Lots of people, especially conservatives don't seem to really understand why some Transsexuals want to transition. Why can't they just be fine as "feminine guys"? Why do they have to be seen as Women?
I think I figured something out about the core nature of the West and out attitude to sexuality. You see even now with tolerance of LGBT people in the West you can see something. I think at the core, at it's very core the West is sexually prude. And yes that has nothing to do with whether you are conservative, liberal or whatever. That is much older than that. It started about 200 years ago, when the term homosexuality first came into use and was later picked up by psychologists and turned into neat definitions.
Look at the definitions we have relating to sexuality. It's all about the WHO. Homosexuality. WHO are you? A man. WHO do you want to do it with? Other men. Bisexuality? Both!
Most people don't know this and get very confused, when they for example find out Alexander had a male lover. (d-does t-that m-m-mean he is g-gay???) For most of human history, in Antiquity, in muslim socities even today, It was not a matter of WHO you want to fuck, like today in the west it is. It was question about WHAT you want to do. WHAT gets you off, what positions do you want to do it in, top or bottom? This is getting very confusing to probably some modern people, but masculine men who took the position of the top were lumped in together with the rest of heterosexual men. They also often had wives. To someone who thinks that every gay act brands someone forever as gay and convinently puts him in the LGBT box, so that he can think of them as something seperate, this must be downright disturbing.
Guess what kind of photographic proof you have to show to the Turkish Military to proof that you are "gay"? Let's just say it's not a question about WHO, but a question of WHAT.
I don't think the following applies to every kind of Transsexual Person, but I believe it applies to at least some. Because if we only ever talk about the WHO and let it literally become a core identity of ourselves. Just look at how shocking it is to some guys to even think about doing something "gay", that isn't gay sex at all. Like just hugging another guy. Because again in the WEST it's not about WHAT you do, it's about WHO you want to do it with. But the WHO also applies to ourselves. WHO are you? It's really no wonder that some guys want to be seen as LITERAL REAL Women in a culture with such a repressed and prude view of sexuality. There are probably lots of stories about some boy who tells his family that he feels like a girl. In our weird cultural intepretation of this message to us, we immideatly jump to the conclusion that he is transsexual, because we only consider the WHO, not the WHAT.
I think I figured something out, which is very important for Transsexuality in the West
STFU, douche.
These people have Body Dismorphic Disorder…the same crazy shit that makes some people chop off their arms and legs and pull out their eyesballs in order to be "complete".
They are completely fucked in the head.
They cannot lop off their dicks and miraculously become women, any more than a woman can attach a penile implant to her clit and suddenly become a man.
They are mentally ill. Fucked in the head. They are willingly self-mutilating.
Nobody gives a shit about your unsourced, poorly formatted stoner ramblings, you fuckstick.
Read what I said again, if you think I disagree with that.
I think you're wrong. I meet a lot of people as part of my job, including people who are transgender. I actually ended up getting to know a female-to-male transgender quite well, and she (biologically female) agreed totally that transgenderism is the result of mental illness. She also agreed that a lot of transgender people, especially male-to-female, don't truly have that gender dysphoria mental illness, and are just "in the scene". If you ever get the chance to have a conversation with a transgender, do it. Always try to learn as much as you can.
I met another female-to-male trans, and this one was different. This one was younger and had grown up on Tumblr, so she started testosterone injections then switched the paste/gel because she didn't like needles, then stopped that because it was "too cold" and now is just a female wearing a skirt with the voice of a man. That's an example of "cultural" transgenderism, where people just get sucked into that kind of scene and lose themselves in it.
It is important to always try to know as much as possible about issues like this, and WHY they arise. OP it seems like you're on the right track, but you're not quite there. And, I've read a lot of classical literature and always had a keen interest in history, and people were not nearly as prudish as people today think they were. It was a different culture of course, so it was dealt with in a different (and much more subtle) way, but the rise of modern degeneracy is more to with the focus on the self.
But that's the thing. We have these words and definitions and people tend to gravitate towards them.
We are prudish outwardly. That's why we only ask about the WHO. Because it's impolite, obscene and improper to talk about the WHAT, unless you are in room with only other WHOs, so it doesn't become akward.
And lots of politicans, like Trump for example with his locker room talk were chastized for what I just said. Talking about the WHAT is only allowed with other people similar to you. It's so repressed that people even deny they do it. "What a sexist asshole pig, he dared talking about the WHAT."
Glad to see some sense about this finally. Trans isn't something a random individual wakes up one day and decides they are. It's something that needs to be diagnosed by a trained professional. Most alleged trans people are just mentally ill, and usually just shitty people that hate themselves, and this is how it manifests.
I have long suspected most of this trans stuff is staged, as a weird sort of psyop/flase flag. It is used as distraction and/or a division tactic; something to replace the gay boogeyman that died with same sex marriage.
tl;dr: op claims traps aren't gay
Oh wow babby's first "theory"… also, it the US, not so much the West.
kys faggot OP
No, I meant also Western Europe specifically. The US is pruder than us, but they are also more profane and like to really show their distate for certain topics, while we Europeans might think the same, but we don't say it.
stick your dick in an electrical socket, then tell me all about that WHAT
This reasoning is what makes boys want to become girls.
Fuck you.
I've noticed a slight trend to the opposite actually. People seem more comfortable with talking about "what" than they used to. A lot of people are happily comfortable with making sex jokes and referring to sexual acts in a very casual way. Of course there is still some level of limit, but it's certainly lower than it used to be.
I'll have to find some sources to back myself up here, but it seems that when people get upset about something like Trump's conversation, it's nearly always when it's a man talking about a woman, not the other way around, nor a homosexual relationship/whatever.
But that's getting off track a bit. Suffice to say, I think the biggest driving force behind the current popularity of transgenderism comes from a more general force - the same which makes people virtue signal and behave as if they are the centre of the universe and rightfully so. It doesn't just affect faggots and transgenders. Life has become about doing things for yourself above all.
That always happened between guys. That never changed for as long as our balls produced testosterone.
Can you imagine the media publishing something similar to this, but it's a guy making sexist jokes about another guy in the same manner as he was a woman?
It would be very obscene and inappropiate, but for the media publishing it. And who knows, maybe "I will fuck you like you're a girl" could get him in trouble.
I think we have to be more precises when talking about transgenders, because of all the women who are literally just regular old women, but identify as some imaginary 65th gender, because whatever.
This should be something completly different from trannies, but for some reason the left managed to combine these topics into a neat little box.
The autism is strong in this one.
You're right, we are a sexually prudish culture, but I think your extrapolation fails due to no real solid connection.
What gets someone off still depends on who's doing it. I could get off to fucking some Asian whore with a language barrier, but that doesn't mean I'll get off if that Asian whore were replaced with a 12 year old boy, or a swarthy Italian girl with only a little bit of mustache. In other words, WHAT is still dependent upon WHO, unless you sincerely think sexuality is more defined by act than it is by target, in which case your stoned thoughts have pushed you far into the realm of SJW logic.
A lot of men will have a strong reaction to things like hugging another guy. That's not because of sexual attraction or desire. If it were, then they wouldn't go out for drinks with men, or hang out shirtless working on their engines, or the volleyball scene in Top Gun. There's plenty of gay things guys do so long as it's still seen as manly and competitive. What you've gotten confused by is you think the WHAT/WHO dicotomy is about sexual attraction, when for men it's all about not revealing weakness.Hugging another man makes you look like a pussy, and some guys have so little that they need to know that other people can't see them as weak. If a man has no reputation, and no responsibility, people will see them as nothing.
Men that become transsexual do it over an attempt to avoid that social pressure and "become" something that has inherent value. That will be aore common thread than what gets them off.
theres nothing gay about hugging another dude
it would be gay if you do it naked or are getting aroused by the act/thought of it
making nonsexual things sexual is actually quite gay
A lot of men will have a strong reaction to things like hugging another guy. That's not because of sexual attraction or desire. If it were, then they wouldn't go out for drinks with men, or hang out shirtless working on their engines, or the volleyball scene in Top Gun. There's plenty of gay things guys do so long as it's still seen as manly and competitive. What you've gotten confused by is you think the WHAT/WHO dicotomy is about sexual attraction, when for men it's all about not revealing weakness.Hugging another man makes you look like a pussy, and some guys have so little that they need to know that other people can't see them as weak. If a man has no reputation, and no responsibility, people will see them as nothing.
God, I fucking hate you euro-mutt americans. Your entire concept of masculinity with NUH NOT GAY BROOO is a mockery of real masculinity.
This. Fuck this insecure cunt.
Actually it's just Americans they just started forcing their morality on the rest of the world after WW2
Nonono, I mean Europe too. America is another matter.
The reason for high prevalence of depression, substance use, and suicide among trannies is their failure to address an unmet need. None of us can change our genetics, and even if we could, changing behaviors shaped over years of daily life would be extremely difficult. Trannies want something they cannot have, and providing hormones or surgery creates false hope their wish can be granted.
Try a thought experiment. Replace "gender" with "height" or "intelligence" and see how well the SJW logic works (I'm omitting the rather obvious example of 'trans-racial' Rachel Dolezal because that example speaks for itself). Trans-height could apply to the person who identifies as a professional athlete without the physical attributes. Time for "muh stronk, independent athlete!" who takes human growth hormone, testosterone, and thyroid hormone.
However, that person can't play professional sports or compete in the Olympics because it isn't considered fair competition. Doping athletes is considered an abuse of medicine. From the perspective of wanting an unobtainable goal and not accepting the reality of their situation, trannies aren't that different from the athlete who cheats via doping. More extreme perhaps, but not fundamentally different.
Medicine is correct to not provide years of performance enhancing substances to athletes who want to improve their play, and stimulants for students who envy others' academic success.
I have not yet encountered the leftie who can explain the difference between trannies and athletes on performance-enhancing steroids or HGH. Gender receives special consideration where athletic competition and race are not. Gender is different in their minds. If anything, athletic performance enhancement should be more acceptable than ill-fated attempts to change gender.
The Body Dysmorphic Disorder comparison is correct. It nails down the outward behavioral response. I'm interested in the underlying psychology and why trannies are a current cultural phenomenon.
Related, has anyone encountered a tranny who wasn't a full-blown left SJW type? A person who wants an unobtainable physical goal almost certainly believes in unobtainable social and political goals, too.
You mean alexander the great? If so, then you lie.
Alexander killed his generals for advocating male sex.
The whole ancient greece was faggot paradise is a lie made in the 70's by gay advocates. Also rome was not some sodomite paradise. Same thing with pagan vikings. They had laws that gave a man the right to kill someone who called them feminine or womanly, aka gay.
I am pretty sure he had a male lover, who later died. I am not sure if that was his best friend he accidently killed while drunk or not.
Hephastion? His best friend and bodyguard, of whom the only evidence of their sexual union comes from ONE SINGULAR INSCRIPTION comparing their closeness to Achilles and Patronclus? And that the singular historical comment we have on record was by Aelian, whose two surviving works were essentially a series of anecdotal tales of Greece and her past?
It's a fucking dead meme pushed by history professors that wanted to spin a man who was contemporarily known for his 'abstaining from the flesh' and being busy taking over the world. Fuck this factor shit.
Wasn't there someone else?
Anyway, looks like I made a mistake.
But ironically you guys would call a man gay nowerdays if they were to show the same kind of physical affection as was common back then. You just need to hug a guy and you are gay apparently.
A rather uninteresting piece of content was made here
Those dubs, though -
Jew thread detector is going off.
Define lots and provide citation(s) for what conservatives understand about these mental patients.
Oooooh I highly doubt you've ever figured anything out OP.
OPs full retard moment.
Your head is so full of fuck. What dumb shits like you do, is instead of changing your fucked up ways, you come up with excuses for your past. You're so weak and vain that you can't take responsibility for anything hence the rise of the victim mentality. You're pretty much a dick sucking nigger.
Refrain from making threads in the future. You have the mental level of a small child. It's why Jew tricks have you so messed up.