Oh, look. Goonswarm is not just connected to Hilary Clinton, but ALSO John Podesta.
Imagine my surprise.
Can we substantiate EvE Online ISK-for-BTC/CP/Black Budget laundering rumors?
Oh, look. Goonswarm is not just connected to Hilary Clinton, but ALSO John Podesta.
Imagine my surprise.
Can we substantiate EvE Online ISK-for-BTC/CP/Black Budget laundering rumors?
Other urls found in this thread:
How do we take out SA?
I should turn this thread into the mother of all links. Meh I don't know.
Find out if DNC or IC was using SA to explore new laundering techniques with virtual/cryptocurrency or using CP honeypots to create loyal assets.
yospos is full of IC who constantly post about pizza
Nice work, user.
Keep in mind Vincent Canfield (cock.li) was (((innocently))) trying to recruit people to join goonswarm for the isk money laundering. There are rumors that joshua moon is/was a goon as well.
I think as far as the Eve money laundering goes, you'd do well to ask around on different boards and forums. I'd be surprised if there are many Holla Forumsacks with in-depth knowledge of that time sink.
oh, you could also get into the whole fifth column / controlled opposition field of goons involving fags like andrew aurnheimer, which connects to the whole e-celeb spectrum at this point (anglin and the rest)
inb4 Holla Forums makes a corporation to tactically gas goons in EVE
I'd play space submarines and politics with you fags
I believe you user, but can you provide sources?
Quality work as always, mods.
Also this graph is fucking awful.
95% of this is either common knowledge or easily googled, idiot.
lol, didn't they get obliterated last year
4chan-tier, but what can you expect from nu/pol/
Yeah, that was what I heard
None of this proof that they work with the DNC. Even libshits are allowed to play with internet spaceships, believe it or not.
They did, but they got set up in a quiet corner of the universe and jewed an obscene amount of money by mining. Just yesterday, they moved a thousand something capital ships, because they're deploying to "fight", and unsurprisingly, they've allied themselves with Reddit.
You can do that and play a somewhat fun videogame, because eve online is 60% jewing the market for profit
Okay, so.
Someone who worked for Hillary used to be the member of some forum that was the origin of some alliance in a MMO.
And this means that the alliance's leader is in a conspiracy with Hillary.
I call bullshit.
Is this the new goon buzzword I'm seeing this thrown around everywhere lately on cuckchan and I seen this used atleast many of times over the past week here.
Anyway say hi to weev and your ancap buddies.
I mean, someone playing a videogame isn't really a connection.
I mean, it's a thread about goons, did you really think the attention starved faggots wouldn't show up?
obvious mod is obvious
he even stickies his own threads what an ego maniac
I see the goons have already arrived and are damage controlling as best they can.
yep, pretty weak stuff. Boy, you ass sniffers sure like to look for yourself.
the goon/SA/EvE DNC/benghazi connection should be investigated more tbh. it is ancient history by now but it alllll ties together. a bunch of good goys and useful idiots whose larping powers got co-opted for irl deep state projects. from there it branches out to weird twitter, anonymoose, redchannit astroturfing, etc, etc and on and on.
i hesitate to say it's a waste of time to investigate because it's related to what is still happening even today, but yeah, it's fucking arcane shit at this point. although i encourage turbo autists to dig if they are inclined and i'm glad this thread got stickied.
Also, what are your guesses on the method goons use EVE to launder money? Because I know a decent chunk about that game, and can tell you what can be done and what can't.
I am so happy I stayed the fuck away from SA. I always heard of weird shit.
Ahh the early internet
Oh hey OP.
OP thought he could fool us by using a proxy to pretend he was someone else, but his reddit spacing with just the newlines taken out plus the bizarre double/triple spaces between his sentences gave him away.
This is the saddest attempt I've seen so far.
never forget this man he was the savior.
people transfer money for plex give to GS, SA gives them CP.
SA wants Money, GS RMT's with some one for plex or through the Character Bizarre.
They also did a twitch channle for a time and took donations strait from that.
Goons are heavily into organizing online and offline everything you can think of election related from the obongo campaign to the bernie/shillary debacle
Ah, but, you can't really cash out PLEX.
Disregard my autism, I didn't read that properly.
But yeah, that's certainly possible.
Who is that man?
I can go online right now and cash out all my old plex, all it takes is a goole search for someone who wants plex and a well know player to be the transfer guy.
Its very commen in that game. One thing i used to do was buy and sell toons to make some cash. You can do all of that on the eve forums.
Anyways, for anyone interested in digging, here's the links to the Character Bazaar forums in EVE
And here's the fucking new new forums, which I somehow missed.
I think you mean 'guys'
With all the child raping, organ harvesting and assassinations that Clinton and Podesta are into this looks insignificant.
They're clearly paying you guys way too much.
Your Operating System is a Piece Of Shit. It's the goon tech subforum.
Doesn't "weird twitter" also tie into SA? They are a bunch of leftist shills from my understanding.
However, it is likely that SA is a clandestine political apparatus and more so just a board with a bunch of faggot leftist mods that kicked out anyone with right wing ideas. Thus out of the thousands of people that frequent the board a few work for the Dems. That is not to say it isn't worth looking into though.
So is that where CIANigger bronies hang out?
I have a supercarrier logged out in one of their current core industry systems.
And then he was the traitor
The goofy part is I've had it there for 2 months.
not by choice I don't think. He never wanted to be.
I also have an in on a different character with one of their merc corps. I don't play games all that much anymore though.
Less so likely*
He had endless chances to grow a spine, and he never did.
Did you sift through the dox threads on somethingsensitive.com for more names? Lot of mods and prominent goons doxed there.
in eve online, they always call them toons, and would call you a newfag for not saying toons
theres also o7 which is some gay eve online salute too
"toon" is also a wowfag meme
lmao at least link that bit to goonswarm or normalfags will have no idea what the fuck you were trying to say
Your operating system is a piece of shit, YOSPOS. It's one of the boards on the SA forum, it's like /g/ or Holla Forums but on SA and full of fucking spergs.
Canadian and French IC have been following goons for a while.
Gamergate connection too. Y'all are going to be in awe.
It's in the process of being taken out. A goons worked in a chartered bank and they saw stuff, and called MI6.
Pic related
also, bump
The fuck am I reading
A woman can make a man do the dumbest shit
So then why make a fucking thread? lol.
This all needs to be centralized though, these faggots do seem to get forgotten too easily.
I don't think goons were really connected to Clinton directly, just with the State Department. There was a post on SA that at least 15 goons had gotten positions there by nepotism. Then the mods deleted it.
thank you OP
lately goons have been trying to push the angle that they don't exist, and try and make anyone who suggests otherwise look out of touch or misinformed
this is much more subversive and dangerous than simple insisting that they're not shilling us
goons are a very real threat, and should be taken seriously
they are antithetical to everything we are, and they will assault us mercilessly at every available opportunity.
kill all goons
I remembered how delusional they were thinking they were super sociopathic uber trolls, when mainly all they did was manipulate idiots that probably get tricked by normal retards all day anyway, and they liked to talk about themselves in third person amongst groups they were "targeting" to sound scarier than they were. Most of their shit was mental masterbation and overhyped, they would repeat the same predictable trolling tactics like uploading ancient "shock" images then claim victory for themselves afterwards even if they got 0 feedback. They never caught anything higher than the lowest fruit when it came to trolling/scaming people and they had this weird cult like obsession with sticking together. They only appealed to people who strived to be part of some online community, hence why I never bothered with SA and stayed on 4chan.
We're talking about an online community that nearly span 20 years, that an entire generation at this point. It's inevitable they landed in positions that intertwine with current politics. I'd day its the same for old 4chan/Holla Forums too
More than that. Vile Rat was effectively GoonSwarm's chief of internal security, the guy that Goons had to report to whenever they PKed each other. He was not an ordinary Goon.
Vile Rat was killed at Benghazi. He was not an ordinary Hillary employee.
> the goon/SA/EvE DNC/benghazi connection should be investigated more tbh. it is ancient history by now but it alllll ties together. a bunch of good goys and useful idiots whose larping powers got co-opted for irl deep state projects.
Similar to Expert Labs?
It's also very interesting that "GamerGhazi" chose that name for themselves.
dunno if this is legit or not…
They have been infiltrated but the time for the reveal is not quite here
EvE player reporting in. I'd get involved in this but I just sold my Titan pilot for a few hundred bucks. Sorry lads. Best of luck though, fuck Goons. If you can please try to pin this on CCP as well. I hate those fucks.
Sorry, what do you mean by PK
well thats pretty useless, you would be bubbled and destroyed before you even lock a ship.
Player-Kill, when you kill another player's character. The term goes back to Ultima Online and other early 1990s MMORPGs. In Eve the Goon rule was "shoot blues, tell Vile Rat." Friendlies were colored blue.
He was a hero who lived long enough to become a villain.
On a slightly autistic and barely related note: Villain simply refers to people who lived in the villages as opposed to cities or castles. One of english's main words for an Antagonist is literally just like saying Peasant or Commoner. I wonder if this is because of (((them))).
The Catlady Brigade
From the Something Awful Sycophant Squad:
The Catlady Brigade refers to a group of female posters who flaunt their hatred of the patriarchy and stand up for womyn's rights with every post. Ozma, Bizarro Toby, Fistgrrl, Icequeen, Lioness, and to a lesser extent, Siege! are core members and frequently use their banning powers to censure anyone who dares to make a joke that offends their delicate sensibilities.
Ozma thread somethingsensitive.com
Fistgrrl web.archive.org
Fistgrrl is known for prowling through offsite forums for any and all criticism about SA, no matter how mild, confronting the original poster about it, then banning the poster for "disloyalty."
Fragmaster left and the site got left in the hands of nutjob feminists like Ozma and Fistgrrrl (who would use credit card info to find people posting non-SJW/badthought shit on other sites and promptly ban them)
Currently is the common law wife of fellow administrator Elpintogrande and works for Teenage Research Unlimited as an internet marketer targeting the demographic that inhabits the SA forums.
TRU was bought by aka The Futures Company.
There was also a rumor that feminists took over SA in 2007 after it raided Biting Beaver.
I guess some of them married tho she-male blue haired whales. Getting nagged by your wife every day constantly, has to satisfy his wife countless times, obey her commands. So it won't be a surprise of goons giving the authority to their barrel-like girlfriends or wives.
And them of hating anime girls is laughable. Getting their little willies uppity which results frustration due to the fact that a 2D far exceeds the desirability compared to their beautiful and courageous dykes. Good luck on them feeding their cows until death.
Knew a goon's wife from college who wanted to fuck me. What turned me off her talk of pegging her comic store guy husband.
She'd make a good Holla Forumsback actually, kinda miss her.
The feminist cancer started to seep in after that raid if I recall.
wtf I love hillary now
I know, right? Been telling people for years that Hillary got three people and one goon killed at Benghazi.
Every time
Can we see if IMVU is shady? I want to see them die because its tween shit but would also kill FurAffinity too since they own it now
Gamergaters are still digging, btw. If any of you dropped out, check the latest stuff.
Still not tired of winning
No shit Sherlock.
im guessing you knew her from reddit
maybe go back to be with her
Looking forward to it.
Whatever it is now, Goonswarm back when wasn't just another MMO guild. Don't laugh it off as one. SA's relatively small userbase had a lot of time on their hands and was organized by some really smart and resourceful people.
Consider that we had hundreds of people playing Urban Dead and nobody even liked it. The only purpose of the organization was to ruin the game, but they were the most powerful force in the game for years. And they could keep a secret. At one point The Dead, the zombie group in question, gave the appearance of quitting, then returned as a playerkilling effort, still hundreds strong, working in concert with zombies who kept the appearance of being random ferals. And for a long time no one knew this was happening.
EVE was different because there was money involved. It was different from all the other Goon Squad iterations I took part in, which was quite a few. It much more resembles what they did at Reddit, with thousands of people working together like a cult, planning in secret and keeping their operations secret through a feeling of membership and superiority.
I'm not sure how many people were involved in the SRS takeover of Reddit, it might have been smaller and more closely knit than I tend to believe; but I was there for Goonfleet and Goonswarm in the mid 2000s, and I can tell you the effort to recruit new players, and the finesse with which they were made part of a giant machine, was unbelievable. They would create the impression that any random jerk could make a small difference just by flying a newbie ship around, then once you joined in you would be hassled to fill out paperwork at the website, yelled at constantly in operations, and generally made to feel like something historic and important was going on. Huge numbers of people, like a modern day Reddit guild, but with much higher stakes, a conflict that was regularly invading into real life in the news and causing real life consequences - and, after a few years, a whole lot of money moving around as well. Once a hobby like this becomes an actual paying job for people, you've really got them hooked. And always hanging over you the seriousness of the fleet ops, the military style pecking order, the shouting of orders and necessity for paperwork.
I quit early on, after the BoB incident. I had already been drifting away from the game, but what we did to BoB, and the fact that CCP didn't punish us for it, should tell you everything you need to know about what sort of people we're dealing with and what they're capable of doing.
The delicious irony if true.
People like to forget this, but 4chan spun off of SA.
The hero turned traitor
The traitor turned hero
oh fug :DDDDD
moot was a goon, tons of anime-loving goons were the basis for 4chan, some quit, others got corrupted
and now you know
Knowing is half the battle, the other half is violence.
thats actually pretty common now that you mention it. goons were pretty gud, then moot became the little girl and anons followed and goons became cucked subversives, then moot sold us out and the exoduses habbened and now 4cuck is completely subverted, then gamergate went into full swing and redpilled quite a few Holla Forumsirgins who just wanted to be left alone to play vidja, and then that was subverted by namefags and (((ecelebs))) and the anons who stuck around are all pozzed now
Will we ever find the promised land of eternal cretan archery appreciation forums?
We're here man. This is the internet hate machine, spitting blood, oozing oil and all. It's perfect in its imperfection.
The leafs are pretty fucking lame. Like that Hutterite coke ring run by the RCMP in the Rockies that I walked into.
Also - Bonhomme was fishing for extremist pepsis in the Beauce - if Andre Artur is still here, this is just like the barn-burning in the 70s.
t. MI7
Hey I remember that wanker having a conversation with some PR flunky in a downvoted to hell old-ass thread on some Gamergate subreddit.
It stuck with me because it was weird as fuck behaviour.
Weird Twitter is a group that exodused from FYAD, from what I understand their core are bunch of Jewish hipsters from Williamsburg and they tend to work in media, with some being journalists.
Dunno if that shit was GS making themselves sound tough and dangerous but I heard weird stuff about them targeting LEO/Intelligence people for recruitment from ex-EvE players.
Leaf intelligence has some issues to work out, that's for sure, but individual projects really shine when it's needed. The leaf mentality is really quite alien and foreign to burgers and bongs. Standard for leafs, it's easy to underestimate them but they almost always punch above their weight.
OP here and, oh boy, this got stickied.
This chart is ~25% of a much larger chart that connects all kinds of players that you wouldn't believe. Over time, I'll release it, but I just need to confirm links first.
I got hung up at the Goonswarm part of the story. I know they keep their secrets tight and run their show like a minor-tier privatized intelligence agency. Thanks for the outpouring of sources, Holla Forums. I'll be tracking down each and every one of them over the next ten days.
The Mittani's proximity to John Podesta is of great interest and, as far as I could tell, has not been discovered yet. I had to mine through the Podesta emails on Wikileaks to bridge those two.
Here's my research on it:
Alexander Gianturco (The Mittani) worked for Zuckerman Spaeder LLP for 5 years which also overlapped with the Benghazi event. (linkedin.com
William W. Taylor III, founder of Zuckerman Spaeder LLP, was Lois Lerner's attorney during the IRS targeting scandal. (archive.fo
Zuckerman Spaeder LLP invited John Podesta to join their 35th anniverary party. (wikileaks.org
Podesta set up a meeting with Bill (William) Talyor for August 2nd, 2008. (wikileaks.org
Zuckerman Spaeder LLP is a pro bono partner of the Children's Law Center, where Gwen Mellor of the Podesta Group is on the advisory board. (childrenslawcenter.org
I don't know what any of this means (pls no bully) but I'm fascinated. Maybe oldfags should anthologize their memories of the era.
gif related?
nice work OP
After three years of nothing happening, I'll believe it when I see it! Especially with Trudeau and Macron in charge.
Do they have contacts in US law enforcement? This is where most of the people who need to be arrested live.
Do they have anyone liaisoning with the crowdsourcers?
The latest stuff is "Disfigured Lizard". Is it not good to publish yet or are you OOTL?
I collect GG digs. Let's share notes. Contact me: sparkthesquid at protonmail.com or tutanota.com
I loved Eve Online
I warned you all about SA and NeoGaf but y'all motherfuckers called me a shill for it, now you see that I was indeed right and they are involved with this.
I would have snapped and become a cuck too if I had to run 4chan for 10 years. I can't even imagine the how much CP and gore this guy has trapped in his head forever
This is exactly what Twatter shills say, tbh.
Shills out in full force.
I guess they haven't heard about what we have that's really going to fuck them over.
>(((muh plebbit spacing)))
Checked. I think that's funny. I always thought of it as Big Jew living in the Villa. Perception matters with these sorts of things. They can't control ours, obviously.
I can't vouch for the accuracy of these but it's a start. I also didn't pick the video, it's just what's missing from the archived Kotaku article.
Here's a long, interesting talk on the history of the war. I'll confess I skimmed it (partly for fear of getting sucked back into the game) and I'm not sure he covers the BoB thing in a nonbiased way, but hopefully you'll enjoy it.
Here's a boring Reddit thread.
reddit . com/r/Eve/comments/2nobkb/eli5_what_was_the_band_of_brothers_and_how_did/
This is from the public Goonswarm wiki, I guess. Read it with skepticism, but it's the most detailed article on the subject that I know of.
eveinfo . net/wiki/inde~405.htm
Please note that I'm an olfdag and my memory is shot, so please don't assume any of this is authoritative or try using it to win an argument.
I've always been glad he's dead to be honest. Every time a Goon dies is a good day.
Can someone break down how this web 1.0 forum got into shit this heavy?
GamerGate plus Goons really fucking hate Holla Forums. Slowpoke.
ITs filled with rich kids whos parents sell arms to al-Qaida and isis.
After Chanology, BitingBeaver tried to harness 4chan as her personal army. She failed and moved to SA where she got into a mod position and after a while got her friends mod positions. This is when they accused Lowtax of sexually abusing his daughter to the police and threatened him they will do it again if he didn't relinquish control of the forum to them.
The lain critique is interesting, but you could argue that almost every artform can become decoupled from survival if the artist is pampered enough. The key component of meaningful creativity is challenge, and challenge is normally found abundantly in nature. If you remove all challenge then you are bound by one of two outcomes. Either you are unable to set challenges or boundaries for yourself and become a psychopath who only delights in controlling others, or you delve into autism and set challenges for yourself. The "identity verification" the user speaks of can be simply be referred to as "identity politics" and you can see where namefagging and identity fags like the goons devolve in psychopathy. They have no spark to extend beyond the sandbox they are given and instead resort to illusions of power through manipulating whatever is at hand for shallow pleasures. They suffer the chronic dissatisfaction and boredom that is typical of psychopaths, because they cannot conceive of anything that does not result in a direct dopamine rush.
Anons on the other hand shed their identity entirely and subsume it in the purpose of creating and surmounting challenges that they set themselves. This is the true ubermensch potential, a being of pure will, striving beyond all limitations but at the same time pursuing seemingly impossible, perfect goals of purity, with clarity of intent.
The author of SEL is only correct in predicting one half of the "dehumanization" and did not foresee the potential of user because he likely did not read enough philosophy to understand how a being of pure will may form/develop and then express itself.
Anons and Goons are the only internet groups/cliques/cultures on the internet with any real power.
GamerGate was largely just a user-Goon war.
✓ ✓ ✓
don't know about anything here cept these digits
Live like a rat, die like a rat.
He was not an ordinary Hillary employee.
So Hillary did do something good.
How're we gonna do that?
Why can't these goonfaggots just get real jobs?
because they're addicted to their behavior and make some minor amounts of cash + welfare
it occurs to me you could probably sink a lot of low/mid-tier goons by reporting tax fraud
CCP has been in on it for years, though to their credit they were probably given death threats if they interfered with this giant money-laundering scheme.
CCP has more or less become Valve, only instead of being a market platform, they run a giant cash laundering game
how to spot a foreign poster posing as a Holla Forumsster tip #35: niggerposting/obamaposting
I wonder if there's a link between Holla Forums and goons. The mods there are banhungry AIDS niggers, so I wouldn't be surprised.
You take out their funding.
Moneylaundering and selling child pornography?
Come to think of it, wasn't Clinton's shitty Bleachbit guy asking SomethingAwful alongside Reddit on how to scrub stuff from her computers?
lowtax is the weakest of the weak.
He could have banned them all.
But he cucked out.
Daily reminder that his best friend is a diaperfur pedo.
Really nigger? Come on now.
>Holla Forumsster
Holla Forumslack, there ya happy you astroturfing faggots?
Daily reminder this beloved goon mainstay forced a 16 y/o girl to roleplay his sexual fantasies that involved her sucking a toddler's dick and eating his shit.
Whenever you see some snarky shill talking shit like he knows what's up, remember it's someone who looks like this.
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Wtf is wrong with moots eyes?
YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE! You were supposed to destroy the cucks, not join them.
Holy fuck. I didn't know Shmorky actually forced someone to do that. Was he arrested?
Here's some of his chatlogs.
Only developmentally.
We already knew SA and NeoGaf were involved you ultra supernigger. Neck yourself.
Basically, it's a terminal case of unwarranted-self-importance, generated by an unchecked feedback loop of head-in-assedness between wannabe-proto-e-celebs who only had each other to bring any semblance of validation in their collective solitary lives.
It was a primal manifestation of tumblrism before tumblr existed, thus causing the participants to have no references to its dangers at all.
Many anonymous lurkers fled while they still had their sanity and saved their soul by disappearing on the internet, but the core members had invested way too much of their life in the collective psychopathy of SA to be able to afford the emotional ruin of the sunken cost fallacy that leaving would entail, thus dehumanized themselves and faced to a bunch of worthless assholes, their only true friends.
The little girl, m00t, went away to make oldchan, creating a new land for random refugees from SA, thus polarizing the hate of the fundamentalist goonoids, who revealed to themselves through a few '04 raids that they were a group able to assemble and direct a non-insignificant strength.
So the most greedy, power-hungry, autists or sociopathic of them chose to work at making themselves an organization, with the initiators as leaders fulfilling their own goals, however nihilistic they may be.
It's no surprise that a herd of creeps and weirdos assembled in a coherent and expendable force attracted the attention of real criminal power such as the clinton cartel, really.
Good post.
Out of curiousity, has anyone seen this on SomethingAwful? If so, who's posted it? I remember some user saying that they found it on SA, but they never said who. The artist's style rings a bell, but i'm not quite sure from where.
seemingly connects with this. Some anons on halfchan's /his/ believe that NeoGaf, along with SA, are behind the raids on here and halfchan. Although I still strongly believe that Sass, the former head mod of r/March Against Trump and his friend order1776 are the ones behind all the raids.
Also known as cranial rectosis.
Surely there had to be a catalyst for their own downfall, a marked point where their own hubris overtook their humanity. Question is, where?
I don't understand how am I supposed to read this picture or what eve is
They were all initially individual human beings, some of them were already insane before this happened, those who had already lost it as the start of things engineered the downfall of the others along many years.
There is a huge amount of pathos piled up in the closets of their minds, and it's all rotten and stinking.
It won't get cleaned anytime soon, they leashed each other through blackmail merry-go-rounds their own stupid rituals gave them upon themselves.
They will fall together.
More Russian conjecture and shitposting. Too… many… FSB… shitposters… I… can't… fight… any… more… my… American… brothers… are… nowhere… to… help… if… dubs… then… … …
Perhaps my dubs will provide you with help, my brother.
Faggots you neither have dubs nor sanity. Gas yourselves.
why the fuck are goons in literally fucking everything? it's the new (((Cohencidence))) when at the end or a stopgap of something that happens on the internet there's always a few fucking (((SA-Niggers))) attached to it
Ten dollars to post on a forum.
The idea of paying for a VIP internet pass was novel, and so a lot of d-list celebrities and low-level starter people wanted in. That type of mentality continued outwards, and eventually they created their own kind of kikey tribalism, where if you offered shekels and kissed the ring, you could enter into the glory that was internet nepotism. Of course, like most nepotistic systems, it was dysgenic and ended with many of the goons in power having personality disorders that caused infighting and a million different tiny civil wars, but they still spread out into the aether. Just like the jews, they are nomadic, and just like the jews, they know what's good for their tribe, but aren't above throwing a goon to the dogs if need be.
It's mainly irrelevant little connections between events. Nobody gives a fuck about SA and hasn't for like a decade.
Please listen to me Holla Forums. Oldschool oldfag gen-x internetfag here.
I'm going to tell you something that so many people miss when they are sperging out on the media, the constant drama and leaks around trump, the murder of seth rich, the murder of JFK, even the holocaust … and many other things:
Goonswarm is fucking CIA.
Remember one of the guys murdered during the Benghazi attack was an EvE Online player?
Yes. He was CIA.
I have friends that have had really odd experiences in EvE Online, many years ago, and whenever we reflect on it, it's fucking obvious that it was all CIA.
Seth Rich wasn't murdered by the DNC. He was murdered by the CIA.
JFK was murdered by the CIA because he was about to out them and destroy them.
The CIA created the famous Buchenwald newsreels which created the lampshade/shrunken head/tatoo skin myths about the holocaust. (CIA was known as US Army Intelligence at the time).
The deputy director/director of the CIA from 1951 to 1961, Allan Dulles, is credited with travelling to Turkey in 1921 to prove that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a fake/forgery.
ISIS is a CIA project.
The CIA are the leading world experts in regime change. They roll out coups like Microsoft rolls out updates. The CIA are running an intelligence coup against Trump right now. That's why the headlines look so fucking crazy every day. Leaks leaks leaks leaks.
Everything is fucking CIA. The CIA is a major tool of the ZOG machine. I see a lot of redpilled people get really close, but never quite learn this.
For example, r/the_donald has been sperging out on Seth Rich ever since it happened. They constantly talk about busting the DNC for the murder. They are missing the picture. It was the CIA.
The CIA also murdered Andrew Breitbart. And his coroner … who mysteriously died of poisoning just a few weeks later and someone else was assigned to complete Andrew's medical report. Yes it's true, look it up.
The CIA also murdered Michael Hastings.
Please listen to me Holla Forums: Everything is fucking CIA.
Holla Forums is probably half CIA.
And the craziest part? The memes were trying to tell us this the entire time (pic related).
So are we picking the right target with baneposting? Do they really think they have power over us?
I still can't believe that this was my very first redpill back in my bluepill years. What the fuck.
ex-goon (2002) here
A lot of the idiots I used to post with were already using SA as a networking hub. If a bunch of toadies/bizfags decided to submit an application to cia at the same time, all at roughly the same age group, they're probably all still inside there right now, jockeying for a retirement that they will inevitably get fucked out of.
Those idiots in the "creative writer" community, gullible dick-driven emos. It's painful to think of any one of those individuals possessing any influence beyond their captive audience of a family.
I hated them so much, I just wanted to put that out there.
Lots of claims, nothing to back them up except the inevitable "you already have the evidence" cop-out. We have an infinite amount of contradictory evidence implicating nearly everyone in nearly everything. You're going to have to work harder at this.
And if Goonswarm was CIA and Sean Smith was CIA, why was his membership in Goonswarm not kept a secret?
Interesting post except that none of it makes any sense. What the fuck are you on about?
Is 8/pol/ just not aware of Reddit spacing, or did you think it was normal for someone to space 'paragraphs' like that?
X is not only connect to Y but also Y's top officer(s).
I'm telling you, my dude, this is some of the weakest shilling we've had so far. Dare I say, shariablue gets paid for a reason.
Where is the cia's charter of incorperation? It's something the (((nog set agency))) had hidden too since you need it to prove you were legitimently estabilished by the president. After reading that I have come to the conclusion that the cianiggers are the shadow government set up during the cold war. It would all fit together with the mission creep and huge amounts of wanted cock power they lust after to stuff up their giant ass.
gl ex goon.
Nice try, Jew.
Also, you must not have been paying attention to Benghazi … or maybe you are 17 years old … or maybe you are Jewish CIA …
Benjamin H. Freedman 1961 speech
Don't even bother replying until you listen to the entire thing.
Specifically listen until after he talks about JFK, RFK and their father.
Andrew Breitbart: "F*ck. You. John. Podesta."
Yeah, NOBODY saw this coming.
Wait, yeah we did. Its well known that SA is a den of daddy never hugged me degenerate rich-kid losers.
Nice to have proof though OP.
I wonder if there's a connection with Scam Citizen
I certainly doubt it, but I'd shit my pants laughing if Scam Citizen was some kind of CIA test.
This is
completely apocryphal and possibly LARPing
but I know a guy who claims to have been in Goonswarm's upper echelons and listened to Vilerat while he died. Here's what he had to say:
What the fuck is this reddit editing?
Wow, it's just like i'm in the comment section on breitbart.
I don't have that issue, user. Check the [Options] tab.
So you know a guy who made some claims, none of which can be verified?
Meanwhile, in the White House
Shmorky and lowtax aren't exactly on speaking terms nowadays.
Shmorky is known to post his shit under a bunch of deep cover sockpuppets, some of which he has operated for years at this point.
At least these chatlogs forced the CalArts clique to disawow his ass. That's right: The only reason this sick fuck doesn't have his own show on CN is the fact that he has a compulsion to insert open genderspecial LBGTQPBBQ degeneracy into everything (even Rebecca Sugar has be at least somewhat subtle about that shit).
One of the mods at SA got his very own "50th most influential person in the UK" for using google maps and wikipedia to place Russian troops taking pictures on instagram in Ukraine. He runs a website called bellingcat now and Putin calls him mi6 all day long.
If you want to get to the core of what happened to 'SA' why is it a honeypot, you have to understand it was a "pay for files" site at its peak. Running porn, movie, song torrents direct from the forum itself, this was before any major legislation was in place to enforce digital privacy controls - soon after it had google and amazon headers.
(Pretty shameful how many newfags are in here and have no idea about SA except muh goons, the truth is a lot more interesting)
And this user had goon intel.
They went to naval intelligence IIRC. Ask Bannon.
There was a bunch at MSI Nordion in Toronto. This was one of them
Guernsey or City of London IIRC
I guess that when there's money involved, they'll do anything to get it. Just like some cheap prostitutes under adderall.
It's more like he sold out. He was burnt out come 2004-2005 with bills to pay and a new wife to satisfy, when the ZOG came calling with bags of money, he couldn't resist. He sold his soul to the devil.
I'm still subbed. Easy to RMT. Launch island out, someone picks it up, puts it in a POS in a WH, funnel it out slowly
You mean at the exact time the files were shutdown, cmon now user connect the dots here.
I discovered something awful like right before it went full pozzed, and right before chans took off.
I must have been in like junior high, i must have been like 12 or 13
I found it through a cartoon forum i visited, some man child goon lord probably linked it.
I think they are possible of creating informative and funny threads, but the goons always had an elitist attitude.
And i dont know why, even at 12 i wasnt going to waste money just to talk to other nerd when i could do that for free on other websites.
I think the fact that you have to pay money creates this elitist attitude.
Anyways, i always had an inkling that there was something fishy going on, that SA had been infiltrated, because holy shit, how do you have a mod that works in the cia and was killed by Hillary!
A lot of youngfags dont realize something awful is the origin and root of everything, i mean everything, sjw's, the alt right, moot even had an account.
Of course over the years the cat ladies destroyed it, drove out the actual funny people, and 4chan surpassed SA in infamy and fame
Reading the forum was quite the treat in 2016, the mods were hardcore hillary supporters to the point of pissing off the bernie supporters, and posting a suicide hotline in their political forum when trump won
Oh, another thing, one of their current mods is named brown moses who is a fat British goon that got famous by tricking the establishment into thinking he was smart, but actually he is just a fat nerd that looks at wiki articles and pictures of missiles and guns and shit.
He sustains this lifestyle by being paid by neocon think tanks to be super anti Russia.
Actually a lot of the goons are smart people ignoring the fact that they are pathetic man children.
It could be the other way around, and rather than the cia infiltrating them, the goons just applied for the job.
As i said, something awful was important, moot posted there, zoe quinn posted there, SA invented lets plays.
The mods of the political forum always have this weird ability to be associated with the CIA, and or government agencies.
Something awful was actually a funny place once, like in the pre social media, pre chan world. But like many websites it went down because of the sjw parasite. I think it was the first actually. It was the first to be conssummed by the sjw borg
Funny shit. They're soulless garbage. They think dehumanizing events thru using videos makes them the sociopaths they worship. They are a large chunk of the newbies in deep state tho.
Sadly they are so into depravation worship they are easily controlled. Doubt there's a single one without something in a file that they like/enjoy that normies wouldnt string them up for. Pretending to be a sick fuck has it's drawbacks.
They love this immigration shit. That's ok. They get bungie ropes off a bridge for their trouble. Let them enjoy what they like to watch for a few seconds before the darkness.
Oh fuck, i forget, these fuckers invented weird twitter too.
There are also lots of off sites filled with disgruntled former goons.
Youngfags really cant comprehend how deep the SA goon rabbit hole goes.
And also, you should have no doubt, that goons and former goons post here. Especially on leftypol.
Wherever there is nerdy important internet shit going on the goon stench can be smelled
Every oldfag posted there tbh cuckchan was all goons, created for goons banned from SA for anime
Surely it was the Jews.
Any Goon that isn't a proud Donald Trump supporter can go fuck themselves after what happened to Vilerat though.
Also I forgot to reply to one more thing on this retarded chart
>implying the "SJW takeover" of Something Awful wasn't a psy-op to keep people who don't understand the board culture >>>/out/
The other half is Big Guys, and CIA is doomed.
(((weird ability)))
Reddit spacing is a d&c meme and you aren't even identifying it correctly. Sorry, I'm not going to jam things that don't belong together into a single paragraph just to satisfy some lazy, pointless non-participant's notion of who gets to be the club.
By supplying a bunch of links and sources you only prove my point about your previous post. Just the same, how about backing up even one claim you made that has to do with this thread? Literally everything you mention here happened before anyone ever dreamed of SA or EVE, save the childish outburst from Breitbart. But by all means, le oldschool oldfag gen-x internetfag, please redpill us on how Andrew Breitbart talking shit into some rando fuck's microphone means the CIA killed him or anyone else.
Oh wait, I forgot: It's all right there in front of me. I just have to open my eyes and read everything ever published on the subject. They're so brazen they don't even try to hide it anymore.
> community.eveonline.com
What the fuck is wrong with you? I ask again: If Sean Smith was CIA, and Goonswarm is a CIA op, why in the world would other people involved in the operation reveal his identity and his involvement with Goonswarm? Why would a single person in Goonswarm know his real name? None of them know my real name. Maybe I'm just that good at what I do.
No, probably the five bored female sysadmins.
This, anybody who was on the internet in the early 00s had an SA account. It was pretty funny until about 2007-2008 when it morphed from a comedy website into a hideous left-wing echo chamber.
I remember a thread where this girl said she'd been raped three times by three different people because she got black-out drunk at parties. Someone bought her an avatar of a face-down, passed-out girl with her skirt hiked above her waist and the giant red text "THREE STRIKES YOU'RE OUT". That thread went gold, nobody got banned for making fun of her. That's how the original SA was.
At the end of the comedy phase, there was a thread that a mod retitled "Everbody make fun of the OP". I can't remember exactly what it was about other than it was some goon who got drunk and acted like a total asshole, but still felt somehow that they were the real victim. Even with mod sanction, there were humorless cunts in there chiding people for making fun of the OP because "alcoholism is a disease". I knew right then that SA was over.
That wasn't the kind of place SA was in the beginning. You could say anything, make fun of anything, laugh at anything. By 2008 there were a bunch of humorless, permanently outraged leftists lecturing everyone on what they could and couldn't say and just waiting for someone to step out of line so they could launch into a self-righteous tirade. Around then all the funny posters left.
Lowtax realized the site was hemorrhaging users and money so he tried repealing some of the ridiculously restrictive ruled and he fired a bunch of the catladies (according to Something Sensitive) but by then it was far too late. All the funny posters had been gone for years and, like me, wondered why he would think we'd ever want to come back.
A lot of people like myself cross-posted on the chans once halfchan opened. Chan raids were always fun and Anonymous was great until Chanology. SA didn't allow any of that stuff. They always wanted you to believe that they were the only site you should be looking at, and that you'd never really leave. Fuck those guys, i left in 2008 and i never looked back.
Did you just say Urban Dead? I got my first understandings of modern politics through that game. I ran with the Philosophe Knights, interesting bunch of larpers, like the militant wing of the chess club. I wonder if PX and DT are still around… So it was the goons fucking up the game with the textrapes and mass pking? Damn.
Ich meinen gott user. I initially shrugged off investigating Schmorky because I thought anons were playing him up. I was so fucking wrong, I screencapped castration freaks and missed out on this one. Such is life.
That pic's a lie, the kid "threatened" suicide to garner sympathy because he was buttmad over falling for an in-game scam, Mittani responded by making a public mockery of those histrionics at a con panel, and then the kid quit the game.
There was no real suicide, just e-drama.
They are coordinating online groups to counterattack us
’’’A postmodern totalitarian dictatorship trying to appear popular and loved.’’’
```They are really scared shitless aint they```
You can tell a post was made by a goon simply by the passive-aggressive tone and/or aloof lack of punctuation.
So basically cancer that needs to be exterminated with a flame thrower.
First you complain that I didn't link anything. Then you complain that I linked things. That's because you are a Jewish shill.
Yes, people might have to read a few things in order to learn. But you don't want them to read anything. That's because you are a Jewish shill.
Yes. Do you think the Jewish schools or the Jewish media are going to explain this to you? You have to go back to primary sources. That speech is contemporary with JFK's election and assassination. That speech has been suppressed to the extent that there is no documentary on our Jewish TV or lecture in our Jewish schools that will include it. That speech spills the entire beans about the kike ZOG machine, and then goes on to explain that JFK and RFK both know about it, and intend to do something about it. You don't want people to listen to it. That's because you are a Jewish shill.
Not sure if you noticed, but half the internet is convinced that John Podesta is an elite pedophile criminal. Breitbart discovered this in 2011 and tweeted about it. You dismiss this as uninteresting. That's because you are a Jewish shill.
Why do we know anything about anything? Because we were paying attention. This wasn't exactly explained to the American people on the Jewish TV. You reject the possibility that at least some Goons are CIA. That's because you are a Jewish shill.
Pic related: It's your mom.
Folks, I'm pretty sure that user is a clear-cut kike shill.
Hey Kike. I just want everyone in the thread to know that the CIA was at Buchenwald and created the newsreels using Jewish Holywood producers.
Start watching at 22 minutes 48 seconds.
Or just watch the whole thing.
Bit of eve online history involving goonswarm, and thus SA, that's important to remember. They got demolished last year by an army of mercenaries + former enemies that were being bankrolled by the richest organization in-game.
This organization made its ISK hosting a third party gambling site and took a % of the profits on all wins/losses on this site. It was by far the largest site of its kind, was raking in its top level staff hundreds of billions of ISK per week and was, at the time, completely legal under eve rules. Funnily enough, goonswarm had tried to set up their own online casino for eve a few years back and it died on its arse completely.
When the war between the goons and the casino jews and their mecs began, goons, especially the mittani, shilled HARD to get their online casino banned and in the end it was. They got it done under the pretense of RMT, which considering these guys had basically won eve by becoming the richest players by a fucking mile and it was now evident they could simply hire an unlimited amount of mercenaries to kill off anyone, even goonswarm, the most powerful alliance in-game at the time, what else were they going to do with the money?
To sum up, I suspect goons were and are involved in RMT heavily, they've got thousands of players to pool launderers from, are the richest alliance in the game (that I know of) since the demise of the casino, wanted to form their own casino in the past and when this failed tried, and succeeded, in getting all gambling of that kind banned. They were already rich beyond imagine in-game without needing more gambling money, I imagine they just got butthurt that someone else could get the gambling RMT to work where they couldn't and decided to get rid of it outright.
On a side note, there's no doubt in my mind mittani is involved in SJW/clinton horseshit. He's built this reputation in-game as the most amoral, obnoxious space bully there is and shits on people left right and centre. He laughs at anyone trying to bring in morality into this, all up until the zoe quinn/gamer tavistock shenanigans when he wrote 2 anti-GG articles on his site and was firmly in zoe's camp, completely out of character for him.
Terry Davis is a prophet.
I heard Goonswarm was moving to Elite: Dangerous, and that even Reddit hates them.
So how do you tug at them. They're going to see just looking at them too long as an attack, and they're more than okay with killing their own if it's convenient. Like you said: one of the guys in Benghazi was CIA, and he got left to a bunch of Libyan barbarians.
What you linked had nothing to do with the discussion. No fucking shit the CIA killed Kennedy. The CIA kill a lot of people. That doesn't mean they killed everyone who's ever died under mysterious circumstances. I could just as easily call you a Shareblue shill for trying to redirect interest in the DNC's dealings (never mind SA's criminal enterprises) to a known murder mill widely considered to be invincible.
Most people here have already listened to the hotel talk. It is kind of important. It is also not generally accepted here because it attributes Jewish tricks to a bunch of inbred ultraslavs and in the process gives the rest of global Jewry a pass.
Is this also your evidence that the CIA killed Seth Rich and created ISIS?
Is this why the CIA - who are the real big bad, not the DNC - killed Andrew Breitbart as a favor to John Podesta?
Is this how you made the leap from "Goonswarm is fucking CIA" to "at least some Goons are CIA"?
No, I dismissed the video of him mouthing off as off-topic.
I didn't reject any such thing. I didn't even disagree with your original premise. I reminded you that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and you got all red in the face and had a shit fit.
I'm not the one derailing an important and detailed discussion of an ongoing conspiracy with massive damage truth bombs about the fucking holocaust.
Breaking-Hillary Is Being Sacrificed to Maintain the Secret
What I've noticed is that the humor in popular media has been gravitating towards a SA sort of feeling. The rise of SA and it's influences seems way too huge to have just happened organically. It's now reached a level where the ideas they had in the early 2000's have become inseparable from mainstream ideas. For example, the popular insult to Trump is calling him 'Drumpf' or 'Orange babby', this really seems like SA humor.
This is straight out of the SA dictionary. Go fuck yourself.
I hate that these diaperpushing furry degenerates are only lolcows at best and not getting ruined.
I'm a bit of a furfag myself but they're taking it too far and I'm happy to be a useful idiot on DOTR
I love how (((they))) have invested in a huge arms race against us and even with dedicated staff at CRT they still can't meme for shit. I mean the left are probably even worse at meming than cuckchanners, centpiedes, and TRSodomites
Yeah, but Shmorky was in desperate self-denial and hatred about all of his fetishes. A huge amount of the content he created was him ripping on internet fetishists/furries/trannies/video gamers, even if he checked all those marks and more himself. There are A TON of people like that in SA. They're all as depraved as they can be, but they cloak it with hundreds of layers of irony and mockery and personas, just so they don't assblasted to high heaven by the rest of the degenerates on the forum.
so a lot like Holla Forums
Guess I will be datamining them then.
Ive never played EVE online so its going to be a learning curve, but do you have the name of their guild/faction or whatever? Or even the names of people associated with them.
I have a few friends that are /ourguys/ that served in the Marine Corps. Do you think they would be better suited to infiltrate? Is it even possible at this point?
If they use pointless code for things like calling a flashlight a light stick this might require a special breed of autism.
goons are funny online, and are good at interneting. But the old cliche of the guy you are talking online being a basement dwelling loser is right when it comes to goons.
Whenever you see one irl or pics of them they always look like some obese monstrosity or that kid you shoved in a locker every day at school
Hey, remember those niggers that kidnapped some Trump supporter? How about someone kidnaps a high ranking goon, and asks him nicely some questions? I mean, what could go wrong?
Well, where are we gonna find them? What if they call their CIANigger buddies for blackup?
To what extent, like tier?
Top kek lad.
Terry would be surely displeased.
Only real Landsknechte use blades which don't even fit in the picture frame.
What if goon is secretly spy and CIAnigger is distraction
What now, red user?
Overcompensating for something? :^)
protip: Ezra was a goon himself, and got on MSM to shill for EVE(When Goonswarm was climbing big time). He's also behind Vox media, which is still hanging in there…
As far as "Gamerghazi", that's obviously due to how much benghazi effected their collective psyche.
Not really. The difference is they try to lie even to themselves, whereas, Holla Forums doesn't indulge in that as a whole.
Chelsea was a part of the goonswarm steamgroup as well…(Which was invite only).
She didnt play her own game lmao thats how bad it is.
W/o her no Holla Forums too so idk what to think.
Why are they so quiet and secretive about their hidey-hole? Every time I ask them what are goons like, they typically give me a vague, non-direct answer like i'm asking them some retarded question.
This ain't right, and if i'm gonna get to the bottom of it, I might need a friend or two.
This is going around. They say Google is paying back Anita's donors with a Youtube promotion while Youtube is censoring people like Jordan Peterson.
fuck me
alt.syntax.tactical invented it, goons stole it.
I came here because of gamer g-a-te, I never used chans until shadowbanning became a thing.
You're not getting your most creative autist/artists at the DNC. If you are lucky you'll get Adbusters-tier (which does good memes, pic related).
I may be a youngfag, but i've been a heavy lurker. Care to give a gist about how deep the SA goon rabbithole goes? Mostly because the other oldfags I know are either oblivious or keep their mouth shut
Any proof on Ezra being a goon?
I truly missed some good shit, didn't I?
I toyed with the idea of making a forum that encouraged the culture here (say what you want and if you can't take it, grow some thicker skin or fuck off), just without anonymous posting, so you'd have to be more creative/witty about your shitposting or people would just say "it's that faggot, just ignore him". Let people go and have their fun, and if anybody whined to me, I'd enjoy giving them a "put up or shut up" speech.
Pressure from feds?
Honestly, the main thing missing from imageboards is some kind of integrated permanent archive. Having some years-old threads with fifty-odd replies, or even a month-old thread I can reply to a day at a time, is much better than the "gotta keep bampan' or else it'll autodelete" attitude that makes truly considered conversation so difficult, and forces people to keep re-posting the same slow thread, causing all the other autists to (somewhat justifiably) screech "a thread died for this!".
I've noticed a LOT of overlap between ancaps/the Ayn Rand following and shady people (mysterious international travel, goon sentiments, sexual deviance, etc.). It seems way more than just chance. Are there any LoreAnons who know if there is anything bigger going on there?
Exactly. Purging threads makes no sense when you can store everything in some database. Maybe let a thread die if nobody posts after five years, but thread limits hurts discourse and learning.
That said, I still would probably do just a regular forum since they're easier to code and I'm shit at writing web-based software.
it's actually amazing how many famous people started out on SA. You've got Moot, totalbiscuit, Yahtzee Croshaw, a ton of famous "weird twitter" ironic posters that now have 100,000s of followers oh and of course Zoe Quinn
No, we had edgy shit on alt.tastless 25 years ago.
SA is no match for us oldfags really. You got me put of retirement for GG.
Kibo. Fucking autocorrect.
He's like the 90s version of Lowtax.
We have lots of ridicule left for her boyo
I actually know this guy. He's a dealer in Vancouver but when I saw him last month he was kinda drifting into furfag territory. All his friends are huge hedonist and he may have syphilis.
Anons, I can't take these feels.
Is this person a goon? Their stuff is remniscient of shmorky.
You might be on to something. Jimmy Wales was a Randroid before Wikipedia got SJW infected. The entire Internet was Libertarian until GG and then they went Maoist-Islamist ultratotalitarian.
Hey oldfags, did you make connections in your time? Use them.
I think it's because illegal stuff gets posted enough that not purging only selected important threads becomes more efficient than keeping ALL threads which may or may not contain cp or whatever.
Anybody else got some pasta to share about the eternal goon? Second pic is a bit of an update to the first.
That's an interesting point, in light of USENET's decentralized nature, and the fact that (long after it had been abandoned as a discussion forum, due to a complete lack of any CAPTCHA-style anti-spam mechanism, and turned into a binary sharing network) what finally caused most ISPs to kill free USENET access was a brief bout of CP hysteria.
Maybe something like that could work for a modern persistent forum, combined with some kind of distributed anti-spam, and maybe distributed moderation, mechanisms.
For whatever it's worth, I've said before that LW most likely never posted on Helldump. It had a lot of lurkers because posting there exposed you to potential e-detectives and trolls, not to mention a weekly election to ban someone who ever posted there. LW is a habitual liar, and claiming Helldump participation would get her precious social cachet with her fellow socjus sociopaths.
Except MI6 and the entire UK government is sympathetic to the destruction of the west and groups like SA.
That overstretched cooch makes you do and say anything to get the slightest praise, huh…
To what extent do Goons believe what they say?
From many replies itt it seems like they tried to manufacture personas for personal gain and somewhere along the way they either believed their own lies or fell to extreme nihilism.
Replaced by Reptilians
I think Baneposting tilted the election. "Crash this plane with no survivors" was repeated everywhere endlessly through 2016, so it was on people's minds when they went into the voting booth. Trump was described as a Molotov cocktail thrown into the political system, the "fuck everything, if he burns it all down we'd be better off" option. "Crash this plane" versus Hillary. Easy choice.
It would not surprise me if the baneposters were actually CIA.
CIAniggers getting BTFO by autists doing it for free? Weu!
They believe in nothing. They will profess belief in whatever will piss off their target.
Jordan Peterson is so careful and articulate, (((they))) cannot even come up with one sound byte to use against him to justify shutting him down.
A propos of nothing…
It's fag parade weekend in Vancouver so the shills are all off being goatsed. We should take advantage.
I play eve regularly, goons are huge. They're currently destroying the alliances that took out the plebbit alliance last year. They have 30k members. We'd need to jew really hard. also eve is antisemetic as fuck. Probably faster to destroy them from inside, but eve isn't easy to infiltrate.
I will never forget the enigmatic man who cucked himself to death.
I will never forget…
I remember when the joot thing was just a meme.
Then it turned out that he really was a kike all along.
I have questions.
what was moots dad? (was he a goy?)
why was his father never mentioned? (is he still alive?)
did she raise him alone? as a single mother?
anti-libertarian sentiment has been common on the internet for well over 10 years now. I would say the internet has been predominately left leaning since at least the mid to early 2000 aughts.
I will never understand how can someone take a videogame so seriously. It's like these people create a fake life on top of fiction. A life that disappears completely the moment the electricity goes out. Literaly nothing. The life of someone who does that amounts to a huge expenditure of energy with nothing to show for it. It's baffling.
Here, have some circumstantial evidence. Notice how the segment features Mittanis's website, focuses on EVE and is a giant piece of wanky goondolences all things considered.
Lots of it is already in this thread. Bottom line: they got into the state departement, we got into the white house. We are of the same breed, but as another user said they fell to their own sociopathic tendencies while we shed ourselves of our identities and grew into their nemesis.
dont forget stonetear, however its unverified that he posted that parkinson thing
That's old style goons. New style will profess whatever belief that they believe will give them the most gain(Pissing off is only a consideration, rather than the end goal: power).
It's just that they're so incompetent except maybe in eve where you can buy your way into power with relative small amounts.
In real life, goons are just pathetic cucks.
Just look at lowtax, the cuckest of them all.
While here you are sitting in this place whining all day,jacking off to cartoons and can't seem to grow up.Atleast some of us have our own wife and kids while you will be stuck with divorced single mothers when you start realizing loneliness in your early 30's.
14/88 seig heil amirite.
So then I guess we can confirm that Something Awful is indeed behind the raids, and most likely they're getting a ton of new help from NeoGaf, Holla Forums and Reddit. But that still leaves me with a huge question: What happened to Sass, the former board owner of r/March Against Trump? He ended up getting booted because his mods rebelled against him due to using scripts and bots in order to make sure stories he liked made it to the top of Reddit. Its believed that his friend order1776, a former mod of r/The_Donald was helping him out and was how he was able to get ahold of said bots.
Now no one knows where he went, he deleted his Reddit account and all. But order is still active, and I am assuming both of them are connected to SA
Tips from halfchan on how to spot shills
1. Shills often use inverted memes that do not feel authentic to the group they target to influence.
2. Shills often resemble edgelords or trolls. They will try to dwell in ideology and appeal to emotion and established authority. Some just want to derail discussion.
3. Shills will not be able to respond properly to real and honest questions.
4. Shills appeal to violence easily: LETS X THE PRESIDENT. LETS Y THIS GROUP.
5. Shills will be obvious, but some are more suble. You will see patterns of posts and replies that have no real organic reason to occur. Use your intellect to investitavistock causalit
6. Shills will attempt to flood the catalog with images from Twitter with no links because they are vaguely politcally related.
7. The shills know how bad the moderation is, so they are easily able to ban evade.
8. Shills will easily play to the simple minds of r/The_Donald faggots because they know they can't help but take the bait.
9. They will often refer to r/The_Donald as T_D. That is the call sign r/March Against Trump was using
I used to play EVE, it's still one of my favorite games of all time although I don't play vidya. I also remember the days when goons were based, this is truly surreal and it's almost heartbreaking to see the closest thing the assorted imageboards had to next of kin end of becoming cucked
I used to play EVE, it's still one of my favorite games of all time although I don't play vidya. I also remember the days when goons were based, this is truly surreal and it's almost heartbreaking to see the closest thing the assorted imageboards had to next of kin end up becoming cucked
I want T_D to leave.
Is this referring to Burn Jita? That was actually the impetus for the attack? I had no idea
Is this some new word filter or something?
Yup. I N V E S T I G A T E is now word filtered
No, just g a t e. Probably in response to everything being called [topic]g a t e, and the recent attempt to shill fake controversies like comictavistock here.
I knew this shit was bound to happen when I posted on LF ~2009 when all of them were getting each other in at the State Department as FSOs.
I just didn't know how much my views would change and that I'd be on the wrong side of it.
The best thread I can remember was when a goon had a neighbor stealing their cable and they routed the power into the neighbor's TV.
Looks like Kikefy's going all out!
Told you so.
What amazes me is how different we are despite the similarities we share. We're alike in drive, interests, and willingness to commit time to insane pursuits(see HWNDU or our diving into leaks). Yet we take on a fundamentally individualistic approach. The simple difference that we are nameless means we cannot fall prey to the failings of collectivism. We are a hoard of individuals operating as one, whereas they are a single entity convinced they are made up of individuals.
Tbh it parallels my experience as a thief and ninja in Eve Online. Every goon I ran into was fundamentally incapable of functioning on their own. They made easy targets for ninjaing and ganking as a result.
Do you even know how to use the interface here? I made it clear in my first post that I was in Goonswarm.
When the third Guild Wars game was released, everyone on the games forum called it Niggerfall. No one gave a god damn. We called it that in the game too. I remember two or three mentions of this not being a justification for racist treatment of other players, basic common decency stuff. That was it. Today you would be banned for using the word, dragged before the Twitter tribunal for phrasing your apology wrong, fired from your job, wife fired from her job, and reminded repeatedly that it wasn't your place to offer an apology because your remorse is the property of those you've oppressed.
I rolled along with them for a while but it wasn't any fun, and the more I actually read the threads the more I realized how much they wanted to harm the game. I don't recall textrapes but yeah, in our second iteration we were supposedly retired from the game, and the whole operation was about coordinating PK attacks and faux-feral attacks on survivors in such a way that would throw off the balance of the game and seem to be organic and thus a flaw in the design. The idea was to cause Kevan to adjust the math or the rules in order to even things out, and then vanish suddenly, causing survivors to overwhelm the zombies.
Like I think I said before, my memory sucks.
But my fondest memory in many years of gaming was the Borehamwood permadeath game. After most of the rabble died off, the few hundred or so people remaining had a hell of a time hunting each other. Great bunch of people for the most part. I wish we could have another one of those.
I didn't, because it wasn't that good. Better than some spots at least. There was already a dichotomy that formed: usenet users vs forum users. Goons vs user is merely a more recent iteration of the old war between those that identify by what they say, and those that identify by what they do. I was enjoying games more at the time, and their cringe shit wasn't hardcore enough for me(ogrish was better in the bulk of their attempts, other than really fucked up shit like the metis video).
Didn't the Zoe Quinn helldump thing turn out to be wrong?
I have independent verification.
Also, what is she doing working on gambling servers? Does she like poutine?
Wouldn't that be a slow/shitty way to launder hundreds of thousands of dollars? I'd imagine it'd be in thousands-ten thousands at most.
That's an easy conclusion to come to on the surface, but with some sophistication, one could move very large amounts. For example:
I had a job offer to create multiple shell accounts for a porn company once. They would open up a specific type of account that would incur fees after $5,000 and then when the cap was reached, open up a new one. Every employee at that company had one of these accounts, and every employee's family member did, as well. This was all part of a "clever" scheme to avoid paying full transaction rates and to keep numbers off the books. I didn't take that job because it wouldn't even survive half-an-hour of an opium-fueled audit.
$5,000 doesn't seem like much, but in bulk, you could move much larger sums of money… especially if you have access to a community that gets its rocks off by doxxing people whose info could later be used for such accounts. You'd only need a mix of 200 doxxed targets and loyal Goons to disperse the flows to move $1M a week if you were slow, which is more than enough pipeline for, say, a certain secretary of State to engage in pay-to-play engagements.
A corporate lawyer as versed as Mittani would know a thing or two about these types of arrangements.
that seems to be the magic time when Bolshevism was sweeping in like a storm across online communities. That was when they also went after Mark Shuttleworth from Ubuntu for being a "misogynist" and wanted him to step down.
I can't imagine how that's physically possible, you mean supply AC power to a coaxle and fuck up their shit? sounds memish.
You're fucking joking right?
Albino nigger
kikes taking over comics isn't a fake conspiracy, like this shit , its just there's bigger fish to fry.
By the time you get one swing off, I'll have sliced you three times
Hi.My name is Pawel.I'm from Poland.I'm 32 years old(maybe) :)
I and my colleagues ,of all political persuasions, from Poland and Czech …
we don't like ISIS,Al Nusra and …
We're going to Syria for a few months.
In four weeks we're leaving for the war
Well,we're lacking that one piece of special evidence that would make an airtight case.
I'm asking for your help.
Bitcoin,Litecoin.Please.Send your donations to:
Bitcoin Adress 1KHVKMUErY1mVDCyWr3No84oCzWUTMGsJK
Litecoin Adress LZNDbeqbMTE3QgdyD8MVj2HE8TjkWbE2T8
They took an adapter from a Sega Genesis and routed it up with power on the other end. Surprisingly, a fire broke out next door and the thread was reported to authorities as a possible cause. There was a video of the device in use.
The (((Chinese))) company I worked for made me get an HSBC account.
Lots of creative schemes in use right now for cannabis dispensary money laundering. IRS/CRA/RQ want it in NAFTA for the oversight (and lost revenue).
Red Pill me on Something Awful, what happend with SA? I never went there really. I think I heard Jim (I believe that was when he was under his IA alias.) say on a live stream years ago that it used to be good or something acording to him. If thats the case then what happend?
Pic unrelated.
Formerly an internet comedy site with a forum that was taken over by kikes via their feminist underlings and turned into a Bolshevik networking center.
Sounds like a good ol fashion Gayma Gayte type memefest of a shitshow.
lol, nobody cares about you or your mixed-race spawn, richard.
Hey FBIAnons
If Paul Combetta is Goonswarm and Paul had access to the email server of confidential emails since 2013, couldn't that means Goonswarm might have had access to those emails as well, thus, justifying a subpoena?
Who knows what other fun goods you might find. :D
Ozma happened. Lowtax in all his non-existant business acumen decided that the gal to look after SA was a humorless jewish catlady, so you can easily see what went wrong with that plan.
Not necessarily. I agree those buster sword animu shit are worthless, but a longsword(in the classical sense) or a claymore and be quite fast. The real reason for using them is their reach. Rapier(or saber) vs claymore for instance is a scary fight for the rapier or saber. Claymore has reach and, more importantly, you have to block wide because of the momentum of the larger blade. That said, the entire fight basically comes down to rapier or saber getting under the claymore, while claymore needs to keep range.
Realistic long blades are extremely long and narrow allowing a great degree of control.
Source: Fenced a bunch. Did some mixed sparring as well.
If only Lowtax had bet on gluten-free shampoo instead of mangosteen he'd have been a billionaire by now and chinkwife would never have left him.
OP here.
Since posting this, a small fraction of a mostly Chinese botnet has been trying to access port 22 on address I posted from.
Enjoy my honeypot! :D
Wtf, how did they get an ip address from here?
Goons infiltrate everything when you get close enough to the core. Given the nostalgia fest in this thread, you can assume some mod is a Goon affiliate or that a man-in-the-middle node exists specifically for this place. They do specialize in collecting dirt on people, after all.
But I knew that well before I posted this. I hope they enjoy the payload I left for them. :D
explain further.
It brought up and went into a bit of depth about MKULTRA and other shit, obviously it'd be the first stepping stone.
tracert 8ch.net
x x ms x ms x ms
x x ms x ms x ms
All hops are TATA Communications, a pajeet company, owned by TATA Group, India's largest company dating back to 1868,
In India, a bribe here or there can usually get you what you want, including a compromised router or two.
Guess it's safe to assume that all packets in and out of this site are being intercepted.
Use a VPN
We have a winrar
Being a former goon this makes me so sad how far it has fallen. It was nothing like this during the glory days.
Doesn't make me sad, there was a time it was a great library, now it's been burned to the ground by generation 'just fuck my shit up' and once given the reigns have made it the shit place it is today. The reputation of the worst of the worst is well justified, when this place finally burns I'll be one of the folks on the outside bolting the doors closed so nobody on the 'inside' makes it out unscathed
I think "connecting" Mittani to all the doings of a single law firm is kind of a stretch. Thats like saying because someone worked in an internment camp, they are responsible for all the people who died there due to starvation/typhus.
That being said, hes a self righteous faggot who lost Delve because he couldn't click a checkbox.
tbh can't fully understand the connections but it seems like a good thread.
When do we trigger them literally to death with smugs?
Ever work with pajeets? They love trading stolen nudes from idiot girls who join (((free wifi)))
Probably got Brian Reid to do it
Still better than being a nanny for your wife's son while so goes out for the night with Tyrone.
Reminder that Bulbasaur and other TRSodomites are confirmed goons from Something Awful
What's the most secret of the chans ? Is it on the darknet?
Go read the Something Awful Encyclopedia Dramatica page. I feel like 2006 right now
Do goons really have holohoax and raep jokes? I thought those people were chased away by femmunist goons.
That's probably out of date, honestly.
Free wifi is always something I have avoided using due to the risks inherent.
However compromising routers along a connection to a certain website is something I hadn't seen happen before - it's basically a MITM attack I guess. I'll have to step up my opsec probably, and in reality it's probably safe to assume the whole internet is pwned like this.
Way out of date.
These days, goons frown on racism and rape jokes as being "low tier humor".
Instead, they delight themselves with poop jokes.
Yes, if there was any doub that they were jewish, there you have it.
The epitome of humor on SA is now the word butt.
SA was a proto 4chan before before there was 4chan. Loved that fucking site when i was in high school, it was what started me on the path away from poz mainstream media. I started hearing about goons sometime in 2014 and how they are colossal leftist faggots and was momentarily confused; these couldn't be the same goons who used to post rape and dead baby and holocaust jokes and invade normalfag forums and myspaces for keks, could they?
Somewhere down the line someone must have noticed the wrongthink and flooded their neg holes with POOOOOOOZ LOADS and they are unrecognizable.
Or maybe it's the natural result of being in namefag echo chamber with a minor (but non-zero) barrier to entry, I don't know. Sometime around 2004-2007 they went off the rails into terminal shabbos goyism.
Got a question, remember when r/March Against Trump was raiding us? Did we find any connections between the subreddit owner Sass and his friend order1776?
Watching anime is worse than being a homosexual.
Goons are TRSodomites confirmed.
Okay I finally figured this for thing out.
Dig deeper into Vince Canfield. If someone were to report him to the IRS some interesting facts would come to light with a few FOIA requests following the investigation.
It's kinda how Canadiens eventually became (((leafs))).
It's still hockey/shitposting but that's about where the similarity ends.
Actually hes trying to make you jews more comefortable by carrying a sword smaller than his germanic dong.
West extracts oil at a cost of $21-44/bl
Russia extracts oil at a cost of $2/bl
Who is hurt more by Semites lowering oil prices?
Does Lichard still keep in contact with Aaron?
there was confusion because Holla Forums accused her of posting in Helldump while she only ever admitted to lurking it
Liftshitz, is that you?
anyone have the clip of him at the DNC on the verge of tears when hillary lost
his face said pol was a mistake
I was also playing in the earlier days of EvE when Titans were first being built etc and operated in Lowsec and fought Goonswarm and the rest.
They were a fucking virus and the higher echelons were very closed/hard to get in to infiltrate.
anyone want to buy a 20m+ SP account?
Do it.
You need to go higher than that if you want results.
Okay, here's the plan. First we report a fake name to the IRS because he plays spreadsheet spaceships which is not illegal. If they investitavistock, the IRS won't tell us anything. Then we file FOIA requests that are automatically rejected if you don't have the permission of the subject you are requesting information about.
Try again.
and whoever made that filter needs to fix it.
We're reaching levels of new thought to not even be possible
People have been popped on less than an alias and a suspicion of money laundering.
That was probably Moot posting. Did his bitch leave him recently?
99chan was pretty cool and not known by many people. Lainchan was awesome too. Darknet chans all stink, I've checked a whole lot of them once. There are some niche chans still out there that exist that few people know about but they're reeeeally slow
Fresh from halfchan. It looks like they did more digging into this. Basically confirms that Holla Forums are indeed still raiding us, and most likely are working with SA.
This is in fact a large, well organized operation going on here. We need to start seriously start looking at a possible war with Holla Forums to drive them off here for good.
This explains a lot. Holla Forums made a bot that can easily make shitty threads all at once.
That is
>You don't believe in the (((Holocaust))), goy?There is so much evidence!
tier logic.