Will it ever make a comeback?

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No, thank GOD.
Quite possibly the most retarded tryhard community that has ever existed.
Ex DOTArds ultra tryhard that got crushed first by LoL, then DOTA2 itself.
Then all this shit is getting plowed by Overwatch.
Good fucking riddance, burn the entire "genre" to the ground.

Don't be so cynical, the game was fun and had some great original hero designs. I wasn't even crazy about it at the time but in hindsight it was a really good game albeit with a shitty community.

HoN had the best meta out of the big DotA clones, by an extremely wide margin.

At one point, I was watching a DotA2 tournament and I realized that the meta for DotA2 was, outside of early game strats, to have your carry farm for chain buybacks because infinite buybacks were a thing in DotA2. HoN had a max of 2 buybacks.

DotA2 didn't start the game with a courier, which meant the early game was slower paced and the supports started out gimpier, which made them easier targets for ganks and in team fights. HoN had a free courier for both teams to counter that exact problem.

DotA2 casters didn't scale worth a damn late game (or even mid game for most of them). HoN casters had plenty of items to boost their spell damage output.

HoN had a host of problems, just like every DotA clone ever made, but most of them were fixed quite quickly. Except for Monkey King, who took forever to get hit by the nerf bat. S2 also went out of its way to improve the game over time instead of keeping things as is and refusing to improve because it might ruffle some autist's feathers.

But the community sucked, just like in every other DotA2 clone. It's a team based game where you're matched up with random players who often times get carried to their rating by friends and are clearly undeserving of their rating and go around ruining games. On the flip side, games at high ratings where there's no shitbags present were a TON of fun, but those were exceedingly rare.

I don't think any amount of CPR will get HoN back up, but it pretty much had the right idea of what the DotA genre was supposed to be.

I got to 1900ish solo queueing as support/suicide. I started playing DotA the day in came out on RoC. I love the genre, hate the devs, hate the community.

hon is shit and it should stay dead

nice dubs thread op

I had a much better time playing HoN than I did dota2. The genre was much less cancerous at the time. It's still great fun.

No. It deserved to die for adding Cthuluphant (a shitty hero made by Tim B^uckey, one of the biggest scumbags in the webcomic scene).

But Cthuluphant is (or was when I still played) such a great hero! Shitty stun that doesn't go off near any kind of rock or pebble and is slow to go off to good players can blink out, awful "tanky" ability that doesn't do anything other than add a bit of extra health in engagements, useless AoE CC that never fucking goes off, ever and one of the worst ults in the game against anyone except Thunderbringer.

Strife tried to be HoN's successor, and failed very miserably (A Chinese developer bought it from S2, and is doing nothing with the ip). HoN and Strife are pretty dead.

Sometimes I wonder if they made him horrible on purpose to fuck with B^Uckey?

Imho HoN will always be superior to dota/2 but the community is infinitely worse.

HoN has more cohesively designed heroes not just a bunch of random abilities thrown together

Casters scale well into the late game.

Unfortunately the cash shop destroyed the game. Ugly models and god awful voice and sound ruin the game to the point I remove all sound from the game.

Carries also are exponentially more dangerous which sucks. At a certain point no amount of team play will defeat a well stocked Gunblade or nomad

I think we can all agree that Dawngate was the best moba.

dota has a cooldown on buybacks you retard

Doubt it

I found it too hard, but worse than that the community was fucking shit. A guy tries to get better and asks for help an is torn into.

Fuck this game. May Dota 2, LOL or Overwatch kill it off for keeps.

It's a whole health pot or blights

actual autism

Hon community was hostile as shit and full of 3rd worlders but at least it's not this babby mode 'anti-toxic/salt' meme reddit shit. Half the fun was shit talking people but in DOTA people cry so hard about it.

Valve lets fucking reddit control the game while they harvest the foolish gentiles. At least S2 didn't take themselves so seriously.

no more deadwood
no chipper
no empath
no artesia
no monarch
no flux
no geomancer
no myrmidon
no riftwalker
no grinex
no gemini
no shadowblade
no engineer
no CAW aka Emerald warden

shit was a lot of fun would kill for a deadwood clone in dota 2.

put over 3 thousand matches into hon since its beta up to near its two year being out. stay a bit longer since they actually ip blocked the brs from the Na servers for a while which was probably the best assfaggot experience i ever had basically what an assfaggot should that way no fucking hues come in to fucking troll and shit

I would be so happy if dota blatantly stole shit from HoN, there's so many good abilities and they just put trash ones out for these rebalances.

I've always said that S2 should have sold their hero and/or ability concepts to either Riot or Valve. There were some actually fantastic hero designs. God I loved Empath.

Will it ever make a comeback?

As sad as i am to say it, pure hero brawlers like BLC will never take off. For some reason people don't like the amount of accountability in them. They need to be able to blame the jungle for not ganking enough, or mid for feeding. Games like BLC aren't made for ASSFAGGOTS players. Now maybe the FGC could get interested in them, seeing as they more closely resemble something like Smash than DotA.

Who's the Lee Sin of HoN?


Lord Salforis was the ultimate mid game tank.
Buffed ravenor was fun as fuck. Magic melle carry was a kick ass original design at the time.

Revenant+Ravenor combo was pure cancer/win depending on your perpective


Ravenor was too OP for way too fucking long. When I quit playing, around 2 years ago, he basically was Hammerstorm (aka Sven), except his ult had no duration and you only needed a pack or two in the jungle to charge it up or 5-6 seconds in a team fight. Oh and ya, like Hammerstorm, he had a move speed increase buff, except his was way stronger and could be kept up indefinitely. Oh ya, his ult was stronger than Hammerstorm unless good 'ol Hammer was stacked to hell and back. Hell, even his blink was situationally better than Hammerstorm since you could use it from fog and there was no wind-up to it so it was more or less impossible to blink out of, unlike Hammerstorm's projectile and somewhat average cast speed. Oh ya, buying a cheap, easy to build, early game item (Abyssal Skull) he could basically farm forever without any downtime.

A big part of that is due to fanboys though. A LOT of DotA players think that anything that isn't DotA is trash and that DotA can do no wrong and that DotA is the best game ever, etc, etc. Also, Steam/Valve fanboys. Never mind the fact that if you look at both games objectively, HoN is far superior.

Maliken pls.

Nope ;_;

Better original heroes, better meta, better graphics that don't hinder gameplay, better design philosophy (let's make some heroes tiny and some heroes take half the screen!). Like I said earlier, it has a lot of problems just like every game in the genre does, but it's better than the alternatives.

I vaguely remember getting this game for free. And I'm wondering if it's worth even getting into.

I'm completely new to the concepts of MOBA's.Most experience I had was really, really early League of Legends [like just before season 2 early], Dota2 tutorial, and several hours of Heroes of the Storm [free betakey edition]

Nah. S2 can't into hero design for shit. Most of the heroes they created were 1shot combo heroes, not to mention hiding them behind early access. Lets not forget mix and matching abilities that should not be mixed.
Game is shiny as fuck.
Maliken pls.

i seriously doubt it, but it has more right to call itself dota 2 than dota 2 does

the hell are you talking about?

now this was a fun game. i think one of the quickest to go free to play that ive ever seen.

why though? team fights are the only fun part of those fucking games. the rest of the game is just determining what youll have to work with during an engagement. you make it sound like they think its too casual.

I miss geomancer.

Nah man the most op hero was is and probably will be is Maliken.

His q is puck orb with slow and 360 dmg on 5 sec cooldown

W/E self buffs that ensure early game lane staying and dps advantage

Hellbourne zeal is a weak version of Husks rage

Malks ulti takes the cake though. Dragon knight's ulti that is also a Warlock stun on activation and +20 armor for first 5 sec after activation.

All he needs is Whispering help and bkb to be effective. Anything beyond that is luxury

i dont think there will ever be an assfaggots hero as cool and fun as the chipper ever again.

As oppose to throwing darts at board and making a hero depending on where the darts land?

Look, I get that you want to defend your shit game but, you can atleast come up with a good fucking response.

I agree. When I was playing Smite I pretty much gave up on conquest because fuck incredibly slow machups where no one does jack shit half the time.

And you are the arbitrary voice of reason when it comes to judging whats good and bad right?

Your whole argument is stoplikingwhatidontlike.jpg

thats odd, smite seems like the fastest out of all the assfaggots, at least back when i played a year or two ago.

No my arguments are based on facts from actually playing the game, none of which you have actually addressed.

I miss Lodestone, especially suicide Lodestone. You pretty much never die so the support gets bored and leaves. You hit lvl 6 and you just chain 1 shot the carry until you get your 10 minute pkey. And then you proceed to anally rape every mother fucker in the game by buying a codex and doing like fucking 2.5k burst damage that ignores armor. Good times.

Ravenor needs Steamboots, Abyssal Skull and a TP and he's good to go. You can shut him down as hard as you want, but as soon as he gets these two items, he just turns into a monster and can easily climb back from 100gpm to 500gpm.

Ellonia, Bramble, Prophet and mother fucking Kane were my favorite. Support Kane was a blast to play with ranged carries: he outlasts every suicide in the game and can easily push them out of xp range, he can setup kills and has humongous counter-gank potential, has decent early game support abilities (infinite mana? super fast health regen? fuck ya) and best of all, he has amazing team fight presence because of his ult + Barbed Armor.

Games went basically like this when Kane first came out:

wow, im not sure who they are, bramble sounds familiar though. the last heroes i saw released were empath and song girl who i forget the name of

Should agree. HoN was good before Dota 2 launched, but goes stale after this and died. I like HoN only because original heroes with fun mechanic.



didnt doturd2 have the same meta for like three years

Rumble :^)

i got a good laugh out of how much of a ripoff rumble is. even his death animation is similar

You havent produced a single argument. You stated your vapid petulant opinion how everything is shit. Given by such wonder example here

Henry Kissinger is green with envy at your persuasive skills

idk I didn't like HoN at launch because the bloom was overdone and fucking blinding.

I got tired of DOTA2 with it having the same fucking meta and valve's kikery.

Dawngate IS the best moba.

The only good one is a dead one.

I really liked the focus on skillshots and the faster turnrate.
Was a lot more fun not only sniping people with chipper rockets but also all the fun moments you get when you weave between all those artesia missiles and other skillshots like in some shmup.

I never said they were better, but that they enabled magic damage to stay relevant.

it was fun. It might have lacked some depth. What made the game terrible was everything related to it becoming f2p

It was the only ASSFAGGOTS that I liked, of course it got canned

i miss this game just for engineer

damn shame about the huuuuuge south american community. rare to find fluent english players queuing on USE.

Cthuluphant sucked.

it was a tim b^uckley hero, what do you expect

I'll give HoN credit for at least trying to do something other than be a DotA clone. It wasn't always perfect but at least they made an attempt to bring new things in and fix some of its problems.

I think having a ranking system is the biggest reason ASSFAGGOTS suck. When you create a consequence for losing, people get ladder anxiety and frustration. When you design the game around 5v5, you now give them an outlet for these negative feelings. Of course now you have people screaming that they don't have a reason to play the game, but if your reason to play a game is to wave your e-peen around and not because the game is fun then you have a serious problem with your game.

What S2 should've focused on was making fun little distractions using the assets like Pudge Wars in DotA. There's no deep meta (and you can add new content without having to worry about breaking it), there are no MMR tryhards, it's just people playing around with the mechanics. I think this would also result in people being better at the game in general since there's no way to practice with a hero other than a dull sandbox with bots. I heard D2 did this so good for them.

And going F2P was their biggest mistake. They had enough BRs as it was and then they flooded in as soon as they opened it up to anyone. Nothing but faggots trying to carry with Pebbles. I never understood their obsession with him.

HoN actually turned me off to ASSFAGGOTs forever. I used to play WC3 DOTA with a group of guys all the time and we had a great time. Then they switched to HoN and I went along for the ride. I could never get into it. The game fucking sucks. Killed the genre for me.

you tell me

HoN art direction is fucking shit, mate.

/r/ r34 Poloma

This is literally the only fucking MOBA that I'll ever miss, but the matchmaking can suck a massive fucking dick
Literally how and the god damned fuck do you make a shitty fucking system like this?
Not even fucking LoL was this retarded when it came to match making

No. There can be only one DotA clone and valvedrone's favorite is not gonna budge. HoN had everything superior to dota2 except management, mmr and HUGE FUCKING PLATFORM WITH UNLIMITED MONEY. Actually I don't get why people love dota2 so much (except the fact that it's assfaggots) - it has absolutely shit design with all those rawr fangs and samefaces because kiddies love that, it has stupid balance, void dodging 20 attacks in row okay, disjunction never ever, it has nothing except the fact that its name is dota and it's made by the company.
Fuck it. Not like assfaggots are even worth it with 1 in 10 or 20 games being actually good and others stupid fillers with kiddies continuing to farm when it's clear that the match can be ended. Oh, HoN had concede button for that, but no, fuck you valvedrones from you anal overlord, gotta get fucked in the ass till the end.

h-hey guys r-remember me?


I love dota 2 because of how much asshurt it causes, nothing else can muster anger like this simply by mentioning the name


They actually tried to introduce new maps with different bosses and player limit, even though they weren't that good or well recieved.

The sad thing is how many ideas were just blatantly carried over when HoN was still relevant.
Valve was always a step behind when they came up with stuff like making ramps more open to favor pushing, making rosh pit more balanced between teams, introducing higher kill rewards to favor ganking, rework of the assist rewards and comeback gold which introduced the same broken meta that HoN already experienced and fixed before.
HoN even had some custom maps before Valve announced they'd add custom map support, which were a pain to join though and which were never much pursued by S2.

Show me a video of this happening, user. Good luck (especially when you try this with Void these days).

You can disjunct projectiles, what are you talking about?

DotA was big long before "that company" had any involvement in it.

This one with dodging, for everything else picrelated like people getting killed after buying back because that doesn't disjoint you, neither does scroll and some other shit, totally competitive game.
Hurr durr, that's a hueg news to me, total surprise! Obviously I was talking about other clones that popped out before dota2 debut


You are welcome

The moment IceFraud stopped consulting for S2, was the moment S2 started making stupid decision after stupid decision. Not that IceFrog is any good, but S2 are on a whole other level of incompetence.

I bet even Chris Taylor doesn't remember this shit.

Voids dodge isn't in the game anymore tho.
Evade you can counter with MKB which is a cheap item compared to other damage items.

HoN had the best concept and was alot of fun, but the graphics can burn eyes out. i really miss that mod that gave HoN warcraft 3 models and updated wc3 textures. you could actually look at the game without disgust.

M8 the odds of a dodge increase the more it doesn't proc. 4 dodges is not that odd.

even going to warcraft 3 from starcraft took some getting used to

i played hon for the whole beta and a good year after too. i never got used to the graphics, they are ugly as fuck and will always be

those who cannot adapt will die in the winter

i live in a wooden house at the edge of a forest, my internet is from a satellite (2Mbit/sec). i hunt part of my food. i think im good

Goddamn HPB

Will it ever made a comeback guys?

I liked HoN out of all "MOBAs" out there
Too bad it was short lived, I joined in too late. The F2P didnt liven up the game enough.
Not sure what killed it though, because the game was excellent. Maybe it was the community?

It had interesting hero roster, every hero felt enjoyable to play, the skill cap was high and it had more "serious" feel to it, even though the game had lots of silliness behind all that tough layer.

Had this same feeling towards Dawngate, too bad EA pulled the plug in that game so early, couldnt enjoy the game even for a year.

It's funny how always the worst games in the genre get noted while the best always hide in the shadows and fade away eventually, and yes,with the "worst game" I do mean League of Legends, the elephant in the room.
That game has the smallest possible learning curve and skill cap out of all "MOBAs" when you realize how limited the game and it's engine is, yet it's so popular. The builds are incredibly limited, the ranked meta basically kills off 80% of the champion roster, leaving only about 15-25 champions actually viable, since those "top picks" do pretty much everything better than the ones outside of the meta, no real balance exists and itemization is a joke. How can this piece of shit appeal to so much people when its technically the worst game out there? :/

Is the casual demographic enough to keep even shittiest games alive as long as it appeals to those said casuals?

it's called overwatch now.
and it's still shit

id like to see that but they pulled some cunty shit with planetary annihilation, i think.

It'll probably shut down this year with the developer having 0 income and 0 new blood.

LoL has more champions picked in tournaments than dota2.

If the game's so easy why don't you join a pro team and make easy millions?

There were over 90 picked in Ti6 out of the slightly over 100.

How many were picked in the last LoL tournament?

Nah, it won't.
Game is deader then Elvis with no marketing or any appeal outside of Thailand.

doturd2 finally moved on from picking and banning the same 15 heroes?

SJW pushing from devs and cancerous community killed HoN

Basicly if you call someone fag you get banned but if some fag is literally talking about sucking dicks and how entire world is homophobic he will get a free pass while you will get banned for responding to him

Also allowing griefers to grief 24/7 is prob what made so many players quit (fuck Finland)

You have to be fucking retarded.

why can't dotards just answer the question?

MKB,PA dodge also had a much higher chance if I remember correctly.

MKB,PA evasion also had a much higher chance than void's dodge if I remember correctly.

Fuck,meant evasion