Let's have a thread where we post ideas for what an ideal game would be or your dream game.
Idea Guy thread
Other urls found in this thread:
A game where you get points for shitposting on imageboards.
Your score is uploaded to worldwide leaderboards. The person with the highest score gets nothing but the feeling of knowing that everyone else is beneath them
Side scrolling beat'em up as you gain more power ups and a new cast of characters but can change them at will(Like Megaman Abilities) for certain levels also revisit levels to find hidden secret doors by using their abilities
Also a secret bosses and a dumb story plot twist
Posted this on the NMS thread
A fps multiplayet game where you have to move constantly or you'll die. 3 seconds to stay in one place are allowed. Slight movement doesn't count or you'll die.
It basically fucks all those retarded camper scum.
Also no sniper rifles in the game.
i want a real single player survival game. a REAL zombie game. being able to hold down an area, recruit people, have them guard. run out and bring back supplies, food, etc and actually use them.
start small by maybe locking a door to a roof and having a base up there. then maybe start clearing floor at a time, blocking windows, doors, and stairs. eventually take over the whole building… maybe access other roofs nearby for lookout towers. do the same to them. start parking cars in the street to block it off like a courtyard…
so many games tried to emulate this experience and failed.
minecraft survival came closest to this… sadly.
How about a
But seriously, if I made a game were you can play as qt lizard girl fighting skeletons, would you guys buy?
No, because the entire game would be one long unfunny borderlands tier meme ride.
Shit, man, all you had to say was lizard. I'd jonesing for more lizardpeople games.
Found the bully!
I need context. I don't what meme you're referencing.
I want a Hostess Club management simulation like in Yakuza 0, but as a full game.
Open world Lovecraft detective game, sort of like la noire but not shit.
Morrowind but in a fantasy-enhanced Ancient Middle East.
It already exists, it's called The Elder Scrolls.
A female version of Sengoku Rance with lots of Yuri action.
Yeah, but "The Elder's Scrolls" is outdated as fuck and you can't hug or kiss anything or sweat or whistle.
A game that is a mix of The Guild, Colonization and Stronghold. In a high fantasy setting. In first person.
Choose a fantasy race, go into a fantasy wilderness to build your fantasy stronghold with a fantasy settlement, fighting off fantasy creatures to survive and prosper while dealing with politics, rivals and court intrigue to stay in control of your blossoming kingdom.
Depending on the race and location you chose, the possibilities, resources and threats are different.
Goal is to declare yourself an independent kingdom through wealth and/or military power.
Lizards can't sweat.
I had two dream games that probably won't ever be made.
One idea is a TPS that would take place in the near future and what happened is that magic and other mythological things came back thus fucking over the world to the point that most governments are post-apocalyptic small towns or city states that barely fit the description. You and other players would have to use tactics, teamwork, and the right equipment to take down a clearly superior foe. You would play as one Spec Ops soldier as part of some city state. Your soldier has no powers of his own, but you can use the materials you find and the monster materials you collect to construct new guns, ammo types, and armor. Later on you can use money to make yourself slightly superhuman with the limit being Captain America tier. Capturing monsters would also provide a way to produce more resources over time, but they have a chance to escape or damage things. You would go on missions with other players to hunt or capture certain monsters, mages, or other mythological things in order to get more materials. These materials can then be used to Upgrade your base and technology which can lead to producing more advanced manufacturing facilities to upgrade your weapons and armor. Things can be broken though if you do faction warfare with other players, a monster escapes, or if a monster attacks. Building defenses can mitigate these losses.
There would also be a class system of sorts that can affect your loadout options. There would be a generic soldier class that has access to a good amount of weaponry and specializes in ballistic heavy weaponry. A demolitions class which is self explanatory, a pack mule class which has many utility items to make travelling easier such as blowtorches and can debuff enemies with stun weaponry, a medic who focuses on buffing and healing but gets little access to larger weapons, a trapping class that has access to carrying many mines and snares but little else, and a pilot who can call in various vehicles to help but is worthless outside of piloting them. Each mission would have main objectives to complete, secondary objectives that improve rewards, and an alternate path of completion that would award you more.
An example mission would be something laong the lines of some frost dragon escaping from some manufacturing facility that was using it to produce coolant. You could go in and kill it, or you could contain it in its proper holding facility again.
Hyper realistic fps played in 90 hour sessions.
Features include:
Players enter the 24-90 hour lobby and expected to dedicate this amount of time.
3-4 games total to decide a campaign victory. Death in a single round is permanent but dead players can play as airborne drones (with realistic flight simulation) to help their friends on the ground. Leaving the game early results in being penalized.
Penalization prevents players from being able to play on foot or in air until the next consecutive skirmish.
Players will need to eat and rest in game. A game pause of several hours is permitted to alleviate normal physical stresses.
Players found AFK for more than 10 minutes outside of the permitted break will be removed but not penalized for the next round and may continue as visual airborne support.
Maps can vary, from modern conflicts like Syria, may include any conflicts from history or even theoretical conflicts.
Game includes an import program for real life map/terrain data and its use is encouraged.
The game operates like a typical wargame, with combat being based around logistical and territorial objectives.
Some campaigns will not end with a clear victor, but the results of which can be easily used to structure further campaigns.
That's my dream game
Arma will probably have most of that by 2030 as it's essentially a simulator for realistic warfare, and the rest of those easy but specific gametype features could be in some mod.
It's like ASSFAGGOTS, but on steroids. Jeez, man, that's a little too autistic.
I mean, I love ARMA.
But honestly the execution is poor and everything is held together with shoestring and bubblegum.
Not that I think my PERSONAL execution would be much better
Honestly, ARMA has a hard time being a seriously simulation because of the way it needs to be marketed to it's community. Too many gimmicks and time saves. It once existed as a rehashed military simulator but now exists as more of a clunky action game that you have to strap piles and piles of shit on top of to make worth playing.
You've clearly never heard of wargames. People do this stuff in real life all the time. It would be nice to get the same experience with less actual military.
I mean we could always just join the military but for some people that's just not an option
Besides, it's not like anyone would be forced to play it. I understand it's less of a traditional 'game' for 'game' sake. I never said otherwise.
Pokemon Go except you are Phone Cop arresting criminal lolis.
Catburglar, carthief, drug dealer, assassin, terrorist, revolutionary, serial killer, whatever.
Yes I have.
user, you're talking about a 24 hour FPS. You need to chill out.
Making a game too realistic may not be fun.
Haven and Hearth private servers with the ability to opt-out of pvp, and maybe a better quality node system that isn't so stupidly competitive.
I thought that was autistic at first too, but it could be really cool to have 90 hour long wargame sessions; each with different objectives/scenarios and such that last potentially this long or longer.
However, it would have to accommodate for people that need to fucking sleep or do other other shit; while not leaving their game open running some high fidelity game.
So, a game mechanic specifically built around this (what that is, I dunno, too lazy to think about it), and the idea that you temporary lose that resource of a player while they're sleeping/etc so it's like actual wargames.
Pretty interesting premise actually.
Ain't that the truth.
Although, it would be pragmatic for the studio to eventually completely redo large portions of their engine that's giving them issues; such as the networking portion.
Although, the direction they're going is exactly towards the mechanics u want which I think is pretty nifty, and I can deal with fluff personally.
As long as you know that game will never reach any moderately sized audience, then yeah, it might be interesting. Honestly, it sounds more like something you'd pay a bunch of money to do at some kind of entertainment center or something. I mean, games last up to 3 days. Most people have jobs, if you want to play this game then you need to put in a vacation notice.
If it sounds like I'm shitting on it, I'm not, I like the idea, it just sounds really difficult in practice.
Grand Strategy where you play as the big bad trying to subvert/conquer the world, enact ancient rituals, offer faustian bargains, and try to stop teams of plucky heroes and ancient wizards
So you know, when hundreds or thousands of real people get together and simulate warfare over a period of 2-3 days in natural terrain it isn't even similar to doing the same thing in a virtual space? It would be AMAZINGLY cheaper, partially more realistic (as with wargames you're either shoot blanks or bb's and have to fake wounds) and significantly more safe because of it taking place in the home. Plus you wouldn't have to sell your soul to a government agency.
I'm not allowed to post my ideas in an ideas thread?
Yeah, I'm sure that there's enough people out there currently into simulation to make something like this a reality some day.
ARMA team or not
it'll only take another 10-20 years
I'm not saying you're upset or wrong, I'm just advising you to tone it down a bit. This doesn't sound like a regular video game you go out and buy, is all.
You're seriously underestimate the amount of people involved in military simulation
sage for double toast
What the fuck are you talking about? You're talking like there's going to be some kind of negative repercussion for sharing my ideas?
Are you literally autistic or something?
What the fuck are you talking about? You seem to think I'm a lot more hostile than I am. Now you need to chill out.
You're right, I probably do. But how many of those people would play a video game of a wargame when they apparently could just go out and actually simulate it? It's like playing a sports game over going outside and just playing the sport.
What if we made a Mario game that wasn't set in purgatory?
That's why I mentioned it would probably be a mod, and there's a pretty consistent audience for military tier simulators.
Also, re-read my post, I mentioned the complain u have; as people have jobs, uni to attend, responsibilities, and human needs such as sleep.
You must have some kind of reading comprehension issue or something
I already explained this. It's the same reason people play DCS. It's just not that simple to go out and do it on a whim.
It almost seems like you're rusing or something but I think it's just because you have some kind of personality disorder.
No you didn't, you just said "a game mechanic specifically built around this" which doesn't actually specify anything at all. Now, you could probably just have the character sleep as well, which would make the game take up less resources while your guy stares at a black screen for 8 hours. That might work.
No, I just don't know anything about wargames.
So why would you think you give advice on them?
A tile-based turn based strategy game (like Advance Wars) reduced to its absolute most basics. Everything is on a very strict Rock-Paper-Scissors trinity system. Clashes between units always result in one or both of them dying (a tie results in both). Units do not move very far in each turn, so positioning them correctly is incredibly important. Slow unit movement also means that the player that attacks first does not always win; a well-prepared defender can counter-attack and devastate an opponent's attacking army, since the attacker will have to extend their units into enemy territory.
The three basic units are the Swordsman (scissors), the Wizard (paper), and the Golem (rock). The Swordsman can cut the Wizard down before he can even cast a spell, but his blade is useless against the hardness of the Golem. The Wizard can bind the Golem, turning him back into an ordinary statue, but can't bind fast enough to beat the Swordsman. The Golem can shrug off the Swordsman's blows like nothing and defeat him with his strength, but will be bound and dispelled by the Wizard.
In addition to the basic units of Swordsman, Wizard, and Golem, there are also advanced units, which win TWO matchups instead of winning one and tying the other. The Bomber blows up the Golem and the Wizard, but loses to the Swordsman's speed. The Gunman is faster on the draw than the Wizard, and outranges the Swordsman, but can't harm the Golem. The Demon can smash the Swordsman and Golem, but is banished by the Wizard. When these units clash, the game goes back to the standard trinity. Gunmen can shoot Bombers down before they can use their bombs, but bullets only make the Demon madder. The Bomber can't bomb a Gunman before he shoots them, but can blow demons back to their own dimension with explosive traps. The Demon takes bullets like bee stings, so he defeats the Gunman, but will blindly walk into the Bomber's traps. Obviously, advanced units cost more to produce than basic units.
Terrain: only 5 types of terrain here:
Normal terrain: no effect. Units move normally.
Rough terrain: Moving onto rough terrain takes up a unit's entire move. This means you can't move onto it if you're not already next to it, and moving through it will only let you go one space at a time. You can move OFF of it normally though.
Impassible terrain: Obvious. Units can't move onto or past this.
Bases: when you move one of your units onto a base, you automatically start capturing it. If that unit is still alive by the start of your next turn, the base is captured and will begin giving you bonus resources. Additionally, while a unit is on a base (allied or enemy) they are immune to Elimination.
Home Base: This is the win condition, and each team starts with one. This base takes up several spaces. Capturing the Home Base works differently than other bases. If at ANY time, your opponent has a unit on your home base, and you do not have a unit on your home base, they capture it and win the game. This means that defending your base against enemies might be a bit harder than in other strategy games. This is why it is much more important than in other TBS games to NOT GIVE UP GROUND EASILY. Positioning is REALLY important in this game, and turtling will not be tolerated.
In addition to the units, you can also spend resource points for special events and utilities.
Reconnaissance: will reveal a part of the map, allowing you to see what your opponent's army looks like. Because of how important matchups are in this game, this can be incredibly useful when used correctly. Cannot be used for the first two turns of the game, and obviously won't be in the game if there is no fog of war.
Speed: your units move one space further than usual for one turn. This can be used for surprise attacks.
Strength: your units win ties for one turn. Note that this cannot be used defensively, only on your turn.
Eliminate: kills one enemy unit. Does not work against units who are in bases.
Base Spawn: spend some extra points to spawn a unit in one of your captured bases instead of your home base.
Alternate Play Modes:
Speed mode: everyone is always using Speed. For faster, more instense games
Aggressive mode: everyone is always using Strength. For high-aggro, no-turtle games
No-elim: Eliminate cannot be used. For manuverability games where players MUST use their units and careful positioning rather than sudden timing in order to pierce enemy defenses
Simple: Base 3 units only, no advanced units.
Siege: Only one player's base is captureable. This player cannot use special abilities and gains resources slowly, but has more starting resources and a much more fortified position than the other player. The base player must hold out for a set number of turns, while the other player must capture the fortified base to win.
Because you're talking about a video game meant to simulate a wargame. On a video game board. So I approached it with my knowledge of video games, which has led me to believe that matches that last over a day are ridiculous for anything that's not turn based.
Isn't that just your opinion?
That's not a logical conclusion, it just doesn't appeal to you.
It's like if I said people can drive a certain car because I don't like it and I don't know anything about it.
Which is what makes it seem like you have some kind of personality disorder.
Being vocal about what you don't like or understand doesn't in fact make you look more intelligent
cool, so you're retarded, got it.
haha holy fuck user, get a grip or I'll throw a fuckin' doornob at'cha
My second idea has a similar system of legend of legaia. The game would be a 2d game where the battlefield is a large 2D sideview of what is going on. Pic related is the closest I could find. Each battlefield has many randomly generated attributes to take advatange of unless it is a story relavant fight so the attributes are the same. You can enter buildings in the background, but that ism ore for cover and to gain height when battling. The over world would be a standard top down look until a battle begins. It would take place in a similar world where magic and such exists. There would be a combination of three things that would affect what abilities characters would get. That would be what race or mutant type you are, what class you are, and what type of caster you are. There would be normal people with no magic but have the ability to weaken or damage magic users and psychics heavily through counters, then there would be magic users who generally have an actual mana bar and usually are slow to enact their spells, then there would be psychics who can use their abilites faster but they are usually much less grandiose and predictable.
The combat would be a turn by turn thing where it depends on the speed of the character and what initiative was rolled for that specific character in your party. Each character would then get a certain amount of points to use in their turn to do something and then a few points that are able to carry over into the next turn or two. This is to potentially counter things or set up combos. The problem is that you can be countered as well. The combat would be very brutal where a few fuck ups can get you badly hurt or killed. The weaponry and armor would clearly look salvaged or more like scrap then anything else.
I bet you guys feel pretty good hijacking the thread like two spergs, huh?
I'd play it
I played Carnage Heart EXA the other day, and while reading the "why aren't there lich games" thread I had an idea: a system of necromancy where you write out instructions for your skeletal minions in the form of engraved runes.
In the game's setting, necromancers used to etch the complete "undead minion" enchantment/program on one skull, but making detailed runes small enough to fit on a skull was difficult, and putting the full enchantment on each skeleton used too much mana. The modern method would be to engrave the runes just once, on a stone tablet or wall somewhere, and then put a linking rune on each skeleton, with an identical rune on the tablet connected to the initial rune so the skeletons would access the enchantment remotely. (Object-oriented necromancy?)
Yes, it's my opinion. I am of the opinion that 90 hour FPS sessions are excessive. I'm pretty sure that most people who aren't hardcore enthusiasts would be turned off by this. That doesn't make your idea bad or wrong, it just makes it niche, jesus fucking christ.
I came up with something, you didn't. You just vaguely alluded to some mechanic and you even admitted you were to lazy to think of something I came up with in 5 seconds. Don't call me retarded just because you can't think of a way to keep a character in the game while the player goes off to eat.
I don't even want to fucking argue with anyone today
I came up with something, you didn't. You just vaguely alluded to some mechanic and you even admitted you were to lazy to think of something I came up with in 5 seconds. Don't call me retarded just because you can't think of a way to keep a character in the game while the player goes off to eat.
You clearly have little reading comprehension skills
Says the shitposting tard who came in the thread just to argue
That sounds amazing
wow i really butchered this post
At least what I suggested is doable, Mr. "90houronlinegame" man.
I feel you.
The technology would probably be slightly more advanced than what we have now. Kind ofl ike low science fiction. The pack mule class for example would get an large stun gun or long distance glue gun as a weapon for example. The proper loadout would probably be four weapons and four utility slots for items for the pack mule. Other classes would get two utility items that are different for a class. Maybe items could instead have different weight units so people can make custom loadouts. The game would probably focus on very quick and lethal action where you have to act and think quick to avoid getting mauled by a wendigo or gryphon. Likewise a good amount of rounds can take car of said things.
An action platformer about a qt cyborg sheep girl inside a dream world, fighting nightmares. Her default weapon is her thick kicks, but by killing enemies she fills a Gradius-style upgrade bar that gives her power-ups like enhanced speed, extra health, or up to two mini-sheep who will shoot for her. Her mission is to destroy the nightmares plaguing the dreams and threatening to make the dreamer wake up and there might be a genuine reason why they're trying to do this.
I really don't know why I post here sometimes
I always thought it would be cool if a game had a magic system that resembled a programming language, à la Wizards Bane. It would be a bitch to balance but if done right it could be a really deep and interesting magic system.
All in all, it seems like a new take on the party based quest/combat style of games
Yeah, why do you?
I wish I had that image about how normal fags influx into new hobbies and shit all over it and then leave.
That's applicable here.
i had this, its kinda related
You lack reading comprehension user.
I've always liked the premise of this idea.
These are great, thanks for sharing.
Someone get me a picture of a sad loli.
Dragons Dogma 2 with a more fluid mechanics. Different regions ruled by different dukes. Like a Duke on the a desert area or a Duke high up in winter area. Each map is about the size of previous dragons dogma map.
Doing more good things that help the economy in said areas helps improve the areas like they get better roads and better defenses. 4 player multiplayer? Kinda like arena Monster hunter? More monsters from Western mythology in their respected areas like giant scorpions in the desert or hydra's in the sea etc. More human like enemies.
And finally a pawn that talks a lot less and make enemies AI attack smarter and think faster. I also feel that the game does not progress right in terms of leveling. Like you get to a point where you easily kill all human enemies and and goblins with ease at 30-40 but then hit a wall when you do run into the mission to kill the dragon. It needs to a better progression or just get rid of it and make it entirely Armor and weapons based like MH.
Drive downhill with Eurobeat. If you get a perfect time on a certain number of levels you get to play a bonus level with neon lights and shit everywhere.
That's about it.
Nice try EA, but if you want my ideas you gotta pay. $$$
Spore with all the cut content.
why do you have to bring that up user
Thank you. I really want to try to learn how to code and practice my art, but I am retarded when it comes to coding and my arthritis makes it hard for me to draw.
The idea of surviving in a complex automatically built by machines, bigger than anything that makes sense, really appeals to me.
I thought something similar but with a complex built by a malfunctioning AI or a wrong planning, resulting in crazy shit like restrooms as big as a 1km square and automated and disgusting meat/food factories, full of putrid exedents due to not being consumed.
This kind of sounds like something I've seen before. Google "Walmart Apocalypse"
Actually, Walmart Apocalypse: The Game is a pretty awesome concept on its own.
It's kind of a step in a different direction but you guys should check out Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
It's free and easily mod-able. Setting up a scenario for this idea wouldn't be all that difficult at all.
Plus with the newer updates sounds have been implemented making this concept a bit more fleshed out
also bump for accidental sage
A game which you try to summon satan.
Collect blood, form a cult, sacrifice babies, score pussy, fight police and christians, capture and battle lesser demons, get haunted by ghosts, fight yourself as you learn the true meaning of hell.
Dead End Road kind of does this, I haven't seen the ending though.
You have to get a bell, a book and something to write with (?) to perform a ritual while driving down old English roads to get to some old witch lady, popping diazepams and chainsmoking cigarettes to try and calm the demonic hallucinations from making you crash your car.
At least you can post here.
Over on /furry/, Bui has been spamming it for the last 4 days with posts from other boards. So you get replies and notifications and you have to read the post before realizing it makes no sense in context.
You monster
Bui is just throwing a fit to gain attention because he's dying of cancer.
This game idea not only literally came to me in a dream, it came in the form of a post on here. Someone talked about giving the enemies the same tools as the player, and I don't know if I made this part up later but I thought if they all shared the same character model that could work too. There was some discussion on it, but I woke up before it went into development hell and died like every other Holla Forums project.
I have this great idea where I make a thread on Holla Forums asking other people for game ideas and then I steal the best ones!
To be honest at this point most of the people who post in these threads would love if that happened because they could pirate their dream game.
Female pheasants don't look that way at all, they are more plain/camoflaged.
But maybe it's supposed to be a tranny, you can never know these days..
Interplanetary hunting game. Would play like the Cabela games, only you visited other planets and took down alen beasts instead of bears, deers and hogs. Would keep the same xray slow mo and reward you for hitting vital organs.
Would also give you money bonuses based on what weapon you used. Recoiless super future guns giving you the least amount of points, and 1800's muskets, bow and arrows giving you a bigger multiplayer. Also dynamically change the points based on the gun most suited for a clean kill.
Lots of guns to choose from from different time eras, lots of game to be bagged, from dog sized ayys to building sized, and varied environments.
forever blue balled because I can't into coding and art
All the ideas on Holla Forums are not "sellable". Nintendo knows.
On another completely unrelated note, did you know you could save 15% or more on car insurance by switching to Geico?
Anyone can do decent art user, just gotta practice a lot. I'm starting to get into drawing, because I wanna make a VN. Alternatively you can hire a decent Deviantart artist pretty cheaply too.
I just want a swordfighting game with decent gore.
Or any game with decent gore.
I'm tired of baseball bat swords.
If we can achieve le 18 QUINTILIAN we can model some internal organs.
I can 3d model and that's it, don't even know how to texture
Leslie Nielsen vs Lovecraftian Horror
Some kind of point n' click or stealth game. Or maybe even something like Deadly Premonition
I'm guessing you mean something other than enemies spawning gibs, cause that's been around forever.
Watching physics induced intenstines spill out of your oppenent after a belly slice would be fun, but anything other than that would be just like the mortal kombat xray scenes.
How about a game where you have to kill 18 quintillion bad guys with dark souls mechanics?
No bully user.
Just start looking up guides and stuff user. You can do it.
S.t.a.l.k.e.r. but with the loot system of Diablo and a lot more dungeon crawling.
Capeshit rpg where you work your way from Batman/Daredevil-style street level shit into that worlds Justice League while maintaining your friendships and secret identity.
IDs were a mistake
A GTA type game set in a Cowboy Bebop/Trigun Space Western setting
Thats all I got really
Indie SJW Clique attempt at a GTA Clone only there's only one road and you drive down it.
Road is procedurally generated for infinite possibilities.
You're a graduate from college with a degree in Gender Studies and have to work off your $100,000 loan by sucking dicks. If you suck the right dicks you'll get an office job, and suck boss dicks you'll get promoted. If you suck the wrong dicks you'll get diseases and end up in more debt from hospitals.
A paradox game with proper UI design. You know why the Victoria II economy is so messed up? They didn't properly debit accounts the same amount of they credited an account, so money left the economy, so they had to fudge everything.
If they provided tools to visualize the economy, both players and developers would actually understand the game!
It's too bad there's no Cold War game, because it's impossible to simulate the PC-incorrect penetration of the highest reachs of American society by Communists.
Why even bother?
If the agdg thread is anything to go by you should pirate Substance Painter and Designer.
An open world third person action game with towers to unlock pieces of the map and a deep progression system.
I love Cata DDA
I've always had this idea for a strategy/adventure game that uses different animal species as units and some of their unique attributes as special abilities. Like a Porcupine archer that uses it's quills as arrows, a Bear that can lift heavy objects and throw things, a brawler Kangaroo with good platforming skills, etc. The closest thing I'd be able to compare it to is Kameo on Xbox 360 except less beat-em-up-y. And instead of only controlling one character at a time, you'd control around 4 of the characters at once as a party, have them able to split up, and assign tasks to them. Of course there'd be an emphasis on puzzle solving and exploration. There would also be mini-games that involve a specific character's ability too, like a shooting gallery or a race. Multiplayer would also be easy to implement because of this. Co-Op could also appear in the game where you'd have 2 players control 2 characters or 4 players control 1 character. Not only would it need to be an enjoyable solo experience, but a good party experience, even if only one person is playing. Because of this, there would be a lot of variety between characters, levels, puzzles, etc to give a lot to experience and talk about.
I just want more comfy, colorful, platformers/comfy colorful games in general
I'd play this, but I don't see why space travel shouldn't be available from the start.
Fuck off closet furfag
Open world detective/archaeological druid game.
Talk to trees to find directions in the woods, uncover ancient magicks in eldritch dungeons, solve crimes with help from your animal friends, or just take psychedelics and go on crazy spirit journeys.
Only ways to recover mana are by performing bizarre rituals or going for strolls in the woods.
No combat.
Take the concept for Starbound, but put it in an actual thought-out, well-designed game that doesn't have pixelshit graphics.
Isnt someone working on a doom mod for this?
Fantasy ARPG with mechanics from:
+ Sims 3 - families, housing, friends, jobs, permanent character death, unique character skills and talents
+ Diablo - Ancient evil rising under your town; time to invade the dungeon below
+ Dead State - Player switches to different character when current one gets fatigued
and also with:
+ 2-3 player online and local co-op. Online would limit the player to 'summoning' in the dungeon whereas local would allow playing as another of Player 1's available characters (ingame family or close friends/romantic interests). Co-op dungeoneering would increase monster spawn rate, but not affect bosses.
+ PvP via invading another player's dungeon
+ Players get to choose which family they are born to at the beginning of the game. Each family has specific skill bonuses and associated traits. They are then given a character creation screen that has different options depending on which family was picked (fe: you couldn't be born as a niglet to an aryan family). From here the player could go back and pick a different family if they don't like their options.
+ The player is then born into the chosen family with their created character. You start as a child and grow up as in game years pass, not via cutscenes or in game story events.
My idea
pls no bully
fuck wrong image
Name one instance where someone stole an idea and tried to make that game?
Same reason you can't go to San Fierro or the other bouroughs of Liberty City right off the bat in GTA games user
Sounds cool, but my autism tells me to tell you that that hand-held ballistae is incredibly impractical and unsafe.
That is all.
Yeah but it's kickass
You live on an alien planet with one of your buddies and his family. But one day, spooky shit starts happening. Your friend has left on a trip and won't be back for days. Myths come to life to accost your home. But they aren't any mythic creatures you're familiar with, they're all in regards to the alien culture.
Your only way to get information is his cousin who keeps switching between his native language and extremely broken English, books in the alien language which you (the player) can't read, and an alien english dictionary.
You have to survive until your friend comes home. You can't send word to him, and you can't let him come home to an empty house as the spooks will end him. And it would definitely not be good if his family was harmed either.
You have to figure out what the threat is every other day, and what you need to do to get rid of it. In the mean time, you still have everyday life to attend to as well.
Spotted the idiot who has missed the point of every single multiplayer survival fuckfest there is
Some time back I posted in one of these threads that I wished there was a handheld game that used a camera and your GPS location to let you play an RPG outside. It would be an ARG where the camera makes it look like the monsters are right in front of you but you can't see them, and you'd fight them like an old-fashioned first person dungeon crawler. I didn't picture it for mobile though, I pictured it on like a PSP with a camera.
That's basically what Pokemon Go is, so honestly I'm just happy something remotely approaching my ridiculous idea exists. I don't have access to all my "it's like X with a bit of Y and it looks like Z" images, but I think I'll just start spamming all my ideas in this thread.
That actually sounds pretty neat. Reminds me a bit of Dungeon Keeper, but makes a lot more sense as to why you'd be fighting anyone other than the humans.
That it is, but if I were using it I would instead have a tripod for it and carry it on my back. Then when I get to a seriously tough enemy or boss or clustered enemies I would mount it up while a tank guards me and start firing different loaded bolts.
Similar to a RP-46 loaded with elemental bolts or explosive tips.
Huh, no exceptions.
Your idea sounds much better but that's not much of a compliment tbh
First, here's a trilogy of games I'd set in the same universe.
Game 1: Barophobia. The Earth is being invaded by aliens who use gravity altering technology both as a weapon and to control their ships. You play as a crazy man with barophobia, which is a fear of a loss of gravity. He designed a mechanized suit of armor which he puts a red leather trench coat on over "So I don't look naked". The suit is pressurized and has it's own internal air supply. We never see what he looks like under the suit beyond his eyes.
He fights primarily with four weapons, he has two hook axes connected to chains around his waist which he uses to grapple from one place to another. He has one oversized axe magnetized to his back he uses for close-up combat, and on his arm a machine gun extends which has unlimited ammo but heats up from extended use. Heating up his arm opens up another attack where he can punch the crap out of shit with his flaming arm. He uses it to melt right through the metal of the ships. Combat would risk giving the player vertigo, as the object is to grapple from ship to ship, and rip the aliens right out of their vessels, and destroy their fleet pretty much on your own.
Game 2: Set in the same universe, you play a jerky ace pilot who gets to fly a jet fighter equipped with experimental technology to negate the gravity weapons of the aliens. Your base of operations is one of Earth's last submersible aircraft carriers, and while it seems like a side-scrolling shmup, the real game is played between missions. It has elements of a dating sim, and you're trying to convince people to join the ship's crew -in particular, girls he wants to sleep with- before their cities are destroyed by the alien invasion. this unlocks numerous possible upgrades to your ship as well as the base.
Game 3: A game that would have to be made in direct defiance of current PC culture, you play as a married criminal couple, think Bonny & Clyde, or the Metallikats from Swat Kats for personality and dynamics. While robbing an archeological site the pair unwittingly activate a couple of alien mech suits which attach to their bodies and give them all manner of super powers. The pair has an uhealthy, co-dependent relationship. They're both physically abusive of eachother, but are simulataneously extremely protective and possessive of one another. The suits work in conjunction, and the game would be co-op. The gimmick is you benefit from attacking eachother. It unlocks special moves and combo attacks, but naturally it's selfish and would piss off the person playing with you. The game is mostly them going on a Rampage style crimespree, and going back and forth on whether or not they want to get the suits off. I picture the couple as him being squat but rugged and muscular, and her being tall, but extremely curvy and also slightly muscled.
You are a gnome who used to live in a normal countryside house
But time has passed, the owners left, and the countryside …and your house, are being swallowed by a growing Hi-tech Megalópolis
You must now abandon your place and find a new base
who knows what wonders and dangers you will find in this new human crafted world
The idea is sort of having a free roaming world, you must hide from humans, sneak into their huge homes (their big…for you)
Gather resources, find other mystical beings (fairies, pixies, other gnomes, Djinns, sprites,etc)
Your Gnome should be 100% costumizable
Learn and improve your magical skills, see how they can affect the modern world.
You can choose to help or harrass humans, there would be quests scattered around and so on.
From fighting gremlins inside a hig-end building ventilation system, to helping missing cats, drive hipster sjws insane, protect hobos from gang members, etc
(i wanted to place an abandoned house or Doll Factory, the dolls don't interact with humans, but when they notice you , the maimed, broken twisted dolls, try to harm you, and they do that doll talk with childish voices and then try to crush you)
The design of the UI should be "book-like"
i wanted something more akin to "path"
You can reject new technologies and focus only on your magic skills
You could try to make weapons and traps with modern technologies, but be like a nomadic scavenger
or you can go full on magitech, stay inbetween the walls of a modern building make a mix magic a modern tech like electric weaponry activating explosive charges with fire magic and shit
also making armor out of anything "Bottlecap-mail" rubberband + clips belt, shit like that
that's how my 90s self envisioned the future when playing streets of rage on the mega drive (with ideas added later on when new kinds of games popped up)
I want a MMO game where there's an entire autism open world that encompasses a great amount of genres, for instance everyone would be situated on a fully destructible earth (or whatever made up planet fits it better) and you could decide what genre you would play.
For instance if you wanted to play a racing game you could grind the minecraft-like beginning (i say like as in it isn't voxel based, that's part of where the fully destructible earth kicks in) by making a farm and selling crops (not actual food since hunger machanics are boring and wouldn't be part of it, the actual minecraft like part also being a fully fledged game and much bigger than just early game) until you can buy a shitbox some noob built years ago as one of his first cars on the mechanic minigame which features vehicles that are based on real life cars with puzzles that define the quality of the vehicle and was passed down by the gorillions of players who used it. And then you can go race your car on the race track some minecraft autist built so he can make money by renting it. And then you don't want to race anymore so you can sell your ass to the military and play a modern military shooter. And then you're tired of that too so you can go to a dangerous city where life is like GTA
Or you can build cities or nations in a city building game which is actually just you being elected by other players as the president of a province and then you can use the city management game to tell the minecraft autists how to build the place like you want it to.
Or if you want a space sim you can get a good bit of shekels and join the autism space program where your life will be like what star citizen promised, it's basically a replacement for life where everything is some videogamey version of the real thing with all the unfun parts stripped out and more fun introduced. From now i think you already have a basic idea, the only issue being that fantasy or far too arcadey types of games don't fit in but then there would be other versions of the thing
I also envisioned a civilization that would be capable of all this. Basically in the future we have evolved past any conflict and eternally conflicting groups like niggers or muslims are erased, life turned into everyone being god since technology ensures immortality and all our bodily necessities being covered by tiny invisible and unnoticeable implants, robots taking care of labour and anything we request. In this society for instance if i wanted to make this game i'd just go to the nearest machine that can create what i imagine and so i'd imagine the entirety of the game and if nobody wanted to play it computers would also be powerful enough to emulate a person and play with perfectly human like AI
sudoku but with the same treatment as tetris ds, and maybe extra modes (like clearing columns to help a witch make a potion)
Another favorite idea of mine combines a lot of different elements, largely built on my autistic obsession with underground silo homes.
It has elements of Stargate, Fallout Shelter, Bioshock, X-Com and Black Science with a Lovecraftian aesthetic and designed with Beksinski's paintings in mind.
You're the latest among a set of recruits invited to work for an eccentric, wheelchair-bound billionaire living in an underground silo base in the middle of no where. At the bottom floor of the base is a portal to other universes. You could start as any number of possible hires, scientists, ex-military, archeologists, and so on. Essentially what you're told as you get there is that a previous hire betrayed the project, scattered pretty much all their tools and technology to a bunch of different universes, and fled through the portal to another one. Your joint missions are to explore alternate universes, reclaim the lost technology, discover new tech, and hunt down the guy who defected (who of course will turn out to have been transformed into an otherworldly abomination, and will claim it's the guy running the project who's evil.)
The game can be played a number of different ways, and what you find on the other side of the portal can be one of any number of scenarios. Primordial ancient planet, alien civilization, hellish mirror universe, etc. Players will have sanity meters and fear meters, and the rule is the portals are kept open based on mass. So, the bigger the team you send across, the less time you have there until the portal closes. You can control the expedition as one person directly, or once you've recovered the camera systems guide people remotely from a control room. The base will also have to be defended from anything that potentially wanders through. Other tech you can uncover would for example be a probe robot with an extending metal tentacle which would allow it to approximate your mass, quickly find something of matching mass on the other side, and restrain it here to allow the portal to be kept open and stable for as long as you like (or as long as you can keep whatever it is restrained, and defend against whatever may come through to try and rescue it.) Various other tech like laser rifles, grappling gauntlet, etc. can be recovered, or researched depending on what you bring back.
EvW still hurts
Open world RPG in ancient greece with gods, heroes and all. You could be a hunter, soldier, sailor, hero, god, politician, whatever, it'd be awesome.
Adventure game where you play as a skinwalker making friends with lonely humans.
Didn't the guys who made Grim Dawn do one of these?
Not sure why that third image was thrown in…
Another idea I've had I've described a number of different ways. Whenever someone posts here saying "What would your ideal RPG be?" I always post this reply. I guess for me I always go back to FF7, it wasn't my first RPG, but it did create much the model for what I want. I want to have a self-insert, his busty wife and a loyal monster pet. This of course based on Cloud, Tifa and Red XIII/Nanaki. I know not everyone shares my taste here, but I specify because I know there are a few hentai games with something like this, but from what I've seen they're all loli shit, untranslated or have incredibly boring, unsatisfying gameplay with a lot of that "If an enemy hits you, you get raped!" type shit. Not what I'm looking for.
Basically take Dungeon Keeper, Torchlight 2, Overlord, Dragon Quest Caravan Heart, Jade Cocoon and Monster Rancher and combine that into one game.
I'd like a game where my main character starts out as an adventurer, or bounty hunter or something, and I can design him into a reasonable idealized self-insert who fights with whatever style I'd like him to, and he courts a wife with different skills to be his partner. Maybe I'm melee and she's ranged or magic, maybe I smith weapons and she cooks. Along the way we capture monsters so our caravan has better options as far as steeds, defenders, and additional party members. Maybe I save a Goblin's life and it owes me a life debt, maybe I make a pact with some sort of direwolf, maybe I awaken a gentle giant ancient golem, that sort of thing. Eventually we'd save enough to build a castle somewhere, and then set off on expeditions. while increasing it's size and beauty.
Ok, so basically I want the ultimate open world experience. The sad thing is, I'd like to make it myself, but I'm just one person with a rudimentary understanding of 3D modeling and no understanding of programming or animation.
I want a world the size of FUEL, but hand crafted instead of created through algorithms. The setting is neomodern/sterile futuristic/eastern fantasy.
Verticality is a must. Floating sky islands dotting the atmosphere hundreds of miles high. Grappling hooks, flight and long leaps to get around.
There are vast sky cities, as well as ground based cities as well. The sky islands can be piloted by a mesh of magic and machinery, and on the ground there are giant roaming beasts with cities built into them - turtles, elephants, wolves, even giant humanoids. You could walk around these cities, shop and pick up quests. Some quests might even be to change the course of some of these vast beasts so that cities on terra firma are not obliterated by their trampling.
In the sky, colossal cyber serpents, roving starfleets, sky pirates, winged beasts and even ninjas make up a portion of the enemies to face.
Playable races would include humanoid types, synthetic, anthros and even winged demons or angels.
Combat would be melee based, with an emphasis on extreme acrobatics (to the point of even using enemies as a bridge or staircase from island to island).
Possible alternate dimensions of post apocalyptic, dark world, 90s neon punk that would alter gameplay significantly.
I know this is currently impossible, but goddammit this is the game I think of every day of my waking life.
so it's just saints row?
Also had this idea for a puzzle/resource management game. It'd be sort of like FTL with elements of various puzzle games.
Essentially you're playing as a sentient AI program shot through space at ships which have suffered catastrophic failure of one manner or another. The puzzles are essentially rescue missions.
There are a few generators throughout the ships providing you only enough energy to perform a few tasks, and each piece performs different functions. You have to manage the resources to re-connect a few key components of the ship, and depending on the mission -which of course would get more complex as it goes- you may have to get the weapons and/or shields online to protect the crew from whoever is attacking it, or raiders shown up to rob it, you'll have to use the thrusters to get the pieces back close enough to one another to reconnect them, figure out how to best connect them so the power is used most efficiently and will last the longest, and either protect the cargo or keep the passengers alive.
There may be multiple objectives, moral dilemmas, different possible objectives. Maybe you have to choose who lives and who dies, etc. Completing levels successfully earns you back up copies, as mission failure results in your program being deleted. Lots of existential dialogue from the AI as the story unfolds.
SRIV is a good prototype, I guess. But I want something more combo and melee based with the combat, like Matrix: Path of Neo or even Prototype
Also have this vague idea that needs further development for a conspiracy theory, survival horror cyberpunk game.
Basically, it's way into the future, and virtually the entire population has agreed to be plugged into machines and are essentially living out their lives as zombies plugged into the internet. A bunch of vegetables in VR chairs surrounded by wires everywhere. Aliens have gradually encouraged this change in our culture to take us over because they're not very well suited for direct combat, though the do employ robotic shock troops as forces in case of anyone getting out of the machines.
Naturally, you play as one of a number of people who woke up from the machine. A certain segment of the population couldn't be controlled, either because of mental illness, paranoia, chemical imbalance, a general feeling of being an outsider or some other factor, they weren't as suggestible and easily controlled as the others.
So you're wandering through this essentially dead world full of sleeping humans who don't realize they're being experimented on, harvested as food and force-bred while plugged into the machines. The enormous cyber-cities are connected via numerous teleporters which run independently on their own power source, so the aliens weren't able to shut them off. You're sneaking city to city trying to wake people up, find weapons and supplies (hunger would be a chief concern in the game) while fending off the aliens and their machines, and other players and survivors. Like Dead Rising, many of your more troublesome enemies would be other people who woke up from the machines, and are nuts and essentially see this new world as their playground. The aliens have essentially scrambled your implants creating a Babel effect, so none of the humans can communicate through speech with eachother. You'll run into other player characters, but you'll have no way of knowing whether they'll team up with you or want to kill you and take your things. And even if they do team up with you, there's nothing to prevent them from turning around and betraying you later.
Kind of like if From made a Cyberpunk version of a Souls game.
not dream game, just been bouncing a few
>in desperation, you join them because everything has gone to complete shit, your family has no money, your ancestral home has been confiscated for debt unironically, you blame the Jews, your sister contracted Syphilis, your kid brother's in jail, and your parents died, your father first in his sleep, your mother of grief soon after
>there's no protection from excessive torture from the Russians as they didn't sign the Geneva Convention of War this comes into play later
What would you faggots say if I told you I have an idea brewing for an arcade game based on the secret documents of Scientology?
Please bring back aristocracy and patronage
1000$ a month on patreon for this?
I would work it into an RPG, where you can either fight in civil duels with points, or lethal fights with HP bars. This can be based off speech paths, having a certain alignment, etc. Stat mechanics would be minimal, consisting entirely of power meter (tied to sword, sword exp) and HP bar (character exp, armor). Earn more sword exp by winning duels, and more character exp by killing. Bosses would be distinct and unique, offering mechanics like:
After killing the boss you take their sword but it "doesn't seem to like you" (resulting in gimped power), or after besting them in duel they grant their sword to you (resulting in full power). Boss swords aren't as strong as those you can buy, but gimmicks might make them worth keeping. Final boss is your master, from the tutorial. He was holding back during training, but not now.
I'd probably include multiplayer, as it's fit for 2-player matches.
An RPG set in a fantasy world where abstractions don't exist.
Still trying to think about that would work, but basically the whole idea is that every concept has a physical manifestation, and you can physically alter them to change reality.
Open world MMO with all of Solar System accessible.
● First/Third person
● Factions/Countries with their own land and cities. Support for politics.
● Resources gatherable in world, rare resources would be available only in certain regions, which would encourage trading, and when needed war.
● Giant factories and industrial facilities, comfy cities, with buildings enterable.
● Players are able to create world content by sending models and scripts: weapons, vechicles, suits/armor, architecture, and other items. These would be revieved with online voting system, become available for production with set resource cost to the faction that has created it. Special counter-measures would be needed to avoid intentional vote sabotaging by enemy factions. Only highest quality items could pass, voting system available online, along with stat balancing, code would have to be revieved to avoid built in malicious functions. Then those objects would be patented and may be manufactured and traded.
● Factions may build bases using tilesets and objects, bought or manufactured. Tiles may also be imported by the faction.
● Many means of defence, mostly machines programmed by players
● Programmable machines allowing automated/controlled factories and other.
● Factions may only build on land they own, which has to be bought from 'World govt. faction', or others.
● Factions may design their own spaceships, from small units to monstrous cargo ships carrying gasses and metals sucked from gas giants.
● Spaceships are enterable, crew would have to keep machines running and use defences if needed.
● Creating a faction worthy of creation abilities would need a massive amount of members and wealth, small ones would have to buy custom content from big guys. At the start player could choose one of three starter factions, or join a player created one.
● All world objects ( weapons, clothing, vechicles and even tiles ) would decay upon usage and need occasional maintenace, broken items can be salvaged for materials they were made of. This would encourage trading, the rarer and better made items would be way more persistent, however that would increase their creation time and cost.
● Biggest factions can choose one or more technology trees, or create their own. Technologies would apply to ships and objects, making a huge diffrence in damage they do, their armor plating resistances and general look of any of their products.
● Weapons need ammo compatible with them, ammo has to be manufactured and dropped by ships or carried there by ground to any region needing it, along with other supplies.
● Players could break down old ships and abandoned bases to get back materials with quantity depending on decay %
Forgive language mistakes, europoor wrote this.
This dream will never be true, why live?
I'm so glad these games will never be made.
Time for more comfy inchling games?
A fire emblem movement system and a megaman battle network battle system combined.
Xenoarcheology game. You've got to explore caves in asteroids. Very atmospheric.
Some horror survival with this guy artwork as inspiration
A mix between Pokémon, Chess and a TCG.
You choose a team of 5 characters with their stats and powers and you choose a captain in this team. The rule is to kill the captain.
Every characters can be captain. Each characters have a "captain state" with buffed stats, new attacks and a passive powerup for their teams.
You'll move your characters on a board, chess-like. I'm not sure about how should I do the board. I thought about hexagonal tiles instead of squares. It will obviously be turn-based, but a Pokémon-style turn, when both players have to decide what to do at the same time sounds cool and more balanced than a classic TCG/Chess turn-based game.
There's no minions, no trap/magic/assist cards. Your "deck" is your 5 characters only. The only actions you'll have depends on your characters. No elementary weeknesses either. Everybody can virtually kill everybody. The creators will do everything to have a balanced game. A single game should not exceed 5 real-time minutes.
I should write the concept on paper.
basically Earth gets invaded by fantasy creatures and you fight in a Tank/plane/chopper/light vehicle/amphibian vehicle etc
You hunt monsters from all sizes and upgraded your vehicles with either science, magic or other gadgets
An open world tile-based RPG. Recovering from wounds would be difficult, with the focus being on protection, prevention, and mitigation. If you get wounded, it's going to stick and take a lot of resources.
Playing around with some ideas, I thought an SS13 derived health system might be best. That is, you die after 200 damage, and fall unconscious at 100. I wanted to also have specific nutrients and blood modeled, so the way it would work is that your body would slowly recover damage (about 1 point per damage type per day) and drain your nutrients. If you lost blood, it would also drain your nutrients. You lose 1 unit of each nutrient each day regardless. The idea would be to eat 2 or 3 different foods every now and again to keep your values high, and keeping your nutrients high would prevent diseases from being as prevalent on you.
Additionally, physical damage would come from 3 sources, slashing piercing and crushing. Each would have different effects, varying between bleeding, organ damage, and crushed/severed limbs. A dagger wouldn't do much damage for example, but it would make them quickly bleed out, which guarantees a fast kill. But then, it wouldn't be very effective on constructs or slimes or undead, for example.
Post apocalyptic city builder with a little bit of RTS thrown in.
Something like a modernized Stronghold, in a post apocalyptic setting. Raiders, mutants, scavengers, trader caravans, junk walls, a whole tech tree of units requiring more and more secondary or tertiary resources that you'll have to build up industry to make. From guys with spears up to salvaged tanks and shit.
fast-paced f2p cyberpunk fantasy online multiplayer tparpg where you have to type out chants to cast spells or power up special moves, none of the cash grab
ost would be entirely eurobeat and character movement should follow rules of inertia
I want a multiplayer first person shooter with weird guns. I don't care what it's about, make it about gun wizards or something, all that matters is that I get some Armed and Dangerous level shark shooters and confetti grenades and shit.
A real life game where two supercomputers think they are simulating Thermonuclear War when actually they are in control of all the nukes. That way we can just all die and shit can be over.
Western equivalent of Artificial Academy with art that doesn't make people want to vomit.
That's some of the only stuff I thought about so far
Basically a game like AoE set after a nuclear war. You start out with a handful of people who emerge from a shelter and you have to expand and reconquer.
So a Fallout 1 RTS?
Game about a robot trying to save his father/creator from a psychic zombie looking bad guy. And you work with a higlander espy who can never die. It's a fps vr where you smash heads open, shoot while running, get increasing amount of motion sickness as you kickass in several motion heavy levels with environmental dangers.
Badass Motherfucker the game
Does someone have the post about the dragon game in the not-Balkans saved somewhere?
RPG game with turn-based combat, giantic world map, airplane from start, ability to cut off random battles at will from start, shitloads of dungeons, rare items and none of the typical emo faggotry from modern JRPGs. Also no real story. There should just be a charcter you name as you will and the strongest boss of the game that comes in the hardest dungeon where every enemy is LV 100.
i guess i would like that feeling of vehicles fighting giant monsters.
What ever hapened to the Blaster Master IP?
As far as I know, it died with Sunsoft. Only four games in that series that I know of.