mfw reading agarbage like this all over Holla Forums:
and I quote:
what the fuck is wrong with this place, why did everyone become a liberal?
mfw reading agarbage like this all over Holla Forums:
and I quote:
what the fuck is wrong with this place, why did everyone become a liberal?
Just post on /anarcho/. This board is fucking done.
Nigga please.
idk why everyone on this board seems to think fascism is preferable to liberalism
Trump winning is funny because I've grown very misanthropic and cynical.
With a right wing senate, a right wing house, a potential right wing supreme court, Mike fucking Pence as VP, alt rightists and rednecks going fucking crazy, I honestly have never felt like my life as a faggot was more threatened to be perfectly honest.
I think I'll move to Iran, it's less dangerous to suck dick there.
Simple–fascism is short-lived and easy to destroy.
Fuck off, Adorno.
Leftypol can easily realize that socdems are just not going far enough and reject them and yet leftypol will still rally around every right-wing politician that says they'll maybe consider this one remotely-leftist policy because "he's the closest thing we have to socialism right now".
The Breitbart people becoming press secretary, lmao.
Because its whole purpose is to destroy you first.
Literally nobody but a few tards say this
because it quickly destroys itself, but not before it brings everything around it down in a burning wreck
how is he not fascist?
But every Muke wears a lenin hat
Do you see him talking about mobilizing the military to forcibly establish a social order? Trump is a liberal, just one of the old Progressive Era liberals like Woodrow Wilson if he were an obnoxious, orange reality TV star.
In Australia we went through this in the 1990s.
In the early 80s the Labor Party was elected and began what in the 90s the UK and US called the third way. "Social democrats" pushing neoliberal policies.
The thing is, this what combined with social liberal policies - multiculturalism, women's rights, environmental policies - etc.
This reached a point in the 90s which was becoming very condescending. While I personally agree with a lot of social liberal values, and Keating was much like Trump in his arrogance - this did not sit well with working people who saw factories closing and a recession which hurt many people.
Meanwhile, the so called "Chardonnay set" (think SJWs, but they were white collar professionals instead of whiny out of work college students) were chastising the newly unemployed/underemployed for being racists and the like.
This led to the election of the Howard government and fringe groups like the One Nation Party.
Howard appealed to the middle class and worked to destroy unions - which honestly had begun under Labor anyway - and started the spiral into reactionary politics the country had been working its way out of for 30 years.
I'm not sure what will happen with Trump, but I don't think this is as great as Holla Forums thinks - although Hillary was no different - we'll see more people associating social liberals with leftism and the belief that things would be better if it weren't for the brown people.
My advice is to continue to educate on economic issues - i.e why do people immigrate to the U.S? Why are the factories closing?
Get out there and spread the word.
Keep that shit for normalfags.
By all accounts Germany was a bitch to bring down. Fascism in Spain and Portugal was long-lived and successful. Fascism in Japan and Singapore is alive and thriving to this day.
I think you'll find America stays Trumpist for a very long time.
Everything I don't like is fascism. The post.
Go back to reddit you faggot.
You can literally say "Literally nobody but a few tards say this" about any ideology ever.
You claim that the entirety of this board says that donald trump is more socialistic than bernie sanders.
Because "lmao we are edgy too" type of mentality
8 years isn't that long user :^)
You'll be making shitty bunk ivory tower futurist predictions about the asshole who takes over from Trump then, too.
Do you even know what fascism is?
fuck off liberal scum
I just know she is a hot cosplayer
Anyone can post on Holla Forums, there's no quiz you have to fill out. There's nothing wrong with the place, it's just been invaded by Holla Forums in an attempted victory lap. Ignore or rebuke the idiots and move on.
and this is why no one likes liberals
Most some more titties please
help yourself fam
FUuuuuck you gotta pay for that hole in my pants.
Thanks fam
Nothing wrong with hating Trump, I encourage hatred towards him. All we are saying is that Trump gives us more room to grow than Hillary would have.
I GOT QUOTED! Yaaaaaaay~
What the fuck are you talking about I have never heard anyone say this.
H's already purging the stormfaggotry from his platform.
At the end of the day he was just pandering to idiots.