Martin Shkreli Convicted
Martin Shkreli Convicted
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I think you meant to post this over on >>>/Cuckchan/
he's not "our" anything, you repulsive little faggot.
This would be a good opportunity for that black rap group to commit their "caper" and steal back that album while he is locked up.
Getting real tired of these crossposters.
This, he's a fucking Albanian. It's just funny that he got rich off jacking up the price on fag medication and he likes to troll.
Even though 60% of it was given out for free and that the big distributors were the ones fronted with the cost and they lowered the copay to next to nothing, and he used his profits to research making a better more updated version of the drug as well as researching ways to treat rarer diseases that aren't attractive to investors
Shkreli is actually a really fucking good guy. Listen to him explain what he ACTUALLY did www
This guy is so misunderstood, everyone bought into the (((Media hype))) about his daraprim ordeal.
Not defending OPs "ourboy" shit though, Shkreli is just a not a bad guy.
I dont understand securities laws, I don't understand what exactly he was arrested for…he got his investors a huge ROI. Was it because it was paid to them late?
If he had been (((chosen))) though, this would have not even come to light. His mistake was acting like a Jew, without having Jew immunity.
He gave it out for free if people just gave is company a call. Good job fallen for kike lies.
Shills be coming. Tells me that this thread needs a bump. What is it that Shkreli is being convicted for?
This. The only reason the media and the Congressional committee made such a big deal out of it was because he was screwing over the kike insurance companies.
Lol, eat shit. He's a fucking faggot and deserves to be put to ovens.
Martin Shkreli did nothing wrong.
This was a politically motivated conviction. The pharma-jews hate Martin Shkreli because he brought negative public attention to their standard business practices. Martin Shkreli's only real crime is lacking tact.
Standard pharma business practice.
But because he's albanian, not a jew like the other pharma rats, I'm supposed to be offended? No, fuck that. He did what the rest of them do. He acted well within the law. Politicians passed laws to make it all legal because the jews were doing it. And the only one to catch heat is a young Albanian guy?
The MSM attacked Shkreli for no reason and you fell for it. The charges are bullshit, the kikes just wanted him locked up.
Not even the kikes are retarded enough to raise the price of a drug 5000%. No sympathy for the greedy moron.
Precisely right. The only ones truly gouged were insurance companies. And who owns the insurance companies?
It's fucking shameful that anybody on Holla Forums doesn't understand Shkreli did nothing wrong.
You're wrong, they do it all the time. Price gouging in the medical industry is par for the course but of course the jewish media won't tell you that.
>oy gevalt this is anudda shoah why won't you believe (((me)))
And who pays the premiums?
But not on Shkreli's scale.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that one idiot rocked the boat hard enough to attract attention to kike practices. But don't ask me to feel sympathy for the moron. He'll burn with the rest of the kikes when DOTR comes.
Shrek-li did nothing wrong. He fought the Kikes by using their tactics and drawing attention to the shadiness of it, whilst still making sure to only fuck over insurance companies.
he's a piece of shit who worships Ayn Rand.
He wasn't convicted of anything involving price gouging with the fag drug.
He lost money in hedge funds, which would be fine, but he didn't tell the investors that he was losing their money.
Instead he paid them with money from his ventures in pharmaceuticals.
That is fraud. Normally someone in this situation could easily get off scott free with his kind of money.
The investors didn't even want to see him convicted, because he made a profit for them.
However, he fucked up when he generated all kinds of negative publicity by jacking up the price of the fag drug.
Would have also helped if he was actually jewish, so he could get an advantage in the jew-dicial system.
The little prick deserves a lengthy stay in club fed, but that could generate bad consequences.
He'll become a sort of martyr, proving Ayn Rand right.
He's a hero for young white men who are only interested in personal financial gain, with no regard for the white race.
Who do you really think 99.999999% of insurance is paid out to? Martin Shkreli was pissing in the Ocean. Jews are gorging themselves on that pie and you're bitching about one single Albanian who managed to get himself a crumb. FUCK YOU KIKE.
Yes, on Shkreli's scale. Shkreli's scale was fucking minuscule.
Yeah youre wrong cuck. Your a 14 year old troll.
He jewed the jew and got the bad goy treatment. Youre too ignorant to connect the dots.
He was known to give it out free to people who needed it and passed the high price onto insurance companies and corporations who make billions off their insurance policies. He was doing his part in breaking the system. You only heard about it because he bested the billion dollar corporations that control media.
You saw the media and swallowed your blue pill like a good little bitch. Now you talk shit about someone intelligent enough to fight back.
Furthermore anyone who has to take pharmaceuticals is already too far down the blue pill rabbit hole fighting natural selection. Through their weekness they are just consumers desperately feeding the system of our destruction.
Seriously stfu
You're right, abusing legal loopholes and fucking over whites is only bad when jews do it. Thank you Shrkreli for helping the white race by charging 50 times more for a drug that costs pennies to make.
Lmao, kys
Gee, that's a funny way to say fucking over jews.
If you're going to continue regurgitating MSM bluepills while glossing over the facts and evidence presented to you, you're going straight into the filter.
What were you even expecting newnigger
why are you even here
no one will buy your retardation
If a white man is acting like a kike, fucking over some kikes (and thousands of middle-class whites) and making money for some other kikes to store in a kike owned bank, he's an honorary kike and deserves an honorary oven.
I wonder who could be behind this.
There was a reason behind all of this. The media went after Shkreli to prime the pump on the Manchin-Epipen scandal. They went 100% full throttle on Shkreli's price fixing scandal so that the Manchin scandal* would slide under the radar. The first thing people think about when you ask them about "2016 pharma pricing scandals" is Shkreli, since their first impression was irrevocably tied to his actions, they assumed the lightly covered epipen scandal was tied to him since he was the big bad guy singled out by the media. (((They))) protected one of their people by selling a random nobody down the river.
Epipen-Manchine-Senate Scandal Source:
The kikes were willing to jack up the price of a critical, life saving medicine that was required to be purchased by every school by nearly the same amount. They are that "stupid", it's just that they are good enough at protecting their own to get away with it.
Actually he only upped the price for insurance companies, since they have essentially limitless money. If a private buyer wanted it, he gave it to them for a fraction of the price, essentially what a normal co-pay would be.
Seriously, this.
The whole reason Shkreli was punished in court was for fucking the rich out of their money. He's not entirely wrong when he says he was the target of a witch-hunt.
Shkreli was just lawmakers throwing the public a bone and saying, "See? We prosecute bad goys– er, guys. Just focus on him while we fix the prices on other life-saving medications and devices."
You care an awful lot about helping faggots.
Okay, fine, Shkreli is a small fry, a sacrificial lamb, a stooge that the kikes threw under the angry mob bus to divert attention from their shady practices. I'm willing to accept this.
Doesn't make him a hero, a martyr, or /our/guy. He's just a principle-less white guy who's managed to navitavistock the kiked financial topography with some success and has made some money for himself and the jews. Silicon valley is full of scum like him.
You know Daraprim wasn't the only drug he's gouged prices on, right? His whole company's business model was acquiring proven drugs that have passed clinical trials in other countries, then abusing FDA regulations to monopolize production of said drugs, so he could dictate prices. All reward and 0 risk that typically goes along with drug research.
the fuck?
>who's managed to navitavistock the kiked financial topography
What's the deal with the retarded word filter, have I missed something?
Shkreli is underrated tbh, he didn't jew whites, he jewed the jews.
and funnily enough, he's livestreaming right now, says the guidelines are 0-6 months, and he'll probably be in for 2-3 weeks.
don't trust the MSM goys
Sentencing will be a few months from now. He'll be in for _maximum_ a year, and he won't be able to become president anymore for what it's worth.
On the fake news AM Radio today:
Typical slice and dice.
That sucks. Shkreli hates kikes. Oh well, it's not like this will stop him.
Man's a huge faggot.
If anything, people on both pols should support the guy, biggest Big Pharma scapegoat there was, just do the fucking research.
I do rather make an intelligent albanian rich than big pharma jews, qorse than normal jews.
Fucking retard, he raised the price of the an outdated drug that he was giving away to people not on insurance
If you understand this, it means the only people who were hurt financially by this was the insurance industry WHICH IS A VERY GOOD THING
Reddit undoubtably swallowed the (((MSM))) narrative whole and hates Shkreli. It's you who needs to go back.
I don't give a shit about this twerp _at all_, and I barely know why he's posted occasionally.
If he's not calling out the jew or niggers, then I don't care.
He kinda is calling out the Jews, just using one of their aliases, Big Pharma
He's a cunt who thought he was too cool for the whatever room he happened to be in. Tried to convince people that he was raising drug prices so he could do research on forsaken orphan children with diseases, as well as put more money towards AIDS and HIV research, basically helping homos have even more dangerous sex and stoop to new sexual lows.
Even with all this, I think some of this is basically a witch hunt because he broke ranks from the pharma industry, but he also probably knows some very shady shit about the dealings of other pharma corps. Like that screencap where the guy talks about a pharmaceutical company preparing to give all europeans HIV so they can keep people on drugs.
Shkreli's only crime was telling the truth.
End patents. Skreli could do what he did because of patents, he had no competition.
>But because he's albanian, not a jew
If you ever watched any of his live streams he goes into great detail explaining how bad the insurance and pharmaceutical rackets are. Any patient who needs his drugs he charges a $1 for and fucks over the insurance companies who do nothing but live off ill gotten research from 50 years ago and have no intention whatsoever of synthesizing new vaccines for.
His swamp is drug and insurance companies and he was starting to drain them.
You don't even know how to underline things faggot, either lurk more or kill yourself out of Holla Forums.
Oh right, I forgot about that.
Oh, shit, but if that's true doesn't that mean Shkreli is a fucking hero for trying to produce a better HIV treatment?
what's he said about it?
He's no different than medical pot club owners really.
you have to go back to Holla Forums
not to be a Debbie Downer but pharmaceutical companies do that to reestablish a patent for exclusive profit.
It's not compassion that motivates them, it's money.
The amount of misinformed and MSM shit -eating redditors and leftardpol being jealous of him gaming a fucking broke system is appalling in this thread. Hope he appeals, because this is just typical pharma kikes attacking the guy who's revealing this noses in the guise of justice
He's not a bad guy, but he's not ourguy.
He loves niggers to the point if he was a woman he'd be burning coal daily.
But this conviction is bullshit
i wanted shkrelichan to happen
Listen to his interviews. Shkreli is one of the ONLY people in the corporate pharmaceutical world who has a legitimate desire to help people. He is legit. Not to fawn over an eceleb–I just appreciate that he's got genuine concern for people and for the field. The guy is fucking brilliant as well.
You dont understand. Watch the video i linked earlier where he lays out that it became NO HARDER for people to afford the drug. You just fundamentally don't understand what he did, and I was there too before I got past the (((Narrative))).
Also, shkreli has worked hard to develop drugs for niche diseases that arent attractive enough to investors. You've never heard him explain his shit.
The kikes targeted Shkreli because he's not a shitty kike and he despises the way they run the pharmaceutical industry.
Not necessarily, because then homosexuals will have even more dangerous sex than ever before. It will be like the 70s gay scene all over again, except this time the public is probably going to be footing the bill one way or another for their "lifestyle"
He said his intentions were not criminal (lol duh)
and that jury ruled him innocent, that he'll barely have to serve his sentence in prison if (at all). He didn't jew his investors anyway, they made 200-300% profit through him and they don't care where they the money comes from, Shkreli himself made about 18 million iirc, it's not a bad deal according to him. Obviously house arrest means nothing to him either since he's always sitting at home anyway, just youtube streaming finance classes and trolling celebrities.
I must say, Agent on the left is demonstrating good aesthetics. No homo.
10*, sorry was too lazy to proofread.
He's a dirty Albanian. He needs the rope. Same fate as Albanians at the receiving end of Serbian (((war crimes))).
The only people assblasted about Shkreli are either (((them))) or insurance shills. The Man trolled Congress, an entrenched industry, and a bunch of niggers. Thumbs up in my book. Even if he is a filthy albanian
w-wait a minute! he's in trouble because he honored his financial obligations to his investors? really?
Didn't this guy offer to buy halfchan a year ago?
do we need to meme shkreli as 'done nothing wrong' now or is it better to have a continuing misunderstanding to slowburn the whole 'fake news' angle?
what the fuck are they trying to accomplish with this filter?
Shkreli wasn't a vile albanian. As others pointed out however, he played the game quite well (which isn't hard; not many gain entry and the rules are written by kikes, etc). What he did had nothing to do with law. What he did had to do with accounting. There are some people you don't want to serially bill, even if you are just doing a variant of the same thing their cousins, nieces, aunts, sisters, and matriarchs are doing.
Once upon an internet, there was a long winded clip of his, whereby the case appeared to be not only that he avidly defends the jew, but he gets the same righteous ecstasy out of attacking jew deniers (especially if they're not yet adults).
Does not follow. And with his recent validating of loss, he's not likely to change course.
A jew finally gets his?
Jew immunity is real and not uncommon. The only ones that do time are caught red handed like Madoff or Scott Rothstein.
Fuck you too.
t. Recognition analyst, who charts clear all helms that will answer.
To those businessmen that can't tell when they're being lied to by children like Shkreli, if I happen to I have gratitude owed to them, I'll not abandon them just yet. People like Shkreli have an annoying ability to convince to folly. And there are too many to not develop recognition.
I invented banks first, not kikes. It's all just numerators, priestlarper.
this is a natsoc board. you have to go back.
Madoff went waaaay too far, they even (((suicided))) his sons.
Are you mentally deficient?
Serious question.
kinda surprised the internet still seems against him
that or there's some weird astroturfing going on
Shkreli is cool. Must be a lot of people gaslit on corporate media narratives here still. They tried to paint this guy like some kind of supervillian cause insurance companies were assblasted by him. Do a bit more research than what CNN says.
top laff
Watch this you fucking idiot.
And if you could prove that you couldn't afford it. Shkreli would give it to you for $1.
He Jewed the Jew. That's why they hate him.
And yes I know it's Vice, but Shkreli explains fucking everything that you never hear from the MSM. He also explains how his company works and how he gives shit out for free. He wanted to show how retarded hospitals and medicine companies are by jacking up that price. He also wanted to show how much the media spins a story and how much they lie. The drug he jacked up is barely used anyways and people that need it can give him a call and he if he can will personally deliver it.
And to all the shills calling him a kike, after all these years I still haven't seen a single kind of proof that he is one.
Forgot this shit
I knew there was fuckery going on with the epi pens, but
We're gonna need more rope
The money quote
We just can't have this, Goy.
He's an Albo.
I finally decided to look up what that AIDS medication was that he jacked the price up on. Daraprim, is not a treatment for AIDS/HIV at all, it's to prevent and treat other things that a person INFECTED with HIV may be more prone to suffering, like Toxoplasma gondii enchephalitis (toxoplasmosis of the brain), isosporiasis, and pneumocystis pneumonia. These things are not inherent to HIV/AIDS but those who have HIV/AIDS are very susceptible to those infections because of weakened immune systems and THAT is what Daraprim treats.
It is primarily to treat malaria and toxoplasmosis.
All the media outlets crying that he jacked up the price 5000% on HIV/AIDS medication are flat out spewing bullshit, that's medication that would be better spent on people who weren't already infected with the gay disease, like children and the elderly.
Albo and Croat.
How is their price fixing different from Martins? Aside from the fact that Martin offered it for 1$ to those who couldn't afford it / without insurance.
Wouldn't the Manchin-Epipen not also be paid for by insurance companies?
He stole his clients money
His (((parents))) must be very well connected considering how (((media))) groom the public to be sympathetic against him
T. gondii is what makes people gay. It is a parasite which evolved to live primarily in mice and cats. It requires a cat's digestive tract to reproduce, so it specifically evolved to infect the brains of mice. Once an infection takes place it makes the mice engage in homosexual activity and become especially aroused by the urine of male cats. This in turn makes them linger around any area a male cat has peed in the hopes of attaining homosexual sex, but of course the objective for the parasite is for the mouse to be eaten so it can reproduce. T. gondii is capable of infecting the brains of nearly all mammals. When it infects Humans it makes them attracted to male cat urine and turn gay. For women this is hardly noticed except in the extreme case (crazy cat ladies collecting hundreds of cats) but in men it produces faggots.
It's funny to watch newfags flail around with word filters and markup.
They are Tavistock shills testing counter-counter-linguistic methods so they can automate shills when Anons are discussing them.
Depends on the insurance. Some companies don't even offer prescription coverage, some only partial, some only partial with (((approved))) medications only.
The only time insurance is worth the cost is when you have a huge medical expense requiring hospitalization. In those cases you either don't pay a dime or the costs exceed coverage and you're fucked with costs anyway.
When insurance was provided by your employer it was at least a helpful benefit and your rates if not covered 100% by your company wasn't too prohibitive because you got group rates.
This new jew tax is purely there to fuck the people and does nothing to help the situation.
This is 100% correct. He fucked over the jew so they spammed how evil he was all over their MSM (dead giveaway) and had their judges and lawyers fuck him over.
Where did all the fucking commies come from?
Be gone kike
Jesus fucking Christ, mods wake the fuck up
Damn dude, this guy is a fucking legend. I never knew all this shit went that deep. Have a bump
I'm half Albanian. What's wrong with Albanians?
One of the most kiked people in existence. Brutal parasites, waist-deep into white slavery and drug smuggling into Europe. Degenerate inbreds doing the dirty work for their (((CIA))) handlers.
live now
here's a vid where he talks about it but the uploading is a cancerfaggot so the video is pretty uinwatchable for the first 20 minutes due to "BUFFERING ISSUES"
Could you kikes be any more obvious?
Even if what you claim was true, he'd be fucking over niggers and faggots. But it isn't, he's jewing the jewish insurance companies, which is the actual reason he's being hunted
This theory holds water - gay men linger at interstate rest stops and public parks looking for gay sex, which would make them easy prey for big cats if we had not hunted them into extinction.
I thought this guy promised to drop that Wu Tang album and a bunch of other unheard Beatles and Nirvana songs if/when Trump won.
We're still waiting, faggot.
Kosovo is ours get over it