Trump's Real News Trump has now created a weekly "real news" report hosted by Kayleigh McEnany (best Trump surrotavistock), live from Trump Tower. These videos need to be a lot longer, and hopefully it will grow it something bigger, but main point of this thread though, is to collect the salt this is generating.
Kek, they're so desperate for ratings they're pulling the "haha werent the 90s great guys lmao" nostalgic goggles bullshit to pander to that aging gen x audience.
"Remember when" is the lowest form of conversation.
SERVICE GRANTEES CITIZENSHIP 90s scifi fash is best scifi fash
David Cooper
Starship Troopers was the first thing that came to mind when that heroic background music started.
Connor Adams
So he's leaving right?
Dylan Parker
He's one of the usual "If that person gets elected, I'll leave America. This time FOR REALS. lol, just kidding" people.
Evan Cox
Yes, and… Read a book nigger. 1959!
William Cook
I believe he meant the aesthetic of scifi fash in pop culture media in the 90s
Easton Phillips
get into eric frank russell, not a lot of future fash but still good fun
Josiah Flores
Will do.
Offtopic, but personally nothing beats the aesthetic of retrofuture scapes.
Easton Roberts
I'm talking about the exaggerated action scenes and 90's aesthetics, but the book and the movie are both excellent reads and viewing. Besides, it's funny because the Dane or Kike who made the movie wanted the film to be satire against le evhul nazees and how Heinlein's world view was a "fascist" one.
Either way, he failed miserably, and it's still one of my favourite silly movie to watch. rented the movie at my local blockbusters to watch at my friends house during a sleep over and ebin tiddies was a welcome rarity in the early 2000s when we could only steal a peak into our parent's desktop computers
Gavin Rivera
holy shit I banged her younger sister in high school. this is awesome.
i'm two degrees away from Trump.
Evan Ross
Man, I'm only twenty three but I remember my parents bought me loads of books with those space faring paintings. A fantastic art movement.
Lincoln Gray
Which would be the aesthetic of real life if we didn't have kikes, niggers, or spics.
Asher Cooper
Very nice.
Jacob Price
Seems like the wrong way to go
If Trump exposed the CIA/influence behind these companies properly they would start operating the way they should.
Making a tacky show of his own full of crap spin seems kinda gay.
Michael Carter
The people are fucking dumb. Worst part is they have no problem with BBC and Aljizzeria
William Peterson
Right in the feels. I had my own pc at a young age, and remember being giddy to get that via an ftp shared with some warez/vidz channel on IRC. I had to burn it to CD for my friends at school, who were also eager to see the shower scene. Denise was best girl though.
Connor James
If she looks anything like her older sister, you did well.
Jacob Martin
I was just going to say… this was the world that was stolen from us by the jews. I remember going to the library at 7 years old, and checking out all the space books which had drawings like that. They would talk about how we would have SPACE HOTELS in a few short decades. Thanks Jews.
Asher Morgan
Mein nigger
Blake Hill
I swear someone posted this idea on here a while back.
Ian Young
Not just the best timeline, but the fucking funniest. Oh shit lads, what hath shitposting wrought.
Mein sides.
Christian Bennett
Nice to finally see a news network that isn't blatantly biased against the president.
Is that the queen of smug, the smugfu?
Daniel Young
BEST TIMELINE! This'll be a great station on DOTR.
Brody Sullivan
Kek, they really can't stand not having a monopoly over people's minds. Its not like Trump has banned all other media networks.
Colton Perez
I thought he was planning this for after the campaign bo matter the outcome. I distinctly remember there being a few articles in the very subject.
Cooper Taylor
Yessir, she never stops smirking.
Gavin Price
My thought on the matter was that the articles were just bullshit to rationalize Trump's run to the minds of people who thought he had no chance and was just doing it to make himself richer.
Eli Rodriguez
One and the same.
They know that is all they are good for. If they can't control people and push narratives, they would be without a job.
Charles Thompson
Yes the totally implicit bane of Jews. Is it a coincidence Trump chose her?
Brody Hernandez
Chase Butler
now how about our own comedy network
Andrew Nguyen
Christopher Murphy
Let's not work Sam Hyde to death.
Oliver Walker
Henry Mitchell
I'm fine with putting him in a self defense situation.
Connor Rogers
Nicholas Williams
Angel Morris
Been done before by a casino operator.
Jeremiah Davis
this is the beginning i've said from the very start that if trump is the real deal he'd either completely dismantle the msm, or do something like this winning the propaganda war is the only goddamn way to really reach our true potential as far as public support goes the media does more to influence the day to day life of the average person than any bank, corporation, or government institution out of all the weapons in the kike arsenal it has been the most immediately dangerous this is the beginning of its destruction blackpills and shills absolutely BTFO
Dylan Kelly
When did mods start trying to force their own memes with retarded wordfilters that no one asked for? Way to make half the catalog unreadable.
Jacob Gonzalez
Jacob Reyes
Thanks, user.
Jose Perry
Man they are pretty ass-hurt.
Dominic Richardson
As if the news didn't say shit like, "Obama created x jobs" while he was in office.
Isaiah Carter
Thy numerology is real.
Thomas Perry
James Ward
I really fucking despise how pozzed scifi fiction has become, I tried reading a few different novels years back before I was truly redpilled and it was all full of shit like talking about how humans are now one giant mixed race. Even then that turned me off quick and I'd stop reading. Sucks because I grew up reading and loving books like Starship Troopers and Ringworld.
Jaxson Powell
Carson Anderson
Alright I'm going to get shit on for this but why the fuck does everyone like this bitch so much? She isn't smug, she's too stupid to understand when liberals are making fun of her so it comes across as smug. Everything I've ever heard come out of her mouth indicates that she doesn't seem to understand shit other than what she hears, and is incapable of defending jack shit when questioned, and in a position like this she's going to be hit hard and be useless. Just because she pisses libtards off doesn't mean that she's good.
Get me a burly and intelligent white man to do this shit, someone that will make (((reporters))) cower in fear. Not this dumb bitch who is basically just a giant target on the administration. Christ some of you guys will defend anything.
Owen Taylor
Lumping in Al Jazera with (((BBC))) is pretty cute.
Trump got my Kayleigh waifu. Good for her. Goes to show if you got talent and a huge set of balls things will work out for you in the end.
Aaron Rivera
Parker Perry
The jew cries out as he is struck
Justin Gutierrez
Since when does she work for CNN?
Christopher Carter
And there are niggers out there with PHDs because higher education has been dumbed down.
Not an argument
Benjamin Morris
The only stupid one here is you. Kayleigh plays a role and she does it very well. There's a specific reason why she pisses off shitlibs so hard, and it's not because she's a bimbo. You need to learn to into tactics user. She's playing you like she plays the left.
Jose Morgan
She's there to look pretty for normalfags and read a script, you're acting like she's going to be operating in hostile territory on this show.
Yeah, but dumb niggers don't get a J.D. from Harvard.
Joshua Cooper
She was a Trump surrogat e, working at CNN.
William Garcia
Eh Id disagree. We are already winning the propaganda war. A TRUMP TV isn't going to win anyone over.
What this does do is give Trump leverage over the kikes at FOX news. Trump News looks to be a form of leverage to get FOX fully in line
Xavier Jones
I was under the impression that she was employed by Trump and CNN invited her on their shows often. Bit weird that she was actually on their payroll if that's the case.
Noah Hernandez
This Fucking Fire Fuel
Andrew Diaz
She graduated before most of the pozz took place. The shills are really more upset about Kayleigh than Trump aligning himself with Hezbollah? What the fuck is going on here lol…
Asher Reyes
Not exactly but it's pretty obvious what her role is, which is basically just fanservice for young guys to cream their pants over. If we're going to have Trump-sponsored media (which I always liked the idea of) then it should be someone who actually knows their shit or is at the very least entertaining. I'm behind 99% of what Trump does but I doubt that this was something that he made the direct decision for.
How exactly am I being played? I'm "on her side" so to speak. She played a role that was just fine up until now, but now she gets to be on camera every week with the WH seal of approval while failing to give a proper BTFO. The only positive I can see is if all efforts of criticism are diverted to her rather than Trump which now that I think about it would be very good.
Josiah Roberts
She btfo of their narratives, and they were paying her to do it. I think the campaigns get to pick their surrotavistocks though, because I'm sure CNN wouldn't choose a quick witted qt if they could help it.
Brody King
Did it possibly occur to you that I have a sincere opinion that this bitch is dumb and unqualified? Did I claim that I'm not happy about the Hezbollah news? Get a grip
Easton Martin
The jew cries out in pain as you smug at him!
Jace Jenkins
Her job is to read the script she's given not get into some massive philosophical discussion. Her writer needs to know their shit, that's it.
Nathan Green
She worked at the most kiked news for how many years and held her ground? What fucking qualifications are you looking for exactly?
Alexander Allen
Broken clock, twice a day, etc
The writer very well could but she could still fuck it up. Hell if I saw evidence of that I would be fine.
Jacob Kelly
I unironically like how propagandish the music is
Aaron Wright
Stop shitposting, noone here is this dumb.
David Miller
The shills are busy practicing misdirection. If they kvetch loud enough about some stupid shit, it absorbs the majority of attention from an actual important topic, such as pissrael getting btfo by a US and Hezbollah alliance. Misdirection and a hearty dose of denial.
Isaiah Johnson
Holy shit you need to get a hold of yourself.
The guy is FURIOUS that someone clearly over qualified COULD FUCK IT ALL UP CAUSE SHES DUMB AND FAKE SMUG!!!1
Oliver Reyes
Correction: Counter-Propaganda
Ryan Williams
I mean basic qualifications of understanding what you're talking about instead of regurgitating. Here's the thing, you can be right and still get blown the fuck out. Libs blow her the fuck out in arguments and she just sits there with a dumb look on her face because she doesn't understand that she got btfo. That doesn't translate to winning.
I just want someone who's not a fucking idiot representing the WH. Is that too much to ask for?
Not an argument. Go back to reddit.
Jace Carter
Carson Foster
Jews fear the Smug.
Juan Martin
He's still crying out… now time to dig up (((Jeff Greenfield))) to weigh in.
Gavin Gutierrez
Feel free to provide some sources on this or kindly stfu. This video shows her surrounded by kikes who try to interrupt and laugh over her and she talks through them to get her point across. The majority of the weaker people in her position would have stopped talking. Post some vids of her fucking up and getting "beat" by liberals or stfu.
Jeremiah Morales
Leftypol pls go and stay go faggot. Reported
Nathaniel Sanchez
Kek, you think she's just a dumb pretty blonde who's in over her head and is too stupid to see she's being mocked. So do the leftists. You're both wrong.
I expect it from the leftists as they generally have their heads up their own asses as they relish the smell of their own shit, but the fact that you can't see the con here is kinda sad. Kayleigh's job before she got this new show was to go into enemy territory and make them lose their cool while looking like nothing more than a simple pretty girl who didn't deserve to be screamed at and called names by raving lunatic leftist cunts.
She did that job excellently and now Trump has rewarded her with her own show. It was obvious to me the first moment I saw her on Talmudvision that she was playing the pretty babe in the woods that triggered the leftists by appearing too airheaded to even give them the satisfaction of their mockery, something that infuriates leftists to no end.
I can't believe I just had to spell that out for you. Are you a newfag, a moron, or a kike?
Luke Brown
Hes said "not an argument" twice now and expects us to take him seriously.
Juan Russell
He's from leftypol and got lost on his way to the breadline. They always Unironically use "not an argument" and bring up reddit for (you)s. Filter and report, just as I did
Dylan James
Yup. He outed himself as they always do. You beat me to it by a few seconds.
Nothing pisses off the commies more than a beautiful conservative woman dunking on them while laughing about it.
Christian Russell
Thanks for confirming what (((you))) are.
Connor Cook
Carter Diaz
I read your post wrong, forgive me. It's late, I need sleep.
Aiden Young
Nigger what? Are you seriously trying to imply that leftists don't relish the smell of their own shit?
Cameron Williams
Letting people talk over you is a sign of weakness it itself. Honestly if you see the same thing that I do and think that she's doing a good job then I respect your opinion but that's a difference of opinion.
See you faggots will love anything that comes out of a woman's mouth. You're the one that doesn't belong.
Not to use a meme but this is pretty much the equivalent of 1488D chess.
No shit the liberals were in the wrong and they were way too triggered. That doesn't make her some kind of genius. Every time I've heard her talk she's fallen short on legitimate points that libshits attack her on and get to act like they were right. You didn't get to see shit like that with, for example Sean Spicer and Steve Miller. Sure they still did the same shit but it was obvious that they were grasping at straws and it was just a way for them to damage control after being BTFO. Kayleigh leaves so much to the imagination here and just isn't that great and everyone is acting like she's some kind of strategic genius. She isn't, it's just ignorant bliss, which I do have to admit is impressive but it doesn't make her look good by any objective measure.
Xavier Walker
this feels like RT or some chinese media…
Evan Garcia
Except you haven't given an argument, and everyone aside from two users is doing nothing but replying with smug faces which I honestly appreciate because I'm expanding my folder. And again You need a thicker skin.
Austin Adams
Be aware that leftypol is shilling ITT. They can't even use echos in a tasteful and relevant way, they're imbeciles
Christian Cruz
Exactly. They cannot stand it when someone presents the facts calmly and then laughs in their faces when they attempt to use character assassination or other typical underhanded commie tactics to discredit or derail the debate. Kayleigh just sits there cool as a cucumber with that pretty little smirk and they go ballistic. It's brilliant to witness.
All good. We've all been there.
Of course you can provide examples of this right user? 2-3 clips should be sufficient. If you cannot, you can choke on a bowl of herpes foreskins.
Austin Diaz
Being a numale cross dresser furry who thinks Facebook tier stalin DANK meems should be a bannable offence, so I guess that means you xer. Fuck off back to your containment board faggot
Carson Peterson
are funny*
Luis Moore
It's definitely click bait tier but it will gratify the normalfags
Matthew Clark
How do you stop people from talking over you?
Its media tactic 101, when you know your opponent is trying to make a point you talk over them to either make it too hard for the viewer to follow whats going on or to throw off the person talking. Tucker is amazing at this and pretty much anyone on air who debates uses this move.
10:13 in the video (in case it doesn't embed timestamps) shows Tucker using the interrupt tactic.
==You still haven't given us 1 video showing Kayleigh "losing" in a debate. The vid of her vs the fat dyke also shows her able to keep composer when someone is yelling over her to get a point across. A normal person isn't able to deal with being talked over, especially with millions watching you LIVE ON TV. Last time replying to you and until you post a vid backing up your claims you can fuck off.
Colton Flores
Literally just open any clip of her talking. The OP suffices.
Contrary to what you think this board is not a hivemind.
Ethan White
Daniel Baker
Go back there you ugly cunt
Camden Parker
So no then. You cannot provide examples of her being BTFO or the shitlibs getting to act like they were right.
So you're a leftynigger and you have zero way to back up all the dogshit you've been spewing ITT, and really should choke to death on a bowl of herpes foreskins. Alright then. Glad you've made it clear for everyone, you sad little puddle of slime.
Grayson Walker
Not leftypol, just sleep deprived. I thought it was a projection of scat fetish being applied the other way.
Cheers for understanding.
She was perfect, before she let Hollywood ruin herself.
James Hill
Don't be someone that they would talk over. Be male. Tucker is at least good at doing it but the roles are reversed here. You need to be good at deflecting it too. Kayleigh is not and ends up in the position as the people who go on Tucker's show.
The one you referenced sufficed. A reasonable person would see that as the dyke being wrong, but guess what? We aren't dealing with reasonable people. This is practically fucking war here and we need the best people we can get. On one level but on the other level we don't have time for that shit
Jaxson Diaz
Zander was the superior mate for her. Rico didnt deserve her tbh
Luke Watson
Yes because I'm not a newfag and I include the slashes on boards. I actually almost left those out from laziness late at night but I figured you were going to be autistic about it so I added them in. Little to my surprise you nitpicked anyway.
What a semitic list of insults you have thrown at me for no reason. At no point did I insult you and here you are. Could you be triggered by my smug? From your argument I would be winning here.
Nathan Jenkins
Check out a guy named Gerry Spence. He's a trial lawyer with a pretty good track record. Basically, his advice to make a winning argument is to speak from the most honest part of yourself while acknowledging the authority of the other person. "Listen, I know you want X, but what you're saying won't give you X. Here's a better solution, as far as I can tell." I've experimented with this in various situations, and it usually works. Try it.
Lucas Foster
Justin Perry
According to you, she gets btfo all the time and her opponents get to act like they are correct. If that was true, you could easily provide 2-3 clips of this happening and yet you provide none.
Leo Perry
How about open your eyes and ears and stop looking at her videos from a biased point of view of "She's on my side, so she must be doing this right and I must defend her". Also it's 4:00 where I am and fuck you I'm not spoonfeeding your ass after all you've done is whine.
John Morales
Kek, the burden of proof is on you faggot. You come here talking shit and can't back up your claim. Get fucked.
Zachary Peterson
What part of an established pretty blonde girl delivering unfiltered Trump news in small recaps being good thing for normcores while simultaneously bootyblasting CNN do you not understand?
Jack Rogers
Her mind certainly is sharp enough to dispute the dishonest tales of the fake news on the spot.
Christian Bailey
Ha. I need to watch it again. I remember them both fighting for her.
Luke Green
There's still enough good stuff being written. Gibson gone a bit to the left but not heaps. Egan and Reynolds I still rate, banks is dead now, but could recommend Lucius shephard's book barnacle bill the spacer..
Carter Rivera
Easy there tough guy
I commend you for your first effort. But while the normcores on our side are happily fapping to her videos they'll be just about outnumbered by the increasingly outraged libshits who will now have at least maybe a third of a legitimate point to go on when they should really have not even breadcrumbs. Forgive me but that's just part of my standards here, she can play a role somehow but this is a little too high up for my liking.
Nolan Hernandez
Carson Ramirez
thats fucking Lieutenant John Rico of Rico's Roughnecks you casual
William Cruz
Are you really just crying about Trump news network? This is nothing but MUH PR faggotry.
Christian Morgan
Who do you think you are fooling at this point leftynigger?
Nicholas King
Keep letting the shitlibs LITERALLY CAN'T EVENING. I dont think there are very many fens sitters left at this point.
3 and a half more years of morbid depression and constant outrage over superficial shit for these loathsome cunts is good. They'll be more prone to suicide and other destructive behaviors. We all know leftists are degenerate hedonistic adultbabbies
Ayden White
It's a leftynigger. He's just here to LARP as one of us and derail.
Chase Collins
I cant wait to see CNN do nothing but cover whatever Trump has aired on his news show. Going to make them look like the pond scraping scumbags they truly are. Checkmate, faggots.
The optics of this, as a juxtaposition to liberal media is going to be stellar. A beautiful confident woman giving the real news of the week. I love how they slipped that in at the end the REAL news. Commies utterly BTFO
Dem titties on starship troopers…one of my first nuts was dedicated to that babe.
William Gonzalez
After 8 years the next guy will make Trump look like the centrist that he is and liberals will start mass suiciding.
Sebastian Jones
That's why this is more than just a nice little bone thrown to the normalfag Trump supporters to make them feel like they are "in the loop". It's bait for the MSM kikes to take, and we know of course they can't resist and will fall for it hook line sinker and in the process make themselves look even more pathetic than they already have. It's a power move.
Wyatt Gutierrez
This is almost too good to be true.
Adrian Howard
why did mobile infantry wear rubber armor against 10 feet tall zerglings
Benjamin Cruz
Like I posted above, this is leverage against the kikes at FOX news. Its brilliant.
Chase Gomez
No, read my posts, I like the idea of Trump news network but I don't like this overrated blonde being shoved everywhere. It's not even about PR necessarily, but there is no way that she can legitimately convince any new people of the facts, it's just fanservice for young guys who will watch this shit.
They were going to be whining regardless of course but what few fence sitters remain aren't going to stand up and say wtf i love trump now just for this. We need a proper btfo on the level of the summer two years ago and during the election season, that's the type of shit that they love.
As for you f849a9 the other guy thought the same earlier but now it seems that you're the immature one who just keeps whining. Keep on thinking that I'm from Holla Forums because it fits your narrative though, as if they wanted to go for this thread specifically which would have died out.
Samuel Lewis
we always say 'meme responsibly' for a reason.
Cameron Fisher
Ancient German scat porn in the mess at chow is my guess.
Justin Thomas
Josiah Rodriguez
Yes absolutely that's true as well. It's really serves three purposes that anons have touched on ITT.
1) A way to communicate with normalfag Trump supporters directly and give them warm fuzzies 2) Leverage over the FOX Jews 3) Bait for the CNN/MSNBC kikes to kvetch over
Tyler Bell
Its fan service for everyone, there's a reason Fox does this. Audiences as a whole respond well to attractive women. Stop bitching that Trump's using the right tool for the job instead of some intellectual when this position is nothing but parroting what you're told to say.
Evan Gutierrez
She's very cute, but we need more enthusiasm and a big waving American flag.
Lincoln Ross
in the book they were all in mech-tier battlesuits
Grayson Rogers
I know that gooks are ugly and all but you'd still think they'd have been able to find a better looking one than that for national broadcasts.
Anthony Morgan
Jordan Collins
Honestly if koreans were completely obliterated as a race I wouldn't care. Kpop is shit and Nippon girls are superior in natural aesthetics generally
Jackson Morales
What do faggots always quote south park and harry potter like its some kind of historical fact?
If there was a popular German scat porn scene we know who was actually behind it anyway.
Camden Ramirez
Reminder that she married Charlie Sheen.
Kayden Wood
All I know about this one, is that she's apparently the person they bring out for the really big news.
You just might get what you wish for.
Aiden Myers
I'd say that qualifies as letting Hollywood ruin herself.
Ryder Mitchell
I didn't even notice a south park reference because because I'm not 15 or a 30some year old fat numale retard, nor do i even watch the electric jew
Aiden Brown
< Trump isn't trustworthy < yes (continue to use the same appeals and "arguments" every smug kike used when they felt they were winning to shit on white people who protested their own genocide)
David Baker
or rather
Liam Lopez
Naaa…they didn't kvetch enough which adds to my suspicion that they shot CNN in the leg on purpose because nobody believed their stale bullshit anymore.
Listening to that first Trump News Channel was like listening to CNN's lies about the economy. Not much difference at all.
They might just be shifting the bullshit horn under Trump's brand because right now nothing in the U.S. has that much credibility with normies.
Jaxon Murphy
Aiden Sullivan
National Geographic's "Remember When" series' were terrible, and CNN's "Remember When" for the 60's through the 80's were propoganda of the liberal agenda saying "See what we did? The bad and the good: our reactions"
It's been the latest fad in documentary for the past few years, teaching young people what society was (((like))) back then. It's not too unlike how the Judeo-Communists of the 1960's pretended American Life was a Stinbeck novel
Samuel Hall
Kevin Walker
Jesus Christ user. Can you stop projecting. No one made a Harry Potter or SouthPark reference.
Charles Long
Shit the fuck up you Anglo-Saxon Kike. The Irish are back.
Jack Long
Andrew Roberts
Good taste.
Easton Jenkins
It has a very strange feel to it. But I'm not worried about it because if you ever saw any of the first few broadcasts on other cable news programs, they also had a similar feel. I assume it's eventually going to have a panel and opposing viewpoints, but this is usually how it launches. The fact that they went out and got a name like McEnany means they're fairly committed to it and it will get better. McEnany wouldn't have taken the job if it wouldn't have led to something bigger. So don't fret. It does have a NORK vibe to it, but they all did when they first started. Give it six months. If it's not looking better with lots of new content, then Trump will just continue to use it for his announcements.
Adam Hernandez
Is the real purpose of this to motivate Americans? To make them feel like things aren't hopeless? To un-demoralize them?
Because that's the feeling I got from this; a feeling of hope and motivation.
Kayden Harris
Try reading Blindsight, it's very much Holla Forums-tier. >>>/pdfs/6245
The Sam Hyde/ Alex Jonestein strongfat body is the ultimate form of man.
Liam Ross
You mean the Sam Hyde/Bill HIcks strongfat body?
Liam Smith
Alexander Roberts
Good propaganda can only contain the truth. Fortunately for us, the truth supports nazism.
Joshua Nelson
You mean National Socialism?
Joshua Bailey
< here is Obama with different opinion < racist xenophobic misogynist blah blah blah!
William Torres
Has it occurred to you that networks aren't hosted by just one person? Calm your mantits faggot and wait for the shit to go live first before kvetching spaghetti all over the place.
Ethan Cox
I can agree with this
Dominic Hernandez
Me too actually. I had a bunch of cards. Space art like this is chock full of the good feels. Nostalgia for something that hasn't happened yet.
Lincoln Morgan
I feel this expression is long overdue for a hand-drawn visual representation
Andrew White
I read a book a couple of months before taking the real race redpill and it was a fantasy book about a 19th century type explorer to what amounts to africa. He was sighted in "modern" times, and the protagonist thought that was impossible because he was supposed to have died on an expedition. The book explicitly talked about said explorer having "old views", and that he must be judged "by the standards of the time alone" because most of the protagonists colleges didn't like him because racist based on his surviving written works. It turned out that he had gotten immortality, married a local black girl, and his mulatto child also got immortality. The explorer actually said he regretted having thought the way he did before he became immortal. The protagonist then married the mulatto child. I had zero problem with it when I read it. It was really weird thinking back on it after the redpill. I just started reading Eisenhorn, given it's 40k any poz will be purged by the Empire.
Leo Foster
Joshua Adams
Hudson Ortiz
I'll translate the first line: THE POPE SAID STAND UP!
Zachary Phillips
Trump actually delivered. I thought he would never start his news network. I hope this is a start of growing rightwing news without kikes in them.
Xavier Williams
She has those edible Dutch cheeks
Colton Gonzalez
Source on background music?
Ayden Stewart
William Bell
Kayleigh Mackin-Punanny is a scrum-diddly-umptuous mouthpiece for the task.
Luis Phillips
I can imagine (((snopes))) declaring (((fact check false))) on everything reported
Jonathan Green
this is really bad, its going to turn people off the idea of rightist state run media in europe.
Jackson Carter
Europe is full blown communist now. If there was a right wing media there it would be 10 places further to the left than FOXnews.
Samuel Fisher
Sebastian Rogers
Cameron Robinson
No, she’s too smart to CARE.
Lucas Kelly
Kevin Wilson
I thought the trolls were jews
Jose Thomas
#FireMcMaster get it trending! We must save Israel.
Bentley Taylor
No. They didn’t say that. I refuse to believe they’re that ballsy. Even if you prove it to me, I won’t believe it.
Cameron Mitchell
Yes. Yes, i would like to know more.
Jordan Richardson
Henry Watson
Remember: when you call the Lord of the Flies "Lord" ("Molech"), you're a fly.
Justin Rogers
Fucking idiot
Easton Butler
Just call it what it really is. jews worship destruction and decay as gods and concepts.
Julian Cox
Is he against the CBC like I am?
Lincoln Foster
Isn't snopes in bankruptcy now because one of the two basement jews ran off with a hooker?
Cooper Miller
it's not state media.
Robert Hall
trump news is still more credible than anything coming out of the MSM
John Morris
Aaron Gonzalez
are SJW's the bugs?
Joshua Lopez
Ever notice how this is the esoteric kikes wet dream? The amount of symbology and esoteric sets are of fantastical proportions. For one the whole fucking movie no matter what scene you watch always is in black and white. For example when he got the two whores over at his appartement one was wearing all black the other all white. Also his house is vompletely in black and white too. If this doesnt scream esoteric freemasonry then i dont know what does and considering this is one of pol s favourite movies is also interesting
Jace Gutierrez
BTFO freemason jew media We have our own special unique jew freemason jew media straight from the horses DisInfo centre itself Based jew neocon zionist propaganda media tailored for the ZOG Emperor FTW
Kevin Lee
Nah, Jews are
Luis Brown
worst girl
Anthony Powell
Xavier Gonzalez
Smile bot 3000 activate!
Joshua Torres
So you gonna go ahead and post the pic of him touching the kike wall? I know you niggers always want to, might as well get it over with.
Josiah Peterson
Because the faggot that made the movie only read half the book and intended for it to be a satirical anti-fascist movie, but it backfired horribly. And hilariously danced with the meme "Argentinians are white".
In the book Rico is actually a Flip and the MI uses super powerful mech suits. The remake coming out is actually supposed to be more faithful to the source material. Here's hoping it's not pozzed to shit.
Cooper Evans
They cry out in pain as they strike you
Nathan Ross
Elijah Torres
The left doesn't do nuanced argument; you don't need a genius. (Though I'm sure Kayleigh is smarter than you.)
(((Their))) entire strategy is to have a monopoly and censor opposition. If the "debate them out of their bad ideas" strategy worked, the wage gap myth wouldn't still exist.
She's hot and young and reads well. That's better than putting Steven Hawking up there, even though he's more intelligent.
Listen man: It's okay for you to cheat. If you believe you have great ideas or insight and you're not getting recognition, stop complaining that life isn't a meritocracy and the best ideas aren't getting through. Instead, Lift more weights and bring a girl with big titties wherever you go. THEN everyone will listen to you. kek
You're sort of right to complain It's fucked up, but that's the way it is.
Nolan Wright
Argentina WAS white, there is a pic floating around from 1960's Buenas Aries - it looked like NYC in the 50s
Blake Wright
Hudson Myers
Okay not that the nationalization of the news wasn't expected but still…
What the fuck is going on? I am confused. I didn't expect this. All of this. I bought into the Hasbarafag memes.
Elijah Gonzalez
It's time we start revving up the printing press, men. We'll write our own books.
Jacob Morgan
Buckle up son.
Wyatt Wilson
Daniel Harris
The eclipse is nigh user. Buckle up, because this is only the start.
Bentley Myers
Daniel Long
Check out trump's latest shitposts. He is messing with a senator's credibility and attacks CBC.
Christian Walker
Jose Bennett
No one trolls like the Don. KEK!
Anthony Wood
Welcome to the real Holla Forums, user. We've been here the whole time.
Isaac Bell
You're wrong, user. Future generations will do the writing, and they'll be writing about us.
Luis Thompson
Charles Miller
Don't forget that "fake news" was originally coined to discredit any small news organization that reports positively about Trump.
Austin Morgan
I fucking hope so.
Isaac Butler
Even the chanbot AI outs (((them)))
Yes, the use of the term was their own fault, and now they cry "fake news" as they strike you.
Aaron Hughes
To future data archaeologist reading this thread: Sincerely, kill yourself. extinct nordicfag.
David Diaz
Anthony Lee
Charles Kelly
I saw that and nearly cried laughing. It feels so fucking good to have a President that shit talks. My gym performance has gone up so far too since he got elected.
Aiden Rivera
Hahaha. I rarely laugh out loud, but this is great,
Cameron Watson
Hudson Perry
It's called 'merit' you fucking Communist. Women can earn some of the same merits as men in Western Civilization. I would say have fun starving in your breadline, but we all know you're a hamplanet living your mom's basement wearing your ANTIFA gear listening to shit music.
Ayden Anderson
He did something similar during the campaign right? He'd stream random stuff right? Or am I remembering wrong?
Parker Jenkins
Your time is up Shlomo
Anthony Kelly
Liberals Also Liberals
Respectfully, I disagree.
Noah Murphy
Glad to have see through the bullshit with you Anons too. Not to be faithful to Trump or any movement bar NS but because the signs have been there the entire time, if one cared to look in the right places.
Christopher Richardson
Asher Ward
My God, that is fucking savage. The POTUS is on the war path. Best fucking timeline boys.
Jose Parker
between his twitter account and now this, the lugenpresse should be worried TRUMP: I DRINK IT UP!
Andrew Butler
Carter Evans
(checked) WEW (((blumenthal))) just got laid bare with the biggest megaphone on the planet
David Reyes
Pres Trump should make more use of the VOA. Its a whole video and radio network set up ready to go.
Imagine getting comfy sitting around the shortwave tuning in the latest news from our leader every night.
Asher Richardson
Mechs so powerful, mind you, that each squad member had to stand several miles apart to avoid friend fire.
Lucas Young
On the one hand, this is great, because it gives a way of putting out more accurate statements than what we currently see from the vast majority of news media outlets.
On the other hand, this is fucking terrible because it sets a precedent for state-run media in the future. It's bad enough that the same people who run most of the state are running the media - combining it all together is a nightmare in the works.
Brayden Smith
Actually no. What more can the electric jew do in propaganda than they already do? Most boomers watch (((fox))) or their favorite kike channel already. Let's pretend Holla Forums makes it through trump's term without a happening and zog takes the reigns. Now everyone is watching the same channel and will notice the same fuck ups. How is that a bad thing? The boomers on fox don't see the fuck ups on CNN because they don't watch it to know.
Carter Baker
Hudson Brown
Joseph Nguyen
All North Koreans look the same.
Nolan Brown
If you recall, several miles apart was even considered a dangerous, butthole puckeringly tight formation
Jose Clark
Considering how shit movie explosions are, this will make significant challenges.
Aiden Nelson
Is there a youtube link? I wanna read more salt.
Jaxson Ortiz
Our media has been state-run for decades, you dipshit. Trump's news is, ironically, not state run.
Zachary Edwards
I love the way butthurt cucks try to mimic Trump's manner of insults (i.e. "Sad!") as though they think it's mockery.
Landon Martinez
Yeah some remake you read about Hollywood 5 years ago? New Starship Troopers is CGI and only in theaters the night of the total solar eclipse. Johnny Rico is back.
Josiah Russell
We should start shopping indians as Harry Potter and claim Rowling has officially announced Harry as Indian, like how she changed Hermione and made her black.
Julian Diaz
checked wtf? really?
Brayden Baker
Luis Brown
James Bell
"Someone asked me once if I knew the difference between a civilian and a citizen. I know now. A citizen has the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility."
Alexander Barnes
fam she looks like a muppet with botox and makeup
Evan Johnson
What's wrong with these people? I never see them complain about the BBC.
Lincoln Morales
You're that dyke she BTFO on CNN aren't you?
Wyatt Myers
Lucas Cruz
OANN reports nothing but news all day, and have two conservative prime time hosts. Not as entertaining as Carlson beating down clownish lightweight dumbasses & reiterating the same worn out talking points, but hard-hitting on news that Faux & the others won't touch. Notice how Hannity can only mention "Wasserman" with the Awan? Some of the “over 80” dems whose computer networks the Awans handled:
-Joaquín Castro, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; -Lois Frankel and Ted Lieu: members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Lieu also subcommittees on National Security and Information Technology of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform; -Andre Carson, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, ranking member on Emerging Threats Subcommittee which is responsible for counterterrorism oversight, member of the Department of Defense Intelligence and Overhead Architecture Subcommittee; -Jackie Speier - intelligence committee. -Tammy Duckworth, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces of the Armed Services Committee before becoming senator; -Gwen Graham, who had also been on the Armed Services Committee and Tactical Air and Land Forces subcommittee; -Cedric Richmond - Committee on Homeland Security, ranking member on Terrorism and Cybersecurity subcommittee; -Mark Takano, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; -Many in the office of John Sarbanes who sits on the House Energy and Commerce Committee that oversees, among other things, the nuclear industry; Rep. Lois Frankel, member of the foreign affairs committee…
An Awan “borrowed” $100,000 from wanted fugitive Hezbollah-linked Ali A. Al-Attar for shady car dealership “Cars International A” & reportedly had problems paying it back. Shouldn't this get a little attention?
This & the second special prosecutor for the Comey/Lynch shit should be dominating right now. Faux is opinion & speculation regarding Mueller & muh Russia all day.
Luis Nelson
A man so Jewish even his surname sounds like brain-destroying prescription drug.
Power armor was unfilmable. The remake, if it's faithful to the source material, will be a worse movie because it will be 50% boring political dialog that will put audiences to sleep.
The original, despite trying to be ironic, is unironically a great movie. The directors intentions backfired, much like Ride of the Valkyries backfired in Apocalypse Now.
Christian Jackson
Wyatt Perez
i thought it was originally coined in response to the pizzatavistock false flag "shooting"
Nolan Myers
Trump TV actually happened?? and its being made in Trump Tower??? WHAT TIMELINE IS THIS here we go! jews and commies are gonna cry MUH PROPAGANDA THIS IS PROPAGANDA The fucking ironing
Nathaniel Ward
i don't like to draw attention to myself, but it's so easy to shitpost as Dale Gribble leftists get so fucking frustrated when a harmless cartoon character they enjoyed angrily shouts factual things at them i suggest everyone use a cartoon character or pop culture reference for their youtube account, it sweetens the pot so much.
Brody Edwards
>jews and commies are gonna cry MUH PROPAGANDA THIS IS PROPAGANDA They'll be crying all the way to synagogue…
Bentley Jones
The tavistock thing is stupid, get rid of it. GLP bans the word, this fiter putting it up everywhere is teh same as banning it. What the fuck are you guys doing this for?
Cameron Johnson
the mods are autistic it originally spawned from those Gifted And Talented Education threads which were admittedly spoopy as far as i can remember though vague spoops and connections to powerful people were pretty much all we got only "evidence" we had was user testimony. nothing really concrete wordfilters are gay though, completely agree, i'm just too lazy to type g a t e or something similar whenever i want to use it
Christopher Morgan
I really want to think Gibson is hiding his power level. He can't be that insightful and really agree with leftism.
Jaxson Howard
Watch that bp shlomo.
Parker Gomez
The h o l o c a u s t => holocaust filter is good though.
Cooper Clark
Argh, it's gone. Used to be holohoax.
Logan Brown
Strongfat is the body of a king, musclefagging is the body of a shitgrunt.
Nathaniel Flores
Actually they are Khazars.
Michael Butler
Rowling makes millions off of shitposting Where's Waldo fan fiction. Sign me up!
Hudson Martin
Ashkenazi jews are genetically indistinguishable from Palestinians.
Wyatt Rodriguez
I don't know if I can handle this level of irony.
Jacob Jackson
even if wasnt, I was on the verge of a total right wing meltdown having to tolerate commie bullshit every day. I lasted an entire semester using the GI bill at a university before dropping out and it was such a relief knowing I wouldnt go back. being deployed was a vacation compared to going to class surrounded by hippies and faggots and having to talk to my SJW "professors" was another nightmare.
Jonathan Smith
speaking of Fake Jews….
if you have an Isreali IP address, does twitter harass you phone verification?
Adrian Roberts
Dylan Kelly
Don't get your hopes up lad
Dylan Moore
I wonder if the MSM agents decrying this as obvious propaganda will take a step back and realize how they're viewed outside of their samethink circles. lol ya rite
Lucas Turner
Nathan Hernandez
Eli Morgan
Not really true, there were pics of Kim's private female guard concubines and they didn't look entirely repulsive.
Wyatt Edwards
The best part of those tweets is liberals fucking LOVE their state sponsored propaganda outlets like NPR and the BBC. They never fail at being hypocritical assholes, that's for sure.
Cooper Sanders
she can smugly smile at me any day
David Wright
Please contact us at cnn with the details we will pay well [email protected]/* */
Colton Davis
You've got it backwards. North Koreans have the phenotypical diversity that you'd expect from a homogeneous Asian population. It's South Koreans who all look the same, because they all get plastic surgery.
Angel Evans
Thanks for these recommendations, I'll try them.
Evan James
Old Gibson at least is entertaining and aesthetic as fuck, but I don't waste much of my time reading fiction these days. There are too many non-fiction books to read that are more worthy of my limited time. Fiction seems like a tragic waste of time that could be spent learning something real and equally entertaining.
Nathaniel Jackson
Can confirm. When in Japan and Worst Korea there were advertisements for nose surgery EVERYWHERE
Brody Wood
Amusingly last olympics most of Argentina's teams were whiter than their European counterparts.
Nathaniel Powell
If you're gonna read Gibson begin with Neuromancer. It's one of my favorite books, that book coined the whole cyberpunk thing.
Nicholas Harris
Yeah anons have been trying to meme this for a while now. Roger Stone has been pushing this for a few months now too.
David Garcia
That bald headed fuck is suck a lispy little faggot… I really can't stand listening to him.
Every piece he does consists of him clutching his pearls and squealing like a low-rent drag queen.
Caleb Edwards
Heinlein's redemption is that he was a product of his time, but boy did he try for progressivism. Also goes to show even back then nobody knew what fascism was. And I guess killing big bugs is neat.
Tyler Gomez
Can confirm. They get incredibly assmad.
Kayden Morris
This, as much as this is blatantly pro-Trump propaganda, I'm just giddy to think about how kikes and leftists will be screaming about it. They deserve nothing less than to see this day.
Julian Martinez
Yeah, it's hilarious.
Austin Ortiz
I agree that Trump TV isn't a good look but nigger do you even into normies? Average person on the street will regurgitate CNN when pressed for political opinion and denounces FOX news as simplistic, right-wing propaganda. There's no use in controlling FOX except to preach to the choir, and our memes are strong but not yet enough to mobilize people for the cause.
Stop shitposting.
Adrian King
This might be the purest example of capitalism in existence at the moment. Man makes an empire, becomes CEO of the country, and then creates a completely alternative source for direct news from the seat of the throne without the ramblings and commentary of the employed messengers. Wew.
Chase Jenkins
Ayden Brown
Yep. Fuck this. gate filters to tavistock now.
Christopher Brown
This is precisely why they're so mad. Nothing pisses off a kike more than using his own tools against him.
Jaxson Bell
Anthony Anderson
wait how did you say the word without it being filtered? tavistock
Dominic Bailey
Wow, even when they're trying to exaggerate for the sake of mockery, the biggest joke is still themselves.
Gabriel Cook
Kill yourself nigga. You think some squeaking young girl could give words power like this one?.
Austin Bennett
Topkek. Catladies and squishy numales trying to get their roast on.
Grayson Jones
This guy is so close and yet so far.
Jeremiah Butler
These soft ass faggots can't bantz to save their lives. Commies couldn't bantz their way out of a paper bag. Sad!
Ayden Morales
Here you go. We already know what happens when you violate his NAP.
Austin Hill
(((Brian Stelter))) is only 31 years old too, yet he looks 50; very poor genetics.
Aaron Fisher
Who the fuck is this guy and why is he always posted?
Josiah Gray
Hahahaha, how about college based on IQ leftists? But muh blacks, muh spics, muh non-white mystery meat.
Jaxson Jones
I'm choking on my own freedom here.
If it were anybody but trump, I would be wary, but the fake news has gotten so bad that this brings a tear to my eyes. Domino effect soon? How many reporters are just going to say "fuck it" & jump ship to the real news network? I know at least a few people left CNN recently because they couldn't morally continue, so this looks like the beginning of something good.
We're doing it guys. We're gonna make america great again. We're gonna make it
Nathaniel Gomez
I'm all for state news, even if this were still under Obama. Normalfags actually think that places like CNN aren't propaganda, or at least did till very recently, Mockingbird never stopped it just got shuffled. At least with openly run state news everyone knows its propaganda.
Nathaniel Jenkins
Even if propaganda, this cannot be anything but great news. Because Trump TV will investitavistock things that CNN and other fake news won't. This is a great step forward. And of course the media war is far from over.
Noah Brown
Well yes, we're not ideological puritans for democracy and clean separation of state and media, National Socialism precludes that in many ways. Of course if this were O'Nigger doing this, it would be distasteful to the European psyche.
Democracy and a free press was tried, and our lesson has been that the kikes will use it as the means to control the masses. It may work in a high trust society, but the purity has to be compromised until we can reach a final solution
Aaron Jones
State-run news tends to be significantly more honest because it doesn't need to be profitable. Privately-owned, for-profit news media is what produced the impossibly jewish 20th century.
Jeremiah Sanchez
Joshua Fisher
Luke Ortiz
Yeah, fucking nah.
Meanwhile, i've never seen or heard of anyone that actually believes any of the shit they spew
Ian Edwards
Jackson Robinson
Nobody believes the American media because it is demonstrably false. It is demonstrably false because it relies on the patronage of jewish corporations who want something for their investment. Rand Corp., General Dynamics, OshKosh, Goldman-Sachs, etc. Private media in the United States answers to them, because they keep the networks afloat.
In Greece, for example, Golden Dawn by law gets representative air time on state media.
England is a nation controlled by jews with a population who love being subservient to jews – much like the United States. They get the state they've supported and constructed. If you don't like it, change the nature of the state you exist within. Kill people. Kill their muscle [that means the military, the defense contractors, the non-Whites]. If you can't or don't want to, don't complain.
State-owned media in North Korea gives a far more honest picture of the world even when it's pumping out fluff pieces of the Glorious Leader's visit to a workshop.
Brody Kelly
Here's your hint newfag.
Lucas Morris
Gavin Smith
This is total horseshit, North Korea tells their people that they're more technologically advanced than anywhere else. The only thing that state run media does is parrot the narrative of the current political powers. The whole notion that American news networks is kiked because of corporations is communist propaganda, its kikes because kikes are in power in the US. When news networks really went to complete shit is when Mockingbird first occurred and that was decidedly not the act of corporations, that was deep state action.
Josiah Hughes
That's the funny thing, they actually believe in the equality shit to the point where they don't realize how certain politics would hurt their own voterbase. Remember the guy who gives prisoners a chance to get a vasectomy for 30 days less prison times? I read the comments and except certain (((posters))) every single leftist or liberal was in favour of it, because it would prevent "poor children growing up in criminal or drug families", while they're not realizing this could potentially sterilize 90% of the niggers in the entire country. Same goes for IQ based anything. With such "progressive" laws you can stealthfuck leftists and they won't ever realize that you fucked the mover, in fact they will prefer it because they seriously think they're the top tier of the west and that every rightwinger is some retarded hillibilly just like in kiked hollywood presents it to them.
Projections are the downfall of the left.
Carter Bennett
So what? What's all that "technological advancement" done for the US? Make it easier to get White people fired for wrongthink? Make it easier for your daughters and sisters to get blacked? Make it easier to shove processed food into nigger-spic gullets? You don't have anything worthwhile to say, really. And here you are whining incessantly about what is and isn't private when you've accurately deduced the entire problem. So go kill them instead of trying to get the last word in edgewise.
Jose Morgan
So it is completely nonfactual when you said it was more honest. Its obvious that state news is not inherently more honest and you even agree with me that it simply pushes what's in power so I'm not sure what's triggered your sperg fit.
Bentley Ward
North Korean state media doesn't go around telling its citizens that Saddam Hussein is smuggling yellow cake uranium. It doesn't run through 9-10 Osama bin Laden body doubles to churn out another fake video "threat". It doesn't tell its people that fucking other guys in the ass is normal. It doesn't tell its citizens that only half-niggers have a future. No, it IS obvious. It is blatantly obvious. The most privatized news media in the world – the US – is by far the most dishonest.
Henry Long
The news media in the US hasn't been truly private since the 60s you dumbfuck commie, have you even heard of Mockingbird?
James Russell
Adrian Ortiz
As expected from a commie coward.
Mason Rodriguez
In fact, I made up to $10,000 an hour in the nineties. Was pretty great.
Anthony Harris
It would be amusing and appropriate if we simply held them to their word and kicked them out. "You promised, so you're out Out OUT."
Total Sodium Overload
Carson Evans
He's been gassing that kike relentlessly. Just moments ago he posted this.
Adrian Lopez
Easton Gray
has anyone wasted their time debating leftists? how dumb can they get?
Ryan Gray
So after watching this vid.
It is quite clear war is on the horizon. Honoring war heroes, increasing veteran compensation and aid is great. It might score a few more votes from people in the next election. What it really does is help pave the way for pride in the military which has been breaking from all the middle east clusterfucks.
Luis King
Gen Xers remember how fucking terrible the 90s were.
That's when it all began to go down.
Tyler Parker
Okay, how exactly is one to prevent others from talking in a public context? Seems like you may be having perceptual issues.
Isaac Howard
He's a boomer
Jacob Torres
It started long before the 90s. My best guess for the start of the downfall would be right around early 60's
Nolan Martinez
No it didn't. It started in the 90s. The 80s were white as fuck.
Jason Wilson
Hairy Pajeet and the Designated Shitting Street
Nathaniel Morris
Drug dealer.
Jace Smith
The groundwork for the hippy movement is what started the decline.
Jaxson Mitchell
Parker Howard
Jesus fucking christ.
Gavin Walker
Dominic Powell
The 80s were degenerate too. You're looking through rose-tinted glasses.
Carter Rodriguez
David Gomez
user I….
Chase Butler
epic bants, best timeline, modern era
Mason Sanchez
saging a sticky. thats all i need to know about you
Ordinary men work for money. Billionaires know how to get money to work for them.
Sebastian Young
What the fuck is going on?
Thomas Harris
Matthew Scott
Tyler Turner
kosher solutions to distract people like us
Parker James
What Trump REALLY needs to do is start up a new video streaming and sharing service like YouTube but with free speech and protection of right wing view points.
Matthew Sullivan
wrong state kiddo
Eli Evans
Tyler Jackson
Josiah Young
Yeah, he's about the only person I can see being capable of this. Youtube loses money so anyone doing this is doing nothing but giving themselves a massive money sink. Trump is both popular enough to spread word about this new platform and at the point where he cares far more about his legacy than his wealth.
Juan Allen
Anthony Rivera
This is what really needs to happen.
Kevin Nguyen
What did he mean by such a cryptic bon mot?
Josiah Sanders
the missile will ejaculate it's firey radiated load all over the liberals
Jackson Morales
Jayden Nelson
LIVE - Rick Wiles: Obama's Stop Trump Movement, Marxists, Globalists, Muslim Brotherhood
Is Barack Hussein Obama behind the shadow government coalition tirelessly conspiring to remove President Trump? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles details the past sins of America’s former leader in regard to Kenya’s 2008 election and the ongoing push to imprison Israel’s First Family. Rick also discusses the mounting economic sanctions being imposed by the Dark State elite on Russia and North Korea, and how these actions will ultimately lead to war and a Chinese gold-backed reserve currency.
Chase Rogers
No, he's only a middle management kike.
Isaiah Hill
OY VEY the goys trust her. Dis is a travesty. Betta post a picture of one of dos chinese cartoons they all like.
Elijah Campbell
Wut animu is dat?
Its anuva shoah!
Grayson Wright
Wow wee, more astroturfing! Thank god you posted in here, and didnt make your own thread like the shills usually do.
Ayden Stewart
Caleb Hughes
God I hate living in America because of libtards and cuckservatives, Americans suck so friggin much. Thanks jews!
Caleb Harris
what did he meme by this? no seriously, was it a mistranslation? there's no way that's right
Dominic Kelly
'65 with the immigration act that set in motion the US going from 90%+ white to 50% now.
Elijah Myers
I'm not falling for this shit any more.
Hunter Rodriguez
Wtf I hate Kayleigh now.
Luis Morris
Cosby was like one show in 100
Salt and Pepper are 90s
Millie Vannilie are 90s
Eddie Murphy and Michael Jackson were big stars in a sea of white stars
Christian Powell
In someone else's timeline, he wrote this.
Jaxson Cox
Except she arguably would have been, nationalism has steadily been 'dangerously' on the rise these last couple of years, much to the dismay of (((those))) who wish to curb such views. Trump's little more than a puppet meant to keep the discontent in check with the kikery that is civic nationalism, far more people would've been rightfully so angry about Hillary being elected, and when people are angry, things inevitably change.
But then again, if there's any here still hoping for a political solution to the mess we're in. I'm sorry to disappoint you, it just won't happen. Especially not in the US, what with the greatest ally nonsense and the fact you've more kikes in your government than the ever changing death toll of the holohoax.
Daniel Turner
Nobody is falling for those tricks anymore.
Easton Powell
My great grandfather would have probably said around 1900. He was a marine fighting in the Philippines, we only went in there for the Sugar Merchants to remove the history of the flips so they'd have more control, that was the start of getting involved on behalf of the Jews. He comes home gets no benefits he was promised, at least back then you could get a loyal white wife and have 5 kids on the salary of a security guard.
I'd put the downfall and switch over to Jewish control right before the Civil War, ever since then it's been a slow progression into "abstract" politics and removal of racial knowledge. It wasn't complete even by Ford's presidency the Jews didn't know if they had enough friends to prevent the attack on the USS Liberty from making them seem in bad light but they were able to. Now the progression has gotten worse, dare I say we are approaching, "Peak Jew"?
Oliver Young
this is just sad dude, i legitimately feel bad for you. did CTR just lock you guys in that basement and you lost your mind or what? how do you get food down there? is there a bathroom?
Ayden Davis
Unsurprisingly, you missed the entire point of my post. It's not a shilling for Hillary, but more so a shilling for the aftermath of Hillary being elected. The reaction it would've solicited. There wouldn't be Trump to keep those inclined toward nationalism in check by providing them the false sense of comfort that "things are alright after all, Trump's our president!"
But hey, whatever dude. If you genuinely believe vid related is good in any way shape or form, kindly go gas yourself.
Connor Price
You're an idiot. Kys CTR
Charles Smith
You niggers who think you see through it all are so laughable. Hillary would have thrown millions of young white men into a meatgrinder while raising the nonwhite immigration levels to retarded proportions.
That's what you're championing, you dense faggot.
Wyatt Adams
You're saying that as if it'd have been a negative thing. Hard times create strong men, something modern civilization lacks in abundance. Nazi Germany would've been nowhere where it was in terms of strength were it not for the aftermath and hardships the German people faced as a consequence of WW1.
Anthony Scott
found the jew
Ryan Hernandez
If you've a solution other than a crisis to solve things, do speak up. So far none of my points have even been refuted, it's been a constant shit flinging of "shill, jew, ctr".
Anthony Jackson
You are insanely transparent, kike.
Andrew Moore
Get your head out of your ass, you jewish ctr shill.
Benjamin Nelson
Trips of Truth right here
Xavier Williams
Hudson Taylor
Yep me too I have a memory about trump saying something about starting his own news
Michael Gutierrez
I see you my dude, I was wondering if one of you guys was there for the keks
Connor Sullivan
Chase Sullivan
Many (most?) Argentinians are white.
Colton Collins
is that calebhart that dude is a hero
Logan Foster
These children (and adults) look pretty white to me. Even some blondes.
Dylan Phillips
is a mango called Hooky it's pretty cozy
Easton Perez
Argentina still has plenty of Whites, but last I checked they're getting a lot of bolivians (bolivians are mostly natives, nowhere as bad as niggers violence-wise but not something you want either). Pic shows Rio just a few decades ago.
Connor Thomas
I'd say it started in the 70's when "multiculturalism" became a thing.
Jason Morris
I'd say it started in the 1700s when Jewish emancipation begun.
Logan Howard
I don't care if the news is quality at all. The fact that it pisses off libshitters is enough for me.
Elijah Lewis
oh boy lads he actually did it
Dominic Butler
I would say maybe 30 to 40% are white (i.e. 100% european descendant). Another 30% or so are h'white (mixed but mostly white) and the rest is mostly native american mixed ("indian")
Noah Harris
>(((German))) It's well documented that jews are obsessed with shit and bathrooms jokes in general, and have been for a LONG time.
Jaxson Adams
sweet holy fuck she's hot
Camden Wilson
Wait! Why do we call the MSM "Mainstream Media"? They are no longer "Mainstream". Shouldn't we rebrand them and remove their last claim to authenticity "mainstream"?
OSM = Oldstream Media Any suggestions? Trips to decide?
Mason James
Leo Ward
I just call it Deep State Propaganda
Anthony Sanchez
Why would they complain about the BBC?
Camden Turner
Traditional mass media. Always refer to them in the past tense too. Think about how much that would trigger the fuck out of them. It makes them (in their eyes) sound obsolete.It questions their relevancy and they fucking hate anything with the label traditional. Here is some examples of what I mean:
Sure this could open up a subversion of the term "traditional media" though, but I am just spit balling.
Jaxon Lewis
Lemmings bought the lies because that was all they heard. Now there will be controversy.
Dylan Roberts
I like the cut of your jib user, and those dubs.
Evan Murphy
Yurups only hope is a violent uprising anyway
Luis Butler
They look like dagos to me, close enough I suppose, our swarthy european cousins to the south.
Brayden Cooper
nice digits and nice point. They hate the idea of being seen as old, they hate the idea that they are the ones opposed to change.
Continue reinforcing liberalism as the old way and the status quo, it only drives more of a wedge between them and leftists as well.
These detractors are just scared of change :^)
Michael Bell
Bwahahahaha limey faggots of the Yiddish empire, into the trash they go!
Elijah Martinez
Nice. I've noticed leftists go insane when you refer to their ideas as "stuffy" or "outdated".
Ian Cooper
No doubt that could be effective, the idea of tying their ideals to traditional anything rubs me the wrong way though. I see potential backfiring with this angle.
Jeremiah Robinson
first half was alright
Carson Cox
Agreed, and that's why I avoided using the word traditional in my post, I just went with either the old way, or status quo.
Grayson Price
Strong point backed with double dubs user. Yes! It does give a stale and expired (in their own language) sound to them - which is a most apt descriptor. Similar to the way their "fake news" was turned against them, the word "traditional" they use as a label for "bad" - so it is only fair to use it for them. Kek'd!
Kayden Nelson
My NetSec class divided groups up and named the after the Hogwarts houses. JK Rowling has managed to retroactively destroy all the joy I had blue teaming in that class.
Isaac Bell
So your going to do exactly what they have been preparing for… for decades, while calling them crazy and paranoid.
James Davis
Nothing like a hastily written paragraph to fully convince the reader that "I'm not mad".
Wyatt Torres
for all the high energy election music videos, fakenews spotting twitters/youtubes, and yuge 'deplorables' social media pages/forums, i would've imagined trump's team wouldn't have to had resort to doing this news themselves then again, why rely on middlemen reporters when you can give the reports directly to the people?
I was going to post this as a topic. But I was going to say Trump should make it an official government thing so that it's bound by the 2nd Amendment so therefore can't be censored. Plus allow advertisers from all over the world so that people from all over the world can use it and be protected by the USA's 2A. To prevent attempts at spamming it to death there could be an upload bandwith limit per day.
Alexander Wilson
You mean the first amendment.
David Roberts
this thread is lacking pics of new glorious state media spokeswoman
Michael Garcia
Nice digits.
Noah Walker
In general we need to be setting up our own institutions instead of, (or in addition to) subverting the current existing ones. The left has MSM, Hollywood, academia, and many tech companies right now. We need red pilled trade schools, we need Trump TV, we need Whitewood, we need AryanBook. They are so entrenched in their positions it will take a while to reconquer them, and we need a bunker and a place to call our own, just in case.
Daniel Martin
Jordan Martinez
Jose Robinson
Worth watching in full
Josiah Foster
Lincoln Cruz
Daniel Fisher
the consequence of not being a complete whore is this is as good as it's going to get
Carson Harris
And we said Commies can't bring the bantz.
Ethan Hall
You know Trump was laughing at that first one
Jason Smith
Last quarter of Obama administration or as I like to call it, "When we found out Trump would be president"
Adrian Ramirez
This is a meme that needs to end. All Obama did was change the definition of full time jobs and half time jobs so he could pull this nonsense. Even the liberal media reported on this (leaving out why he was doing this) and dressed it up as him wanting to create jobs. Fucking hell.
Nicholas Lopez
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle ,than it is for a white gentile to get into Harvard. Maybe she's legacy… maybe it's different for the law school than the undergrad… but still rather impressive.
Lucas Hall
Here in the UK the 80s were great. Look at these 80s TV ads, these days they're pretty much all cultural marxist propaganda and don't seem to care what they're supposed to be selling.
Thomas Bell
I was going to suggest something like this in my next email to Trump. How fantastic.
Friendly reminder to reach out to comedians and celebrities to ease them into our worldview.
Bill Burr and Joe Rogan seem ripe from all the bullshit recently. They have a wide audience. Lets make it our audience.
If we do things in real life, we can make anything happen.
Juan Martin
Gavin Hernandez
I'm fine with that.
While I agree with the idea I really don't think Rogan or Burr are prime targets. Maybe Norm Macdonald and (despite him being completely owned) Daniel Tosh could be viable targets.
Jaxon Foster
8 years slapping $1T debt spending direct through the economy's blood-brain barrier during a prolonged downturn will eventually result in an upturn, if due to nothing other than cyclical trends.
Cameron Hernandez
Tosh is the only media personality I've seen bring attention to PedoTube, and he's already hated by the left. Might just need a small push.
Henry Sanchez
Back on topic here, but holy shit, that Trump news is awesome. With that inspiring music in the background, and the overwhelmingly positive portrayal of events, it's blatantly obviously trolling the shit out of the left and their media almost to Starship Troopers levels.
Michael Jackson is an honourary white guy. God even gave him universal vitiligo to turn his skin white.
Jonathan Gomez
starship troopers needs to be memed into reality
Juan Phillips
Parker Hill
Did you even read the thread? Starship troopers has already been brought up, quite a bit above.
Lincoln Barnes
Ya but faggots are de-railing with shitposting, trying to help meme us back in the right direction.
Dylan Fisher
I'm of the opinion that there is no such thing as bad targets.
I'm not going to argue with you about it though. Red pill whomever you want.
Rogan's a jew? No way.
Jose Johnson
✓ Admiring the numbers and the content of this post. "Traditional Mass Media"
Easton Perez
Ah. Yeah wasn't trying to be rude, just we have a lot of newfags that don't bother to read what has already been mentioned, or even a basic search.
Landon Powell
Isn't Joe Rogan a complete anti-Trump faggot?
Jonathan Gutierrez
she's cute CUTE
William Ortiz
No good call, I should have at least replied to an above earlier post on the subject. Still, we need to immediately start strategizing, even if just theorycrafting since this thing is in its infancy. We need to start thinking of how to meme and promote it, hopefully even find ways to contribute via social media. Because with crap like this we can not only rock the normie media, but also use this to troll the everloving shit out of the left. By taking this obviously semi-ironic depiction of right wing politics and weaponizing it against the left is the kind of stuff that triggers them beyond critical mass, which is where we get our wins.
Salt-N-Pepa were definitely mid-to-late 80s, I was in middle school when they were popular and I left middle school in 1988.
I'd sort of agree with you. Although they started and released their first album in 1988 it wasn't released worldwide until 1989 and they really became big in 1990, then shortly after that they were exposed as not being the singers.
Hudson Moore
Hi Kyle and Sinead.
Hudson Wood
Jaxon Clark
It's hard to explain, but from the way he forms his thoughts I can tell there is an inherently useful logic structure that will make him lean in our direction if pushed to research.
TLDR, lsd fags and dudeweedlmaos are inclined to be introspective and pursue truth to some degree due to their leanings toward vague Buddhist philosophy.
I came here as a curious leftist several years ago. If people have the right mindset they can change, but you have to know what to look for.
I suggest reading Socrates and delving deep into the Socratic method to understand what I mean.
Julian Mitchell
that moment you suddenly realize you have spent a decade and a half on image boards
Luis Sullivan
DOH! I must have had some other activity on my mind while typing. Lol!
Asher Ross
I know that feel lad
Nathaniel Kelly
I get the sense someone got to Rogan. Not that he was all that redpilled to be begin with, but he has walked back tons of shit he used to talk about. I noticed it and I hardly follow his podcast. His own fans are calling him the fuck out about it in the comments as well.
Lucas Carter
Considering all the people he's talked to already, Joe Rogan has had more than apple opportunity to stop being a faggot. He's not getting better, he's getting worse.
Luke Thomas
Joe Rogan is bros with redpill Molyneux (another guy they should get for this) so at least he is potentially somewhat salvageable? But bringing in an MMA and weed/psychadelics guy who would help to bring in both testosterone apes and erudite psychonauts, while also showing that some (controlled) dissent is allowed within the organization, IE like a little token guy who is semi-amenable to shit, brings in potentially good people who can be converted and molded for their positive traits and uses etc.
Plus Rogan is pretty shameless and would likely jump on any chance for advancement if they offered him good cash, especially since there's nothing big in MMA anymore that anyone gives a shit about except McGregor, and he will likely retire after this Mayweather shit, signalling the peak and decline of MMA, kinda like post-80's professional wrestling. Rogan probably doesn't want to get dragged down in that, and with his successful podcast would probably like to transition to some form of professional broadcasting with being a dopey gameshow host.
Mason Rodriguez
I'm sure of it. He lives in Cali, and is constantly around people like Bryan Callen.
Watch the guy start kvetching about the holocaust in this video completely unrelated to the fucking holocaust.
Luke Sanders
shoo, jew
Andrew Ortiz
This pretty much. The right wing is on the upswing to be the new counter culture with Trump in office.
We have 8 years to do as much rebuilding as possible before they hit us with know knows what. We've got to go fast and hard or we become Europe.
I don't even know how Sweden is going to come back from this. I'm not looking forward to whatever event brings about the swinging of the pendulum.
False dichotomy created by "the green book" back in C.S. Lewis' time. Pic related.
Don't be a man without a chest. You need to be fearless towards physical violence to present your ideas clearly.
Mason Diaz
Adam James
nice joke faggot
Jayden Cruz
If you want a good power armor movie watch Edge of Tomorrow. underrated flick
Jace Lopez
Oh don't misunderstand, I'm actually pretty /fit/ and workout at least a few times weekly, I was more just referencing "bro culture" and that kind of frat, meathead mentality types who frequent MMA. Many of those guys could be educated, and with their proclivity for fitness and combat sports would be a major acquisition.
Jeremiah Cook
Not a bad idea in concept, but the effusive rosy picture she is painting (and Trump has been painting as of late) is bad news, I think. Sure, certain economic measures are going well, but to tie up his reputation with something as variable as the stock market would be unwise. And, from the bildungsroman perspective, the election was not a climactic victory, and the current day is not the conclusion. It was a small victory, to be followed with a period of recovery and celebration, but all is not good now. Now time to dive back into the struggle.
Sebastian Roberts
regarding the stock market, I think as long as the Fed keeps its current policy, it'll just keep going up forever without regard to the underlying economic activity. If the Fed acts and the market goes down, Trump can say "see, Yellen is acting politically." My reasoning for this is I recall him saying "I think the Fed is 'doing political' with the interest rates" during the campaign.
Aiden Gray
Kyle and Sinead are right about so much, anti-degeneracy, serious National Socialists, opposed to the con-artists in the alt-kike and then boom… flat earth and Trump sucks "wait for Hitler".
Isaac Jackson
As he strikes at you….
Aiden Murphy
Offtopic, but this is certain. I read one estimate that he stands to make $100m from that fight. Not many fights make sense for him after that.
Gavin Garcia
Makes you think dunnit.
Nolan Parker
He's also an advocate for the mainstream media, and the abolition of national borders, if that tells you anything about the likelihood of his conversion.
Isaac Miller
Ryan Walker
I'm not a shill I swear but I have legitimate doubts about state media, it's just as bad as MSM, how could you ever generate criticism or create debate about the administration on something created by that same administration, it's Trump's own CNN.
I don't understand how someone could think this is good, please explain it to me.
Christopher Reed
It drives liberals nuts. I don't expect it to be a bastion of unbiased truth or anything.
Aaron Torres
fox news reacts denouncing trump and friends( never being able to cite any misinformation form trumps news network destroying the propaganda charge) trump supporters that are already suspicious of fox news will abandon in mass and the controlled right wing news network becomes "centrist" or rather leftist in nature. while the average normie gets to watch this happen. there already festering suspicion of the dichotomy of cnn vs fox TOTALLY NOT TWO SOCK PUPPETS for a rich jew banker. suddenly the centrist has now NO mainstream news source (((they))) lose control of the right; and then the average joe picks one. one who has just been autisticaly screeching for the last 2 fucking years. vs the one they keep telling them is evil.
Hudson Roberts
…And that's why he'll never actually join us.
Julian Williams
Yeah triggering liberals is cool and all but not everybody will know this is not unbiased truth, depending on how this develops it could win a lot of credibility for a lot people. That could become a huge problem in the future when Trump legitimately fucks up and can easily cover up with these "news" segment. Sure it may be harmless right now but if you let it grow and cheer it on it can become far worse than CNN, I'm very unpleased with this.
Cooper Barnes
post moar smug
Oliver Baker
Obviously the Jews are the brain bugs. Niggers, sjws, and chinks are the usual bugs tbh.
Asher Gray
Parker Bailey
It's just my opinion, and I'm backing it up as to why. I don't want to go from Clinton News Network to Trump News Network, sorry if you are just here for the memes.
Thomas Bennett
How could it become worse? CNN makes shit up and they pass opinions off a facts. This is the presidents mouthpiece saying the same shit as would be said if she appeared on a CNN panel. Its another way to get the message out and bypass the tavistockkeepers, it works the same way as twitter.
As an added bonus its an endless salt mine.
Colton Taylor
Justin Parker
Everything that CNN does agaisnt Trump and the right, Trump tv will do to anybody that criticises the administration. Do you not see the problem there? Right now it's harmless but if people cheer on it and give it credibility it will become a problem. Never understimate general public stupidity. I don't think the solution to left biased news is trump biased news.
Jordan King
It's a glorified youtube channel. Do you have a problem with him posting on twitter? Then why do you have a problem with this?
Kevin Rivera
Here, user
Robert Stewart
Carson Sullivan
I dont see it like that, left and right. I see it as taking away the power and the control that that they have by circumventing it. It gives people the alternative to get the information from the source rather than drinking from the opinion tainted tap of CNN and the rest.
Bentley Hernandez
Clicking? Whatever man
Austin Wright
Do you have a problem with CNN posting "news" segments? I do. It's different than a twitter post because this is presented as a news program not a reply from the administration.
But I may be overreacting, after all my problem is what this could become not what it is right now.
Josiah Hill
that was essentially my thought about it when i first heard. I mean, on one hand, it's completely legit; even if it's full of lies, too fucking bad, right? The kike media lies about everything all the fucking time, even completely fabricating controversies from whole cloth (exhibit A: russia). So who cares if a single channel or video series blatantly lies for the other side, if they're even lying to begin with? On the other hand, while we ourselves might understand that it's a propaganda tool in essence and that it won't be a source of objective information, I can't say that shit about the rest of the idiots in our country. I hate to see people accept shit as gospel solely upon hearing it, regardless of where it comes from, and any information that comes out of this will immediately be decried by the left as nothing but evil lies, while a chunk of people on the other side will immediately use it as a source of info to support their claims, without checking the source itself.
I don't think it will really change anything in the grand scheme, and if the jews are going to fight dirty which is the only way they do, we might as well rather than hamstringing ourselves with principles. If someone says "trump's news show thing said he created half a gajillion jobs last week" I'm going to wince a bit, though.
I appreciate your dubs but there's always been something that strikes me as strange about her face. She looks different in every photo and she has very fine features, but it's almost like her features are too big for the size of her face or something. Don't know how to describe it, it's weird.
Daniel Smith
You fucking read VNs you illiterate nigger.
Jace Richardson
You mean they will report on themselves like they want you to see them. Because if shit goes south I'm sure they would honestly reported how everything is going to shit and not try to cover it up. Come on man this is just basic logic they would never be a neutral information source, Just look at RT in Russia, Putin is basically the second coming of Jesuschrist for them.
This is my biggeest fear, I guess you are right on the fightng dirty thing but that might leave us with a right biased CNN which in my opinion is just as bad as what we already have. Biased news are never good in any shape or form. We'll see how this unfolds.
Christopher Gomez
Aiden Nguyen
No shit, I didnt say that. It an official statement that hasnt been cut up and edited by a middleman regardless of how they dress it up. Its another attempt to take his message straight to the people, like with the rallies and twitter.
Christian Campbell
How come most people here instantly burst into rage when e-celebs get posted but then fanboy an ex-CNN worker ?
Trump news is good, but so far her only remarkable action was working for the clinton news network and deserting them when the grass looks greener on the other side.
Call this blackpilling or whatever but i don't see any reason to hold her to any higher standard than any other woman trying to get a piece of trumps success by flying with the alt-kike.
Still, this is good news as it further increases the independence of trump and gives him even more leverage against the CNN led Fake-News Army.
Charles Mitchell
Not a horrible idea, but I'm not sure how accessible that would be to normalfags.
Especially since this is true. They don't even bother watching what the enemy says. Anything Fox doesn't talk about they don't know exists.
Dominic Murphy
Benjamin Garcia
She's not quite your typical "CNN worker", she was just there to sit on panels and defend Trump. She didn't host programs for them or report the fakenews. She was there Trump shill and nothing else.
Evan Flores
*their Trump
Gabriel Allen
Brody Morris
Probably because it's legitimate criticism?
Mason Sanders
We're at war over the domination of the west. Traditional (((Mainstream Media))) wants to shift the opinion of the population towards a certain direction. Even if some new "neutral" source becomes big, they get blackmailed or (((suicided))). So backed Right-Wing media is needed to counter the Kike-Media, and they cannot afford to be completely neutral and have the sword sheathed when the Kike-Media is on full force attack. Trying to be neutral is like saying "but not all muslims!" and tolerate them while they rape your daughter. They want to kill you and your children, accept this and defend yourself.
No neutral media will ever be mainstream while kikes or traitors try to destroy this country, that's something you do after the West is secured. And to be honest you should always check facts on your own anyways.
Charles Powell
kill yourself nigger
Luis Jenkins
It's like you're intentionally trying to be a pleb or something.
Justin Lee
Zachary Jones
Mason Rodriguez
good idea, lets have women be the mouth pieces of news. Women are entirely equipped for it. u are right
Christian Evans
it's only if you use denial/denier
Andrew Perry
I'm not anti-woman user-kun. Politics/decision making isn't something most women are naturally good at but there are exceptions. Such as the smugfu.
Grayson Ward
She's not a politician nor a decision maker, she a news person. She just has to look nice and be articulate enough to rape leftists. Having charismatic and good looking women and men as poster faces wins over a shitload of normalfags. What do you think kike use good looking actors for?
Mason Cook
I dunno, with Farage's last speech in America he was doing the whole "The UK is America's oldest, most loyal ally" thing, and got applause. Could just as easily be looking at jew control being eroded in a completely transparent way, just like they took power in the first place. I don't think anyone in that room noticed comments like that, but I did.
William Long
So they're filtering an innocuous word like g a te? Why? How is it significant?
Brody Parker
what's the metric people are using for the whole "greatest ally" thing? I thought the aussies fought along side us the most?
Hudson Watson
Wait a minute.
Holy fuck I love my emperor. We're actually going to have dotr. We are actually going to hang the kikes from streetlights. If the masses voted Trump even under lugenpresse brainwashing, if you remove that brainwashing can you even imagine it? They're gonna rip off their collared shirts and khakis and have a full SS uniform underneath.
Put a corgi on the show as a guest host and you'll nab the demi-cuck beta males and reddit generation as willing footsoldiers. Put the corgi in a fucking lion costume. We will have Trump Youth. Still not tired of winning. We're just getting started.
Nicholas Hill
In Canada we were always taught that we were the US' greatest ally so it was actually one of the first big redpills I got when I first heard US politicians say that Israel was. I was like "But how many wars have they ever fought together?"
Jack Gutierrez
Brandon Turner
Not allies, but oldest friends.
Ian Martinez
You're talking like a 65 IQ mouth breather.
Grayson Bailey
So she's just pretending to be retarded?
Hudson Gonzalez
If they were self-aware they wouldn't be in the media
Jace Jones
holy fuck she's hot
Dominic Russell
lol this isn't even state media, he's doing this himself at his tower, not as president. you didn't cry like a little bitch when Obama would go on youtube and talk about how great he was, would you? or when Bill Clinton did the same thing for Obama. Christ I thought facebook was bad for this but if even on pol people STILL need to be taught how to win we are in terrible shape.
shut the fuck up, smile, enjoy the fucking ride - trump knows what he's doing and your MUH FREE PRESS concern is about two hundred years too late
Brandon Campbell
I have. Usually boomers and older that believes every television anchor is still a Walter Cronkite.
Austin Hill
Lincoln Rodriguez
You're a shitter Harry!
Eli Ramirez
Jewgles own analytics show that Fake News took off in popularity between the Podesta leaks, and the initial Pizzatavistock discovery a few days later. It echoes the (((CIA)))s creation and demonization of the term "conspiracy theorist" in order to discredit anyone who question the Warren Comission report on the JFK assassination.
Carson Martin
Baby boomers mostly still believe everything they see on TV and everything in the news. Unfortunately, there are more oldfags than youngfags in the western world so we are still outnumbered, and the majority of the population technically still listens to and believes in much of the lugenpress due to demographics. However, as the older generation fades and dies off, so will their mass media influence.
Gabriel Moore
Parker Davis
He should have done this a lot earlier. If he did that and also stopped tweeting at every two-bit asshat reporter, he could have seriously sunk several major news organizations.
Ethan Bell
The tavistockkeepers decided that stickies, bans and delets weren't enough to control what we discuss so now they'll change our words.
Isaac Mitchell
He did get a very warm welcome from the boyscouts of america (or whatever the official name is).
Adam Gonzalez
Serious question, has Trump been directly responsible for economic growth yet? I thought most of this growth being reported is mostly the result of hope and optimism. The last I can recall, Trump said he was putting off major regulation and tax reform until later this year, after the healthcare bill passes.
Easton Torres
That is some grade D horseshit.
Aaron Clark
I can't wait for the next instalment. I want to see this qt smile and smurk about Trump vaporizing half of Asia with new energy weapons.
Nicholas Stewart
This user is on the right track.
The 60s was when the pedal got smashed to the floor. The deterioration of Western Culture started with the enlightenment and it was accelerated by (((people))) who wanted to direct democratic revolutions to their own ends. The real beginning was the transfer of currency issuance from the crowns to (((private banks))).
Owen Morales
Rogan has possibly the biggest listening audience of anyone. He gets a billion podcast downloads a month. We can use him IF WE NEVER CUCK OUT OR WATER DOWN. He interviews everyone shaking things up with ideas and he's a damn good interviewer. Watch his video with (((Gavin McInnes))). IIRC at every point where McInnes waters down the message, Rogan gives him rope and let's him hang himself. Since everything not watered down seems reasonable in comparison, only the on-message points are felt as "established" by the listener. All we have to do is keep pushing the Overton window right. Give ecelebs views but never give them the standard - bearer role. Let them fade and be sacrifices to Oldstream Media if necessary. Rogan will be there interviewing faggot after faggot getting more and more of our message out without him ever having to buy into our ideas (he will though - truth grabs people that way).
Lucas Ross
He was a card-carrying member of the NWO who advocated for a one world government. (And check out Hillary's crazy eyes and weird winking in this video.)
Evan Collins
Chuck Heston's ghost wants you to kill yourself so he can kick your ass.