Hello Holla Forums, I'm posting this here to get the word out and the fact that this event will soon dominate politics all around the world
Below i will share my proof keep patience
Hello Holla Forums, I'm posting this here to get the word out and the fact that this event will soon dominate politics all around the world
Below i will share my proof keep patience
Other urls found in this thread:
So this has all to do with Bible prophesy coming to fruition
This is Satan on google /sky/
Censored Of course
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: Rev 12:1
And the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. Rev 12:4
Satan closing in on the mother as described in the bible - this thing is moving folks, which a nebula would never do and KEEP IT'S SHAPE, throughout the last 7000 years of movement
Which completly destroys any argument for it being a natural occurence, or nebula. It's clearly artificial
Satans 7 heads - at the bottom you see it
,..A Great Red Dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads,.' Rev 12:3
Armageddon is a process of 3.5 years
Coordinates below
Nasa censorship of Satan, Same as with google censorship of him>>10355565
Coordinates: 13 48 1.0, -8 28 20.5"
IRAS micron 100
To use that service just type in /sky/ at the end of google
A pic of ranmdom space for comparison
As described in this picture it proves a point that it is not a nebula, since a Nebula doesn't move & KEEP IT'S SHAPE >>1589
And a Nebula can not have such perfect color differentiation as this filter does not change the color based on distance
Satan from earth
We can clearly se it's not Saturn as some sceptics say
Some incredibly weird Formation found inside of Satan,
This is an other argument for it being clearly a cluster of gas or stars
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
This hollywood song even describes it
And finally a rundown
I feel it coming
Now what this all means for us Holla Forums people is that the events described in the bible with huge conseqvences in politics will happen
We would see Men proclaiming themselves to be christ, RFID chips as Kushner is Developing, war, famine and jews chimping out as they do not even know what is going on anymore
what a fucking nigger post
Fuck off to /x/. We've read the Bible; we know how the ✡antichrist✡ will come to be.
If it's a double star system and one of them is shedding its outer layers, the resulting nebula could very well change shape because of the gravitational fields interacting and instilling angular momentum to the surrounding dust and gasses.
take this shit to cuckchan. they cum in their pants over slide threads like this right here.
I'm dominating your mom every night OP.
OP is a faggot. The Bible is literal not figurative as OP tries so hard to imply.
Although the censor ship on it is a bit interesting. I wonder what they are actually trying to hide.
good one user, dominating his mom every night. lol I bet he likes it too
Christ preached passivity and detachment from the world on the foundation of semitic sin. How could an antichrist be bad? We need action and involvement. Christ's religion was negative, we need positive Christianity based on error, not sin.
Fuck off, you christcuck shitposting faggot.
Care to enlighten us, oh great one?
Only the existence of Satan could explain OP being such a spamtastic fucking faggot.
pol + x is best pol
this would be a cool thread if you werent some namefagging piece of shit. any and all evidence is netavistockd due to your tripfgging tendencies.
wtf netavistockd, why the fuck did this shit autocorrect to tavistock something fishy going on in this fucking website
==N E G A T E D=
and jews.
this place is becoming cuckchan. turn this fucking nigger auto correct trash off.
g a t e = tavistock
Two questions. When is it going to happen and do you suggest we do about it?
Oh look, it's you again. Please never stop using your tripcode, I want to filter you for life.
Skyview works fine for me you double nigger
OP has very severe mental illness.
Oh, my digits!