New Vegas

Ave, true to Kimball!

So lets be real here

What do you think Caesars plans were after taking over Vegas?

He believed in a neo-Roman state free of hedonism which he believes is what killed the Romans

Yet he continues to command savage tribes

He has nothing to show of his ideas

Lets be real here, NCR is the only right faction that cares about people and future of California. They are the only the less evil faction in entire New Vegas.

You need to be extremely retarded edge faggot to go out and kill everyone or join savages.

He was going for a Reverse Rome. Influenced heavily by the Empire and Caesar, he would use New Vegas to turn the Legion into a Republic.

NCR is gay, House always wins. Enjoy walking back the Long 15 like a cuck Oliver

they are also boring as hell

You really like living in shit, and not rebuilt proper civilization after nuclear apocalypse, don't you?

Caesar was supposedly planning to "synthesize" the Legion's purity with the NCR after the conquest. I don't think it would work out, at all. He's got an ill educated army of young men with no initiative or administrative abilities. There's no way to demobilize.

You forgot about House. His plan is to push the Legion out and even leave Caesar alive- his natural death would be far more devastating to the Legion than an execution. On top of that, he allies with all the other factions in the area, finds common ground with the NCR, and only eliminates the BoS because they're colossal dicks who don't play nice with anyone.

By siding with House, you'll ensure that the New Vegas area is stabilized by powers in the area and stop the NCR from stretching itself even thinner.

Have you seen the Strip? Even Freeside is better off than the vast majority of the communities of the Mojave. His entire plan is to stop humanity, as a whole, from living in shit ever again.

According to the stuff that Obsidian -wanted- to put into the game, the Legion was going to be far more fleshed out, with Cesar having plans for the NCR after conquering it, including building a new Rome, founding a Senate, and pretty much forging the old Roman Empire anew.

But of course thanks to timing constraints and demands from Bethesda that there be a clear cut "good guy" and "bad guy", we got the shit rush job they had to give us instead.

He would rid it of most technology, hedonism, and cull the people for a stronger bloodline.

The tribes were not "savage", they were at war with people that continued to repeat the mistakes of the past.

I know this is bait. idc

Sounds exactly like Holla Forums.

In the Lucky 38? Sorry I'm not a peasant that lives in freeside

I actually feel like that's justification after the fact. Every other faction but the Powder Gangers has nuance to it. The Legion doesn't and is actively vilified by everyone you meet but one trader in the fort.

But Holla Forums sides with the Germans- they want to tear down Rome, not build it.

You aren't a human being anymore.

I hope you realize many Germanic tribes were apathetic towards Rome and also had nothing to do with the later German state

oh wait, you're b8'ing, nevermind…

Germans immigrated into Rome. The attenuated prowess of their Legions- coupled with the fact that they were loyal only to groups in the area- means that Western Rome was unable to defend itself adequately against barbarian invasions.

So, yes, German Immigration directly led to the collapse of the Roman Empire due to their inferiority to Greeks, Romans, Sarranids, Egyptians, Iberians, and even southern Anglo-Saxons.

It was Christian and Jewish invaders that killed Rome most of all. At least Germans stayed true to traditional Roman values


Ja, Untermenschen, it vas der Juden und der Christians das ist to blame!

They never had them in the first place. At best ,they aped them- remember that they founded the "Holy" "Roman" "Empire" that was not a theocracy, didn't have any Roman blood, and was fragmented into countless baronies and princedoms.

Besides that, Rome was Chrisitan since Emperor Constantine. He managed to pull Rome out of the pit it was in in the 3rd century, reclaiming much clay for the empire and founding the glorious city of Constantinople.

They always seem to hit in late summer. I think it's the heat- I always wish for a nuclear winter about this time of year.

Caesar knew that the Legion was, at it's core, still just a loose affiliation of disparate conquered tribals who would scatter and revert to their old ways the moment the Legion showed any signs of weakness. That's why he was so desperate for New Vegas, for a Rome, so that he could transfer the ideals of the Legion away from him - a mortal - and into the state, which would endure for generations and outlive him. Eventually, he wanted to conquer the NCR and incorporate their senate into the Legion. In his own words - a synthesis of the two, with the strengths of both and the weaknesses of neither.

He never would have accomplished his goal in his lifetime, but at least if he had taken Vegas, he could have set the Legion on the path he envisioned.

Germans are quite literally the niggers of the ancient world.

Is this Bar Kokhba fanfiction? Because if I recall, the last time the Jews mounted any sort of military offensive against Rome, Rome swept in and erased Israel from the fucking map… not to appear again until 1948.


There weren't really many niggers at all in ancient Rome. There weren't any ragheads, either. Where did you learn your history?

Muh Persia muhfugga

Absolutely fucking disgusting. You'll constantly have arguments and have to field diverse and opposing viewpoints and opinions and never get anything done. House's way is a quick-track back to committee-based government that we have today.

You need one strong ruler with unwavering ideals and values that he enforces on everyone. You need to construct a populace with a single unified vision: your vision.

House is going to be the God Emperor of Mankind. But with direct control of robot legions and the ability to communicate with the people. Oh, and his Malcador will be there to serve him instead of fried on the Golden Throne.

There WILL be compromise, there WILL be annexation, but there WON'T be committees. Everything will be on House's terms, even if they may end up being more flexible than he'd like.

Did you ever talk to House?

House is the most fun to play faction quest.

With NCR you have to basically go around fixing every little thing because they're fucking retards and Moore just wants to murder everyone. Legion basically has everything locked down except Caesar's brain.

With House you get to run around as secret agent tricking all the goyim.

Also really House deserves Vegas. If it wasn't for him the place would just be a crater. Hoover Dam wouldn't even be a footnote in post-War history. The Mojave would be no different to any other wasteland.

House saved the entire wasteland with his genius.

I hate how shallow the 2 major factions are in this game and how limited the player is when it comes to interacting with these groups.

IIRC Bethesda forced them to simplify the moral issues in order to have a big bad. Legion is still a pretty interesting faction, but I wish they had more content.
By the way, how come almost everyone calls Caesar "see-zar"? You'd think the uncultured wastelanders would've forgotten the English spelling by now and just used "kai-zar" like he does.

u wot m8?

There were too many factors contributing to Rome's end to pinpoint it to a single issue.

Sage for off-topic.

Actually, what do I have to look up to get good jewish polka?

I tried Russian and obscure Slavic countries but that only yields so much results.

The best part is that you can choose to help the NCR if you want. I usually do because I reason that it'd make House's plans function better in the long run if the NCR maintains its economic powers and sovereignty. At least, in the short term.

Plus, I like helping people.

It's wholly realistic. It's a nation that's expanded too far, too fast. You're on the pointy edge of the stick where morale is rock bottom and stupid assholes in cushy offices make decisions that get entire units wiped out. Congress is full of corrupt moneygrubbers and special interests, the bureaucracy is becoming slow and unresponsive, and the natives are restless. Plenty of the soldiers are good, decent folks. Some of them are rotten assholes. A few are traitors. It's very believable.

I will grant you that the Legion is shallow in most aspects, but that's a result of two things. One is the time crunch- there wasn't enough time or resources to adequately show their territory. Vegas and the NCR got priority.. It could also be blatant favoritism on the Dev's part; NCR has been in the previous two games and they obviously care a lot about their lore.

The other is that the Legion actively discourages and PUNISHES individuality and free thought. This leads to a faction devoid of many great thinkers. Legate Lanius is a homicidal maniac with no real grasp of long term strategy. Joshua Graham got thrown off the Dam and lit on fire. You've pretty much ONLY got Caesar and Vulpes to give you any sort of insight into how the Legion is supposed to think. Plus, you know, most of the Legion is comprised of shanghai'd tribals and second generation soldiers. They don't have the life experience to have depth.

I would think that the pronunciation on the name would differ since only the Legion was taught the Latin and the correct pronunciation. While everyone else was still using American English so they would just say "see-zer" rather then "kai-zar". It's really just a matter of culture and language.

That's due to the first issue you stated with the Legion which could have become something better then a blob of mindless automatons herded by 3 major figures. Even if they are mostly comprised of savage tribes it doesn't mean that they can't have some sort of lore master that logs their every battle the Legion had or some sort of . Caesar wasn't that limited to what he could do with his Legion, hell they even had a currency at their disposal.


So how is this shit different from communism with a Mad Max bent?


America in a nutshell


Lex Luthor syndrome if I've ever seen it. The courier isn't his partner, but yet another pawn in his grand scheme. A cog in the wheel. There's no guarantee his wealth and intellect won't recede with time, and so who's to say how well intentioned he is?

Remind me why I should side with any of these factions again? They're all dubious in their ability to guarantee a solid plan for the near or distant future of the Mojave. I guess House is the best bet given all of his positive attributes, but you're still betting on the promises of someone you hardly know. Why not destroy them all and let the chips fall where they may? You call it a placeholder, I call it letting the people take their future into their own hands. You may say this is disastrous, and you could make a damned good case for that perspective, but any system that you put into place is going to have some flawed aspect that will equally render suffering, poverty, in-fighting, and degeneracy among the denizens of your society. The world's already fucked as it is, do you really think it's worth saving at this point?

Along with corruption and crime.

This reads like some skinhead wrote it. The point of all of the factions is that they have their good sides and their bad sides. I usually play the good gu(o)y in games, so I decided to check what NCR is like. The NCR had it's good sides, like defending peole from raiders, giving them food and shelter and trying to organize things by printing paper money and making things more official. But I was met with incompetency, pig-headedness and red-tape almost on every quest, sometimes those quests had me on endless back-and-forths for very petty reasons, essentially making me their running boy. While I will admit, I didn't play a lot of Legion quests, I'd say that it's pretty damned obvious that they were going to have their downsides as well. Strict regimen, guaranteed safety, strong army, a community to live and die for, but at the expense of backwater rules like 'no tech, no equality and no fun.' If that isn't shades of grey, I don't know what is. Do you favor personal strength or do you prefer justice for all? Should everyone have a right for a fulfilled life, or should only the strong have that right?

This guy in the screencap keeps thinking "muh Leejun can do no wrong! they're portrayed as the bad guys!" Yeah, well, that's just your opinion mang. This is an example of how not to keep your views objective. I never saw Legion or NCR as neither good or bad. After being NCR's bitch for a while, I seriously considered Legion before I found out I could murder House and have New Vegas for myself. Legion, while having some considerable downsides, would play in my favor, because I'm a cis-het male and my strength would carry me very far. Why shouldn't I sacrifice some already doomed slaves lives for my own benefit? But then again, Caesar would have died of a brain tumor, had it not been for technology, making his stance on "no tech" seem very weak and short-sighted.


You seem to be confusing Communism and Fascism there user. Not that the legion is fully Fascist since that really requires a national at least partly industrialised.

Taking over the Mojave yourself just means you've got Caesar's problem of succession. Unless you play it assuming you'd use shit from the Big MT to stay alive for a long time wild-card isn't a good long term strategy. House with the assumption you'd take over at some point is probably the best call. Even if you don't outright coup him he's still locked in a room with limited ability to see the rest of the world (outside of the Mojave certainly). You can easily influence him by feeding him only certain information. Of course the problem is you'll eventually stagnate and have outdated ideas of what's needed on the ground. This happens to all idealistic politicians.

Have you talked to him? He's in the conquering stage of his empire. He doesn't need else but savages at the moment. Civilization comes after subjugation.

House still has his robots and his surveillance feeds. He understands the situation on the ground better than anyone else in the region.

Within the Mojave sure but outside of that he's got nothing. The Mojave isn't the whole world.

Even within the Mojave he's of the age where he's going to interpret things how he wants them to be rather than how they are. Observing something isn't the same as understanding it. What does he really know about being a dirt farmer? Or a courier? All the data in the world doesn't help a disconnected politician truly understand a situation and that's true nowadays without them living fucking hundreds of years. He's going to go to you for the explanations.