So how do I protect myself from government surveillance?
I read that combining Tor and VPN is good.
But will that make anyone safe from surveillance?
So how do I protect myself from government surveillance?
I read that combining Tor and VPN is good.
But will that make anyone safe from surveillance?
Other urls found in this thread:
building all of your own electronics, hardware AND software, from the ground-up, including the circuitry
Grow your own food, build your own house, create your little fortress on your land and raise a family.
Tor was made by the navy if I understand it correctly, just use startpages/proxies, use linux, only open source shit, ect.
I'm curious about this as well.
Someone told me to build my own computer, but I know essentially nothing about them.
You fell for the VPN meme by happy VPN merchants.
First, you need to know who's after you. Is it your ISP or employer, the MPAA, NSA, foreign intelligence agencies, or just some datahoarding corporations? Only then you can decide what to do. 'A' 'VPN' will help you hide from copyright lawyers, but it will do jack shit protecting you from intelligence agencies or web service providers. It will only make you appear more suspicious. To hide from the feds, you can use Tor (probably no need to use additional VPN) but be sure to only use it with Torbrowser or Tails. Learn about browser fingerprinting (
There's a ton of other things to keep in mind but that entirely depends on who you're hiding from and what price you're willing to pay.
So? The Internet was invented by DARPA. Whether or not Navy was involved is not relevant.
No need to. All modern electronics is untrustworthy. Focus on software instead.
Sage because we've had this shit a thousand times.
you cant protect yourself from government surveillance if your using computers and phones and other electronic devices.
He means, you need to actually make all the electronic shit yourself since its a well known fact that all commercially available computer parts have backdoors, bugs and tons of purposely placed vulnerabilities in them, both hardware and software. not to mention if you buy online and get parts shipped to you the government will intercept it and fuck with it before sending it off again.
so basically you niggers, if you need to do illegal shit online, get a usb, install tails, find a computer in a library or buy a cheap laptop and use public wifi with tails, dont use the laptop for anything else but this and definitely dont connect the laptop to any internet connection slightly related to you.
thats just computer shit though, protecting yourself from drones, listening bugs, security cameras, government lists like dna databases and all kinds of other shit is pretty much impossible if you operate in modern society. good luck.
I see you're using Tor yourself.
I had heard some word before that Tor had been compromised, from more than a few people. What was that all about?
feds paid some uni students a couple million to 'hack' it then released a bunch of news shit to try and scare all the skiddie drug degenarates into panic mode.
Why would 8ch switch your ID back on once you turn Tor off? That's strange.
It's safe enough for most purposes I guess, but I would take additional measures if I was Snowden, Assange, or some darknet market admin. Maybe it is compromised, but that's an asset too valuable to waste on some anime nazi pedos like you.
I assume they record all Tor network traffic and decrypt it later once they have quantum computers. When that happens we're all fucked anyway no matter what proxies and crypto we use.
See pic related. The man is a Rabbi who owns the company Cymru and is a member of the board of directors for the Tor Project.
TOR relay nodes and exit nodes are comprimised in mass in europe and america. Don't use exit or even relay nodes from there if you can avoid it. Literally just killed 3/4ths of the internet there.
Otherwise just use a linux distro without systemd and keep everything on the computer you can and you will avoid most passive survalience. If your ever targeted though it's or no electronics.
I2P has
- no budget
- few developers
- almost unusable for the open web
- is java bloatware
- nobody uses it, so no content there
- has no Torbrowser-like software to protect you from fingerprinting.
>>>Holla Forums764644
>>>Holla Forums764832
you can't
How do you avoid cloudfare ?
Every fucking website these days uses it, and even Holla Forums asks me to solve some captcha when I try to browse here without vpn(I work in china)
Those two don't go together, nigger.
oh shit nigger
you don't, stay in your cage and if you try to escape they will crack you as they just did with secrueteam 10, not even joking here.
You don't.
No amount of protection will save you.
You don't, really. Just keep in mind who can read your data.
Ok but how's that worse than the faggots who write glibc and gcc? Or your desktop environment? Or the pajeets writing your gpu driver? Or those companies developing your web browser, which are too complex for any outsider to understand?
1) use linux, try to avoid ubuntu.
2) use whonix. it creates a nat on your virtual machine+tor connection.
3) avoid any signs, which can help to identify your computer in the system. for example, dont switch of your system, when you are done - it can be traced and analyzed, especially if you are hosting some onion domain by yslf.
4) use vpn with different input\output ipv4 addresses above whonix. preferably, it should be some bulletproof vps in romania\other shithole.
5) do never use public\free vpns. it's 100% honeypot.
Those faggots however sloppily they write c with know their shit when it comes to assembly level languages. If they break something everyone feels it on the layers above.
In that case not much different because those faggots are redhat, nvidia, and AMD. With the exception of the nouveau, intel foss, and projects besides gnome. Hence
6) never use the best solution is to switch between different dns servers.
7) set up iptables - close all ports, drop all packets(especially echo icmp)
Please explain, why would you 'close all ports' with iptables and why would you drop echo icmp? Protip: you can't. Fuck off, you don't know what you're talking about.
it was a joke, fucktard. it's the same as to unplug your ethernet cabel.
Help us overthrow the Zionist overlord government and build a National Socialist space empire.
It's certainly great for putting you on a very short list of people who are using both of those simultaneously.
TOR and VPN "companies" are decals you can slap on your internet traffic to make it go faster.
delet system32
then go to >>>Holla Forums or lrn2makeathread
Let them surveil you.
Just keep guns by your bed.
Never leaving your home and never going on the internet.
No one who is afraid of getting on the ADL's lists will accomplish much for our race. I mean, you could do some small things like distributing leaflets at night but beyond that, there's little you can do.
K. Albrecht & L. McIntyre - Spychips; How Major Corporations and Government Plan To Track Your Every Move With RFID >>>/zundel/351
I'm the former and this is a message to the latter: active measures.
You really can't, unless you go no electronics, or, again you build all your shit on your own.
Or use templeos, fuck the glow in the dark CIAniggers
wtf, I love blackpill now
Fuck off CIAnigger
I wanted to make an entry at lainzine butt fuck it :^]
Quick rundown:
What you do is buy a 3G/4G supporting phone with IPX connector for external anthenna
You buy it locally or regionally with cash to old bloke selling it on craiglist or something
Then you make a 3G/4G directional anthenna
You hook it up and point it up at one of towers which avoids any fucking possibilities of triangulation (well, not exactly but when you get in anthenna building you will understand what I mean)
Prepaid sim -> cash payed ofc
And use multipath tcp with more phones if its too slow
Bim bam boom
Got yourself an internet connection a narco boss would kill for
Anything after this would only add to security
Also, Tor is TRULLY compromised
Many people rumor it but its true
Packet timming correlation is a thing, and since the military owns most of exit nodes (and NSA is buddy buddy with all western spy agencies they could request ISPs to hand packet times for entering Tor andcompare them to times exiting Tor)
The play of game is "escape the ISP" which there is only one method of doing so which I mentioned now
Get into electronics porn
Look into youtube videos of people building TTL processors and mastrubate to them
Then after a while think to yourself that you could do that
Then look into potato chips company (dad joke pun company producing high speed TTL)
Then make some pcbs (on free software ofc) and make your jerkoff dreams a reality
with all the cia tools leaks to come out you should know by now that they and the nsa both have all your data recorded and google are about to spend 25bn on a new data storage facility to make sure they are with the curve and as big as governments. nothing you can do but try and push the right to complete privacy to as many people you can without coming off as weird for not just accepting complete submission
even if you run burner dongles you will still have habits analytics will process
I have some bad news, OP.
Just be too horrible to behold. You can banish the CIA with the same tactics I tell normies to use to banish spirits. Endless Nyaancat, post up unbirthing, and meatspin randomly when you think they're watching. You get the picture, just be too unbearably obnoxious, so that the pajeets they outsource the job of going over your data to, just move on.
If the alphabets are omnipotent, how do we have terrorist attacks? Either they're not omnipotent, or they permit attacks. Maybe both.
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear
They can collect all the data in existence, but eventually, a human being is going to have to sign off on it… and even with all the computing in the world, it will take a shit-ton of poorly paid pajeets to screen that data, so those people get to stamp some of it.
Help build a strong spirit in the people around you so they wont follow unjust laws and tolerate the creep of increasing government.
Look at Russia. I'm sure it's illegal to drink and drive there, but does anyone give a fuck? No.
Our culture should be one that smashes CCTVs.
Our culture should be one that spits on censorship and honors truth no matter how ugly.
I don't hide myself and neither should any of you. They cant jail us all, and god help them if they do. Because then we happy few will finally be together, and we will find out how few of us there truly are.
This is what off-duty cops and boot-lickers write in the comment section of videos where citizens exercise their constitutional rights not to produce ID during random police stops.
Why wouldn't you? The default rule for every chain should be DROP.
Of course you can.
*default rule for every TABLE, my apologies.
The worst hardware backdoor, Intel ME, can be avoided by using pre-core series Intel CPUs, same applies to pre-2011 AMDs. Core(2) series may have it in some configurations, but it can be disabled and completely removed (see libreboot).
You still have to remember about the SMM (don't run anything you don't trust) and DMA (don't let anyone close to your device, especially if it has FireWire/ExpressCard exposed).
Stay away from systemd, Tor and OpenVPN's dependence on it is fishy as fuck.
Also don't forget that >>>/poltech/ exists.
sage for off-topic
You can't. Comply with the government peasant.
It works, it's just that the USG needs non-USG traffic to act as cover so USG assets internationally situated can use it without it becoming a big yellow flag.
Tor was behind the curve 7 years ago. i2p was ok a few years ago. To have a decent security, run a VM with a vpn to a cloud based OS and from there use a second vpn to a randomly assigned pc from a botnet you purchased at ~100 nodes/$1. Then you can TOR out to **seven layers achieved**
you don't,you realize that it is all a meme to make more money out of you and all it really does is partially help you reach blocked shit.
go bare ip, they cannot stop all of us.
By starting a revolution and killing them all of course.
I understand you're a Jewish homosexual. You don't belong here.
Anyone repeating the same old Tor myths is either a pig or a jew. Or just plain retarded.
Wrap everything with tinfoil. And by tinfoil I mean foil made of tin, not fucking aluminum!
You think they're not able to exploit some amateur hackjob like that?
Relying on technology is only a small part of your general opsec. All technology is exploitable and adversaries are creative. Everything is a balancing game of relativity. What are you doing? Who cares about what you're doing? Who do you care about caring about what you're doing?
If you've reached the point of feeling the need to use built from scratch components to protect the privacy of something then you're either:
A: Delusional
B: Doing something really really upsetting to someone. If they put even a fraction the same effort as you have into your components, they will get everything they want off you and more through different means.
If you're going to piss off sophisticated entities in the world, don't rely on technology being a last line of defense. Technology is nothing more than a tool which can work both for and against you; What's important is the master of that tool.