Conversations With Normalfags



Fuck I am old.

You're talking to other people right now.


You can't even prove you're human.
And no, fags and niggers aren't humans.


Oooolrity then.

You sound like a normalnog

Here's another one that pissed me off.

That's a better attitude than faggots ("retro gamers") who behave like a game before their time is completely within their time.

Did you tell him it was designed to be played on a fucking controller?

Will you fight, or will you perish like a dog?

Who the hell takes screens of such a long conversation holy fuck.
Like what the fuck who cares.

How do you fags with friends find people who like video games and aren't insufferable to be around?

Even after explaining why I rather play older games, in this case it was about Fallout 4 and why it is such a clusterfuck of shit.

Rats pass their genes too!

Fortunately, I have forced myself to accrue enough knowledge about literature and leave as little memorabilia identifiable as video games as possible that I can pretty much avoid this issue whenever someone brings it up.

He's not even really a normalfag, he just has shitty taste in games.

There's been a thread today already about how retrofags are unbearable. And while I somewhat agree they we can get very annoying and a bit distorted by nostalgia this seems kind of off.

To be fair, there are much worse games than fallout 3. He could have said his favorite game was Minecraft or something.

Compared to previous TES games Oblivion with guns and Oblivion with guns 2: We have gekkos edition were really fucking good.
Problems is most people who love it didn't play real Fallout games or and real RPG for that matter.

>>>Holla Forums

Is this a joke?

I've only beaten Super Mario Bros. by savescumming. Which circle of hell will I go to?

There's nothing wrong with liking old shit unless you use it as an identity like a fucking retarded hipster and know jack shit about said old shit.

Never talk about video games outside of the internet.


Not even a little.

Not even if the person initiates the conversation with a game you like and hasn't said anything negative or controversial and shows no evidence of doing so.

Just don't talk about it.

Hide it deep inside like you were meant to.

Are you implying that Holla Forums isn't full of insufferable faggots?
Are you implying that Holla Forums doesn't have shit taste in video games?
Are you actually implying that you're friends with people from Holla Forums?

i have superior taste then the unwashed normalfags minds and play cutting edge games that people are unaware of

I want /a/ to stay.

Literally had this conversation a month ago. It boiled me inside of how retarded it was. Even more so when I heard that people like having less options when talking about marketing. How do these people breath?

I found a tabletop gaming group by random conversation at my college cafeteria
they're mostly pretty chill and have decent taste in vidya, cartoons, and animu

I'd love to debate him over why NV is a much better game than FO3 (and so many other things), but every time I open my mouth to try and speak an opinion, I just spew unintelligible nonsense. It's like I need to write a goddamned essay, but if I ever tried to get him to read it he'd just call me an autist or something.

Sage for blogpost.

It's not even hard just fucking sit down one day and beat it properly.

I always enjoy sharing this story when the idea of video game players from across generations comes up.

Several years ago I was at a birthday party for a friend's father. Cool dude from the military that was an electronics technician for some time. Me being an engineer we could at least talk to eachother on those grounds.
Anyway, it was an 80's themed party so it was an excuse to dress rad and for my friend to bust out an Atari. Now, I have no problems playing Atari (I was born in 86, been playing games since I was 5) and pretty much every game i've ever known really shares the same principals. So it was fun to play that and whatever. Since the party goers were all nearing or past their mid 20's there were some kids who were put into another room of the house with a Wii to pacify them. This room was the master bedroom and had the only (at that time) working bathroom in the house so I had to pass through this place. On my way to the toilet I saw the kids were trying to figure out what to play, the oldest was around 8 and the couple of others couldn't have been younger than 5. I knew the Wii had a few of the old Mario games on there so I put on Mario 3 (my personal favorite) and went on to use the bathroom.

When I came back, I watched as the children were completely confused and unable to play this simple game. They were holding the wii controller right for playing a classic game but to jump they were flicking their hands up, as if to use the motion controls of the Wii.
This actually blew my mind, not only because it was something I never expected but because they didn't even attempt to use any buttons other than the D-pad and I have to assume that was discovered by accident. I went over and showed them how they had to press the buttons to jump and run. They looked at me pretty much like the pic here.
One of the other kids said "This is stupid" and proceeded to grab the i-pad on the bed and fuck around on a game there to which the kids were immediately drawn.

I then left that room, went on to drink, and talked about cleaning leaf switches with the birthday-boy and played more Atari.

It's one of those forgotten lessons from the old days of the internet, like don't give out your name in chat or tell people where you live; don't reveal your powerlevel by bringing up something in conversation that people are either completely ignorant of and backslash or have horrible opinions on.

How did the 7th gen manage to completely destroy gaming? Everything was fine during the 6th gen, suddenly the Wii and the 360 release and everything goes straight to shit. Was it just the games? The gimmicks? I just don't understand.

this. I never talk to anyone about video games besides my fam or friends who bring it up, It just feels weird talking about them with strangers and the massive increase of people playing them is freakier


I'm convinced the Wii is the reason why my nephew cannot understand the concept that pressing a button makes a certain thing happen. Whenever we play anything he constantly asks what the controls are and he cannot seem to grasp that like the A button jumps. He is also always standing and jumping and freaking out when playing video games. I think in his brain actions other than moving are tied to motions so anything that isn't pressing the d-pad he just can't understand.

There's nothing wrong with this statement. Old games that you didn't play when released will always be less enjoyable than games that you did play when released. Example: some people will never enjoy Deus Ex, merely because they weren't alive or able to play it when or around when it was released. Now, with Mario it's different, anyone can enjoy it, but that's because it's such a simple, basic game, you don't even need to beat it to know the extent of the gameplay.


This is actually pretty surprising to many people but those older games weren't really that long at all. I noticed this by surprising myself a few times and then talking to others but the perception that those older games were somehow super hard or had a good amount of game time to them is a bit misleading.

A bunch of that worship for retro games really comes from nostalgia clouding up memories. Those games seemed like they took forever because you, as a snot nosed brat, kept dying all the time and having to start all over again. Being such a brat was why you kept dying.

I found myself going back to old games I never beat as a kid and running through them in about an hour or two tops. While drinking. While STREAMING the runs. I'm not even particularly good at games. These were games that plagued me forever as a child, too.
So I don't know, man…either my skills have become that much better over the decades or those old games really weren't as amazing and long as I thought they were.

I don't even like seed, but I could just tell for the backpack and the colour

you're forgetting no one really owned a wii, most of the people who are "gamers" look at nintendo consoles and go "isn't that for kids?"

casuals are more attracted to devices like the PS3 and the 360

I think every single user here believes he is the one with superior taste, and I pity those who don't.

To be fair, the mobile ports of Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and Sonic CD are really good versions of the game

Except the Wii was fairly popular as a home exercise device for quite a few normalfags, especially moms.

That is definitely possible, however I have known plenty of people that have taken forever to learn game controls. Forgetting what button does what action even halfway through the game.
Might just be brain problems.

Kinda sucks to find out you are just broken.

It's sad, isn't it? Most children nowadays don't even know how to use any electronics that don't have a touch screen

Wasn't the Wii the best selling console of the 7th gen?

Kinda sucks to find out you aren't on >>>/r9k/

It's a fucking honor to.

Nice blogpost and eric facebook frog.

I don't hate women though

everyone's broken user, sometimes i wish i was a normalfag, but i can't fucking stand how shallow they are.

At least I've somehow conquered loneliness, probably out of pure cynicism.


Unless they dated you out of utter pity/ignorance, I refuse to believe you.

we are /r9k/ mode now

i can't necessarily be mad at normalfags for being normalfags, many were taught wrong their whole lives.

the example in OP sounds like a pretty close minded individual though

So, by your own definition, I'm talking with an animal you nigger fag ?

You can't be telling me that being able to learn and remember the controls of a game in the first try is an actual skill now, right?

maybe he has money or a big dong

I've never once felt lonely in my entire life, just bored.

I don't understand the pain of not having friends or a lover. I made at least 3 long over the course of my life and I didn't feel anything change about the way I feel.

They tell me I'm attractive in a Jared Leto sort of way. I don't see it.

Once they find out I'm a loser though, they GGPO

You'd think it would have been the 360 with all the times people would have had to buy it again.

I don't think that's really much of the case. As we saw with the change from the Wii to the WiiU and the luke-warm reception of the Steam controller there are just certain things that can really only have a certain interface that feels good and makes sense. There is a certain feedback people need/want when it comes to some things.
That being said, I do see VR bringing back a resurgence of motion controls and ultimately I'm looking at augmented reality (AR) games to start cropping up more and more as a result.
I don't really mind the advance of technology in these ways. I kind of grew up on Star Trek (TNG, Voyager, DS9) so i'm excited to see new and more advanced interfaces.

I dunno I played Deus Ex and Xenogears in like 2010 and they're both among my favorite games of all time. I also played Deus Ex HR and enjoyed it as well, though not as much as the 1st game.

I remember when I was first taught about the internet and how to use it to "never ever give out my real information". I remember having multiple aliases memorized to fill out bullshit forms. When the fuck did this stop I can't help but think that the internet would be a lot better off if everyone on it was anonymous.

Well it's 2 things the older games were never long that really only started happening during the PSX/N64 days. Even the console JRPGs of the day were only like 20 hours long tops. Older games maintained their length by being challenging or being confusing. They either hid shit really well and made you look for stuff or forced you to learn the skills necessary to complete the game. These games were so hard because even if you were not a child at the time these were the first games of their types at the time. They had to teach you new concepts and skills that you never used before like in Mario 64 there are actually several parts in the game where the "challenge" is to walk in a straight line across a plank. Nowadays after everyone using sticks for the last 20 years this is no longer a challenge. Or like how people who go back and play Demons' Souls for the 1st time after beating DaS 1-3 finding it extremely easy. They've already played those games and know how they work now so the game that taught these mechanics is now extremely easy.

Depends, do you have any family members you can talk to regularly?

I hate faggots and cunts for being stupid or even retarded if they refuse to think differently, end of story. Whatever shitty upbringing or culture responsible doesn't mean anything.

I have a group of friends I use to watch Jojo an movies with. A Nintendofag, a Sonygger, and a Blizzard Drone. I just talk with them about our mutual interests (AM2R with the Nintendofag, Dragon's Crown with the Sonygger, Diablo 2 with the Blizzard drone)


Not really. I basically just had my brother to talk to things about only on rare occasion. As I grew older it seemed like my cousins I love the shit out of managed to remain blissfully ignorant about the rest of the world, especially socjus cultist shit, until recent years.

Now he's moved out and I've only just recently visited them.

Just write down your thoughts, user. In doing so, you'll get them in order, and you'll have a better chance at expressing them fluently.

Cheer up, faggot


What the fuck. I was born in 1991 and I enjoy a lot of games that were made before that.

You should see the kind of faggots I have to share oxygen with.

Tough luck user, you either become an amoral, greedy bastard or you get kicked out now.

Things will get better when you have to spend more time actually working, helping people and earning sweet money than talking with egotistical normalfags.

t. Law School Graduate

Why wouldn't it be?
You'd actually be surprised how many things you take for granted are actually developed and honed skills that you picked up either directly or more likely indirectly as a result of just how you've lived your life. Of course the more varied and ranged your experiences and interests are the more these all pile on top of each other in ways you are very likely not conscious of.

Where did my life go?
Anyway, that kind of feeds into my first reply in this post. However, I would say that the controls of any given game are part of the game itself. If a game company decides to shove the same control scheme and play design on games they pump out then of course it will be easier. But I don't think they transition well enough from complete different games.
I find myself generally scoffing, 80% of the time, at people who complain about the way a game controls. The reason being that it often turns out to be a case of the very thing you describe. They have experience in the genre and thus other games, they get to a particular game and they're expecting the controls to work like that previous game. They never learn how the new game controls and thus end up shitting all over that control scheme.
In truth, the only BAD game controls are game controls that act inconsistent or are less than responsive.


It's all about discovery. When these games were released, the discovery was still there, exploration, curiosity, all untouched. The mystic feeling of finding a new way to get past an area, or an exploit that will make the game much easier, that's gone when you're playing a twenty, ten, hell even a half-year old game. With platformers, arcade shooters, and other "shallow", basic games, this emptiness, this void doesn't exist.

It's not just video games, user. The transformation from child to adult, exploring the world, science, all have been advanced to the point of boredom. Knowledge takes away enjoyment, pleasure, happiness, and leaves only boredom, yearning, and sadness.

Get out before they show you the wonders of Judaism.

It's always about dicks with you little sluts.


I'm honestly worried that the generation of kids growing up on Ipad games will result in future games having no interaction beyond pressing a single button every once in awhile. My niece always asks to play games with me, but whenever I get one set up she can't figure out how the controls work because she only knows Ipad games. She'll just press a button once and stare at the screen, expecting something to happen. She can't grasp the concept of moving a character and pressing a button at the same time. So far the only thing that's worked is Galaga, where I move the ship and she presses the fire button.

Given, she is only four years old, but when I was that age I was playing Super Star Wars without too much trouble. Maybe I just have autism. Every doctor I've ever been to said I don't, but you never know. The definition of autism seems to change every day.

I can agree with this it's also why I kind of hate that every game of the same genre controls completely the same now. It just seems incredibly lazy and limiting. I don't really blame them though remember when Killzone 2 (which wasn't a great game) had different controls and everyone threw a fucking shit fit?

You're overthinking it user. Not just because you know about a game that came before will it make you unable to appreciate it at its best. Your little theory would work if we actually knew everything about that game, which in most cases we don't. For example, someone probably hasn't played Deus Ex, and has heard of it before. That doesn't mean that he knows all the exploits or plot related information. In that case (which is what mostly happens) he can enjoy the game properly like all did back when it was released, whether he likes it or not being a matter of taste.


Remember when each company had worthwhile exclusives to compete with each other?

Luckily all my nephews seem generally interested in older games the only problem is they have no strive to learn shit and get better at it. So most of the time they'll play for 30 minutes or be unable to make any progress and quit in frustration. Though I don't know if this is because of iPad shit training them to expect immediate gratification or it's just them having an overwhelming amount of choice of games or shit to watch. I know if I had all the games I had now when I was a kid when I got stuck I would just drop the game for an easier one.

How do I stage an intervention

also another friend

Oh they probably do get along. We are excused to think otherwise since we are in Holla Forums of all places

There's one thing that can go wrong, one fatal error. What if he gets stuck? What if he encounters a bug or an error? He'll look it up, find the wiki, and with just one click of a hyperlink, he'll know the entirety of the storyline, how deep the gameplay goes, and every possible solution for every possible situation.

user your friend might be clinically retarded, I think the most humane thing to do would be to put him down

I don't even try to argue with them anymore, they are too fucking retarded to have a competent conversation with.

I have more stories like this if you want them.

Ah screw it. user, write your goddamned essay, I want to read it


You think wikis just show you all the plot important developments in the front page. Even then, he would have to read the entire storyline while looking for what to do, one which normally is written from start to finish, or even watch a walkthrough, which is done like that too

Remind him that there are millions of Krokodil users in the world.

You can't force stupid to unfuck itself, user. Either he'll continue to get burned until one day he realises how badly his inability to think rationally is harming him or he'll blindly continue down the same stupid paths because his defensiveness and ego prevents him from taking the necessary introspection that would result in change.

I have only ever played Killzone 1 (remember how it was being marketed as a Halo killer?) and the Killzone that went with the release of the PS4 (which was a mistake…) so I don't know.
I will say that I don't disagree with that sentiment of people flipping out over a control scheme though.

When you're playing a game that is a sequel in a series you should be able to reasonably expect the same or at least vastly similar control scheme. A control scheme shouldn't be changed unless its adding something to the over all game. Now of course if you do a complete shift like from 2D to 3D (Mario and Zelda) then that should be somewhat ignored.
But here, let me give you examples:
Metal Gear Solid has been a series that has constantly evolved and changed. Each time a new one came out there were things added to the control scheme that added to the overall game and it never took away from the expectations of the control scheme from the previous games.
Now, I do have experience in a sudden control change/shift that made me angry. Gears of War was a game series I really enjoyed. Its a popcorn game through and through and not to be taken seriously and for 3 games it had a very recognizable control scheme. Some small tweaks here and there but nothing that really changed it at its core.
Gears of War: Judgement came out and it was completely unrecognizable. It was as if they ripped the control scheme from Halo or Call of Duty or some other game. It didn't FIT the game any longer.

I want more pictures of Totori. If you have stories to go with them then that's okay too.

Whose this seamen demon user

Shit it aint my fault my old games are better than the shit they keep pumping out these days

I've always found it somewhat interesting that necrotic flesh like that is just … black and dead. It hasn't rotted, it just looks like charred wood.

is this real

The average normalfag dislikes having to think for himself. He'd rather have the TV or other subjects of authority tell him what to do and behave like a good little boy.

When he's presented with hundreds of choices he has to make himself, the normalfag is overwhelmed and mentally shuts down.

It can happen. I had a game-breaking bug in Morrowind once, looked up the solution and my eyes caught everything about the quest that I had yet to do. Now there's no reason to go back and actually do that quest legitimately, I'll just skip all dialogue and get it over as fast as possible. What if he has a bug just before the game is just about to pull a twist, or a humongous element is about to be added, or a new feature is revealed? Chances are it will mention this on the page for that specific instance. This can break games.

I agree that those games do have too much shit in them and they ruin the game. However that doesn't mean that having a lot of stuff makes a game bad. It is just done poorly in those games and them having to have so much shit is the reason why everything in the game is incredibly middling and bland.

Sadly, yes. It's more common than people like to admit. normalfags will often get paralyzed by choice. This is why so many games have been "streamlined" to be more linear and hand-holdy. If your target demographic is the mass-market then you don't want to chase off customers by making them feel stupid or confused due to them being overwhelmed by the heady act of having to make choices for themselves.

Can't help you there user, and if you were stupid enough to read further than what was actually necessary, then it's your fault

But why? Being able to make choices is the best part of gaming. One playthrough I'm a warrior that cleaves shit apart in one hit, the next I'm a wizard with stupid effects that make me unkillable. And after that, I make a minmax build that exploits the game mechanics and play it on my own terms and get ahead of the power curve. It's just so fun

The only acceptable games to talk about are arcade games in irl, preferably ones in your area.
It's pretty easy to pickup chicks with Mortal Kombat.


my mom met this guy and started dating, he has a 13 yo son and they come from time to time to spend the night here so i told the kid if he heard about dark souls, and he said "yeah i heard it's really hard so i didnt play it"
so i just made him sit and play

he literally spent 10 minutes trying to get out of the cell, he was just pressing Q at the door, and it's not like he was 7 - 8 years old, he was FUCKING 13, i actually had to tell him to search the little room for the body, i dont even know how he didnt think of interacting with the glowing light on the floor, even when he had the "pick up item" chart appear when he moved close to it, i just told him to quit the game

I'm sorry, that is the only picture I have got.

I'll describe another time when normalfag friends shit me to tears.

Another smaller one

Fuck CS;GO, I want to make a Counter Strike Source thread to make more people aware of the absolutely amazing maps and modes this game has.

Hes not even my friend he just bandwagons in the group of friends that hes like fucking 19 and we're 21 going to bars and shit. Fuck that dude


Why not invite friends and have fun playing games as you drink beer that's superior to the overpriced piss they sell in bars?

I'm honestly not sure. It could be that they're so used to being told what to do that they can't actually function without someone explicitly telling them what they're meant to do in a given situation.

Another possibility is the dilemma that children face with Halloween candy. Sometimes kids will get a huge haul of candy on Halloween, bring it all home, empty it out to view their hoard and then their parents tell the kid they can only eat a certain amount so they don't spend the night vomiting everywhere. This leads to the child spending a moment thinking and then breaking down into screaming tears. They're not crying because of the restriction, per se, but because if any choice they make is simultaneously a choice to not take the rest of the candy immediately. So they freeze up, get frustrated and start screaming. Mentally, a lot of adults are just children who grew taller, so they face the same problem if you give them too many choices or options. You have to step in and prune away the majority of the choices for them so they can decide for themselves.


I miss being able to enjoy stuff Nintendo made.

I'm paralyzed by decisions because i always seem to make the wrong one

Reflecting onto real life, people like being told what to do. It gives them direction and its also under the assumption that if they do what they're told then they will achieve. No normalfag wants to go through a choice that might have a negative consequence. All they want to do is win without risks. Why bother going through 8 different options when a person you assume have your best interests, can pick one for you?

This is how most people get ripped off or scammed.

They might end up like SEGA.

Making shit for years before they end up hiring devs who know what the fuck they're doing and what people love about their franchises.

Sonic Mania

babby's first fallacy.

Welcome to philosophy, nignog

Fuck off parasite.

Well they're definitely continuing the trend of devs aligning themselves politically with bullshit just in time for them to go to shit as a developer.

I'm actually cautiously optimistic about the new Zelda game

I'm not sure it will be good and I'm not sure it will be bad

I played enough wii to know only the base games like wii sports could only be played with motion controls. All others, even fucking rayman raving rabbids, required button presses.

I hope so too.

That's pretty good considering Jared Leto really is hot.

Your horse is so high that it has died of asphyxiation, and you have beaten its 600k foot long leg all the way to China like a giant toothpick skewering the Earth like a martini olive.

too bad he'd never ever get a pc for gaymen so he won't be able to play morrowind or other crpgs. the most i can do is get him to play other obsidian titles

Sometimes they may find a game that actually interesting and not the regular bullshit. You just have to get used to seeing shit taste, I can take Fallout 4 and Last of Us fags because there are so many, I just enjoy my games and try to show the light while seeing if they have any taste at all.

They didn't have the actual ability to make games so they ride off of group popularity instead of talent.

I've never beaten any sort of classical mario game. I'd play a few levels and get bored with the gameplay.

Commander Keen was more interesting.

user, I'm telling you this now, so that you don't hurt yourself more in the future. Kids are fucking retards. We're so fucking retarded. Never trust a child to do anything, anything at all.


you're not wrong

But that's wrong.


wherever you go on the internet is being logged by the ISP anyway.
Your paranoia is in service of nothing.

Your sister now thinks you're a pedophile just because you don't want companies to spy on you

I only beaten the allstars version of it. Because young me thought it was the best idea ever to put maple syrup in the NES

Post tits

Go buy yourself a mirror and then fuck yourself while staring into it. The rationale for streamlining games and removing choices has been directly stated by both devs and players before. It's not being on a high horse to point out an issue that's already been acknowledged. But to pretend it doesn't exist so you can judge others for speaking about it? Maybe you should get off your own damn high horse.


But user

I am a pedophile

If you were a pedophile you'd be using a VPN.

Open Syrup
Open NES
Use Syrup on NES

His ISP still knows and thus anyone with money (read, the NSA) but at least a whole bunch of other people don't, but would you rather look at cute girls on a stage or on CNN.



I hate how much I can relate to this

I don't know man I was like 9.

Guess the kind of people who say that wouldn't mind getting doxxed then

Are you Josh?

Nice paragraph explaining how gay you are, faggot.

There's actual research behind the paradox of choice.

EX: You go to the supermarket & have 20 cereal boxes to choose from. You mull it over & decide. Upon getting home you have some but you can't shake the feeling that one of the other 19 brands of cereal could have been better.

Same reason people have vidya backlogs. Too many games & people just freeze up & choose nothing.

So this guy gets 4K a week to ruin other people's art? Truly it is the end times.

This definitely happens a lot to me.


I've met people who don't watch any anime past 2004 or play any game that isn't from Gen 6 or above

Only happens to me with PC games since there's so many.

I have a couple of normalfag friends to help ease the terrible void of loneliness and pain that is life. Most of the time they aren't too bad or all that ridiculous but I've heard them say a good amount of cancerous things.

He dropped down to $2,938 per week, but he's still garbage. Remember the art when Infinity next would have an error like 404? It had a girl and some static background. That was made by Kuvshinov-Ilya.

I think anime right now is actually really good it can't compete with my cherry-picked nostalgia of everything that came before of course. However I have been enjoying every season a lot more nowadays. Which sucks because now shit is already starting about how anime needs to completely change if it wants to be taken seriously.

That's still enough to live without a real job.

This is my thought process. If i'am in the mood for something chocolate, then that cuts down my choices by half at the very least. The other 10 while having chocolate, are different kinds. Coco Puffs, Coco Rice Krispies, and others but I want Rice Krispies version. So now there is 3. All are practically the same but different brand names. And then I just choose the cheapest or has the most quantity then go about my day because they're literally the same but under different name.

Its called process of elimination. You telling me normalfags cant do something they were taught in elementary school? Let alone do research before shopping?

Like shit. I only freeze and choose nothing is when im making a huge monetary investment without prior research. Like a console years back. PS2 or Xbox? I didnt know what decent games are for what so I chose neither and slept on it.

She already puts every single detail of her life up on Facebook and fucking Tumblr anyway. She got super pissy with me a few years ago when she found out I read her tumblr, but instead of realizing it's a bad idea to share personal information online, she just changed the URL as if that would stop me from finding it again.

It's hilarious how little she cares for her own privacy and the usability of the internet. She uses Google Chrome and Windows 10, and didn't even have an adblocker until I forced her to install one a few years ago. She had daddy buy her a new laptop after her old one "just stopped working", and when I asked her if she reinstalled adblock on the new one she replied "I don't know".

I want to kill her

i used to watch him and thought he was good. As someone who draws too i'm even more enraged.

It reminds me of that pic about playtesters who didn't know what to do in Dishonored. I don't know how they just stopped trying to stop testing the limits of a game beause an npc told them to not go somewhere. How hard is it to stop playing it like a stealth game, and "follow the rules", and have more fun just causing chaos?

it's wrong.

I don't get it. Is this all he does? I mean I understand if it's a once every so often thing, but if this is all he does it's just sad.

I think you're on the wrong site all together user. Have you tried 4chins?

post tumblr

and this was caused by drugs & NOT frostbite? Holy fuck, that's a hell of a drug.

NV is piece of shit with different color scheme and shitty fan service in the form of monsters and items from F1 and 2.
It's better than F3, but still is a mod for Oblivion.

I will give you he phone shit, but early sonics do have issues with the amount of room in front of your character

Get her fired by pointing out something on her facebook or tumbler that she shouldn't have posted. It's harsh, but you have to burn that kind of lesson into someone's brain.

You know that's how you attract retards right?

Shh don't interrupt the autists delusions of grandeur it'll bring them back down to reality that they're actually worthless piles of shit and they'll get pissy, like this faggot>>10358452

You guys are getting dangerously close to the level of mental defective you're talking about.

I'm ashamed to admit, I don't know who she is. I saved a cute girl on impulse.

No, they don't. Stop playing on an emulator on top of playing on some lag ridden HDTV & stop running nonstop like a spaz. Input lag & having a good balance between running & jumping are literally 90% of it. Nobody ever complained that "sonic games give you no time to react to shit" when I was a kid.

This is an entirely new phenomena.

That's meruru you idiots

Ilya is a man's name!

Go back to reddit, you aren't a special snowflake, you're normal too.

I'm sorry?

Oh and one thing I forgot to mention with is (((Schwartz))).

Truman Show


Whaling is inhumane, user.

Only time I engage with them is if they want to small talk or I need something done.

Thankfully for me I'm not a full blown autist and can engage in conversation well enough to not come off as an awkward faggot, but aside from that socializing it pure hell.

Jacking it to anime characters, loving my waifu, and playing vidya you fucking faggot fuck you for saying "MUH HOBBY IS SPORTZ" you nigger.


Mario Bros is the most normal fag game ever made. Mario is better known than Mickey, cripes, you're the normal fag for thinking it's a distinction.

Wait are you saying he can't draw? Because he very clearly can, he just uses references and at times traces because it's easy to earn Patreon money.

I'm a nihilist, so I really don't hold any opinion of him based solely on this practice, if anything I respect him for finding a way to exploit Patreon idiots for money. I understand why some people might see him as a scumbag, and admittedly by those standards yeah, he is.

However, all that doesn't boil down to him not being a good, experienced artist. He clearly is.

I have crippling depression and I run a gore board, I'm pretty sure I don't fit the definition.


in fairness the universe it gonna die by heat death in a couple trillion years anyways


we can't solve that, but we can help future generations solve it by actually doing something to maintain the human race

would you have preferred this instead

ok user we suspected you were retarded now we know you're retarded

oh look, you have two reaction images instead of one as I originally thought

Well we just make our own universe. 5th dimension travel, bitch.

It's better to have backlog than not.
I've allmost ran out of games on mine despite there being almost 100~ at the start of this year in it and it freaks me out because once i do i have no new vidya to play!

Just fucking do it!
and i dont even speak with nostalgia on le chinese cartoons. fuck sakes i started watching those back in 2009 starting with Code fucking Geass


Every single thing we learn about the Universe every year hammers more and more nails into the coffin of that stupid "FTL travel" and "wormhole teleportation" bullshit.

You're going to have to understand at some point that dreams are just that - dreams.

There's still JoJo I guess

Most of my normalfag experiences are over music, if video games ever come up around my work it's usually just some normalfags saying how they don't get it or some shit. Shortly after Pokemon Go came out, though, there was a day that I ran into a ton of normalfags who absolutely detested it. On the way to work I was flipping through the radio and landed on a news story full of old people railing against the game. One of them said something along the lines of "I just don't see why everyone's so obsessed with catching another… level 9 Asian cartoon, or whatever. You know? I just don't see why it matters".

Then I get to work, and while I'm on my half I overhear a loud pack of Chads discussing the game. One of them saw his friend playing it and barked, "You playing that stupid new Pokemon game? That's so fucking stupid man". The other Chad just sheepishly replied that yeah, he liked it. Finally, I'm reading something on my phone and a co-worker comes up and asks, "You playing that new Pokemon game?". I said no, because I don't have much interest for it, and she responds with "Good, that means you have a life".

What in the goddamn happened to get normalfags so riled up about that game? I thought it was the most popular, normal thing in the universe yet people were still getting their panties in a twist over it. If anything it made it very clear that having any vaguely nerdy interests outside of movies or television still make you a target for disgruntled normalfags to preach at. Apologies for the long-ass blogpost.

what about re:zero?

He's right for the wrong reasons. The first game is the worst of the classic three, but only because Sega was trying to hit their stride and figure out what to do.

Conversations with Normalfags

No i dont, i like Daggerfall and Descent
And i like Morrowind and Tribes.
I like Savage and E.Y.E

Why must fucking old Nintendo Games be the face of gamers?

normalfags thats why.

after reading this thread, I'm surprised any of you have friends outside of Holla Forums


I've had the same experience, people I work with hate Pokemon Go.

Personally i don't care, I don't have a smart phone so I don't play it.


From experience, you don't talk about your hobbies with people at work because they always find a way to shit on you for it, unless it's something common/acceptable

Then why the fuck are you here faggot?

That gave me shivers, god damn.



i would have accepted

There's definitely been times when I've gone to the store for something I don't normally get, realize they have 8000 kinds of it, can't decide on one, and then get something else entirely.

Anyway, I don't talk to people unless they talk to me first in general, but I remember one time in high school, I saw this cute girl on the bus wearing a Pikachu shirt, so I was like, "hey nice shirt, how 'bout them pokeymans?" and she responded with a little giggle and "oh, I don't play it, I just think it's cute."
My face immediately contorted into a look of pure contempt and anger, which I still have to this day. I just shook my head, turned away from her, and nothing was ever good again.

Why are you friends with these dumb niggers? Are you that desperate?

Sonic has always been shit though. It's just an experience, the only real challenge comes when you interrupt the pacing. Other than that, you're just running in a straight line and going in loops.

It's a fun game to look at but there's no real substance to it. It's a game that appeals to autistic and ADHD children.

I know this "sonic was never good" started a while back but to me it's the climax of the shitty, unable to git gud, game audience that exists today
Those games aren't perfect by any means, but i beat them all growing up and when i go back and play them today i still find them perfectly playable
To me this sounds like a "i refuse to adapt" problem

Which one?

Don't worry about it so much user most of the time all the choices are wrong in my experience.


By that I mean, if any shit ever comes up we'll rip it apart before otaku can even unleash their wrath upon these retarded hypocritical prudes.

Well user it's cool to say you're a nerd but it's still not cool to be a nerd. Hide your power level at whatever the cost.

I really want to know where the retarded "You can't see the spikes" meme started.

You know, I keep seeing lots of people saying that they just don't talk to "normalfags" so I have to wonder just how many of you actually have jobs?
Go outside?
Have anything you're doing with your life in any way at all?

Where the hell do you work where Pokemon Go was so frowned upon? Shit, where I was at it was met with, at worse, a neutral disinterested response but generally most of the people enjoy the game.

Do you work with people one or two generations older than you?
Or are you working with highschool kids trying to pull the "i'm so mature" card that little brats like to pull?

How can you ignore all the branching paths and secrets in the enormous levels, and the boss fights, and the platforming and the special stages?
Why are you pretending that the times where you are holding right is THE REAL GAME and everything that's actually good is some kind of detrimental interruption?

I hope I don't meet this shit in real life, so I can continue passing this off as bait.


I wonder if that hurts or if they don't feel it anymore

Heard a couple minute ago
No matter who you are you know from the first 5 words it's a shit opinion, even if you like JRPGs, even if you like several FFs for that matter.

It must be pretty a great drug if people are willing to risk this kind of harm for it.

why don't you give me an argument as to why you think games aren't being streamlined and simplified then?
and no claiming me to be on a high horse doesn't count as an argument

The funny thing is you seem rather positive for being so fatalistic. Me, on the other hand, I believe in a neverending cycle of life and death. Even after the universe dies from expansion, I believe it will pull itself back together in a big crunch, then explode in another big bang.

And I believe that life will rise once again, perhaps even as a total repeat, down to the same message I'm typing.

But that belief in the continuation of life doesn't come with happiness. Only weariness and disgust at how pain and suffering and meaninglessness will never truly end.

Perhaps thinking it will all end permenantly is better than thinking it will go on forever. At least there's an end to suffering in the way you see things.

fuck off user you're not old because you played nes you're probably not even forty go back to buzzfeed

This reminds me of a classmate of mine back in high school.

We were 16, back then I had already finished Full Throttle (the Lucas Arts adventure game), he got interested in it and I took my copy to his house, if he liked it I'd lend the disc to him.

It was his first point-and-click adventure game. I knew he would suck, but not so much. He had watched me playing Indiana Jones and King's Quest VI before, he knew the basics.
He spent more than 10 minutes trying to get Ben out of the dumpster, and failed. Then, after I explained to him what to do, spent almost 5 more minutes struggling with the commands. Then spent more than 1 hour walking around without any idea of what to do and not making one inch of progress, even if I gave him hints about what to do. He would still struggle to follow my instructions when I explained to him verbatim what he should do.

I never thought someone could be so inept at a video game that didn't even require skills or reflexes.

never call yourself a "gamer"
not even if you're just thinking it to yourself without saying it out loud

to think that critical thinking skills rely not just on the educational institutions and industry, but on video games too

video games

unlike the educational industry, kids actually want to put thought and effort into video games, so they might actually try to be good at them because they're supposed to, unlike the educational industry, be fun

But you see user, point and click adventures requires thinking to progress. And interacting with the environment! But most importantly, thinking.

I never beat Super Mario Bro's
Because I could never beat 8-4, not having the internet to figure out their was a secret pattern to prevent the stage from loping. Now I know about it an don't care because fuck the princess.

I never beat Legend of Zelda
Because dungeon 8 was too hard.

but I did beat Ninja Gaiden and Contra
Be honest neo/v/ how many game did you not beat as a kid and just did not give a shit, because most NES games where too hard?

Why do so many people seem to not think ever? You know I used to think NPCs in games were boring because they mostly stood in the same place all the time saying the same shit but as I grew older it seems most actual people don't do much more than stand around in the same places everyday and say the same stupid shit. I feel myself getting dumber when I have had the same conversation three different times with the same person and twice it was in the same goddamn place.

I want this meme to die
moeshit always existed, there's actually more variety in shows these days than in the past

To be fair I have only played a couple of games made before I was born. I'm just much older

Yes, that's completely normal, nothing about that makes you a special snowflake, go fuck yourself

Thanks to other hardworking people, life is now simple enough that thinking isn't necessary. Just do what your parent/teacher/boss tells you to do, go to clubs and get drunk, marry someone who looks attractive and pop out some kids, tell your kids whatever your parents told you, then die. Make sure to hold a vague disdain for anything that doesn't easily fit your narrow world experience; be smug about it on Twitter. That's the normalfag way.

Would you wear a kitchen utensil on your head? Elijah Would



What's division?

Also I have never owned a console since the ps2 came out.


This is exactly what I expected from a 16 year old, and I'm still mad.

That's how i ignore you.


oh shit I've been looking for the source to this vid, thanks user

I bet you are under 25, only millenials are this stupid.

Help me Holla Forums, how do I survive this abomination of autism?

Maybe it started because some spikes are underground? You can't see some until they pop up, and if you're going fast you can be right on top of them when that happens.

It's not. It's just poor junkies that can't afford anything else.

Does the brown bitch kill people by making out with them or something?

High school a shit. I just avoided damn near everyone and stuck with people who were nerds that weren't quite DUDE WEED levels of shit that were more social then me. They managed to introduce me to a girl who was as antisocial as me and now we just stick together basically.

I have no idea what to make of kids these days now, they're getting force fed the political correct bullshit a lot more, but I think the pushback's getting stronger too.

Screw you mate, I played Deus Ex last year and it was fucking amazing

Things will be fine user, at least you got yourself a waifu.


I can confirm that I've forgotten the controls several times playing EA's NFL Blitz abortion because both the default and "arcade" controls are nothing like the old Blitz controls. Though weird controls and me forgetting them are the least of that shitfests problems.

The only poster who isn't a bot is you.

That dude is called Fiets Opa. He sadly passed away.

it's ok rpg I'll keep remembering that the menu button is absolutely not what I wanted to press

I've never beaten Super Mario Bros, but that's more because I am lazy, and didn't really care that much.


i knew it

I just realized a while back that I don't actually think of any of you as people, nor do I consider posting here to be any kind of social interaction. As far as I'm concerned you're all just my imaginary friends.

But that's wrong user.
Only 3 people post, here. You, me and the guy who disagrees.

So by that logic, you could be a qt mantis, robot, alium, or even a dragon?
The internet sure is a wonderful place.

I believe that's likely been popularized by these asshounds.
Reality is, they're a bunch of dumbasses who are shit at video games, and don't even know how to fucking play.

I shit you not, these are actual words I heard back in college from an underclassman. That class was wild.

fuck u m8 I'll hook u in the gabber I swer on me mum

That guy should fuck off

This is the future of gaming.

The word just causes a flinch of disgust in me.

Fucking Christ, I'm going back to school in a while, and from what I've seen on kikebook, most of the people I actually talk to have started playing Pokemon GOy.

I know this shit will happen on the first day, and I know that the fucking blue haired tumblr midget is going to say it. And that's why fucking school shootings happen.

So how many of these stories you guys think are bullshit?

I, uh, guess I won't even bother trying to get him into video games. I only hope my mother feels the same way.
before you ask, yes, it is weird having a brother 23 years younger than you

This is what you do. Denouce vidya infront of all your friends, take up somthing like cars as a facade, and play vidya in secret. And get rid of all those friends.

But NV was shit too lmao

I don't have vidya shit on my kikebook. A couple of them actually play some vidya and I talked to them about it. One dipshit spent something like 900$ because he would ask me about a game, I'd say "Eh, it's not total shit" and he would just buy it.



Most of these stories are very plausible. I've seen a lot of these exact types of situations unfold before my very eyes.

Try anyways nigger. You're his only hope. He's going to get into video games because of his faggot friends regardless, but it's up to you whether he spends all day playing Roblox and Angry Birds or at least attempts to not have complete and utter shit taste. Hell, in the worst-case scenario he might even end up being one of those kids who just spends all day watching JewTube e-celeb cancer, and I can fucking tell you right now from experience that that is the last thing you want from your younger brother.

Isn't it, though?
I mean, if you are using it for movement or something, I can understand taking issue.
But for that, you have the sticks.
As an extra control point, seems to work fine for me.

You start by being over 18

That's not Marisa.

Why can't I just get him into sports so he grows up to be a real human bean?

If you dont get him properly into videogames he will just have his fellow faggots at school turn him into a minecraft watching little faggot who thinks todd howard is his lord and savior

Oh, someone made my exact point but better.

You don't get it, it's just to see how crazy the whole hobby had become with the influx of people who play for the Lulz™.
>It's an asshole but, we always hang out together playing fighters. When he got cancer I was the only one around with hi age. And we both had a Dreamcast. So many evenings trying to unlock everyone in MvsC 2 and all the costumes on DOA2.

He is rich, son of a rich man, but that is a guy that only buy things by brand, even if it hurts himself. That is the curse of the normalfag, always following the path others make for him, even if it leads to MK X or SF V.

man you really are shit at this

That won't change a thing, if anything it'll only make it worse. Your only hope is to get to him before his peers do.

I'll try, but at the end of the day, I'm moving the fuck out of here before he grows up, so he's going to come home from school and be left to his own devices, relatively speaking. Hopefully I can wrangle my mom into not buying him any touchscreen bullshit until he's older. I could probably get away with it by bullshitting about cognitive processes and formative skills.

Which was pretty much all that the soccer moms and their kids played. Despite bold statements by Nintendo not many casuals actually switched to more "core" games over time.

Speaking of the Wii and casuals… Every year since 2009 when my two younger cousins come over, I get them both to play New Super Mario Bros Wii in co-op mode. To this very day they've been unable to beat the first few levels. I also get them to play Smash Bros with me, but they can never grasp the concept of double jumps and up+B recovery.

It's not that traditional controls are alien to them, because they have no problems playing stuff like FIFA on their 360 at home. Yet somehow simple games like Mario and Smash overwhelm them.

I knew he sounded Dutch

mario is shit
most overrated video game in history by a large margin

>implying anything was good. Ever.

I would like to point out that metabee has his own coffee mug with a medal on it.

I bet the guy who disagrees with people is heaven, I hate that guy.

Jesus christ, what is his mom, mid 40s, 50, older? I'm sorry, but you are going to have something like Chris-chan as a brother.

I am also concerned about that

Oh…well that's ok…do your best user…

Do your best, you are probably his only hope

Please keep in mind it goes up exponentially every year after 30.

Tell me something I don't know, user.

i have a brother 13 years older than me and when my parents had me my mother was 43 and my father 52. My grand grandfather had his first kid at age 76.
needless to say i have autism

Age of fathers does not have a significant effect on autism. Unlike eggs, new sperm is constantly produced. You have autism because of your mother only.

Well, he seems very healthy and grows fast for a baby that was born a month early. Let's hope she had a good egg, I guess.

now you're aware your parents still fug and probably a lot
imagine them having sex anonymous

You don't know my life.

My dad chimps out fucking slavs and mom is unstable.
What job online would you recommend an user who speaks thee languages fluently and is an IT student? I really do not want to be cleaning ships to just fuck off from them


This is fucking bullshit I hope no one believes this.

well user if you speak three languages and have knowledge on the computer world the army might be a good place for you, specially the air force since english is a requirement on pretty much any country

something i learned early user, no woman is pure, even mommy. specially mommy



thats how having a younger brother is like

Nigga what.

my school life got 300x better when he failed 7th grade and then 8th grade though, but for some reason my parents also blamed me for that since i was the joker in class. still dropped out of highschool

user…. are you retarded?

Should we tell him?

I dunno if he could handle it.

I find this funny considering (((who))) has been trying to kill the label "gamer" or corrupt it in recent history.

Why do you lie?

He is right about moe having always existed in some form or another, even if it was not referred to by that term. Variety is something that fluctuates from season to season though.

He's not right about there being more variety in the anime coming out now, or implying that there was more moe shit in the past. There has never been more moe shit and there has never been less variety.

I am going to the army in 2018 anyways finalnd here

We'll hopefully be alive in 2018, my mongorian friend.

but are you white?

Is he wrong though? I never played SA2 when it was new, if i play it now it will be nothing like playing SA1 was back then.

I talk about viddy games with my brother whenever we catch up. It's nice to have that.

I have an eight year old brother who watches fucking Minecraft videos. He doesn't even play the fucking game even though I own it (alpha purchase). How do I stop this?

(Nice Hilter Dubs)
Copying reference is lazy in terms of composition and is uninspired, but it's not tracing. Sure $3k per week enough money to be Jelly and a bit ticked of to find out they are a Copycat. But Tracing is not what this person does, they are still legitimately talented just lazy as fuck. Their are also far worse offenders when it comes to plagiarizing no-talent hacks on deviantart see francoclun for example, not a single mark is legitimate. I know,I not a half bad illustrator myself who has worked from references and even phoned it in because some weeaboo asked me to draw their waifu. Sure, it's shameless but Kuvshinov-Ilya still has raw talent to paint and doesn't need to resort to this crap (vid related). It's just doing something like this and not being upfront about references on the internet is a surefire way to get a bad rep. Hell even Norman Rockwell worked from reference Photography.

Make a counter strike thread I want to see pretty maps and fun game modes.
Or just post examples in this thread

I am white.
we moved here because russia is a very shitty place

It's what happens when you make a heroin knockoff using shit that's too dangerous to use in meth.