Operation "Death To All Sluts"

I'm sick of it guys. I'm sick of the whores our woman have become. I'm sick at the thought that most of us will never get to marry a virgin. I'm sick of girls below the age of 20 having spread their legs for 30 cocks already. I'm sick of hearing "there are still some good women out there". I'm sure there are. But they are increasingly like needles in a haystack. It can't go on like this. We must take a more pro-active approach to the whore problem!
There is already a small awakening going on with the overall rightward shift in the Zeitgeist, and then there is this "thot patrol" meme I've been seeing in comment sections more and more. But that is a dumb nigger word and it also doesn't go far enough.
We must meme men into rejecting and shunning sluts outright again. I'm talking about not even dating them for one-night stands or casual sex anymore. Reversing the (((PUA))) - YOLO mindset by appealing to men's natural tribal instincts.
Basically what men who entertain sluts are doing is poisoning their own future. Defiling each other's potential wifes. Every time you fuck some girl without the intention of marrying her, you are taking away another man's future and prosperity. You're a degenerate piece of shit. Every girl who gives her pussy up to a guy without insisting on committment first is taking away some man's chance for a happy family.

I don't have a concrete I idea how to meme it yet, but those vintage ads are always a good inspiration. Even though they are totally cheesy they hit a man right in the feels. This is the life the Jews have stolen from us.

The thing is, can you really reach the 20% that is getting laid?

Because truth to the matter, not many men nowadays gets laid. Some of them are still virgins up until 25 years old, completely normal dudes with jobs, apartment and car.

And the 20% that do gets laid, gets all they want, because they are degenerate piece of shitbags anyway.

Don't breed goyim

The fuck you on about?

I think it still helps to get this way of thinking into the wider consciousness. Maybe it's too late for Millennials but not for Generation Z. We have to do SOMEthing.
Also, that means that there are 80% of men who are frustrated. This is big! Not all of those are beta fags, they wield some power. Imagine those guys started to rebel. Shame the 20% for being degenerates, shame promiscuous women, etc.. It's all about getting traditionalist thinking back into the mainstream.


Why would they change their ways of life and treating women as long as they keep getting laid, because the eternal kike told them that's life and that's how you are succesful?

Because it's a vicious cycle that we need to break. I just don't see how you are going to reach these people.

What the fuck are you on about you retard?

Women suck, but they are not as bad as you're making it out to be.

Focus on doing the best you can, and stop bitching about how women are simply not good enough today.
You are not good enough either. If you were, you wouldn't be here, crying your eyes out.

All women are innately, biologically hardwired, to be worthless whores.

Can't shoot all of them can we?
Where the fuck would the 14 words be then?
No Johnny, kill only the women who have partaken in miscegenous acts, coal burners and other race traitors.

You make adultery illegal, which in turn would over write the bullshit "no fault" divorce laws in place. Then you shame the sluts, painting any orbiter willing to pick up the pieces as the weak, desperate proxy cucks they are. Very few men who are at the top of the food chain go around fucking used up whores because they are aware of the baggage they carry, its that women are so shit you can't settle down with one and be over with it, more usually than not, you need to look for "the one". Its a problem of not "fixing" women, but keeping them in check, which already requires MORE men at the top of the chain instead of beta cucks "convincing" them.

Who's crying? I am pointing out facts and I feel slight discomfort sitting passively by as shit is getting exponentially worse for the younger guys among us, so I proposed a propaganda campaign because I'd rather try something that ends up going nowhere instead of doing nothing. I thought maybe I could get something started. Well, I tried.

Fuck off kike

>We must meme men into rejecting and shunning sluts outright again. I'm talking about not even dating them for one-night stands or casual sex anymore. Reversing the (((PUA))) - YOLO mindset by appealing to men's natural tribal instincts. Basically what men who entertain sluts are doing is poisoning their own future. Defiling each other's potential wifes. Every time you fuck some girl without the intention of marrying her, you are taking away another man's future and prosperity. You're a degenerate piece of shit. Every girl who gives her pussy up to a guy without insisting on committment first is taking away some man's chance for a happy family.
Can't say I disagree.

Fuck off white knight.

back to 4chan

Its easy as fuck to get laid. Only people who are mentally/physically incompetent to reproduce can't so so. You go to the nearest bar/club and hit on the first chick you see and like 80% of the time you get laid. Girls desire sex, and girls who go to bars/clubs are usually looking for sex.

There's just no point in doing so. Its a waste of time, energy, and money because it doesn't actually get you kids or a wife. Its meaningless sex for pleasure, and there are a lot of things which are far more enjoyable than even really good sex. Also you could catch an std, or accidentally knock up an evil bitch, and you're depleting your sperm loosing protein, fructose, and testosterone.

In summary you all need to stop being whiny faggot cucks, get a good gf who loves you instead of chasing after skanks, and prepare for the racewar.


I agree, White women are cancer Stacy. Fucking robot.


For five years I went to bars, it was so physically draining that I had to stop it. The women there really just want to use you up, at least I used a condom every time, though I still wanted a kid but she'd probably abort it.

35 now still can't get a gf to have a kid with, it's all "but user we don't have enough money", "user I don't want to have kids", "user I work to much", "user we'd go into debt".

I'm becoming more angry when dealing with women if she isn't interested in children then she'll be forgotten in the fossil record. I do understand why shitskins just rape but abortion still ruins your chances nowadays.

Reminder that promiscuity is just as bad for men as it is for women. Those of you who whine about not having a wholesome wife after you've had your share sloots have the mental maturity of a 14-year-old.

share of*

The jewish take over of America BEGUN with feminism, women were there before the kikes. They both worked together for almost a century to kick the White man down and all that he has created.

Did you read it the text?
If a Jew keeps throwing stones through your window you still have to fix the window. Retard.

Hi Roastie. Just like all Women have the mental maturity of a 9 year old?

What kind of women are you talking about?

100%. If you have friend who still live the "fuck sluts YOLO" lifestyle you need to tell them they are on the same level as niggers.

It's not even about blaming women or shifting focus away from the Jew, it's simply about changing men's behavior towards them and to stop them from falling for "muh dik" and following their base desires everytime some dumb piece of ass signals to be DTF.

The female problem is as every bit as big and serious as the Jew problem. It will not be solved either until women's rights are repealed and they are forced into subservience, or until women en masse are replaced by technology.

Total bullshit obviously written by a chick.

I beg your pardon? If you're asking what I meant with "women were there before the kikes" I meant women were some of the first to publicly push for the degeneration of White standards, all of feminist subsequent laws absolutely crippled America in some ways out of absolute and incorrigible stupidity. Banning alcohol so that women won't have to come home to "drunk, stupid men" for example; fueled the rise of the Italian (Jewish, I'll get more into it if you wish) / outright Jewish Mafia that sold alcohol because it is just rotten fruit, easy to make, but when the prohibition ended, you couldn't scrub away the clandestine and underground empire they have already built. That's just one way how women totally fucked up through outright stupidity and emotional reasoning that they are bound to by default.

I'm still dating, but I make it very clear to girls right off the bat that I'm looking for kids and that my purpose in dating is as a trial run to see if we're a good fit for a longer relationship. It weeds out the dead-end chicks right off the bat so I don't have to deal with all that.

I can't for the life of me understand why some girls don't want kids when its obvious to me that the whole point of life and the whole purpose of every living thing is to produce many successful offspring.

It drives me nuts when people whine about kids taking money or time, because the whole point of everything is to have kids. Money and time are useless and pointless without kids.

I know, but then again, women wanted this. They didn't feel like being "confined" to a single man "raising kids" and all the other "oh so evil" bullshit they cried about. Women ARE to blame, and if you keep letting them off Scott free like a beta cuck, they'll either do it again behind your back or in your face to test your will.

You know those "meth: not even once" ads and other ads like them that make examples out of people who use drugs and live irresponsibly?
Your best bet would be to do the same, but specifically use images of women who are well past their prime and still single. Pic related is an example.
Target it towards younger women with a message of "this could be your future if you choose to mess around and live recklessly. A lifetime of loneliness and isolation awaits you." Shit like that.
Make being a whore comparable to being a hopeless drug addict that no one wants to be around because they became too far gone.

I like this idea, and if we can spam it under feminist hashtags on Twitter or even anything related to boy bands, celebrities etc where at least teenage girls can see then it may strike a nerve

meant for lol

Women don't have agency, they are like disobedient dogs. What they want is irrelevant. That is why I'm proposing appealing directly to men. If men realize they are shooting themselves in the foot by allowing and participating in this promiscuous culture and start having ZERO tolerance for ANY kind of whorish behavior or women with a slutty past again, things will significally improve.

That is a good idea! Nice. But that's only 50%. Like I said here above, we need to appeal to men too.

We could use rubber bullets.

Fairly simple, still use the past their prime women, take quotes from them, point out how they are only interested in making a man's life worse and be sure to include things like "do you really want to be with someone trying to exercise power and control over you 24/7?"
Also as should be obvious, STD rates, the entitled attitudes of whores and elevating women who choose to impart restraint and act in a civilized, non-whorish manner.

Were they white women pushing feminism? Please enlighten me.

And kids are useless in a shitty, jewish world. The neanderthals died out because they were too intelligent and too socially awkward to socialize with the cro magnon, so they suffered their women being bred out and taken away. That is us in comparison to other whites, high intelligence isn't always a benefit, and women are so stupid and illogical by nature to prevent you from snapping and murdering your own kids out of frustration, for they're both at the same mental level. Not everyone is meant to breed, maybe our goal in life is to fight and fight hard against the kike menace so that others who feel like putting up with this gay game can while we pursue the defense of our race. If you have kids and the race war brakes out would you go? What would happen to them if you perish?

Agreed. This sentiment is more common than you think, what needs to be done now is more public shaming.

You are trying to get men to cooperate in the MOTHER of all prisoner's dilemmas. I regret to inform you that you will NOT succeed.

1) Repeal women's rights
2) Replace women by technology

Here are your options. Pick one.

You don't get it. Men still have power. What would happen if all men tomorrow said we're not talking to any woman who isn't a virgin any more. We are not dating them. We are not fucking them. We are not chatting with them. We are not liking their shitty social media posts. We are not even looking at them or aknowledging their presence. They are lower than dog shit on the pavement.
The whole culture would change real quick.

Here is where your fantasy falls apart. Clearly you do not understand the concept of a prisoner's dilemma.

Sex androids that are completely indistinguishable from the real thing are literally a realistic proposal compared to what you're suggesting here.

You'll never win that way. Changing a culture like that would take generations and it would have to be done in complete isolation which is basically impossible in the modern world. And just so you know, white men have already started rejecting marriage. Liberal white women are having fewer children than their conservative counterparts too. That's why (((goverments))) are pushing massive immigration so hard. They noticed that society was self-correcting and they want to stop it because they love having women in power. They're the ultimate group of useful idiots that (((elites))) need to stay in control. If certain groups of men won't empower sluts, the government will bring in another group that will.

The only realistic way to fix society at this point is to remove affirmative action laws. That would lead to women being slowly forced out of the workforce which would make them dependent on men again. Then men could remove women's rights completely over time.

Or just wait for AI waifus

With that said, the female problem infuriates me as much as it does the next guy, so I don't want to discourage anyone from launching their counter-propaganda campaign. Perhaps you can hope to make a very small difference. It's better than nothing.

But you and every user must understand that the problem won't actually be solved until women's rights are gone or until they've been replaced, and one (or both) of these solutions is the one we must ultimately work towards. It won't be easy, but it is what it is.

>That's why (((governments))) are pushing massive immigration so hard.

The legal system is completely corrupted. It uses the protective instincts men have for women as a psychological means of getting people to go along with judgements they normally wouldn't. It's just another mechanism by which to leach money from the productive, capable people.

How deluded are the people in power to think they can bring in immigrants to marry the women and keep that system going? They won't have white guilt and "morality" to keep them in check. The entire thing will collapse as soon as it starts.

Yeah sure but deep down men are looking for love and companionship and not just a hole to deposit their jizz in.

Shitskins won't "empower sluts", quite to the contrary my friend. And since we are not in power and therefore won't be able to change laws atm, all we can do is spread memes. And I see no reason to not at least try make a small impact.

One potential shaming propaganda campaign could probably work by targeting a narrow but specific subculture of camgirls and the beta orbiters that friend them online and dump ridiculous amounts of tips and gifts upon these manipulative beta magnets. Now, I don't want to blow all camgirls out of the water here, the vast majority aren't intelligent enough or deceitful enough to put in the effort to farm beta orbiters for resources, but it's the few top queens that do. There's a lot of quality camgirls out there that just show up and be themselves and don't pander the betas with an overly false persona. Nor would I fault the normal guy that tosses $5 or $10 to these girls to keep them interested.

The difference between high earners and average is mainly technical, quality of audio/video, the set atmosphere and adequate lighting, not that the girl is necessarily more appealing. The high earner usually highly adept social manipulation skills and knows how to target her beta audience with technology/geek/scifi/fantasy knowledge and wrap it a cutesy package. Note, I do prefer seeing the girls getting the income directly (minus host site's cut) and cutting the (((porn mafia))) out of the loop, and it also means they take a lot less dick via solo or coupling with a regular partner. I'm specifically talking about the ones that exist solely for the purpose exploiting beta orbiters with disposable incomes that drop three and four figure cash tips on these girls in cam sessions, they also contribute with offline tips via other means the girls setup.

Take the camgirl that posted the message in the pics accompanying this post. A little background, she apparently is a system engineer, knows her way around ruby and obj-c and Cocoa framework, and works on the OBS modules for chaturbate. She recently led the way with chaturbate's first 4k stream session. For a number of years she's also been cobbling together a competing platform called nood.tv that has all sorts of friendly widget plug-ins to allow the girls to customize their channel and allow them to keep a larger share of the tips. I can hardly believe she's not Ashkenazi.

Nice meme. Need to bold and italicize some more important words like " say NO to WHORES". webm of a daughter who was sold the slut lie

I'm not clicking this why would you post porn?
Anyway italic looked weird I made it bold and caps.

Ok I'm just gonna troop on alone. Made another one.

Make it less accusatory, "this could be our life" and "if she wasn’t"

Agree about the "our life" part. The second thing is better this way because it implicates all women and not this fictional one in the picture.

Good, can you make the font more '50s ish?

Really? I kind of like that slightly cartoonish font.

i wonder what his intentions were with this content

cocksucker kampfy does it for fucking nothing lmfao

Literally no fee

Imagine: Doing it for no cost at all
Imagine: Being a retarded stormfaggot
Imagine: Literally being afraid of SA
This is the reality of the stormfaggot 8gaggers

And we're back


really tickles the pickle

Oh look someone's rustled I must have struck a chord.

yeah looked better before.

Changed the font on this last one too.