I know liberals are retarded and all, but what possesses people to act like fucking children like this? People did the same shit with Obama, both election years.
If you want to be a vengeful asshole, at least be clever about it.
Not how you do violence.
1) Inflitrate law enforcement and the justice system (including the national guard or whatever provincial militia your country has if your country has such a thing)
2) Compile a comprehensive list of of the leaders and active members of the group you want to suppress
3) Violently attack some of the more prominent members of the group (they need to know you mean business before you can start using threats)
4) Attack and sabotage meeting places, gatherings, and other public institutions of said group, make it clear that they're not welcome
5) Use intimidation on the rest, follow up on threats if someone steps out of line, intimidation doesn't work if people think you're making empty threats
For some reason, though, the Left seems to think that effective political violence is
user pls
also rioting in the US is a joke, literally no one died in baltimore or ferguson and the participants were less than 1% of the city population in each case
I fail to see the problem.
who said there was a problem? i enjoy laughing at these shitstorms without guilt
though it is a little scary how some millennials are becoming convinced that a hundred lumpens on skid row = blacks
real life isn't anime user, when you listlessly stare out the window of your 10th grade maths class you don't look as cool as you think
That's the initial negation phase. In this moment the ideology they have been swallowing for the past year is still very present in their heads, but in a week, it'll be eroded enough so that they'll be ready to receive Holla Forums propaganda
If you're trying to imply that I'm being edgy, I'm not. I'm not saying we should use violence, I was just pointing out a pretty tried-and-true method of political violence if you decide pursue that strategy.
That was the KKK's tactics and they were one of the most effective terrorist organizations of all time, both playing a large part in ending Reconstruction and enforcing racialist policies in the South for the better part of a century. I've yet to hear of a riot accomplishing anything.
I'm aware, but I don't see why this couldn't be emulated by the left.
How is this a riot? All I can see are people shouting, burning an American flag and knocking over a few garbage bins.
Then you're very wrong.
tomorrow your homeless, tonight its a blast
Hi Holla Forums
Its a lyric from a dead Kennedy's song you fuckwit
it's a polite, liberal little riot
jello always made fun of liberals, read the lyrics to holiday in cambodia
So, you've been to school
For a year or two
And you know you've seen it all
In daddy's car
Thinking you'll go far
Back east your type don't crawl
Playing ethnicky jazz
To parade your snazz
On your five-grand stereo
Braggin' that you know
How the niggers feel cold
And the slum's got so much soul
It's time to taste what you most fear
Right Guard will not help you here
Brace yourself, my dear
Brace yourself, my dear
It's a holiday in Cambodia
It's tough, kid, but it's life
It's a holiday in Cambodia
Don't forget to pack a wife
I know, I didn't think he was against riots though.
This picture is old as shit.
That's their best song imo, both musically and lyrically.
Lamest riot ever, honestly.
Smug and condescending lost Pantsuit the election. Keep running your mouth and see what happens, I'm sure your attitude will get you far in life.
I have to agree with the youth in this country could not care less about their own welfare. They have no fire nor the intelligence to express their dissatisfaction in an eloquent and intelligent way.
This. BLM rioted way harder than this tea party-tier shit.
Stupid pieces of cloth must burn.
Are you saying that we should use violence, but it should be impotent rioting?
jesus christ the projection
as a non Burger isn't Portland a hipster bourgeois paradise?
No. It only looks that way because urban redevelopment laws forced out all the niggers and replaced them with gentrified scum. In reality Portland is a conglomerate of cancers, from the wealthy assholes in the hills with their rain gardens that Woody Gulthre so despised when he lived here, to the crazy skinheads who are still very much in existence among the fringes, to the new age deluded Berniecrat hippies, to the BLM loons, to the homeless that get forced onto camps because of the pig headed city council, to the furfags that drive around advertising their fun with bumper stickers, to the rampant drug abuse in all sectors of society. Aging infrastructure, invasive species, lead in the school water, lead in the soil.
Portland was never good, and I'm somewhat bemused that the collective cancers from NY and California are sequestering themselves in this shithole. They're welcome to it. Me, I'd rather make like Guthrie himself and scram before the Big One hits and the hipster's rain gardens are lit aflame.