Sword and board combat

in vidya.

Is combat just to complex to be able to turn it into a balanced game mechanic?

I think it's a matter of latency if we're talking about online. If you're talking everything else, it's a complicated matter because of the nature of balance or what freedom is allowed to use your shield. Can you use the shield itself as a weapon? Can you just hide behind your shield all day until the other player gets bored? What parameters should be allowed and how would other players deal with shielders?

Severance did very it well tbh. Dank souls is just shit.

Vidya control methods are just too simplistic to accurately control something as complex as the human body in a fight. That's why we gotta simplify and abstract things.

Another issue is even if you somehow manage to create a control system that accurately simulates a fight, you're not going to be able to get the player as invested in a fight in a videogame as they would be in real life due to the lack of immersion and feedback.


I read 'snowboard combat' and thought for a moment about how that would be radical

Mite be fun.


Apparently that's possible in the new Zeldo


Sage because indie.

nice to see karate kid still wrecking face

dark messiah

Swadia a shit

Make a duel simulator twine game. Every choice in stance and movement you make results in another reaction in your opponent until either you put in the decisive hit or you get owned.

In monster hunter you can use sword and shield.

It's not underpowered at all and in fact you're fast, mobile and powerful as fuck, with a focus on exploiting elemental weaknesses.

Additionally it's the only weapon type that can use items while unsheathed.

It's the "standard" weapon type but it's not actually "standard" at all, the devs put great care to make it a solid, powerful playstyle on par and often even better than all the other weapons.

die by the sword

except in Gen where it's one of the best weapons in the game in groups.
Stuns better than a hammer, does more damage than one too.
It's a hammer but better with none of the hammer downsides.

Is the Kushala Daora Ex event armor out in the English ver yet?

That with bushido style and the narga sns was ridiculously broken.

no clue, I only played cross

Looks like a revamped Chivalry, which to my mind is pretty fucking great.