
C.N.N. says the American working class put Trump into the White House.

How did that happen?

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bernie got jewed, that's how

Well, the working class wasn't going to vote for lil Ms. Wall Street, were they now?

They fucked over Bernie then refused to leave their echo chamber and give a fuck what poor people think

Thanks DNC

Because Shillary short-circuited the democratic progress with help from the DNC. They fucked over the working-class voters to help her get her turn at the presidency, because muh vagina. They sabotaged themselves. The coming two years will make a difference. The working class must be turned to socialism one way or another. With Trump, they will get fucked over.

Through the pain, we will learn. This will become the mindset by which we take America.

because they admire successful businessmen and feel the country should be run like a business, thus who better than trump to run that business

Its just cnn trying to demonise the working class.




The white parts of the working class voted for him, not all of it.

Lurk moar faggot.

Please don't even reply

Actually, the white parts of the working class didn't vote.

SJW idpol.
People got fed up with the bullshit liberal idpol, conservatives realized this and started to push their own idpol as a response and people embraced it.


Why didn't you listen?

Who is this?

Literally open a history book, faggot.

Working class American here. I voted for Trump. If you are surprised by this you really have no clue what's going on in this country.

The working class was looking for relief after 8 years of stagnation via the Obama administration. Trump campaigned heavily on a protectionist and job creation platform, while Hillary focused on winning over upper-middle class republicans and ignored the voter base that had won them the old northwest and new england for the past 30 years.

Beyond all the memes about emails and russian hackers and pussy grabbing, which most voters didn't give two shits about, Trump was the candidate who actually promised change from the previous administration.

Is there detailed turnout info available yet? I'd really like to look into it.


Jews at the DNC were too stupid to get their head out of their fecal tube and Trump has always been trying to rally people against a mass collusion of insiders like that. It's really obvious why a glorious Trump victory was secured last night. It's the best fuck you that some people could've thought of.

Though I think it's all based on polls. Right now we know the national turnout is 45%, but I don't know about the different ethnicities/races.

better than hillary though

Did anyone place bets at all? I got a free pizza out of this whole thing.

How did CNN say something that was wrong? Is that the question you're asking?

The reduced support Hillary got from those earning less than $50k was about the same as her reduced support from Blacks, Hispanics, and Millenials–about 6% to 9%–and there is a significant overlap between being Black, Hispanic or a Millenial and making less than $50k a year.

Hillary still won among the working class, and Trump still won among the rich (who then proceeded to panic and tank the market after the guy they voted for won, such is the efficiency of the free market); Hillary still won among the minorities, and Trump still won among the white. This is the way of every election since the Southern Strategy.
Hillary just didn't win by enough, because ever since Carter the Democrats have done nothing but alienate their base, with periodic vague gestures toward social justice or moral panics about meanie conservatives coming to murder black lesbians babies, and the strategy is starting to fail.

Thats it fam, nationalists and right-wing capitalists will apropiate the workers movement with retarded protectionist policies and small increases in minimum wage and tax deductib
Orthodox marxism failed, vanguardism failed, socdem reformism failed

What left is left?


He did. Did you expect a fucking neo-liberal shill to win the working class. Any serious leftist could have beaten this clown if they didn't dismiss the working class and just play meaningless idpol like Shillary did.

Hillary was also voting against your own interests, and even worse if you're white. This is great. Assume that Trump does protectionism. That still won't bring jobs back. Nothing will bring jobs back. They must recognize capitalism for what it is. They must feel the pain first.

People are missing the result of these policies. The response of companies to these policies will be to accelerate automation which will drive workers back towards actual socialist policies.

I voted Trump partially because of this, partially because the TPP is garbage and I do think he'll stop that, and partially because I wanted to ensure that Hillary lost as it will force the DNC to make concessions next time. If she'd won then they would have effectively been rewarded for rigging the primary. Plus I think Hillary/Kaine could have easily served eight years but I'll be absolutely shocked if Trump gets more than one term.

I was tempted to, but I didn't have any money. I would have made off like a bandit.

automation is coming no matter what happens and who is elected
even after a nuclear war automation will outpace anything else in the small less destroyed pockets of technology

CNN kept specifying the white working class when I was watching tv. Not all of it, specifically the white part. Why hide that part?



this is why
he makes a good point

That's why I said accelerated.

I bet my boss $50. Kill me.

The "new left" hates white men. Why should you vote for someone that seems to hate you? It's like when repubs wonder why even rich Asians and Hispanics don't vote for them.

She did win the working class. Just not by as much as Obama.

If you want to talk about a demographic that swung, Catholics (who normally fall out on the liberal side) went Trump this year. Yet, there's no news story about how the Papists handed Trump the presidency.

Because the tone they're going for is "Racist rural highschool-educated-at-best flyovers lost us progressive, college-educated urban coastals the elections"

Assisting the black and hispanic working classes is virtuous
Assisting the white working class is really just piling on even more muh privilege



I'm a white Catholic, famalamadingdong.

Correction: ex-Catholic. Old habits die hard.

well there should be. We're coming for you too, padraig

Can we please stop with the whole "X hates white men and literally wants us dead!" thing please? I get it, sjws are assholes, you don't need to wallow in self pity about it.

Because most american workers are classcucked idiots.



twitter.com/search?q=white men&src=typd&lang=en

The new left hates white men. Don't be surprised if they don't vote for people who are constantly bitching about them and muh privilege.

Deleuze and Guattari asked the same question (while at the same time rejecting a psychoanalytical lens through which to look for the answer). Their conclusion? Capitalism makes everyone fucking schizophrenic.

Millions of people are never polled because historically, they never vote.
They are high school or below educated working people, they make your tacos, they put the frozen green beans you eat into the bags at the factory on the edge of town.
They exist, there's millions of them, and Alex Jones just told them they also can vote.

Oh Radio
Tell me everything you know
I will believe your every word
Just tell me so

You don't get it. Both sides encourage and profit from exploiting the siege mentality of the other side.

You don't get to spend ~8 years crowing about the "demise of White America as a political and socioeconomic force in the face of an increasingly diverse and multicultural America", and that the Obama coalition ensures a permanent Democrat majority that's going to legislate against everything the flyover proles stand for, and then scratch your heads as to why whites increasingly start voting as an ethnic bloc

Trump channeled the typical right-wing cultural and racial resentment, and added protectionism and nominal opposition to foreign wars. It was enough to win him the election.

Hillary won the election for him to be honest.

A bunch of people talking about white men because they largely voted for trump most of them white men themselves, does not hatred of white men make. Besides that, what kind of faggot cares about what some bitch says on twitter.

The politicians also say the same shit. Even Bernie "if you're white, you don't know what it's like being poor" Sanders was saying shit like this. People shit on working whites because they're an easy target. The New Left has done this to them because they made idpol a part of their rhetoric. I warned you about idpol, bro. I told you, dog.


Come on, keep blaming this on white men. Hillary has lost enough Black, Female and Latino vote to cause this, but keep doing that, bashing the white men. It's their fault!
Keep being dishonest while looking at Twitter feeds. Most of these people saying "I hate white men" happen not be white men.

You do not that's not real, right? He's quoting something someone else said to him.

i feel like this is somehow a pun

he mobilized large groups of people currently being fucked by the economic system, so now they can get fucked in the ass by the economic system they were voteing against by a white man instead

It's called an election.

It happened because the white working class got alienated by the mainstream 'leftist' forces that are nothing more than neo-liberal crooks wrapped in a thin layer of identy politics.

don't worry, they will just ignore you when you point that out

It didn't. Trump saw highest margins among higher income earners. What happened is the working class saw nothing in Clinton to motivate them.

He really does.


Working class white men and women favored Trump.

Trump won the Rust Belt, wake the fuck up and don't be in denial.

It's the same development in Europe, workers that favor the welfare chauvist non-conventional rightist parties.

For example the majority of the working class in Austria has voted for their party in majority numbers.

It's more complicated than that. Wealthier voters have always been voting republican more than democrat, while a lot of groups of poorer immigrant or black workers have been voting democrat, and same is true for this election. But there were certain groups of workers, like those in the rust belt, that just preferred Trump over Clinton, and the votes of these guys ended up being decisive.




You realize that the working class has always been for Nationalism, in every country, ever? Did you think the working class supported the Russian Revolution? It was just Jews, mercenaries and bandits. Same for the German Communist Revolution.
Working class are and always will be nationalist, because it benefits the working class the most.

Lad plz no.

they were probably all racist


it's because of all this misohillary among voters who owed her their vote

Because neither party has done anything to try and help the working class in the past 16 years and he was the only one aside from Bernie that said anything about addressing their problems.

pretty much this tbh


Even so i'm pretty sure basically anyone besides hillary would've beat trump. She was, in retrospect, an unbelievably bad candidate.
I'm pretty sure the dems could've run Actual, 90 Year Old Jimmy Carter and beaten donald trump.

white working class men had been bourged out of their own self interest and convinced by capitalists that "corporate interest is working class interest, now go kick a nigger."

Or maybe they voted for the one guy telling them that he'd bring their jobs back, and not a fucking shill that basically told them to fuck off and that they're irrelevant. Maybe it's just that. Learn the right lesson, or we'll get 8 years of Trump instead of 4, or worse, we'll get the dem equivalent.


Just look at nazi germany. The economy and the country was fucked. In times of loss the working class will orientate to the extremes, and having no real prominent leftist candidate
The choice was already made

Bernie sold out for a new jet and a third home. That is what you get for placing all your eggs on one kike.

Everyone left flabbergasted that Trump got a chunk of votes from them


Bernie was the non-working welfare niggers' candidate of choice, not a 'working class' candidate. Bernie was the bane of the workers. How does taking 90% of everyone's pay to give non-working niggers and illegal immigrants free shit make 'Democratic Socialism' a pro-worker ideology?

Socialist parties are pro Welfare. Socialism only benefits and encourages non-working parasites and harms the working class and the capitalist super elite at the same time.

Please point to the specific policy where Bernie said he wanted to do this.


Welfare is a tool used to make sure money is still circulating so that worker's businesses have consumers and to lower the crime rate.

If nobody can afford any of the services or products from your company your company will go bankrupt. Welfare is fucking miniscule to the amount of tax money being taken to fund the military, which gives a similar economic benefit.

Capitalism periodically has crisis which vary in intensity. The great depression was a major crisis which precipitated the rise of radical fascism that rearranged the structure of the world. Trump like Brexit is part of the consequence of the current crisis of capitalism starting in 2008 which allowed his rise to happen, however, as the crisis is only a fraction of the intensity of the great depression he won't actually be able to be outright fascist as other people suggested he will just be a new kind of demagogue. So basically, the crisis of capitalism allowed this to happen.

actually no he was controlled opposition from the start

Do your family know you're ex? My family is spooked about going to hell as if it's a natural law; what goes up must come down, like. Not sure how to break it to them.

Right, sure.

Yes. My parents aren't happy about it, but we still get along very well. My brothers don't care, and largely became irreligious after I did.
I can't really give you advice since I don't know the ins and outs of your relationship with your family. In my case, I didn't tell them until I had moved out of the house, which made things less complicated since it meant I had already stopped going to church with them before telling them.
