CANADA, YES!: Toronto councillor wants Canada to consider decriminalizing heroin, other drugs

Oh. Sorry, United States! You wanted to make America great again? Tough luck when neighbors on BOTH sides have no economic prospects aside from export filth into your country, and undermining your society! I'm sure you'll understand, though. We're Canadians and we do things our way, and you do things your way! We won't intrude on each other, not at all. You guys just keep enforcing laws on your side of the border, and we'll do the best we can to enforce our new policies here (hopefully without damaging you at all). Better yet, just decriminalize everything like we're about to! Drugs aren't "evil". They just need to be "managed" by responsible goyim! As doctors, we're not supposed to harm people, now are we? Jail = harmful. If you jail your enemies, they win!

Don't you understand, America-kun? ;_:

It's not really a problem, lets just keep an eye on it!

Other urls found in this thread:


Basically they only start applying 'liberal' principles consistently whenever they want to - whenever their authorities say it's ok to

tired of winning yet leaves?

The thing is OP, drugs aren't evil and they do need to be managed by someone who isn't Tyrone on the fucking corner. The problem is who the fuck can you trust to manage this?

Pictured, left: What appears to be a common sense headline. Pictured, right: Headline in full.

Source: citynews dot ca

Tyrone on the fucking corner won't even have to be afraid of being picked up and jailed for his "personal stash" he keeps on him because he's "managing his health crisis responsibly."

God forbid Tyrone breaks the "guidelines" for responsible abuse by selling more than the government "permits".

Also, hopefully no criminals will take advantage of such a system and harbor drugs within our country, only to export it to any neighbors we might have!



I also want this, only complete losers suicide with heroin or meth, and we have no reason to prevent the personal final solution, you can't save people who don't want to be saved

ftfy. And if you disagree, I hope it gets to be my boot which kicks you into the gas chamber.

I like freedom

What in Gods fucking name happened to Canada?

More like outright exterminated from the face of the earth you faggot Hebe.

Had to look up what this gay shit means, fuck off reddit faggot. They are our white brethren who might very well be depressed because of niggers and spics, you'll hang.

Legalizing weed is totally not a slippery slope to the hard shit.

Lurk at least another four years before you try to fit in again.

he checked his privilege
vote for him leafs!

so duterte is /ourguy/ when he says shit like this but other countries who ostensibly support the holohaux meme are jew pawns?
anyone explain this to me pls do


fucking yt is blocking all my comments on this.

Not an argument faggot.

Yeah lets just welcome heroin users to litter the streets with syringes for little kids to prick themselves on and get infected. Great Idea.

says the fucking idiot whose government actively supports opium cultivation on one side of the planet and then chases around dealers on another

Hallenbeck doesn't use it. Hallenbeck gets by.
Thanks for posting, now I know for sure I'm not the biggest faggot around.

Reminder too that naloxone kits are being pushed everywhere, making fentanyl a sustainable drug choice instead of a one way ticket to death. Imagine if enough junkies actually died, making opiates even less desirable? Nah. Keep reviving the overdose cases so (((they))) can "combat" the crisis.

This opiate warfare is some next level kikery. Even if America goes full MAGA, you'll have (((Canada))) undoing every step. America will literally need to annex us, we've become such a dangerous threat.

I miss when 8/pol/ was smarter and genuinely anti-establishment rather than just mainstream conservative US politics + edgy race talk.

Libertarian philosophical arguments aside, legalizing drugs is good from a practical perspective in various ways. Massively reduces law enforcement and prison costs, removes revenue from gangs and street criminals, and from the available evidence (Portugal) tends to reduce rates of addiction to all drugs.

You are a myopic cunt. Junkies belong behind bars so that they don't litter the streets with syringes. This has nothing to do with conservatism. It is public health and safety.

Yeah, exactly. This is the kind of poster you see here mostly now. Unfortunate.

You are a dumb cunt. This isn't muh moralism. I simply don't want junkies littering the streets with their syringes. I don't care how unlikely you think it is. 1 case is 1 too many. It's not about morality, it is purely not being an idiot. Portugal is in the EU and their statistics are not to be trusted. This reeks of their pilot project.

Again, your opinion is based off of a case that will effect almost no one. The effects of legalization I listed are major issues that improve society as a whole

Except that's bullshit. Syringe littering is a real problem, lots of people end up getting pricked and infected. There is nothing to gain from wasting tax payer money on junkies to rehab them. The cost of rehab far exceeds any contributions they may have working at McDonalds. Syringe drug use will only be solved with the death penalty.

inb4 your moralism about that lolbergtardian


Didn't say anything about "rehab", maybe you need to read my post again. And once again, your problem effects almost no one and the fact that you're so mad about it, while you refuse to even read or consider the real benefits I listed, which are substantial unlike your problem, shows that this is just an emotional issue for you.

I read your dumb post and debunked all your myopic gibbering.

and now claiming i am emotional. fuck of back to with the rest of your ilk.

The slippery slope is very real.

No, actually you threw out the Portugal case for legalization reducing addiction rates on the basis of a hunch, and didn't even attempt to deal with the other benefits: massively reduced law enforcement costs (and workload - meaning more time to work on serious, violent crime), and the removal of a black market that fuels gangs and street criminals. How much do you love providing money for Tyrone's Jordans my proud cuckservative friend?

You are a fucking idiot.

Same would happen if we stopped considering theft and murder a crime. Lets do that while we're at it, muh NAP.

Wouldn't be a problem if we started killing drug users tbh.

You're the one who want to release him from jail, lolbergcuck. So kindly fuck off.


no seriously

Theft and murder constitute harm to others which is the reason we should and do try to stop them. Doing drugs doesn't harm anyone but the person who uses them in a way that harms themselves.

Never going to happen. If you want to live in fantasy wait-for-Hitler land ok, but realize other people are actually talking about solutions for the real world.

Ironic that you don't understand that when he's in jail, you're actually paying to house and take care of him. So you prefer a situation in which your policies provide a market that allows him to make money off of being a thug, and then you get to pay to take care of him as his "punishment".

Except when they litter the streets with their needles. Look if this was a non-injectable I wouldn't give a flying fuck.

Duterte is in the real world, kid. I know you bleeding heart lolbergs are in a fantasy where you think your degenrate non-solutions are a solution but it always fails.

Exactly why I call for capital punishment. Still is better than him being out and about as you would have him, you massive cuck.

But seriously, go back to r_lolbergtardianism

More muh-Hitler-fantasies. Ok. Just realize what you want will never come close to happening in a major first world nation.

The way things are going the so-called first world won't be first for long.

Maybe. I don't think so.

What you think is wrong.

How new to the internet are you? Seriously, I really don't know how you people find this place.

Go back to the shithole you come from.

wait for Hitler is a stupid ideology and has been and should continue to be ridiculed on Holla Forums, not that this is really Holla Forums anymore.


Done right managing opiate addition with legal reform can work. That is to say, offering clean free heroin to existing users at designated Government centers, which they must consume on site. This results in:

But Canada won’t do any of this because idiots run its Government. Whatever they do will make the problem worse.

I'm not talking about that at all kike. The fact that you say "muh-Hitler-fantasies" or 8/pol in the first place really shows you're not from here.

What the fuck are you even talking about? "wait for hitler" was the meme used against retards saying noone should even bother voting at all. RWDS is not "wait for hitler". How long have you been here? Two weeks?

Liberalism in action and a perfect practical example of the liberal mantra: il est interdit d'interdire. Won't translate since you leafs should know French anyway

>It's a: "I'm too retarded to know the difference between decriminalizing and legalization thread"

Is that meant to be an accomplishment?

Hello pothead.

There's no conversation to be had on policy if you fucking dummies think decriminalization and legalization are the same

Same shit with trannies, so what? There's a drug problem and you want this kike and spic poison legal, and not only that, you want it produced by the government outright as you have implied by saying it'll "remove the black market". You are one delusional fucking DUDE WEED LMAO kike who never dealt with family falling into REAL poison. YOU are the lolberg, allowing for the populace to rot if one little mistake leads them to, if there's no one to help them in this locked away world.

He's right, but I still disagree.

How do you mean?
In any case, I wouldn't change anything on hard drugs. But as long as we're paying taxes pre-Collapse, there's no need for our money to go towards arresting, processing, prosecuting, and jailing retarded potheads–i.e. decriminalization for possession. If they happen to be shitskins, the will inevitably be imprisoned for something else anyhow. Legalization would likely fail or cause massive degeneracy, unless it were coupled with other measures.

don't ever let them have this one. as you said this shit rots society.

one is worse than the other, it's still going in the wrong direction. not those anons but for me this is more about which drugs.


Because you can always hide it as your personal stash, dealers aren't that stupid to carry ounces on them at all times.
I occasionally sprinkle the herbal jew in my homemade cigars, that's as far as my degeneracy goes the problem with weed is that its getting stupidly potent and it glues your ass to the couch more than it would've in the 70s or the 80s. That's the only one I'd be willing to fully legalize but put limit on THC content, and regulate it different to stuff like say hash or shatter, which I think is just plain ridiculous and excessive. Of course its harmless, but that's its biggest problem as it stands, people don't learn limits because at most it'll put you to sleep, and some don't have a problem with passing out like that many nights a week. Hyperbolic, but you get the jist.

user, I…
Regardless, decriminalization/legalization won't happen. One definite slippery slope would be the acceptance of industrial hemp, and corporate lobbyist shills would lose their goddamn minds.

>ousting my bad habits like that for all to see
If the medical loophole is allowed to be abused, even better maybe, filters out the idiots and coons who'd ruin it somehow.

the useless will have their genes die out, what's the problem? in fact, how is this a problem if most people stay away from it?

We might mock and deride you as a faggot for your habits, but it's for your own good. If you want hugs and kisses and endorsement for degeneracy, you know where to go, my friend.
Coons will always (((figure out))) a way to abuse things.

They'll exterminate themselves on their own. Why stop them?

Then ban littering you cancerous faggot.

The useless don't die out, there's also a push to have naxolone kits everywhere to save fentanyl OD cases.

It's just my sttasssh, man!


Anyone pushing drug legalization is pushing for the release of millions of non-whites back into society. Your moral stance on what should happen in an ideal world doesn't matter.

White flight en masse in the 70-80's. Anyone with any sense took their guns and fucked off where shitskins don't go.

Yeah druggies really follow laws and never create shit holes where they live.

Correct. Mother's milk in fact leads straight to heroin.

No, we're tired of subsidizing screws and their fat cat union bosses.

All drugs should be legal. This is obvious. Prohibition doesnt work, it doesn't decrease demand, and drug dealers will kill people over nothing. Regulate it, tax it, discourage people from doing it even, but what an individual puts in his body is no business of the government.

If meth is suddenly legal are you going to run out and do meth? In portugal, usage of all drugs decreased once they became decriminalized. The fact that people here are arguing for more government intervention is the height of kikery.

In the times colonist

BC is getting social justice tribunals with new NDP gov.

We need Jordan B Peterson

The end result is still more non-whites on the street. Someone will still be profiting off it unjustly either way.

If it incarcerates more blacks than whites it works.

Meanwhile in Ontario, free abortion pills will be handed out, and it's already being celebrated by the average dimwit. Apparently it's "empowering" to kill your own child with gov-provided pills that are free? This garbage will likely be in the water supply (and who knows, in food/drink?) infecting all women.

Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual – the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.

Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm – their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.

These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.

In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.

So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.

Those communist tribunals shouldn't even be legal, and should have been outlawed by now (they started in '77 iirc). Maybe Jordan B. Peterson would have some ideas on legal ways to prevent a tribunal being set up in B.C., or at least do a video on it and bring more people's attention to it.

Dubs and trips checked. Well said. Abortion should really be called murder or feticide. What an evil government, gives millions of tax payer money to fund an enemy of western civilization (omar), then puts feticide/satanic ritual murder in pill form that will infect the water supply (like how there's birth control pill/other meds in the water).

What legalization would do is kill many from dindus to open border lolbergs.

Hard drugs being handed out at welfare offices would literally make Canada white again…

Abortion is only a problem when it involves the fetuses of Whites with good genes.

No abortion would have meant +50% non-White population in both Canada and the USA more than a decade ago.


they did it in the holland and it works,government smack for addicts and the numbers fall like a tower.

the british stopped it elsewhere such as america.

but the british sold opium, now they sell smack.

this is how the world REALLY WORKS.

Government can make sure you can get away with a crime including pedophilia.

so that's why rochdale and other sex scandals REALLY WERE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.

some masons got a cut and were allowed to fuck them too,plus they pushed out the masonic drugs.

of course people getting clean fucks this up.

And that is not even talking about HSBC and mexico.

Dubs checked. Don't get too frustrated, arguing is always hard with spergy dipshits who can't distinguish reality from fantasy.

You are the spergy dipshit. It is because of morons like you that degeneracy is festering in the West which btw isn't the entity of the First World. In fact it's the shittiest part of it compared to other countries that qualify.
Countries that have the death penalty for some drug crimes

These aren't some fucking shitholes and if you been there are actually nicer than the shithole that is Toronto.


As far as I'm aware all of the data available points towards decriminalization lowering drug use, HIV rates, and drug related deaths.

I'd certainly be interested in something that shows otherwise. I support whatever results in less degeneracy and drug use.

Abortions should be legal and encouraged for non-whites, and illegal/discouraged for whites.

Haha yeah dude and we should just kill all niggers in the street so there's no reason to come up with solutions that will actually happen right bros? Don't worry about realistic problem solving we'll just make a law where only niggers can get abortions once hitlers long lost son becomes president.

We don't need to talk about these problems anymore goy- I mean bros. Don't worry about it we will fix it.

slippery slope