now at noon in slovenia.
Granted, past week was hot. But nothing really extreme. It is like any summer.
Jesus talked shit about Lucifer constantly. Jesus was meant to be Lucifer's replacement as the greatest of God's creation (or God himself) and the new morning star represented by his birth and the wise kings seeking him out.
75F for metrically challenged
That's only 38-39c, that's shit all you soft cunts
Did he "talk shit" though, or did he talk of the Devil. The point I am making is that they dont appear to be the same. Its all confusing Lucifer/Devil/Satan/Antichrist all get lumped in together when I dont think they are.
he is now on the beach
much jealous
Yeah, it's quite comfy atm. Yesterday cooled down, then rain in the night.
Not warm enough to go to beach really
Who else could the fallen one be? How else could hell and Satan come to be? He is the greatest in creation, God's chosen and most favourite son before Jesus came along.
I'm in Croatia with no fan or a/c either, but yesterday was completely unbearable and I was pouring sweat while eating
Did it even get above 40c you poof
The Australians seem to always do well.
Why don't they learn from them?
Maybe bring a few giant spiders back as souvenirs and let them loose in the black forest.
it doesnt get interesting till its 45c
hmm odd.
The region where todays eclipse is happening just heated up, and they called it lucifer. Am i the only one seeing here something?
Get off Holla Forums Ahmed/Jamal
IDK prove with some Bible quotes perhaps. I dont think they are necessarily the same entity. Its confusing because I think ancient myths can correlate and that fallen angels correlate to the Annunaki myth, and perhaps Lucifer isnt evil. Though the archetype Satan/Devil (if they are the same), is by definition.
You know who lives in the middle of that fucking zone?
not sure to be scared or excited
Like that one /tg/ story where the guy fucks the ayylmao, if I don't come back, know that I died doing what I loved, shitposting, and that my death was for Kek and the white race.
Lol What a soft poof, I bet you can't even shitpost
good luck neighbor, Kek be with you!
The gods are punishing the invaders
Miguel Serrano invoked Lucifer. It wasn't "Satan" in his mind, probably more like Odin, or the gnostic divine spark.
What a (((coincidence))).
Oh wow!
Sorry to be off topic but where is this? It looks amazing.
They’ve kiked themselves into a corner now!
Maybe you should just kill yourself if you don’t comprehend the discussion, okay newfag?
Yeah, no, no one believes your shit.
Morning Star and Son of the Morning are NOT THE SAME THING.
if they think that's hot come to OKLAHOMA OR TEXAS during the summer you will sweat in the shade and no amount of gold bond will prevent you're cock and balls from sticking to your leg HUMID as hell DRINK WATER NOT SODA EAT BREAKFAST AND CHECK ON THE OLD FOLKS IF YOU GET TIRED TAKE A BREAK AND START WORK EARLY SO THE SUN DOESN'T KILL YOU
The heat is probably being released by the friction from all that fikki fikki.
Meanwhile it's still cold and rainy in Finland. Feels good man.
Go home jew, divide your whore wife's cunt.
They're used to it though. They rearely run on the air conditioner in East Europe, even if they have one. Some will complain if you do.
I'm living in the area. It was hot, but still not Texas hot. Only lasted a few days. Was a pretty cool summer on the whole, really.
Now it's cooled to the 80s. No one cares. Fall is on the way.
I'm in Europe and it's not even that hot.
Must be some American bullshit.
>why did (((they))) call it Lucifer?
Because deep down, they know their anti-nativist activity caused God to abandon them.
It's not a grave.
It's the future they chose.
this user knows, half/pol/niggers need to go back
They call that a heat wave there? Two days from now it will 110 in my area. This is Northeast tier hysteria
Jesus isn't one of God's creations you fucking crypto-Mormon, Jesus is God.
Gyrofag here. It might not sound that bad for us wogs but see .
It's the ideal climate for vermin like Periplaneta americana and its sister species Periplaneta turcica to breed and spread their infestation.
Im a Serb and I can confirm some weird shit happening. Trough out my life I have been in the Arhangelsk, northernmost Russia and worked there outside at -20 degrees celsius, and I have also been in tropical Kongo and northern African deserts which are like 60 or some insane bullshit degrees celsius but its fine.
It honestly doesnt even bother me. Im at home cooking some bullshit nonstop, and 100% without any air conditioning or fans or whatever. You just have to stay in shape. You notice kidney pain and increased heart bit while working or walking directly under the sun, but you can manage it as long as you are drinking enough water. I see people moving slowly in the streets, older people looking like they are about to pass out but im just carrying equipment and not giving a shit, the whole thing is making me feel really good because everyone but me seems like they are being tortured while im carrying around pipes and shovels and unloading trucks and carrying cement bags around.
Tho these people are definitely different from me, my dad was from Russia, not a Muscovite or Kazan nigger but from up north wastelands and I am a whole head taller than everyone here and blond too. These people are definitely impacted by these heat waves more than me.
I am not sure what would make me happier, being liberated by the Russians, or knowing that it would signal the end of the world.
Because he's the anti-christ. He stands for everything opposite to god's teachings in a reactionary way to spite him.
Much like a "chosen people" we are very familiar with.
Yes, unfortunately it's usually the elderly that will croak by heatwaves. Happens every summer, i guess more when there's a really hot summer like this.
I don't get the sensationalistic take on it, there has been hot summer and cold summers in the past aswell. It's like the ((media)) conveniantly forgets the weather from year to year changes. It's not always the same degrees.
look into the number 11 in relation to Kabbalistic Satanism.
Europe learning to become multicultural includes adopting the climate of the more vibrant regions of the earth. Europe is not going to have the temperate climate that it once had in the last century.
me on the bottom
it's not that hot today in dalmatia, it's a pretty normal summer as usual.
Cause and effect?
Until sun will literally burn you alive this isn't a problem. But eventually it will.
oh boo hoo
it was 110 here just a couple weeks ago and i've seen much worse
call me when it breaks 120
And you wonder why we call you stupid fucking americans.
are you fucking stupid?
do you realize how humid it gets in the south?
in florida it regularly hits 90+%
i'm in kentucky and you can literally watch the fucking steam rise off the ground and form into clouds
Fucking hell who turned on the oven
Upgrade your youtube subscriptions OP, this guy is shit.
In eastern Ontario, it's been relatively cool and wet for most of the summer, with a couple of heat waves but nothing too long or too severe. Like, we had a couple of days last week that got over 30 degrees Centigrade, but the nights were still in the teens, whereas, in a stifling heat wave like we get some years, even the night temperatures don't drop much below 25.
It's August but the grass is growing like it's still May.
in fact it's not just the south either, the
meme is simply that, a meme
large parts of arizona have an average humidity of around 50%
you can fuck right the hell off
Kek, God is punishing Europe for abandonin him in place of greed and degeneracy
You're joking, but opening a window during daytime last week literally felt like opening the door to the fucking oven when you're about to take out a freshly baked cake. You couldn't tell the difference, and I'm nowhere near any fucking water. Thank goodness for A/C.
Yeah, along the coast because, you know, you got the fucking ocean.
Guess what? Look at the map, see that big blue blot that says "Mediterranean Sea"? It's made of water. Each country in Southern Europe is basically a slightly larger version of Florida, more densely populated. Italy in particular is fucked. It's not like the rest of Europe doesn't have the Atlantic Ocean to help raise the humidity either.
You were saying?
Evangelical ameritards fuck off
So what? Fuck off.
Normal summer temp for aus is roughly that.
Americans name hurricanes, and that's about it. If it's a particularly bad blizzard or "heatwave" 10 old kikes die of heat stroke in NYC they'd call it the blizzard of 88' etcetera, like most everyone else does, or did.
Not dead.
Carry on.
Bump because it triggers you. Global warming does not exist.
toppest kek
americanisms are so fucking funny sometimes
Spotted the Australian.
Lol so what try being in the American south east this time of year
it's not just the aussies
Cry more. Guessing your too pussy to work in the heat too.
that feel when you live in the center of north america, in the spot where the largest disparity between the local record high (121 °F / 49 °C) and low (−60 °F / −51 °C)
oy vey must be global warming evil satan lucifer niggery world is on fire and dying everyone get rid of your technology now
Boo hoo, pussy. Get some A/C, even window units, get some dehumidifiers, quit whining.
Try being in Idaho. No rain for a few months, now there's another fucking wildfire. I wonder if it was started by some fucking pajeet setting off fireworks on the hills like last year.
I've seen children brag about the sizes of their dad's feet, but this is a new one.
Physician here, it doesn't work like that. You would achieve literally nothing by nuking CERN except some dead people and potentially a nuclear war.
Also heatwaves come and go. From what I'd seen maximum temperature was about 39°C which is already a lot, but it also happened last year already. Nothing special.
Bunch of sheilas, that's beaut weather
It sounds kind of cool, like a videogame boss.
First you must understand what a month is. Moon-moonth-month. Moon cycles are 28 days full moon to full moon. This is the natural order and all creatures follow it. The current "pope's work schedule" ie, the Gregorian calendar is arbitrary, and cannot be reckoned by any celestial movement. Further consider this, Nov=9, Oct=8, sep=7, Dec=10. These are Greek prefixes but the "months" are not according to this, with December being the twelfth month and so on.
By my reckoning it is currently the second day of the sixth month of the year. This is based on observation and where I am longitudinally.
Lucifer is not the others. The name means illuminator, bringer of light. Satan means adversary, devil is another name for Satan, or rather an anthropomorphising of Satan. The Antichrist is a physical manifestation directly by the Satan.
Kek (or: Kuk) also means bringer of light.
=Lucifer = Kek?=
That's not that bad. A hundred years ago the heatwaves were worse. Morons will always die in heat above 90-95F; HYDRATE YOU FAGGOTS.
Grow the fuck up, pansies. The gulf stream is the only thing that keeps your continent from being Quebec 2: Electric Jewgaloo.
Well I didn't notice that fucking watermark. Let's try that again.
What a faggot. LARPing as a soldier with shit-tish (see unnecessary items/ignores necessary) gear while wearing infection prone stretchies like a fag? Where did they find this hipster to model for them?
Good stuff. Shame Sex Panther is a winter seasonal.