Who is Holla Forums's favourite manufacturer?

Who is Holla Forums's favourite manufacturer?

Jakobs/Mailwan/Tediore here

the one that makes games that aren't shit

fuck off cuck
dubs thread

Could you be any newer?


I liked jakobs until I got tired with Borderlands after a several hours. Too much ARPG, too little FPS


tediore and atlas in the first game. maliwan torgue and vladof in the next.

wasn't this thread on 4chan Holla Forums a little while ago?

Jakobs / Torgue / Bandit
the holy shotgun trinity

Yeah but 4chan Holla Forums is way too fast so I thought I'd try here

Why don't you go back you faggot?

Go back to cuckchan

First game was okay, but the fact that they replaced S&S with bandit for no fucking reason, completely phased out Atlas and completely forgot about Eridian weapons is fucking dumb as balls.

I explained that. 4chan Holla Forums was way too fast and the thread was archived within 15 minutes so I tried here.

I guess it's fun if you got nothing better to do.

If I remember correctly they phased out s&s because their schick was larger magazines which they have to bandit. Removing Atlas, which were the rare and superior all around gun company, and the super rare alien guns was stupid, but this is borderlands 2 were talking about. Really they fucked up everything about the guns in the second one. In an effort to make each company more unique they pigeonholed you with their functionality, which makes certain classes for certain companies completely useless, this is most noticeable for sniper rifles. For example, all Dahl guns shoot automatic when you aim down the sights. This includes their sniper rifles which, due to recoil, makes them complete useless for their job, especially when there are better alternatives. Then there's Hyperion which gains accuracy as you fire meaning that the first shot, the one that counts, is almost guaranteed to miss. What this effectively does is reduced the amount of weapons you use considerably since you're most like going to avoid certain types from certain manufacturers since it makes no sense to use them, added on to the fact that most of the "bazillion" guns are trash loot the actual pool of worthwhile weapons is even smaller.

It's not all bad. The Tediore reload was pretty cool and apart form Dahl and Hyperion the "quirks" of each manufacturer didn't really get in the way of gameplay

why the fuck are there hyperion sniper rifles?
why doesnt dahl still make shotties?

borderlands 2 is a great game
even writing and completely butchering the loot system couldn't make the gunplay not-fun
now let's hope scooter can save borderlands 3 and make the writing non-autistic

Check em

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