Skepticgate General

Sargon knew of doxxing


(((Kraut))) was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.

This YT debate on Race Realism goes on for the past 4 months: Kraut & Tea vs JF Gariepy (Québécois PhD Biologist) & Ryan Faulk of The Alternative Hypothesis. JF & Alt-Hype have been merrily BTFOing Kraut.

Kraut's sekrit Discord is leaked revealing a massive dox & pilpul Op. of Skeptic Stasi working w/ Holla Forums & Antifa to infiltrate, gaslight, & delet every Alt-Right/Race Realist on the net (& fake their nudes) called Operation Mincemeat & Operation Red Mackerel. Kraut's world comes TUMBLING DOWN & he deletes everything.

Imgurs full of screen caps.

webm unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:



This thread will get anchored but cuckime spam will continue because BO is a motherfucking cuckold. A fat cuckolded little bitch.

t. kraut

No. I just don't carr about faggy e-drama.


sage negated


Sure thing.
t. kraut


sage reinstated

sage deflated

a new sage pylon has been constructed

Why do /trannypol/s hate science?

Kraut would've btfo'd the alt right if they didn't dox his mother.

Why do you /trannypol/s hate science?

Fuck off


He had soy of brunch, but he ate too much.

It was a suggestion retard

hahahaha low test

Cute girl, how much did you pay to get her to point to your pussy?

Relly maks ya thnk

how much soy can one boy eat OMG

things that I LIKE being anchored means the BO is a cuck, how hard is that to understand kid?

Maybe it's just because I don't view politics as passive entertainment, but who the fuck even are all these people? The only one I recognize is Sargon of Mossad and that's only because he's such an insufferable piece of bongtrash that he's notable for being one of the prime contributes to the alt-lite phenomena AKA the people who like to LARP about actually caring about things but don't.

So can someone give me a quick rundown of why this matters because it doesn't seem like it does?

Anyone who does this should be shot right in the crotch.

Youtubekino is Holla Forums related

Septic community is crashing with no survivors, and it's Kraut's doing. He tried to debunk/smear/dox Alt Hype and others that debunked him and people found out.
This is a decent summary but it's outdated by now:

Watch that, and the newest jimkino. The next episode is in a couple of hours.

i didn't know this happened until i saw Jim's video
seriusly how can someone actually get triggered by someone else saying that race is real
have they not seen nogs and chinks?, even their bones are diferents
besides, when there are half breeds in the world agonizing of bone marrow cancer cus they can't find a donnor of a matching race the existance of race itself becomes kinda hard to deny

The skeptic community was vaguely aligned with the alt-right. This crowd just makes videos on whatever is popular to mock at the time. It started with religious people, but that brought out the edgelords and they made themselves look like shit before long.

So then the atheist community was the target for a while, but that got boring before long.

Then for the longest time it was the feminists. That eventually spread to progressivism in general. This is where the split occurred. Virtually everyone acknowledges the left is entirely bullshit these days, but the only people talking about it all suck for different reasons.

First you have the alt-right who despise conservatism, are singularly obsessed with race to the exclusion of all other issues and when exposed virtually always turn out to be one of the things they were mocking (gay, tranny, jewish, mixed race, etc.) They secretly push for the exact same policies as the progressives, with the only difference being "Yeah but only for whites" typically.

Then you have the skeptics who are largely disillusioned liberals. They know their ideology is shit, but they don't want to completely admit it, and they're afraid of being labeled racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. All the shit they mock. So when the science is inconvenient for them to discuss, they want it shut down.

Then you have the mainstream conservatives. Their arguments are good and based on science and reason, but they're completely out of touch culturally and tend to just latch onto whatever's popular and claim it's conservative in a way that looks really phony. Ben Shapiro for example I had to stop listening to his show for nearly a month because every single episode during the time Wonder Woman was out he'd shill for it just because Gal Gadot is Israeli and declared himself a "true feminist" and argued it had a positive message because "she coos at a baby" and "while the movie says she doesn't need men for pleasure, she certainly needs Chris Pine for it!"

Kraut got obsessed with proving the alt-right wrong, but the problem is all the science agrees with them. It turns out facts don't actually care whether or not you're an asshole. So when his repeated attempts to "debunk" their racial arguments kept getting him embarrassed and wave after wave of the scientists he brought in kept telling him he was wrong, he resorted to creating hitlists and trying to dox, shame and attack everyone who believed the theories he couldn't prove.

Some are saying this was an attempt at a coup, since while this was going on "Basedmama" who I think was a twitter user who uh… supported her autistic son being in GamerGate or something? (Seriously, that's who she is, right? There's like four people who have this moniker. I thought it's what people were calling Christina Hoff Sommers, why'd this lady take the title?) was organizing a "free speech" convention called Killroy Was Here. I heard about it a bit on a few of their channels, notably computingforever, but I honestly wasn't much following it. BasedMama apparently started deplatforming virtually everyone who intended to speak about something she didn't want the convention associated with. Certain people were banned outright, others were given topics they could and could not discuss, apparently she was paying some speakers and heavily censoring others, and as Jim points out she was also active in the discord group, which was largely made up of former SJWs, self-proclaimed communists, a NYT journalist looking to get in on taking down the alt-right, and a string of scientists who were brought in to back them up and one by one sheepishly said "But… he's right though…"

tl;dr: The skeptics wanted the alt-right and race realists to be their new pet debunking project, but unlike their previous targets the science didn't agree with them this time so they resorted to SJW tactics and it blew up in their faces.

Jim thinks criticizing SJWs has gotten boring and refuses to give a shit about anything anymore and is trying to cleanse himself of his right-wing image by going after groups associated with the right (see: Laura Loomer and Rebel Media, though to be fair they were shit.)

Bottom line -and I say this as an atheist- you probably shouldn't be taking moral, ethical or really any kind of advice from someone who bases their online identity around satan, demons, or some other symbol of evil.

BO never ever btw

You're a faggot for knowing all that useless junk

listen modshills

I don't give a fuck this belongs on Holla Forums

I want it on Holla Forums

ya don't like that?

then frig off

The 'argument' has more to do with Kraut's belief that there isn't a racial factor in determining variable intelligence. He wanted another lolcow to milk for his youtube shekels so he turned to 'btfoing dumby dumby alt right' while saying stupid shit like pregnancy in trout, donkeys being a subspecies of horses, needing to find the iq gene and so forth. If you want a good debunking check out JF Gariepy (long but fun), and Alternative Hypothesis which I linked.

An interesting point that Jim didn't mention in his video (probably because it's fairly new info) is that Someblackguy wanted to MUH DIK Rage, but she wasn't having any of it and posted that race realism video. His reaction is speculated to be one of the catalysts for le skeptics ganging up on her.

Anyway here's a Holla Forums pasta:
isnt it strange that the only factor that could hurt your feelings has NOTHING to do with race or genetics
wow really makes you think.

You don't seem dumb enough to be an atheist tbh.


Youtube kino is Holla Forums related

These retards barely even talk about politics. They just make videos calling others dumb and dismiss others who call them names. They are all centrists and deserve to have their channels shut down.
I would rather have a conversation with a hardcore commie than any of these fools

You have to look at this from their perspective. The idea of race was endlessly drilled into their heads as this superficial thing that only racist white people cared about. Then their entire worldview is based on this idea that every human is fundamentally the same. So when race is recognized as a function it completely blows apart their whole worldview and they lose their mind at that. When you honestly believe that public schools are the greatest thing ever and the only reason they fail is because of lack of funding or whatever, and somebody tries to explain to that niggers are dumb and no amount of funding can fix that, it really fucks with them. If they were to accept that it's such a major conflict in their minds. Just from our point of view thinking about the state of demographics in America is incredibly depressing. But when you're a dumb public school product who so values "equality" and all these pet things like healthcare and you're asked to recognize race, it ruins all of that. At least we have solutions. They can't even comprehend it. You ever watch a normie try and explain away violent crime statistics? They can't and what they do is just ignore it. Asking people to reject their brainwashing and reject their worldview based on that brain washing is a huge deal. Like all these Trump supporters know instinctively that we need to control the border but they don't really have a reason for it, and they certainly won't touch the race question. Denial of this isn't even limited to leftists. Almost everybody went to public school.

Yeah because Jim really gives a shit about his image? Great example of perfect being the enemy of the good. The fucking Rebel was garbage kike controlled media to begin with. He wasn't even punching right by talking about it. If anything he was doing the opposite. There's plenty of drama he could pull from actual alt right circles but he doesn't. Jim is just a guy who makes videos and that;s what he's always done. He's one of the last real YouTube personalities left in that respect.

Fuck all of this e-celeb drama. Here is a YouTube channel about a guy who actually knows his shit

because Judeo-Marxism/Christianity.

>only notable civilizatio was Egypt wich was pretty much built by Yurop decendants don't even try to give me that we wus kangz sheit
Nogs had thousands of years to build an empire way before they ever met whitey and they did jack shit with it, yet you expect me to believe their are my equals?
Detroit, Harlem, Brazilian favelas, Haiti, wherever niggers go they nig up the place, trying to argue aginst that undeniable fact is like trying to defend communism after all the times it has ended in a bloodbath

It goes deeper than what you think.
He's incapable of accepting that intelligence is linked to genetics because that final step would align him with people that have been portrayed as IRL super villians.
If he applied basic skepticim to the opposite side of the problem intelligence is genetic = nazis did everything wrong, the equation would equal out and he wouldn't be so crazy.

Based vol

Get fucked vol

What are you even whining about you impotent little cunt?

Your tears sustain me.

stop locking my threads :(

What threads are even being locked?
Are you spamming shit or something?

You can beg better than that.

wew lad
I like conservatives a lot more than libshits but they're certainly not reasonable. Have you ever met one? They're the biggest fucking warmongers and Israel shills, it's ridiculous.

Hey vol, I know this topic isn't strictly Holla Forums related, but it's definitely youtube related and let's face it, youtube is this generation's television.

Anyway, /cow/ is a shitshow, Holla Forums is overrun by shills, Holla Forums threads don't last long enough. Could you possibly let the threads continue to be discussed here?


Holla Forums isn't so fast we can't discuss it there. And I'm OP. If mods are deciding to do their jobs here we should be thanking them.

Is Homor still an admin there posting really weak personal army threads about youtubers and communities he doesn't like, editing posts and banning people and then screeching they're autistic and that's why what they said has to be hidden?

Is criticizing communism or pointing out Chris-chan's poltical beliefs still bannable?

Is there still a "right-wing lolcow" thread that doesn't name any actual lolcows but instead names a bunch of random millionaires like Glenn Beck as "right-wing lolcows" when you could at least be naming a legit one like Iconoclast?

That board has a looooong history of shit administration, way before it was on 8ch, and from what I've seen and heard, they've learned absolutely nothing.

All the BO has done recently is put up fucking annoying meme filters, other than that the board's moderation is really loose.
The only think that's accurate on your list is the right-wing thread but even then that was created by a user and it's mostly shitposting, anybody can create threads.

She was called Basedmom, and she stopped being called that (and being relevant) after GamerGate died down in 2015.