Russian nationalist girl jailed

Russian 19 years old nationalist girl jailed for 3 years for a crime she commited when she was 16.
She was part of the Tesak band on dealing with drug dealers. They bullied drug dealers and all got in jail for that.

What's interesting about this, that reading "Nietzsche" and "Gulag Archipelago" may give you proof points on being a nazi just like loving your own race.

Other urls found in this thread:

Did they take money?

Can't muster much sympathy for her, to be honest. Tesak is a slimy attention whore without principles. He is John McCain of Russian nationalism - cheap publicity stunts that only make matters worse for those who want to do the real thing. Anyone who failed to see through that is dumb as a brick.
I do not disapprove of him bullying pedos and drug dealers, though.

Smart girl,so do russian jails have some brainwashing secret programs ?I hope she doesn't get numbed.
But why was she helping the dagestanis aren't they like roaches ?
pic related jewgle translate


just curious why do ridf shills accuse every nationalist in their country by equating them with american did the same with navalny and accused him of money laundering ,when medvedev and putin mafia is looting your country.

because they need their 15 rubles from the kremlin

because westerners have no idea how russia works

b-but muh based russia!!

you seem well versed in geopolitics and speak like an expert, Now fuck off and die you filthy fucking Jew

B-b-but Putin is the saviour of the white race? B-based Russia?

WTF I hate russia now.

I believe that her are at least two russian shills (thanks to arguments with them). The Spencer goys and Putin worshipers are primary suspects.



She's cute, would orchestrate a prison break for /10

White knight containment thread

Same thing would happen in America anyway, the only justice allowed is one the government enforces

Tell her to drop by Holla Forums and /pdfs/ once released.

RIDF will attack this thread, they don't like real nationalists only neo communists

The double think is strong in most Russians the left over effects of the 1984 brainwashing are still in place

I am frequently called RIDF but I can't defend that, not even with the excuse.

Should we sanction Russia about it?

No you should just stop sucking Putin's dick and realize Russia is not what you pretend it is

as compared to your country?

a vaguely better alternative to the (((US))) ?


russians are such ugly cavetrolls.

She fucked up. That kind of shit isn't exactly tolerated in orthodox land and the center of the orthodox world at that. Are we supposed to feel sorry for this idiot?

RIDF, right on schedule.

Are there really people on this board that think self-described "nationalists" and "Nazis" should be exempt from the law?

Fuck off virgins

Nice photos. Now that we know from Sputnik News that Germany or the West is on the verge of extinction, it's good to know that Russia remains as a hope for the white race.


You dumb mongoloid cunts have always been a joke

This only leads to infighting, so i agree on his assessment.

Russia is the nightmare we hope to prevent in the US. It is a multiracial shithole ruled for life by a single gov agent and his Jewish oligarch friends. Russia is the least desirable white nation in the world by far.

t.Ben Sheckelberg

I'd agree, but he's shit talking the US on completely valid (((problems))) that we all agree on.

If they're doing it for the good of the race and country? Absolutely.

Would you be saying all those who partake in RWDS when shit goes down should be in kike prison?

The US has Trump who is miles better then the KGB Manlet. The Rothschilds own Russia's largest oil and gas company the Rothschild don't even reside in the US the wealthiest families in the US are the Daltons and the Koch family.


Most Russians have no idea of how Russia works, and Putin prefers it that way.

Jesus Christ, how the fuck did the Germans lose to these inbred mongoloids?


Russia has some pure and capable people. They also had geography on their side.

Also kikes ruin everything

Anglo help


Kill yourself, am I breaking the law by saying that?


At 16 you are supposed to be an idiot but thinks you know it all now but you realize only later how stupid you‘d been

Depends on the “crime” and the selective application of the “catch it all” overly generalize and none specific law law

How did the USA loose against actual Mongols?

Daily reminder that anyone posting anti-Russian memes is a divide and conquer kike who fears nothing more than an alliance between the world's two most populous white states. Same goes for anyone spreading the retarded Slavs aren't white meme. Just always ask the question: who benefits? Who benefits from Russians and Westerners being enemies? And who benefits from Trump and Putin being strong allies?

The current (((rule of law))) is not our rule of law. It is a poisoned and corrupted version of what our forefathers created for us, and should be considered the enemy of the common man.

You can't be here kid, you gotta be 18 or older

This happened in Russia. Protection of private property is pretty clear cut.

Nope, the US is still shit tier as long as it supports Israel and Saudi Arabia
Russia supporting Iran automatically makes it better simply due to geopolitical ambitions that prevent the Yinon plan

He's a jew, pretending to be white and discrediting true nationalists.
Besides hunting supposed drug dealers, he taught his underage supporters to steal from the stores and rob random people.
He also was raped in prison. Feels good.

What is wrong with Russians?
Or maybe its a Slavic issue in general

If the future of the white race is to become Communist, drug-loving sodomites then I don't want this future.
Fucking kill yourself for trusting ZOG-controlled media.

Mad about him selling Hitler busts and killing pedophiles?

Nope, just Russians. Polish, Baltic, Ukrainian, Balkan, all of them don't exhibit these symptoms. It's probably God punishing them for being a gay secular atheist state.

Slavs have existential depression.

Which god?

The Christian God that the Russians have rebelled against. Now they must suffer in poverty and degeneracy for their crimes.

Mad about him being an obvious hook-nosed kike. Oy vey.

How exactly was he a kike?

The Chabad Lubavitch?

Genetically. He even has a Jewish last name Marcinkevic, but keeps claiming he's Czech. I don't recall Czechs being brown and having a huge hooked nose.

And he didn't kill a single pedo, he just tortured them for youtube and monetized the videos, then let them go. No one really knows if the pedos were even real.
He's actually locked up for assault and insulting WW2 veterans.

Do you find it suspicious that the god of the bible, and the ZOG operate similarly?
If you rebel against the abrahamic god you suffer in poverty and degeneracy.
If you rebel against zog you suffer in poverty and degeneracy.

Ok lets flip the question back around, how do good Russian-American relations hurt white people?

Shit, he's even better than I thought.

If he told Soviet ww2 veterans they were fags he is a pretty cool guy.

And this sends you to the emergency ward in Russia and the cops will laugh at you.
That's why Tesak and other kikes have failed and that's why we will conquer you very soon.

Easy their Stalin would hate to have a 20 to 1 kill ratio on you again. Russia is on the verge of collapse and has taken so much territorial loss in the last 100 years it's almost back to its pre peter the great borders. When that happenssoon you can call yourselves grand tartary again.

Kinda like beating up a rabbi in Israel you arrested? Not sure what point you're trying to make here.
At least Tesak is not part of Dugin and Co tbh.

Maybe all Based Putin morons will wake up. He's a civnat and always will be.


Putin isnt ideal but D&C Ukrainians/butthurt belt fags whining using whataboutism to whine how he may also be Jewed does nothing
The fact is that the US is allied with Israel and directly supports the expansion of the Yinon plan by supporting commie faggots like the Kurds who act in favor of the Jews

You're forgetting Belorussians and Balts too.

The Ukrainians are only butthurt because southern Ukraine–specifically Crimea–is majority Russian and was integral Russian territory until the commies “transferred” it to Ukraine in the 1960s. Putin is still a fucking civnat.

Ukrainians are more mad about Russian oligarch kikes funding the commie seperatists. That's why the there's a lot of nationalists in Ukraine that are pro-Fascist.
t. have holol friend

Belarus should declare a Tsardom already expel the Russians and burgers join with the Ukies and Balts and rebuild litwa

Nope, their butthurt is significantly lower to the point of being undetectable despite Ukrainian shilling trying to make it appear otherwise
Those are already part of the butthurt belt

Not to mention the fact that Ukraine supporting NATO automatically supersedes any small level kikery by Russia since it automatically aligns them with Israel

Cool I bought that one recently and it pissed a commiefag I know off. Of course muh holohoax matters more.

Most the Belarussians I meet have dreams of independence from Russia and there has been a subtle type of nationalism taking over the country for the past couple years

However, Germany did not fight alone. The other Axis powers fought with them, and adding up only Hungary, Italy, Romania, and Finland adds another 1,725,000 casualties to the Axis side on the eastern front, for a total of 12,483,000, or a ratio of 1.17:1. Pretty far from 20:1

You do know that the fag parades are heavily protested right. Donbass allows gays with no questions asked. I'm not a big fan of Poroshenko, but at least he said he was never going to allow fag marriages and he's way better with the faggotry going on in the east. If anything you should be concerned with Serbia's lesbo PM.


Also gay rights in Ukraine was shut down by right sector and the part of Europe that hates Russia is the best part of Europe Balts make Russians look like dogshit on all accounts

World War II casualties of the Soviet Unionfrom all related causes numbered more than 20,000,000, both civilians and military, although the exact figures are disputed. The number of 20 million was considered official during Soviet era. In 1993 a study by theRussian Academy of Sciences estimated totalSoviet population losses due to the war at 26.6 million,[1][2][3] including military dead of 8.7 million calculated by the Russian Ministry of Defense.[4] These figures have been accepted by most historians outside of Russia. However the official figure of 8.7 million military dead has been disputed by some Russian historians who believe the number of POW dead and missing is understated.[5] Officials at the Russian Central Defense Ministry Archive (CDMA) maintain that their database lists the names of roughly 14 million dead and missing service personnel.[6][7] Some critics in Russia put total losses in the war, both civilians and military, at over 40 million.[

Statistics for German World War II military casualties are divergent and contradictory. The wartime military casualty figures compiled by German High Command, up until January 31, 1945, are often cited by military historians when covering individual campaigns in the war. A recent study by the German historian Rüdiger Overmans found that the German High Command statistics are not reliable, he estimated German military dead at 5.3 million, including 900,000 men conscripted from outside of Germany's 1937 borders, in Austria, and in east-central Europe.[1][2][3] However the German government still maintains that its records list 4.3 million dead and missing military personnel.[4][5] Civilian deaths during the war include air raid deaths, estimates of German civilians killed only by Allied strategic bombing have ranged from around 350,000[6][7] to 500,000.[8][9][10][11][12] Civilian deaths, due to the flight and expulsion of Germans and the forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union are disputed and range from 500,000[13][14][15] to over 2.0 million.[16][17][18]According to the German government Suchdienste (Search Service) there were 300,000 German victims (including Jews) of Nazi racial, political and religious persecution.[19] This statistic does not include 200,000 German people with disabilities who were murdered in the Nazi euthanasia program.[20]

The Germans fought on multiple front against multiple world powers, while Russia fough just the Germans. Had it been Russia vs Germany it would have been the largest ass kicking in the history of the world

right sector is top tier tbh


I have seen the opposite, most i have met generally like Russia
Some might be nationalistic but there is little antagonism towards Russia and there's a lot less precedent for it either compared to Ukraine

Yeah, no

I have seen a Ukrainian faggot say this exact same line and a post an article that happened not even a week before another fag parade was held
Butthurt belt confirmed
Balts are effectively kike D&C agents that oppose any white nationalist or pan-European movement due to irredentism and unrecoverable butthurt about Russia

But every western country is by orders of magnitude more cucked than Russia down to nearly every detail.

The US' only redeeming virtue on the subject is its fetishism with the first amendment.

Pretty much this.

Also kikes.

Nice try Ivan.

DPR had a change of heart. They're now at a don't-ask-don't-tell policy.
Besides, Russia allows gay pride parades, but doesn't allow gay marriage. Same with Ukraine. Tell me how Russia is way better in that regard if they handle it the exact same way?

Plus, Ukraine has it's share fair of fag hate as well.

Bullshit with no source
Nope, banned in Moscow for 100 years and a criminal offense in nearly all , Kiev has them every few months
Ukraine currently has a bill in its cabinet that is likely to pass and plans to start allowing gay marriages and HIV+ parents to adopt kids by 2018

They don't handle it the same, Russia is increasingly becoming more traditional and reducing fag/feminist rights while Ukraine is actively doing the opposite

Also that 2nd pic is from a protest by fags because a parade wasn't allowed and said protest was later dispersed by police.


not today
not even once

fuck off duginist

Glad you put together a picture to tell us this new and exciting fact.

Why do they allow it then?
It didn't even pass though.
smh you don't faggotry in the Ukraine and yet you attack the people trying to stop the faggots

Source for the Moscow authorities allowing any
None have been held since 2011 in Moscow and they were banned in 2012
The bill is still active and attached to a number of different prerequisites to being considered for EU membership
The ones trying to stop the faggots are against the EU
Under Yanukovich fag parades were illegal, now they are legal and government approved under Poroshenko
fag rights was one of the issues the "Maidan Opposition" protested over and changed their government for

So right sector? They're against fags and they're fascist. Why don't you support them?

Yeah, so fascist that they openly support Zionist Jews in Ukraine and are proud to take pictures alongside them as allies, pic related your precious right sector

Also because they are the same as balts

also they still support Poroshenko and his NATO/pro-Israel ambitions, see

The fact that they still support Poroshenko after he is openly pro-Israel is telling as well, but they are kiked faggots after all
Poroshenko said he supports Israel/Netanyahu and is the first Ukrainian president/leader to ever visit Israel for diplomatic purposes

There are some nationalist Jews in Ukraine that hate fags. Big deal. Rather have a kike besides me than a fag. Communism always leads to sodomy and the shit that's going on in Lunestk proves that.

I would rather have neither near me but if you don't recognize Jews as largest threat to the white race and consider them the single most important enemy then you are either a bluepilled cuck or a kike D&C agent who is a unironic willing goy for them to use as a tool
So why are you supporting Poroshenko and NATO who support communist Kurd faggots that are actual ideological Marxists unlike rebels in Ukraine
also source for any faggotry in "Lunestk" and how it was approved by the Donetsk/Lugansk authorities

Jewtin sucks kike cock. The semen of the Chosen Ones cover his lips as he gave on cut Jew dick.

Muh…based Russia, goyim.

The rebel governments in Ukraine are literal communists with faggots parades and nigger immigrants.

They are less kiked than the garbage in Kiev and i find it hard to believe that literal ideological communists would be wearing the Ribbon of St George which is a imperial Russian sybmol

Source on faggot parades see
Whiny Ukrops faggots keep making this claim but not a single source has been posted for it

You mean a single picture of a nigger that went to the DPR? Meanwhile you are literally defending the EU/NATO which is niggerizing all of Europe and promoting Ukraine to do the same

The Ribbon also celebrates Soviet victory in WWII, retard.

Archive not found
Also you are trying to equate LPR rebels not enforcing a anti-faggot law to the same as Kiev approving of Gay parades which is disingenuous at best

This is how retarded you sound
pic related
They even chose a Jew to appear on TV to do PR for them as a media figure and to promote Right Sector while unironically wearing a kippah and claiming to be a "fascist"

You are still missing the largest point as well which is that Ukraine is pro-NATO and pro-Israel, there is nothing they can do at this point that will possibly ever redeem them as long as they hold this position


That's not a right sector flag, that the WWII Nationalist Ukraine flag with a Star of david on it.

I didn't say it was a right sector flag i said "They even chose a Jew to appear on TV to do PR for them as a media figure and to promote Right Sector while unironically wearing a kippah and claiming to be a "fascist""
However that hat is from Nathan Chazim who is a right sector member and media spokesperson
It was used after WW2 but thats not what it commemorates or its purpose, nor is it the reason it is worn outside of victory day

By your same logic the Ukrainian flag is a symbol of gay pride because it is flown at gay pride rallies

I don't speak slavrunes, you have to give me an english source.
In the same way the Donestk flag is gay because of it's respective gay rallies? Or the Russian flag, or the USSR flag? What do you think about pics related?

Both links in the post you just replied to are in english, only the youtube video isnt
It would be nice if you would provide a source for this instead of baseless claims, see

Pic related
Russians use the "fascist" accusation differently. They don't call everyone who doesn't love minority poz a fascist, instead it is reserved to those who fucked with their Motherland. Even Ukrops can glorify the UPA + Galichyna division while shouting "Putler!/Jewtin" in the same breath, as much can be seen in this very thread

also see

There is literally nothing Ukraine can do that will ever make them better than Russia or anything other than a ZOG puppet while they are actively supporting Israel

in this thread, we see what (((organizations))) do with their sockpuppet software:

The retardation is strong with this one

Hello TRS shill
GTFO you aren't wanted here
The penalty for cooperating with Kikes is the same

Oh, you're that pole autist from the /k/ thread. You were quite the sperg. That pic also makes no sense because Communists are always kiked controlled. You're free to be Communist but don't come crying to me when your country is full of sodomy and pedestry.

meant for

I am against fags, aspie. Fags are worse than kikes, TRSodomite.


I said I wasn't promoting Russia, retard.
Can you read, retard? I said I would rather have a kike fighting with me than some faggot.
Also, doesn't the National Party provide everything you would want? It's anti-EU, it's anti-NATO and it's pro-Traditionalism.

weak bait

D&C fag detected, see

No chance of any political influence, its an irrelevant party

That's the problem, you don't view Kikes as the largest threat, killing all Jews is more important than any other priority, nothing else matters and no sacrifice is too large if it means the worldwide extermination of Jews

Pro-Communist is still Communist, Ivan.
Is Azov an irrelevant force then because it's tied to them.

Jews are the biggest threat to the white race, but at least a Jew won't try to poz me.

Ukraine is also pro-communist by the same logic
Ukraine supports commie Kurdniggers which are unironic Marxists
In reality, yes they are irrelevant and have no real influence on politics
also they are even more kiked than right sector
Ukrainian logic on display

Reminder, to never leave any witnesses. Meet through several parties. Develop a relationship over months, sporadically buy. Then meet 1 on 1 with your natsoc friends and execute the filth in the middle of nowhere. Finding all the clientele of a drug dealer who deals with burner phones and random people is impossible. These cases remain unsolved and in most cases rival gangs get blamed.

Clean the streets. I've removed several so far near my local providence and even entrapped a group who were smuggling coke from Bolivia by cargo tankers causing them to be unable to collect their next shipment from the shoreline, they were all Turks or niggers from Antilles.

>said thread is constantly creeped with hohols, (((russian nationalists))), and trs
>ukrop internet force RID fucking F go- i mean my fellow white comrades :^)
Not surprised tbh

are you fucking retarded? fags only crawled out of their shadowrealm due to kikes

I laugh at the Russian faggots who think their shithole of a country is anything to be proud of.


You're fucking controlled by a bunch of Alexander Dugin half white half asian Eurasians. You can't even be proud to be Russian Slavic in Russia. You can't even be proud to be white.

Kill yourselves. Seriously.

Hello my friends. Friendly reminder that a lot of anti-russian hate and D&C here comes from butthurt "ukrainian" mongrels. Of course there is no such thing as an ethnic "ukrainian". It is just a slavic word meaning "those who live on the border". Ukraine itself has a lot of russian, belorussian and other slavic population. Especially in the eastern part closer to Russia and Belarus. But the western (Galicia) part is largely populated by a mongrel race, that Russians (and Poles and all neighbours in general) call Hohols.

Hohol is a brown mix of turks, gypsies, jews, ottoman and polish rape babies. A lot of them are mentally retarded and physically deformed criminals. So don't make the mistake to think that they are Slavic people. In Poland this fact is known for hundreds of years.

You can do a google picture search for "hohol" or on kyrillic "хохлы" to see thousands examples of this (((pure aryan ukrainian nationalists))). And than search for ancient Slavic pagan culture. Or maybe start with the russian folk band "Arkona" to get a first impression of the beauty of real and pure indo european Urheimat.

Also there is a reason why the Ukrainian flag has the same color as the international symbol for Down Syndrome.

Attention whoring cunt gets what she deserves. Thieves deserve punishment, regardless of the target. She just wanted to steal and thought she wouldn't get caught because she targetted criminals.

Somehow the picture got lost. It shows a typical Hohol soldier and Russian paratrooper. So decide for yourself if you are on the side of LARPing Hohols that are now enslaved by their new "democratic pro EU government" or on the side of Russians that may have their flaws, but are still standing and fighting against full ZOG world domination.

Polish pagan Putinist


Ukraine is much whiter than Russia, that's just a fact - go visit Ukraine and then Russian compare.

It was Mussolini's fault

good joke

One step away from full Duginism. Might want to take that buttplug out of your ass for Odin.
ok, Anglin.

try harder, shill
Ukraine is shit tier

Only in (((brothels))).

>shilling for (((duginist))) owned state
hmmm makes u think


your autism made me stop lurking
gas yourself

Tesak is a kike. That should tell you everything you need to know about that fag.

She is so cute I can't stop looking at her pics.
putin must pay.

All these ebil fascists in this thread.. How can you hate Novorossiya? Look at all these new wonderful citizens! Diversity is our strength.

I'll bet you the plan is to flood those regions with immigrants so they can't rebel in any meaningful way

So in case you were thinking that I was joking about Hohols being Down Syndrome mongrels: Here you see one of the most beloved and anti-Russian commanders of the Ukrainian armed forces. His name is Semenchenko (Семенченко) and both Fotos are real. I'm not joking. He is a true Hohol hero from day 1 of their (((nationalist and pro-western revolution))). As you can see they love LARPing, in this case as mentally ill pagan archer. This is a mockery of the ancient Cimmerians from Urheimat.

This also explains why he was wearing a mask for as long as possible and why many Hohols still are hiding their faces. And not only are most of this ZOG puppets Downs and Mongrels, a lot of them are convicted criminals that were tapes in prison. Again I am totally serious. Search for the famous "battalion Schahtar" and "battalion Tornado". The only thing they did was war crimes against the white population in Donbass, especially against children.

So I recommend that you just look at the faces and decide by your intuition on which side you want to be: LARPing Hohol mongrels, or the last hope against world government - Russian sons of ancient Cimmeria.

Nice job calling yourself a retard.
Next thing you'll say is that fascists are evil. Pic related is an actual separatist LPR fighter.

the only remaining communists are in the west. they are called democrats.

compared to these guys? lol

And here you have the leader of (((ukrainian nationalism))), "right sector" and member of parliament Jarosh (Ярош). Any questions left?

This whole Maidan coup was planned by US and European agencies. Just do a little research. Main supporters were and are people like McCain and Merkel.

And never believe pro Hohol and anti russian propaganda. They have their own version of Jidf and also some butthurt mongrel "Ukrainians" in Canada (also sponsored and led by ZOG). The normal Hohol from Ukraine can not even speak english.

Absolute fabrication
Andriy Tarasenko is the current leader of right sector.
The separatists are nothing more than butt-buddies for the Kremlin which are pro-Communist and pro-Zionist. If you truly want to support Ukraine, support the nationalists who want to get the faggots and the communists out. Donestk and Luganstk are the new Sodom and Gomorrah.

Tesak´s band, how many are they? When were they arrested?

More specifically, did any of them get arrested in November 2014? A blond, skinny guy, about 32-33 YO that used to be an IT journalist? Possibly called Dmitry.

"Georgian" kebabs.

You are not from here. -)

Can't say I'm surprised

Jarosh started his own party after getting BTFO fighting the DPR one too many times. Azov are the ones who tend to shitpost, as they've never done much actual fighting despite them parading around in shit they can't afford.

As a guy who got caught up in the fighting I can tell you that both sides had communist fighting for them as well as National Socialist types fighting one another. Its a fucking nightmare that could have been easily avoided.
Cossacks kicked the homos out and actively go after dealers. Nothing like watching them jackboot a guy to death over him being a pot dealing degenerate.


Poland is right next to Galicia and many "ukrainians" are in Poland right now. Also, Galician genocided Polish civilian during WW2.

Poland has plenty of clay already, Hungary much less so. The best scenaro is that Hungary gains clay at the expense of the "ukraine" and holols populations in both Galicia and Poland proper are "evacuated".

Which unit did you fight in on which side?

The thread is on Russia not the Ukraine. Why did anyone even bring up the Ukraine?

Almost all of your leaders are dead givi and Motorola are worm food

Because the vast majority of criticism comes from butthurt hohols.

That's the thing though, they aren't Ukranians.

I was with the Cossack Host in Luhansk after they saved my ass and given how I at that point had no ID or anything stuck with them until I got transferred south after Ilovaisk happened. I saw quite a bit of action including the assault on the airport terminals. What a fucking mess that was is all I have to say about that. I miss my cossack friends and having them outright baffled that I was wise on how the Jews destroyed Russia and the West.

If the people who later became Azov, the Donbass battalion and such didn't put a fucking gun to my head and rob me maybe I would have fought on the other side. The UA is out of ammo anyway, not like the fighting will pick up anytime soon. Go be butthurt somewhere else, I just wanted to see clanking I never wanted to fight.

Welp, there are also a few Americans stuck in the cold war mentality that foam off their mouths and start screaming MUH SLAVBOOS every time someone points out that Ivan is generally much less cucked than the US.

How Russia works?
That's how Russia works.

Putin is nazbol. Anglin is nazbol. Both are manlets.

And at least one of them is an obvious jew.

Russia is the most cucked of all the slav nations

At this point I suspect they're mostly JIDF shitposting, there seems to be a pattern with them making Civ nat cucks out to be ebil nazis or something.

Russel "Texas" Bentley explains how the 'Nazi' Ukrainians are killing innocent Civilians in Donbass, I don't even know who's jewing who anymore!

That guy is a communist, a real communist, I remember him giving a speech on it.

Yeah, he's a regular guest on Rense radio and always kvetches about Ukrainian nazi fascists.

With that fellow all you'd have to do is replace Nazi and Fascist with jews and it would make complete sense.

Wtf I hate Hitler now!

thanks for the daily reminder that this site is owned by the jewish intelligence agencies and that 'dubs' are fixed so the brainwashed 'kek' retards believe it without any critical filter

seriously, we should be doxxing mods, Jim Watkins, and hunting them down like the jewish slave animals they are

they are poisoning our movement, they are destroying young minds, they deserve to burn

thanks for referencing a deleted post showing how the site staff are censoring this thread to promote their jewish missive to spread hate of our allies

what about

kike shill detected

Shills are nearly always anti-Russian.

Shills bring up their ZOG puppet, I bring up what should be done with it.

Ask the /baph/oles if they could help with hunting down pedo Jim, that guy creeps me the hell out. Hail Baphomet.

andrew manletlin,TRSodomites and christcucks are this upset that we are being naughty goys.

I don't think it's a TRSodomites, they're too retarded to figure out military intelligence/mossad/FBI all have infiltrated all these movements with their stooges.

Not anywhere near as cucked as the Slavs that destroyed their country for a handful of EU gibs.



That's pretty typical hohol mentality given that the main source of Ukraine's income comes from prostitution.

That Pharisaic shit isn't rule of law.

The only law worth following is the law that is derived from natural law.

Don't recall who said it but the cruelest joke of history was replacing the rule of might with the rule of law.

Compared to Russia, Russia practically swims in the poz.