Jews on a Stick BTFO aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao
American Millenials Abandon Christ, Worship "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism"
gg no re
>Christianity is totally so different from Judaism cuz of these theological details plz ignore the fact that they both worship the exact same deity…that's an unimportant detail… keep worshiping the Jew god…it's not Jewish… I promise
The actual doctrine of the true Christ before it was subverted by the Romans was actually different from and opposed to Judaism, i.e. Yahwehism. The bible is Yahwehism and a mockery of the actual message of the actual Christ.
the point is that they don't worship the same god! they are not deists! have you ever read Jpseph Campbell? All hocus-pocus aside, the story dictates the culture of the people, and in this case (((they))) worship and follow a different narrative that Jesus declared that of satan, because it has evil consequences. Christianity on the other hand, had some really great archetypes that promoted a more positive lifestyle.
Need me to elaborate more?
I'm not quite sure what that means, but it sounds quite possibly even worse than the alternative.
Absolutely ridiculous. The Gospel of Matthew and Luke both clearly state Christ as having jewish lineage. Reminder that there are no good jews, ancient jews were not good jews. Ancient jews were not good jews even if you call them judains, israelite, etc. Jews are bad no matter what you call them.
The extent to which Christianity is good is the extent to which Europeans have imposed their innate character on it.
They share a creation myth and thus they plainly worship the "same god" in a literary sense, albeit not necessarily in a metaphysical sense.
It means they worship their feelz. Christianity, as cucked as it is, still has a basic system of morals that you can't talk away with sophistry and doublethink. This is of course unacceptable to the mentally deranged snowflakes, so they make their own shit up. This is s process that started in the 90s.
The dissolution of organized religions is a big problem for society, and this is coming from an atheist. Without a framework to adhere to, these retarded millenials will become even crazier.
So, moral relativism?
sure. I'm just saying it's only the metaphysical that matters. One can believe in the usefulness of Christianity to create functional, healthy societies without believing in the whole creation part.The myth/story is so powerful that it shapes the society that believes it, so the myth/story that we know works is worth preserving until we know there is a better one. Judaism as a story clearly has some awful implications, judging by how (((they))) behave.
um, no. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 completely refute this. Jesus was a gentile, not an edomite.
Fuck off, kike. Go climb back in the oven where you came from.
When Christianity was the predominant religion, not everyone who identified as Christian was so in a religious and not a purely cultural sense. There are still Christians out there; the Faith will always survive, just as it has outlasted many eras long past, and we may hope those who embrace the name Christian do so from the most firmly held belief.
"I'm not religious, I'm spiritual" is code for I don't have any principals and could easily justify treating you like shit if you made me feel bad even by accident.
Four religious D&C threads in a day. I guess the shills are getting bored.
I assert that sharing the same creation myth makes it easier for Christians to be duped into being Zionists. The double-whammy of the "Old Testament" and Revelations has many millions of American Christians totally under a Zionist spell.
Matthew 1:1–17
>This is the genealogy[a] of Jesus the Messiah[b] the son of David, the son of Abraham:….
Luke 3:23-38
>And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli, […] Which was the son of Jacob, which was the son of Isaac, which was the son of Abraham […] Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.
Quite explicit.
Fuck off cancer.
Religious threads have been a staple of Holla Forums since Holla Forums was /n/.
Next you're going to start telling us he was a Celt…
The standard interpretation of the New Testament is that Yahweh is the God represented by Jesus. Unless you're proposing an alternate interpretation I don't understand what you mean. Also don't know why you're bringing up Mormonism.
No it isn't you proxy kike, modern religion was designed for neutering the European people. Absolute attachment to ones self is a big problem for society, for religion would diminish the fear of death through the idea of a Heavenly kingdom reserved for legendary men,
That first picture is exceptional.
Posted too soon by accident, cont.
Which would inspire great sacrifice, martyrdom, heroism, bravery, for if you died, it wasn't all over, you'd be forever immortalized among other great men in Heaven. That was its primary benefit, it inspired White mortality and honor in stark and complete pararel contrast of dishonorable, scheming kikes. Now it is nothing but COWARDS parroting corrupted texts in reverse of its original purpose; so that they can be spared of a human death. So that they can continue this attachment, and there's nothing we can do to "reclaim" it, for it didn't build this honor based system, it exposed it and gave us all a reason we can't explain otherwise to plebianfags incapable of understanding dying for a cause.
Suppose I write a fanfic in which Harry Potter gets raped to death by an Orc. Is the Harry Potter character in my fanfic the same Harry Potter character in the progressive propaganda children novels?
In a sense, yes. In another sense, no.
I know.
Made this for you.
Lol no. Homogeneity of thought maybe, but they don't do shit for the homogeneity of genetics.
sure. however zionists will always try to spin ANYTHING to serve their narrative. The new testament was meant to be delivered on its own, not paired with the teachings of Yawe anyhow.
I think we both agree for the most part, but Atheism is even more useful to the zionists as there is no moral framework to replace christianity with that's ready. a morally unstable society is ripe for servitude to the zionist masters.
Only Esoteric Hitlerism now.
lol Joseph Campbell, not Joseph Smith you ninny.
Sure, Yahweh is the same god (this is how to promote any new religion, base it off of the dominant) however the idea is that Jesus replaces all of the old testament. All you have to do is belive in Christ, pledge your life to him, and you will be saved. It states that you do not need to pay attention to the old testament any longer, this replacing it with the teachings of Christ.
So long as there's a Jew in every group, Jews of every stripe will have a sympathetic advocate in every group, for their fake enemy brethren
whatever, im just saying that Christ provides the best moral framework at the moment, attacking christianity only furthers the work of the jew.
Well, I wish it were true. Clearly Christianity has been a major disappointment. The white race being in such a precarious situation is a testament to the inadequacies of all the spiritual institutions that got us here.
You and I agree on that as well.
The only silver lining to any of this is each American generation cares less about Israel than the last. Most young adults and teenagers today whether they're on the right or left don't give a single shit about Israel. Obviously those on the left are still unwitting useful idiots for Israel, but unlike the boomer generation most young people aren't consciously and deliberately in favor of Zionism.
Wise words. Jews always hedge their bets.
Jesus wasn't the same type of jew at all, that's common knowledge (Joseph wasn't fromt he same area as the modern jew's heritage line is from). Israeli jews are all mostly Askenazi,
Christians don't know the origins of Christianity and how it's stolen from Aryan "myths" and "legends" that came before it. The original (Old Testament) was pure Talmudic bullshit that even the Romans spit on until it was Aryanized with the New Testament.
Christianity serves the jew in its current state. The moral framework of Christianity existed long before it was codified
According to fucking whom? Oh, kikes? Neato sport.
Nigger, only like 50% of the kikes in Israel are Ashkenazi. I want to believe you're just stupid and laying this shit out in an attempt to get people to redpill themselves.
Choose one and only one.
This is the same level of argument as "If evolution is real then how come there are still monkeys". It's lazy and beneath you.
Matthew and Luke both state that Joseph has jewish lineage. Jesus isn't related to Joseph, he's related to Mary, and we only know that she was cousins with Elizabeth (John the Baptist's mother). For all we know Mary was a nigger and was only related to Elizabeth through marriage. Either way, Jesus was likely some flavor of semite and the only things we know about him come from jew tainted books. If there's any spiritual truths to be gleaned here, it's buried under miles of shit.